Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

 * KeyProvider based on Java's KeyStore file format. The file may be stored in
 * any Hadoop FileSystem using the following name mangling:
 *  jks:// -> hdfs://
 *  jks://file/home/owen/keys.jks -> file:///home/owen/keys.jks
 * <p/>
 * If the <code>HADOOP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD</code> environment variable is set,
 * its value is used as the password for the keystore.
 * <p/>
 * If the <code>HADOOP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD</code> environment variable is not set,
 * the password for the keystore is read from file specified in the
 * {@link #KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_FILE_KEY} configuration property. The password file
 * is looked up in Hadoop's configuration directory via the classpath.
 * <p/>
 * <b>NOTE:</b> Make sure the password in the password file does not have an
 * ENTER at the end, else it won't be valid for the Java KeyStore.
 * <p/>
 * If the environment variable, nor the property are not set, the password used
 * is 'none'.
 * <p/>
 * It is expected for encrypted InputFormats and OutputFormats to copy the keys
 * from the original provider into the job's Credentials object, which is
 * accessed via the UserProvider. Therefore, this provider won't be used by
 * MapReduce tasks.
public class JavaKeyStoreProvider extends KeyProvider {
    private static final String KEY_METADATA = "KeyMetadata";
    private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JavaKeyStoreProvider.class);

    public static final String SCHEME_NAME = "jceks";

    public static final String KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_FILE_KEY = "";

    public static final char[] KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_DEFAULT = "none".toCharArray();

    private final URI uri;
    private final Path path;
    private final FileSystem fs;
    private final FsPermission permissions;
    private final KeyStore keyStore;
    private char[] password;
    private boolean changed = false;
    private Lock readLock;
    private Lock writeLock;

    private final Map<String, Metadata> cache = new HashMap<String, Metadata>();

    JavaKeyStoreProvider(JavaKeyStoreProvider other) {
        super(new Configuration());
        uri = other.uri;
        path = other.path;
        fs = other.fs;
        permissions = other.permissions;
        keyStore = other.keyStore;
        password = other.password;
        changed = other.changed;
        readLock = other.readLock;
        writeLock = other.writeLock;

    private JavaKeyStoreProvider(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        this.uri = uri;
        path = ProviderUtils.unnestUri(uri);
        fs = path.getFileSystem(conf);
        // Get the password file from the conf, if not present from the user's
        // environment var
        if (System.getenv().containsKey(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_ENV_VAR)) {
            password = System.getenv(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_ENV_VAR).toCharArray();
        if (password == null) {
            String pwFile = conf.get(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_FILE_KEY);
            if (pwFile != null) {
                ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
                URL pwdFile = cl.getResource(pwFile);
                if (pwdFile == null) {
                    // Provided Password file does not exist
                    throw new IOException("Password file does not exists");
                try (InputStream is = pwdFile.openStream()) {
                    password = IOUtils.toString(is).trim().toCharArray();
        if (password == null) {
            password = KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_DEFAULT;
        try {
            Path oldPath = constructOldPath(path);
            Path newPath = constructNewPath(path);
            keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(SCHEME_NAME);
            FsPermission perm = null;
            if (fs.exists(path)) {
                // flush did not proceed to completion
                // _NEW should not exist
                if (fs.exists(newPath)) {
                    throw new IOException(String.format("Keystore not loaded due to some inconsistency "
                            + "('%s' and '%s' should not exist together)!!", path, newPath));
                perm = tryLoadFromPath(path, oldPath);
            } else {
                perm = tryLoadIncompleteFlush(oldPath, newPath);
            // Need to save off permissions in case we need to
            // rewrite the keystore in flush()
            permissions = perm;
        } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
            throw new IOException("Can't create keystore", e);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new IOException("Can't load keystore " + path, e);
        } catch (CertificateException e) {
            throw new IOException("Can't load keystore " + path, e);
        ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);
        readLock = lock.readLock();
        writeLock = lock.writeLock();

