Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.IntegerRanges;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.filecache.DistributedCache;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.protocol.ClientProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.JobContextImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.util.ConfigUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationId;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * The job submitter's view of the Job.
 * <p>It allows the user to configure the
 * job, submit it, control its execution, and query the state. The set methods
 * only work until the job is submitted, afterwards they will throw an 
 * IllegalStateException. </p>
 * <p>
 * Normally the user creates the application, describes various facets of the
 * job via {@link Job} and then submits the job and monitor its progress.</p>
 * <p>Here is an example on how to submit a job:</p>
 * <p><blockquote><pre>
 *     // Create a new Job
 *     Job job = Job.getInstance();
 *     job.setJarByClass(MyJob.class);
 *     // Specify various job-specific parameters     
 *     job.setJobName("myjob");
 *     job.setInputPath(new Path("in"));
 *     job.setOutputPath(new Path("out"));
 *     job.setMapperClass(MyJob.MyMapper.class);
 *     job.setReducerClass(MyJob.MyReducer.class);
 *     // Submit the job, then poll for progress until the job is complete
 *     job.waitForCompletion(true);
 * </pre></blockquote>
public class Job extends JobContextImpl implements JobContext, AutoCloseable {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Job.class);

    public enum JobState {

    private static final long MAX_JOBSTATUS_AGE = 1000 * 2;
    public static final String OUTPUT_FILTER = "mapreduce.client.output.filter";
    /** Key in mapred-*.xml that sets completionPollInvervalMillis */
    public static final String COMPLETION_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY = "mapreduce.client.completion.pollinterval";

    /** Default completionPollIntervalMillis is 5000 ms. */
    static final int DEFAULT_COMPLETION_POLL_INTERVAL = 5000;
    /** Key in mapred-*.xml that sets progMonitorPollIntervalMillis */
    public static final String PROGRESS_MONITOR_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY = "mapreduce.client.progressmonitor.pollinterval";
    /** Default progMonitorPollIntervalMillis is 1000 ms. */
    static final int DEFAULT_MONITOR_POLL_INTERVAL = 1000;

    public static final String USED_GENERIC_PARSER = "mapreduce.client.genericoptionsparser.used";
    public static final String SUBMIT_REPLICATION = "mapreduce.client.submit.file.replication";
    public static final int DEFAULT_SUBMIT_REPLICATION = 10;
    public static final String USE_WILDCARD_FOR_LIBJARS = "mapreduce.client.libjars.wildcard";
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_WILDCARD_FOR_LIBJARS = true;

    public enum TaskStatusFilter {

    static {

    private JobState state = JobState.DEFINE;
    private JobStatus status;
    private long statustime;
    private Cluster cluster;
    private ReservationId reservationId;

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getInstance()}
    public Job() throws IOException {
        this(new JobConf(new Configuration()));

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getInstance(Configuration)}
    public Job(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        this(new JobConf(conf));

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getInstance(Configuration, String)}
    public Job(Configuration conf, String jobName) throws IOException {
        this(new JobConf(conf));

    Job(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
        super(conf, null);
        // propagate existing user credentials to job
        this.cluster = null;

    Job(JobStatus status, JobConf conf) throws IOException {
        this.status = status;
        state = JobState.RUNNING;

     * Creates a new {@link Job} with no particular {@link Cluster} .
     * A Cluster will be created with a generic {@link Configuration}.
     * @return the {@link Job} , with no connection to a cluster yet.
     * @throws IOException
    public static Job getInstance() throws IOException {
        // create with a null Cluster
        return getInstance(new Configuration());

     * Creates a new {@link Job} with no particular {@link Cluster} and a 
     * given {@link Configuration}.
     * The <code>Job</code> makes a copy of the <code>Configuration</code> so 
     * that any necessary internal modifications do not reflect on the incoming 
     * parameter.
     * A Cluster will be created from the conf parameter only when it's needed.
     * @param conf the configuration
     * @return the {@link Job} , with no connection to a cluster yet.
     * @throws IOException
    public static Job getInstance(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        // create with a null Cluster
        JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(conf);
        return new Job(jobConf);

     * Creates a new {@link Job} with no particular {@link Cluster} and a given jobName.
     * A Cluster will be created from the conf parameter only when it's needed.
     * The <code>Job</code> makes a copy of the <code>Configuration</code> so 
     * that any necessary internal modifications do not reflect on the incoming 
     * parameter.
     * @param conf the configuration
     * @return the {@link Job} , with no connection to a cluster yet.
     * @throws IOException
    public static Job getInstance(Configuration conf, String jobName) throws IOException {
        // create with a null Cluster
        Job result = getInstance(conf);
        return result;

     * Creates a new {@link Job} with no particular {@link Cluster} and given
     * {@link Configuration} and {@link JobStatus}.
     * A Cluster will be created from the conf parameter only when it's needed.
     * The <code>Job</code> makes a copy of the <code>Configuration</code> so 
     * that any necessary internal modifications do not reflect on the incoming 
     * parameter.
     * @param status job status
     * @param conf job configuration
     * @return the {@link Job} , with no connection to a cluster yet.
     * @throws IOException
    public static Job getInstance(JobStatus status, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        return new Job(status, new JobConf(conf));

