Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hive.streaming;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveDecimal;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.serdeConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.AbstractSerDe;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeStats;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.PrimitiveObjectInspector;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.StandardStructObjectInspector;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.PrimitiveTypeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.StructTypeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils;
import org.apache.hive.common.util.HiveStringUtils;
import org.apache.hive.common.util.TimestampParser;
import org.apache.nifi.avro.AvroTypeUtil;
import org.apache.nifi.logging.ComponentLog;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.MalformedRecordException;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.RecordReader;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.Record;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.RecordField;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.RecordSchema;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.util.DataTypeUtils;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class NiFiRecordSerDe extends AbstractSerDe {

    protected RecordReader recordReader;
    protected ComponentLog log;
    protected List<String> columnNames;
    protected StructTypeInfo schema;
    protected SerDeStats stats;

    protected StandardStructObjectInspector cachedObjectInspector;
    protected TimestampParser tsParser;

    private final static Pattern INTERNAL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("_col([0-9]+)");

    private Map<String, Integer> fieldPositionMap;

    public NiFiRecordSerDe(RecordReader recordReader, ComponentLog log) {
        this.recordReader = recordReader;
        this.log = log;

    public void initialize(Configuration conf, Properties tbl) throws SerDeException {
        List<TypeInfo> columnTypes;
        StructTypeInfo rowTypeInfo;

        log.debug("Initializing NiFiRecordSerDe: {}", tbl.entrySet().toArray());

        // Get column names and types
        String columnNameProperty = tbl.getProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS);
        String columnTypeProperty = tbl.getProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMN_TYPES);
        final String columnNameDelimiter = tbl.containsKey(serdeConstants.COLUMN_NAME_DELIMITER)
                ? tbl.getProperty(serdeConstants.COLUMN_NAME_DELIMITER)
                : String.valueOf(SerDeUtils.COMMA);
        // all table column names
        if (columnNameProperty.isEmpty()) {
            columnNames = new ArrayList<>(0);
        } else {
            columnNames = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(columnNameProperty.split(columnNameDelimiter)));

        // all column types
        if (columnTypeProperty.isEmpty()) {
            columnTypes = new ArrayList<>(0);
        } else {
            columnTypes = TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfosFromTypeString(columnTypeProperty);

        log.debug("columns: {}, {}", new Object[] { columnNameProperty, columnNames });
        log.debug("types: {}, {} ", new Object[] { columnTypeProperty, columnTypes });

        assert (columnNames.size() == columnTypes.size());

        rowTypeInfo = (StructTypeInfo) TypeInfoFactory.getStructTypeInfo(columnNames, columnTypes);
        schema = rowTypeInfo;
        log.debug("schema : {}", new Object[] { schema });
        cachedObjectInspector = (StandardStructObjectInspector) TypeInfoUtils
        tsParser = new TimestampParser(
        // Populate mapping of field names to column positions
        try {
        } catch (MalformedRecordException | IOException e) {
            throw new SerDeException(e);
        stats = new SerDeStats();

    public Class<? extends Writable> getSerializedClass() {
        return ObjectWritable.class;

    public Writable serialize(Object o, ObjectInspector objectInspector) throws SerDeException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This SerDe only supports deserialization");

    public SerDeStats getSerDeStats() {
        return stats;

    public Object deserialize(Writable writable) throws SerDeException {
        ObjectWritable t = (ObjectWritable) writable;
        Record record = (Record) t.get();
        List<Object> r = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(columnNames.size(), null));
        try {
            RecordSchema recordSchema = record.getSchema();
            for (RecordField field : recordSchema.getFields()) {
                String fieldName = field.getFieldName();
                String normalizedFieldName = fieldName.toLowerCase();

                // Get column position of field name, and set field value there
                Integer fpos = fieldPositionMap.get(normalizedFieldName);
                if (fpos == null || fpos == -1) {
                    // This is either a partition column or not a column in the target table, ignore either way
                Object currField = extractCurrentField(record, field,
                r.set(fpos, currField);
            stats.setRowCount(stats.getRowCount() + 1);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn("Error [{}] parsing Record [{}].", new Object[] { e.toString(), t }, e);
            throw new SerDeException(e);

        return r;

     * Utility method to extract current expected field from given record.
    private Object extractCurrentField(Record record, RecordField field, TypeInfo fieldTypeInfo)
            throws SerDeException {
        Object val;
        if (field == null) {
            return null;
        String fieldName = field.getFieldName();

