Source code

Java tutorial


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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.launcher;

import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag.CREATE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag.OVERWRITE;

import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.DeletionAsUserContext;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalDirAllocator;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants.Environment;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerExitStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerLaunchContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.SignalContainerCommand;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.Dispatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.ipc.RPCUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.ContainerExecutor;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.ContainerExecutor.ExitCode;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.ContainerExecutor.Signal;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.Context;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.LocalDirsHandlerService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.WindowsSecureContainerExecutor;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.ContainerManagerImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.application.Application;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerDiagnosticsUpdateEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerEventType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerExitEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerKillEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.ContainerLocalizer;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.localizer.ResourceLocalizationService;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.ContainerPrepareContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.ContainerReapContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.ContainerSignalContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.executor.ContainerStartContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.util.ProcessIdFileReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Apps;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.AuxiliaryServiceHelper;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class ContainerLaunch implements Callable<Integer> {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContainerLaunch.class);

    private static final String CONTAINER_PRE_LAUNCH_PREFIX = "prelaunch";
    public static final String CONTAINER_PRE_LAUNCH_STDOUT = CONTAINER_PRE_LAUNCH_PREFIX + ".out";
    public static final String CONTAINER_PRE_LAUNCH_STDERR = CONTAINER_PRE_LAUNCH_PREFIX + ".err";

    public static final String CONTAINER_SCRIPT = Shell.appendScriptExtension("launch_container");

    public static final String FINAL_CONTAINER_TOKENS_FILE = "container_tokens";

    private static final String PID_FILE_NAME_FMT = "";
    static final String EXIT_CODE_FILE_SUFFIX = ".exitcode";

    protected final Dispatcher dispatcher;
    protected final ContainerExecutor exec;
    protected final Application app;
    protected final Container container;
    private final Configuration conf;
    private final Context context;
    private final ContainerManagerImpl containerManager;

    protected AtomicBoolean containerAlreadyLaunched = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    protected AtomicBoolean shouldPauseContainer = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    protected AtomicBoolean completed = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    private volatile boolean killedBeforeStart = false;
    private long maxKillWaitTime = 2000;

    protected Path pidFilePath = null;

    protected final LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler;

    private final Lock launchLock = new ReentrantLock();

    public ContainerLaunch(Context context, Configuration configuration, Dispatcher dispatcher,
            ContainerExecutor exec, Application app, Container container, LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler,
            ContainerManagerImpl containerManager) {
        this.context = context;
        this.conf = configuration; = app;
        this.exec = exec;
        this.container = container;
        this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
        this.dirsHandler = dirsHandler;
        this.containerManager = containerManager;
        this.maxKillWaitTime = conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.NM_PROCESS_KILL_WAIT_MS,

    public static String expandEnvironment(String var, Path containerLogDir) {
        var = var.replace(ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR, containerLogDir.toString());
        var = var.replace(ApplicationConstants.CLASS_PATH_SEPARATOR, File.pathSeparator);

        // replace parameter expansion marker. e.g. {{VAR}} on Windows is replaced
        // as %VAR% and on Linux replaced as "$VAR"
        if (Shell.WINDOWS) {
            var = var.replaceAll("(\\{\\{)|(\\}\\})", "%");
        } else {
            var = var.replace(ApplicationConstants.PARAMETER_EXPANSION_LEFT, "$");
            var = var.replace(ApplicationConstants.PARAMETER_EXPANSION_RIGHT, "");
        return var;

    private Map<String, String> expandAllEnvironmentVars(ContainerLaunchContext launchContext,
            Path containerLogDir) {
        Map<String, String> environment = launchContext.getEnvironment();
        for (Entry<String, String> entry : environment.entrySet()) {
            String value = entry.getValue();
            value = expandEnvironment(value, containerLogDir);
        return environment;

    public Integer call() {
        if (!validateContainerState()) {
            return 0;

        final ContainerLaunchContext launchContext = container.getLaunchContext();
        ContainerId containerID = container.getContainerId();
        String containerIdStr = containerID.toString();
        final List<String> command = launchContext.getCommands();
        int ret = -1;

        Path containerLogDir;
        try {
            Map<Path, List<String>> localResources = getLocalizedResources();

            final String user = container.getUser();
            // /////////////////////////// Variable expansion
            // Before the container script gets written out.
            List<String> newCmds = new ArrayList<String>(command.size());
            String appIdStr = app.getAppId().toString();
            String relativeContainerLogDir = ContainerLaunch.getRelativeContainerLogDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr);
            containerLogDir = dirsHandler.getLogPathForWrite(relativeContainerLogDir, false);
            recordContainerLogDir(containerID, containerLogDir.toString());
            for (String str : command) {
                // TODO: Should we instead work via symlinks without this grammar?
                newCmds.add(expandEnvironment(str, containerLogDir));

            Map<String, String> environment = expandAllEnvironmentVars(launchContext, containerLogDir);
            // /////////////////////////// End of variable expansion

            // Use this to track variables that are added to the environment by nm.
            LinkedHashSet<String> nmEnvVars = new LinkedHashSet<String>();

            FileContext lfs = FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext();

            Path nmPrivateContainerScriptPath = dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite(
                    getContainerPrivateDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr) + Path.SEPARATOR + CONTAINER_SCRIPT);
            Path nmPrivateTokensPath = dirsHandler
                    .getLocalPathForWrite(getContainerPrivateDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr) + Path.SEPARATOR
                            + String.format(ContainerLocalizer.TOKEN_FILE_NAME_FMT, containerIdStr));
            Path nmPrivateClasspathJarDir = dirsHandler
                    .getLocalPathForWrite(getContainerPrivateDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr));

            // Select the working directory for the container
            Path containerWorkDir = deriveContainerWorkDir();
            recordContainerWorkDir(containerID, containerWorkDir.toString());

