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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationMasterProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.FinishApplicationMasterRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.FinishApplicationMasterResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.RegisterApplicationMasterRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.RegisterApplicationMasterResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerUpdateType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ExecutionType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ExecutionTypeRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NMToken;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceBlacklistRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.SchedulingRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Token;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.UpdateContainerRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.UpdatedContainer;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraint;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.AMRMClientUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.ClientRMProxy;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.AMRMClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.AMRMClient.ContainerRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.InvalidContainerRequestException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.RackResolver;

import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class AMRMClientImpl<T extends ContainerRequest> extends AMRMClient<T> {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AMRMClientImpl.class);
    private static final List<String> ANY_LIST = Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.ANY);

    private int lastResponseId = 0;

    protected String appHostName;
    protected int appHostPort;
    protected String appTrackingUrl;
    protected String newTrackingUrl;

    protected ApplicationMasterProtocol rmClient;
    protected Resource clusterAvailableResources;
    protected int clusterNodeCount;

    // blacklistedNodes is required for keeping history of blacklisted nodes that
    // are sent to RM. On RESYNC command from RM, blacklistedNodes are used to get
    // current blacklisted nodes and send back to RM.
    protected final Set<String> blacklistedNodes = new HashSet<String>();
    protected final Set<String> blacklistAdditions = new HashSet<String>();
    protected final Set<String> blacklistRemovals = new HashSet<String>();
    private Map<Set<String>, PlacementConstraint> placementConstraints = new HashMap<>();

    protected Map<String, Resource> resourceProfilesMap;

    static class ResourceRequestInfo<T> {
        ResourceRequest remoteRequest;
        LinkedHashSet<T> containerRequests;

        ResourceRequestInfo(Long allocationRequestId, Priority priority, String resourceName, Resource capability,
                boolean relaxLocality) {
            remoteRequest = ResourceRequest.newBuilder().priority(priority).resourceName(resourceName)
            containerRequests = new LinkedHashSet<T>();

     * Class compares Resource by memory, then cpu and then the remaining resource
     * types in reverse order.
    static class ResourceReverseComparator<T extends Resource> implements Comparator<T>, Serializable {
        public int compare(Resource res0, Resource res1) {
            return res1.compareTo(res0);

    private final Map<Long, RemoteRequestsTable<T>> remoteRequests = new HashMap<>();

    protected final Set<ResourceRequest> ask = new TreeSet<ResourceRequest>(
            new org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest.ResourceRequestComparator());
    protected final Set<ContainerId> release = new TreeSet<ContainerId>();
    // pendingRelease holds history of release requests.
    // request is removed only if RM sends completedContainer.
    // How it different from release? --> release is for per allocate() request.
    protected Set<ContainerId> pendingRelease = new TreeSet<ContainerId>();
    // change map holds container resource change requests between two allocate()
    // calls, and are cleared after each successful allocate() call.
    protected final Map<ContainerId, SimpleEntry<Container, UpdateContainerRequest>> change = new HashMap<>();
    // pendingChange map holds history of container resource change requests in
    // case AM needs to reregister with the ResourceManager.
    // Change requests are removed from this map if RM confirms the change
    // through allocate response, or if RM confirms that the container has been
    // completed.
    protected final Map<ContainerId, SimpleEntry<Container, UpdateContainerRequest>> pendingChange = new HashMap<>();

    private List<SchedulingRequest> schedulingRequests = new ArrayList<>();
    private Map<Set<String>, List<SchedulingRequest>> outstandingSchedRequests = new HashMap<>();

    public AMRMClientImpl() {

    AMRMClientImpl(ApplicationMasterProtocol protocol) {
        this.rmClient = protocol;

    protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception {

    protected void serviceStart() throws Exception {
        final YarnConfiguration conf = new YarnConfiguration(getConfig());
        try {
            if (rmClient == null) {
                rmClient = ClientRMProxy.createRMProxy(conf, ApplicationMasterProtocol.class);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);

    protected void serviceStop() throws Exception {
        if (this.rmClient != null) {

    public RegisterApplicationMasterResponse registerApplicationMaster(String appHostName, int appHostPort,
            String appTrackingUrl) throws YarnException, IOException {
        return registerApplicationMaster(appHostName, appHostPort, appTrackingUrl, null);

