Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a;

import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException;
import com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.GlobalStorageStatistics;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalDirAllocator;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathIOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathIsNotEmptyDirectoryException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StreamCapabilities;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.commit.CommitConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.commit.PutTracker;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.commit.MagicCommitIntegration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.DirListingMetadata;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.MetadataStoreListFilesIterator;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.MetadataStore;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.PathMetadata;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3guard.S3Guard;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.S3xLoginHelper;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.BlockingThreadPoolExecutorService;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.SemaphoredDelegatingExecutor;

import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Constants.*;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Invoker.*;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AUtils.*;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Statistic.*;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotEmpty;

 * The core S3A Filesystem implementation.
 * This subclass is marked as private as code should not be creating it
 * directly; use {@link FileSystem#get(Configuration)} and variants to
 * create one.
 * If cast to {@code S3AFileSystem}, extra methods and features may be accessed.
 * Consider those private and unstable.
 * Because it prints some of the state of the instrumentation,
 * the output of {@link #toString()} must also be considered unstable.
public class S3AFileSystem extends FileSystem implements StreamCapabilities {
     * Default blocksize as used in blocksize and FS status queries.
    public static final int DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024;

     * This declared delete as idempotent.
     * This is an "interesting" topic in past Hadoop FS work.
     * Essentially: with a single caller, DELETE is idempotent
     * but in a shared filesystem, it is is very much not so.
     * Here, on the basis that isn't a filesystem with consistency guarantees,
     * retryable results in files being deleted.
    public static final boolean DELETE_CONSIDERED_IDEMPOTENT = true;
    private URI uri;
    private Path workingDir;
    private String username;
    private AmazonS3 s3;
    // initial callback policy is fail-once; it's there just to assist
    // some mock tests and other codepaths trying to call the low level
    // APIs on an uninitialized filesystem.
    private Invoker invoker = new Invoker(RetryPolicies.TRY_ONCE_THEN_FAIL, Invoker.LOG_EVENT);
    // Only used for very specific code paths which behave differently for
    // S3Guard. Retries FileNotFound, so be careful if you use this.
    private Invoker s3guardInvoker = new Invoker(RetryPolicies.TRY_ONCE_THEN_FAIL, Invoker.LOG_EVENT);
    private final Retried onRetry = this::operationRetried;
    private String bucket;
    private int maxKeys;
    private Listing listing;
    private long partSize;
    private boolean enableMultiObjectsDelete;
    private TransferManager transfers;
    private ListeningExecutorService boundedThreadPool;
    private ExecutorService unboundedThreadPool;
    private long multiPartThreshold;
    public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3AFileSystem.class);
    private static final Logger PROGRESS = LoggerFactory
    private LocalDirAllocator directoryAllocator;
    private CannedAccessControlList cannedACL;
    private S3AEncryptionMethods serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm;
    private S3AInstrumentation instrumentation;
    private final S3AStorageStatistics storageStatistics = createStorageStatistics();
    private long readAhead;
    private S3AInputPolicy inputPolicy;
    private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private volatile boolean isClosed = false;
    private MetadataStore metadataStore;
    private boolean allowAuthoritative;

    // The maximum number of entries that can be deleted in any call to s3
    private static final int MAX_ENTRIES_TO_DELETE = 1000;
    private String blockOutputBuffer;
    private S3ADataBlocks.BlockFactory blockFactory;
    private int blockOutputActiveBlocks;
    private WriteOperationHelper writeHelper;
    private boolean useListV1;
    private MagicCommitIntegration committerIntegration;

    private AWSCredentialProviderList credentials;

    /** Add any deprecated keys. */
    private static void addDeprecatedKeys() {
        // this is retained as a placeholder for when new deprecated keys
        // need to be added.
        Configuration.DeprecationDelta[] deltas = {};

        if (deltas.length > 0) {

    static {

    /** Called after a new FileSystem instance is constructed.
     * @param name a uri whose authority section names the host, port, etc.
     *   for this FileSystem
     * @param originalConf the configuration to use for the FS. The
     * bucket-specific options are patched over the base ones before any use is
     * made of the config.
    public void initialize(URI name, Configuration originalConf) throws IOException {
        // get the host; this is guaranteed to be non-null, non-empty
        bucket = name.getHost();
        LOG.debug("Initializing S3AFileSystem for {}", bucket);
        // clone the configuration into one with propagated bucket options
        Configuration conf = propagateBucketOptions(originalConf, bucket);
        super.initialize(name, conf);
        try {
            instrumentation = new S3AInstrumentation(name);

            // Username is the current user at the time the FS was instantiated.
            username = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getShortUserName();
            workingDir = new Path("/user", username).makeQualified(this.uri, this.getWorkingDirectory());

            Class<? extends S3ClientFactory> s3ClientFactoryClass = conf.getClass(S3_CLIENT_FACTORY_IMPL,
                    DEFAULT_S3_CLIENT_FACTORY_IMPL, S3ClientFactory.class);

            credentials = createAWSCredentialProviderSet(name, conf);
            s3 = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(s3ClientFactoryClass, conf).createS3Client(name, bucket, credentials);
            invoker = new Invoker(new S3ARetryPolicy(getConf()), onRetry);
            s3guardInvoker = new Invoker(new S3GuardExistsRetryPolicy(getConf()), onRetry);
            writeHelper = new WriteOperationHelper(this, getConf());

            maxKeys = intOption(conf, MAX_PAGING_KEYS, DEFAULT_MAX_PAGING_KEYS, 1);
            listing = new Listing(this);
            partSize = getMultipartSizeProperty(conf, MULTIPART_SIZE, DEFAULT_MULTIPART_SIZE);
            multiPartThreshold = getMultipartSizeProperty(conf, MIN_MULTIPART_THRESHOLD,

            //check but do not store the block size
            longBytesOption(conf, FS_S3A_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE, 1);
            enableMultiObjectsDelete = conf.getBoolean(ENABLE_MULTI_DELETE, true);

            readAhead = longBytesOption(conf, READAHEAD_RANGE, DEFAULT_READAHEAD_RANGE, 0);

            int maxThreads = conf.getInt(MAX_THREADS, DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS);
            if (maxThreads < 2) {
                LOG.warn(MAX_THREADS + " must be at least 2: forcing to 2.");
                maxThreads = 2;
            int totalTasks = intOption(conf, MAX_TOTAL_TASKS, DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_TASKS, 1);
            long keepAliveTime = longOption(conf, KEEPALIVE_TIME, DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_TIME, 0);
            boundedThreadPool = BlockingThreadPoolExecutorService.newInstance(maxThreads, maxThreads + totalTasks,
                    keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS, "s3a-transfer-shared");
            unboundedThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxThreads, Integer.MAX_VALUE, keepAliveTime,
                    TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),

            int listVersion = conf.getInt(LIST_VERSION, DEFAULT_LIST_VERSION);
            if (listVersion < 1 || listVersion > 2) {
                LOG.warn("Configured fs.s3a.list.version {} is invalid, forcing " + "version 2", listVersion);
            useListV1 = (listVersion == 1);




            serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm = getEncryptionAlgorithm(bucket, conf);
            inputPolicy = S3AInputPolicy.getPolicy(conf.getTrimmed(INPUT_FADVISE, INPUT_FADV_NORMAL));
            LOG.debug("Input fadvise policy = {}", inputPolicy);
            boolean magicCommitterEnabled = conf.getBoolean(CommitConstants.MAGIC_COMMITTER_ENABLED,
            LOG.debug("Filesystem support for magic committers {} enabled",
                    magicCommitterEnabled ? "is" : "is not");
            committerIntegration = new MagicCommitIntegration(this, magicCommitterEnabled);

            boolean blockUploadEnabled = conf.getBoolean(FAST_UPLOAD, true);

            if (!blockUploadEnabled) {
                LOG.warn("The \"slow\" output stream is no longer supported");
            blockOutputBuffer = conf.getTrimmed(FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER, DEFAULT_FAST_UPLOAD_BUFFER);
            partSize = ensureOutputParameterInRange(MULTIPART_SIZE, partSize);
            blockFactory = S3ADataBlocks.createFactory(this, blockOutputBuffer);
            blockOutputActiveBlocks = intOption(conf, FAST_UPLOAD_ACTIVE_BLOCKS, DEFAULT_FAST_UPLOAD_ACTIVE_BLOCKS,
            LOG.debug("Using S3ABlockOutputStream with buffer = {}; block={};" + " queue limit={}",
                    blockOutputBuffer, partSize, blockOutputActiveBlocks);

            if (hasMetadataStore()) {
                LOG.debug("Using metadata store {}, authoritative={}", getMetadataStore(), allowAuthoritative);
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            throw translateException("initializing ", new Path(name), e);


     * Create the storage statistics or bind to an existing one.
     * @return a storage statistics instance.
    protected static S3AStorageStatistics createStorageStatistics() {
        return (S3AStorageStatistics) GlobalStorageStatistics.INSTANCE.put(S3AStorageStatistics.NAME,
                () -> new S3AStorageStatistics());

     * Verify that the bucket exists. This does not check permissions,
     * not even read access.
     * Retry policy: retrying, translated.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException the bucket is absent
     * @throws IOException any other problem talking to S3
    protected void verifyBucketExists() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        if (!invoker.retry("doesBucketExist", bucket, true, () -> s3.doesBucketExist(bucket))) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Bucket " + bucket + " does not exist");

     * Get S3A Instrumentation. For test purposes.
     * @return this instance's instrumentation.
    public S3AInstrumentation getInstrumentation() {
        return instrumentation;

    private void initTransferManager() {
        TransferManagerConfiguration transferConfiguration = new TransferManagerConfiguration();

        transfers = new TransferManager(s3, unboundedThreadPool);

    private void initCannedAcls(Configuration conf) {
        String cannedACLName = conf.get(CANNED_ACL, DEFAULT_CANNED_ACL);
        if (!cannedACLName.isEmpty()) {
            cannedACL = CannedAccessControlList.valueOf(cannedACLName);
        } else {
            cannedACL = null;

    private void initMultipartUploads(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        boolean purgeExistingMultipart = conf.getBoolean(PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART,
        long purgeExistingMultipartAge = longOption(conf, PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART_AGE,

        if (purgeExistingMultipart) {
            try {
            } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
                LOG.debug("Failed to purge multipart uploads against {}," + " FS may be read only", bucket);

     * Abort all outstanding MPUs older than a given age.
     * @param seconds time in seconds
     * @throws IOException on any failure, other than 403 "permission denied"
    public void abortOutstandingMultipartUploads(long seconds) throws IOException {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(seconds >= 0);
        Date purgeBefore = new Date(new Date().getTime() - seconds * 1000);
        LOG.debug("Purging outstanding multipart uploads older than {}", purgeBefore);
        invoker.retry("Purging multipart uploads", bucket, true,
                () -> transfers.abortMultipartUploads(bucket, purgeBefore));