            String pidFileSubpath = getPidFileSubpath(appIdStr, containerIdStr);
            // pid file should be in nm private dir so that it is not
            // accessible by users
            pidFilePath = dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite(pidFileSubpath);
            List<String> localDirs = dirsHandler.getLocalDirs();
            List<String> localDirsForRead = dirsHandler.getLocalDirsForRead();
            List<String> logDirs = dirsHandler.getLogDirs();
            List<String> filecacheDirs = getNMFilecacheDirs(localDirsForRead);
            List<String> userLocalDirs = getUserLocalDirs(localDirs);
            List<String> containerLocalDirs = getContainerLocalDirs(localDirs);
            List<String> containerLogDirs = getContainerLogDirs(logDirs);
            List<String> userFilecacheDirs = getUserFilecacheDirs(localDirsForRead);
            List<String> applicationLocalDirs = getApplicationLocalDirs(localDirs, appIdStr);

            if (!dirsHandler.areDisksHealthy()) {
                ret = ContainerExitStatus.DISKS_FAILED;
                throw new IOException("Most of the disks failed. " + dirsHandler.getDisksHealthReport(false));
            List<Path> appDirs = new ArrayList<Path>(localDirs.size());
            for (String localDir : localDirs) {
                Path usersdir = new Path(localDir, ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE);
                Path userdir = new Path(usersdir, user);
                Path appsdir = new Path(userdir, ContainerLocalizer.APPCACHE);
                appDirs.add(new Path(appsdir, appIdStr));

            // Set the token location too.
            addToEnvMap(environment, nmEnvVars, ApplicationConstants.CONTAINER_TOKEN_FILE_ENV_NAME,
                    new Path(containerWorkDir, FINAL_CONTAINER_TOKENS_FILE).toUri().getPath());

            // /////////// Write out the container-script in the nmPrivate space.
            try (DataOutputStream containerScriptOutStream = lfs.create(nmPrivateContainerScriptPath,
                    EnumSet.of(CREATE, OVERWRITE))) {
                // Sanitize the container's environment
                sanitizeEnv(environment, containerWorkDir, appDirs, userLocalDirs, containerLogDirs, localResources,
                        nmPrivateClasspathJarDir, nmEnvVars);

                prepareContainer(localResources, containerLocalDirs);

                // Write out the environment
                exec.writeLaunchEnv(containerScriptOutStream, environment, localResources,
                        launchContext.getCommands(), containerLogDir, user, nmEnvVars);
            // /////////// End of writing out container-script

            // /////////// Write out the container-tokens in the nmPrivate space.
            try (DataOutputStream tokensOutStream = lfs.create(nmPrivateTokensPath,
                    EnumSet.of(CREATE, OVERWRITE))) {
                Credentials creds = container.getCredentials();
            // /////////// End of writing out container-tokens

            ret = launchContainer(new ContainerStartContext.Builder().setContainer(container)
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to launch container due to configuration error.", e);
            dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new ContainerExitEvent(containerID,
                    ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_EXITED_WITH_FAILURE, ret, e.getMessage()));
            // Mark the node as unhealthy
            return ret;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            LOG.warn("Failed to launch container.", e);
            dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new ContainerExitEvent(containerID,
                    ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_EXITED_WITH_FAILURE, ret, e.getMessage()));
            return ret;
        } finally {

        handleContainerExitCode(ret, containerLogDir);
        return ret;

    private Path deriveContainerWorkDir() throws IOException {

        final String containerWorkDirPath = ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + container.getUser()
                + Path.SEPARATOR + ContainerLocalizer.APPCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + app.getAppId().toString()
                + Path.SEPARATOR + container.getContainerId().toString();

        final Path containerWorkDir = dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite(containerWorkDirPath,
                LocalDirAllocator.SIZE_UNKNOWN, false);

        return containerWorkDir;

    private void prepareContainer(Map<Path, List<String>> localResources, List<String> containerLocalDirs)
            throws IOException {

                new ContainerPrepareContext.Builder().setContainer(container).setLocalizedResources(localResources)

    protected boolean validateContainerState() {
        // CONTAINER_KILLED_ON_REQUEST should not be missed if the container
        // is already at KILLING
        if (container.getContainerState() == ContainerState.KILLING) {
                    .handle(new ContainerExitEvent(container.getContainerId(),
                            Shell.WINDOWS ? ExitCode.FORCE_KILLED.getExitCode() : ExitCode.TERMINATED.getExitCode(),
                            "Container terminated before launch."));
            return false;

        return true;

    protected List<String> getContainerLogDirs(List<String> logDirs) {
        List<String> containerLogDirs = new ArrayList<>(logDirs.size());
        String appIdStr = app.getAppId().toString();
        String containerIdStr = container.getContainerId().toString();
        String relativeContainerLogDir = ContainerLaunch.getRelativeContainerLogDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr);

        for (String logDir : logDirs) {
            containerLogDirs.add(logDir + Path.SEPARATOR + relativeContainerLogDir);

        return containerLogDirs;

    protected List<String> getContainerLocalDirs(List<String> localDirs) {
        List<String> containerLocalDirs = new ArrayList<>(localDirs.size());
        String user = container.getUser();
        String appIdStr = app.getAppId().toString();
        String relativeContainerLocalDir = ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + user + Path.SEPARATOR
                + ContainerLocalizer.APPCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + appIdStr + Path.SEPARATOR;

        for (String localDir : localDirs) {
            containerLocalDirs.add(localDir + Path.SEPARATOR + relativeContainerLocalDir);

        return containerLocalDirs;

    protected List<String> getUserLocalDirs(List<String> localDirs) {
        List<String> userLocalDirs = new ArrayList<>(localDirs.size());
        String user = container.getUser();

        for (String localDir : localDirs) {
            String userLocalDir = localDir + Path.SEPARATOR + ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + user
                    + Path.SEPARATOR;