     * Creates a new {@link Job} with no particular {@link Cluster}.
     * A Cluster will be created from the conf parameter only when it's needed.
     * The <code>Job</code> makes a copy of the <code>Configuration</code> so 
     * that any necessary internal modifications do not reflect on the incoming 
     * parameter.
     * @param ignored
     * @return the {@link Job} , with no connection to a cluster yet.
     * @throws IOException
     * @deprecated Use {@link #getInstance()}
    public static Job getInstance(Cluster ignored) throws IOException {
        return getInstance();

     * Creates a new {@link Job} with no particular {@link Cluster} and given
     * {@link Configuration}.
     * A Cluster will be created from the conf parameter only when it's needed.
     * The <code>Job</code> makes a copy of the <code>Configuration</code> so 
     * that any necessary internal modifications do not reflect on the incoming 
     * parameter.
     * @param ignored
     * @param conf job configuration
     * @return the {@link Job} , with no connection to a cluster yet.
     * @throws IOException
     * @deprecated Use {@link #getInstance(Configuration)}
    public static Job getInstance(Cluster ignored, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        return getInstance(conf);

     * Creates a new {@link Job} with no particular {@link Cluster} and given
     * {@link Configuration} and {@link JobStatus}.
     * A Cluster will be created from the conf parameter only when it's needed.
     * The <code>Job</code> makes a copy of the <code>Configuration</code> so 
     * that any necessary internal modifications do not reflect on the incoming 
     * parameter.
     * @param cluster cluster
     * @param status job status
     * @param conf job configuration
     * @return the {@link Job} , with no connection to a cluster yet.
     * @throws IOException
    public static Job getInstance(Cluster cluster, JobStatus status, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        Job job = getInstance(status, conf);
        return job;

    private void ensureState(JobState state) throws IllegalStateException {
        if (state != this.state) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Job in state " + this.state + " instead of " + state);

        if (state == JobState.RUNNING && cluster == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Job in state " + this.state + ", but it isn't attached to any job tracker!");

     * Some methods rely on having a recent job status object.  Refresh
     * it, if necessary
    synchronized void ensureFreshStatus() throws IOException {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - statustime > MAX_JOBSTATUS_AGE) {

    /** Some methods need to update status immediately. So, refresh
     * immediately
     * @throws IOException
    synchronized void updateStatus() throws IOException {
        try {
            this.status = ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<JobStatus>() {
                public JobStatus run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                    return cluster.getClient().getJobStatus(getJobID());
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            throw new IOException(ie);
        if (this.status == null) {
            throw new IOException("Job status not available ");
        this.statustime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    public JobStatus getStatus() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return status;

     * Returns the current state of the Job.
     * @return JobStatus#State
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public JobStatus.State getJobState() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return status.getState();

     * Get the URL where some job progress information will be displayed.
     * @return the URL where some job progress information will be displayed.
    public String getTrackingURL() {
        return status.getTrackingUrl().toString();

     * Get the path of the submitted job configuration.
     * @return the path of the submitted job configuration.
    public String getJobFile() {
        return status.getJobFile();

     * Get start time of the job.
     * @return the start time of the job
    public long getStartTime() {
        return status.getStartTime();

     * Get finish time of the job.
     * @return the finish time of the job
    public long getFinishTime() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return status.getFinishTime();

     * Get scheduling info of the job.
     * @return the scheduling info of the job
    public String getSchedulingInfo() {
        return status.getSchedulingInfo();

     * Get scheduling info of the job.
     * @return the priority info of the job
    public JobPriority getPriority() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return status.getPriority();

     * The user-specified job name.
    public String getJobName() {
        if (state == JobState.DEFINE || status == null) {
            return super.getJobName();
        return status.getJobName();

    public String getHistoryUrl() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return status.getHistoryFile();

    public boolean isRetired() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return status.isRetired();

    public Cluster getCluster() {
        return cluster;

    /** Only for mocks in unit tests. */
    private void setCluster(Cluster cluster) {
        this.cluster = cluster;

     * Dump stats to screen.
    public String toString() {
        String reasonforFailure = " ";
        int numMaps = 0;
        int numReduces = 0;
        try {
            if (status.getState().equals(JobStatus.State.FAILED))
                reasonforFailure = getTaskFailureEventString();
            numMaps = getTaskReports(TaskType.MAP).length;
            numReduces = getTaskReports(TaskType.REDUCE).length;
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("Job: ").append(status.getJobID()).append("\n");
        sb.append("Job File: ").append(status.getJobFile()).append("\n");
        sb.append("Job Tracking URL : ").append(status.getTrackingUrl());
        sb.append("Uber job : ").append(status.isUber()).append("\n");
        sb.append("Number of maps: ").append(numMaps).append("\n");
        sb.append("Number of reduces: ").append(numReduces).append("\n");
        sb.append("map() completion: ");
        sb.append("reduce() completion: ");
        sb.append("Job state: ");
        sb.append("retired: ").append(status.isRetired()).append("\n");
        sb.append("reason for failure: ").append(reasonforFailure);
        return sb.toString();

