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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.cache;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf.ConfVars;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.metrics.LlapDaemonCacheMetrics;
import org.apache.hive.common.util.FixedSizedObjectPool;

public final class BuddyAllocator implements EvictionAwareAllocator, BuddyAllocatorMXBean, LlapOomDebugDump {
    private final Arena[] arenas;
    private final AtomicInteger allocatedArenas = new AtomicInteger(0);

    private final MemoryManager memoryManager;
    private static final long MAX_DUMP_INTERVAL_NS = 300 * 1000000000L; // 5 minutes.
    private final AtomicLong lastLog = new AtomicLong(-1);
    private final LlapDaemonCacheMetrics metrics;
    private static final int MAX_DISCARD_ATTEMPTS = 10, LOG_DISCARD_ATTEMPTS = 5;

    // Config settings
    private final int minAllocLog2, maxAllocLog2, arenaSizeLog2, maxArenas;
    private final int minAllocation, maxAllocation, arenaSize;
    private final long maxSize;
    private final boolean isDirect;
    private final boolean isMapped;
    private final Path cacheDir;

    // These are only used for tests.
    private boolean enableDefragShortcut = true, oomLogging = true;

    // We don't know the acceptable size for Java array, so we'll use 1Gb boundary.
    // That is guaranteed to fit any maximum allocation.
    private static final int MAX_ARENA_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
    // Don't try to operate with less than MIN_SIZE allocator space, it will just give you grief.
    private static final int MIN_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
    // Maximum reasonable defragmentation headroom. Mostly kicks in on very small caches.
    private static final float MAX_DEFRAG_HEADROOM_FRACTION = 0.01f;

    private static final FileAttribute<Set<PosixFilePermission>> RWX = PosixFilePermissions
    private final AtomicLong[] defragCounters;
    private final boolean doUseFreeListDiscard, doUseBruteDiscard;
    private final FixedSizedObjectPool<DiscardContext> ctxPool;
    private final static boolean assertsEnabled = areAssertsEnabled();

    public BuddyAllocator(Configuration conf, MemoryManager mm, LlapDaemonCacheMetrics metrics) {
        this(HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_DIRECT),
                HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_MAPPED),
                (int) HiveConf.getSizeVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_MIN_ALLOC),
                (int) HiveConf.getSizeVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_MAX_ALLOC),
                HiveConf.getIntVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_ARENA_COUNT), getMaxTotalMemorySize(conf),
                HiveConf.getSizeVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_DEFRAG_HEADROOM),
                HiveConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_MAPPED_PATH), mm, metrics,
                HiveConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_DISCARD_METHOD));

    private static boolean areAssertsEnabled() {
        boolean assertsEnabled = false;
        assert assertsEnabled = true;
        return assertsEnabled;

    private static long getMaxTotalMemorySize(Configuration conf) {
        long maxSize = HiveConf.getSizeVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_IO_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE);
        if (maxSize > MIN_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE || HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_IN_TEST)) {
            return maxSize;
        throw new RuntimeException("Allocator space is too small for reasonable operation; "
                + ConfVars.LLAP_IO_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE.varname + "=" + maxSize + ", but at least "
                + MIN_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE + " is required. If you cannot spare any memory, you can "
                + "disable LLAP IO entirely via " + ConfVars.LLAP_IO_ENABLED.varname);

    public BuddyAllocator(boolean isDirectVal, boolean isMappedVal, int minAllocVal, int maxAllocVal,
            int arenaCount, long maxSizeVal, long defragHeadroom, String mapPath, MemoryManager memoryManager,
            LlapDaemonCacheMetrics metrics, String discardMethod) {
        isDirect = isDirectVal;
        isMapped = isMappedVal;
        minAllocation = minAllocVal;
        maxAllocation = maxAllocVal;
        if (isMapped) {
            try {
                cacheDir = Files.createTempDirectory(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(mapPath), "llap-", RWX);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // conf validator already checks this, so it will never trigger usually
                throw new AssertionError("Configured mmap directory should be writable", ioe);
        } else {
            cacheDir = null;

        arenaSize = validateAndDetermineArenaSize(arenaCount, maxSizeVal);
        maxSize = validateAndDetermineMaxSize(maxSizeVal);
        memoryManager.updateMaxSize(determineMaxMmSize(defragHeadroom, maxSize));

        minAllocLog2 = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(minAllocation);
        maxAllocLog2 = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(maxAllocation);
        arenaSizeLog2 = 63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(arenaSize);
        maxArenas = (int) (maxSize / arenaSize);
        arenas = new Arena[maxArenas];
        for (int i = 0; i < maxArenas; ++i) {
            arenas[i] = new Arena();
        Arena firstArena = arenas[0];
        this.memoryManager = memoryManager;
        defragCounters = new AtomicLong[maxAllocLog2 - minAllocLog2 + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < defragCounters.length; ++i) {
            defragCounters[i] = new AtomicLong(0);
        this.metrics = metrics;
        boolean isBoth = null == discardMethod || "both".equalsIgnoreCase(discardMethod);
        doUseFreeListDiscard = isBoth || "freelist".equalsIgnoreCase(discardMethod);
        doUseBruteDiscard = isBoth || "brute".equalsIgnoreCase(discardMethod);
        ctxPool = new FixedSizedObjectPool<DiscardContext>(32,
                new FixedSizedObjectPool.PoolObjectHelper<DiscardContext>() {
                    public DiscardContext create() {
                        return new DiscardContext();

                    public void resetBeforeOffer(DiscardContext t) {

    public long determineMaxMmSize(long defragHeadroom, long maxMmSize) {
        if (defragHeadroom > 0) {
            long maxHeadroom = (long) Math.floor(maxSize * MAX_DEFRAG_HEADROOM_FRACTION);
            defragHeadroom = Math.min(maxHeadroom, defragHeadroom);
  "Leaving " + defragHeadroom + " of defragmentation headroom");
            maxMmSize -= defragHeadroom;
        return maxMmSize;

    public long validateAndDetermineMaxSize(long maxSizeVal) {
        if ((maxSizeVal % arenaSize) > 0) {
            long oldMaxSize = maxSizeVal;
            maxSizeVal = (maxSizeVal / arenaSize) * arenaSize;
            LlapIoImpl.LOG.warn("Rounding cache size to " + maxSizeVal + " from " + oldMaxSize
                    + " to be divisible by arena size " + arenaSize);
        if ((maxSizeVal / arenaSize) > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Too many arenas needed to allocate the cache: " + arenaSize + ", " + maxSizeVal);
        return maxSizeVal;

    public int validateAndDetermineArenaSize(int arenaCount, long maxSizeVal) {
        long arenaSizeVal = (arenaCount == 0) ? MAX_ARENA_SIZE : maxSizeVal / arenaCount;
        // The math.min, and the fact that maxAllocation is an int, ensures we don't overflow.
        arenaSizeVal = Math.max(maxAllocation, Math.min(arenaSizeVal, MAX_ARENA_SIZE));
        if (LlapIoImpl.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "Buddy allocator with " + (isDirect ? "direct" : "byte") + " buffers; "
                    + (isMapped ? ("memory mapped off " + cacheDir.toString() + "; ") : "") + "allocation sizes "
                    + minAllocation + " - " + maxAllocation + ", arena size " + arenaSizeVal + ", total size "
                    + maxSizeVal);

        String minName = ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_MIN_ALLOC.varname,
                maxName = ConfVars.LLAP_ALLOCATOR_MAX_ALLOC.varname;
        if (minAllocation < 8) {
            throw new RuntimeException(minName + " must be at least 8 bytes: " + minAllocation);
        if (maxSizeVal < maxAllocation || maxAllocation < minAllocation) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistent sizes; expecting " + minName + " <= " + maxName + " <= "
                    + ConfVars.LLAP_IO_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE.varname + "; configured with min=" + minAllocation + ", max="
                    + maxAllocation + " and total=" + maxSizeVal);
        if ((Integer.bitCount(minAllocation) != 1) || (Integer.bitCount(maxAllocation) != 1)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Allocation sizes must be powers of two; configured with " + minName + "="
                    + minAllocation + ", " + maxName + "=" + maxAllocation);
        if ((arenaSizeVal % maxAllocation) > 0) {
            long oldArenaSize = arenaSizeVal;
            arenaSizeVal = (arenaSizeVal / maxAllocation) * maxAllocation;
            LlapIoImpl.LOG.warn("Rounding arena size to " + arenaSizeVal + " from " + oldArenaSize
                    + " to be divisible by allocation size " + maxAllocation);
        return (int) arenaSizeVal;

    public void allocateMultiple(MemoryBuffer[] dest, int size) throws AllocatorOutOfMemoryException {
        allocateMultiple(dest, size, null);

    // TODO: would it make sense to return buffers asynchronously?
    public void allocateMultiple(MemoryBuffer[] dest, int size, BufferObjectFactory factory)
            throws AllocatorOutOfMemoryException {
        assert size > 0 : "size is " + size;
        if (size > maxAllocation) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Trying to allocate " + size + "; max is " + maxAllocation);
        int freeListIx = determineFreeListForAllocation(size);
        int allocLog2 = freeListIx + minAllocLog2;
        int allocationSize = 1 << allocLog2;

        // If using async, we could also reserve one by one.
        memoryManager.reserveMemory(dest.length << allocLog2);
        for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; ++i) {
            if (dest[i] != null)
            // Note: this is backward compat only. Should be removed with createUnallocated.
            dest[i] = factory != null ? factory.create() : createUnallocated();

        // First try to quickly lock some of the correct-sized free lists and allocate from them.
        int arenaCount = allocatedArenas.get();
        if (arenaCount < 0) {
            arenaCount = -arenaCount - 1; // Next arena is being allocated.