        return userLocalDirs;

    protected List<String> getNMFilecacheDirs(List<String> localDirs) {
        List<String> filecacheDirs = new ArrayList<>(localDirs.size());

        for (String localDir : localDirs) {
            String filecacheDir = localDir + Path.SEPARATOR + ContainerLocalizer.FILECACHE;


        return filecacheDirs;

    protected List<String> getUserFilecacheDirs(List<String> localDirs) {
        List<String> userFilecacheDirs = new ArrayList<>(localDirs.size());
        String user = container.getUser();
        for (String localDir : localDirs) {
            String userFilecacheDir = localDir + Path.SEPARATOR + ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR
                    + user + Path.SEPARATOR + ContainerLocalizer.FILECACHE;
        return userFilecacheDirs;

    protected List<String> getApplicationLocalDirs(List<String> localDirs, String appIdStr) {
        List<String> applicationLocalDirs = new ArrayList<>(localDirs.size());
        String user = container.getUser();
        for (String localDir : localDirs) {
            String appLocalDir = localDir + Path.SEPARATOR + ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + user
                    + Path.SEPARATOR + ContainerLocalizer.APPCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + appIdStr;
        return applicationLocalDirs;

    protected Map<Path, List<String>> getLocalizedResources() throws YarnException {
        Map<Path, List<String>> localResources = container.getLocalizedResources();
        if (localResources == null) {
            throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException("Unable to get local resources when Container " + container + " is at "
                    + container.getContainerState());
        return localResources;

    protected int launchContainer(ContainerStartContext ctx) throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
        int launchPrep = prepareForLaunch(ctx);
        if (launchPrep == 0) {
            try {
                return exec.launchContainer(ctx);
            } finally {
        return launchPrep;

    protected int relaunchContainer(ContainerStartContext ctx) throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
        int launchPrep = prepareForLaunch(ctx);
        if (launchPrep == 0) {
            try {
                return exec.relaunchContainer(ctx);
            } finally {
        return launchPrep;

    void reapContainer() throws IOException {
        try {
            // Reap the container
            boolean result = exec.reapContainer(new ContainerReapContext.Builder().setContainer(container)
            if (!result) {
                throw new IOException("Reap container failed for container " + container.getContainerId());
        } finally {

    protected int prepareForLaunch(ContainerStartContext ctx) throws IOException {
        ContainerId containerId = container.getContainerId();
        if (container.isMarkedForKilling()) {
  "Container " + containerId + " not launched as it has already " + "been marked for Killing");
            this.killedBeforeStart = true;
            return ExitCode.TERMINATED.getExitCode();
        // LaunchContainer is a blocking call. We are here almost means the
        // container is launched, so send out the event.
        dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new ContainerEvent(containerId, ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_LAUNCHED));

        // Check if the container is signalled to be killed.
        if (!containerAlreadyLaunched.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
  "Container " + containerId + " not launched as " + "cleanup already called");
            return ExitCode.TERMINATED.getExitCode();
        } else {
            exec.activateContainer(containerId, pidFilePath);
        return ExitCode.SUCCESS.getExitCode();

    protected void setContainerCompletedStatus(int exitCode) {
        ContainerId containerId = container.getContainerId();
        try {
            if (!container.shouldRetry(exitCode)) {
                context.getNMStateStore().storeContainerCompleted(containerId, exitCode);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Unable to set exit code for container " + containerId);

    protected void handleContainerExitCode(int exitCode, Path containerLogDir) {
        ContainerId containerId = container.getContainerId();

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Container " + containerId + " completed with exit code " + exitCode);

        StringBuilder diagnosticInfo = new StringBuilder("Container exited with a non-zero exit code ");
        diagnosticInfo.append(". ");
        if (exitCode == ExitCode.FORCE_KILLED.getExitCode() || exitCode == ExitCode.TERMINATED.getExitCode()) {
            // If the process was killed, Send container_cleanedup_after_kill and
            // just break out of this method.
            dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new ContainerExitEvent(containerId,
                    ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_KILLED_ON_REQUEST, exitCode, diagnosticInfo.toString()));
        } else if (exitCode != 0) {
            handleContainerExitWithFailure(containerId, exitCode, containerLogDir, diagnosticInfo);
        } else {
  "Container " + containerId + " succeeded ");
                    .handle(new ContainerEvent(containerId, ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_EXITED_WITH_SUCCESS));

     * Tries to tail and fetch TAIL_SIZE_IN_BYTES of data from the error log.
     * ErrorLog filename is not fixed and depends upon app, hence file name
     * pattern is used.
     * @param containerID
     * @param ret
     * @param containerLogDir
     * @param diagnosticInfo
    protected void handleContainerExitWithFailure(ContainerId containerID, int ret, Path containerLogDir,
            StringBuilder diagnosticInfo) {
        LOG.warn("Container launch failed : " + diagnosticInfo.toString());

        FileSystem fileSystem = null;
        long tailSizeInBytes = conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_STDERR_BYTES,

        // Append container prelaunch stderr to diagnostics
        try {
            fileSystem = FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getRaw();
            FileStatus preLaunchErrorFileStatus = fileSystem
                    .getFileStatus(new Path(containerLogDir, ContainerLaunch.CONTAINER_PRE_LAUNCH_STDERR));

            Path errorFile = preLaunchErrorFileStatus.getPath();
            long fileSize = preLaunchErrorFileStatus.getLen();

            diagnosticInfo.append("Error file: ").append(ContainerLaunch.CONTAINER_PRE_LAUNCH_STDERR).append(".\n");

            byte[] tailBuffer = tailFile(errorFile, fileSize, tailSizeInBytes);
            diagnosticInfo.append("Last ").append(tailSizeInBytes).append(" bytes of ").append(errorFile.getName())
                    .append(" :\n").append(new String(tailBuffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to get tail of the container's prelaunch error log file", e);