     * Return the protocol scheme for the FileSystem.
     * @return "s3a"
    public String getScheme() {
        return "s3a";

     * Returns a URI whose scheme and authority identify this FileSystem.
    public URI getUri() {
        return uri;

     * Set the URI field through {@link S3xLoginHelper}.
     * Exported for testing.
     * @param uri filesystem URI.
    protected void setUri(URI uri) {
        this.uri = S3xLoginHelper.buildFSURI(uri);

    public int getDefaultPort() {
        return Constants.S3A_DEFAULT_PORT;

     * Returns the S3 client used by this filesystem.
     * This is for internal use within the S3A code itself.
     * @return AmazonS3Client
    AmazonS3 getAmazonS3Client() {
        return s3;

     * Returns the S3 client used by this filesystem.
     * <i>Warning: this must only be used for testing, as it bypasses core
     * S3A operations. </i>
     * @param reason a justification for requesting access.
     * @return AmazonS3Client
    public AmazonS3 getAmazonS3ClientForTesting(String reason) {
        LOG.warn("Access to S3A client requested, reason {}", reason);
        return s3;

     * Set the client -used in mocking tests to force in a different client.
     * @param client client.
    protected void setAmazonS3Client(AmazonS3 client) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(client, "client");
        LOG.debug("Setting S3 client to {}", client);
        s3 = client;

     * Get the region of a bucket.
     * @return the region in which a bucket is located
     * @throws IOException on any failure.
    public String getBucketLocation() throws IOException {
        return getBucketLocation(bucket);

     * Get the region of a bucket.
     * Retry policy: retrying, translated.
     * @param bucketName the name of the bucket
     * @return the region in which a bucket is located
     * @throws IOException on any failure.
    public String getBucketLocation(String bucketName) throws IOException {
        return invoker.retry("getBucketLocation()", bucketName, true, () -> s3.getBucketLocation(bucketName));

     * Returns the read ahead range value used by this filesystem.
     * @return the readahead range
    long getReadAheadRange() {
        return readAhead;

     * Get the input policy for this FS instance.
     * @return the input policy
    public S3AInputPolicy getInputPolicy() {
        return inputPolicy;

     * Get the encryption algorithm of this endpoint.
     * @return the encryption algorithm.
    public S3AEncryptionMethods getServerSideEncryptionAlgorithm() {
        return serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm;

     * Demand create the directory allocator, then create a temporary file.
     * {@link LocalDirAllocator#createTmpFileForWrite(String, long, Configuration)}.
     *  @param pathStr prefix for the temporary file
     *  @param size the size of the file that is going to be written
     *  @param conf the Configuration object
     *  @return a unique temporary file
     *  @throws IOException IO problems
    synchronized File createTmpFileForWrite(String pathStr, long size, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        if (directoryAllocator == null) {
            String bufferDir = conf.get(BUFFER_DIR) != null ? BUFFER_DIR : HADOOP_TMP_DIR;
            directoryAllocator = new LocalDirAllocator(bufferDir);
        return directoryAllocator.createTmpFileForWrite(pathStr, size, conf);

     * Get the bucket of this filesystem.
     * @return the bucket
    public String getBucket() {
        return bucket;

     * Set the bucket.
     * @param bucket the bucket
    protected void setBucket(String bucket) {
        this.bucket = bucket;

     * Get the canned ACL of this FS.
     * @return an ACL, if any
    CannedAccessControlList getCannedACL() {
        return cannedACL;

     * Change the input policy for this FS.
     * @param inputPolicy new policy
    public void setInputPolicy(S3AInputPolicy inputPolicy) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(inputPolicy, "Null inputStrategy");
        LOG.debug("Setting input strategy: {}", inputPolicy);
        this.inputPolicy = inputPolicy;

     * Turns a path (relative or otherwise) into an S3 key.
     * @param path input path, may be relative to the working dir
     * @return a key excluding the leading "/", or, if it is the root path, ""
    public String pathToKey(Path path) {
        if (!path.isAbsolute()) {
            path = new Path(workingDir, path);

        if (path.toUri().getScheme() != null && path.toUri().getPath().isEmpty()) {
            return "";

        return path.toUri().getPath().substring(1);

     * Turns a path (relative or otherwise) into an S3 key, adding a trailing
     * "/" if the path is not the root <i>and</i> does not already have a "/"
     * at the end.
     * @param key s3 key or ""
     * @return the with a trailing "/", or, if it is the root key, "",
    private String maybeAddTrailingSlash(String key) {
        if (!key.isEmpty() && !key.endsWith("/")) {
            return key + '/';
        } else {
            return key;

     * Convert a path back to a key.
     * @param key input key
     * @return the path from this key
    Path keyToPath(String key) {
        return new Path("/" + key);

     * Convert a key to a fully qualified path.
     * @param key input key
     * @return the fully qualified path including URI scheme and bucket name.
    public Path keyToQualifiedPath(String key) {
        return qualify(keyToPath(key));

     * Qualify a path.
     * @param path path to qualify
     * @return a qualified path.
    public Path qualify(Path path) {
        return path.makeQualified(uri, workingDir);

     * Check that a Path belongs to this FileSystem.
     * Unlike the superclass, this version does not look at authority,
     * only hostnames.
     * @param path to check
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is an FS mismatch
    public void checkPath(Path path) {
        S3xLoginHelper.checkPath(getConf(), getUri(), path, getDefaultPort());

    protected URI canonicalizeUri(URI rawUri) {
        return S3xLoginHelper.canonicalizeUri(rawUri, getDefaultPort());

     * Opens an FSDataInputStream at the indicated Path.
     * @param f the file name to open
     * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used.
    public FSDataInputStream open(Path f, int bufferSize) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("Opening '{}' for reading; input policy = {}", f, inputPolicy);
        final FileStatus fileStatus = getFileStatus(f);
        if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Can't open " + f + " because it is a directory");

        return new FSDataInputStream(new S3AInputStream(
                new S3AReadOpContext(hasMetadataStore(), invoker, s3guardInvoker, statistics, instrumentation,
                new S3ObjectAttributes(bucket, pathToKey(f), serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm,
                        getServerSideEncryptionKey(bucket, getConf())),
                fileStatus.getLen(), s3, readAhead, inputPolicy));

     * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress
     * reporting.
     * Retry policy: retrying, translated on the getFileStatus() probe.
     * No data is uploaded to S3 in this call, so retry issues related to that.
     * @param f the file name to open
     * @param permission the permission to set.
     * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true,
     *   the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown.
     * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used.
     * @param replication required block replication for the file.
     * @param blockSize the requested block size.
     * @param progress the progress reporter.
     * @throws IOException in the event of IO related errors.
     * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission)
    public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, int bufferSize,
            short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException {
        final Path path = qualify(f);
        String key = pathToKey(path);
        FileStatus status = null;
        try {
            // get the status or throw an FNFE
            status = getFileStatus(path);

            // if the thread reaches here, there is something at the path
            if (status.isDirectory()) {
                // path references a directory: automatic error
                throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(path + " is a directory");
            if (!overwrite) {
                // path references a file and overwrite is disabled
                throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(path + " already exists");
            LOG.debug("Overwriting file {}", path);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // this means the file is not found

        PutTracker putTracker = committerIntegration.createTracker(path, key);
        String destKey = putTracker.getDestKey();
        return new FSDataOutputStream(new S3ABlockOutputStream(this, destKey,
                new SemaphoredDelegatingExecutor(boundedThreadPool, blockOutputActiveBlocks, true), progress,
                partSize, blockFactory, instrumentation.newOutputStreamStatistics(statistics),
                getWriteOperationHelper(), putTracker), null);

     * Get a {@code WriteOperationHelper} instance.
     * This class permits other low-level operations against the store.
     * It is unstable and
     * only intended for code with intimate knowledge of the object store.
     * If using this, be prepared for changes even on minor point releases.
     * @return a new helper.
    public WriteOperationHelper getWriteOperationHelper() {
        return writeHelper;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if the parent directory is not present -or
     * is not a directory.
    public FSDataOutputStream createNonRecursive(Path path, FsPermission permission, EnumSet<CreateFlag> flags,
            int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException {
        Path parent = path.getParent();
        if (parent != null) {
            // expect this to raise an exception if there is no parent
            if (!getFileStatus(parent).isDirectory()) {
                throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Not a directory: " + parent);
        return create(path, permission, flags.contains(CreateFlag.OVERWRITE), bufferSize, replication, blockSize,

     * Append to an existing file (optional operation).
     * @param f the existing file to be appended.
     * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used.
     * @param progress for reporting progress if it is not null.
     * @throws IOException indicating that append is not supported.
    public FSDataOutputStream append(Path f, int bufferSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Append is not supported " + "by S3AFileSystem");

     * Renames Path src to Path dst.  Can take place on local fs
     * or remote DFS.
     * Warning: S3 does not support renames. This method does a copy which can
     * take S3 some time to execute with large files and directories. Since
     * there is no Progressable passed in, this can time out jobs.
     * Note: This implementation differs with other S3 drivers. Specifically:
     * <pre>
     *       Fails if src is a file and dst is a directory.
     *       Fails if src is a directory and dst is a file.
     *       Fails if the parent of dst does not exist or is a file.
     *       Fails if dst is a directory that is not empty.
     * </pre>
     * @param src path to be renamed
     * @param dst new path after rename
     * @throws IOException on IO failure
     * @return true if rename is successful
    public boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
        try {
            return innerRename(src, dst);
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            throw translateException("rename(" + src + ", " + dst + ")", src, e);
        } catch (RenameFailedException e) {
            return e.getExitCode();
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            return false;

     * The inner rename operation. See {@link #rename(Path, Path)} for
     * the description of the operation.
     * This operation throws an exception on any failure which needs to be
     * reported and downgraded to a failure.
     * Retries: retry translated, assuming all operations it is called do
     * so. For safely, consider catch and handle AmazonClientException
     * because this is such a complex method there's a risk it could surface.
     * @param source path to be renamed
     * @param dest new path after rename
     * @throws RenameFailedException if some criteria for a state changing
     * rename was not met. This means work didn't happen; it's not something
     * which is reported upstream to the FileSystem APIs, for which the semantics
     * of "false" are pretty vague.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException there's no source file.
     * @throws IOException on IO failure.
     * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK
    private boolean innerRename(Path source, Path dest)
            throws RenameFailedException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, AmazonClientException {
        Path src = qualify(source);
        Path dst = qualify(dest);

        LOG.debug("Rename path {} to {}", src, dst);

