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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs;

import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;

 * This class contains options related to file system operations.
public final class Options {
     * Class to support the varargs for create() options.
    public static class CreateOpts {
        private CreateOpts() {

        public static BlockSize blockSize(long bs) {
            return new BlockSize(bs);

        public static BufferSize bufferSize(int bs) {
            return new BufferSize(bs);

        public static ReplicationFactor repFac(short rf) {
            return new ReplicationFactor(rf);

        public static BytesPerChecksum bytesPerChecksum(short crc) {
            return new BytesPerChecksum(crc);

        public static ChecksumParam checksumParam(ChecksumOpt csumOpt) {
            return new ChecksumParam(csumOpt);

        public static Progress progress(Progressable prog) {
            return new Progress(prog);

        public static Perms perms(FsPermission perm) {
            return new Perms(perm);

        public static CreateParent createParent() {
            return new CreateParent(true);

        public static CreateParent donotCreateParent() {
            return new CreateParent(false);

        public static class BlockSize extends CreateOpts {
            private final long blockSize;

            protected BlockSize(long bs) {
                if (bs <= 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Block size must be greater than 0");
                blockSize = bs;

            public long getValue() {
                return blockSize;

        public static class ReplicationFactor extends CreateOpts {
            private final short replication;

            protected ReplicationFactor(short rf) {
                if (rf <= 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Replication must be greater than 0");
                replication = rf;

            public short getValue() {
                return replication;

        public static class BufferSize extends CreateOpts {
            private final int bufferSize;

            protected BufferSize(int bs) {
                if (bs <= 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size must be greater than 0");
                bufferSize = bs;

            public int getValue() {
                return bufferSize;

        /** This is not needed if ChecksumParam is specified. **/
        public static class BytesPerChecksum extends CreateOpts {
            private final int bytesPerChecksum;

            protected BytesPerChecksum(short bpc) {
                if (bpc <= 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bytes per checksum must be greater than 0");
                bytesPerChecksum = bpc;

            public int getValue() {
                return bytesPerChecksum;

        public static class ChecksumParam extends CreateOpts {
            private final ChecksumOpt checksumOpt;

            protected ChecksumParam(ChecksumOpt csumOpt) {
                checksumOpt = csumOpt;

            public ChecksumOpt getValue() {
                return checksumOpt;

        public static class Perms extends CreateOpts {
            private final FsPermission permissions;

            protected Perms(FsPermission perm) {
                if (perm == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permissions must not be null");
                permissions = perm;

            public FsPermission getValue() {
                return permissions;

        public static class Progress extends CreateOpts {
            private final Progressable progress;

            protected Progress(Progressable prog) {
                if (prog == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Progress must not be null");
                progress = prog;

            public Progressable getValue() {
                return progress;

        public static class CreateParent extends CreateOpts {
            private final boolean createParent;

            protected CreateParent(boolean createPar) {
                createParent = createPar;

            public boolean getValue() {
                return createParent;

         * Get an option of desired type
         * @param clazz is the desired class of the opt
         * @param opts - not null - at least one opt must be passed
         * @return an opt from one of the opts of type theClass.
         *   returns null if there isn't any
        static <T extends CreateOpts> T getOpt(Class<T> clazz, CreateOpts... opts) {
            if (opts == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null opt");
            T result = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < opts.length; ++i) {
                if (opts[i].getClass() == clazz) {
                    if (result != null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple opts varargs: " + clazz);

                    T t = (T) opts[i];
                    result = t;
            return result;

         * set an option
         * @param newValue  the option to be set
         * @param opts  - the option is set into this array of opts
         * @return updated CreateOpts[] == opts + newValue
        static <T extends CreateOpts> CreateOpts[] setOpt(final T newValue, final CreateOpts... opts) {
            final Class<?> clazz = newValue.getClass();
            boolean alreadyInOpts = false;
            if (opts != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < opts.length; ++i) {
                    if (opts[i].getClass() == clazz) {
                        if (alreadyInOpts) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple opts varargs: " + clazz);
                        alreadyInOpts = true;
                        opts[i] = newValue;
            CreateOpts[] resultOpt = opts;
            if (!alreadyInOpts) { // no newValue in opt
                final int oldLength = opts == null ? 0 : opts.length;
                CreateOpts[] newOpts = new CreateOpts[oldLength + 1];
                if (oldLength > 0) {
                    System.arraycopy(opts, 0, newOpts, 0, oldLength);
                newOpts[oldLength] = newValue;
                resultOpt = newOpts;
            return resultOpt;