        // Append container stderr to diagnostics
        String errorFileNamePattern = conf.get(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_STDERR_PATTERN,

        try {
            if (fileSystem == null) {
                fileSystem = FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getRaw();
            FileStatus[] errorFileStatuses = fileSystem.globStatus(new Path(containerLogDir, errorFileNamePattern));
            if (errorFileStatuses != null && errorFileStatuses.length != 0) {
                Path errorFile = errorFileStatuses[0].getPath();
                long fileSize = errorFileStatuses[0].getLen();

                // if more than one file matches the stderr pattern, take the latest
                // modified file, and also append the file names in the diagnosticInfo
                if (errorFileStatuses.length > 1) {
                    String[] errorFileNames = new String[errorFileStatuses.length];
                    long latestModifiedTime = errorFileStatuses[0].getModificationTime();
                    errorFileNames[0] = errorFileStatuses[0].getPath().getName();
                    for (int i = 1; i < errorFileStatuses.length; i++) {
                        errorFileNames[i] = errorFileStatuses[i].getPath().getName();
                        if (errorFileStatuses[i].getModificationTime() > latestModifiedTime) {
                            latestModifiedTime = errorFileStatuses[i].getModificationTime();
                            errorFile = errorFileStatuses[i].getPath();
                            fileSize = errorFileStatuses[i].getLen();
                    diagnosticInfo.append("Error files: ").append(StringUtils.join(", ", errorFileNames))

                byte[] tailBuffer = tailFile(errorFile, fileSize, tailSizeInBytes);
                String tailBufferMsg = new String(tailBuffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                diagnosticInfo.append("Last ").append(tailSizeInBytes).append(" bytes of ")
                        .append(errorFile.getName()).append(" :\n").append(tailBufferMsg).append("\n")

        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to get tail of the container's error log file", e);
        this.dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new ContainerExitEvent(containerID,
                ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_EXITED_WITH_FAILURE, ret, diagnosticInfo.toString()));

    private byte[] tailFile(Path filePath, long fileSize, long tailSizeInBytes) throws IOException {
        FSDataInputStream errorFileIS = null;
        FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getRaw();
        try {
            long startPosition = (fileSize < tailSizeInBytes) ? 0 : fileSize - tailSizeInBytes;
            int bufferSize = (int) ((fileSize < tailSizeInBytes) ? fileSize : tailSizeInBytes);
            byte[] tailBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
            errorFileIS =;
            errorFileIS.readFully(startPosition, tailBuffer);
            return tailBuffer;
        } finally {
            IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, errorFileIS);

    private String analysesErrorMsgOfContainerExitWithFailure(String errorMsg) {
        StringBuilder analysis = new StringBuilder();
        if (errorMsg.indexOf("Error: Could not find or load main class" + " org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce") != -1) {
            analysis.append("Please check whether your etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml "
                    + "contains the below configuration:\n");
            analysis.append("<property>\n").append("  <name></name>\n")
                    .append("  <value>HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${full path of your hadoop "
                            + "distribution directory}</value>\n")
                    .append("</property>\n<property>\n").append("  <name></name>\n")
                    .append("  <value>HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${full path of your hadoop "
                            + "distribution directory}</value>\n")
                    .append("</property>\n<property>\n").append("  <name>mapreduce.reduce.env</name>\n")
                    .append("  <value>HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${full path of your hadoop "
                            + "distribution directory}</value>\n")
        return analysis.toString();

    protected String getPidFileSubpath(String appIdStr, String containerIdStr) {
        return getContainerPrivateDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr) + Path.SEPARATOR
                + String.format(ContainerLaunch.PID_FILE_NAME_FMT, containerIdStr);

     * Send a signal to the container.
     * @throws IOException
    public void signalContainer(SignalContainerCommand command) throws IOException {
        ContainerId containerId = container.getContainerTokenIdentifier().getContainerID();
        String containerIdStr = containerId.toString();
        String user = container.getUser();
        Signal signal = translateCommandToSignal(command);
        if (signal.equals(Signal.NULL)) {
  "ignore signal command " + command);
        }"Sending signal " + command + " to container " + containerIdStr);

        boolean alreadyLaunched = !containerAlreadyLaunched.compareAndSet(false, true);
        if (!alreadyLaunched) {
  "Container " + containerIdStr + " not launched." + " Not sending the signal");

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Getting pid for container " + containerIdStr + " to send signal to from pid file "
                    + (pidFilePath != null ? pidFilePath.toString() : "null"));

        try {
            // get process id from pid file if available
            // else if shell is still active, get it from the shell
            String processId = getContainerPid();
            if (processId != null) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Sending signal to pid " + processId + " as user " + user + " for container "
                            + containerIdStr);

                boolean result = exec.signalContainer(new ContainerSignalContext.Builder().setContainer(container)

                String diagnostics = "Sent signal " + command + " (" + signal + ") to pid " + processId
                        + " as user " + user + " for container " + containerIdStr + ", result="
                        + (result ? "success" : "failed");

                dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new ContainerDiagnosticsUpdateEvent(containerId, diagnostics));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = "Exception when sending signal to container " + containerIdStr + ": "
                    + StringUtils.stringifyException(e);

    public static Signal translateCommandToSignal(SignalContainerCommand command) {
        Signal signal = Signal.NULL;
        switch (command) {
        case OUTPUT_THREAD_DUMP:
            // TODO for windows support.
            signal = Shell.WINDOWS ? Signal.NULL : Signal.QUIT;
            signal = Signal.TERM;
            signal = Signal.KILL;
        return signal;

     * Pause the container.
     * Cancels the launch if the container isn't launched yet. Otherwise asks the
     * executor to pause the container.
     * @throws IOException in case of errors.
    public void pauseContainer() throws IOException {
        ContainerId containerId = container.getContainerId();
        String containerIdStr = containerId.toString();"Pausing the container " + containerIdStr);

