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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.optiq.translator;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.hydromatic.avatica.ByteString;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Decimal128;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveChar;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveDecimal;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveVarchar;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FunctionRegistry;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.optiq.OptiqSemanticException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.RowResolver;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeColumnDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeConstantDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeFieldDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeNullDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDF;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFBaseCompare;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFBaseNumeric;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFBridge;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFToBinary;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFToChar;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFToDate;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFToDecimal;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFToVarchar;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ConstantObjectInspector;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspectorUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.PrimitiveObjectInspector.PrimitiveCategory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.PrimitiveTypeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils;
import org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode;
import org.eigenbase.relopt.RelOptCluster;
import org.eigenbase.reltype.RelDataType;
import org.eigenbase.reltype.RelDataTypeFactory;
import org.eigenbase.rex.RexBuilder;
import org.eigenbase.rex.RexCall;
import org.eigenbase.rex.RexNode;
import org.eigenbase.rex.RexUtil;
import org.eigenbase.sql.SqlOperator;
import org.eigenbase.sql.type.SqlTypeName;


public class RexNodeConverter {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RexNodeConverter.class);

    private static class InputCtx {
        private final RelDataType optiqInpDataType;
        private final ImmutableMap<String, Integer> hiveNameToPosMap;
        private final RowResolver hiveRR;
        private final int offsetInOptiqSchema;

        private InputCtx(RelDataType optiqInpDataType, ImmutableMap<String, Integer> hiveNameToPosMap,
                RowResolver hiveRR, int offsetInOptiqSchema) {
            this.optiqInpDataType = optiqInpDataType;
            this.hiveNameToPosMap = hiveNameToPosMap;
            this.hiveRR = hiveRR;
            this.offsetInOptiqSchema = offsetInOptiqSchema;

    private final RelOptCluster cluster;
    private final ImmutableList<InputCtx> inputCtxs;
    private final boolean flattenExpr;

    public RexNodeConverter(RelOptCluster cluster, RelDataType inpDataType,
            ImmutableMap<String, Integer> nameToPosMap, int offset, boolean flattenExpr) {
        this.cluster = cluster;
        this.inputCtxs = ImmutableList.of(new InputCtx(inpDataType, nameToPosMap, null, offset));
        this.flattenExpr = flattenExpr;

    public RexNodeConverter(RelOptCluster cluster, List<InputCtx> inpCtxLst, boolean flattenExpr) {
        this.cluster = cluster;
        this.inputCtxs = ImmutableList.<InputCtx>builder().addAll(inpCtxLst).build();
        this.flattenExpr = flattenExpr;

    public RexNode convert(ExprNodeDesc expr) throws SemanticException {
        if (expr instanceof ExprNodeNullDesc) {
            return createNullLiteral(expr);
        } else if (expr instanceof ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) {
            return convert((ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) expr);
        } else if (expr instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc) {
            return convert((ExprNodeConstantDesc) expr);
        } else if (expr instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
            return convert((ExprNodeColumnDesc) expr);
        } else if (expr instanceof ExprNodeFieldDesc) {
            return convert((ExprNodeFieldDesc) expr);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported Expression");
        // TODO: handle ExprNodeColumnListDesc

    private RexNode convert(final ExprNodeFieldDesc fieldDesc) throws SemanticException {
        RexNode rexNode = convert(fieldDesc.getDesc());
        if (rexNode instanceof RexCall) {
            // regular case of accessing nested field in a column
            return cluster.getRexBuilder().makeFieldAccess(rexNode, fieldDesc.getFieldName(), true);
        } else {
            // This may happen for schema-less tables, where columns are dynamically
            // supplied by serdes.
            throw new OptiqSemanticException("Unexpected rexnode : " + rexNode.getClass().getCanonicalName());

    private RexNode convert(final ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc func) throws SemanticException {
        ExprNodeDesc tmpExprNode;
        RexNode tmpRN;

        List<RexNode> childRexNodeLst = new LinkedList<RexNode>();
        Builder<RelDataType> argTypeBldr = ImmutableList.<RelDataType>builder();

        // TODO: 1) Expand to other functions as needed 2) What about types other than primitive.
        TypeInfo tgtDT = null;
        GenericUDF tgtUdf = func.getGenericUDF();
        boolean isNumeric = tgtUdf instanceof GenericUDFBaseNumeric,
                isCompare = !isNumeric && tgtUdf instanceof GenericUDFBaseCompare;
        if (isNumeric) {
            tgtDT = func.getTypeInfo();

            assert func.getChildren().size() == 2;
            // TODO: checking 2 children is useless, compare already does that.
        } else if (isCompare && (func.getChildren().size() == 2)) {
            tgtDT = FunctionRegistry.getCommonClassForComparison(func.getChildren().get(0).getTypeInfo(),