        String srcKey = pathToKey(src);
        String dstKey = pathToKey(dst);

        if (srcKey.isEmpty()) {
            throw new RenameFailedException(src, dst, "source is root directory");
        if (dstKey.isEmpty()) {
            throw new RenameFailedException(src, dst, "dest is root directory");

        // get the source file status; this raises a FNFE if there is no source
        // file.
        S3AFileStatus srcStatus = innerGetFileStatus(src, true);

        if (srcKey.equals(dstKey)) {
            LOG.debug("rename: src and dest refer to the same file or directory: {}", dst);
            throw new RenameFailedException(src, dst, "source and dest refer to the same file or directory")

        S3AFileStatus dstStatus = null;
        try {
            dstStatus = innerGetFileStatus(dst, true);
            // if there is no destination entry, an exception is raised.
            // hence this code sequence can assume that there is something
            // at the end of the path; the only detail being what it is and
            // whether or not it can be the destination of the rename.
            if (srcStatus.isDirectory()) {
                if (dstStatus.isFile()) {
                    throw new RenameFailedException(src, dst, "source is a directory and dest is a file")
                } else if (dstStatus.isEmptyDirectory() != Tristate.TRUE) {
                    throw new RenameFailedException(src, dst, "Destination is a non-empty directory")
                // at this point the destination is an empty directory
            } else {
                // source is a file. The destination must be a directory,
                // empty or not
                if (dstStatus.isFile()) {
                    throw new RenameFailedException(src, dst, "Cannot rename onto an existing file")

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            LOG.debug("rename: destination path {} not found", dst);
            // Parent must exist
            Path parent = dst.getParent();
            if (!pathToKey(parent).isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    S3AFileStatus dstParentStatus = innerGetFileStatus(dst.getParent(), false);
                    if (!dstParentStatus.isDirectory()) {
                        throw new RenameFailedException(src, dst, "destination parent is not a directory");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) {
                    throw new RenameFailedException(src, dst, "destination has no parent ");

        // If we have a MetadataStore, track deletions/creations.
        Collection<Path> srcPaths = null;
        List<PathMetadata> dstMetas = null;
        if (hasMetadataStore()) {
            srcPaths = new HashSet<>(); // srcPaths need fast look up before put
            dstMetas = new ArrayList<>();
        // TODO S3Guard HADOOP-13761: retries when source paths are not visible yet
        // TODO S3Guard: performance: mark destination dirs as authoritative

        // Ok! Time to start
        if (srcStatus.isFile()) {
            LOG.debug("rename: renaming file {} to {}", src, dst);
            long length = srcStatus.getLen();
            if (dstStatus != null && dstStatus.isDirectory()) {
                String newDstKey = maybeAddTrailingSlash(dstKey);
                String filename = srcKey.substring(pathToKey(src.getParent()).length() + 1);
                newDstKey = newDstKey + filename;
                copyFile(srcKey, newDstKey, length);
                S3Guard.addMoveFile(metadataStore, srcPaths, dstMetas, src, keyToQualifiedPath(newDstKey), length,
                        getDefaultBlockSize(dst), username);
            } else {
                copyFile(srcKey, dstKey, srcStatus.getLen());
                S3Guard.addMoveFile(metadataStore, srcPaths, dstMetas, src, dst, length, getDefaultBlockSize(dst),
            innerDelete(srcStatus, false);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("rename: renaming directory {} to {}", src, dst);

            // This is a directory to directory copy
            dstKey = maybeAddTrailingSlash(dstKey);
            srcKey = maybeAddTrailingSlash(srcKey);

            //Verify dest is not a child of the source directory
            if (dstKey.startsWith(srcKey)) {
                throw new RenameFailedException(srcKey, dstKey,
                        "cannot rename a directory to a subdirectory of itself ");

            List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> keysToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
            if (dstStatus != null && dstStatus.isEmptyDirectory() == Tristate.TRUE) {
                // delete unnecessary fake directory.
                keysToDelete.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(dstKey));

            Path parentPath = keyToQualifiedPath(srcKey);
            RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> iterator = listFilesAndEmptyDirectories(parentPath, true);
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                LocatedFileStatus status =;
                long length = status.getLen();
                String key = pathToKey(status.getPath());
                if (status.isDirectory() && !key.endsWith("/")) {
                    key += "/";
                keysToDelete.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(key));
                String newDstKey = dstKey + key.substring(srcKey.length());
                copyFile(key, newDstKey, length);

                if (hasMetadataStore()) {
                    // with a metadata store, the object entries need to be updated,
                    // including, potentially, the ancestors
                    Path childSrc = keyToQualifiedPath(key);
                    Path childDst = keyToQualifiedPath(newDstKey);
                    if (objectRepresentsDirectory(key, length)) {
                        S3Guard.addMoveDir(metadataStore, srcPaths, dstMetas, childSrc, childDst, username);
                    } else {
                        S3Guard.addMoveFile(metadataStore, srcPaths, dstMetas, childSrc, childDst, length,
                                getDefaultBlockSize(childDst), username);
                    // Ancestor directories may not be listed, so we explicitly add them
                    S3Guard.addMoveAncestors(metadataStore, srcPaths, dstMetas, keyToQualifiedPath(srcKey),
                            childSrc, childDst, username);

                if (keysToDelete.size() == MAX_ENTRIES_TO_DELETE) {
                    removeKeys(keysToDelete, true, false);
            if (!keysToDelete.isEmpty()) {
                removeKeys(keysToDelete, false, false);

            // We moved all the children, now move the top-level dir
            // Empty directory should have been added as the object summary
            if (hasMetadataStore() && srcPaths != null && !srcPaths.contains(src)) {
                LOG.debug("To move the non-empty top-level dir src={} and dst={}", src, dst);
                S3Guard.addMoveDir(metadataStore, srcPaths, dstMetas, src, dst, username);

        metadataStore.move(srcPaths, dstMetas);

        if (!src.getParent().equals(dst.getParent())) {
            LOG.debug("source & dest parents are different; fix up dir markers");
        return true;

     * Low-level call to get at the object metadata.
     * @param path path to the object
     * @return metadata
     * @throws IOException IO and object access problems.
    public ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(Path path) throws IOException {
        return getObjectMetadata(pathToKey(path));

     * Does this Filesystem have a metadata store?
     * @return true iff the FS has been instantiated with a metadata store
    public boolean hasMetadataStore() {
        return !S3Guard.isNullMetadataStore(metadataStore);

     * Get the metadata store.
     * This will always be non-null, but may be bound to the
     * {@code NullMetadataStore}.
     * @return the metadata store of this FS instance
    public MetadataStore getMetadataStore() {
        return metadataStore;

    /** For testing only.  See ITestS3GuardEmptyDirs. */
    void setMetadataStore(MetadataStore ms) {
        metadataStore = ms;

     * Entry point to an operation.
     * Increments the statistic; verifies the FS is active.
     * @param operation The operation to increment
     * @throws IOException if the
    protected void entryPoint(Statistic operation) throws IOException {

     * Increment a statistic by 1.
     * This increments both the instrumentation and storage statistics.
     * @param statistic The operation to increment
    protected void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic) {
        incrementStatistic(statistic, 1);

     * Increment a statistic by a specific value.
     * This increments both the instrumentation and storage statistics.
     * @param statistic The operation to increment
     * @param count the count to increment
    protected void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, long count) {
        instrumentation.incrementCounter(statistic, count);
        storageStatistics.incrementCounter(statistic, count);

     * Decrement a gauge by a specific value.
     * @param statistic The operation to decrement
     * @param count the count to decrement
    protected void decrementGauge(Statistic statistic, long count) {
        instrumentation.decrementGauge(statistic, count);

     * Increment a gauge by a specific value.
     * @param statistic The operation to increment
     * @param count the count to increment
    protected void incrementGauge(Statistic statistic, long count) {
        instrumentation.incrementGauge(statistic, count);

     * Callback when an operation was retried.
     * Increments the statistics of ignored errors or throttled requests,
     * depending up on the exception class.
     * @param ex exception.
    public void operationRetried(Exception ex) {
        Statistic stat = isThrottleException(ex) ? STORE_IO_THROTTLED : IGNORED_ERRORS;

     * Callback from {@link Invoker} when an operation is retried.
     * @param text text of the operation
     * @param ex exception
     * @param retries number of retries
     * @param idempotent is the method idempotent
    public void operationRetried(String text, Exception ex, int retries, boolean idempotent) {

     * Callback from {@link Invoker} when an operation against a metastore
     * is retried.
     * Always increments the {@link Statistic#S3GUARD_METADATASTORE_RETRY}
     * statistic/counter;
     * if it is a throttling exception will update the associated
     * throttled metrics/statistics.
     * @param ex exception
     * @param retries number of retries
     * @param idempotent is the method idempotent
    public void metastoreOperationRetried(Exception ex, int retries, boolean idempotent) {
        if (isThrottleException(ex)) {
            instrumentation.addValueToQuantiles(S3GUARD_METADATASTORE_THROTTLE_RATE, 1);

     * Get the storage statistics of this filesystem.
     * @return the storage statistics
    public S3AStorageStatistics getStorageStatistics() {
        return storageStatistics;

     * Request object metadata; increments counters in the process.
     * Retry policy: retry untranslated.
     * @param key key
     * @return the metadata
     * @throws IOException if the retry invocation raises one (it shouldn't).
    protected ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(String key) throws IOException {
        GetObjectMetadataRequest request = new GetObjectMetadataRequest(bucket, key);
        //SSE-C requires to be filled in if enabled for object metadata
        if (S3AEncryptionMethods.SSE_C.equals(serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm)
                && isNotBlank(getServerSideEncryptionKey(bucket, getConf()))) {
        ObjectMetadata meta = invoker.retryUntranslated("GET " + key, true, () -> {
            return s3.getObjectMetadata(request);
        return meta;

     * Initiate a {@code listObjects} operation, incrementing metrics
     * in the process.
     * Retry policy: retry untranslated.
     * @param request request to initiate
     * @return the results
     * @throws IOException if the retry invocation raises one (it shouldn't).
    protected S3ListResult listObjects(S3ListRequest request) throws IOException {
        return invoker.retryUntranslated(request.toString(), true, () -> {
            if (useListV1) {
                return S3ListResult.v1(s3.listObjects(request.getV1()));
            } else {
                return S3ListResult.v2(s3.listObjectsV2(request.getV2()));

     * Validate the list arguments with this bucket's settings.
     * @param request the request to validate
    private void validateListArguments(S3ListRequest request) {
        if (useListV1) {
        } else {

