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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationResourceUsageReport;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationTimeoutType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerUpdateType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ExecutionType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceBlacklistRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.UpdateContainerError;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.UpdateContainerRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnApplicationAttemptState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnApplicationState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidContainerReleaseException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidResourceBlacklistRequestException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidResourceRequestException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factories.RecordFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factory.providers.RecordFactoryProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.nodelabels.RMNodeLabelsManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.attempt.RMAppAttemptState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmnode.RMNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.ContainerUpdates;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.ResourceScheduler;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedContainerChangeRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.YarnScheduler;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.BuilderUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Clock;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.SystemClock;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Times;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;

 * Utility methods to aid serving RM data through the REST and RPC APIs
public class RMServerUtils {

    private static final Log LOG_HANDLE = LogFactory.getLog(RMServerUtils.class);

    private static final String INVALID_CONTAINER_ID = "INVALID_CONTAINER_ID";

    protected static final RecordFactory RECORD_FACTORY = RecordFactoryProvider.getRecordFactory(null);

    private static Clock clock = SystemClock.getInstance();

    public static List<RMNode> queryRMNodes(RMContext context, EnumSet<NodeState> acceptedStates) {
        // nodes contains nodes that are NEW, RUNNING, UNHEALTHY or DECOMMISSIONING.
        ArrayList<RMNode> results = new ArrayList<RMNode>();
        if (acceptedStates.contains(NodeState.NEW) || acceptedStates.contains(NodeState.RUNNING)
                || acceptedStates.contains(NodeState.DECOMMISSIONING)
                || acceptedStates.contains(NodeState.UNHEALTHY)) {
            for (RMNode rmNode : context.getRMNodes().values()) {
                if (acceptedStates.contains(rmNode.getState())) {

        // inactiveNodes contains nodes that are DECOMMISSIONED, LOST, OR REBOOTED
        if (acceptedStates.contains(NodeState.DECOMMISSIONED) || acceptedStates.contains(NodeState.LOST)
                || acceptedStates.contains(NodeState.REBOOTED)) {
            for (RMNode rmNode : context.getInactiveRMNodes().values()) {
                if ((rmNode != null) && acceptedStates.contains(rmNode.getState())) {
        return results;

     * Check if we have:
     * - Request for same containerId and different target resource.
     * - If targetResources violates maximum/minimumAllocation.
     * @param rmContext RM context.
     * @param request Allocate Request.
     * @param maximumAllocation Maximum Allocation.
     * @param updateErrors Container update errors.
     * @return ContainerUpdateRequests.
    public static ContainerUpdates validateAndSplitUpdateResourceRequests(RMContext rmContext,
            AllocateRequest request, Resource maximumAllocation, List<UpdateContainerError> updateErrors) {
        ContainerUpdates updateRequests = new ContainerUpdates();
        Set<ContainerId> outstandingUpdate = new HashSet<>();
        for (UpdateContainerRequest updateReq : request.getUpdateRequests()) {
            RMContainer rmContainer = rmContext.getScheduler().getRMContainer(updateReq.getContainerId());
            String msg = validateContainerIdAndVersion(outstandingUpdate, updateReq, rmContainer);
            ContainerUpdateType updateType = updateReq.getContainerUpdateType();
            if (msg == null) {
                if ((updateType != ContainerUpdateType.PROMOTE_EXECUTION_TYPE)
                        && (updateType != ContainerUpdateType.DEMOTE_EXECUTION_TYPE)) {
                    if (validateIncreaseDecreaseRequest(rmContext, updateReq, maximumAllocation)) {
                        if (ContainerUpdateType.INCREASE_RESOURCE == updateType) {
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        msg = RESOURCE_OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_RANGE;
                } else {
                    ExecutionType original = rmContainer.getExecutionType();
                    ExecutionType target = updateReq.getExecutionType();
                    if (target != original) {
                        if (target == ExecutionType.GUARANTEED && original == ExecutionType.OPPORTUNISTIC) {
                        } else if (target == ExecutionType.OPPORTUNISTIC && original == ExecutionType.GUARANTEED) {
            checkAndcreateUpdateError(updateErrors, updateReq, rmContainer, msg);
        return updateRequests;

    private static void checkAndcreateUpdateError(List<UpdateContainerError> errors,
            UpdateContainerRequest updateReq, RMContainer rmContainer, String msg) {
        if (msg != null) {
            UpdateContainerError updateError = RECORD_FACTORY.newRecordInstance(UpdateContainerError.class);
            if (rmContainer != null) {
            } else {

    private static String validateContainerIdAndVersion(Set<ContainerId> outstandingUpdate,
            UpdateContainerRequest updateReq, RMContainer rmContainer) {
        String msg = null;
        if (rmContainer == null) {
            msg = INVALID_CONTAINER_ID;
        // Only allow updates if the requested version matches the current
        // version
        if (msg == null && updateReq.getContainerVersion() != rmContainer.getContainer().getVersion()) {
        // No more than 1 container update per request.
        if (msg == null && outstandingUpdate.contains(updateReq.getContainerId())) {
        return msg;