     * Try loading from the user specified path, else load from the backup
     * path in case Exception is not due to bad/wrong password
     * @param path Actual path to load from
     * @param backupPath Backup path (_OLD)
     * @return The permissions of the loaded file
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @throws CertificateException
     * @throws IOException
    private FsPermission tryLoadFromPath(Path path, Path backupPath)
            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException {
        FsPermission perm = null;
        try {
            perm = loadFromPath(path, password);
            // Remove _OLD if exists
            if (fs.exists(backupPath)) {
                fs.delete(backupPath, true);
            LOG.debug("KeyStore loaded successfully !!");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // If file is corrupted for some reason other than
            // wrong password try the _OLD file if exits
            if (!isBadorWrongPassword(ioe)) {
                perm = loadFromPath(backupPath, password);
                // Rename CURRENT to CORRUPTED
                renameOrFail(path, new Path(path.toString() + "_CORRUPTED_" + System.currentTimeMillis()));
                renameOrFail(backupPath, path);
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            String.format("KeyStore loaded successfully from '%s' since '%s'" + "was corrupted !!",
                                    backupPath, path));
            } else {
                throw ioe;
        return perm;

     * The KeyStore might have gone down during a flush, In which case either the
     * _NEW or _OLD files might exists. This method tries to load the KeyStore
     * from one of these intermediate files.
     * @param oldPath the _OLD file created during flush
     * @param newPath the _NEW file created during flush
     * @return The permissions of the loaded file
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @throws CertificateException
    private FsPermission tryLoadIncompleteFlush(Path oldPath, Path newPath)
            throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException {
        FsPermission perm = null;
        // Check if _NEW exists (in case flush had finished writing but not
        // completed the re-naming)
        if (fs.exists(newPath)) {
            perm = loadAndReturnPerm(newPath, oldPath);
        // try loading from _OLD (An earlier Flushing MIGHT not have completed
        // writing completely)
        if ((perm == null) && fs.exists(oldPath)) {
            perm = loadAndReturnPerm(oldPath, newPath);
        // If not loaded yet,
        // required to create an empty keystore. *sigh*
        if (perm == null) {
            keyStore.load(null, password);
            LOG.debug("KeyStore initialized anew successfully !!");
            perm = new FsPermission("700");
        return perm;

    private FsPermission loadAndReturnPerm(Path pathToLoad, Path pathToDelete)
            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException {
        FsPermission perm = null;
        try {
            perm = loadFromPath(pathToLoad, password);
            renameOrFail(pathToLoad, path);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug(String.format("KeyStore loaded successfully from '%s'!!", pathToLoad));
            if (fs.exists(pathToDelete)) {
                fs.delete(pathToDelete, true);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Check for password issue : don't want to trash file due
            // to wrong password
            if (isBadorWrongPassword(e)) {
                throw e;
        return perm;

    private boolean isBadorWrongPassword(IOException ioe) {
        // As per documentation this is supposed to be the way to figure
        // if password was correct
        if (ioe.getCause() instanceof UnrecoverableKeyException) {
            return true;
        // Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work..
        // Workaround :
        if ((ioe.getCause() == null) && (ioe.getMessage() != null)
                && ((ioe.getMessage().contains("Keystore was tampered"))
                        || (ioe.getMessage().contains("password was incorrect")))) {
            return true;
        return false;

    private FsPermission loadFromPath(Path p, char[] password)
            throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException {
        try (FSDataInputStream in = {
            FileStatus s = fs.getFileStatus(p);
            keyStore.load(in, password);
            return s.getPermission();

    private Path constructNewPath(Path path) {
        Path newPath = new Path(path.toString() + "_NEW");
        return newPath;

    private Path constructOldPath(Path path) {
        Path oldPath = new Path(path.toString() + "_OLD");
        return oldPath;

    public KeyVersion getKeyVersion(String versionName) throws IOException {
        try {
            SecretKeySpec key = null;
            try {
                if (!keyStore.containsAlias(versionName)) {
                    return null;
                key = (SecretKeySpec) keyStore.getKey(versionName, password);
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't get key " + versionName + " from " + path, e);
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't get algorithm for key " + key + " from " + path, e);
            } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't recover key " + key + " from " + path, e);
            return new KeyVersion(getBaseName(versionName), versionName, key.getEncoded());
        } finally {