    public RegisterApplicationMasterResponse registerApplicationMaster(String appHostName, int appHostPort,
            String appTrackingUrl, Map<Set<String>, PlacementConstraint> placementConstraintsMap)
            throws YarnException, IOException {
        this.appHostName = appHostName;
        this.appHostPort = appHostPort;
        this.appTrackingUrl = appTrackingUrl;
        if (placementConstraintsMap != null && !placementConstraintsMap.isEmpty()) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(appHostName != null, "The host name should not be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(appHostPort >= -1,
                "Port number of the host" + " should be any integers larger than or equal to -1");

        return registerApplicationMaster();

    private RegisterApplicationMasterResponse registerApplicationMaster() throws YarnException, IOException {
        RegisterApplicationMasterRequest request = RegisterApplicationMasterRequest.newInstance(this.appHostName,
                this.appHostPort, this.appTrackingUrl);
        if (!this.placementConstraints.isEmpty()) {
        RegisterApplicationMasterResponse response = rmClient.registerApplicationMaster(request);
        synchronized (this) {
            lastResponseId = 0;
            if (!response.getNMTokensFromPreviousAttempts().isEmpty()) {
            this.resourceProfilesMap = response.getResourceProfiles();
            List<Container> prevContainers = response.getContainersFromPreviousAttempts();
            AMRMClientUtils.removeFromOutstandingSchedulingRequests(prevContainers, this.outstandingSchedRequests);
        return response;

    public synchronized void addSchedulingRequests(Collection<SchedulingRequest> newSchedulingRequests) {
        AMRMClientUtils.addToOutstandingSchedulingRequests(newSchedulingRequests, this.outstandingSchedRequests);

    public AllocateResponse allocate(float progressIndicator) throws YarnException, IOException {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(progressIndicator >= 0, "Progress indicator should not be negative");
        AllocateResponse allocateResponse = null;
        List<ResourceRequest> askList = null;
        List<ContainerId> releaseList = null;
        AllocateRequest allocateRequest = null;
        List<String> blacklistToAdd = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> blacklistToRemove = new ArrayList<String>();
        Map<ContainerId, SimpleEntry<Container, UpdateContainerRequest>> oldChange = new HashMap<>();
        List<SchedulingRequest> schedulingRequestList = new LinkedList<>();

        try {
            synchronized (this) {
                askList = cloneAsks();
                // Save the current change for recovery
                List<UpdateContainerRequest> updateList = createUpdateList();
                releaseList = new ArrayList<ContainerId>(release);
                schedulingRequestList = new ArrayList<>(schedulingRequests);

                // optimistically clear this collection assuming no RPC failure


                ResourceBlacklistRequest blacklistRequest = ResourceBlacklistRequest.newInstance(blacklistToAdd,

                allocateRequest = AllocateRequest.newBuilder().responseId(lastResponseId)

                if (this.newTrackingUrl != null) {
                    this.appTrackingUrl = this.newTrackingUrl;
                    this.newTrackingUrl = null;
                // clear blacklistAdditions and blacklistRemovals before
                // unsynchronized part

            try {
                allocateResponse = rmClient.allocate(allocateRequest);
            } catch (ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException e) {
                LOG.warn("ApplicationMaster is out of sync with ResourceManager," + " hence resyncing.");
                synchronized (this) {
                    for (RemoteRequestsTable remoteRequestsTable : remoteRequests.values()) {
                        Iterator<ResourceRequestInfo<T>> reqIter = remoteRequestsTable.iterator();
                        while (reqIter.hasNext()) {
                    for (List<SchedulingRequest> schedReqs : this.outstandingSchedRequests.values()) {
                // re register with RM
                allocateResponse = allocate(progressIndicator);
                return allocateResponse;