        // Note: we might want to be smarter if threadId-s are low and there more arenas than threads.
        long threadId = arenaCount > 1 ? Thread.currentThread().getId() : 0;
        int destAllocIx = allocateFast(dest, null, 0, dest.length, freeListIx, allocationSize,
                (int) (threadId % arenaCount), arenaCount);
        if (destAllocIx == dest.length)

        // We called reserveMemory so we know that there's memory waiting for us somewhere.
        // However, we have a class of rare race conditions related to the order of locking/checking of
        // different allocation areas. Simple case - say we have 2 arenas, 256Kb available in arena 2.
        // We look at arena 1; someone deallocs 256Kb from arena 1 and allocs the same from arena 2;
        // we look at arena 2 and find no memory. Or, for single arena, 2 threads reserve 256k each,
        // and a single 1Mb block is available. When the 1st thread locks the 1Mb freelist, the 2nd one
        // might have already examined the 256k and 512k lists, finding nothing. Blocks placed by (1)
        // into smaller lists after its split is done will not be found by (2); given that freelist
        // locks don't overlap, (2) may even run completely between the time (1) takes out the 1Mb
        // block and the time it returns the remaining 768Kb.
        // Two solutions to this are some form of cross-thread helping (threads putting "demand"
        // into some sort of queues that deallocate and split will examine), or having and "actor"
        // allocator thread (or threads per arena).
        // The 2nd one is probably much simpler and will allow us to get rid of a lot of sync code.
        // But for now we will just retry. We will evict more each time.
        int attempt = 0;
        boolean isFailed = false;
        int memoryForceReleased = 0;
        try {
            int discardFailed = 0;
            while (true) {
                // Try to split bigger blocks.
                int startArenaIx = (int) ((threadId + attempt) % arenaCount);
                destAllocIx = allocateWithSplit(dest, null, destAllocIx, dest.length, freeListIx, allocationSize,
                        startArenaIx, arenaCount, -1);
                if (destAllocIx == dest.length)

                if (attempt == 0) {
                    // Try to allocate memory if we haven't allocated all the way to maxSize yet; very rare.
                    destAllocIx = allocateWithExpand(dest, destAllocIx, freeListIx, allocationSize, arenaCount);
                    if (destAllocIx == dest.length)

                // Try to force-evict the fragments of the requisite size.
                boolean hasDiscardedAny = false;
                DiscardContext ctx = ctxPool.take();
                try {
                    // Brute force may discard up to twice as many buffers.
                    int maxListSize = 1 << (doUseBruteDiscard ? freeListIx : (freeListIx - 1));
                    int requiredBlocks = dest.length - destAllocIx;
                    ctx.init(maxListSize, requiredBlocks);
                    // First, try to use the blocks of half size in every arena.
                    if (doUseFreeListDiscard && freeListIx > 0) {
                        discardBlocksBasedOnFreeLists(freeListIx, startArenaIx, arenaCount, ctx);
                        memoryForceReleased += ctx.memoryReleased;
                        hasDiscardedAny = ctx.resultCount > 0;
                        destAllocIx = allocateFromDiscardResult(dest, destAllocIx, freeListIx, allocationSize, ctx);
                        if (destAllocIx == dest.length)
                    // Then, try the brute force search for something to throw away.
                    if (doUseBruteDiscard) {
                        discardBlocksBruteForce(freeListIx, startArenaIx, arenaCount, ctx);
                        memoryForceReleased += ctx.memoryReleased;
                        hasDiscardedAny = hasDiscardedAny || (ctx.resultCount > 0);
                        destAllocIx = allocateFromDiscardResult(dest, destAllocIx, freeListIx, allocationSize, ctx);

                        if (destAllocIx == dest.length)
                } finally {
                if (hasDiscardedAny) {
                    discardFailed = 0;
                } else if (++discardFailed > MAX_DISCARD_ATTEMPTS) {
                    String msg = "Failed to allocate " + size + "; at " + destAllocIx + " out of " + dest.length
                            + " (entire cache is fragmented and locked, or an internal issue)";
                    isFailed = true;
                    throw new AllocatorOutOfMemoryException(msg);
        } finally {
            if (!isFailed && attempt >= LOG_DISCARD_ATTEMPTS) {
      "Allocation of " + dest.length + " buffers of size " + size + " took " + attempt
                        + " attempts to free enough memory; force-released " + memoryForceReleased);

    /** The context for the forced eviction of buffers. */
    private static final class DiscardContext {
        long[] results;
        int resultCount;
        int memoryReleased;

         * The headers for blocks we've either locked to move (if allocated), or have taken out
         * of the free lists (if not) so that nobody allocates them while we are freeing space.
         * All the headers will be from the arena currently being processed.
        int[] victimHeaders;
        int victimCount; // The count of the elements of the above that are set.

         * List-based: the base free buffers that will be paired with the space freed from
         * victimHeaders to create the buffers of allocation size.
         * Brute force: the buffers (that do not exist as separate buffers) composed of victimHeaders
         * buffers; the future result buffers.
         * All the headers will be from the arena currently being processed.
        int[] baseHeaders;
        int baseCount; // The count of the elements of the above that are set.

         * How many more results (or base headers) do we need to find?
         * This object is reused between arenas; this is the only counter that is preserved.
        int remainingToFind;

        /** The headers from abandoned moved attempts that cannot yet be returned to the
         * free lists, or unlocked due to some lock being held and deadlock potential. */
        int[] abandonedHeaders;
        int abandonedCount;

        void init(int headersPerOneReq, int reqCount) {
            remainingToFind = reqCount;
            if (results == null || results.length < reqCount) {
                results = new long[reqCount];
                baseHeaders = new int[reqCount];
            int maxVictimCount = headersPerOneReq * reqCount;
            if (victimHeaders == null || victimHeaders.length < maxVictimCount) {
                victimHeaders = new int[maxVictimCount];

        void resetResults() {
            resultCount = memoryReleased = 0;

        void resetBetweenArenas() {
            // Reset everything for the next arena; assume everything has been cleaned.
            victimCount = baseCount = abandonedCount = 0;

        public void addResult(int arenaIx, int freeHeaderIx) {
            results[resultCount] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, freeHeaderIx);

        public void addBaseHeader(int headerIx) {
            baseHeaders[baseCount] = headerIx;

        public String toString() {
            return "[victimHeaders=" + Arrays.toString(victimHeaders) + ", victimCount=" + victimCount
                    + ", baseHeaders=" + Arrays.toString(baseHeaders) + ", baseCount=" + baseCount
                    + ", remainingToFind=" + remainingToFind + "]";

    private void discardBlocksBasedOnFreeLists(int freeListIx, int startArenaIx, int arenaCount,
            DiscardContext ctx) {
        // The free list level the blocks from which we need to merge.
        final int mergeListIx = freeListIx - 1;