     * Utility method to validate a list resource requests, by insuring that the
     * requested memory/vcore is non-negative and not greater than max
    public static void normalizeAndValidateRequests(List<ResourceRequest> ask, Resource maximumAllocation,
            String queueName, YarnScheduler scheduler, RMContext rmContext) throws InvalidResourceRequestException {
        // Get queue from scheduler
        QueueInfo queueInfo = null;
        try {
            queueInfo = scheduler.getQueueInfo(queueName, false, false);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //Queue may not exist since it could be auto-created in case of
            // dynamic queues

        for (ResourceRequest resReq : ask) {
            SchedulerUtils.normalizeAndValidateRequest(resReq, maximumAllocation, queueName, scheduler, rmContext,

     * Validate increase/decrease request.
     * <pre>
     * - Throw exception when any other error happens
     * </pre>
    public static void checkSchedContainerChangeRequest(SchedContainerChangeRequest request, boolean increase)
            throws InvalidResourceRequestException {
        RMContext rmContext = request.getRmContext();
        ContainerId containerId = request.getContainerId();
        RMContainer rmContainer = request.getRMContainer();
        Resource targetResource = request.getTargetCapacity();

        // Compare targetResource and original resource
        Resource originalResource = rmContainer.getAllocatedResource();

        // Resource comparasion should be >= (or <=) for all resource vectors, for
        // example, you cannot request target resource of a <10G, 10> container to
        // <20G, 8>
        if (increase) {
            if (originalResource.getMemorySize() > targetResource.getMemorySize()
                    || originalResource.getVirtualCores() > targetResource.getVirtualCores()) {
                String msg = "Trying to increase a container, but target resource has some"
                        + " resource < original resource, target=" + targetResource + " original="
                        + originalResource + " containerId=" + containerId;
                throw new InvalidResourceRequestException(msg);
        } else {
            if (originalResource.getMemorySize() < targetResource.getMemorySize()
                    || originalResource.getVirtualCores() < targetResource.getVirtualCores()) {
                String msg = "Trying to decrease a container, but target resource has "
                        + "some resource > original resource, target=" + targetResource + " original="
                        + originalResource + " containerId=" + containerId;
                throw new InvalidResourceRequestException(msg);

        // Target resource of the increase request is more than NM can offer
        ResourceScheduler scheduler = rmContext.getScheduler();
        RMNode rmNode = request.getSchedulerNode().getRMNode();
        if (!Resources.fitsIn(scheduler.getResourceCalculator(), targetResource, rmNode.getTotalCapability())) {
            String msg = "Target resource=" + targetResource + " of containerId=" + containerId
                    + " is more than node's total resource=" + rmNode.getTotalCapability();
            throw new InvalidResourceRequestException(msg);

     * @throw <code>InvalidResourceBlacklistRequestException </code> if the
     * resource is not able to be added to the blacklist.
    public static void validateBlacklistRequest(ResourceBlacklistRequest blacklistRequest)
            throws InvalidResourceBlacklistRequestException {
        if (blacklistRequest != null) {
            List<String> plus = blacklistRequest.getBlacklistAdditions();
            if (plus != null && plus.contains(ResourceRequest.ANY)) {
                throw new InvalidResourceBlacklistRequestException(
                        "Cannot add " + ResourceRequest.ANY + " to the blacklist!");

    // Sanity check and normalize target resource
    private static boolean validateIncreaseDecreaseRequest(RMContext rmContext, UpdateContainerRequest request,
            Resource maximumAllocation) {
        if (request.getCapability().getMemorySize() < 0
                || request.getCapability().getMemorySize() > maximumAllocation.getMemorySize()) {
            return false;
        if (request.getCapability().getVirtualCores() < 0
                || request.getCapability().getVirtualCores() > maximumAllocation.getVirtualCores()) {
            return false;
        ResourceScheduler scheduler = rmContext.getScheduler();
        request.setCapability(scheduler.getNormalizedResource(request.getCapability(), maximumAllocation));
        return true;

