Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResourceType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResourceVisibility;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Records;
import org.apache.hoya.HoyaExitCodes;
import org.apache.hoya.HoyaKeys;
import org.apache.hoya.HoyaXmlConfKeys;
import org.apache.hoya.core.persist.Filenames;
import org.apache.hoya.core.persist.InstancePaths;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.BadClusterStateException;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.ErrorStrings;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.HoyaException;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.UnknownClusterException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.apache.hoya.HoyaXmlConfKeys.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS;
import static org.apache.hoya.HoyaXmlConfKeys.CLUSTER_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS;

public class CoreFileSystem {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CoreFileSystem.class);

    protected final FileSystem fileSystem;
    protected final Configuration configuration;

    public CoreFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem, Configuration configuration) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileSystem, "Cannot create a HoyaFileSystem with a null FileSystem");
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(configuration, "Cannot create a HoyaFileSystem with a null Configuration");
        this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
        this.configuration = configuration;

    public CoreFileSystem(Configuration configuration) throws IOException {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(configuration, "Cannot create a HoyaFileSystem with a null Configuration");
        this.fileSystem = FileSystem.get(configuration);
        this.configuration = fileSystem.getConf();

     * Get the temp path for this cluster
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @return path for temp files (is not purged)
    public Path getTempPathForCluster(String clustername) {
        Path clusterDir = buildHoyaClusterDirPath(clustername);
        return new Path(clusterDir, HoyaKeys.TMP_DIR_PREFIX);

     * Returns the underlying FileSystem for this object.
     * @return filesystem
    public FileSystem getFileSystem() {
        return fileSystem;

    public String toString() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("CoreFileSystem{");
        return sb.toString();

     * Build up the path string for a cluster instance -no attempt to
     * create the directory is made
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @return the path for persistent data
    public Path buildHoyaClusterDirPath(String clustername) {
        if (clustername == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        Path hoyaPath = getBaseHoyaPath();
        return new Path(hoyaPath, HoyaKeys.CLUSTER_DIRECTORY + "/" + clustername);

     * Create the Hoya cluster path for a named cluster and all its subdirs
     * This is a directory; a mkdirs() operation is executed
     * to ensure that it is there.
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @return the path to the cluster directory
     * @throws                      trouble
     * @throws org.apache.hoya.exceptions.HoyaException hoya-specific exceptions
    public Path createClusterDirectories(String clustername, Configuration conf) throws IOException, HoyaException {

        Path clusterDirectory = buildHoyaClusterDirPath(clustername);
        InstancePaths instancePaths = new InstancePaths(clusterDirectory);
        return clusterDirectory;

     * Create the Hoya cluster path for a named cluster and all its subdirs
     * This is a directory; a mkdirs() operation is executed
     * to ensure that it is there.
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @return the path to the cluster directory
     * @throws                      trouble
     * @throws org.apache.hoya.exceptions.HoyaException hoya-specific exceptions
    public void createClusterDirectories(InstancePaths instancePaths) throws IOException, HoyaException {
        Path clusterDirectory = instancePaths.instanceDir;

        FsPermission clusterPerms = getInstanceDirectoryPermissions();
        createWithPermissions(clusterDirectory, clusterPerms);
        createWithPermissions(instancePaths.snapshotConfPath, clusterPerms);
        createWithPermissions(instancePaths.generatedConfPath, clusterPerms);
        createWithPermissions(instancePaths.historyPath, clusterPerms);
        createWithPermissions(instancePaths.tmpPathAM, clusterPerms);

        // Data Directory
        String dataOpts = configuration.get(HoyaXmlConfKeys.DATA_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS,
        log.debug("Setting data directory permissions to {}", dataOpts);
        createWithPermissions(instancePaths.dataPath, new FsPermission(dataOpts));


     * Create a directory with the given permissions.
     * @param dir          directory
     * @param clusterPerms cluster permissions
     * @throws IOException                                 IO problem
     * @throws org.apache.hoya.exceptions.BadClusterStateException any cluster state problem
    public void createWithPermissions(Path dir, FsPermission clusterPerms)
            throws IOException, BadClusterStateException {
        if (fileSystem.isFile(dir)) {
            // HADOOP-9361 shows some filesystems don't correctly fail here
            throw new BadClusterStateException("Cannot create a directory over a file %s", dir);
        log.debug("mkdir {} with perms {}", dir, clusterPerms);
        //no mask whatoever
        fileSystem.getConf().set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_PERMISSIONS_UMASK_KEY, "000");
        fileSystem.mkdirs(dir, clusterPerms);
        //and force set it anyway just to make sure
        fileSystem.setPermission(dir, clusterPerms);