        // Try to allocate using base-buffer approach from each arena.
        int arenaIx = startArenaIx;
        do {
            Arena arena = arenas[arenaIx];
            // Reserve blocks in this arena that would empty the sections of requisite size.
            arena.reserveDiscardBlocksBasedOnFreeList(mergeListIx, ctx);
            // Discard the blocks.
            discardFromCtxBasedOnFreeList(arena, ctx, freeListIx);

            if (ctx.remainingToFind == 0)
                return; // Reserved as much as we needed.
            arenaIx = getNextIx(arenaIx, arenaCount, 1);
        } while (arenaIx != startArenaIx);

    private void discardBlocksBruteForce(int freeListIx, int startArenaIx, int arenaCount, DiscardContext ctx) {
        // We are going to use this counter as a pseudo-random number for the start of the search.
        // This is to avoid churning at the beginning of the arena all the time.
        long counter = defragCounters[freeListIx].incrementAndGet();
        // How many blocks of this size comprise an arena.
        int positionsPerArena = 1 << (arenaSizeLog2 - (minAllocLog2 + freeListIx));
        // Compute the pseudo-random position from the above, then derive the actual header.
        int startHeaderIx = ((int) (counter % positionsPerArena)) << freeListIx;

        // Try to allocate using brute force approach from each arena.
        int arenaIx = startArenaIx;
        do {
            Arena arena = arenas[arenaIx];
            // Reserve blocks in this arena that would empty the sections of requisite size.
            arena.reserveDiscardBruteForce(freeListIx, ctx, startHeaderIx);
            // Discard the blocks.
            discardFromCtxBruteForce(arena, ctx, freeListIx);

            if (ctx.remainingToFind == 0)
                return; // Reserved as much as we needed.
            arenaIx = getNextIx(arenaIx, arenaCount, 1);
        } while (arenaIx != startArenaIx);

     * Frees up memory by deallocating based on base and victim buffers in MoveContext.
     * @param freeListIx The list for which the blocks are being merged.
    private void discardFromCtxBasedOnFreeList(Arena arena, DiscardContext ctx, int freeListIx) {
        // Discard all the locked blocks.
        discardAllBuffersFromCtx(arena, ctx);
        // Finalize the headers.
        for (int baseIx = ctx.baseCount - 1; baseIx >= 0; --baseIx) {
            int baseHeaderIx = ctx.baseHeaders[baseIx];
            int minHeaderIx = Math.min(baseHeaderIx, getBuddyHeaderIx(freeListIx - 1, baseHeaderIx));
            finalizeDiscardResult(arena, ctx, freeListIx, minHeaderIx);

     * Frees up memory by deallocating based on base and victim buffers in MoveContext.
     * @param freeListIx The list for which the blocks are being merged.
    private void discardFromCtxBruteForce(Arena arena, DiscardContext ctx, int freeListIx) {
        // Discard all the locked blocks.
        discardAllBuffersFromCtx(arena, ctx);
        // Finalize the headers.
        for (int baseIx = ctx.baseCount - 1; baseIx >= 0; --baseIx) {
            finalizeDiscardResult(arena, ctx, freeListIx, ctx.baseHeaders[baseIx]);

     * Sets the headers correctly for a newly-freed buffer after discarding stuff.
    private void finalizeDiscardResult(Arena arena, DiscardContext ctx, int freeListIx, int newlyFreeHeaderIx) {
        int maxHeaderIx = newlyFreeHeaderIx + (1 << freeListIx);
        if (assertsEnabled) {
            arena.checkHeader(newlyFreeHeaderIx, -1, true);
        arena.unsetHeaders(newlyFreeHeaderIx + 1, maxHeaderIx, CasLog.Src.CLEARED_VICTIM);
        // Set the leftmost header of the base and its buddy (that are now being merged).
        arena.setHeaderNoBufAlloc(newlyFreeHeaderIx, freeListIx, CasLog.Src.NEWLY_CLEARED);
        ctx.addResult(arena.arenaIx, newlyFreeHeaderIx);

     * Discards all the victim buffers in the context.
    private void discardAllBuffersFromCtx(Arena arena, DiscardContext ctx) {
        for (int victimIx = 0; victimIx < ctx.victimCount; ++victimIx) {
            int victimHeaderIx = ctx.victimHeaders[victimIx];
            // Note: no location check here; the buffer is always locked for move.
            LlapAllocatorBuffer buf = arena.buffers[victimHeaderIx];
            if (buf == null)
            if (assertsEnabled) {
                arena.checkHeader(victimHeaderIx, -1, true);
                byte header = arena.headers[victimHeaderIx];
                assertBufferLooksValid(freeListFromHeader(header), buf, arena.arenaIx, victimHeaderIx);
            // We do not modify the header here; the caller will use this space.
            arena.buffers[victimHeaderIx] = null;
            long memUsage = buf.getMemoryUsage();
            Boolean result = buf.endDiscard();
            if (result == null) {
                ctx.memoryReleased += memUsage; // We have essentially deallocated this.
            } else if (result) {
                // There was a parallel deallocate; it didn't account for the memory.
            } else {
                // There was a parallel cache eviction - the evictor is accounting for the memory.

     * Unlocks the buffer after the discard has been abandoned.
    private void cancelDiscard(LlapAllocatorBuffer buf, int arenaIx, int headerIx) {
        Boolean result = buf.cancelDiscard();
        if (result == null)
        // If the result is not null, the buffer was evicted during the move.
        if (result) {
            long memUsage = buf.getMemoryUsage(); // Release memory - simple deallocation.
            arenas[arenaIx].deallocate(buf, true);
        } else {
            arenas[arenaIx].deallocate(buf, true); // No need to release memory - cache eviction.

     * Tries to allocate destCount - destIx blocks, using best-effort fast allocation.
     * @param dest Option 1 - memory allocated is stored in these buffers.
     * @param destHeaders Option 2 - memory allocated is reserved and headers returned via this.
     * @param destIx The start index in either array where allocations are to be saved.
     * @param destCount The end index in either array where allocations are to be saved.
     * @param freeListIx The free list from which to allocate.
     * @param allocSize Allocation size.
     * @param startArenaIx From which arena to start allocating.
     * @param arenaCount The active arena count.
     * @return The index in the array until which the memory has been allocated.
    private int allocateFast(MemoryBuffer[] dest, long[] destHeaders, int destIx, int destCount, int freeListIx,
            int allocSize, int startArenaIx, int arenaCount) {
        int index = startArenaIx;
        do {
            int newDestIx = arenas[index].allocateFast(freeListIx, dest, destHeaders, destIx, destCount, allocSize);
            if (newDestIx == destCount)
                return newDestIx;
            assert newDestIx != -1;
            destIx = newDestIx;
            index = getNextIx(index, arenaCount, 1);
        } while (index != startArenaIx);
        return destIx;

      * Tries to allocate destCount - destIx blocks by allocating new arenas, if needed. Same args
      * as allocateFast, except the allocations start at arenaCount (the first unallocated arena).
    private int allocateWithExpand(MemoryBuffer[] dest, int destIx, int freeListIx, int allocSize, int arenaCount) {
        for (int arenaIx = arenaCount; arenaIx < arenas.length; ++arenaIx) {
            destIx = arenas[arenaIx].allocateWithExpand(arenaIx, freeListIx, dest, destIx, allocSize);
            if (destIx == dest.length)
                return destIx;
        return destIx;

     * Tries to allocate destCount - destIx blocks, waiting for locks and splitting the larger
     * blocks if the correct sized blocks are not available. Args the same as allocateFast.
    private int allocateWithSplit(MemoryBuffer[] dest, long[] destHeaders, int destIx, int destCount,
            int freeListIx, int allocSize, int startArenaIx, int arenaCount, int maxSplitFreeListIx) {
        int arenaIx = startArenaIx;
        do {
            int newDestIx = arenas[arenaIx].allocateWithSplit(freeListIx, dest, destHeaders, destIx, destCount,
                    allocSize, maxSplitFreeListIx);
            if (newDestIx == destCount)
                return newDestIx;
            assert newDestIx != -1;
            destIx = newDestIx;
            arenaIx = getNextIx(arenaIx, arenaCount, 1);
        } while (arenaIx != startArenaIx);
        return destIx;

     * Tries to allocate destCount - destIx blocks after the forced eviction of some other buffers.
     * Args the same as allocateFast.
    private int allocateFromDiscardResult(MemoryBuffer[] dest, int destAllocIx, int freeListIx, int allocationSize,
            DiscardContext discardResult) {
        for (int i = 0; i < discardResult.resultCount; ++i) {
            long result = discardResult.results[i];
            destAllocIx = arenas[getFirstInt(result)].allocateFromDiscard(dest, destAllocIx, getSecondInt(result),
                    freeListIx, allocationSize);
        return destAllocIx;

    private void logOomErrorMessage(String msg) {
        if (!oomLogging)
        while (true) {
            long time = System.nanoTime();
            long lastTime = lastLog.get();
            // Magic value usage is invalid with nanoTime, so once in a 1000 years we may log extra.
            boolean shouldLog = (lastTime == -1 || (time - lastTime) > MAX_DUMP_INTERVAL_NS);
            if (shouldLog && !lastLog.compareAndSet(lastTime, time)) {
            if (shouldLog) {
                LlapIoImpl.LOG.error(msg + debugDumpForOomInternal());
            } else {