     * @return taskid which caused job failure
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    String getTaskFailureEventString() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        int failCount = 1;
        TaskCompletionEvent lastEvent = null;
        TaskCompletionEvent[] events = ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<TaskCompletionEvent[]>() {
            public TaskCompletionEvent[] run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                return cluster.getClient().getTaskCompletionEvents(status.getJobID(), 0, 10);
        for (TaskCompletionEvent event : events) {
            if (event.getStatus().equals(TaskCompletionEvent.Status.FAILED)) {
                lastEvent = event;
        if (lastEvent == null) {
            return "There are no failed tasks for the job. " + "Job is failed due to some other reason and reason "
                    + "can be found in the logs.";
        String[] taskAttemptID = lastEvent.getTaskAttemptId().toString().split("_", 2);
        String taskID = taskAttemptID[1].substring(0, taskAttemptID[1].length() - 2);
        return (" task " + taskID + " failed " + failCount + " times " + "For details check tasktracker at: "
                + lastEvent.getTaskTrackerHttp());

     * Get the information of the current state of the tasks of a job.
     * @param type Type of the task
     * @return the list of all of the map tips.
     * @throws IOException
    public TaskReport[] getTaskReports(TaskType type) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        final TaskType tmpType = type;
        return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<TaskReport[]>() {
            public TaskReport[] run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                return cluster.getClient().getTaskReports(getJobID(), tmpType);

     * Get the <i>progress</i> of the job's map-tasks, as a float between 0.0 
     * and 1.0.  When all map tasks have completed, the function returns 1.0.
     * @return the progress of the job's map-tasks.
     * @throws IOException
    public float mapProgress() throws IOException {
        return status.getMapProgress();

     * Get the <i>progress</i> of the job's reduce-tasks, as a float between 0.0 
     * and 1.0.  When all reduce tasks have completed, the function returns 1.0.
     * @return the progress of the job's reduce-tasks.
     * @throws IOException
    public float reduceProgress() throws IOException {
        return status.getReduceProgress();

     * Get the <i>progress</i> of the job's cleanup-tasks, as a float between 0.0 
     * and 1.0.  When all cleanup tasks have completed, the function returns 1.0.
     * @return the progress of the job's cleanup-tasks.
     * @throws IOException
    public float cleanupProgress() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return status.getCleanupProgress();

     * Get the <i>progress</i> of the job's setup-tasks, as a float between 0.0 
     * and 1.0.  When all setup tasks have completed, the function returns 1.0.
     * @return the progress of the job's setup-tasks.
     * @throws IOException
    public float setupProgress() throws IOException {
        return status.getSetupProgress();

     * Check if the job is finished or not. 
     * This is a non-blocking call.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the job is complete, else <code>false</code>.
     * @throws IOException
    public boolean isComplete() throws IOException {
        return status.isJobComplete();

     * Check if the job completed successfully. 
     * @return <code>true</code> if the job succeeded, else <code>false</code>.
     * @throws IOException
    public boolean isSuccessful() throws IOException {
        return status.getState() == JobStatus.State.SUCCEEDED;

     * Kill the running job.  Blocks until all job tasks have been
     * killed as well.  If the job is no longer running, it simply returns.
     * @throws IOException
    public void killJob() throws IOException {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            throw new IOException(ie);

     * Set the priority of a running job.
     * @param jobPriority the new priority for the job.
     * @throws IOException
    public void setPriority(JobPriority jobPriority) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        if (state == JobState.DEFINE) {
            if (jobPriority == JobPriority.UNDEFINED_PRIORITY) {
            } else {
        } else {
            final int tmpPriority = convertPriorityToInteger(jobPriority);
            ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
                public Object run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                    cluster.getClient().setJobPriority(getJobID(), Integer.toString(tmpPriority));
                    return null;

     * Set the priority of a running job.
     * @param jobPriority
     *          the new priority for the job.
     * @throws IOException
    public void setPriorityAsInteger(int jobPriority) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        if (state == JobState.DEFINE) {
        } else {
            final int tmpPriority = jobPriority;
            ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
                public Object run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                    cluster.getClient().setJobPriority(getJobID(), Integer.toString(tmpPriority));
                    return null;

    private int convertPriorityToInteger(JobPriority jobPriority) {
        switch (jobPriority) {
        case VERY_HIGH:
            return 5;
        case HIGH:
            return 4;
        case NORMAL:
            return 3;
        case LOW:
            return 2;
        case VERY_LOW:
            return 1;
        case DEFAULT:
            return 0;
        // For UNDEFINED_PRIORITY, we can set it to default for better handling
        return 0;

     * Get events indicating completion (success/failure) of component tasks.
     * @param startFrom index to start fetching events from
     * @param numEvents number of events to fetch
     * @return an array of {@link TaskCompletionEvent}s
     * @throws IOException
    public TaskCompletionEvent[] getTaskCompletionEvents(final int startFrom, final int numEvents)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<TaskCompletionEvent[]>() {
            public TaskCompletionEvent[] run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                return cluster.getClient().getTaskCompletionEvents(getJobID(), startFrom, numEvents);