        switch (fieldTypeInfo.getCategory()) {
        case PRIMITIVE:
            PrimitiveObjectInspector.PrimitiveCategory primitiveCategory = PrimitiveObjectInspector.PrimitiveCategory.UNKNOWN;
            if (fieldTypeInfo instanceof PrimitiveTypeInfo) {
                primitiveCategory = ((PrimitiveTypeInfo) fieldTypeInfo).getPrimitiveCategory();
            switch (primitiveCategory) {
            case BYTE:
                Integer bIntValue = record.getAsInt(fieldName);
                val = bIntValue == null ? null : bIntValue.byteValue();
            case SHORT:
                Integer sIntValue = record.getAsInt(fieldName);
                val = sIntValue == null ? null : sIntValue.shortValue();
            case INT:
                val = record.getAsInt(fieldName);
            case LONG:
                val = record.getAsLong(fieldName);
            case BOOLEAN:
                val = record.getAsBoolean(fieldName);
            case FLOAT:
                val = record.getAsFloat(fieldName);
            case DOUBLE:
                val = record.getAsDouble(fieldName);
            case STRING:
            case VARCHAR:
            case CHAR:
                val = record.getAsString(fieldName);
            case BINARY:
                Object[] array = record.getAsArray(fieldName);
                if (array == null) {
                    return null;
                val = AvroTypeUtil.convertByteArray(array).array();
            case DATE:
                Date d = record.getAsDate(fieldName, field.getDataType().getFormat());
                if (d != null) {
                    org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Date hiveDate = new org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Date();
                    val = hiveDate;
                } else {
                    val = null;
            // ORC doesn't currently handle TIMESTAMPLOCALTZ
            case TIMESTAMP:
                Timestamp ts = DataTypeUtils.toTimestamp(record.getValue(fieldName),
                        () -> DataTypeUtils.getDateFormat(field.getDataType().getFormat()), fieldName);
                if (ts != null) {
                    // Convert to Hive's Timestamp type
                    org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Timestamp hivetimestamp = new org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.Timestamp();
                    hivetimestamp.setTimeInMillis(ts.getTime(), ts.getNanos());
                    val = hivetimestamp;
                } else {
                    val = null;
            case DECIMAL:
                Double value = record.getAsDouble(fieldName);
                val = value == null ? null : HiveDecimal.create(value);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Field " + fieldName + " cannot be converted to type: " +;
        case LIST:
            Object[] value = record.getAsArray(fieldName);
            val = value == null ? null : Arrays.asList(value);
        case MAP:
            val = record.getValue(fieldName);
        case STRUCT:
            // The Hive StandardStructObjectInspector expects the object corresponding to a "struct" to be an array or List rather than a Map.
            // Do the conversion here, calling extractCurrentField recursively to traverse any nested structs.
            Record nestedRecord = (Record) record.getValue(fieldName);
            if (nestedRecord == null) {
                return null;
            try {
                RecordSchema recordSchema = nestedRecord.getSchema();
                List<RecordField> recordFields = recordSchema.getFields();
                if (recordFields == null || recordFields.isEmpty()) {
                    return Collections.emptyList();
                // This List will hold the values of the entries in the Map
                List<Object> structList = new ArrayList<>(recordFields.size());
                StructTypeInfo typeInfo = (StructTypeInfo) schema.getStructFieldTypeInfo(fieldName);
                for (RecordField nestedRecordField : recordFields) {
                    String fName = nestedRecordField.getFieldName();
                    String normalizedFieldName = fName.toLowerCase();
                    structList.add(extractCurrentField(nestedRecord, nestedRecordField,
                return structList;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn("Error [{}] parsing Record [{}].", new Object[] { e.toString(), nestedRecord }, e);
                throw new SerDeException(e);
            // break unreachable
            log.error("Unknown type found: " + fieldTypeInfo + "for field of type: "
                    + field.getDataType().toString());
            return null;
        return val;

    public ObjectInspector getObjectInspector() {
        return cachedObjectInspector;

    private void populateFieldPositionMap() throws MalformedRecordException, IOException {
        // Populate the mapping of field names to column positions only once
        fieldPositionMap = new HashMap<>(columnNames.size());

        RecordSchema recordSchema = recordReader.getSchema();
        for (RecordField field : recordSchema.getFields()) {
            String fieldName = field.getFieldName();
            String normalizedFieldName = fieldName.toLowerCase();

            int fpos = schema.getAllStructFieldNames().indexOf(fieldName.toLowerCase());
            if (fpos == -1) {
                Matcher m = INTERNAL_PATTERN.matcher(fieldName);
                fpos = m.matches() ? Integer.parseInt( : -1;

                        "NPE finding position for field [{}] in schema [{}],"
                                + " attempting to check if it is an internal column name like _col0",
                        new Object[] { fieldName, schema });
                if (fpos == -1) {
                    // unknown field, we return. We'll continue from the next field onwards. Log at debug level because partition columns will be "unknown fields"
                    log.debug("Field {} is not found in the target table, ignoring...",
                            new Object[] { field.getFieldName() });
                // If we get past this, then the column name did match the hive pattern for an internal
                // column name, such as _col0, etc, so it *MUST* match the schema for the appropriate column.
                // This means people can't use arbitrary column names such as _col0, and expect us to ignore it
                // if we find it.
                if (!fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(HiveConf.getColumnInternalName(fpos))) {
                            "Hive internal column name {} and position "
                                    + "encoding {} for the column name are at odds",
                            new Object[] { fieldName, fpos });
                    throw new IOException("Hive internal column name (" + fieldName + ") and position encoding ("
                            + fpos + ") for the column name are at odds");
                // If we reached here, then we were successful at finding an alternate internal
                // column mapping, and we're about to proceed.
            fieldPositionMap.put(normalizedFieldName, fpos);