    * Arbitrarily, we start getting the state from Allocator. Allocator calls MM which calls
    * the policies that call the eviction dispatcher that calls the caches. See init - these all
    * are connected in a cycle, so we need to make sure the who-calls-whom order is definite.
    public void debugDumpShort(StringBuilder sb) {
        sb.append("\nDefrag counters: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < defragCounters.length; ++i) {
            sb.append(defragCounters[i].get()).append(", ");
        sb.append("\nAllocator state:");
        int unallocCount = 0, fullCount = 0;
        long totalFree = 0;
        for (Arena arena : arenas) {
            Integer result = arena.debugDumpShort(sb);
            if (result == null) {
            } else if (result == 0) {
            } else {
                totalFree += result;
        sb.append("\nTotal available and allocated: ").append(totalFree).append("; unallocated arenas: ")
                .append(unallocCount).append("; full arenas ").append(fullCount);

    public void deallocate(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
        LlapAllocatorBuffer buf = (LlapAllocatorBuffer) buffer;
        int arenaToRelease = buf.invalidateAndRelease();
        if (arenaToRelease < 0)
            return; // The block is being moved; the move will release memory.
        long memUsage = buf.getMemoryUsage();
        arenas[arenaToRelease].deallocate(buf, false);

    public void deallocateEvicted(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
        LlapAllocatorBuffer buf = (LlapAllocatorBuffer) buffer;
        assert buf.isInvalid();
        int arenaToRelease = buf.releaseInvalidated();
        if (arenaToRelease < 0)
            return; // The block is being moved; the move will release memory.
        arenas[arenaToRelease].deallocate(buf, false);
        // Note: for deallocateEvicted, we do not release the memory to memManager; it may
        // happen that the evictor tries to use the allowance before the move finishes.
        // Retrying/more defrag should take care of that.

    public boolean isDirectAlloc() {
        return isDirect;

    private ByteBuffer preallocateArenaBuffer(int arenaSize) {
        if (isMapped) {
            RandomAccessFile rwf = null;
            File rf = null;
            Preconditions.checkArgument(isDirect, "All memory mapped allocations have to be direct buffers");
            try {
                rf = File.createTempFile("arena-", ".cache", cacheDir.toFile());
                rwf = new RandomAccessFile(rf, "rw");
                rwf.setLength(arenaSize); // truncate (TODO: posix_fallocate?)
                // Use RW, not PRIVATE because the copy-on-write is irrelevant for a deleted file
                // see discussion in YARN-5551 for the memory accounting discussion
                ByteBuffer rwbuf = rwf.getChannel().map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, 0, arenaSize);
                return rwbuf;
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                LlapIoImpl.LOG.warn("Failed trying to allocate memory mapped arena", ioe);
                // fail similarly when memory allocations fail
                throw new OutOfMemoryError("Failed trying to allocate memory mapped arena: " + ioe.getMessage());
            } finally {
                // A mapping, once established, is not dependent upon the file channel that was used to
                // create it. delete file and hold onto the map
                if (rf != null) {
        return isDirect ? ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(arenaSize) : ByteBuffer.allocate(arenaSize);

    private class Arena {
        private static final int FAILED_TO_RESERVE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        private int arenaIx;
        private ByteBuffer data;
        // Avoid storing headers with data since we expect binary size allocations.
        // Each headers[i] is a "virtual" byte at i * minAllocation.
        private LlapAllocatorBuffer[] buffers;
        // The TS rule for headers is - a header and buffer array element for some freeList
        // can only be modified if the corresponding freeList lock is held.
        private byte[] headers; // Free list indices of each unallocated block, for quick lookup.
        private FreeList[] freeLists;

        void init(int arenaIx) {
            this.arenaIx = arenaIx;
            try {
                data = preallocateArenaBuffer(arenaSize);
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
                throw new OutOfMemoryError("Cannot allocate " + arenaSize + " bytes: " + oom.getMessage()
                        + "; make sure your xmx and process size are set correctly.");
            int maxMinAllocs = 1 << (arenaSizeLog2 - minAllocLog2);
            buffers = new LlapAllocatorBuffer[maxMinAllocs];
            headers = new byte[maxMinAllocs];
            int allocLog2Diff = maxAllocLog2 - minAllocLog2, freeListCount = allocLog2Diff + 1;
            freeLists = new FreeList[freeListCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < freeListCount; ++i) {
                freeLists[i] = new FreeList();
            int maxMaxAllocs = 1 << (arenaSizeLog2 - maxAllocLog2), headerIndex = 0,
                    headerStep = 1 << allocLog2Diff;
            freeLists[allocLog2Diff].listHead = 0;
            for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < maxMaxAllocs; ++i, offset += maxAllocation) {
                setHeaderFree(headerIndex, allocLog2Diff, CasLog.Src.CTOR);
                data.putInt(offset, (i == 0) ? -1 : (headerIndex - headerStep));
                data.putInt(offset + 4, (i == maxMaxAllocs - 1) ? -1 : (headerIndex + headerStep));
                headerIndex += headerStep;

        public void checkHeader(int headerIx, int freeListIx, boolean isLocked) {
            checkHeaderByte(arenaIx, headerIx, freeListIx, isLocked, headers[headerIx]);

         * Reserves the blocks to use to merge into larger blocks.
         * @param freeListIx The free list to reserve for.
         * @param startHeaderIx The header index at which to start looking (to avoid churn at 0).
        public void reserveDiscardBruteForce(int freeListIx, DiscardContext ctx, int startHeaderIx) {
            if (data == null)
                return; // not allocated yet
            int headerStep = 1 << freeListIx;
            int headerIx = startHeaderIx;
            do {
                long reserveResult = reserveBlockContents(freeListIx, headerIx, ctx.victimHeaders, ctx.victimCount,
                int reservedCount = getFirstInt(reserveResult), moveSize = getSecondInt(reserveResult);
                if (moveSize == FAILED_TO_RESERVE) {
                    for (int i = ctx.victimCount; i < ctx.victimCount + reservedCount; ++i) {
                        abandonOneHeaderBeingMoved(ctx.victimHeaders[i], CasLog.Src.ABANDON_MOVE);
                } else {
                    ctx.victimCount += reservedCount;
                headerIx = getNextIx(headerIx, headers.length, headerStep);
            } while (ctx.remainingToFind > 0 && headerIx != startHeaderIx);

         * Reserves the blocks to use to merge into larger blocks.
         * @param mergeListIx The free list to reserve base blocks from.
        public void reserveDiscardBlocksBasedOnFreeList(int mergeListIx, DiscardContext ctx) {
            if (data == null)
                return; // not allocated yet
            FreeList freeList = freeLists[mergeListIx];
            try {
                int freeHeaderIx = freeList.listHead;
                while (freeHeaderIx >= 0) {
                    boolean reserved = false;
                    if (ctx.remainingToFind > 0) {
                        int headerToFreeIx = getBuddyHeaderIx(mergeListIx, freeHeaderIx);
                        long reserveResult = reserveBlockContents(mergeListIx, headerToFreeIx, ctx.victimHeaders,
                                ctx.victimCount, true);
                        int reservedCount = getFirstInt(reserveResult), moveSize = getSecondInt(reserveResult);
                        reserved = (moveSize != FAILED_TO_RESERVE);
                        if (!reserved) {
                            // We cannot abandon the attempt here; the concurrent operations might have released
                            // all the buffer comprising our buddy block, necessitating a merge into a higher
                            // list. That may deadlock with another thread locking its own victims (one can only
                            // take list locks separately, or moving DOWN). The alternative would be to release
                            // the free list lock before reserving, however iterating the list that way is
                            // difficult (we'd have to keep track of things on the main path to avoid re-trying
                            // the same headers repeatedly - we'd rather keep track of extra things on failure).
                            prepareAbandonUnfinishedMoveAttempt(ctx, reservedCount);
                        } else {
                            ctx.victimCount += reservedCount;
                    int nextFreeHeaderIx = getNextFreeListItem(offsetFromHeaderIndex(freeHeaderIx));
                    if (reserved) {
                        removeBlockFromFreeList(freeList, freeHeaderIx, mergeListIx);
                        if (assertsEnabled) {
                            checkHeader(freeHeaderIx, mergeListIx, false);
                        setHeaderNoBufAlloc(freeHeaderIx, mergeListIx, CasLog.Src.NEW_BASE);
                    if (ctx.remainingToFind == 0)
                    freeHeaderIx = nextFreeHeaderIx;
            } finally {
            // See the above. Release the headers after unlocking.
            for (int i = 0; i < ctx.abandonedCount; ++i) {
                abandonOneHeaderBeingMoved(ctx.abandonedHeaders[i], CasLog.Src.ABANDON_AT_END);
            ctx.abandonedCount = 0;