     * Get events indicating completion (success/failure) of component tasks.
     * @param startFrom index to start fetching events from
     * @return an array of {@link org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskCompletionEvent}s
     * @throws IOException
    public org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskCompletionEvent[] getTaskCompletionEvents(final int startFrom)
            throws IOException {
        try {
            TaskCompletionEvent[] events = getTaskCompletionEvents(startFrom, 10);
            org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskCompletionEvent[] retEvents = new org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskCompletionEvent[events.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
                retEvents[i] = org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskCompletionEvent.downgrade(events[i]);
            return retEvents;
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            throw new IOException(ie);

     * Kill indicated task attempt.
     * @param taskId the id of the task to kill.
     * @param shouldFail if <code>true</code> the task is failed and added
     *                   to failed tasks list, otherwise it is just killed,
     *                   w/o affecting job failure status.
    public boolean killTask(final TaskAttemptID taskId, final boolean shouldFail) throws IOException {
        try {
            return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                    return cluster.getClient().killTask(taskId, shouldFail);
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            throw new IOException(ie);

     * Kill indicated task attempt.
     * @param taskId the id of the task to be terminated.
     * @throws IOException
    public void killTask(final TaskAttemptID taskId) throws IOException {
        killTask(taskId, false);

     * Fail indicated task attempt.
     * @param taskId the id of the task to be terminated.
     * @throws IOException
    public void failTask(final TaskAttemptID taskId) throws IOException {
        killTask(taskId, true);

     * Gets the counters for this job. May return null if the job has been
     * retired and the job is no longer in the completed job store.
     * @return the counters for this job.
     * @throws IOException
    public Counters getCounters() throws IOException {
        try {
            return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Counters>() {
                public Counters run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                    return cluster.getClient().getJobCounters(getJobID());
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            throw new IOException(ie);

     * Gets the diagnostic messages for a given task attempt.
     * @param taskid
     * @return the list of diagnostic messages for the task
     * @throws IOException
    public String[] getTaskDiagnostics(final TaskAttemptID taskid) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<String[]>() {
            public String[] run() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                return cluster.getClient().getTaskDiagnostics(taskid);

     * Set the number of reduce tasks for the job.
     * @param tasks the number of reduce tasks
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setNumReduceTasks(int tasks) throws IllegalStateException {

     * Set the current working directory for the default file system.
     * @param dir the new current working directory.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setWorkingDirectory(Path dir) throws IOException {

     * Set the {@link InputFormat} for the job.
     * @param cls the <code>InputFormat</code> to use
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setInputFormatClass(Class<? extends InputFormat> cls) throws IllegalStateException {
        conf.setClass(INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS_ATTR, cls, InputFormat.class);

     * Set the {@link OutputFormat} for the job.
     * @param cls the <code>OutputFormat</code> to use
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setOutputFormatClass(Class<? extends OutputFormat> cls) throws IllegalStateException {
        conf.setClass(OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS_ATTR, cls, OutputFormat.class);

     * Set the {@link Mapper} for the job.
     * @param cls the <code>Mapper</code> to use
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setMapperClass(Class<? extends Mapper> cls) throws IllegalStateException {
        conf.setClass(MAP_CLASS_ATTR, cls, Mapper.class);

     * Set the Jar by finding where a given class came from.
     * @param cls the example class
    public void setJarByClass(Class<?> cls) {

     * Set the job jar 
    public void setJar(String jar) {

     * Set the reported username for this job.
     * @param user the username for this job.
    public void setUser(String user) {

     * Set the combiner class for the job.
     * @param cls the combiner to use
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setCombinerClass(Class<? extends Reducer> cls) throws IllegalStateException {
        conf.setClass(COMBINE_CLASS_ATTR, cls, Reducer.class);

     * Set the {@link Reducer} for the job.
     * @param cls the <code>Reducer</code> to use
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setReducerClass(Class<? extends Reducer> cls) throws IllegalStateException {
        conf.setClass(REDUCE_CLASS_ATTR, cls, Reducer.class);

     * Set the {@link Partitioner} for the job.
     * @param cls the <code>Partitioner</code> to use
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setPartitionerClass(Class<? extends Partitioner> cls) throws IllegalStateException {
        conf.setClass(PARTITIONER_CLASS_ATTR, cls, Partitioner.class);

     * Set the key class for the map output data. This allows the user to
     * specify the map output key class to be different than the final output
     * value class.
     * @param theClass the map output key class.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setMapOutputKeyClass(Class<?> theClass) throws IllegalStateException {

     * Set the value class for the map output data. This allows the user to
     * specify the map output value class to be different than the final output
     * value class.
     * @param theClass the map output value class.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setMapOutputValueClass(Class<?> theClass) throws IllegalStateException {

     * Set the key class for the job output data.
     * @param theClass the key class for the job output data.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setOutputKeyClass(Class<?> theClass) throws IllegalStateException {