     * Enum to support the varargs for rename() options
    public enum Rename {
        NONE((byte) 0), // No options
        OVERWRITE((byte) 1), // Overwrite the rename destination
        TO_TRASH((byte) 2); // Rename to trash

        private final byte code;

        private Rename(byte code) {
            this.code = code;

        public static Rename valueOf(byte code) {
            return code < 0 || code >= values().length ? null : values()[code];

        public byte value() {
            return code;

     * This is used in FileSystem and FileContext to specify checksum options.
    public static class ChecksumOpt {
        private final DataChecksum.Type checksumType;
        private final int bytesPerChecksum;

         * Create a uninitialized one
        public ChecksumOpt() {
            this(DataChecksum.Type.DEFAULT, -1);

         * Normal ctor
         * @param type checksum type
         * @param size bytes per checksum
        public ChecksumOpt(DataChecksum.Type type, int size) {
            checksumType = type;
            bytesPerChecksum = size;

        public int getBytesPerChecksum() {
            return bytesPerChecksum;

        public DataChecksum.Type getChecksumType() {
            return checksumType;

        public String toString() {
            return checksumType + ":" + bytesPerChecksum;

         * Create a ChecksumOpts that disables checksum
        public static ChecksumOpt createDisabled() {
            return new ChecksumOpt(DataChecksum.Type.NULL, -1);

         * A helper method for processing user input and default value to 
         * create a combined checksum option. This is a bit complicated because
         * bytesPerChecksum is kept for backward compatibility.
         * @param defaultOpt Default checksum option
         * @param userOpt User-specified checksum option. Ignored if null.
         * @param userBytesPerChecksum User-specified bytesPerChecksum
         *                Ignored if < 0.
        public static ChecksumOpt processChecksumOpt(ChecksumOpt defaultOpt, ChecksumOpt userOpt,
                int userBytesPerChecksum) {
            final boolean useDefaultType;
            final DataChecksum.Type type;
            if (userOpt != null && userOpt.getChecksumType() != DataChecksum.Type.DEFAULT) {
                useDefaultType = false;
                type = userOpt.getChecksumType();
            } else {
                useDefaultType = true;
                type = defaultOpt.getChecksumType();

            //  bytesPerChecksum - order of preference
            //    user specified value in bytesPerChecksum
            //    user specified value in checksumOpt
            //    default.
            if (userBytesPerChecksum > 0) {
                return new ChecksumOpt(type, userBytesPerChecksum);
            } else if (userOpt != null && userOpt.getBytesPerChecksum() > 0) {
                return !useDefaultType ? userOpt : new ChecksumOpt(type, userOpt.getBytesPerChecksum());
            } else {
                return useDefaultType ? defaultOpt : new ChecksumOpt(type, defaultOpt.getBytesPerChecksum());

         * A helper method for processing user input and default value to 
         * create a combined checksum option. 
         * @param defaultOpt Default checksum option
         * @param userOpt User-specified checksum option
        public static ChecksumOpt processChecksumOpt(ChecksumOpt defaultOpt, ChecksumOpt userOpt) {
            return processChecksumOpt(defaultOpt, userOpt, -1);

     * Options for creating {@link PathHandle} references.
    public static class HandleOpt {
        protected HandleOpt() {

         * Utility function for mapping {@link FileSystem#getPathHandle} to a
         * fixed set of handle options.
         * @param fs Target filesystem
         * @param opt Options to bind in partially evaluated function
         * @return Function reference with options fixed
        public static Function<FileStatus, PathHandle> resolve(FileSystem fs, HandleOpt... opt) {
            return resolve(fs::getPathHandle, opt);