         * Saves the victim headers from a failed reserve into a separate array into the context.
         * See the comment at the call site; this is to prevent deadlocks.
         * @param startIx the victim count before this reserve was started.
        private void prepareAbandonUnfinishedMoveAttempt(DiscardContext ctx, int count) {
            if (count == 0)
                return; // Nothing to do.
            int startIx = ctx.victimCount, start;
            if (ctx.abandonedHeaders == null) {
                start = 0;
                ctx.abandonedHeaders = new int[count];
            } else {
                start = ctx.abandonedCount;
                int newLen = start + count;
                if (newLen > ctx.abandonedHeaders.length) {
                    ctx.abandonedHeaders = Arrays.copyOf(ctx.abandonedHeaders, newLen);
            System.arraycopy(ctx.victimHeaders, startIx, ctx.abandonedHeaders, start, count);
            ctx.abandonedCount += count;
            ctx.victimCount = startIx;

         * Reserve all the contents of a particular block to merge them together.
         * @param freeListIx The list to which the hypothetical block belongs.
         * @param freeHeaderIx The header of the base block.
        private long reserveBlockContents(int freeListIx, int headerToFreeIx, int[] victimHeaders,
                int victimsOffset, boolean isDiscard) {
            // Try opportunistically for the common case - the same-sized, allocated buddy.
            if (enableDefragShortcut) {
                LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer = buffers[headerToFreeIx];
                byte header = headers[headerToFreeIx];
                if (buffer != null && freeListFromHeader(header) == freeListIx) {
                    // Double-check the header under lock.
                    FreeList freeList = freeLists[freeListIx];
                    try {
                        // Noone can take this buffer out and thus change the level after we lock, and if
                        // they take it out before we lock, then we will fail to lock (same as
                        // prepareOneHeaderForMove).
                        if (headers[headerToFreeIx] == header
                                && buffer.startMoveOrDiscard(arenaIx, headerToFreeIx, isDiscard)) {
                            if (assertsEnabled) {
                                assertBufferLooksValid(freeListIx, buffer, arenaIx, headerToFreeIx);
                                CasLog.logMove(arenaIx, headerToFreeIx, System.identityHashCode(buffer));
                            victimHeaders[victimsOffset] = headerToFreeIx;
                            return makeIntPair(1, buffer.allocSize);
                    } finally {
                    // We don't bail on failure - try in detail below.
            // Examine the buddy block and its sub-blocks in detail.
            long[] stack = new long[freeListIx + 1]; // Can never have more than this in elements.
            int stackSize = 1;
            // Seed with the buddy of this block (so the first iteration would target this block).
            stack[0] = makeIntPair(freeListIx, getBuddyHeaderIx(freeListIx, headerToFreeIx));
            int victimCount = 0;
            int totalMoveSize = 0;
            // We traverse the leaf nodes of the tree. The stack entries indicate the existing leaf
            // nodes that we need to see siblings for, and sibling levels.
            while (stackSize > 0) {
                long next = stack[stackSize];
                int listLevel = getFirstInt(next); // This is not an actual list; see intermList.
                int sourceHeaderIx = getSecondInt(next);
                // Find the buddy of the header at list level. We don't know what list it is actually in.
                int levelBuddyHeaderIx = getBuddyHeaderIx(listLevel, sourceHeaderIx);
                // First, handle the actual thing we found.
                long result = prepareOneHeaderForMove(levelBuddyHeaderIx, isDiscard, freeListIx);
                if (result == -1) {
                    // We have failed to reserve a single header. Do not undo the previous ones here,
                    // the caller has to handle this to avoid races.
                    return makeIntPair(victimCount, FAILED_TO_RESERVE);
                int allocSize = getFirstInt(result);
                totalMoveSize += allocSize;
                victimHeaders[victimsOffset + victimCount] = levelBuddyHeaderIx;
                // Explaining this would really require a picture. Basically if the level is lower than
                // our level, that means (imagine a tree) we are on the leftmost leaf node of the sub-tree
                // under our sibling in the tree. So we'd need to look at the buddies of that leftmost leaf
                // block on all the intermediate levels (aka all intermediate levels of the tree between
                // this guy and our sibling). Including its own buddy on its own level. And so on for every
                // sub-tree where our buddy is not on the same level as us (i.e. does not cover the entire
                // sub-tree).
                int actualBuddyListIx = getSecondInt(result);
                for (int intermListIx = listLevel - 1; intermListIx >= actualBuddyListIx; --intermListIx) {
                    stack[stackSize++] = makeIntPair(intermListIx, levelBuddyHeaderIx);
            return makeIntPair(victimCount, totalMoveSize);

         * Abandons the move attempt for a single header that may be free or allocated.
        private void abandonOneHeaderBeingMoved(int headerIx, CasLog.Src src) {
            byte header = headers[headerIx];
            int freeListIx = freeListFromHeader(header);
            if ((header & 1) != 1)
                failWithLog("Victim header not in use");
            LlapAllocatorBuffer buf = buffers[headerIx];
            if (buf != null) {
                // Note: no location check; the buffer is always locked for move here.
                if (assertsEnabled) {
                    assertBufferLooksValid(freeListIx, buf, arenaIx, headerIx);
                cancelDiscard(buf, arenaIx, headerIx);
            } else {
                if (assertsEnabled) {
                    checkHeader(headerIx, -1, true);
                addToFreeListWithMerge(headerIx, freeListIx, null, src);

         * Prepares victimHeaderIx header to be moved - locks if it's allocated, takes out of
         * the free list if not.
         * @return the list level to which the header belongs if this succeeded, -1 if not.
        private long prepareOneHeaderForMove(int victimHeaderIx, boolean isDiscard, int maxListIx) {
            byte header = headers[victimHeaderIx];
            if (header == 0)
                return -1;
            int freeListIx = freeListFromHeader(header);
            if (freeListIx > maxListIx) {
                // This can only come from a brute force discard; for now we don't discard blocks larger
                // than the target block. We could discard it and add remainder to free lists.
                // By definition if we are fragmented there should be a smaller buffer somewhere.
                return -1;
            if (buffers[victimHeaderIx] == null && (header & 1) == 1) {
                return -1; // There's no buffer and another move is reserving this.
            FreeList freeList = freeLists[freeListIx];
            try {
                if (headers[victimHeaderIx] != header) {
                    // We bail if there are any changes. Note that we don't care about ABA here - all the
                    // stuff on the left has been taken out already so noone can touch it, and all the stuff
                    // on the right is yet to be seen so we don't care if they changed with this - if it's
                    // in the same free list, the processing sequence will remain the same going right.
                    return -1;
                LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer = buffers[victimHeaderIx];
                if (buffer == null && (header & 1) == 1) {
                    return -1; // The only ABA problem we care about. Ok to have another buffer in there;
                               // not ok to have a location locked by someone else.
                int allocSize = 0;
                if (buffer != null) {
                    // The buffer can only be removed after the removed flag has been set. If we are able to
                    // lock it here, noone can set the removed flag and thus remove it. That would also mean
                    // that the header is not free, and noone will touch the header either.
                    if (!buffer.startMoveOrDiscard(arenaIx, victimHeaderIx, isDiscard)) {
                        return -1;
                    CasLog.logMove(arenaIx, victimHeaderIx, System.identityHashCode(buffer));
                    allocSize = allocSizeFromFreeList(freeListIx);
                } else {
                    // Take the empty buffer out of the free list.
                    setHeaderNoBufAlloc(victimHeaderIx, freeListIx, CasLog.Src.EMPTY_V);
                    removeBlockFromFreeList(freeList, victimHeaderIx, freeListIx);
                return makeIntPair(allocSize, freeListIx);
            } finally {

