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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType;


 * Associates a block with the Datanodes that contain its replicas
 * and other block metadata (E.g. the file offset associated with this
 * block, whether it is corrupt, a location is cached in memory,
 * security token, etc).
public class LocatedBlock {

     * Comparator that ensures that a PROVIDED storage type is greater than any
     * other storage type. Any other storage types are considered equal.
    private static class ProvidedLastComparator implements Comparator<DatanodeInfoWithStorage>, Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 6441720011443190984L;

        public int compare(DatanodeInfoWithStorage dns1, DatanodeInfoWithStorage dns2) {
            if (StorageType.PROVIDED.equals(dns1.getStorageType())
                    && !StorageType.PROVIDED.equals(dns2.getStorageType())) {
                return 1;
            if (!StorageType.PROVIDED.equals(dns1.getStorageType())
                    && StorageType.PROVIDED.equals(dns2.getStorageType())) {
                return -1;
            // Storage types of dns1 and dns2 are now both provided or not provided;
            // thus, are essentially equal for the purpose of this comparator.
            return 0;

    private final ExtendedBlock b;
    private long offset; // offset of the first byte of the block in the file
    private final DatanodeInfoWithStorage[] locs;
    /** Cached storage ID for each replica */
    private final String[] storageIDs;
    /** Cached storage type for each replica, if reported. */
    private final StorageType[] storageTypes;
    // corrupt flag is true if all of the replicas of a block are corrupt.
    // else false. If block has few corrupt replicas, they are filtered and
    // their locations are not part of this object
    private boolean corrupt;
    private Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> blockToken = new Token<>();

    // use one instance of the Provided comparator as it uses no state.
    private static ProvidedLastComparator providedLastComparator = new ProvidedLastComparator();
     * List of cached datanode locations
    private DatanodeInfo[] cachedLocs;

    // Used when there are no locations
    static final DatanodeInfoWithStorage[] EMPTY_LOCS = new DatanodeInfoWithStorage[0];

    public LocatedBlock(ExtendedBlock b, DatanodeInfo[] locs) {
        // By default, startOffset is unknown(-1) and corrupt is false.
        this(b, convert(locs, null, null), null, null, -1, false, EMPTY_LOCS);

    public LocatedBlock(ExtendedBlock b, DatanodeInfo[] locs, String[] storageIDs, StorageType[] storageTypes) {
        this(b, convert(locs, storageIDs, storageTypes), storageIDs, storageTypes, -1, false, EMPTY_LOCS);

    public LocatedBlock(ExtendedBlock b, DatanodeInfo[] locs, String[] storageIDs, StorageType[] storageTypes,
            long startOffset, boolean corrupt, DatanodeInfo[] cachedLocs) {
        this(b, convert(locs, storageIDs, storageTypes), storageIDs, storageTypes, startOffset, corrupt,
                null == cachedLocs || 0 == cachedLocs.length ? EMPTY_LOCS : cachedLocs);

    public LocatedBlock(ExtendedBlock b, DatanodeInfoWithStorage[] locs, String[] storageIDs,
            StorageType[] storageTypes, long startOffset, boolean corrupt, DatanodeInfo[] cachedLocs) {
        this.b = b;
        this.offset = startOffset;
        this.corrupt = corrupt;
        this.locs = null == locs ? EMPTY_LOCS : locs;
        this.storageIDs = storageIDs;
        this.storageTypes = storageTypes;
        this.cachedLocs = null == cachedLocs || 0 == cachedLocs.length ? EMPTY_LOCS : cachedLocs;

    private static DatanodeInfoWithStorage[] convert(DatanodeInfo[] infos, String[] storageIDs,
            StorageType[] storageTypes) {
        if (null == infos) {
            return EMPTY_LOCS;

        DatanodeInfoWithStorage[] ret = new DatanodeInfoWithStorage[infos.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
            ret[i] = new DatanodeInfoWithStorage(infos[i], storageIDs != null ? storageIDs[i] : null,
                    storageTypes != null ? storageTypes[i] : null);
        return ret;

    public Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> getBlockToken() {
        return blockToken;

    public void setBlockToken(Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> token) {
        this.blockToken = token;

    public ExtendedBlock getBlock() {
        return b;

     * Returns the locations associated with this block. The returned array is not
     * expected to be modified. If it is, caller must immediately invoke
     * {@link org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock#updateCachedStorageInfo}
     * to update the cached Storage ID/Type arrays.
    public DatanodeInfo[] getLocations() {
        return locs;

    public StorageType[] getStorageTypes() {
        return storageTypes;

    public String[] getStorageIDs() {
        return storageIDs;

     * Updates the cached StorageID and StorageType information. Must be
     * called when the locations array is modified.
    public void updateCachedStorageInfo() {
        if (storageIDs != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < locs.length; i++) {
                storageIDs[i] = locs[i].getStorageID();
        if (storageTypes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < locs.length; i++) {
                storageTypes[i] = locs[i].getStorageType();

     * Moves all locations that have {@link StorageType}
     * {@code PROVIDED} to the end of the locations array without
     * changing the relative ordering of the remaining locations
     * Only the first {@code activeLen} locations are considered.
     * The caller must immediately invoke {@link
     * org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock#updateCachedStorageInfo}
     * to update the cached Storage ID/Type arrays.
     * @param activeLen
    public void moveProvidedToEnd(int activeLen) {

        if (activeLen <= 0) {
        // as this is a stable sort, for elements that are equal,
        // the current order of the elements is maintained
        Arrays.sort(locs, 0, (activeLen < locs.length) ? activeLen : locs.length, providedLastComparator);

    public long getStartOffset() {
        return offset;

    public long getBlockSize() {
        return b.getNumBytes();

    public void setStartOffset(long value) {
        this.offset = value;

    public void setCorrupt(boolean corrupt) {
        this.corrupt = corrupt;

    public boolean isCorrupt() {
        return this.corrupt;

     * Add a the location of a cached replica of the block.
     * @param loc of datanode with the cached replica
    public void addCachedLoc(DatanodeInfo loc) {
        List<DatanodeInfo> cachedList = Lists.newArrayList(cachedLocs);
        if (cachedList.contains(loc)) {
        // Try to re-use a DatanodeInfo already in loc
        for (DatanodeInfoWithStorage di : locs) {
            if (loc.equals(di)) {
                cachedLocs = cachedList.toArray(cachedLocs);
        // Not present in loc, add it and go
        Preconditions.checkArgument(cachedLocs != EMPTY_LOCS,
                "Cached locations should only be added when having a backing" + " disk replica!", loc, locs.length,
        cachedLocs = cachedList.toArray(cachedLocs);

     * @return Datanodes with a cached block replica
    public DatanodeInfo[] getCachedLocations() {
        return cachedLocs;

    public String toString() {
        return getClass().getSimpleName() + "{" + b + "; getBlockSize()=" + getBlockSize() + "; corrupt=" + corrupt
                + "; offset=" + offset + "; locs=" + Arrays.asList(locs) + "}";

    public boolean isStriped() {
        return false;

    public BlockType getBlockType() {
        return BlockType.CONTIGUOUS;