     * List the next set of objects.
     * Retry policy: retry untranslated.
     * @param request last list objects request to continue
     * @param prevResult last paged result to continue from
     * @return the next result object
     * @throws IOException none, just there for retryUntranslated.
    protected S3ListResult continueListObjects(S3ListRequest request, S3ListResult prevResult) throws IOException {
        return invoker.retryUntranslated(request.toString(), true, () -> {
            if (useListV1) {
                return S3ListResult.v1(s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(prevResult.getV1()));
            } else {
                return S3ListResult.v2(s3.listObjectsV2(request.getV2()));

     * Increment read operations.
    public void incrementReadOperations() {

     * Increment the write operation counter.
     * This is somewhat inaccurate, as it appears to be invoked more
     * often than needed in progress callbacks.
    public void incrementWriteOperations() {

     * Delete an object. This is the low-level internal call which
     * <i>does not</i> update the metastore.
     * Increments the {@code OBJECT_DELETE_REQUESTS} and write
     * operation statistics.
     * This call does <i>not</i> create any mock parent entries.
     * Retry policy: retry untranslated; delete considered idempotent.
     * @param key key to blob to delete.
     * @throws AmazonClientException problems working with S3
     * @throws InvalidRequestException if the request was rejected due to
     * a mistaken attempt to delete the root directory.
    protected void deleteObject(String key) throws AmazonClientException, IOException {
        invoker.retryUntranslated("Delete " + bucket + ":/" + key, DELETE_CONSIDERED_IDEMPOTENT, () -> {
            s3.deleteObject(bucket, key);
            return null;

     * Delete an object, also updating the metastore.
     * This call does <i>not</i> create any mock parent entries.
     * Retry policy: retry untranslated; delete considered idempotent.
     * @param f path path to delete
     * @param key key of entry
     * @param isFile is the path a file (used for instrumentation only)
     * @throws AmazonClientException problems working with S3
     * @throws IOException IO failure
    void deleteObjectAtPath(Path f, String key, boolean isFile) throws AmazonClientException, IOException {
        if (isFile) {
        } else {

     * Reject any request to delete an object where the key is root.
     * @param key key to validate
     * @throws InvalidRequestException if the request was rejected due to
     * a mistaken attempt to delete the root directory.
    private void blockRootDelete(String key) throws InvalidRequestException {
        if (key.isEmpty() || "/".equals(key)) {
            throw new InvalidRequestException("Bucket " + bucket + " cannot be deleted");

     * Perform a bulk object delete operation.
     * Increments the {@code OBJECT_DELETE_REQUESTS} and write
     * operation statistics.
     * Retry policy: retry untranslated; delete considered idempotent.
     * @param deleteRequest keys to delete on the s3-backend
     * @throws MultiObjectDeleteException one or more of the keys could not
     * be deleted.
     * @throws AmazonClientException amazon-layer failure.
    private void deleteObjects(DeleteObjectsRequest deleteRequest)
            throws MultiObjectDeleteException, AmazonClientException, IOException {
        try {
            invoker.retryUntranslated("delete", DELETE_CONSIDERED_IDEMPOTENT, () -> {
                incrementStatistic(OBJECT_DELETE_REQUESTS, 1);
                return s3.deleteObjects(deleteRequest);
        } catch (MultiObjectDeleteException e) {
            // one or more of the operations failed.
            List<MultiObjectDeleteException.DeleteError> errors = e.getErrors();
            LOG.debug("Partial failure of delete, {} errors", errors.size(), e);
            for (MultiObjectDeleteException.DeleteError error : errors) {
                LOG.debug("{}: \"{}\" - {}", error.getKey(), error.getCode(), error.getMessage());
            throw e;

     * Create a putObject request.
     * Adds the ACL and metadata
     * @param key key of object
     * @param metadata metadata header
     * @param srcfile source file
     * @return the request
    public PutObjectRequest newPutObjectRequest(String key, ObjectMetadata metadata, File srcfile) {
        PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucket, key, srcfile);
        return putObjectRequest;

     * Create a {@link PutObjectRequest} request.
     * The metadata is assumed to have been configured with the size of the
     * operation.
     * @param key key of object
     * @param metadata metadata header
     * @param inputStream source data.
     * @return the request
    PutObjectRequest newPutObjectRequest(String key, ObjectMetadata metadata, InputStream inputStream) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(isNotEmpty(key), "Null/empty key");
        PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucket, key, inputStream, metadata);
        return putObjectRequest;

     * Create a new object metadata instance.
     * Any standard metadata headers are added here, for example:
     * encryption.
     * @return a new metadata instance
    public ObjectMetadata newObjectMetadata() {
        final ObjectMetadata om = new ObjectMetadata();
        return om;

     * Create a new object metadata instance.
     * Any standard metadata headers are added here, for example:
     * encryption.
     * @param length length of data to set in header.
     * @return a new metadata instance
    public ObjectMetadata newObjectMetadata(long length) {
        final ObjectMetadata om = newObjectMetadata();
        if (length >= 0) {
        return om;

     * Start a transfer-manager managed async PUT of an object,
     * incrementing the put requests and put bytes
     * counters.
     * It does not update the other counters,
     * as existing code does that as progress callbacks come in.
     * Byte length is calculated from the file length, or, if there is no
     * file, from the content length of the header.
     * Because the operation is async, any stream supplied in the request
     * must reference data (files, buffers) which stay valid until the upload
     * completes.
     * Retry policy: N/A: the transfer manager is performing the upload.
     * @param putObjectRequest the request
     * @return the upload initiated
    public UploadInfo putObject(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) {
        long len = getPutRequestLength(putObjectRequest);
        LOG.debug("PUT {} bytes to {} via transfer manager ", len, putObjectRequest.getKey());
        Upload upload = transfers.upload(putObjectRequest);
        return new UploadInfo(upload, len);

     * PUT an object directly (i.e. not via the transfer manager).
     * Byte length is calculated from the file length, or, if there is no
     * file, from the content length of the header.
     * Retry Policy: none.
     * <i>Important: this call will close any input stream in the request.</i>
     * @param putObjectRequest the request
     * @return the upload initiated
     * @throws AmazonClientException on problems
    @Retries.OnceRaw("For PUT; post-PUT actions are RetriesExceptionsSwallowed")
    PutObjectResult putObjectDirect(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) throws AmazonClientException {
        long len = getPutRequestLength(putObjectRequest);
        LOG.debug("PUT {} bytes to {}", len, putObjectRequest.getKey());
        try {
            PutObjectResult result = s3.putObject(putObjectRequest);
            incrementPutCompletedStatistics(true, len);
            // update metadata
            finishedWrite(putObjectRequest.getKey(), len);
            return result;
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            incrementPutCompletedStatistics(false, len);
            throw e;

     * Get the length of the PUT, verifying that the length is known.
     * @param putObjectRequest a request bound to a file or a stream.
     * @return the request length
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length is negative
    private long getPutRequestLength(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) {
        long len;
        if (putObjectRequest.getFile() != null) {
            len = putObjectRequest.getFile().length();
        } else {
            len = putObjectRequest.getMetadata().getContentLength();
        Preconditions.checkState(len >= 0, "Cannot PUT object of unknown length");
        return len;

     * Upload part of a multi-partition file.
     * Increments the write and put counters.
     * <i>Important: this call does not close any input stream in the request.</i>
     * Retry Policy: none.
     * @param request request
     * @return the result of the operation.
     * @throws AmazonClientException on problems
    UploadPartResult uploadPart(UploadPartRequest request) throws AmazonClientException {
        long len = request.getPartSize();
        try {
            UploadPartResult uploadPartResult = s3.uploadPart(request);
            incrementPutCompletedStatistics(true, len);
            return uploadPartResult;
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            incrementPutCompletedStatistics(false, len);
            throw e;

     * At the start of a put/multipart upload operation, update the
     * relevant counters.
     * @param bytes bytes in the request.
    public void incrementPutStartStatistics(long bytes) {
        LOG.debug("PUT start {} bytes", bytes);
        incrementGauge(OBJECT_PUT_REQUESTS_ACTIVE, 1);
        if (bytes > 0) {
            incrementGauge(OBJECT_PUT_BYTES_PENDING, bytes);

     * At the end of a put/multipart upload operation, update the
     * relevant counters and gauges.
     * @param success did the operation succeed?
     * @param bytes bytes in the request.
    public void incrementPutCompletedStatistics(boolean success, long bytes) {
        LOG.debug("PUT completed success={}; {} bytes", success, bytes);
        if (bytes > 0) {
            incrementStatistic(OBJECT_PUT_BYTES, bytes);
            decrementGauge(OBJECT_PUT_BYTES_PENDING, bytes);
        decrementGauge(OBJECT_PUT_REQUESTS_ACTIVE, 1);

     * Callback for use in progress callbacks from put/multipart upload events.
     * Increments those statistics which are expected to be updated during
     * the ongoing upload operation.
     * @param key key to file that is being written (for logging)
     * @param bytes bytes successfully uploaded.
    public void incrementPutProgressStatistics(String key, long bytes) {
        PROGRESS.debug("PUT {}: {} bytes", key, bytes);
        if (bytes > 0) {

     * A helper method to delete a list of keys on a s3-backend.
     * Retry policy: retry untranslated; delete considered idempotent.
     * @param keysToDelete collection of keys to delete on the s3-backend.
     *        if empty, no request is made of the object store.
     * @param clearKeys clears the keysToDelete-list after processing the list
     *            when set to true
     * @param deleteFakeDir indicates whether this is for deleting fake dirs
     * @throws InvalidRequestException if the request was rejected due to
     * a mistaken attempt to delete the root directory.
     * @throws MultiObjectDeleteException one or more of the keys could not
     * be deleted in a multiple object delete operation.
     * @throws AmazonClientException amazon-layer failure.
    void removeKeys(List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> keysToDelete, boolean clearKeys, boolean deleteFakeDir)
            throws MultiObjectDeleteException, AmazonClientException, IOException {
        if (keysToDelete.isEmpty()) {
            // exit fast if there are no keys to delete
        for (DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion keyVersion : keysToDelete) {
        if (enableMultiObjectsDelete) {
            deleteObjects(new DeleteObjectsRequest(bucket).withKeys(keysToDelete).withQuiet(true));
        } else {
            for (DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion keyVersion : keysToDelete) {
        if (!deleteFakeDir) {
        } else {
        if (clearKeys) {

     * Delete a Path. This operation is at least {@code O(files)}, with
     * added overheads to enumerate the path. It is also not atomic.
     * @param f the path to delete.
     * @param recursive if path is a directory and set to
     * true, the directory is deleted else throws an exception. In
     * case of a file the recursive can be set to either true or false.
     * @return true if the path existed and then was deleted; false if there
     * was no path in the first place, or the corner cases of root path deletion
     * have surfaced.
     * @throws IOException due to inability to delete a directory or file.
    public boolean delete(Path f, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
        try {
            boolean outcome = innerDelete(innerGetFileStatus(f, true), recursive);
            if (outcome) {
                try {
                } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
                    LOG.warn("Cannot create directory marker at {}: {}", f.getParent(), e.toString());
                    LOG.debug("Failed to create fake dir above {}", f, e);
            return outcome;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            LOG.debug("Couldn't delete {} - does not exist", f);
            return false;
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            throw translateException("delete", f, e);