        // The pause event is only handled if the container is in the running state
        // (the container state machine), so we don't check for
        // shouldLaunchContainer over here

        if (!shouldPauseContainer.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
  "Container " + containerId + " not paused as " + "resume already called");

        try {
            // Pause the container

            // PauseContainer is a blocking call. We are here almost means the
            // container is paused, so send out the event.
                    .handle(new ContainerEvent(containerId, ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_PAUSED));

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.warn("Could not store container [" + container.getContainerId()
                        + "] state. The Container has been paused.", e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = "Exception when trying to pause container " + containerIdStr + ": "
                    + StringUtils.stringifyException(e);
            container.handle(new ContainerKillEvent(container.getContainerId(), ContainerExitStatus.PREEMPTED,
                    "Container preempted as there was " + " an exception in pausing it."));

     * Resume the container.
     * Cancels the launch if the container isn't launched yet. Otherwise asks the
     * executor to pause the container.
     * @throws IOException in case of error.
    public void resumeContainer() throws IOException {
        ContainerId containerId = container.getContainerId();
        String containerIdStr = containerId.toString();"Resuming the container " + containerIdStr);

        // The resume event is only handled if the container is in a paused state
        // so we don't check for the launched flag here.

        // paused flag will be set to true if process already paused
        boolean alreadyPaused = !shouldPauseContainer.compareAndSet(false, true);
        if (!alreadyPaused) {
  "Container " + containerIdStr + " not paused." + " No resume necessary");

        // If the container has already started
        try {
            // ResumeContainer is a blocking call. We are here almost means the
            // container is resumed, so send out the event.
                    .handle(new ContainerEvent(containerId, ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_RESUMED));

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.warn("Could not store container [" + container.getContainerId()
                        + "] state. The Container has been resumed.", e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = "Exception when trying to resume container " + containerIdStr + ": "
                    + StringUtils.stringifyException(e);
            container.handle(new ContainerKillEvent(container.getContainerId(), ContainerExitStatus.PREEMPTED,
                    "Container preempted as there was " + " an exception in pausing it."));

     * Loop through for a time-bounded interval waiting to
     * read the process id from a file generated by a running process.
     * @return Process ID; null when pidFilePath is null
     * @throws Exception
    String getContainerPid() throws Exception {
        if (pidFilePath == null) {
            return null;
        String containerIdStr = container.getContainerId().toString();
        String processId;
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Accessing pid for container " + containerIdStr + " from pid file " + pidFilePath);
        int sleepCounter = 0;
        final int sleepInterval = 100;

        // loop waiting for pid file to show up 
        // until our timer expires in which case we admit defeat
        while (true) {
            processId = ProcessIdFileReader.getProcessId(pidFilePath);
            if (processId != null) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Got pid " + processId + " for container " + containerIdStr);
            } else if ((sleepCounter * sleepInterval) > maxKillWaitTime) {
      "Could not get pid for " + containerIdStr + ". Waited for " + maxKillWaitTime + " ms.");
            } else {
        return processId;

    public static String getRelativeContainerLogDir(String appIdStr, String containerIdStr) {
        return appIdStr + Path.SEPARATOR + containerIdStr;

    protected String getContainerPrivateDir(String appIdStr, String containerIdStr) {
        return getAppPrivateDir(appIdStr) + Path.SEPARATOR + containerIdStr + Path.SEPARATOR;

    private String getAppPrivateDir(String appIdStr) {
        return ResourceLocalizationService.NM_PRIVATE_DIR + Path.SEPARATOR + appIdStr;

    Context getContext() {
        return context;

    public static abstract class ShellScriptBuilder {
        public static ShellScriptBuilder create() {
            return create(Shell.osType);

        public static ShellScriptBuilder create(Shell.OSType osType) {
            return (osType == Shell.OSType.OS_TYPE_WIN) ? new WindowsShellScriptBuilder()
                    : new UnixShellScriptBuilder();

        private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator");
        private final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        public abstract void command(List<String> command) throws IOException;

        protected static final String ENV_PRELAUNCH_STDOUT = "PRELAUNCH_OUT";
        protected static final String ENV_PRELAUNCH_STDERR = "PRELAUNCH_ERR";

        private boolean redirectStdOut = false;
        private boolean redirectStdErr = false;

         * Set stdout for the shell script
         * @param stdoutDir stdout must be an absolute path
         * @param stdOutFile stdout file name
         * @throws IOException thrown when stdout path is not absolute
        public final void stdout(Path stdoutDir, String stdOutFile) throws IOException {
            if (!stdoutDir.isAbsolute()) {
                throw new IOException("Stdout path must be absolute");
            redirectStdOut = true;
            setStdOut(new Path(stdoutDir, stdOutFile));

         * Set stderr for the shell script
         * @param stderrDir stderr must be an absolute path
         * @param stdErrFile stderr file name
         * @throws IOException thrown when stderr path is not absolute
        public final void stderr(Path stderrDir, String stdErrFile) throws IOException {
            if (!stderrDir.isAbsolute()) {
                throw new IOException("Stdout path must be absolute");
            redirectStdErr = true;
            setStdErr(new Path(stderrDir, stdErrFile));

        protected abstract void setStdOut(Path stdout) throws IOException;

        protected abstract void setStdErr(Path stdout) throws IOException;

        public abstract void env(String key, String value) throws IOException;

        public abstract void whitelistedEnv(String key, String value) throws IOException;

        public abstract void echo(String echoStr) throws IOException;

        public final void symlink(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
            if (!src.isAbsolute()) {
                throw new IOException("Source must be absolute");
            if (dst.isAbsolute()) {
                throw new IOException("Destination must be relative");
            if (dst.toUri().getPath().indexOf('/') != -1) {
            link(src, dst);

