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 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.isis.applib.util;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;


 * This is a copy of ObjectContracts in isis' applib, enhanced to deal with "cross-type comparisons", eg
 * polymorphic associations such as task#object).
public class ObjectContracts2 {

    //region > compare

     * Evaluates which of p and q is first.
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
     * @param propertyNames - the property name or names, CSV format.  If multiple properties, use the {@link #compare(Object, Object, String...) varargs} overloaded version of this method.
    public static <T> int compare(final T p, final T q, final String propertyNames) {
        final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter = csvToIterable(propertyNames);
        return compare(p, q, propertyNamesIter);

     * Evaluates which of p and q is first.
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
    public static <T> int compare(final T p, final T q, final String... propertyNames) {
        final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter = varargsToIterable(propertyNames);
        return compare(p, q, propertyNamesIter);

    private static <T> int compare(final T p, final T q, final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter) {
        if (p == null) {
            return -1;
        if (q == null) {
            return +1;
        if (p.getClass() != q.getClass()) {
            // just sort on the class type
            return Ordering.natural().onResultOf(new Function<Object, String>() {
                public String apply(final Object o) {
                    return o.getClass().getSimpleName();
            }).compare(p, q);

        final Iterable<Clause> clauses = clausesFor(propertyNamesIter);
        ComparisonChain chain = ComparisonChain.start();
        for (final Clause clause : clauses) {
            final Comparable<T> propertyValueOfP = (Comparable<T>) clause.getValueOf(p);
            final Comparable<T> propertyValueOfQ = (Comparable<T>) clause.getValueOf(q);
            chain =, propertyValueOfQ, clause.getDirection().getOrdering());
        return chain.result();

    //region > compareBy
     * Returns a {@link Comparator} to evaluate objects by their property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
     * @param propertyNames - the property name or names, CSV format.  If multiple properties, use the {@link #compareBy(String...)} varargs} overloaded version of this method.
    public static <T> Comparator<T> compareBy(final String propertyNames) {
        return new Comparator<T>() {
            public int compare(T p, T q) {
                return, q, propertyNames);

     * Returns a {@link Comparator} to evaluate objects by their property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
    public static <T> Comparator<T> compareBy(final String... propertyNames) {
        return new Comparator<T>() {
            public int compare(T p, T q) {
                return, q, propertyNames);

    //region > toString

     * Returns a string representation of the object consisting of the specified property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
     * @param propertyNames - the property name or names, CSV format.  If multiple properties, use the {@link #toString(Object, String...)} varargs} overloaded version of this method.
    public static String toString(Object p, String propertyNames) {
        return new ObjectContracts().toStringOf(p, propertyNames);

     * Returns a string representation of the object consisting of the specified property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
    public static String toString(Object p, String... propertyNames) {
        return new ObjectContracts().toStringOf(p, propertyNames);

    //region > hashCode
     * Returns the hashCode for the object using the specified property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
     * @param propertyNames - the property name or names, CSV format.  If multiple properties, use the {@link #hashCode(Object, String...)} varargs} overloaded version of this method.
    public static int hashCode(Object obj, String propertyNames) {
        final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter = csvToIterable(propertyNames);
        return hashCode(obj, propertyNamesIter);

     * Returns the hashCode for the object using the specified property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
    public static int hashCode(Object obj, String... propertyNames) {
        final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter = varargsToIterable(propertyNames);
        return hashCode(obj, propertyNamesIter);

    private static int hashCode(final Object obj, final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter) {
        final List<Object> propertyValues = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (final Clause clause : clausesFor(propertyNamesIter)) {
            final Object propertyValue = clause.getValueOf(obj);
            if (propertyValue != null) {
        return Objects.hashCode(propertyValues.toArray());

    //region > equals

     * Returns whether two objects are equal, considering just the specified property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
     * @param propertyNames - the property name or names, CSV format.  If multiple properties, use the {@link #equals(Object, Object, String...)} varargs} overloaded version of this method.
    public static boolean equals(Object p, Object q, String propertyNames) {
        if (p == null && q == null) {
            return true;
        if (p == null || q == null) {
            return false;
        if (p.getClass() != q.getClass()) {
            return false;
        final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter = csvToIterable(propertyNames);
        return equals(p, q, propertyNamesIter);

     * Returns whether two objects are equal, considering just the specified property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
    public static boolean equals(Object p, Object q, String... propertyNames) {
        if (p == null && q == null) {
            return true;
        if (p == null || q == null) {
            return false;
        if (p.getClass() != q.getClass()) {
            return false;
        final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter = varargsToIterable(propertyNames);
        return equals(p, q, propertyNamesIter);

    private static boolean equals(final Object p, final Object q, final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter) {
        final Iterable<Clause> clauses = clausesFor(propertyNamesIter);
        for (final Clause clause : clauses) {
            final Object pValue = clause.getValueOf(p);
            final Object qValue = clause.getValueOf(q);
            if (!Objects.equal(pValue, qValue)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    //region > helpers
    private static Iterable<Clause> clausesFor(final Iterable<String> iterable) {
        return Iterables.transform(iterable, new Function<String, Clause>() {
            public Clause apply(String input) {
                return Clause.parse(input);

    private static Iterable<String> csvToIterable(final String propertyNames) {
        return Splitter.on(',').split(propertyNames);

    private static List<String> varargsToIterable(final String[] iterable) {
        return Arrays.asList(iterable);

    //region > toStringOf

    private final List<ObjectContracts.ToStringEvaluator> evaluators = Lists.newArrayList();

    public ObjectContracts2 with(ObjectContracts.ToStringEvaluator evaluator) {
        return this;

     * Returns a string representation of two objects, considering just the specified property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
     * @param propertyNames - the property name or names, CSV format.  If multiple properties, use the {@link #toString(Object, String...)} varargs} overloaded version of this method.
    public String toStringOf(Object p, String propertyNames) {
        final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter = csvToIterable(propertyNames);
        return toStringOf(p, propertyNamesIter);

     * Returns a string representation of two objects, considering just the specified property name(s).
     * @deprecated - please be aware that this utility heavily uses reflection.  We don't actually intend to deprecate this method (it's useful while prototyping), but we wanted to bring this to your attention!
    public String toStringOf(Object p, String... propertyNames) {
        final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter = varargsToIterable(propertyNames);
        return toStringOf(p, propertyNamesIter);

    private String toStringOf(final Object p, final Iterable<String> propertyNamesIter) {
        final ToStringHelper stringHelper = Objects.toStringHelper(p);
        for (final Clause clause : clausesFor(propertyNamesIter)) {
            stringHelper.add(clause.getPropertyName(), asString(clause, p));
        return stringHelper.toString();

    private String asString(final Clause clause, Object p) {
        final Object value = clause.getValueOf(p);
        if (value == null) {
            return null;
        for (ObjectContracts.ToStringEvaluator evaluator : evaluators) {
            if (evaluator.canEvaluate(value)) {
                return evaluator.evaluate(value);
        return value.toString();