         * Utility function for partial evaluation of {@link FileStatus}
         * instances to a fixed set of handle options.
         * @param fsr Function reference
         * @param opt Options to associate with {@link FileStatus} instances to
         *            produce {@link PathHandle} instances.
         * @return Function reference with options fixed
        public static Function<FileStatus, PathHandle> resolve(BiFunction<FileStatus, HandleOpt[], PathHandle> fsr,
                HandleOpt... opt) {
            return (stat) -> fsr.apply(stat, opt);

         * Handle is valid iff the referent is neither moved nor changed.
         * Equivalent to changed(false), moved(false).
         * @return Options requiring that the content and location of the entity
         * be unchanged between calls.
        public static HandleOpt[] exact() {
            return new HandleOpt[] { changed(false), moved(false) };

         * Handle is valid iff the content of the referent is the same.
         * Equivalent to changed(false), moved(true).
         * @return Options requiring that the content of the entity is unchanged,
         * but it may be at a different location.
        public static HandleOpt[] content() {
            return new HandleOpt[] { changed(false), moved(true) };

         * Handle is valid iff the referent is unmoved in the namespace.
         * Equivalent to changed(true), moved(false).
         * @return Options requiring that the referent exist in the same location,
         * but its content may have changed.
        public static HandleOpt[] path() {
            return new HandleOpt[] { changed(true), moved(false) };

         * Handle is valid iff the referent exists in the namespace.
         * Equivalent to changed(true), moved(true).
         * @return Options requiring that the implementation resolve a reference
         * to this entity regardless of changes to content or location.
        public static HandleOpt[] reference() {
            return new HandleOpt[] { changed(true), moved(true) };

         * @param allow If true, resolve references to this entity even if it has
         *             been modified.
         * @return Handle option encoding parameter.
        public static Data changed(boolean allow) {
            return new Data(allow);

         * @param allow If true, resolve references to this entity anywhere in
         *              the namespace.
         * @return Handle option encoding parameter.
        public static Location moved(boolean allow) {
            return new Location(allow);

         * Utility method to extract a HandleOpt from the set provided.
         * @param c Target class
         * @param opt List of options
         * @param <T> Type constraint for exact match
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If more than one matching type is found.
         * @return An option assignable from the specified type or null if either
         * opt is null or a suitable match is not found.
        public static <T extends HandleOpt> Optional<T> getOpt(Class<T> c, HandleOpt... opt) {
            if (null == opt) {
                return Optional.empty();
            T ret = null;
            for (HandleOpt o : opt) {
                if (c.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())) {
                    if (ret != null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate option " + c.getSimpleName());

                    T tmp = (T) o;
                    ret = tmp;
            return Optional.ofNullable(ret);

         * Option storing standard constraints on data.
        public static class Data extends HandleOpt {
            private final boolean allowChanged;

            Data(boolean allowChanged) {
                this.allowChanged = allowChanged;

             * Tracks whether any changes to file content are permitted.
             * @return True if content changes are allowed, false otherwise.
            public boolean allowChange() {
                return allowChanged;

            public String toString() {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                return sb.toString();

         * Option storing standard constraints on location.
        public static class Location extends HandleOpt {
            private final boolean allowChanged;

            Location(boolean allowChanged) {
                this.allowChanged = allowChanged;

             * Tracks whether any changes to file location are permitted.
             * @return True if relocation in the namespace is allowed, false
             * otherwise.
            public boolean allowChange() {
                return allowChanged;

            public String toString() {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                return sb.toString();


     * Enum for indicating what mode to use when combining chunk and block
     * checksums to define an aggregate FileChecksum. This should be considered
     * a client-side runtime option rather than a persistent property of any
     * stored metadata, which is why this is not part of ChecksumOpt, which
     * deals with properties of files at rest.
    public enum ChecksumCombineMode {
        MD5MD5CRC, // MD5 of block checksums, which are MD5 over chunk CRCs
        COMPOSITE_CRC // Block/chunk-independent composite CRC