Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol;


import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.CheckpointSignature;

 * Protocol that a secondary NameNode uses to communicate with the NameNode.
 * Also used by external storage policy satisfier. It's used to get part of the
 * name node state
@KerberosInfo(serverPrincipal = DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_KEY)
public interface NamenodeProtocol {
     * Until version 6L, this class served as both
     * the client interface to the NN AND the RPC protocol used to 
     * communicate with the NN.
     * This class is used by both the DFSClient and the 
     * NN server side to insulate from the protocol serialization.
     * If you are adding/changing NN's interface then you need to 
     * change both this class and ALSO related protocol buffer
     * wire protocol definition in NamenodeProtocol.proto.
     * For more details on protocol buffer wire protocol, please see 
     * .../org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/protocolPB/overview.html
     * 6: Switch to txid-based file naming for image and edits
    public static final long versionID = 6L;

    // Error codes passed by errorReport().
    final static int NOTIFY = 0;
    final static int FATAL = 1;

    public final static int ACT_UNKNOWN = 0; // unknown action   
    public final static int ACT_SHUTDOWN = 50; // shutdown node
    public final static int ACT_CHECKPOINT = 51; // do checkpoint

     * Get a list of blocks belonging to <code>datanode</code>
     * whose total size equals <code>size</code>.
     * @see org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Balancer
     * @param datanode  a data node
     * @param size      requested size
     * @param minBlockSize each block should be of this minimum Block Size
     * @return          a list of blocks & their locations
     * @throws IOException if size is less than or equal to 0 or
    datanode does not exist
    BlocksWithLocations getBlocks(DatanodeInfo datanode, long size, long minBlockSize) throws IOException;

     * Get the current block keys
     * @return ExportedBlockKeys containing current block keys
     * @throws IOException 
    public ExportedBlockKeys getBlockKeys() throws IOException;

     * @return The most recent transaction ID that has been synced to
     * persistent storage, or applied from persistent storage in the
     * case of a non-active node.
     * @throws IOException
    public long getTransactionID() throws IOException;

     * Get the transaction ID of the most recent checkpoint.
    public long getMostRecentCheckpointTxId() throws IOException;

     * Closes the current edit log and opens a new one. The 
     * call fails if the file system is in SafeMode.
     * @throws IOException
     * @return a unique token to identify this transaction.
    public CheckpointSignature rollEditLog() throws IOException;

     * Request name-node version and storage information.
     * @return {@link NamespaceInfo} identifying versions and storage information 
     *          of the name-node
     * @throws IOException
    public NamespaceInfo versionRequest() throws IOException;

     * Report to the active name-node an error occurred on a subordinate node.
     * Depending on the error code the active node may decide to unregister the
     * reporting node.
     * @param registration requesting node.
     * @param errorCode indicates the error
     * @param msg free text description of the error
     * @throws IOException
    public void errorReport(NamenodeRegistration registration, int errorCode, String msg) throws IOException;

     * Register a subordinate name-node like backup node.
     * @return  {@link NamenodeRegistration} of the node,
     *          which this node has just registered with.
    public NamenodeRegistration registerSubordinateNamenode(NamenodeRegistration registration) throws IOException;

     * A request to the active name-node to start a checkpoint.
     * The name-node should decide whether to admit it or reject.
     * The name-node also decides what should be done with the backup node
     * image before and after the checkpoint.
     * @see CheckpointCommand
     * @see NamenodeCommand
     * @see #ACT_SHUTDOWN
     * @param registration the requesting node
     * @return {@link CheckpointCommand} if checkpoint is allowed.
     * @throws IOException
    public NamenodeCommand startCheckpoint(NamenodeRegistration registration) throws IOException;

     * A request to the active name-node to finalize
     * previously started checkpoint.
     * @param registration the requesting node
     * @param sig {@code CheckpointSignature} which identifies the checkpoint.
     * @throws IOException
    public void endCheckpoint(NamenodeRegistration registration, CheckpointSignature sig) throws IOException;

     * Return a structure containing details about all edit logs
     * available to be fetched from the NameNode.
     * @param sinceTxId return only logs that contain transactions >= sinceTxId
    public RemoteEditLogManifest getEditLogManifest(long sinceTxId) throws IOException;

     * @return Whether the NameNode is in upgrade state (false) or not (true)
    public boolean isUpgradeFinalized() throws IOException;

     * return whether the Namenode is rolling upgrade in progress (true) or
     * not (false).
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    boolean isRollingUpgrade() throws IOException;

     * @return Gets the next available sps path, otherwise null. This API used
     *         by External SPS.
    Long getNextSPSPath() throws IOException;