            synchronized (this) {
                // update these on successful RPC
                clusterNodeCount = allocateResponse.getNumClusterNodes();
                lastResponseId = allocateResponse.getResponseId();
                clusterAvailableResources = allocateResponse.getAvailableResources();
                if (!allocateResponse.getNMTokens().isEmpty()) {
                if (allocateResponse.getAMRMToken() != null) {
                if (!pendingRelease.isEmpty() && !allocateResponse.getCompletedContainersStatuses().isEmpty()) {
                if (!pendingChange.isEmpty()) {
                    List<ContainerStatus> completed = allocateResponse.getCompletedContainersStatuses();
                    List<UpdatedContainer> changed = new ArrayList<>();
                    // remove all pending change requests that belong to the completed
                    // containers
                    for (ContainerStatus status : completed) {
                        ContainerId containerId = status.getContainerId();
                    // remove all pending change requests that have been satisfied
                    if (!changed.isEmpty()) {
                        allocateResponse.getContainersFromPreviousAttempts(), this.outstandingSchedRequests);
        } finally {
            // TODO how to differentiate remote yarn exception vs error in rpc
            if (allocateResponse == null) {
                // we hit an exception in allocate()
                // preserve ask and release for next call to allocate()
                synchronized (this) {
                    // requests could have been added or deleted during call to allocate
                    // If requests were added/removed then there is nothing to do since
                    // the ResourceRequest object in ask would have the actual new value.
                    // If ask does not have this ResourceRequest then it was unchanged and
                    // so we can add the value back safely.
                    // This assumes that there will no concurrent calls to allocate() and
                    // so we dont have to worry about ask being changed in the
                    // synchronized block at the beginning of this method.
                    for (ResourceRequest oldAsk : askList) {
                        if (!ask.contains(oldAsk)) {
                    // change requests could have been added during the allocate call.
                    // Those are the newest requests which take precedence
                    // over requests cached in the oldChange map.
                    // Only insert entries from the cached oldChange map
                    // that do not exist in the current change map:
                    for (Map.Entry<ContainerId, SimpleEntry<Container, UpdateContainerRequest>> entry : oldChange
                            .entrySet()) {
                        ContainerId oldContainerId = entry.getKey();
                        Container oldContainer = entry.getValue().getKey();
                        UpdateContainerRequest oldupdate = entry.getValue().getValue();
                        if (change.get(oldContainerId) == null) {
                            change.put(oldContainerId, new SimpleEntry<>(oldContainer, oldupdate));

        return allocateResponse;

    private List<UpdateContainerRequest> createUpdateList() {
        List<UpdateContainerRequest> updateList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Map.Entry<ContainerId, SimpleEntry<Container, UpdateContainerRequest>> entry : change.entrySet()) {
            Resource targetCapability = entry.getValue().getValue().getCapability();
            ExecutionType targetExecType = entry.getValue().getValue().getExecutionType();
            ContainerUpdateType updateType = entry.getValue().getValue().getContainerUpdateType();
            int version = entry.getValue().getKey().getVersion();
            updateList.add(UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(version, entry.getKey(), updateType, targetCapability,
        return updateList;

    private List<ResourceRequest> cloneAsks() {
        List<ResourceRequest> askList = new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(ask.size());
        for (ResourceRequest r : ask) {
            // create a copy of ResourceRequest as we might change it while the
            // RPC layer is using it to send info across
        return askList;

    protected void removePendingReleaseRequests(List<ContainerStatus> completedContainersStatuses) {
        for (ContainerStatus containerStatus : completedContainersStatuses) {

    protected void removePendingChangeRequests(List<UpdatedContainer> changedContainers) {
        for (UpdatedContainer changedContainer : changedContainers) {
            ContainerId containerId = changedContainer.getContainer().getId();
            if (pendingChange.get(containerId) == null) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("RM has confirmed changed resource allocation for " + "container " + containerId
                        + ". Current resource allocation:" + changedContainer.getContainer().getResource()
                        + ". Remove pending change request:" + pendingChange.get(containerId).getValue());

    protected void populateNMTokens(List<NMToken> nmTokens) {
        for (NMToken token : nmTokens) {
            String nodeId = token.getNodeId().toString();
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                if (getNMTokenCache().containsToken(nodeId)) {
                    LOG.debug("Replacing token for : " + nodeId);
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("Received new token for : " + nodeId);
            getNMTokenCache().setToken(nodeId, token.getToken());