     * It will validate to make sure all the containers belong to correct
     * application attempt id. If not then it will throw
     * {@link InvalidContainerReleaseException}
     * @param containerReleaseList containers to be released as requested by
     *                             application master.
     * @param appAttemptId         Application attempt Id
     * @throws InvalidContainerReleaseException
    public static void validateContainerReleaseRequest(List<ContainerId> containerReleaseList,
            ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId) throws InvalidContainerReleaseException {
        for (ContainerId cId : containerReleaseList) {
            if (!appAttemptId.equals(cId.getApplicationAttemptId())) {
                throw new InvalidContainerReleaseException("Cannot release container : " + cId.toString()
                        + " not belonging to this application attempt : " + appAttemptId);

    public static UserGroupInformation verifyAdminAccess(YarnAuthorizationProvider authorizer, String method,
            final Log LOG) throws IOException {
        // by default, this method will use AdminService as module name
        return verifyAdminAccess(authorizer, method, "AdminService", LOG);

     * Utility method to verify if the current user has access based on the
     * passed {@link AccessControlList}
     * @param authorizer the {@link AccessControlList} to check against
     * @param method     the method name to be logged
     * @param module     like AdminService or NodeLabelManager
     * @param LOG        the logger to use
     * @return {@link UserGroupInformation} of the current user
     * @throws IOException
    public static UserGroupInformation verifyAdminAccess(YarnAuthorizationProvider authorizer, String method,
            String module, final Log LOG) throws IOException {
        UserGroupInformation user;
        try {
            user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            LOG.warn("Couldn't get current user", ioe);
            RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", method, "", "AdminService", "Couldn't get current user");
            throw ioe;

        if (!authorizer.isAdmin(user)) {
            LOG.warn("User " + user.getShortUserName() + " doesn't have permission" + " to call '" + method + "'");

            RMAuditLogger.logFailure(user.getShortUserName(), method, "", module,

            throw new AccessControlException(
                    "User " + user.getShortUserName() + " doesn't have permission" + " to call '" + method + "'");
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace(method + " invoked by user " + user.getShortUserName());
        return user;

    public static YarnApplicationState createApplicationState(RMAppState rmAppState) {
        switch (rmAppState) {
        case NEW:
            return YarnApplicationState.NEW;
        case NEW_SAVING:
            return YarnApplicationState.NEW_SAVING;
        case SUBMITTED:
            return YarnApplicationState.SUBMITTED;
        case ACCEPTED:
            return YarnApplicationState.ACCEPTED;
        case RUNNING:
            return YarnApplicationState.RUNNING;
        case FINISHING:
        case FINISHED:
            return YarnApplicationState.FINISHED;
        case KILLING:
        case KILLED:
            return YarnApplicationState.KILLED;
        case FAILED:
            return YarnApplicationState.FAILED;
            throw new YarnRuntimeException("Unknown state passed!");

    public static YarnApplicationAttemptState createApplicationAttemptState(RMAppAttemptState rmAppAttemptState) {
        switch (rmAppAttemptState) {
        case NEW:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.NEW;
        case SUBMITTED:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.SUBMITTED;
        case SCHEDULED:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.SCHEDULED;
        case ALLOCATED:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.ALLOCATED;
        case LAUNCHED:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.LAUNCHED;
        case ALLOCATED_SAVING:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.ALLOCATED_SAVING;
        case RUNNING:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.RUNNING;
        case FINISHING:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.FINISHING;
        case FINISHED:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.FINISHED;
        case KILLED:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.KILLED;
        case FAILED:
            return YarnApplicationAttemptState.FAILED;
            throw new YarnRuntimeException("Unknown state passed!");

     * Statically defined dummy ApplicationResourceUsageREport.  Used as
     * a return value when a valid report cannot be found.
    public static final ApplicationResourceUsageReport DUMMY_APPLICATION_RESOURCE_USAGE_REPORT = BuilderUtils
            .newApplicationResourceUsageReport(-1, -1, Resources.createResource(-1, -1),
                    Resources.createResource(-1, -1), Resources.createResource(-1, -1), new HashMap<>(),
                    new HashMap<>());