     * Delete an object. See {@link #delete(Path, boolean)}.
     * This call does not create any fake parent directory; that is
     * left to the caller.
     * @param status fileStatus object
     * @param recursive if path is a directory and set to
     * true, the directory is deleted else throws an exception. In
     * case of a file the recursive can be set to either true or false.
     * @return true, except in the corner cases of root directory deletion
     * @throws IOException due to inability to delete a directory or file.
     * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK
    private boolean innerDelete(S3AFileStatus status, boolean recursive) throws IOException, AmazonClientException {
        Path f = status.getPath();
        LOG.debug("Delete path {} - recursive {}", f, recursive);

        String key = pathToKey(f);

        if (status.isDirectory()) {
            LOG.debug("delete: Path is a directory: {}", f);
            Preconditions.checkArgument(status.isEmptyDirectory() != Tristate.UNKNOWN,
                    "File status must have directory emptiness computed");

            if (!key.endsWith("/")) {
                key = key + "/";

            if (key.equals("/")) {
                return rejectRootDirectoryDelete(status, recursive);

            if (!recursive && status.isEmptyDirectory() == Tristate.FALSE) {
                throw new PathIsNotEmptyDirectoryException(f.toString());

            if (status.isEmptyDirectory() == Tristate.TRUE) {
                LOG.debug("Deleting fake empty directory {}", key);
                // HADOOP-13761 s3guard: retries here
                deleteObjectAtPath(f, key, false);
            } else {
                LOG.debug("Getting objects for directory prefix {} to delete", key);

                S3ListRequest request = createListObjectsRequest(key, null);

                S3ListResult objects = listObjects(request);
                List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> keys = new ArrayList<>(objects.getObjectSummaries().size());
                while (true) {
                    for (S3ObjectSummary summary : objects.getObjectSummaries()) {
                        keys.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(summary.getKey()));
                        LOG.debug("Got object to delete {}", summary.getKey());

                        if (keys.size() == MAX_ENTRIES_TO_DELETE) {
                            removeKeys(keys, true, false);

                    if (objects.isTruncated()) {
                        objects = continueListObjects(request, objects);
                    } else {
                        if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
                            // TODO: HADOOP-13761 S3Guard: retries
                            removeKeys(keys, false, false);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("delete: Path is a file");
            deleteObjectAtPath(f, key, true);

        return true;

     * Implements the specific logic to reject root directory deletion.
     * The caller must return the result of this call, rather than
     * attempt to continue with the delete operation: deleting root
     * directories is never allowed. This method simply implements
     * the policy of when to return an exit code versus raise an exception.
     * @param status filesystem status
     * @param recursive recursive flag from command
     * @return a return code for the operation
     * @throws PathIOException if the operation was explicitly rejected.
    private boolean rejectRootDirectoryDelete(S3AFileStatus status, boolean recursive) throws IOException {"s3a delete the {} root directory of {}", bucket, recursive);
        boolean emptyRoot = status.isEmptyDirectory() == Tristate.TRUE;
        if (emptyRoot) {
            return true;
        if (recursive) {
            return false;
        } else {
            // reject
            throw new PathIOException(bucket, "Cannot delete root path");

     * Create a fake directory if required.
     * That is: it is not the root path and the path does not exist.
     * Retry policy: retrying; untranslated.
     * @param f path to create
     * @throws IOException IO problem
     * @throws AmazonClientException untranslated AWS client problem
    private void createFakeDirectoryIfNecessary(Path f) throws IOException, AmazonClientException {
        String key = pathToKey(f);
        if (!key.isEmpty() && !s3Exists(f)) {
            LOG.debug("Creating new fake directory at {}", f);

     * Create a fake parent directory if required.
     * That is: it parent is not the root path and does not yet exist.
     * @param path whose parent is created if needed.
     * @throws IOException IO problem
     * @throws AmazonClientException untranslated AWS client problem
    void maybeCreateFakeParentDirectory(Path path) throws IOException, AmazonClientException {
        Path parent = path.getParent();
        if (parent != null) {

     * List the statuses of the files/directories in the given path if the path is
     * a directory.
     * @param f given path
     * @return the statuses of the files/directories in the given patch
     * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist;
     *         IOException see specific implementation
    public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        return once("listStatus", f.toString(), () -> innerListStatus(f));

     * List the statuses of the files/directories in the given path if the path is
     * a directory.
     * @param f given path
     * @return the statuses of the files/directories in the given patch
     * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist;
     * @throws IOException due to an IO problem.
     * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK
    public FileStatus[] innerListStatus(Path f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, AmazonClientException {
        Path path = qualify(f);
        String key = pathToKey(path);
        LOG.debug("List status for path: {}", path);

        List<FileStatus> result;
        final FileStatus fileStatus = getFileStatus(path);

        if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) {
            if (!key.isEmpty()) {
                key = key + '/';

            DirListingMetadata dirMeta = metadataStore.listChildren(path);
            if (allowAuthoritative && dirMeta != null && dirMeta.isAuthoritative()) {
                return S3Guard.dirMetaToStatuses(dirMeta);

            S3ListRequest request = createListObjectsRequest(key, "/");
            LOG.debug("listStatus: doing listObjects for directory {}", key);

            Listing.FileStatusListingIterator files = listing.createFileStatusListingIterator(path, request,
                    ACCEPT_ALL, new Listing.AcceptAllButSelfAndS3nDirs(path));
            result = new ArrayList<>(files.getBatchSize());
            while (files.hasNext()) {
            return S3Guard.dirListingUnion(metadataStore, path, result, dirMeta, allowAuthoritative);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Adding: rd (not a dir): {}", path);
            FileStatus[] stats = new FileStatus[1];
            stats[0] = fileStatus;
            return stats;

     * Create a {@code ListObjectsRequest} request against this bucket,
     * with the maximum keys returned in a query set by {@link #maxKeys}.
     * @param key key for request
     * @param delimiter any delimiter
     * @return the request
    S3ListRequest createListObjectsRequest(String key, String delimiter) {
        return createListObjectsRequest(key, delimiter, null);

    private S3ListRequest createListObjectsRequest(String key, String delimiter, Integer overrideMaxKeys) {
        if (!useListV1) {
            ListObjectsV2Request request = new ListObjectsV2Request().withBucketName(bucket).withMaxKeys(maxKeys)
            if (delimiter != null) {
            if (overrideMaxKeys != null) {
            return S3ListRequest.v2(request);
        } else {
            ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest();
            if (delimiter != null) {
            if (overrideMaxKeys != null) {
            return S3ListRequest.v1(request);

     * Set the current working directory for the given file system. All relative
     * paths will be resolved relative to it.
     * @param newDir the current working directory.
    public void setWorkingDirectory(Path newDir) {
        workingDir = newDir;

     * Get the current working directory for the given file system.
     * @return the directory pathname
    public Path getWorkingDirectory() {
        return workingDir;

     * Get the username of the FS.
     * @return the short name of the user who instantiated the FS
    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

     * Make the given path and all non-existent parents into
     * directories. Has the semantics of Unix {@code 'mkdir -p'}.
     * Existence of the directory hierarchy is not an error.
     * @param path path to create
     * @param permission to apply to f
     * @return true if a directory was created or already existed
     * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException there is a file at the path specified
     * @throws IOException other IO problems
    // TODO: If we have created an empty file at /foo/bar and we then call
    // mkdirs for /foo/bar/baz/roo what happens to the empty file /foo/bar/?
    public boolean mkdirs(Path path, FsPermission permission) throws IOException, FileAlreadyExistsException {
        try {
            return innerMkdirs(path, permission);
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            throw translateException("innerMkdirs", path, e);

     * Make the given path and all non-existent parents into
     * directories.
     * See {@link #mkdirs(Path, FsPermission)}
     * @param p path to create
     * @param permission to apply to f
     * @return true if a directory was created or already existed
     * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException there is a file at the path specified
     * @throws IOException other IO problems
     * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK
    private boolean innerMkdirs(Path p, FsPermission permission)
            throws IOException, FileAlreadyExistsException, AmazonClientException {
        Path f = qualify(p);
        LOG.debug("Making directory: {}", f);
        FileStatus fileStatus;
        List<Path> metadataStoreDirs = null;
        if (hasMetadataStore()) {
            metadataStoreDirs = new ArrayList<>();

        try {
            fileStatus = getFileStatus(f);

            if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) {
                return true;
            } else {
                throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Path is a file: " + f);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // Walk path to root, ensuring closest ancestor is a directory, not file
            Path fPart = f.getParent();
            if (metadataStoreDirs != null) {
            while (fPart != null) {
                try {
                    fileStatus = getFileStatus(fPart);
                    if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) {
                    if (fileStatus.isFile()) {
                        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(
                                String.format("Can't make directory for path '%s' since it is a file.", fPart));
                } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
                    // We create all missing directories in MetadataStore; it does not
                    // infer directories exist by prefix like S3.
                    if (metadataStoreDirs != null) {
                fPart = fPart.getParent();
            String key = pathToKey(f);
            // this will create the marker file, delete the parent entries
            // and update S3Guard
            return true;

     * Return a file status object that represents the path.
     * @param f The path we want information from
     * @return a FileStatus object
     * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist
     * @throws IOException on other problems.
    public FileStatus getFileStatus(final Path f) throws IOException {
        return innerGetFileStatus(f, false);

     * Internal version of {@link #getFileStatus(Path)}.
     * @param f The path we want information from
     * @param needEmptyDirectoryFlag if true, implementation will calculate
     *        a TRUE or FALSE value for {@link S3AFileStatus#isEmptyDirectory()}
     * @return a S3AFileStatus object
     * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist
     * @throws IOException on other problems.
    S3AFileStatus innerGetFileStatus(final Path f, boolean needEmptyDirectoryFlag) throws IOException {
        final Path path = qualify(f);
        String key = pathToKey(path);
        LOG.debug("Getting path status for {}  ({})", path, key);

        // Check MetadataStore, if any.
        PathMetadata pm = metadataStore.get(path, needEmptyDirectoryFlag);
        Set<Path> tombstones = Collections.emptySet();
        if (pm != null) {
            if (pm.isDeleted()) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Path " + f + " is recorded as " + "deleted by S3Guard");