    public void unregisterApplicationMaster(FinalApplicationStatus appStatus, String appMessage,
            String appTrackingUrl) throws YarnException, IOException {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(appStatus != null, "AppStatus should not be null.");
        FinishApplicationMasterRequest request = FinishApplicationMasterRequest.newInstance(appStatus, appMessage,
        try {
            while (true) {
                FinishApplicationMasterResponse response = rmClient.finishApplicationMaster(request);
                if (response.getIsUnregistered()) {
      "Waiting for application to be successfully unregistered.");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  "Interrupted while waiting for application" + " to be removed from RMStateStore");
        } catch (ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException e) {
            LOG.warn("ApplicationMaster is out of sync with ResourceManager," + " hence resyncing.");
            // re register with RM
            unregisterApplicationMaster(appStatus, appMessage, appTrackingUrl);

    public synchronized void addContainerRequest(T req) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(req != null, "Resource request can not be null.");
        Set<String> dedupedRacks = new HashSet<String>();
        if (req.getRacks() != null) {
            if (req.getRacks().size() != dedupedRacks.size()) {
                Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(',');
                LOG.warn("ContainerRequest has duplicate racks: " + joiner.join(req.getRacks()));
        Set<String> inferredRacks = resolveRacks(req.getNodes());

        Resource resource = checkAndGetResourceProfile(req.getResourceProfile(), req.getCapability());

        // check that specific and non-specific requests cannot be mixed within a
        // priority
        checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(req.getAllocationRequestId(), req.getPriority(), ANY_LIST,
        // check that specific rack cannot be mixed with specific node within a 
        // priority. If node and its rack are both specified then they must be 
        // in the same request.
        // For explicitly requested racks, we set locality relaxation to true
        checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(req.getAllocationRequestId(), req.getPriority(), dedupedRacks, true);
        checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(req.getAllocationRequestId(), req.getPriority(), inferredRacks,
        // check if the node label expression specified is valid

        if (req.getNodes() != null) {
            HashSet<String> dedupedNodes = new HashSet<String>(req.getNodes());
            if (dedupedNodes.size() != req.getNodes().size()) {
                Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(',');
                LOG.warn("ContainerRequest has duplicate nodes: " + joiner.join(req.getNodes()));
            for (String node : dedupedNodes) {
                addResourceRequest(req.getPriority(), node, req.getExecutionTypeRequest(), resource, req, true,

        for (String rack : dedupedRacks) {
            addResourceRequest(req.getPriority(), rack, req.getExecutionTypeRequest(), resource, req, true,

        // Ensure node requests are accompanied by requests for
        // corresponding rack
        for (String rack : inferredRacks) {
            addResourceRequest(req.getPriority(), rack, req.getExecutionTypeRequest(), resource, req,
                    req.getRelaxLocality(), req.getNodeLabelExpression());
        // Off-switch
        addResourceRequest(req.getPriority(), ResourceRequest.ANY, req.getExecutionTypeRequest(), resource, req,
                req.getRelaxLocality(), req.getNodeLabelExpression());

    public synchronized void removeContainerRequest(T req) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(req != null, "Resource request can not be null.");
        Resource resource = checkAndGetResourceProfile(req.getResourceProfile(), req.getCapability());
        Set<String> allRacks = new HashSet<String>();
        if (req.getRacks() != null) {

        // Update resource requests
        if (req.getNodes() != null) {
            for (String node : new HashSet<String>(req.getNodes())) {
                decResourceRequest(req.getPriority(), node, req.getExecutionTypeRequest(), resource, req);

        for (String rack : allRacks) {
            decResourceRequest(req.getPriority(), rack, req.getExecutionTypeRequest(), resource, req);

        decResourceRequest(req.getPriority(), ResourceRequest.ANY, req.getExecutionTypeRequest(), resource, req);