     * Get the permissions of a path
     * @param path path to check
     * @return the permissions
     * @throws IOException any IO problem (including file not found)
    public FsPermission getPathPermissions(Path path) throws IOException {
        FileStatus status = fileSystem.getFileStatus(path);
        return status.getPermission();

    public FsPermission getInstanceDirectoryPermissions() {
        String clusterDirPermsOct = configuration.get(CLUSTER_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS,
        return new FsPermission(clusterDirPermsOct);

     * Verify that the cluster directory is not present
     * @param clustername      name of the cluster
     * @param clusterDirectory actual directory to look for
     * @return the path to the cluster directory
     * @throws IOException                      trouble with FS
     * @throws HoyaException If the directory exists
    public void verifyClusterDirectoryNonexistent(String clustername, Path clusterDirectory)
            throws IOException, HoyaException {
        if (fileSystem.exists(clusterDirectory)) {
            throw new HoyaException(HoyaExitCodes.EXIT_INSTANCE_EXISTS,
                    ErrorStrings.PRINTF_E_INSTANCE_ALREADY_EXISTS, clustername, clusterDirectory);

     * Verify that the given directory is not present
     * @param clusterDirectory actual directory to look for
     * @return the path to the cluster directory
     * @throws IOException    trouble with FS
     * @throws HoyaException If the directory exists
    public void verifyDirectoryNonexistent(Path clusterDirectory) throws IOException, HoyaException {
        if (fileSystem.exists(clusterDirectory)) {
            log.error("Dir {} exists: {}", clusterDirectory, listFSDir(clusterDirectory));
            throw new HoyaException(HoyaExitCodes.EXIT_INSTANCE_EXISTS,
                    ErrorStrings.PRINTF_E_INSTANCE_DIR_ALREADY_EXISTS, clusterDirectory);

     * Verify that a user has write access to a directory.
     * It does this by creating then deleting a temp file
     * @param dirPath actual directory to look for
     * @throws FileNotFoundException file not found
     * @throws IOException  trouble with FS
     * @throws BadClusterStateException if the directory is not writeable
    public void verifyDirectoryWriteAccess(Path dirPath) throws IOException, HoyaException {
        Path tempFile = new Path(dirPath, "tmp-file-for-checks");
        try {
            FSDataOutputStream out = null;
            out = fileSystem.create(tempFile, true);
            fileSystem.delete(tempFile, false);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.warn("Failed to create file {}: {}", tempFile, e);
            throw new BadClusterStateException(e, "Unable to write to directory %s : %s", dirPath, e.toString());

     * Verify that a path exists
     * @param path path to check
     * @throws FileNotFoundException file not found
     * @throws IOException  trouble with FS
    public void verifyPathExists(Path path) throws IOException {
        if (!fileSystem.exists(path)) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException(path.toString());

     * Verify that a path exists
     * @param path path to check
     * @throws FileNotFoundException file not found or is not a file
     * @throws IOException  trouble with FS
    public void verifyFileExists(Path path) throws IOException {
        FileStatus status = fileSystem.getFileStatus(path);

        if (!status.isFile()) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Not a file: " + path.toString());

     * Create the application-instance specific temporary directory
     * in the DFS
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @param subdir       application ID
     * @return the path; this directory will already have been created
    public Path createHoyaAppInstanceTempPath(String clustername, String subdir) throws IOException {
        Path tmp = getTempPathForCluster(clustername);
        Path instancePath = new Path(tmp, subdir);
        return instancePath;

     * Create the application-instance specific temporary directory
     * in the DFS
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @return the path; this directory will already have been deleted
    public Path purgeHoyaAppInstanceTempFiles(String clustername) throws IOException {
        Path tmp = getTempPathForCluster(clustername);
        fileSystem.delete(tmp, true);
        return tmp;

     * Get the base path for hoya
     * @return the base path optionally configured by {@value HoyaXmlConfKeys#KEY_BASE_HOYA_PATH}
    public Path getBaseHoyaPath() {
        String configuredHoyaBasePath = configuration.get(HoyaXmlConfKeys.KEY_BASE_HOYA_PATH);
        return configuredHoyaBasePath != null ? new Path(configuredHoyaBasePath)
                : new Path(getHomeDirectory(), HoyaKeys.HOYA_BASE_DIRECTORY);

    public Path getHomeDirectory() {
        return fileSystem.getHomeDirectory();

    public boolean maybeAddImagePath(Map<String, LocalResource> localResources, Path imagePath) throws IOException {
        if (imagePath != null) {
            LocalResource resource = createAmResource(imagePath, LocalResourceType.ARCHIVE);
            localResources.put(HoyaKeys.LOCAL_TARBALL_INSTALL_SUBDIR, resource);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public boolean maybeAddImagePath(Map<String, LocalResource> localResources, String imagePath)
            throws IOException {

        return imagePath != null && maybeAddImagePath(localResources, new Path(imagePath));