            FileStatus msStatus = pm.getFileStatus();
            if (needEmptyDirectoryFlag && msStatus.isDirectory()) {
                if (pm.isEmptyDirectory() != Tristate.UNKNOWN) {
                    // We have a definitive true / false from MetadataStore, we are done.
                    return S3AFileStatus.fromFileStatus(msStatus, pm.isEmptyDirectory());
                } else {
                    DirListingMetadata children = metadataStore.listChildren(path);
                    if (children != null) {
                        tombstones = children.listTombstones();
                    LOG.debug("MetadataStore doesn't know if dir is empty, using S3.");
            } else {
                // Either this is not a directory, or we don't care if it is empty
                return S3AFileStatus.fromFileStatus(msStatus, pm.isEmptyDirectory());

            // If the metadata store has no children for it and it's not listed in
            // S3 yet, we'll assume the empty directory is true;
            S3AFileStatus s3FileStatus;
            try {
                s3FileStatus = s3GetFileStatus(path, key, tombstones);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                return S3AFileStatus.fromFileStatus(msStatus, Tristate.TRUE);
            // entry was found, save in S3Guard
            return S3Guard.putAndReturn(metadataStore, s3FileStatus, instrumentation);
        } else {
            // there was no entry in S3Guard
            // retrieve the data and update the metadata store in the process.
            return S3Guard.putAndReturn(metadataStore, s3GetFileStatus(path, key, tombstones), instrumentation);

     * Raw {@code getFileStatus} that talks direct to S3.
     * Used to implement {@link #innerGetFileStatus(Path, boolean)},
     * and for direct management of empty directory blobs.
     * Retry policy: retry translated.
     * @param path Qualified path
     * @param key  Key string for the path
     * @return Status
     * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist
     * @throws IOException on other problems.
    private S3AFileStatus s3GetFileStatus(final Path path, String key, Set<Path> tombstones) throws IOException {
        if (!key.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                ObjectMetadata meta = getObjectMetadata(key);

                if (objectRepresentsDirectory(key, meta.getContentLength())) {
                    LOG.debug("Found exact file: fake directory");
                    return new S3AFileStatus(Tristate.TRUE, path, username);
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("Found exact file: normal file");
                    return new S3AFileStatus(meta.getContentLength(), dateToLong(meta.getLastModified()), path,
                            getDefaultBlockSize(path), username);
            } catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
                if (e.getStatusCode() != 404) {
                    throw translateException("getFileStatus", path, e);
            } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
                throw translateException("getFileStatus", path, e);

            // Necessary?
            if (!key.endsWith("/")) {
                String newKey = key + "/";
                try {
                    ObjectMetadata meta = getObjectMetadata(newKey);

                    if (objectRepresentsDirectory(newKey, meta.getContentLength())) {
                        LOG.debug("Found file (with /): fake directory");
                        return new S3AFileStatus(Tristate.TRUE, path, username);
                    } else {
                        LOG.warn("Found file (with /): real file? should not happen: {}", key);

                        return new S3AFileStatus(meta.getContentLength(), dateToLong(meta.getLastModified()), path,
                                getDefaultBlockSize(path), username);
                } catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
                    if (e.getStatusCode() != 404) {
                        throw translateException("getFileStatus", newKey, e);
                } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
                    throw translateException("getFileStatus", newKey, e);

        try {
            key = maybeAddTrailingSlash(key);
            S3ListRequest request = createListObjectsRequest(key, "/", 1);

            S3ListResult objects = listObjects(request);

            Collection<String> prefixes = objects.getCommonPrefixes();
            Collection<S3ObjectSummary> summaries = objects.getObjectSummaries();
            if (!isEmptyOfKeys(prefixes, tombstones) || !isEmptyOfObjects(summaries, tombstones)) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Found path as directory (with /): {}/{}", prefixes.size(), summaries.size());

                    for (S3ObjectSummary summary : summaries) {
                        LOG.debug("Summary: {} {}", summary.getKey(), summary.getSize());
                    for (String prefix : prefixes) {
                        LOG.debug("Prefix: {}", prefix);

                return new S3AFileStatus(Tristate.FALSE, path, username);
            } else if (key.isEmpty()) {
                LOG.debug("Found root directory");
                return new S3AFileStatus(Tristate.TRUE, path, username);
        } catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
            if (e.getStatusCode() != 404) {
                throw translateException("getFileStatus", path, e);
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            throw translateException("getFileStatus", path, e);

        LOG.debug("Not Found: {}", path);
        throw new FileNotFoundException("No such file or directory: " + path);

     * Helper function to determine if a collection of paths is empty
     * after accounting for tombstone markers (if provided).
     * @param keys Collection of path (prefixes / directories or keys).
     * @param tombstones Set of tombstone markers, or null if not applicable.
     * @return false if summaries contains objects not accounted for by
     * tombstones.
    private boolean isEmptyOfKeys(Collection<String> keys, Set<Path> tombstones) {
        if (tombstones == null) {
            return keys.isEmpty();
        for (String key : keys) {
            Path qualified = keyToQualifiedPath(key);
            if (!tombstones.contains(qualified)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Helper function to determine if a collection of object summaries is empty
     * after accounting for tombstone markers (if provided).
     * @param summaries Collection of objects as returned by listObjects.
     * @param tombstones Set of tombstone markers, or null if not applicable.
     * @return false if summaries contains objects not accounted for by
     * tombstones.
    private boolean isEmptyOfObjects(Collection<S3ObjectSummary> summaries, Set<Path> tombstones) {
        if (tombstones == null) {
            return summaries.isEmpty();
        Collection<String> stringCollection = new ArrayList<>(summaries.size());
        for (S3ObjectSummary summary : summaries) {
        return isEmptyOfKeys(stringCollection, tombstones);

     * Raw version of {@link FileSystem#exists(Path)} which uses S3 only:
     * S3Guard MetadataStore, if any, will be skipped.
     * Retry policy: retrying; translated.
     * @return true if path exists in S3
     * @throws IOException IO failure
    private boolean s3Exists(final Path f) throws IOException {
        Path path = qualify(f);
        String key = pathToKey(path);
        try {
            s3GetFileStatus(path, key, null);
            return true;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            return false;

     * The src file is on the local disk.  Add it to FS at
     * the given dst name.
     * This version doesn't need to create a temporary file to calculate the md5.
     * Sadly this doesn't seem to be used by the shell cp :(
     * delSrc indicates if the source should be removed
     * @param delSrc whether to delete the src
     * @param overwrite whether to overwrite an existing file
     * @param src path
     * @param dst path
     * @throws IOException IO problem
     * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException the destination file exists and
     * overwrite==false
     * @throws AmazonClientException failure in the AWS SDK
    public void copyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, boolean overwrite, Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
        innerCopyFromLocalFile(delSrc, overwrite, src, dst);

     * The src file is on the local disk.  Add it to FS at
     * the given dst name.
     * This version doesn't need to create a temporary file to calculate the md5.
     * Sadly this doesn't seem to be used by the shell cp :(
     * delSrc indicates if the source should be removed
     * @param delSrc whether to delete the src
     * @param overwrite whether to overwrite an existing file
     * @param src Source path: must be on local filesystem
     * @param dst path
     * @throws IOException IO problem
     * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException the destination file exists and
     * overwrite==false, or if the destination is a directory.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if the source file does not exit
     * @throws AmazonClientException failure in the AWS SDK
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source path is not on the local FS
    private void innerCopyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, boolean overwrite, Path src, Path dst)
            throws IOException, FileAlreadyExistsException, AmazonClientException {
        LOG.debug("Copying local file from {} to {}", src, dst);

        // Since we have a local file, we don't need to stream into a temporary file
        LocalFileSystem local = getLocal(getConf());
        File srcfile = local.pathToFile(src);
        if (!srcfile.exists()) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("No file: " + src);
        if (!srcfile.isFile()) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Not a file: " + src);

        try {
            FileStatus status = getFileStatus(dst);
            if (!status.isFile()) {
                throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(dst + " exists and is not a file");
            if (!overwrite) {
                throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(dst + " already exists");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // no destination, all is well
        final String key = pathToKey(dst);
        final ObjectMetadata om = newObjectMetadata(srcfile.length());
        Progressable progress = null;
        PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = newPutObjectRequest(key, om, srcfile);
        invoker.retry("copyFromLocalFile(" + src + ")", dst.toString(), true,
                () -> executePut(putObjectRequest, progress));
        if (delSrc) {
            local.delete(src, false);

     * Execute a PUT via the transfer manager, blocking for completion,
     * updating the metastore afterwards.
     * If the waiting for completion is interrupted, the upload will be
     * aborted before an {@code InterruptedIOException} is thrown.
     * @param putObjectRequest request
     * @param progress optional progress callback
     * @return the upload result
     * @throws InterruptedIOException if the blocking was interrupted.
    @Retries.OnceRaw("For PUT; post-PUT actions are RetriesExceptionsSwallowed")
    UploadResult executePut(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest, Progressable progress)
            throws InterruptedIOException {
        String key = putObjectRequest.getKey();
        UploadInfo info = putObject(putObjectRequest);
        Upload upload = info.getUpload();
        ProgressableProgressListener listener = new ProgressableProgressListener(this, key, upload, progress);
        UploadResult result = waitForUploadCompletion(key, info);
        // post-write actions
        finishedWrite(key, info.getLength());
        return result;

     * Wait for an upload to complete.
     * If the waiting for completion is interrupted, the upload will be
     * aborted before an {@code InterruptedIOException} is thrown.
     * @param upload upload to wait for
     * @param key destination key
     * @return the upload result
     * @throws InterruptedIOException if the blocking was interrupted.
    UploadResult waitForUploadCompletion(String key, UploadInfo uploadInfo) throws InterruptedIOException {
        Upload upload = uploadInfo.getUpload();
        try {
            UploadResult result = upload.waitForUploadResult();
            incrementPutCompletedStatistics(true, uploadInfo.getLength());
            return result;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  "Interrupted: aborting upload");
            incrementPutCompletedStatistics(false, uploadInfo.getLength());
            throw (InterruptedIOException) new InterruptedIOException(
                    "Interrupted in PUT to " + keyToQualifiedPath(key)).initCause(e);

     * Close the filesystem. This shuts down all transfers.
     * @throws IOException IO problem
    public void close() throws IOException {
        if (closed.getAndSet(true)) {
            // already closed
        isClosed = true;
        LOG.debug("Filesystem {} is closed", uri);
        try {
        } finally {
            if (transfers != null) {
                transfers = null;
            S3AUtils.closeAll(LOG, metadataStore, instrumentation);
            metadataStore = null;
            instrumentation = null;
            closeAutocloseables(LOG, credentials);
            credentials = null;

     * Verify that the input stream is open. Non blocking; this gives
     * the last state of the volatile {@link #closed} field.
     * @throws IOException if the connection is closed.
    private void checkNotClosed() throws IOException {
        if (isClosed) {
            throw new IOException(uri + ": " + E_FS_CLOSED);