        /** Allocates into an empty block obtained via a forced eviction. Same args as allocateFast. */
        public int allocateFromDiscard(MemoryBuffer[] dest, int destIx, int headerIx, int freeListIx,
                int allocationSize) {
            LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer = (LlapAllocatorBuffer) dest[destIx];
            initializeNewlyAllocated(buffer, allocationSize, headerIx, offsetFromHeaderIndex(headerIx));
            if (assertsEnabled) {
                checkHeader(headerIx, freeListIx, true);
            setHeaderAlloc(headerIx, freeListIx, buffer, CasLog.Src.ALLOC_DEFRAG);
            return destIx + 1;

        /** Sets the header at an index to refer to an allocated buffer. */
        private void setHeaderAlloc(int headerIx, int freeListIx, LlapAllocatorBuffer alloc, CasLog.Src src) {
            assert alloc != null;
            headers[headerIx] = makeHeader(freeListIx, true);
            buffers[headerIx] = alloc;
            CasLog.logSet(src, arenaIx, headerIx, System.identityHashCode(alloc));

        /** Sets the header at an index to refer to free space in a certain free list. */
        private void setHeaderFree(int headerIndex, int freeListIx, CasLog.Src src) {
            headers[headerIndex] = makeHeader(freeListIx, false);
            buffers[headerIndex] = null;
            CasLog.logSetFree(src, arenaIx, headerIndex, allocSizeFromFreeList(freeListIx));

        /** Sets the header at an index to refer to some space in use, without an allocation. */
        private void setHeaderNoBufAlloc(int headerIndex, int freeListIx, CasLog.Src src) {
            headers[headerIndex] = makeHeader(freeListIx, true);
            CasLog.logSetNb(src, arenaIx, headerIndex, allocSizeFromFreeList(freeListIx));

        /** Unsets the header at an index (meaning this does not refer to a buffer). */
        private void unsetHeader(int headerIndex, CasLog.Src src) {
            headers[headerIndex] = 0;
            CasLog.logUnset(src, arenaIx, headerIndex, headerIndex);

        /** Unsets the headers (meaning this does not refer to a buffer). */
        private void unsetHeaders(int fromHeaderIx, int toHeaderIx, CasLog.Src src) {
            Arrays.fill(headers, fromHeaderIx, toHeaderIx, (byte) 0);
            CasLog.logUnset(src, arenaIx, fromHeaderIx, toHeaderIx - 1);

        private void debugDump(StringBuilder result) {
            result.append("\nArena: ");
            if (data == null) {
                result.append(" not allocated");
            // Try to get as consistent view as we can; make copy of the headers.
            byte[] headers = new byte[this.headers.length];
            System.arraycopy(this.headers, 0, headers, 0, headers.length);
            int allocSize = minAllocation;
            for (int i = 0; i < freeLists.length; ++i, allocSize <<= 1) {
                result.append("\n  free list for size " + allocSize + ": ");
                FreeList freeList = freeLists[i];
                try {
                    int nextHeaderIx = freeList.listHead;
                    while (nextHeaderIx >= 0) {
                        result.append(nextHeaderIx + ", ");
                        nextHeaderIx = getNextFreeListItem(offsetFromHeaderIndex(nextHeaderIx));
                } finally {
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {
                byte header = headers[i];
                if (header == 0)
                int freeListIx = freeListFromHeader(header), offset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(i);
                boolean isFree = buffers[i] == null;
                result.append("\n  block " + i + " at " + offset + ": size " + (1 << (freeListIx + minAllocLog2))
                        + ", " + (isFree ? "free" : "allocated"));

        public Integer debugDumpShort(StringBuilder result) {
            if (data == null) {
                return null;
            int allocSize = minAllocation;
            int total = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < freeLists.length; ++i, allocSize <<= 1) {
                FreeList freeList = freeLists[i];
                try {
                    int nextHeaderIx = freeList.listHead;
                    int count = 0;
                    while (nextHeaderIx >= 0) {
                        nextHeaderIx = getNextFreeListItem(offsetFromHeaderIndex(nextHeaderIx));
                    if (count > 0) {
                        if (total == 0) {
                            result.append("\nArena with free list lengths by size: ");
                        total += (allocSize * count);
                        result.append(allocSize).append(" => ").append(count).append(", ");
                } finally {
            return total;

        private void testDump(StringBuilder result) {
            if (data == null) {
                result.append("}, ");
            // Try to get as consistent view as we can; make copy of the headers.
            byte[] headers = new byte[this.headers.length];
            System.arraycopy(this.headers, 0, headers, 0, headers.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {
                byte header = headers[i];
                if (header == 0)
                String allocState = ".";
                if (buffers[i] != null) {
                    allocState = "*"; // Allocated
                } else if ((header & 1) == 1) {
                    allocState = "!"; // Locked for defrag
                int size = 1 << (freeListFromHeader(header) + minAllocLog2);
            result.append("}, ");

        private int allocateFast(int freeListIx, MemoryBuffer[] dest, long[] destHeaders, int destIx, int destCount,
                int allocSize) {
            if (data == null)
                return -1; // not allocated yet
            FreeList freeList = freeLists[freeListIx];
            if (!freeList.lock.tryLock())
                return destIx;
            try {
                return allocateFromFreeListUnderLock(freeList, freeListIx, dest, destHeaders, destIx, destCount,
            } finally {

        private int allocateWithSplit(int freeListIx, MemoryBuffer[] dest, long[] destHeaders, int destIx,
                int destCount, int allocSize, int maxSplitFreeListIx) {
            if (data == null)
                return -1; // not allocated yet
            FreeList freeList = freeLists[freeListIx];
            int remaining = -1;
            try {
                // Try to allocate from target-sized free list, maybe we'll get lucky.
                destIx = allocateFromFreeListUnderLock(freeList, freeListIx, dest, destHeaders, destIx, destCount,
                remaining = destCount - destIx;
                if (remaining == 0)
                    return destIx;
            } finally {
            int headerStep = 1 << freeListIx; // Number of headers (smallest blocks) per target block.
            int splitListIx = freeListIx + 1; // Next free list from which we will be splitting.
            // Each iteration of this loop tries to split blocks from one level of the free list into
            // target size blocks; if we cannot satisfy the allocation from the free list containing the
            // blocks of a particular size, we'll try to split yet larger blocks, until we run out.
            if (maxSplitFreeListIx == -1) {
                maxSplitFreeListIx = freeLists.length - 1;
            while (remaining > 0 && splitListIx <= maxSplitFreeListIx) {
                int splitWaysLog2 = (splitListIx - freeListIx);
                assert splitWaysLog2 > 0;
                int splitWays = 1 << splitWaysLog2; // How many ways each block splits into target size.
                int lastSplitBlocksRemaining = -1; // How many target-sized blocks remain from last split.
                int lastSplitNextHeader = -1; // The header index for the beginning of the remainder.
                FreeList splitList = freeLists[splitListIx];
                try {
                    int headerIx = splitList.listHead; // Index of the next free block to split.
                    while (headerIx >= 0 && remaining > 0) {
                        int origOffset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(headerIx), offset = origOffset;
                        // We will split the block at headerIx [splitWays] ways, and take [toTake] blocks,
                        // which will leave [lastSplitBlocksRemaining] free blocks of target size.
                        int toTake = Math.min(splitWays, remaining);
                        remaining -= toTake;
                        lastSplitBlocksRemaining = splitWays - toTake; // Whatever remains.
                        // Take toTake blocks by splitting the block at offset.
                        for (; toTake > 0; ++destIx, --toTake, headerIx += headerStep, offset += allocSize) {
                            if (assertsEnabled) {
                                checkHeader(headerIx, -1, false); // Cannot validate the list, it may be unset
                            if (dest != null) {
                                LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer = (LlapAllocatorBuffer) dest[destIx];
                                initializeNewlyAllocated(buffer, allocSize, headerIx, offset);
                                setHeaderAlloc(headerIx, freeListIx, buffer, CasLog.Src.ALLOC_SPLIT_BUF);
                            } else {
                                destHeaders[destIx] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, headerIx);
                                setHeaderNoBufAlloc(headerIx, freeListIx, CasLog.Src.ALLOC_SPLIT_DEFRAG);
                        lastSplitNextHeader = headerIx; // If anything remains, this is where it starts.
                        headerIx = getNextFreeListItem(origOffset);
                    replaceListHeadUnderLock(splitList, headerIx, splitListIx); // In the end, update free list head.
                } finally {
                CasLog.Src src = (dest != null) ? CasLog.Src.SPLIT_AFTER_BUF : CasLog.Src.SPLIT_AFTER_DEFRAG;
                if (remaining == 0) {
                    // We have just obtained all we needed by splitting some block; now we need
                    // to put the space remaining from that block into lower free lists.
                    // We'll put at most one block into each list, since 2 blocks can always be combined
                    // to make a larger-level block. Each bit in the remaining target-sized blocks count
                    // is one block in a list offset from target-sized list by bit index.
                    // We do the merges here too, since the block we just allocated could immediately be
                    // moved out, then the resulting free space abandoned.
                    int newListIndex = freeListIx;
                    while (lastSplitBlocksRemaining > 0) {
                        if ((lastSplitBlocksRemaining & 1) == 1) {
                            addToFreeListWithMerge(lastSplitNextHeader, newListIndex, null, src);
                            lastSplitNextHeader += (1 << newListIndex);
                        lastSplitBlocksRemaining >>>= 1;
            return destIx;