     * Create an AM resource from the
     * @param destPath     dest path in filesystem
     * @param resourceType resource type
     * @return the resource set up wih application-level visibility and the
     * timestamp & size set from the file stats.
    public LocalResource createAmResource(Path destPath, LocalResourceType resourceType) throws IOException {
        FileStatus destStatus = fileSystem.getFileStatus(destPath);
        LocalResource amResource = Records.newRecord(LocalResource.class);
        // Set visibility of the resource
        // Setting to most private option
        // Set the resource to be copied over
        // Set timestamp and length of file so that the framework
        // can do basic sanity checks for the local resource
        // after it has been copied over to ensure it is the same
        // resource the client intended to use with the application
        return amResource;

     * Register all files under a fs path as a directory to push out
     * @param srcDir          src dir
     * @param destRelativeDir dest dir (no trailing /)
     * @return the map of entries
    public Map<String, LocalResource> submitDirectory(Path srcDir, String destRelativeDir) throws IOException {
        //now register each of the files in the directory to be
        //copied to the destination
        FileStatus[] fileset = fileSystem.listStatus(srcDir);
        Map<String, LocalResource> localResources = new HashMap<String, LocalResource>(fileset.length);
        for (FileStatus entry : fileset) {

            LocalResource resource = createAmResource(entry.getPath(), LocalResourceType.FILE);
            String relativePath = destRelativeDir + "/" + entry.getPath().getName();
            localResources.put(relativePath, resource);
        return localResources;

     * Submit a JAR containing a specific class, returning
     * the resource to be mapped in
     * @param clazz   class to look for
     * @param subdir  subdirectory (expected to end in a "/")
     * @param jarName <i>At the destination</i>
     * @return the local resource ref
     * @throws IOException trouble copying to HDFS
    public LocalResource submitJarWithClass(Class clazz, Path tempPath, String subdir, String jarName)
            throws IOException, HoyaException {
        File localFile = HoyaUtils.findContainingJar(clazz);
        if (null == localFile) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find JAR containing " + clazz);

        LocalResource resource = submitFile(localFile, tempPath, subdir, jarName);
        return resource;

     * Submit a local file to the filesystem references by the instance's cluster
     * filesystem
     * @param localFile    filename
     * @param subdir       subdirectory (expected to end in a "/")
     * @param destFileName destination filename
     * @return the local resource ref
     * @throws IOException trouble copying to HDFS
    public LocalResource submitFile(File localFile, Path tempPath, String subdir, String destFileName)
            throws IOException {
        Path src = new Path(localFile.toString());
        Path subdirPath = new Path(tempPath, subdir);
        Path destPath = new Path(subdirPath, destFileName);

        fileSystem.copyFromLocalFile(false, true, src, destPath);

        // Set the type of resource - file or archive
        // archives are untarred at destination
        // we don't need the jar file to be untarred for now
        return createAmResource(destPath, LocalResourceType.FILE);

     * list entries in a filesystem directory
     * @param path directory
     * @return a listing, one to a line
     * @throws IOException
    public String listFSDir(Path path) throws IOException {
        FileStatus[] stats = fileSystem.listStatus(path);
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (FileStatus stat : stats) {
        return builder.toString();

    public void touch(Path path, boolean overwrite) throws IOException {
        FSDataOutputStream out = fileSystem.create(path, overwrite);

    public void cat(Path path, boolean overwrite, String data) throws IOException {
        FSDataOutputStream out = fileSystem.create(path, overwrite);
        byte[] bytes = data.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

     * Create a path that must exist in the cluster fs
     * @param uri uri to create
     * @return the path
     * @throws HoyaException if the path does not exist
    public Path createPathThatMustExist(String uri) throws HoyaException, IOException {
        Path path = new Path(uri);
        return path;

     * Locate an application conf json in the FS. This includes a check to verify
     * that the file is there.
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @return the path to the spec.
     * @throws IOException                      IO problems
     * @throws HoyaException if the path isn't there
    public Path locateInstanceDefinition(String clustername) throws IOException, HoyaException {
        Path clusterDirectory = buildHoyaClusterDirPath(clustername);
        Path appConfPath = new Path(clusterDirectory, Filenames.APPCONF);
        verifyClusterSpecExists(clustername, appConfPath);
        return appConfPath;

     * Verify that a cluster specification exists
     * @param clustername name of the cluster (For errors only)
     * @param fs filesystem
     * @param clusterSpecPath cluster specification path
     * @throws IOException IO problems
     * @throws HoyaException if the cluster specification is not present
    public void verifyClusterSpecExists(String clustername, Path clusterSpecPath)
            throws IOException, HoyaException {
        if (!fileSystem.isFile(clusterSpecPath)) {
            log.debug("Missing specification file {}", clusterSpecPath);
            throw UnknownClusterException
                    .unknownCluster(clustername + "\n (definition not found at " + clusterSpecPath);