     * Find all configs whose name starts with
     * YarnConfiguration.RM_PROXY_USER_PREFIX, and add a record for each one by
     * replacing the prefix with ProxyUsers.CONF_HADOOP_PROXYUSER
    public static void processRMProxyUsersConf(Configuration conf) {
        Map<String, String> rmProxyUsers = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : conf) {
            String propName = entry.getKey();
            if (propName.startsWith(YarnConfiguration.RM_PROXY_USER_PREFIX)) {
                        ProxyUsers.CONF_HADOOP_PROXYUSER + "."
                                + propName.substring(YarnConfiguration.RM_PROXY_USER_PREFIX.length()),
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : rmProxyUsers.entrySet()) {
            conf.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    public static void validateApplicationTimeouts(Map<ApplicationTimeoutType, Long> timeouts)
            throws YarnException {
        if (timeouts != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<ApplicationTimeoutType, Long> timeout : timeouts.entrySet()) {
                if (timeout.getValue() <= 0) {
                    String message = "Invalid application timeout, value=" + timeout.getValue() + " for type="
                            + timeout.getKey();
                    throw new YarnException(message);

     * Validate ISO8601 format with epoch time.
     * @param timeoutsInISO8601 format
     * @return expire time in local epoch
     * @throws YarnException if given application timeout value is lesser than
     *           current time.
    public static Map<ApplicationTimeoutType, Long> validateISO8601AndConvertToLocalTimeEpoch(
            Map<ApplicationTimeoutType, String> timeoutsInISO8601) throws YarnException {
        long currentTimeMillis = clock.getTime();
        Map<ApplicationTimeoutType, Long> newApplicationTimeout = new HashMap<ApplicationTimeoutType, Long>();
        if (timeoutsInISO8601 != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<ApplicationTimeoutType, String> timeout : timeoutsInISO8601.entrySet()) {
                long expireTime = 0L;
                try {
                    expireTime = Times.parseISO8601ToLocalTimeInMillis(timeout.getValue());
                } catch (ParseException ex) {
                    String message = "Expire time is not in ISO8601 format. ISO8601 supported "
                            + "format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. Configured " + "timeout value is "
                            + timeout.getValue();
                    throw new YarnException(message, ex);
                if (expireTime < currentTimeMillis) {
                    String message = "Expire time is less than current time, current-time="
                            + Times.formatISO8601(currentTimeMillis) + " expire-time="
                            + Times.formatISO8601(expireTime);
                    throw new YarnException(message);
                newApplicationTimeout.put(timeout.getKey(), expireTime);
        return newApplicationTimeout;

     * Get applicable Node count for AM.
     * @param rmContext context
     * @param conf configuration
     * @param amReqs am resource requests
     * @return applicable node count
    public static int getApplicableNodeCountForAM(RMContext rmContext, Configuration conf,
            List<ResourceRequest> amReqs) {
        // Determine the list of nodes that are eligible based on the strict
        // resource requests
        Set<NodeId> nodesForReqs = new HashSet<>();
        for (ResourceRequest amReq : amReqs) {
            if (amReq.getRelaxLocality() && !amReq.getResourceName().equals(ResourceRequest.ANY)) {

        if (YarnConfiguration.areNodeLabelsEnabled(conf)) {
            // Determine the list of nodes that are eligible based on the node label
            String amNodeLabelExpression = amReqs.get(0).getNodeLabelExpression();
            Set<NodeId> nodesForLabels = getNodeIdsForLabel(rmContext, amNodeLabelExpression);
            if (nodesForLabels != null && !nodesForLabels.isEmpty()) {
                // If only node labels, strip out any wildcard NodeIds and return
                if (nodesForReqs.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Iterator<NodeId> it = nodesForLabels.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                        if ( == 0) {
                    return nodesForLabels.size();
                } else {
                    // The NodeIds common to both the strict resource requests and the
                    // node label is the eligible set
                    return Sets.intersection(nodesForReqs, nodesForLabels).size();

        // If no strict resource request NodeIds nor node label NodeIds, then just
        // return the entire cluster
        if (nodesForReqs.isEmpty()) {
            return rmContext.getScheduler().getNumClusterNodes();
        // No node label NodeIds, so return the strict resource request NodeIds
        return nodesForReqs.size();

    private static Set<NodeId> getNodeIdsForLabel(RMContext rmContext, String label) {
        label = (label == null || label.trim().isEmpty()) ? RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL : label;
        if (label.equals(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL)) {
            // NO_LABEL nodes aren't tracked directly
            return rmContext.getNodeLabelManager().getNodesWithoutALabel();
        } else {
            Map<String, Set<NodeId>> labelsToNodes = rmContext.getNodeLabelManager()
            return labelsToNodes.get(label);

    public static Long getOrDefault(Map<String, Long> map, String key, Long defaultValue) {
        if (map.containsKey(key)) {
            return map.get(key);
        return defaultValue;