        private void initializeNewlyAllocated(LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer, int allocSize, int headerIx, int offset) {
            buffer.initialize(data, offset, allocSize);
            buffer.setNewAllocLocation(arenaIx, headerIx);

        private void replaceListHeadUnderLock(FreeList freeList, int headerIx, int ix) {
            if (headerIx == freeList.listHead)
            if (headerIx >= 0) {
                int newHeadOffset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(headerIx);
                data.putInt(newHeadOffset, -1); // Remove backlink.
            freeList.listHead = headerIx;

        private int allocateWithExpand(int arenaIx, int freeListIx, MemoryBuffer[] dest, int ix, int size) {
            while (true) {
                int arenaCount = allocatedArenas.get(), allocArenaCount = arenaCount;
                if (arenaCount < 0) {
                    allocArenaCount = -arenaCount - 1; // Someone is allocating an arena.
                if (allocArenaCount > arenaIx) {
                    // Someone already allocated this arena; just do the usual thing.
                    return allocateWithSplit(freeListIx, dest, null, ix, dest.length, size, -1);
                if ((arenaIx + 1) == -arenaCount) {
                    // Someone is allocating this arena. Wait a bit and recheck.
                    try {
                        synchronized (this) {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Restore interrupt, won't handle here.
                // Either this arena is being allocated, or it is already allocated, or it is next. The
                // caller should not try to allocate another arena before waiting for the previous one.
                assert arenaCount == arenaIx : "Arena count " + arenaCount + " but " + arenaIx
                        + " is not being allocated";
                if (!allocatedArenas.compareAndSet(arenaCount, -arenaCount - 1)) {
                    continue; // CAS race, look again.
                assert data == null;
                boolean isCommited = allocatedArenas.compareAndSet(-arenaCount - 1, arenaCount + 1);
                assert isCommited;
                synchronized (this) {
                return allocateWithSplit(freeListIx, dest, null, ix, dest.length, size, -1);

        public int allocateFromFreeListUnderLock(FreeList freeList, int freeListIx, MemoryBuffer[] dest,
                long[] destHeaders, int destIx, int destCount, int allocSize) {
            int current = freeList.listHead;
            assert (dest == null) != (destHeaders == null);
            while (current >= 0 && destIx < destCount) {
                int offset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(current), allocHeaderIx = current;
                current = getNextFreeListItem(offset);
                if (assertsEnabled) {
                    checkHeader(allocHeaderIx, freeListIx, false);
                if (dest != null) {
                    LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer = (LlapAllocatorBuffer) dest[destIx];
                    initializeNewlyAllocated(buffer, allocSize, allocHeaderIx, offset);
                    setHeaderAlloc(allocHeaderIx, freeListIx, buffer, CasLog.Src.ALLOC_FREE_BUF);
                } else {
                    destHeaders[destIx] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, allocHeaderIx);
                    setHeaderNoBufAlloc(allocHeaderIx, freeListIx, CasLog.Src.ALLOC_FREE_DEFRAG);
            replaceListHeadUnderLock(freeList, current, freeListIx);
            return destIx;

        private int getPrevFreeListItem(int offset) {
            return data.getInt(offset);

        private int getNextFreeListItem(int offset) {
            return data.getInt(offset + 4);

        public void deallocate(LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer, boolean isAfterMove) {
            assert data != null;
            int pos = buffer.byteBuffer.position();
            // Note: this is called by someone who has ensured the buffer is not going to be moved.
            int headerIx = pos >>> minAllocLog2;
            int freeListIx = freeListFromAllocSize(buffer.allocSize);
            if (assertsEnabled && !isAfterMove) {
                LlapAllocatorBuffer buf = buffers[headerIx];
                if (buf != buffer) {
                            arenaIx + ":" + headerIx + " => " + toDebugString(buffer) + ", " + toDebugString(buf));
                assertBufferLooksValid(freeListFromHeader(headers[headerIx]), buf, arenaIx, headerIx);
                checkHeader(headerIx, freeListIx, true);
            buffers[headerIx] = null;
            addToFreeListWithMerge(headerIx, freeListIx, buffer, CasLog.Src.DEALLOC);

        private void addToFreeListWithMerge(int headerIx, int freeListIx, LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer,
                CasLog.Src src) {
            while (true) {
                FreeList freeList = freeLists[freeListIx];
                int bHeaderIx = getBuddyHeaderIx(freeListIx, headerIx);
                try {
                    if ((freeListIx == freeLists.length - 1)
                            || headers[bHeaderIx] != makeHeader(freeListIx, false)) {
                        // Buddy block is allocated, or it is on higher level of allocation than we are, or we
                        // have reached the top level. Add whatever we have got to the current free list.
                        addBlockToFreeListUnderLock(freeList, headerIx, freeListIx);
                        setHeaderFree(headerIx, freeListIx, src);
                    // Buddy block is free and in the same free list we have locked. Take it out for merge.
                    removeBlockFromFreeList(freeList, bHeaderIx, freeListIx);
                    unsetHeader(bHeaderIx, src); // Erase both headers of the blocks to merge.
                    unsetHeader(headerIx, src);
                } finally {
                headerIx = Math.min(headerIx, bHeaderIx);

        private void addBlockToFreeListUnderLock(FreeList freeList, int headerIx, int ix) {
            CasLog.logAddToList(arenaIx, headerIx, ix, freeList.listHead);
            if (freeList.listHead >= 0) {
                int oldHeadOffset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(freeList.listHead);
                assert getPrevFreeListItem(oldHeadOffset) == -1;
                data.putInt(oldHeadOffset, headerIx);
            int offset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(headerIx);
            data.putInt(offset, -1);
            data.putInt(offset + 4, freeList.listHead);
            freeList.listHead = headerIx;

        private void removeBlockFromFreeList(FreeList freeList, int headerIx, int ix) {
            int bOffset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(headerIx), bpHeaderIx = getPrevFreeListItem(bOffset),
                    bnHeaderIx = getNextFreeListItem(bOffset);
            CasLog.logRemoveFromList(arenaIx, headerIx, ix, freeList.listHead);
            if (freeList.listHead == headerIx) {
                assert bpHeaderIx == -1;
                freeList.listHead = bnHeaderIx;
            // Unnecessary: data.putInt(bOffset, -1); data.putInt(bOffset + 4, -1);
            if (bpHeaderIx != -1) {
                data.putInt(offsetFromHeaderIndex(bpHeaderIx) + 4, bnHeaderIx);
            if (bnHeaderIx != -1) {
                data.putInt(offsetFromHeaderIndex(bnHeaderIx), bpHeaderIx);

    private static class FreeList {
        ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(false);
        int listHead = -1; // Index of where the buffer is; in minAllocation units (headers array).

    public MemoryBuffer createUnallocated() {
        return new LlapDataBuffer();

    // BuddyAllocatorMXBean
    public boolean getIsDirect() {
        return isDirect;

    public int getMinAllocation() {
        return minAllocation;

    public int getMaxAllocation() {
        return maxAllocation;

    public int getArenaSize() {
        return arenaSize;

    public long getMaxCacheSize() {
        return maxSize;

    // Various helper methods.
    private static int getBuddyHeaderIx(int freeListIx, int headerIx) {
        return headerIx ^ (1 << freeListIx);

    private static int getNextIx(int ix, int count, int step) {
        ix += step;
        assert ix <= count; // We expect the start at 0 and count divisible by step.
        return ix == count ? 0 : ix;

    private static int freeListFromHeader(byte header) {
        return (header >> 1) - 1;

    private int freeListFromAllocSize(int allocSize) {
        return (31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(allocSize)) - minAllocLog2;

    private int allocSizeFromFreeList(int freeListIx) {
        return 1 << (freeListIx + minAllocLog2);

    public int offsetFromHeaderIndex(int lastSplitNextHeader) {
        return lastSplitNextHeader << minAllocLog2;

    private static byte makeHeader(int freeListIx, boolean isInUse) {
        return (byte) (((freeListIx + 1) << 1) | (isInUse ? 1 : 0));

    private int determineFreeListForAllocation(int size) {
        int freeListIx = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(size);
        if (size != (1 << freeListIx))
            ++freeListIx; // not a power of two, add one more
        return Math.max(freeListIx - minAllocLog2, 0);