        for (ExprNodeDesc childExpr : func.getChildren()) {
            tmpExprNode = childExpr;
            if (tgtDT != null && TypeInfoUtils.isConversionRequiredForComparison(tgtDT, childExpr.getTypeInfo())) {
                if (isCompare) {
                    // For compare, we will convert requisite children
                    tmpExprNode = ParseUtils.createConversionCast(childExpr, (PrimitiveTypeInfo) tgtDT);
                } else if (isNumeric) {
                    // For numeric, we'll do minimum necessary cast - if we cast to the type
                    // of expression, bad things will happen.
                    GenericUDFBaseNumeric numericUdf = (GenericUDFBaseNumeric) tgtUdf;
                    PrimitiveTypeInfo minArgType = numericUdf.deriveMinArgumentCast(childExpr, tgtDT);
                    tmpExprNode = ParseUtils.createConversionCast(childExpr, minArgType);
                } else {
                    throw new AssertionError("Unexpected " + tgtDT + " - not a numeric op or compare");

            argTypeBldr.add(TypeConverter.convert(tmpExprNode.getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory()));
            tmpRN = convert(tmpExprNode);

        // See if this is an explicit cast.
        RexNode expr = null;
        RelDataType retType = null;
        expr = handleExplicitCast(func, childRexNodeLst);

        if (expr == null) {
            // This is not a cast; process the function.
            retType = TypeConverter.convert(func.getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory());
            SqlOperator optiqOp = SqlFunctionConverter.getOptiqOperator(func.getFuncText(), func.getGenericUDF(),
          , retType);
            expr = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeCall(optiqOp, childRexNodeLst);
        } else {
            retType = expr.getType();

        // TODO: Cast Function in Optiq have a bug where it infertype on cast throws
        // an exception
        if (flattenExpr && (expr instanceof RexCall)
                && !(((RexCall) expr).getOperator() instanceof SqlCastFunction)) {
            RexCall call = (RexCall) expr;
            expr = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeCall(retType, call.getOperator(),
                    RexUtil.flatten(call.getOperands(), call.getOperator()));

        return expr;

    private boolean castExprUsingUDFBridge(GenericUDF gUDF) {
        boolean castExpr = false;
        if (gUDF != null && gUDF instanceof GenericUDFBridge) {
            String udfClassName = ((GenericUDFBridge) gUDF).getUdfClassName();
            if (udfClassName != null) {
                int sp = udfClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
                // TODO: add method to UDFBridge to say if it is a cast func
                if (sp >= 0 & (sp + 1) < udfClassName.length()) {
                    udfClassName = udfClassName.substring(sp + 1);
                    if (udfClassName.equals("UDFToBoolean") || udfClassName.equals("UDFToByte")
                            || udfClassName.equals("UDFToDouble") || udfClassName.equals("UDFToInteger")
                            || udfClassName.equals("UDFToLong") || udfClassName.equals("UDFToShort")
                            || udfClassName.equals("UDFToFloat") || udfClassName.equals("UDFToString"))
                        castExpr = true;

        return castExpr;

    private RexNode handleExplicitCast(ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc func, List<RexNode> childRexNodeLst)
            throws OptiqSemanticException {
        RexNode castExpr = null;

        if (childRexNodeLst != null && childRexNodeLst.size() == 1) {
            GenericUDF udf = func.getGenericUDF();
            if ((udf instanceof GenericUDFToChar) || (udf instanceof GenericUDFToVarchar)
                    || (udf instanceof GenericUDFToDecimal) || (udf instanceof GenericUDFToDate)
                    || (udf instanceof GenericUDFToBinary) || castExprUsingUDFBridge(udf)) {
                castExpr = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeAbstractCast(
                        TypeConverter.convert(func.getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory()),

        return castExpr;

    private InputCtx getInputCtx(ExprNodeColumnDesc col) throws SemanticException {
        InputCtx ctxLookingFor = null;

        if (inputCtxs.size() == 1) {
            ctxLookingFor = inputCtxs.get(0);
        } else {
            String tableAlias = col.getTabAlias();
            String colAlias = col.getColumn();
            int noInp = 0;
            for (InputCtx ic : inputCtxs) {
                if (tableAlias == null || ic.hiveRR.hasTableAlias(tableAlias)) {
                    if (ic.hiveRR.getPosition(colAlias) >= 0) {
                        ctxLookingFor = ic;

            if (noInp > 1)
                throw new RuntimeException("Ambigous column mapping");

        return ctxLookingFor;

    protected RexNode convert(ExprNodeColumnDesc col) throws SemanticException {
        InputCtx ic = getInputCtx(col);
        int pos = ic.hiveNameToPosMap.get(col.getColumn());
        return cluster.getRexBuilder().makeInputRef(ic.optiqInpDataType.getFieldList().get(pos).getType(),
                pos + ic.offsetInOptiqSchema);

    private static final BigInteger MIN_LONG_BI = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE),
            MAX_LONG_BI = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);

    protected RexNode convert(ExprNodeConstantDesc literal) throws OptiqSemanticException {
        RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();
        RelDataTypeFactory dtFactory = rexBuilder.getTypeFactory();
        PrimitiveTypeInfo hiveType = (PrimitiveTypeInfo) literal.getTypeInfo();
        RelDataType optiqDataType = TypeConverter.convert(hiveType, dtFactory);