         * Method to copy files that are useful for debugging container failures.
         * This method will be called by ContainerExecutor when setting up the
         * container launch script. The method should take care to make sure files
         * are read-able by the yarn user if the files are to undergo
         * log-aggregation.
         * @param src path to the source file
         * @param dst path to the destination file - should be absolute
         * @throws IOException
        public abstract void copyDebugInformation(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException;

         * Method to dump debug information to a target file. This method will
         * be called by ContainerExecutor when setting up the container launch
         * script.
         * @param output the file to which debug information is to be written
         * @throws IOException
        public abstract void listDebugInformation(Path output) throws IOException;

        public String toString() {
            return sb.toString();

        public final void write(PrintStream out) throws IOException {

        protected final void buildCommand(String... command) {
            for (String s : command) {

        protected final void linebreak(String... command) {

        protected final void line(String... command) {

        public void setExitOnFailure() {
            // Dummy implementation

        protected abstract void link(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException;

        protected abstract void mkdir(Path path) throws IOException;

        boolean doRedirectStdOut() {
            return redirectStdOut;

        boolean doRedirectStdErr() {
            return redirectStdErr;

         * Parse an environment value and returns all environment keys it uses.
         * @param envVal an environment variable's value
         * @return all environment variable names used in <code>envVal</code>.
        public Set<String> getEnvDependencies(final String envVal) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

         * Returns a dependency ordered version of <code>envs</code>. Does not alter
         * input <code>envs</code> map.
         * @param envs environment map
         * @return a dependency ordered version of <code>envs</code>
        public final Map<String, String> orderEnvByDependencies(Map<String, String> envs) {
            if (envs == null || envs.size() < 2) {
                return envs;
            final Map<String, String> ordered = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
            class Env {
                private boolean resolved = false;
                private final Collection<Env> deps = new ArrayList<>();
                private final String name;
                private final String value;

                Env(String name, String value) {
           = name;
                    this.value = value;

                void resolve() {
                    resolved = true;
                    for (Env dep : deps) {
                        if (!dep.resolved) {
                    ordered.put(name, value);
            final Map<String, Env> singletons = new HashMap<>();
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : envs.entrySet()) {
                Env env = singletons.get(e.getKey());
                if (env == null) {
                    env = new Env(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
                    singletons.put(, env);
                for (String depStr : getEnvDependencies(env.value)) {
                    if (!envs.containsKey(depStr)) {
                    Env depEnv = singletons.get(depStr);
                    if (depEnv == null) {
                        depEnv = new Env(depStr, envs.get(depStr));
                        singletons.put(depStr, depEnv);
            for (Env env : singletons.values()) {
                if (!env.resolved) {
            return ordered;

    private static final class UnixShellScriptBuilder extends ShellScriptBuilder {
        private void errorCheck() {
            line("if [[ \"$hadoop_shell_errorcode\" -ne 0 ]]");
            line("  exit $hadoop_shell_errorcode");

        public UnixShellScriptBuilder() {

        public void command(List<String> command) {
            line("exec /bin/bash -c \"", StringUtils.join(" ", command), "\"");

        public void setStdOut(final Path stdout) throws IOException {
            line("export ", ENV_PRELAUNCH_STDOUT, "=\"", stdout.toString(), "\"");
            // tee is needed for DefaultContainerExecutor error propagation to stdout
            // Close stdout of subprocess to prevent it from writing to the stdout file
            line("exec >\"${" + ENV_PRELAUNCH_STDOUT + "}\"");

        public void setStdErr(final Path stderr) throws IOException {
            line("export ", ENV_PRELAUNCH_STDERR, "=\"", stderr.toString(), "\"");
            // tee is needed for DefaultContainerExecutor error propagation to stderr
            // Close stdout of subprocess to prevent it from writing to the stdout file
            line("exec 2>\"${" + ENV_PRELAUNCH_STDERR + "}\"");

        public void env(String key, String value) throws IOException {
            line("export ", key, "=\"", value, "\"");

        public void whitelistedEnv(String key, String value) throws IOException {
            line("export ", key, "=${", key, ":-", "\"", value, "\"}");

        public void echo(final String echoStr) throws IOException {
            line("echo \"" + echoStr + "\"");

        protected void link(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
            line("ln -sf \"", src.toUri().getPath(), "\" \"", dst.toString(), "\"");

        protected void mkdir(Path path) throws IOException {
            line("mkdir -p ", path.toString());

        public void copyDebugInformation(Path src, Path dest) throws IOException {
            line("# Creating copy of launch script");
            line("cp \"", src.toUri().getPath(), "\" \"", dest.toUri().getPath(), "\"");
            // set permissions to 640 because we need to be able to run
            // log aggregation in secure mode as well
            if (dest.isAbsolute()) {
                line("chmod 640 \"", dest.toUri().getPath(), "\"");

        public void listDebugInformation(Path output) throws IOException {
            line("# Determining directory contents");
            line("echo \"ls -l:\" 1>\"", output.toString(), "\"");
            line("ls -l 1>>\"", output.toString(), "\"");

            // don't run error check because if there are loops
            // find will exit with an error causing container launch to fail
            // find will follow symlinks outside the work dir if such sylimks exist
            // (like public/app local resources)
            line("echo \"find -L . -maxdepth 5 -ls:\" 1>>\"", output.toString(), "\"");
            line("find -L . -maxdepth 5 -ls 1>>\"", output.toString(), "\"");
            line("echo \"broken symlinks(find -L . -maxdepth 5 -type l -ls):\" 1>>\"", output.toString(), "\"");
            line("find -L . -maxdepth 5 -type l -ls 1>>\"", output.toString(), "\"");

        public void setExitOnFailure() {
            line("set -o pipefail -e");