    public synchronized void requestContainerUpdate(Container container,
            UpdateContainerRequest updateContainerRequest) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(container, "Container cannot be null!!");
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(updateContainerRequest, "UpdateContainerRequest cannot be null!!");"Requesting Container update : " + "container=" + container + ", " + "updateType="
                + updateContainerRequest.getContainerUpdateType() + ", " + "targetCapability="
                + updateContainerRequest.getCapability() + ", " + "targetExecType="
                + updateContainerRequest.getExecutionType());
        if (updateContainerRequest.getCapability() != null && updateContainerRequest.getExecutionType() == null) {
                    container.getId(), container.getResource(), updateContainerRequest.getCapability());
        } else if (updateContainerRequest.getExecutionType() != null
                && updateContainerRequest.getCapability() == null) {
                    container.getId(), container.getExecutionType(), updateContainerRequest.getExecutionType());
        } else if (updateContainerRequest.getExecutionType() == null
                && updateContainerRequest.getCapability() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both target Capability and" + "target Execution Type are null");
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Support currently exists only for"
                    + " EITHER update of Capability OR update of Execution Type NOT both");
        if (change.get(container.getId()) == null) {
            change.put(container.getId(), new SimpleEntry<>(container, updateContainerRequest));
        } else {
        if (pendingChange.get(container.getId()) == null) {
            pendingChange.put(container.getId(), new SimpleEntry<>(container, updateContainerRequest));
        } else {

    public synchronized void releaseAssignedContainer(ContainerId containerId) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(containerId != null, "ContainerId can not be null.");

    public synchronized Resource getAvailableResources() {
        return clusterAvailableResources;

    public synchronized int getClusterNodeCount() {
        return clusterNodeCount;

    public Collection<T> getMatchingRequests(long allocationRequestId) {
        RemoteRequestsTable remoteRequestsTable = getTable(allocationRequestId);
        LinkedHashSet<T> list = new LinkedHashSet<>();

        if (remoteRequestsTable != null) {
            Iterator<ResourceRequestInfo<T>> reqIter = remoteRequestsTable.iterator();
            while (reqIter.hasNext()) {
                ResourceRequestInfo<T> resReqInfo =;
        return list;

    public synchronized List<? extends Collection<T>> getMatchingRequests(Priority priority, String resourceName,
            Resource capability) {
        return getMatchingRequests(priority, resourceName, ExecutionType.GUARANTEED, capability);

    public List<? extends Collection<T>> getMatchingRequests(Priority priority, String resourceName,
            ExecutionType executionType, Resource capability, String profile) {
        capability = checkAndGetResourceProfile(profile, capability);
        return getMatchingRequests(priority, resourceName, executionType, capability);

    public synchronized List<? extends Collection<T>> getMatchingRequests(Priority priority, String resourceName,
            ExecutionType executionType, Resource capability) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(capability != null, "The Resource to be requested should not be null ");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(priority != null,
                "The priority at which to request containers should not be null ");
        List<LinkedHashSet<T>> list = new LinkedList<>();

        RemoteRequestsTable remoteRequestsTable = getTable(0);

        if (null != remoteRequestsTable) {
            List<ResourceRequestInfo<T>> matchingRequests = remoteRequestsTable.getMatchingRequests(priority,
                    resourceName, executionType, capability);
            if (null != matchingRequests) {
                // If no exact match. Container may be larger than what was requested.
                // get all resources <= capability. map is reverse sorted.
                for (ResourceRequestInfo<T> resReqInfo : matchingRequests) {
                    if (Resources.fitsIn(resReqInfo.remoteRequest.getCapability(), capability)
                            && !resReqInfo.containerRequests.isEmpty()) {
        // no match found
        return list;

    private Set<String> resolveRacks(List<String> nodes) {
        Set<String> racks = new HashSet<String>();
        if (nodes != null) {
            for (String node : nodes) {
                // Ensure node requests are accompanied by requests for
                // corresponding rack
                String rack = RackResolver.resolve(node).getNetworkLocation();
                if (rack == null) {
                    LOG.warn("Failed to resolve rack for node " + node + ".");
                } else {

        return racks;

     * ContainerRequests with locality relaxation cannot be made at the same
     * priority as ContainerRequests without locality relaxation.
    private void checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(Long allocationReqId, Priority priority,
            Collection<String> locations, boolean relaxLocality) {
        // Locality relaxation will be set to relaxLocality for all implicitly
        // requested racks. Make sure that existing rack requests match this.