     * Set the value class for job outputs.
     * @param theClass the value class for job outputs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setOutputValueClass(Class<?> theClass) throws IllegalStateException {

     * Define the comparator that controls which keys are grouped together
     * for a single call to combiner,
     * {@link Reducer#reduce(Object, Iterable,
     * org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer.Context)}
     * @param cls the raw comparator to use
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setCombinerKeyGroupingComparatorClass(Class<? extends RawComparator> cls)
            throws IllegalStateException {

     * Define the comparator that controls how the keys are sorted before they
     * are passed to the {@link Reducer}.
     * @param cls the raw comparator
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
     * @see #setCombinerKeyGroupingComparatorClass(Class)
    public void setSortComparatorClass(Class<? extends RawComparator> cls) throws IllegalStateException {

     * Define the comparator that controls which keys are grouped together
     * for a single call to 
     * {@link Reducer#reduce(Object, Iterable, 
     *                       org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer.Context)}
     * @param cls the raw comparator to use
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
     * @see #setCombinerKeyGroupingComparatorClass(Class)
    public void setGroupingComparatorClass(Class<? extends RawComparator> cls) throws IllegalStateException {

     * Set the user-specified job name.
     * @param name the job's new name.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the job is submitted
    public void setJobName(String name) throws IllegalStateException {

     * Turn speculative execution on or off for this job. 
     * @param speculativeExecution <code>true</code> if speculative execution 
     *                             should be turned on, else <code>false</code>.
    public void setSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution) {

     * Turn speculative execution on or off for this job for map tasks. 
     * @param speculativeExecution <code>true</code> if speculative execution 
     *                             should be turned on for map tasks,
     *                             else <code>false</code>.
    public void setMapSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution) {

     * Turn speculative execution on or off for this job for reduce tasks. 
     * @param speculativeExecution <code>true</code> if speculative execution 
     *                             should be turned on for reduce tasks,
     *                             else <code>false</code>.
    public void setReduceSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution) {

     * Specify whether job-setup and job-cleanup is needed for the job 
     * @param needed If <code>true</code>, job-setup and job-cleanup will be
     *               considered from {@link OutputCommitter} 
     *               else ignored.
    public void setJobSetupCleanupNeeded(boolean needed) {
        conf.setBoolean(SETUP_CLEANUP_NEEDED, needed);

     * Set the given set of archives
     * @param archives The list of archives that need to be localized
    public void setCacheArchives(URI[] archives) {
        DistributedCache.setCacheArchives(archives, conf);

     * Set the given set of files
     * @param files The list of files that need to be localized
    public void setCacheFiles(URI[] files) {
        DistributedCache.setCacheFiles(files, conf);

     * Add a archives to be localized
     * @param uri The uri of the cache to be localized
    public void addCacheArchive(URI uri) {
        DistributedCache.addCacheArchive(uri, conf);

     * Add a file to be localized
     * @param uri The uri of the cache to be localized
    public void addCacheFile(URI uri) {
        DistributedCache.addCacheFile(uri, conf);

     * Add an file path to the current set of classpath entries It adds the file
     * to cache as well.
     * Files added with this method will not be unpacked while being added to the
     * classpath.
     * To add archives to classpath, use the {@link #addArchiveToClassPath(Path)}
     * method instead.
     * @param file Path of the file to be added
    public void addFileToClassPath(Path file) throws IOException {
        DistributedCache.addFileToClassPath(file, conf, file.getFileSystem(conf));

     * Add an archive path to the current set of classpath entries. It adds the
     * archive to cache as well.
     * Archive files will be unpacked and added to the classpath
     * when being distributed.
     * @param archive Path of the archive to be added
    public void addArchiveToClassPath(Path archive) throws IOException {
        DistributedCache.addArchiveToClassPath(archive, conf, archive.getFileSystem(conf));

     * Originally intended to enable symlinks, but currently symlinks cannot be
     * disabled.
    public void createSymlink() {

     * Expert: Set the number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a
     * map task.
     * @param n the number of attempts per map task.
    public void setMaxMapAttempts(int n) {

     * Expert: Set the number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a
     * reduce task.
     * @param n the number of attempts per reduce task.
    public void setMaxReduceAttempts(int n) {

     * Set whether the system should collect profiler information for some of 
     * the tasks in this job? The information is stored in the user log 
     * directory.
     * @param newValue true means it should be gathered
    public void setProfileEnabled(boolean newValue) {

     * Set the profiler configuration arguments. If the string contains a '%s' it
     * will be replaced with the name of the profiling output file when the task
     * runs.
     * This value is passed to the task child JVM on the command line.
     * @param value the configuration string
    public void setProfileParams(String value) {

     * Set the ranges of maps or reduces to profile. setProfileEnabled(true) 
     * must also be called.
     * @param newValue a set of integer ranges of the map ids
    public void setProfileTaskRange(boolean isMap, String newValue) {
        conf.setProfileTaskRange(isMap, newValue);

    private void ensureNotSet(String attr, String msg) throws IOException {
        if (conf.get(attr) != null) {
            throw new IOException(attr + " is incompatible with " + msg + " mode.");