         * Parse <code>envVal</code> using bash-like syntax to extract env variables
         * it depends on.
        public Set<String> getEnvDependencies(final String envVal) {
            if (envVal == null || envVal.isEmpty()) {
                return Collections.emptySet();
            final Set<String> deps = new HashSet<>();
            // env/whitelistedEnv dump values inside double quotes
            boolean inDoubleQuotes = true;
            char c;
            int i = 0;
            final int len = envVal.length();
            while (i < len) {
                c = envVal.charAt(i);
                if (c == '"') {
                    inDoubleQuotes = !inDoubleQuotes;
                } else if (c == '\'' && !inDoubleQuotes) {
                    // eat until closing simple quote
                    while (i < len) {
                        c = envVal.charAt(i);
                        if (c == '\\') {
                        if (c == '\'') {
                } else if (c == '\\') {
                } else if (c == '$') {
                    if (i >= len) {
                    c = envVal.charAt(i);
                    if (c == '{') { // for ${... bash like syntax
                        if (i >= len) {
                        c = envVal.charAt(i);
                        if (c == '#') { // for ${#... bash array syntax
                            if (i >= len) {
                    final int start = i;
                    while (i < len) {
                        c = envVal.charAt(i);
                        if (c != '$' && ((i == start && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c))
                                || (i > start && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)))) {
                        } else {
                    if (i > start) {
                        deps.add(envVal.substring(start, i));
            return deps;

    private static final class WindowsShellScriptBuilder extends ShellScriptBuilder {

        private void errorCheck() {
            line("@if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%");

        private void lineWithLenCheck(String... commands) throws IOException {

        public WindowsShellScriptBuilder() {

        public void command(List<String> command) throws IOException {
            lineWithLenCheck("@call ", StringUtils.join(" ", command));

        //Dummy implementation
        protected void setStdOut(final Path stdout) throws IOException {

        //Dummy implementation
        protected void setStdErr(final Path stderr) throws IOException {

        public void env(String key, String value) throws IOException {
            lineWithLenCheck("@set ", key, "=", value);

        public void whitelistedEnv(String key, String value) throws IOException {
            env(key, value);

        public void echo(final String echoStr) throws IOException {
            lineWithLenCheck("@echo \"", echoStr, "\"");

        protected void link(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
            File srcFile = new File(src.toUri().getPath());
            String srcFileStr = srcFile.getPath();
            String dstFileStr = new File(dst.toString()).getPath();
                    String.format("@%s symlink \"%s\" \"%s\"", Shell.getWinUtilsPath(), dstFileStr, srcFileStr));

        protected void mkdir(Path path) throws IOException {
            lineWithLenCheck(String.format("@if not exist \"%s\" mkdir \"%s\"", path.toString(), path.toString()));

        public void copyDebugInformation(Path src, Path dest) throws IOException {
            // no need to worry about permissions - in secure mode
            // WindowsSecureContainerExecutor will set permissions
            // to allow NM to read the file
            line("rem Creating copy of launch script");
            lineWithLenCheck(String.format("copy \"%s\" \"%s\"", src.toString(), dest.toString()));

        public void listDebugInformation(Path output) throws IOException {
            line("rem Determining directory contents");
            lineWithLenCheck(String.format("@echo \"dir:\" > \"%s\"", output.toString()));
            lineWithLenCheck(String.format("dir >> \"%s\"", output.toString()));

         * Parse <code>envVal</code> using cmd/bat-like syntax to extract env
         * variables it depends on.
        public Set<String> getEnvDependencies(final String envVal) {
            if (envVal == null || envVal.isEmpty()) {
                return Collections.emptySet();
            final Set<String> deps = new HashSet<>();
            final int len = envVal.length();
            int i = 0;
            while (i < len) {
                i = envVal.indexOf('%', i); // find beginning of variable
                if (i < 0 || i == (len - 1)) {
                // 3 cases: %var%, %var:...% or %%
                final int j = envVal.indexOf('%', i); // find end of variable
                if (j == i) {
                    // %% case, just skip it
                if (j < 0) {
                    break; // even %var:...% syntax ends with a %, so j cannot be negative
                final int k = envVal.indexOf(':', i);
                if (k >= 0 && k < j) {
                    // %var:...% syntax
                    deps.add(envVal.substring(i, k));
                } else {
                    // %var% syntax
                    deps.add(envVal.substring(i, j));
                i = j + 1;
            return deps;

    private static void addToEnvMap(Map<String, String> envMap, Set<String> envSet, String envName,
            String envValue) {
        envMap.put(envName, envValue);

    public void sanitizeEnv(Map<String, String> environment, Path pwd, List<Path> appDirs,
            List<String> userLocalDirs, List<String> containerLogDirs, Map<Path, List<String>> resources,
            Path nmPrivateClasspathJarDir, Set<String> nmVars) throws IOException {
        // Based on discussion in YARN-7654, for ENTRY_POINT enabled
        // docker container, we forward user defined environment variables
        // without node manager environment variables.  This is the reason
        // that we skip sanitizeEnv method.
        boolean overrideDisable = Boolean.parseBoolean(
        if (overrideDisable) {

         * Non-modifiable environment variables

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,, container.getContainerId().toString());

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,,

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,, this.context.getNodeId().getHost());

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,,

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,, StringUtils.join(",", appDirs));

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,, StringUtils.join(",", userLocalDirs));

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,, StringUtils.join(",", containerLogDirs));

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,, container.getUser());

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,, container.getUser());

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,,
                conf.get(YarnConfiguration.NM_USER_HOME_DIR, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_USER_HOME_DIR));

        addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars,, pwd.toString());

        if (!Shell.WINDOWS) {
            addToEnvMap(environment, nmVars, "JVM_PID", "$$");

        // variables here will be forced in, even if the container has
        // specified them.
        String defEnvStr = conf.get(YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_ADMIN_USER_ENV);
        Apps.setEnvFromInputProperty(environment, YarnConfiguration.NM_ADMIN_USER_ENV, defEnvStr, conf,
        nmVars.addAll(Apps.getEnvVarsFromInputProperty(YarnConfiguration.NM_ADMIN_USER_ENV, defEnvStr, conf));