        RemoteRequestsTable<T> remoteRequestsTable = getTable(allocationReqId);
        if (remoteRequestsTable != null) {
            List<ResourceRequestInfo> allCapabilityMaps = remoteRequestsTable.getAllResourceRequestInfos(priority,
            for (ResourceRequestInfo reqs : allCapabilityMaps) {
                ResourceRequest remoteRequest = reqs.remoteRequest;
                boolean existingRelaxLocality = remoteRequest.getRelaxLocality();
                if (relaxLocality != existingRelaxLocality) {
                    throw new InvalidContainerRequestException("Cannot submit a "
                            + "ContainerRequest asking for location " + remoteRequest.getResourceName()
                            + " with locality relaxation " + relaxLocality + " when it has already been requested"
                            + "with locality relaxation " + existingRelaxLocality);

    // When profile and override resource are specified at the same time, override
    // predefined resource value in profile if any resource type has a positive
    // value.
    private Resource checkAndGetResourceProfile(String profile, Resource overrideResource) {
        Resource returnResource = overrideResource;

        // if application requested a non-empty/null profile, and the
        if (profile != null && !profile.isEmpty()) {
            if (resourceProfilesMap == null || (!resourceProfilesMap.containsKey(profile))) {
                throw new InvalidContainerRequestException(
                        "Invalid profile name specified=" + profile + (resourceProfilesMap == null ? ""
                                : (", valid profile names are " + resourceProfilesMap.keySet())));
            returnResource = Resources.clone(resourceProfilesMap.get(profile));
            for (ResourceInformation info : overrideResource.getAllResourcesListCopy()) {
                if (info.getValue() > 0) {
                    returnResource.setResourceInformation(info.getName(), info);

        return returnResource;

     * Valid if a node label expression specified on container request is valid or
     * not
     * @param containerRequest
    private void checkNodeLabelExpression(T containerRequest) {
        String exp = containerRequest.getNodeLabelExpression();

        if (null == exp || exp.isEmpty()) {

        // Don't support specifying > 1 node labels in a node label expression now
        if (exp.contains("&&") || exp.contains("||")) {
            throw new InvalidContainerRequestException(
                    "Cannot specify more than one node label" + " in a single node label expression");

    private void validateContainerResourceChangeRequest(ContainerUpdateType updateType, ContainerId containerId,
            Resource original, Resource target) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(containerId != null, "ContainerId cannot be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(original != null, "Original resource capability cannot be null");
                !Resources.equals(Resources.none(), original) && Resources.fitsIn(Resources.none(), original),
                "Original resource capability must be greater than 0");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(target != null, "Target resource capability cannot be null");
                !Resources.equals(Resources.none(), target) && Resources.fitsIn(Resources.none(), target),
                "Target resource capability must be greater than 0");
        if (ContainerUpdateType.DECREASE_RESOURCE == updateType) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(Resources.fitsIn(target, original),
                    "Target resource capability must fit in Original capability");
        } else {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(Resources.fitsIn(original, target),
                    "Target resource capability must be more than Original capability");


    private void validateContainerExecTypeChangeRequest(ContainerUpdateType updateType, ContainerId containerId,
            ExecutionType original, ExecutionType target) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(containerId != null, "ContainerId cannot be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(original != null, "Original Execution Type cannot be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(target != null, "Target Execution Type cannot be null");
        if (ContainerUpdateType.DEMOTE_EXECUTION_TYPE == updateType) {
                    target == ExecutionType.OPPORTUNISTIC && original == ExecutionType.GUARANTEED,
                    "Incorrect Container update request, target should be"
                            + " OPPORTUNISTIC and original should be GUARANTEED");
        } else {
                    target == ExecutionType.GUARANTEED && original == ExecutionType.OPPORTUNISTIC,
                    "Incorrect Container update request, target should be"
                            + " GUARANTEED and original should be OPPORTUNISTIC");

    private void addResourceRequestToAsk(ResourceRequest remoteRequest) {
        // This code looks weird but is needed because of the following scenario.
        // A ResourceRequest is removed from the remoteRequestTable. A 0 container 
        // request is added to 'ask' to notify the RM about not needing it any more.
        // Before the call to allocate, the user now requests more containers. If 
        // the locations of the 0 size request and the new request are the same
        // (with the difference being only container count), then the set comparator
        // will consider both to be the same and not add the new request to ask. So 
        // we need to check for the "same" request being present and remove it and 
        // then add it back. The comparator is container count agnostic.
        // This should happen only rarely but we do need to guard against it.
        if (ask.contains(remoteRequest)) {