     * Override getCanonicalServiceName because we don't support token in S3A.
    public String getCanonicalServiceName() {
        // Does not support Token
        return null;

     * Copy a single object in the bucket via a COPY operation.
     * There's no update of metadata, directory markers, etc.
     * Callers must implement.
     * @param srcKey source object path
     * @param dstKey destination object path
     * @param size object size
     * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK
     * @throws InterruptedIOException the operation was interrupted
     * @throws IOException Other IO problems
    private void copyFile(String srcKey, String dstKey, long size) throws IOException, InterruptedIOException {
        LOG.debug("copyFile {} -> {} ", srcKey, dstKey);

        ProgressListener progressListener = progressEvent -> {
            switch (progressEvent.getEventType()) {

        once("copyFile(" + srcKey + ", " + dstKey + ")", srcKey, () -> {
            ObjectMetadata srcom = getObjectMetadata(srcKey);
            ObjectMetadata dstom = cloneObjectMetadata(srcom);
            CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(bucket, srcKey, bucket, dstKey);
            Copy copy = transfers.copy(copyObjectRequest);
            try {
                instrumentation.filesCopied(1, size);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new InterruptedIOException(
                        "Interrupted copying " + srcKey + " to " + dstKey + ", cancelling");

    protected void setOptionalMultipartUploadRequestParameters(InitiateMultipartUploadRequest req) {
        switch (serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm) {
        case SSE_KMS:
        case SSE_C:
            if (isNotBlank(getServerSideEncryptionKey(bucket, getConf()))) {
                //at the moment, only supports copy using the same key

     * Sets server side encryption parameters to the part upload
     * request when encryption is enabled.
     * @param request upload part request
    protected void setOptionalUploadPartRequestParameters(UploadPartRequest request) {
        switch (serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm) {
        case SSE_C:
            if (isNotBlank(getServerSideEncryptionKey(bucket, getConf()))) {

     * Initiate a multipart upload from the preconfigured request.
     * Retry policy: none + untranslated.
     * @param request request to initiate
     * @return the result of the call
     * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK
     * @throws IOException Other IO problems
    InitiateMultipartUploadResult initiateMultipartUpload(InitiateMultipartUploadRequest request)
            throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("Initiate multipart upload to {}", request.getKey());
        return getAmazonS3Client().initiateMultipartUpload(request);

    protected void setOptionalCopyObjectRequestParameters(CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest) throws IOException {
        switch (serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm) {
        case SSE_KMS:
        case SSE_C:
            if (isNotBlank(getServerSideEncryptionKey(bucket, getConf()))) {
                //at the moment, only supports copy using the same key
                SSECustomerKey customerKey = generateSSECustomerKey();

    private void setOptionalPutRequestParameters(PutObjectRequest request) {
        switch (serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm) {
        case SSE_KMS:
        case SSE_C:
            if (isNotBlank(getServerSideEncryptionKey(bucket, getConf()))) {

    private void setOptionalObjectMetadata(ObjectMetadata metadata) {
        if (S3AEncryptionMethods.SSE_S3.equals(serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm)) {

     * Create the AWS SDK structure used to configure SSE, based on the
     * configuration.
     * @return an instance of the class, which main contain the encryption key
    private SSEAwsKeyManagementParams generateSSEAwsKeyParams() {
        //Use specified key, otherwise default to default master aws/s3 key by AWS
        SSEAwsKeyManagementParams sseAwsKeyManagementParams = new SSEAwsKeyManagementParams();
        String encryptionKey = getServerSideEncryptionKey(bucket, getConf());
        if (isNotBlank(encryptionKey)) {
            sseAwsKeyManagementParams = new SSEAwsKeyManagementParams(encryptionKey);
        return sseAwsKeyManagementParams;

     * Create the SSE-C structure for the AWS SDK.
     * This will contain a secret extracted from the bucket/configuration.
     * @return the customer key.
    private SSECustomerKey generateSSECustomerKey() {
        SSECustomerKey customerKey = new SSECustomerKey(getServerSideEncryptionKey(bucket, getConf()));
        return customerKey;

     * Perform post-write actions.
     * Calls {@link #deleteUnnecessaryFakeDirectories(Path)} and then
     * {@link S3Guard#addAncestors(MetadataStore, Path, String)}}.
     * This operation MUST be called after any PUT/multipart PUT completes
     * successfully.
     * The operations actions include
     * <ol>
     *   <li>Calling {@link #deleteUnnecessaryFakeDirectories(Path)}</li>
     *   <li>Updating any metadata store with details on the newly created
     *   object.</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param key key written to
     * @param length  total length of file written
    void finishedWrite(String key, long length) {
        LOG.debug("Finished write to {}, len {}", key, length);
        Path p = keyToQualifiedPath(key);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(length >= 0, "content length is negative");

        // See note about failure semantics in S3Guard documentation
        try {
            if (hasMetadataStore()) {
                S3Guard.addAncestors(metadataStore, p, username);
                S3AFileStatus status = createUploadFileStatus(p, S3AUtils.objectRepresentsDirectory(key, length),
                        length, getDefaultBlockSize(p), username);
                S3Guard.putAndReturn(metadataStore, status, instrumentation);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("S3Guard: Error updating MetadataStore for write to {}:", key, e);

     * Delete mock parent directories which are no longer needed.
     * Retry policy: retrying; exceptions swallowed.
     * @param path path
    private void deleteUnnecessaryFakeDirectories(Path path) {
        List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> keysToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
        while (!path.isRoot()) {
            String key = pathToKey(path);
            key = (key.endsWith("/")) ? key : (key + "/");
            LOG.trace("To delete unnecessary fake directory {} for {}", key, path);
            keysToRemove.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(key));
            path = path.getParent();
        try {
            removeKeys(keysToRemove, false, true);
        } catch (AmazonClientException | IOException e) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion kv : keysToRemove) {
                LOG.debug("While deleting keys {} ", sb.toString(), e);

     * Create a fake directory, always ending in "/".
     * Retry policy: retrying; translated.
     * @param objectName name of directory object.
     * @throws IOException IO failure
    private void createFakeDirectory(final String objectName) throws IOException {
        if (!objectName.endsWith("/")) {
            createEmptyObject(objectName + "/");
        } else {

     * Used to create an empty file that represents an empty directory.
     * Retry policy: retrying; translated.
     * @param objectName object to create
     * @throws IOException IO failure
    private void createEmptyObject(final String objectName) throws IOException {
        final InputStream im = new InputStream() {
            public int read() throws IOException {
                return -1;

        PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = newPutObjectRequest(objectName, newObjectMetadata(0L), im);
        invoker.retry("PUT 0-byte object ", objectName, true, () -> putObjectDirect(putObjectRequest));
        incrementPutProgressStatistics(objectName, 0);

     * Creates a copy of the passed {@link ObjectMetadata}.
     * Does so without using the {@link ObjectMetadata#clone()} method,
     * to avoid copying unnecessary headers.
     * @param source the {@link ObjectMetadata} to copy
     * @return a copy of {@link ObjectMetadata} with only relevant attributes
    private ObjectMetadata cloneObjectMetadata(ObjectMetadata source) {
        // This approach may be too brittle, especially if
        // in future there are new attributes added to ObjectMetadata
        // that we do not explicitly call to set here
        ObjectMetadata ret = newObjectMetadata(source.getContentLength());

        // Possibly null attributes
        // Allowing nulls to pass breaks it during later use
        if (source.getCacheControl() != null) {
        if (source.getContentDisposition() != null) {
        if (source.getContentEncoding() != null) {
        if (source.getContentMD5() != null) {
        if (source.getContentType() != null) {
        if (source.getExpirationTime() != null) {
        if (source.getExpirationTimeRuleId() != null) {
        if (source.getHttpExpiresDate() != null) {
        if (source.getLastModified() != null) {
        if (source.getOngoingRestore() != null) {
        if (source.getRestoreExpirationTime() != null) {
        if (source.getSSEAlgorithm() != null) {
        if (source.getSSECustomerAlgorithm() != null) {
        if (source.getSSECustomerKeyMd5() != null) {

        for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : source.getUserMetadata().entrySet()) {
            ret.addUserMetadata(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
        return ret;

     * Return the number of bytes that large input files should be optimally
     * be split into to minimize I/O time.
     * @deprecated use {@link #getDefaultBlockSize(Path)} instead
    public long getDefaultBlockSize() {
        return getConf().getLongBytes(FS_S3A_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE);

    public String toString() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("S3AFileSystem{");
        sb.append(", workingDir=").append(workingDir);
        sb.append(", inputPolicy=").append(inputPolicy);
        sb.append(", partSize=").append(partSize);
        sb.append(", enableMultiObjectsDelete=").append(enableMultiObjectsDelete);
        sb.append(", maxKeys=").append(maxKeys);
        if (cannedACL != null) {
            sb.append(", cannedACL=").append(cannedACL.toString());
        sb.append(", readAhead=").append(readAhead);
        if (getConf() != null) {
            sb.append(", blockSize=").append(getDefaultBlockSize());
        sb.append(", multiPartThreshold=").append(multiPartThreshold);
        if (serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm != null) {
            sb.append(", serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm='").append(serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm).append('\'');
        if (blockFactory != null) {
            sb.append(", blockFactory=").append(blockFactory);
        sb.append(", metastore=").append(metadataStore);
        sb.append(", authoritative=").append(allowAuthoritative);
        sb.append(", useListV1=").append(useListV1);
        if (committerIntegration != null) {
            sb.append(", magicCommitter=").append(isMagicCommitEnabled());
        sb.append(", boundedExecutor=").append(boundedThreadPool);
        sb.append(", unboundedExecutor=").append(unboundedThreadPool);
        sb.append(", credentials=").append(credentials);
        sb.append(", statistics {").append(statistics).append("}");
        if (instrumentation != null) {
            sb.append(", metrics {").append(instrumentation.dump("{", "=", "} ", true)).append("}");
        return sb.toString();

     * Get the partition size for multipart operations.
     * @return the value as set during initialization
    public long getPartitionSize() {
        return partSize;

     * Get the threshold for multipart files.
     * @return the value as set during initialization
    public long getMultiPartThreshold() {
        return multiPartThreshold;

     * Get the maximum key count.
     * @return a value, valid after initialization
    int getMaxKeys() {
        return maxKeys;

     * Is magic commit enabled?
     * @return true if magic commit support is turned on.
    public boolean isMagicCommitEnabled() {
        return committerIntegration.isMagicCommitEnabled();

     * Predicate: is a path a magic commit path?
     * True if magic commit is enabled and the path qualifies as special.
     * @param path path to examine
     * @return true if the path is or is under a magic directory
    public boolean isMagicCommitPath(Path path) {
        return committerIntegration.isMagicCommitPath(path);