    public List<String> getKeys() throws IOException {
        try {
            ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
            String alias = null;
            try {
                Enumeration<String> e = keyStore.aliases();
                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                    alias = e.nextElement();
                    // only include the metadata key names in the list of names
                    if (!alias.contains("@")) {
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't get key " + alias + " from " + path, e);
            return list;
        } finally {

    public List<KeyVersion> getKeyVersions(String name) throws IOException {
        try {
            List<KeyVersion> list = new ArrayList<KeyVersion>();
            Metadata km = getMetadata(name);
            if (km != null) {
                int latestVersion = km.getVersions();
                KeyVersion v = null;
                String versionName = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < latestVersion; i++) {
                    versionName = buildVersionName(name, i);
                    v = getKeyVersion(versionName);
                    if (v != null) {
            return list;
        } finally {

    public Metadata getMetadata(String name) throws IOException {
        try {
            if (cache.containsKey(name)) {
                return cache.get(name);
            try {
                if (!keyStore.containsAlias(name)) {
                    return null;
                Metadata meta = ((KeyMetadata) keyStore.getKey(name, password)).metadata;
                cache.put(name, meta);
                return meta;
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't cast key for " + name + " in keystore " + path
                        + " to a KeyMetadata. Key may have been added using "
                        + " keytool or some other non-Hadoop method.", e);
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't get metadata for " + name + " from keystore " + path, e);
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't get algorithm for " + name + " from keystore " + path, e);
            } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) {
                throw new IOException("Can't recover key for " + name + " from keystore " + path, e);
        } finally {

    public KeyVersion createKey(String name, byte[] material, Options options) throws IOException {
                "Uppercase key names are unsupported: %s", name);
        try {
            try {
                if (keyStore.containsAlias(name) || cache.containsKey(name)) {
                    throw new IOException("Key " + name + " already exists in " + this);
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                throw new IOException("Problem looking up key " + name + " in " + this, e);
            Metadata meta = new Metadata(options.getCipher(), options.getBitLength(), options.getDescription(),
                    options.getAttributes(), new Date(), 1);
            if (options.getBitLength() != 8 * material.length) {
                throw new IOException("Wrong key length. Required " + options.getBitLength() + ", but got "
                        + (8 * material.length));
            cache.put(name, meta);
            String versionName = buildVersionName(name, 0);
            return innerSetKeyVersion(name, versionName, material, meta.getCipher());
        } finally {

    public void deleteKey(String name) throws IOException {
        try {
            Metadata meta = getMetadata(name);
            if (meta == null) {
                throw new IOException("Key " + name + " does not exist in " + this);
            for (int v = 0; v < meta.getVersions(); ++v) {
                String versionName = buildVersionName(name, v);
                try {
                    if (keyStore.containsAlias(versionName)) {
                } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                    throw new IOException("Problem removing " + versionName + " from " + this, e);
            try {
                if (keyStore.containsAlias(name)) {
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                throw new IOException("Problem removing " + name + " from " + this, e);
            changed = true;
        } finally {

    KeyVersion innerSetKeyVersion(String name, String versionName, byte[] material, String cipher)
            throws IOException {
        try {
            keyStore.setKeyEntry(versionName, new SecretKeySpec(material, cipher), password, null);
        } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
            throw new IOException("Can't store key " + versionName + " in " + this, e);
        changed = true;
        return new KeyVersion(name, versionName, material);

    public KeyVersion rollNewVersion(String name, byte[] material) throws IOException {
        try {
            Metadata meta = getMetadata(name);
            if (meta == null) {
                throw new IOException("Key " + name + " not found");
            if (meta.getBitLength() != 8 * material.length) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "Wrong key length. Required " + meta.getBitLength() + ", but got " + (8 * material.length));
            int nextVersion = meta.addVersion();
            String versionName = buildVersionName(name, nextVersion);
            return innerSetKeyVersion(name, versionName, material, meta.getCipher());
        } finally {