    private void addResourceRequest(Priority priority, String resourceName, ExecutionTypeRequest execTypeReq,
            Resource capability, T req, boolean relaxLocality, String labelExpression) {
        RemoteRequestsTable<T> remoteRequestsTable = getTable(req.getAllocationRequestId());
        if (remoteRequestsTable == null) {
            remoteRequestsTable = new RemoteRequestsTable<>();
            putTable(req.getAllocationRequestId(), remoteRequestsTable);
        ResourceRequestInfo resourceRequestInfo = remoteRequestsTable.addResourceRequest(
                req.getAllocationRequestId(), priority, resourceName, execTypeReq, capability, req, relaxLocality,

        // Note this down for next interaction with ResourceManager

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Adding request to ask " + resourceRequestInfo.remoteRequest);
            LOG.debug("addResourceRequest:" + " applicationId=" + " priority=" + priority.getPriority()
                    + " resourceName=" + resourceName + " numContainers="
                    + resourceRequestInfo.remoteRequest.getNumContainers() + " #asks=" + ask.size());

    private void decResourceRequest(Priority priority, String resourceName, ExecutionTypeRequest execTypeReq,
            Resource capability, T req) {
        RemoteRequestsTable<T> remoteRequestsTable = getTable(req.getAllocationRequestId());
        if (remoteRequestsTable != null) {
            ResourceRequestInfo resourceRequestInfo = remoteRequestsTable.decResourceRequest(priority, resourceName,
                    execTypeReq, capability, req);
            // send the ResourceRequest to RM even if is 0 because it needs to
            // override a previously sent value. If ResourceRequest was not sent
            // previously then sending 0 aught to be a no-op on RM
            if (resourceRequestInfo != null) {

                // delete entry from map if no longer needed
                if (resourceRequestInfo.remoteRequest.getNumContainers() == 0) {
                    remoteRequestsTable.remove(priority, resourceName, execTypeReq.getExecutionType(), capability);

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("AFTER decResourceRequest:" + " allocationRequestId=" + req.getAllocationRequestId()
                            + " priority=" + priority.getPriority() + " resourceName=" + resourceName
                            + " numContainers=" + resourceRequestInfo.remoteRequest.getNumContainers() + " #asks="
                            + ask.size());
        } else {
  "No remoteRequestTable found with allocationRequestId=" + req.getAllocationRequestId());

    public synchronized void updateBlacklist(List<String> blacklistAdditions, List<String> blacklistRemovals) {

        if (blacklistAdditions != null) {
            // if some resources are also in blacklistRemovals updated before, we 
            // should remove them here.

        if (blacklistRemovals != null) {
            // if some resources are in blacklistAdditions before, we should remove
            // them here.

        if (blacklistAdditions != null && blacklistRemovals != null
                && blacklistAdditions.removeAll(blacklistRemovals)) {
            // we allow resources to appear in addition list and removal list in the
            // same invocation of updateBlacklist(), but should get a warn here.
            LOG.warn("The same resources appear in both blacklistAdditions and "
                    + "blacklistRemovals in updateBlacklist.");

    public synchronized void updateTrackingUrl(String trackingUrl) {
        this.newTrackingUrl = trackingUrl;

    private void updateAMRMToken(Token token) throws IOException {<AMRMTokenIdentifier> amrmToken = new<AMRMTokenIdentifier>(
                token.getIdentifier().array(), token.getPassword().array(), new Text(token.getKind()),
                new Text(token.getService()));
        // Preserve the token service sent by the RM when adding the token
        // to ensure we replace the previous token setup by the RM.
        // Afterwards we can update the service address for the RPC layer.
        UserGroupInformation currentUGI = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();

    RemoteRequestsTable<T> getTable(long allocationRequestId) {
        return remoteRequests.get(Long.valueOf(allocationRequestId));

    RemoteRequestsTable<T> putTable(long allocationRequestId, RemoteRequestsTable<T> table) {
        return remoteRequests.put(Long.valueOf(allocationRequestId), table);