     * Sets the flag that will allow the JobTracker to cancel the HDFS delegation
     * tokens upon job completion. Defaults to true.
    public void setCancelDelegationTokenUponJobCompletion(boolean value) {
        conf.setBoolean(JOB_CANCEL_DELEGATION_TOKEN, value);

     * Default to the new APIs unless they are explicitly set or the old mapper or
     * reduce attributes are used.
     * @throws IOException if the configuration is inconsistent
    private void setUseNewAPI() throws IOException {
        int numReduces = conf.getNumReduceTasks();
        String oldMapperClass = "mapred.mapper.class";
        String oldReduceClass = "mapred.reducer.class";
        conf.setBooleanIfUnset("", conf.get(oldMapperClass) == null);
        if (conf.getUseNewMapper()) {
            String mode = "new map API";
            ensureNotSet("mapred.input.format.class", mode);
            ensureNotSet(oldMapperClass, mode);
            if (numReduces != 0) {
                ensureNotSet("mapred.partitioner.class", mode);
            } else {
                ensureNotSet("mapred.output.format.class", mode);
        } else {
            String mode = "map compatibility";
            ensureNotSet(INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS_ATTR, mode);
            ensureNotSet(MAP_CLASS_ATTR, mode);
            if (numReduces != 0) {
                ensureNotSet(PARTITIONER_CLASS_ATTR, mode);
            } else {
                ensureNotSet(OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS_ATTR, mode);
        if (numReduces != 0) {
            conf.setBooleanIfUnset("", conf.get(oldReduceClass) == null);
            if (conf.getUseNewReducer()) {
                String mode = "new reduce API";
                ensureNotSet("mapred.output.format.class", mode);
                ensureNotSet(oldReduceClass, mode);
            } else {
                String mode = "reduce compatibility";
                ensureNotSet(OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS_ATTR, mode);
                ensureNotSet(REDUCE_CLASS_ATTR, mode);

     * Add a file to job config for shared cache processing. If shared cache is
     * enabled, it will return true, otherwise, return false. We don't check with
     * SCM here given application might not be able to provide the job id;
     * ClientSCMProtocol.use requires the application id. Job Submitter will read
     * the files from job config and take care of things.
     * @param resource The resource that Job Submitter will process later using
     *          shared cache.
     * @param conf Configuration to add the resource to
     * @return whether the resource has been added to the configuration
    public static boolean addFileToSharedCache(URI resource, Configuration conf) {
        SharedCacheConfig scConfig = new SharedCacheConfig();
        if (scConfig.isSharedCacheFilesEnabled()) {
            String files = conf.get(MRJobConfig.FILES_FOR_SHARED_CACHE);
                    files == null ? resource.toString() : files + "," + resource.toString());
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Add a file to job config for shared cache processing. If shared cache is
     * enabled, it will return true, otherwise, return false. We don't check with
     * SCM here given application might not be able to provide the job id;
     * ClientSCMProtocol.use requires the application id. Job Submitter will read
     * the files from job config and take care of things. Job Submitter will also
     * add the file to classpath. Intended to be used by user code.
     * @param resource The resource that Job Submitter will process later using
     *          shared cache.
     * @param conf Configuration to add the resource to
     * @return whether the resource has been added to the configuration
    public static boolean addFileToSharedCacheAndClasspath(URI resource, Configuration conf) {
        SharedCacheConfig scConfig = new SharedCacheConfig();
        if (scConfig.isSharedCacheLibjarsEnabled()) {
            String files = conf.get(MRJobConfig.FILES_FOR_CLASSPATH_AND_SHARED_CACHE);
                    files == null ? resource.toString() : files + "," + resource.toString());
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Add an archive to job config for shared cache processing. If shared cache
     * is enabled, it will return true, otherwise, return false. We don't check
     * with SCM here given application might not be able to provide the job id;
     * ClientSCMProtocol.use requires the application id. Job Submitter will read
     * the files from job config and take care of things. Intended to be used by
     * user code.
     * @param resource The resource that Job Submitter will process later using
     *          shared cache.
     * @param conf Configuration to add the resource to
     * @return whether the resource has been added to the configuration
    public static boolean addArchiveToSharedCache(URI resource, Configuration conf) {
        SharedCacheConfig scConfig = new SharedCacheConfig();
        if (scConfig.isSharedCacheArchivesEnabled()) {
            String files = conf.get(MRJobConfig.ARCHIVES_FOR_SHARED_CACHE);
                    files == null ? resource.toString() : files + "," + resource.toString());
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * This is to set the shared cache upload policies for files. If the parameter
     * was previously set, this method will replace the old value with the new
     * provided map.
     * @param conf Configuration which stores the shared cache upload policies
     * @param policies A map containing the shared cache upload policies for a set
     *          of resources. The key is the url of the resource and the value is
     *          the upload policy. True if it should be uploaded, false otherwise.
    public static void setFileSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration conf, Map<String, Boolean> policies) {
        setSharedCacheUploadPolicies(conf, policies, true);