    public void flush() throws IOException {
        Path newPath = constructNewPath(path);
        Path oldPath = constructOldPath(path);
        Path resetPath = path;
        try {
            if (!changed) {
            // Might exist if a backup has been restored etc.
            if (fs.exists(newPath)) {
                renameOrFail(newPath, new Path(newPath.toString() + "_ORPHANED_" + System.currentTimeMillis()));
            if (fs.exists(oldPath)) {
                renameOrFail(oldPath, new Path(oldPath.toString() + "_ORPHANED_" + System.currentTimeMillis()));
            // put all of the updates into the keystore
            for (Map.Entry<String, Metadata> entry : cache.entrySet()) {
                try {
                    keyStore.setKeyEntry(entry.getKey(), new KeyMetadata(entry.getValue()), password, null);
                } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                    throw new IOException("Can't set metadata key " + entry.getKey(), e);

            // Save old File first
            boolean fileExisted = backupToOld(oldPath);
            if (fileExisted) {
                resetPath = oldPath;
            // write out the keystore
            // Write to _NEW path first :
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // rename _OLD back to curent and throw Exception
                revertFromOld(oldPath, fileExisted);
                resetPath = path;
                throw ioe;
            // Rename _NEW to CURRENT and delete _OLD
            cleanupNewAndOld(newPath, oldPath);
            changed = false;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw ioe;
        } finally {

    private void resetKeyStoreState(Path path) {
        LOG.debug("Could not flush Keystore.." + "attempting to reset to previous state !!");
        // 1) flush cache
        // 2) load keyStore from previous path
        try {
            loadFromPath(path, password);
            LOG.debug("KeyStore resetting to previously flushed state !!");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.debug("Could not reset Keystore to previous state", e);

    private void cleanupNewAndOld(Path newPath, Path oldPath) throws IOException {
        // Rename _NEW to CURRENT
        renameOrFail(newPath, path);
        // Delete _OLD
        if (fs.exists(oldPath)) {
            fs.delete(oldPath, true);

    protected void writeToNew(Path newPath) throws IOException {
        try (FSDataOutputStream out = FileSystem.create(fs, newPath, permissions);) {
  , password);
        } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
            throw new IOException("Can't store keystore " + this, e);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new IOException("No such algorithm storing keystore " + this, e);
        } catch (CertificateException e) {
            throw new IOException("Certificate exception storing keystore " + this, e);

    protected boolean backupToOld(Path oldPath) throws IOException {
        boolean fileExisted = false;
        if (fs.exists(path)) {
            renameOrFail(path, oldPath);
            fileExisted = true;
        return fileExisted;

    private void revertFromOld(Path oldPath, boolean fileExisted) throws IOException {
        if (fileExisted) {
            renameOrFail(oldPath, path);

    private void renameOrFail(Path src, Path dest) throws IOException {
        if (!fs.rename(src, dest)) {
            throw new IOException("Rename unsuccessful : " + String.format("'%s' to '%s'", src, dest));

    public String toString() {
        return uri.toString();

     * The factory to create JksProviders, which is used by the ServiceLoader.
    public static class Factory extends KeyProviderFactory {
        public KeyProvider createProvider(URI providerName, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
            if (SCHEME_NAME.equals(providerName.getScheme())) {
                return new JavaKeyStoreProvider(providerName, conf);
            return null;

     * An adapter between a KeyStore Key and our Metadata. This is used to store
     * the metadata in a KeyStore even though isn't really a key.
    public static class KeyMetadata implements Key, Serializable {
        private Metadata metadata;
        private final static long serialVersionUID = 8405872419967874451L;

        private KeyMetadata(Metadata meta) {
            this.metadata = meta;

        public String getAlgorithm() {
            return metadata.getCipher();

        public String getFormat() {
            return KEY_METADATA;

        public byte[] getEncoded() {
            return new byte[0];

        private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
            byte[] serialized = metadata.serialize();

        private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
            byte[] buf = new byte[in.readInt()];
            metadata = new Metadata(buf);