        // TODO: Remove Windows check and use this approach on all platforms after
        // additional testing.  See YARN-358.
        if (Shell.WINDOWS) {

            sanitizeWindowsEnv(environment, pwd, resources, nmPrivateClasspathJarDir);
        // put AuxiliaryService data to environment
        for (Map.Entry<String, ByteBuffer> meta : containerManager.getAuxServiceMetaData().entrySet()) {
            AuxiliaryServiceHelper.setServiceDataIntoEnv(meta.getKey(), meta.getValue(), environment);

    private void sanitizeWindowsEnv(Map<String, String> environment, Path pwd, Map<Path, List<String>> resources,
            Path nmPrivateClasspathJarDir) throws IOException {

        String inputClassPath = environment.get(;

        if (inputClassPath != null && !inputClassPath.isEmpty()) {

            //On non-windows, localized resources
            //from distcache are available via the classpath as they were placed
            //there but on windows they are not available when the classpath
            //jar is created and so they "are lost" and have to be explicitly
            //added to the classpath instead.  This also means that their position
            //is lost relative to other non-distcache classpath entries which will
            //break things like mapreduce.job.user.classpath.first.  An environment
            //variable can be set to indicate that distcache entries should come

            boolean preferLocalizedJars = Boolean

            boolean needsSeparator = false;
            StringBuilder newClassPath = new StringBuilder();
            if (!preferLocalizedJars) {
                needsSeparator = true;

            // Localized resources do not exist at the desired paths yet, because the
            // container launch script has not run to create symlinks yet.  This
            // means that FileUtil.createJarWithClassPath can't automatically expand
            // wildcards to separate classpath entries for each file in the manifest.
            // To resolve this, append classpath entries explicitly for each
            // resource.
            for (Map.Entry<Path, List<String>> entry : resources.entrySet()) {
                boolean targetIsDirectory = new File(entry.getKey().toUri().getPath()).isDirectory();

                for (String linkName : entry.getValue()) {
                    // Append resource.
                    if (needsSeparator) {
                    } else {
                        needsSeparator = true;

                    // FileUtil.createJarWithClassPath must use File.toURI to convert
                    // each file to a URI to write into the manifest's classpath.  For
                    // directories, the classpath must have a trailing '/', but
                    // File.toURI only appends the trailing '/' if it is a directory that
                    // already exists.  To resolve this, add the classpath entries with
                    // explicit trailing '/' here for any localized resource that targets
                    // a directory.  Then, FileUtil.createJarWithClassPath will guarantee
                    // that the resulting entry in the manifest's classpath will have a
                    // trailing '/', and thus refer to a directory instead of a file.
                    if (targetIsDirectory) {
            if (preferLocalizedJars) {
                if (needsSeparator) {

            // When the container launches, it takes the parent process's environment
            // and then adds/overwrites with the entries from the container launch
            // context.  Do the same thing here for correct substitution of
            // environment variables in the classpath jar manifest.
            Map<String, String> mergedEnv = new HashMap<String, String>(System.getenv());

            // this is hacky and temporary - it's to preserve the windows secure
            // behavior but enable non-secure windows to properly build the class
            // path for access to job.jar/lib/xyz and friends (see YARN-2803)
            Path jarDir;
            if (exec instanceof WindowsSecureContainerExecutor) {
                jarDir = nmPrivateClasspathJarDir;
            } else {
                jarDir = pwd;
            String[] jarCp = FileUtil.createJarWithClassPath(newClassPath.toString(), jarDir, pwd, mergedEnv);
            // In a secure cluster the classpath jar must be localized to grant access
            Path localizedClassPathJar = exec.localizeClasspathJar(new Path(jarCp[0]), pwd, container.getUser());
            String replacementClassPath = localizedClassPathJar.toString() + jarCp[1];
            environment.put(, replacementClassPath);

    public static String getExitCodeFile(String pidFile) {
        return pidFile + EXIT_CODE_FILE_SUFFIX;

    private void recordContainerLogDir(ContainerId containerId, String logDir) throws IOException {
        if (container.isRetryContextSet()) {
            context.getNMStateStore().storeContainerLogDir(containerId, logDir);

    private void recordContainerWorkDir(ContainerId containerId, String workDir) throws IOException {
        if (container.isRetryContextSet()) {
            context.getNMStateStore().storeContainerWorkDir(containerId, workDir);

    protected Path getContainerWorkDir() throws IOException {
        String containerWorkDir = container.getWorkDir();
        if (containerWorkDir == null || !dirsHandler.isGoodLocalDir(containerWorkDir)) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "Could not find a good work dir " + containerWorkDir + " for container " + container);

        return new Path(containerWorkDir);

     * Clean up container's files for container relaunch or cleanup.
    protected void cleanupContainerFiles(Path containerWorkDir) {
        LOG.debug("cleanup container {} files", containerWorkDir);
        // delete ContainerScriptPath
        deleteAsUser(new Path(containerWorkDir, CONTAINER_SCRIPT));
        // delete TokensPath
        deleteAsUser(new Path(containerWorkDir, FINAL_CONTAINER_TOKENS_FILE));

        // delete symlinks because launch script will create symlinks again
        try {
        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
            LOG.warn("{} exec failed to cleanup", container.getContainerId(), e);

    private void deleteAsUser(Path path) {
        try {
                    new DeletionAsUserContext.Builder().setUser(container.getUser()).setSubDir(path).build());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.warn("Failed to delete " + path, e);

     * Returns the PID File Path.
    Path getPidFilePath() {
        return pidFilePath;

     * Marks the container to be launched only if it was not launched.
     * @return true if successful; false otherwise.
    boolean markLaunched() {
        return containerAlreadyLaunched.compareAndSet(false, true);

     * Returns if the launch is completed or not.
    boolean isLaunchCompleted() {
        return completed.get();