     * Increments the statistic {@link Statistic#INVOCATION_GLOB_STATUS}.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern) throws IOException {
        return super.globStatus(pathPattern);

     * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern, PathFilter filter) throws IOException {
        return super.globStatus(pathPattern, filter);

     * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean exists(Path f) throws IOException {
        return super.exists(f);

     * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isDirectory(Path f) throws IOException {
        return super.isDirectory(f);

     * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isFile(Path f) throws IOException {
        return super.isFile(f);

     * When enabled, get the etag of a object at the path via HEAD request and
     * return it as a checksum object.
     * <ol>
     *   <li>If a tag has not changed, consider the object unchanged.</li>
     *   <li>Two tags being different does not imply the data is different.</li>
     * </ol>
     * Different S3 implementations may offer different guarantees.
     * This check is (currently) only made if
     * {@link Constants#ETAG_CHECKSUM_ENABLED} is set; turning it on
     * has caused problems with Distcp (HADOOP-15273).
     * @param f The file path
     * @param length The length of the file range for checksum calculation
     * @return The EtagChecksum or null if checksums are not enabled or supported.
     * @throws IOException IO failure
     * @see <a href="">Common Response Headers</a>
    public EtagChecksum getFileChecksum(Path f, final long length) throws IOException {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(length >= 0);

            Path path = qualify(f);
            LOG.debug("getFileChecksum({})", path);
            return once("getFileChecksum", path.toString(), () -> {
                // this always does a full HEAD to the object
                ObjectMetadata headers = getObjectMetadata(path);
                String eTag = headers.getETag();
                return eTag != null ? new EtagChecksum(eTag) : null;
        } else {
            // disabled
            return null;

     * {@inheritDoc}.
     * This implementation is optimized for S3, which can do a bulk listing
     * off all entries under a path in one single operation. Thus there is
     * no need to recursively walk the directory tree.
     * Instead a {@link ListObjectsRequest} is created requesting a (windowed)
     * listing of all entries under the given path. This is used to construct
     * an {@code ObjectListingIterator} instance, iteratively returning the
     * sequence of lists of elements under the path. This is then iterated
     * over in a {@code FileStatusListingIterator}, which generates
     * {@link S3AFileStatus} instances, one per listing entry.
     * These are then translated into {@link LocatedFileStatus} instances.
     * This is essentially a nested and wrapped set of iterators, with some
     * generator classes; an architecture which may become less convoluted
     * using lambda-expressions.
     * @param f a path
     * @param recursive if the subdirectories need to be traversed recursively
     * @return an iterator that traverses statuses of the files/directories
     *         in the given path
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if {@code path} does not exist
     * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurred
    public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listFiles(Path f, boolean recursive)
            throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        return innerListFiles(f, recursive, new Listing.AcceptFilesOnly(qualify(f)));

    public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listFilesAndEmptyDirectories(Path f, boolean recursive)
            throws IOException {
        return innerListFiles(f, recursive, new Listing.AcceptAllButS3nDirs());

    private RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> innerListFiles(Path f, boolean recursive,
            Listing.FileStatusAcceptor acceptor) throws IOException {
        Path path = qualify(f);
        LOG.debug("listFiles({}, {})", path, recursive);
        try {
            // lookup dir triggers existence check
            final FileStatus fileStatus = getFileStatus(path);
            if (fileStatus.isFile()) {
                // simple case: File
                LOG.debug("Path is a file");
                return new Listing.SingleStatusRemoteIterator(toLocatedFileStatus(fileStatus));
            } else {
                // directory: do a bulk operation
                String key = maybeAddTrailingSlash(pathToKey(path));
                String delimiter = recursive ? null : "/";
                LOG.debug("Requesting all entries under {} with delimiter '{}'", key, delimiter);
                final RemoteIterator<FileStatus> cachedFilesIterator;
                final Set<Path> tombstones;
                if (recursive) {
                    final PathMetadata pm = metadataStore.get(path, true);
                    // shouldn't need to check pm.isDeleted() because that will have
                    // been caught by getFileStatus above.
                    MetadataStoreListFilesIterator metadataStoreListFilesIterator = new MetadataStoreListFilesIterator(
                            metadataStore, pm, allowAuthoritative);
                    tombstones = metadataStoreListFilesIterator.listTombstones();
                    cachedFilesIterator = metadataStoreListFilesIterator;
                } else {
                    DirListingMetadata meta = metadataStore.listChildren(path);
                    if (meta != null) {
                        tombstones = meta.listTombstones();
                    } else {
                        tombstones = null;
                    cachedFilesIterator = listing.createProvidedFileStatusIterator(S3Guard.dirMetaToStatuses(meta),
                            ACCEPT_ALL, acceptor);
                    if (allowAuthoritative && meta != null && meta.isAuthoritative()) {
                        // metadata listing is authoritative, so return it directly
                        return listing.createLocatedFileStatusIterator(cachedFilesIterator);
                return listing.createTombstoneReconcilingIterator(listing.createLocatedFileStatusIterator(
                        listing.createFileStatusListingIterator(path, createListObjectsRequest(key, delimiter),
                                ACCEPT_ALL, acceptor, cachedFilesIterator)),
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            // TODO S3Guard: retry on file not found exception
            throw translateException("listFiles", path, e);

     * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listLocatedStatus(Path f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        return listLocatedStatus(f, ACCEPT_ALL);

     * {@inheritDoc}.
     * S3 Optimized directory listing. The initial operation performs the
     * first bulk listing; extra listings will take place
     * when all the current set of results are used up.
     * @param f a path
     * @param filter a path filter
     * @return an iterator that traverses statuses of the files/directories
     *         in the given path
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if {@code path} does not exist
     * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurred
    @Retries.OnceTranslated("s3guard not retrying")
    public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listLocatedStatus(final Path f, final PathFilter filter)
            throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        Path path = qualify(f);
        LOG.debug("listLocatedStatus({}, {}", path, filter);
        return once("listLocatedStatus", path.toString(), () -> {
            // lookup dir triggers existence check
            final FileStatus fileStatus = getFileStatus(path);
            if (fileStatus.isFile()) {
                // simple case: File
                LOG.debug("Path is a file");
                return new Listing.SingleStatusRemoteIterator(
                        filter.accept(path) ? toLocatedFileStatus(fileStatus) : null);
            } else {
                // directory: trigger a lookup
                final String key = maybeAddTrailingSlash(pathToKey(path));
                final Listing.FileStatusAcceptor acceptor = new Listing.AcceptAllButSelfAndS3nDirs(path);
                DirListingMetadata meta = metadataStore.listChildren(path);
                final RemoteIterator<FileStatus> cachedFileStatusIterator = listing
                        .createProvidedFileStatusIterator(S3Guard.dirMetaToStatuses(meta), filter, acceptor);
                return (allowAuthoritative && meta != null && meta.isAuthoritative())
                        ? listing.createLocatedFileStatusIterator(cachedFileStatusIterator)
                        : listing.createLocatedFileStatusIterator(listing.createFileStatusListingIterator(path,
                                createListObjectsRequest(key, "/"), filter, acceptor, cachedFileStatusIterator));

     * Build a {@link LocatedFileStatus} from a {@link FileStatus} instance.
     * @param status file status
     * @return a located status with block locations set up from this FS.
     * @throws IOException IO Problems.
    LocatedFileStatus toLocatedFileStatus(FileStatus status) throws IOException {
        return new LocatedFileStatus(status,
                status.isFile() ? getFileBlockLocations(status, 0, status.getLen()) : null);

     * List any pending multipart uploads whose keys begin with prefix, using
     * an iterator that can handle an unlimited number of entries.
     * See {@link #listMultipartUploads(String)} for a non-iterator version of
     * this.
     * @param prefix optional key prefix to search
     * @return Iterator over multipart uploads.
     * @throws IOException on failure
    public MultipartUtils.UploadIterator listUploads(@Nullable String prefix) throws IOException {
        return MultipartUtils.listMultipartUploads(s3, invoker, bucket, maxKeys, prefix);

     * Listing all multipart uploads; limited to the first few hundred.
     * See {@link #listUploads(String)} for an iterator-based version that does
     * not limit the number of entries returned.
     * Retry policy: retry, translated.
     * @return a listing of multipart uploads.
     * @param prefix prefix to scan for, "" for none
     * @throws IOException IO failure, including any uprated AmazonClientException
    public List<MultipartUpload> listMultipartUploads(String prefix) throws IOException {
        ListMultipartUploadsRequest request = new ListMultipartUploadsRequest(bucket);
        if (!prefix.isEmpty()) {
            if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) {
                prefix = prefix + "/";

        return invoker.retry("listMultipartUploads", prefix, true,
                () -> s3.listMultipartUploads(request).getMultipartUploads());

     * Abort a multipart upload.
     * Retry policy: none.
     * @param destKey destination key
     * @param uploadId Upload ID
    void abortMultipartUpload(String destKey, String uploadId) {"Aborting multipart upload {} to {}", uploadId, destKey);
        getAmazonS3Client().abortMultipartUpload(new AbortMultipartUploadRequest(getBucket(), destKey, uploadId));

     * Abort a multipart upload.
     * Retry policy: none.
     * @param upload the listed upload to abort.
    void abortMultipartUpload(MultipartUpload upload) {
        String destKey;
        String uploadId;
        destKey = upload.getKey();
        uploadId = upload.getUploadId();
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
            DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
  "Aborting multipart upload {} to {} initiated by {} on {}", uploadId, destKey,
                    upload.getInitiator(), df.format(upload.getInitiated()));
        getAmazonS3Client().abortMultipartUpload(new AbortMultipartUploadRequest(getBucket(), destKey, uploadId));

     * Create a new instance of the committer statistics.
     * @return a new committer statistics instance
    public S3AInstrumentation.CommitterStatistics newCommitterStatistics() {
        return instrumentation.newCommitterStatistics();

     * Return the capabilities of this filesystem instance.
     * @param capability string to query the stream support for.
     * @return whether the FS instance has the capability.
    public boolean hasCapability(String capability) {

        switch (capability.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) {

        case CommitConstants.STORE_CAPABILITY_MAGIC_COMMITTER:
            // capability depends on FS configuration
            return isMagicCommitEnabled();

            return false;

     * Get a shared copy of the AWS credentials, with its reference
     * counter updated.
     * Caller is required to call {@code close()} on this after
     * they have finished using it.
     * @param purpose what is this for? This is initially for logging
     * @return a reference to shared credentials.
    public AWSCredentialProviderList shareCredentials(final String purpose) {
        LOG.debug("Sharing credentials for: {}", purpose);
        return credentials.share();