     * This is to set the shared cache upload policies for archives. If the
     * parameter was previously set, this method will replace the old value with
     * the new provided map.
     * @param conf Configuration which stores the shared cache upload policies
     * @param policies A map containing the shared cache upload policies for a set
     *          of resources. The key is the url of the resource and the value is
     *          the upload policy. True if it should be uploaded, false otherwise.
    public static void setArchiveSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration conf, Map<String, Boolean> policies) {
        setSharedCacheUploadPolicies(conf, policies, false);

    // We use a double colon because a colon is a reserved character in a URI and
    // there should not be two colons next to each other.
    private static final String DELIM = "::";

     * Set the shared cache upload policies config parameter. This is done by
     * serializing the provided map of shared cache upload policies into a config
     * parameter. If the parameter was previously set, this method will replace
     * the old value with the new provided map.
     * @param conf Configuration which stores the shared cache upload policies
     * @param policies A map containing the shared cache upload policies for a set
     *          of resources. The key is the url of the resource and the value is
     *          the upload policy. True if it should be uploaded, false otherwise.
     * @param areFiles True if these policies are for files, false if they are for
     *          archives.
    private static void setSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration conf, Map<String, Boolean> policies,
            boolean areFiles) {
        if (policies != null) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Boolean>> it = policies.entrySet().iterator();
            Map.Entry<String, Boolean> e;
            if (it.hasNext()) {
                e =;
                sb.append(e.getKey() + DELIM + e.getValue());
            } else {
                // policies is an empty map, just skip setting the parameter
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                e =;
                sb.append("," + e.getKey() + DELIM + e.getValue());
            String confParam = areFiles ? MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILES_SHARED_CACHE_UPLOAD_POLICIES
            conf.set(confParam, sb.toString());

     * Deserialize a map of shared cache upload policies from a config parameter.
     * @param conf Configuration which stores the shared cache upload policies
     * @param areFiles True if these policies are for files, false if they are for
     *          archives.
     * @return A map containing the shared cache upload policies for a set of
     *         resources. The key is the url of the resource and the value is the
     *         upload policy. True if it should be uploaded, false otherwise.
    private static Map<String, Boolean> getSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration conf, boolean areFiles) {
        String confParam = areFiles ? MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILES_SHARED_CACHE_UPLOAD_POLICIES
        Collection<String> policies = conf.getStringCollection(confParam);
        String[] policy;
        Map<String, Boolean> policyMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean>();
        for (String s : policies) {
            policy = s.split(DELIM);
            if (policy.length != 2) {
                LOG.error(confParam + " is mis-formatted, returning empty shared cache upload policies."
                        + " Error on [" + s + "]");
                return new LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean>();
            policyMap.put(policy[0], Boolean.parseBoolean(policy[1]));
        return policyMap;

     * This is to get the shared cache upload policies for files.
     * @param conf Configuration which stores the shared cache upload policies
     * @return A map containing the shared cache upload policies for a set of
     *         resources. The key is the url of the resource and the value is the
     *         upload policy. True if it should be uploaded, false otherwise.
    public static Map<String, Boolean> getFileSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration conf) {
        return getSharedCacheUploadPolicies(conf, true);

     * This is to get the shared cache upload policies for archives.
     * @param conf Configuration which stores the shared cache upload policies
     * @return A map containing the shared cache upload policies for a set of
     *         resources. The key is the url of the resource and the value is the
     *         upload policy. True if it should be uploaded, false otherwise.
    public static Map<String, Boolean> getArchiveSharedCacheUploadPolicies(Configuration conf) {
        return getSharedCacheUploadPolicies(conf, false);

    private synchronized void connect() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
        if (cluster == null) {
            cluster = ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Cluster>() {
                public Cluster run() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
                    return new Cluster(getConfiguration());

    boolean isConnected() {
        return cluster != null;

    /** Only for mocking via unit tests. */
    public JobSubmitter getJobSubmitter(FileSystem fs, ClientProtocol submitClient) throws IOException {
        return new JobSubmitter(fs, submitClient);

     * Submit the job to the cluster and return immediately.
     * @throws IOException
    public void submit() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
        final JobSubmitter submitter = getJobSubmitter(cluster.getFileSystem(), cluster.getClient());
        status = ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<JobStatus>() {
            public JobStatus run() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
                return submitter.submitJobInternal(Job.this, cluster);
        state = JobState.RUNNING;"The url to track the job: " + getTrackingURL());

     * Submit the job to the cluster and wait for it to finish.
     * @param verbose print the progress to the user
     * @return true if the job succeeded
     * @throws IOException thrown if the communication with the 
     *         <code>JobTracker</code> is lost
    public boolean waitForCompletion(boolean verbose)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
        if (state == JobState.DEFINE) {
        if (verbose) {
        } else {
            // get the completion poll interval from the client.
            int completionPollIntervalMillis = Job.getCompletionPollInterval(cluster.getConf());
            while (!isComplete()) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        return isSuccessful();