    // Utility methods used to store pairs of ints as long.
    private static long makeIntPair(int first, int second) {
        return ((long) first) << 32 | second;

    private static int getFirstInt(long result) {
        return (int) (result >>> 32);

    private static int getSecondInt(long result) {
        return (int) (result & ((1L << 32) - 1));

    // Debug/test related methods.
    private void assertBufferLooksValid(int freeListIx, LlapAllocatorBuffer buf, int arenaIx, int headerIx) {
        if (buf.allocSize == allocSizeFromFreeList(freeListIx))
        failWithLog("Race; allocation size " + buf.allocSize + ", not " + allocSizeFromFreeList(freeListIx)
                + " for free list " + freeListIx + " at " + arenaIx + ":" + headerIx);

    private static String toDebugString(LlapAllocatorBuffer buffer) {
        return buffer == null ? "null" : buffer.toDebugString();

    private void checkHeaderByte(int arenaIx, int headerIx, int freeListIx, boolean isLocked, byte header) {
        if (isLocked != ((header & 1) == 1)) {
                    "Expected " + arenaIx + ":" + headerIx + " " + (isLocked ? "" : "not ") + "locked: " + header);
        if (freeListIx < 0)
        if (freeListFromHeader(header) != freeListIx) {
            failWithLog("Expected " + arenaIx + ":" + headerIx + " in list " + freeListIx + ": "
                    + freeListFromHeader(header));

    void disableDefragShortcutForTest() {
        this.enableDefragShortcut = false;

    void setOomLoggingForTest(boolean b) {
        this.oomLogging = b;

    String testDump() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Arena a : arenas) {
        return sb.toString();

    public String debugDumpForOom() {
        return "\nALLOCATOR STATE:\n" + debugDumpForOomInternal() + "\nPARENT STATE:\n"
                + memoryManager.debugDumpForOom();

    private String debugDumpForOomInternal() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Arena a : arenas) {
        return sb.toString();

    private void failWithLog(String string) {
        throw new AssertionError(string);

    public void dumpTestLog() {
        if (CasLog.casLog != null) {

    private final static class CasLog {
        // TODO: enable this for production debug, switching between two small buffers?
        private final static CasLog casLog = null; //new CasLog();

        public enum Src {

        private final int size;
        private final long[] log;
        private final AtomicInteger offset = new AtomicInteger(0);

        public CasLog() {
            size = 50000000;
            log = new long[size];

        public static final int START_MOVE = 0, SET_NB = 1, SET_BUF = 2, SET_FREE = 3, ADD_TO_LIST = 4,
                REMOVE_FROM_LIST = 5, ERROR = 6, UNSET = 7;

        public static void logMove(int arenaIx, int buddyHeaderIx, int identityHashCode) {
            if (casLog == null)
            int ix = casLog.offset.addAndGet(3) - 3;
            casLog.log[ix] = makeIntPair(START_MOVE, identityHashCode);
            casLog.log[ix + 1] = Thread.currentThread().getId();
            casLog.log[ix + 2] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, buddyHeaderIx);

        public static void logSetNb(CasLog.Src src, int arenaIx, int headerIndex, int size) {
            if (casLog == null)
            int ix = casLog.offset.addAndGet(4) - 4;
            casLog.log[ix] = makeIntPair(SET_NB, src.ordinal());
            casLog.log[ix + 1] = Thread.currentThread().getId();
            casLog.log[ix + 2] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, headerIndex);
            casLog.log[ix + 3] = size;

        public static void logSetFree(CasLog.Src src, int arenaIx, int headerIndex, int size) {
            if (casLog == null)
            int ix = casLog.offset.addAndGet(4) - 4;
            casLog.log[ix] = makeIntPair(SET_FREE, src.ordinal());
            casLog.log[ix + 1] = Thread.currentThread().getId();
            casLog.log[ix + 2] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, headerIndex);
            casLog.log[ix + 3] = size;

        public static void logUnset(CasLog.Src src, int arenaIx, int from, int to) {
            if (casLog == null)
            if (from > to)
            int ix = casLog.offset.addAndGet(4) - 4;
            casLog.log[ix] = makeIntPair(UNSET, src.ordinal());
            casLog.log[ix + 1] = Thread.currentThread().getId();
            casLog.log[ix + 2] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, from);
            casLog.log[ix + 3] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, to);

        public static void logSet(CasLog.Src src, int arenaIx, int headerIndex, int identityHashCode) {
            if (casLog == null)
            int ix = casLog.offset.addAndGet(4) - 4;
            casLog.log[ix] = makeIntPair(SET_BUF, src.ordinal());
            casLog.log[ix + 1] = Thread.currentThread().getId();
            casLog.log[ix + 2] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, headerIndex);
            casLog.log[ix + 3] = identityHashCode;

        public static void logRemoveFromList(int arenaIx, int headerIx, int listIx, int listHead) {
            if (casLog == null)
            int ix = casLog.offset.addAndGet(4) - 4;
            casLog.log[ix] = makeIntPair(REMOVE_FROM_LIST, listIx);
            casLog.log[ix + 1] = Thread.currentThread().getId();
            casLog.log[ix + 2] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, headerIx);
            casLog.log[ix + 3] = listHead;

        public static void logAddToList(int arenaIx, int headerIx, int listIx, int listHead) {
            if (casLog == null)
            int ix = casLog.offset.addAndGet(4) - 4;
            casLog.log[ix] = makeIntPair(ADD_TO_LIST, listIx);
            casLog.log[ix + 1] = Thread.currentThread().getId();
            casLog.log[ix + 2] = makeIntPair(arenaIx, headerIx);
            casLog.log[ix + 3] = listHead;

        public static void logError() {
            if (casLog == null)
            int ix = casLog.offset.addAndGet(2) - 2;
            casLog.log[ix] = makeIntPair(ERROR, 0);
            casLog.log[ix + 1] = Thread.currentThread().getId();

        private int dumpOneLine(int ix) {
            int event = getFirstInt(log[ix]);
            switch (event) {
            case START_MOVE: {
       + " started to move " + header(log[ix + 2]) + " "
                        + Integer.toHexString(getSecondInt(log[ix])));
                return ix + 3;
            case SET_NB: {
       + " " + src(getSecondInt(log[ix])) + " set " + header(log[ix + 2])
                        + " to taken of size " + log[ix + 3]);
                return ix + 4;
            case SET_FREE: {
       + " " + src(getSecondInt(log[ix])) + " set " + header(log[ix + 2])
                        + " to free of size " + log[ix + 3]);
                return ix + 4;
            case UNSET: {
       + " " + src(getSecondInt(log[ix])) + " unset [" + header(log[ix + 2])
                        + ", " + header(log[ix + 3]) + "]");
                return ix + 4;
            case SET_BUF: {
       + " " + src(getSecondInt(log[ix])) + " set " + header(log[ix + 2])
                        + " to " + Integer.toHexString((int) log[ix + 3]));
                return ix + 4;
            case ADD_TO_LIST: {
                // + " adding " + header(log[ix + 2]) + " to "
                //    + getSecondInt(log[ix]) + " before " + log[ix + 3]);
                return ix + 4;
            case REMOVE_FROM_LIST: {
                // + " removing " + header(log[ix + 2]) + " from "
                //   + getSecondInt(log[ix]) + " head " + log[ix + 3]);
                return ix + 4;
            case ERROR: {
                LlapIoImpl.LOG.error(prefix(ix) + " failed");
                return ix + 2;
                throw new AssertionError("Unknown " + event);

        private String prefix(int ix) {
            return ix + " thread-" + log[ix + 1];

        private String src(int val) {
            return Src.values()[val].name();

        private String header(long l) {
            return getFirstInt(l) + ":" + getSecondInt(l);

        public synchronized void dumpLog(boolean doSleep) {
            if (doSleep) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            int logSize = (int) offset.get();
            int ix = 0;
            while (ix < logSize) {
                ix = dumpOneLine(ix);