        PrimitiveCategory hiveTypeCategory = hiveType.getPrimitiveCategory();

        ConstantObjectInspector coi = literal.getWritableObjectInspector();
        Object value = ObjectInspectorUtils.copyToStandardJavaObject(coi.getWritableConstantValue(), coi);

        RexNode optiqLiteral = null;
        // TODO: Verify if we need to use ConstantObjectInspector to unwrap data
        switch (hiveTypeCategory) {
        case BOOLEAN:
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeLiteral(((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
        case BYTE:
            byte[] byteArray = new byte[] { (Byte) value };
            ByteString bs = new ByteString(byteArray);
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeBinaryLiteral(bs);
        case SHORT:
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(new BigDecimal((Short) value), optiqDataType);
        case INT:
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(new BigDecimal((Integer) value));
        case LONG:
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeBigintLiteral(new BigDecimal((Long) value));
        // TODO: is Decimal an exact numeric or approximate numeric?
        case DECIMAL:
            if (value instanceof HiveDecimal) {
                value = ((HiveDecimal) value).bigDecimalValue();
            } else if (value instanceof Decimal128) {
                value = ((Decimal128) value).toBigDecimal();
            if (value == null) {
                // We have found an invalid decimal value while enforcing precision and
                // scale. Ideally,
                // we would replace it with null here, which is what Hive does. However,
                // we need to plumb
                // this thru up somehow, because otherwise having different expression
                // type in AST causes
                // the plan generation to fail after CBO, probably due to some residual
                // state in SA/QB.
                // For now, we will not run CBO in the presence of invalid decimal
                // literals.
                throw new OptiqSemanticException(
                        "Expression " + literal.getExprString() + " is not a valid decimal");
                // TODO: return createNullLiteral(literal);
            BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) value;
            BigInteger unscaled = bd.unscaledValue();
            if (unscaled.compareTo(MIN_LONG_BI) >= 0 && unscaled.compareTo(MAX_LONG_BI) <= 0) {
                optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(bd);
            } else {
                // CBO doesn't support unlimited precision decimals. In practice, this
                // will work...
                // An alternative would be to throw CboSemanticException and fall back
                // to no CBO.
                RelDataType relType = cluster.getTypeFactory().createSqlType(SqlTypeName.DECIMAL, bd.scale(),
                optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(bd, relType);
        case FLOAT:
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeApproxLiteral(new BigDecimal((Float) value), optiqDataType);
        case DOUBLE:
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeApproxLiteral(new BigDecimal((Double) value), optiqDataType);
        case CHAR:
            if (value instanceof HiveChar)
                value = ((HiveChar) value).getValue();
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeLiteral((String) value);
        case VARCHAR:
            if (value instanceof HiveVarchar)
                value = ((HiveVarchar) value).getValue();
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeLiteral((String) value);
        case STRING:
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeLiteral((String) value);
        case DATE:
            Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
            cal.setTime((Date) value);
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeDateLiteral(cal);
        case TIMESTAMP:
            optiqLiteral = rexBuilder.makeTimestampLiteral((Calendar) value, RelDataType.PRECISION_NOT_SPECIFIED);
        case BINARY:
        case VOID:
        case UNKNOWN:
            throw new RuntimeException("UnSupported Literal");

        return optiqLiteral;

    private RexNode createNullLiteral(ExprNodeDesc expr) throws OptiqSemanticException {
        return cluster.getRexBuilder().makeNullLiteral(
                TypeConverter.convert(expr.getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory()).getSqlTypeName());

    public static RexNode convert(RelOptCluster cluster, ExprNodeDesc joinCondnExprNode, List<RelNode> inputRels,
            LinkedHashMap<RelNode, RowResolver> relToHiveRR,
            Map<RelNode, ImmutableMap<String, Integer>> relToHiveColNameOptiqPosMap, boolean flattenExpr)
            throws SemanticException {
        List<InputCtx> inputCtxLst = new ArrayList<InputCtx>();

        int offSet = 0;
        for (RelNode r : inputRels) {
                    new InputCtx(r.getRowType(), relToHiveColNameOptiqPosMap.get(r), relToHiveRR.get(r), offSet));
            offSet += r.getRowType().getFieldCount();

        return (new RexNodeConverter(cluster, inputCtxLst, flattenExpr)).convert(joinCondnExprNode);