     * Monitor a job and print status in real-time as progress is made and tasks 
     * fail.
     * @return true if the job succeeded
     * @throws IOException if communication to the JobTracker fails
    public boolean monitorAndPrintJob() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        String lastReport = null;
        Job.TaskStatusFilter filter;
        Configuration clientConf = getConfiguration();
        filter = Job.getTaskOutputFilter(clientConf);
        JobID jobId = getJobID();"Running job: " + jobId);
        int eventCounter = 0;
        boolean profiling = getProfileEnabled();
        IntegerRanges mapRanges = getProfileTaskRange(true);
        IntegerRanges reduceRanges = getProfileTaskRange(false);
        int progMonitorPollIntervalMillis = Job.getProgressPollInterval(clientConf);
        /* make sure to report full progress after the job is done */
        boolean reportedAfterCompletion = false;
        boolean reportedUberMode = false;
        while (!isComplete() || !reportedAfterCompletion) {
            if (isComplete()) {
                reportedAfterCompletion = true;
            } else {
            if (status.getState() == JobStatus.State.PREP) {
            if (!reportedUberMode) {
                reportedUberMode = true;
      "Job " + jobId + " running in uber mode : " + isUber());
            String report = (" map " + StringUtils.formatPercent(mapProgress(), 0) + " reduce "
                    + StringUtils.formatPercent(reduceProgress(), 0));
            if (!report.equals(lastReport)) {
                lastReport = report;

            TaskCompletionEvent[] events = getTaskCompletionEvents(eventCounter, 10);
            eventCounter += events.length;
            printTaskEvents(events, filter, profiling, mapRanges, reduceRanges);
        boolean success = isSuccessful();
        if (success) {
  "Job " + jobId + " completed successfully");
        } else {
  "Job " + jobId + " failed with state " + status.getState() + " due to: "
                    + status.getFailureInfo());
        Counters counters = getCounters();
        if (counters != null) {
        return success;

    private void printTaskEvents(TaskCompletionEvent[] events, Job.TaskStatusFilter filter, boolean profiling,
            IntegerRanges mapRanges, IntegerRanges reduceRanges) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        for (TaskCompletionEvent event : events) {
            switch (filter) {
            case NONE:
            case SUCCEEDED:
                if (event.getStatus() == TaskCompletionEvent.Status.SUCCEEDED) {
            case FAILED:
                if (event.getStatus() == TaskCompletionEvent.Status.FAILED) {
                    // Displaying the task diagnostic information
                    TaskAttemptID taskId = event.getTaskAttemptId();
                    String[] taskDiagnostics = getTaskDiagnostics(taskId);
                    if (taskDiagnostics != null) {
                        for (String diagnostics : taskDiagnostics) {
            case KILLED:
                if (event.getStatus() == TaskCompletionEvent.Status.KILLED) {
            case ALL:

    /** The interval at which monitorAndPrintJob() prints status */
    public static int getProgressPollInterval(Configuration conf) {
        // Read progress monitor poll interval from config. Default is 1 second.
        int progMonitorPollIntervalMillis = conf.getInt(PROGRESS_MONITOR_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY,
        if (progMonitorPollIntervalMillis < 1) {
            LOG.warn(PROGRESS_MONITOR_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY + " has been set to an invalid value; " + " replacing with "
                    + DEFAULT_MONITOR_POLL_INTERVAL);
            progMonitorPollIntervalMillis = DEFAULT_MONITOR_POLL_INTERVAL;
        return progMonitorPollIntervalMillis;

    /** The interval at which waitForCompletion() should check. */
    public static int getCompletionPollInterval(Configuration conf) {
        int completionPollIntervalMillis = conf.getInt(COMPLETION_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY,
        if (completionPollIntervalMillis < 1) {
            LOG.warn(COMPLETION_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY + " has been set to an invalid value; " + "replacing with "
            completionPollIntervalMillis = DEFAULT_COMPLETION_POLL_INTERVAL;
        return completionPollIntervalMillis;

     * Get the task output filter.
     * @param conf the configuration.
     * @return the filter level.
    public static TaskStatusFilter getTaskOutputFilter(Configuration conf) {
        return TaskStatusFilter.valueOf(conf.get(Job.OUTPUT_FILTER, "FAILED"));

     * Modify the Configuration to set the task output filter.
     * @param conf the Configuration to modify.
     * @param newValue the value to set.
    public static void setTaskOutputFilter(Configuration conf, TaskStatusFilter newValue) {
        conf.set(Job.OUTPUT_FILTER, newValue.toString());

    public boolean isUber() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return status.isUber();

     * Get the reservation to which the job is submitted to, if any
     * @return the reservationId the identifier of the job's reservation, null if
     *         the job does not have any reservation associated with it
    public ReservationId getReservationId() {
        return reservationId;

     * Set the reservation to which the job is submitted to
     * @param reservationId the reservationId to set
    public void setReservationId(ReservationId reservationId) {
        this.reservationId = reservationId;

     * Close the <code>Job</code>.
     * @throws IOException if fail to close.
    public void close() throws IOException {
        if (cluster != null) {
            cluster = null;