Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jxtadoop.fs;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.apache.jxtadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.jxtadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.jxtadoop.hdfs.DFSClient;
import org.apache.jxtadoop.ipc.RPC;
import org.apache.jxtadoop.ipc.RemoteException;
import org.apache.jxtadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.jxtadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.jxtadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.apache.jxtadoop.util.StringUtils;

/** Provide command line access to a FileSystem. */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "deprecation", "rawtypes" })
public class FsShell extends Configured implements Tool {
    static {

    public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FsShell.class);

    private DFSClient dfs;

    protected FileSystem fs;
    private Trash trash;
    public static final SimpleDateFormat dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
    protected static final SimpleDateFormat modifFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    static final int BORDER = 2;
    static {
    static final String SETREP_SHORT_USAGE = "-setrep [-R] [-w] <rep> <path/file>";
    static final String GET_SHORT_USAGE = "-get [-ignoreCrc] [-crc] <src> <localdst>";
    static final String COPYTOLOCAL_SHORT_USAGE = GET_SHORT_USAGE.replace("-get", "-copyToLocal");
    static final String TAIL_USAGE = "-tail [-f] <file>";

    public FsShell() {
        // this(null);
        this(new Configuration());

    public FsShell(Configuration conf) {
        fs = null;
        trash = null;
        try {
            dfs = new DFSClient(conf, "FsShell");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.fatal("Failed to initialize DFS client; Aborting");
            // e.printStackTrace();

    protected void init() throws IOException {
        if (dfs == null)

                dfs.getDfsClientPeer().getNameNodePeerId().toString().replaceAll("urn:jxta:cbid-", ""));

        if (this.fs == null) {
            this.fs = FileSystem.get(getConf());
        LOG.debug("fs : " + fs.getName());
        if (this.trash == null) {
            this.trash = new Trash(getConf());

     * Copies from stdin to the indicated file.
    private void copyFromStdin(Path dst, FileSystem dstFs) throws IOException {
        if (dstFs.isDirectory(dst)) {
            throw new IOException("When source is stdin, destination must be a file.");
        if (dstFs.exists(dst)) {
            throw new IOException("Target " + dst.toString() + " already exists.");
        FSDataOutputStream out = dstFs.create(dst);
        try {
            IOUtils.copyBytes(, out, getConf(), false);
        } finally {

     * Print from src to stdout.
    private void printToStdout(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        try {
            IOUtils.copyBytes(in, System.out, getConf(), false);
        } finally {

     * Add local files to the indicated FileSystem name. src is kept.
    void copyFromLocal(Path[] srcs, String dstf) throws IOException {
        Path dstPath = new Path(dstf);
        FileSystem dstFs = dstPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        if (srcs.length == 1 && srcs[0].toString().equals("-"))
            copyFromStdin(dstPath, dstFs);
            dstFs.copyFromLocalFile(false, false, srcs, dstPath);

     * Add local files to the indicated FileSystem name. src is removed.
    void moveFromLocal(Path[] srcs, String dstf) throws IOException {
        Path dstPath = new Path(dstf);
        FileSystem dstFs = dstPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        dstFs.moveFromLocalFile(srcs, dstPath);

     * Add a local file to the indicated FileSystem name. src is removed.
    void moveFromLocal(Path src, String dstf) throws IOException {
        moveFromLocal((new Path[] { src }), dstf);

     * Obtain the indicated files that match the file pattern <i>srcf</i>
     * and copy them to the local name. srcf is kept.
     * When copying multiple files, the destination must be a directory. 
     * Otherwise, IOException is thrown.
     * @param argv: arguments
     * @param pos: Ignore everything before argv[pos]  
     * @exception: IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem.globStatus 
    void copyToLocal(String[] argv, int pos) throws IOException {
        CommandFormat cf = new CommandFormat("copyToLocal", 2, 2, "crc", "ignoreCrc");

        String srcstr = null;
        String dststr = null;
        try {
            List<String> parameters = cf.parse(argv, pos);
            srcstr = parameters.get(0);
            dststr = parameters.get(1);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell " + GET_SHORT_USAGE);
            throw iae;
        boolean copyCrc = cf.getOpt("crc");
        final boolean verifyChecksum = !cf.getOpt("ignoreCrc");

        if (dststr.equals("-")) {
            if (copyCrc) {
                System.err.println("-crc option is not valid when destination is stdout.");
            cat(srcstr, verifyChecksum);
        } else {
            File dst = new File(dststr);
            Path srcpath = new Path(srcstr);
            FileSystem srcFS = getSrcFileSystem(srcpath, verifyChecksum);
            if (copyCrc && !(srcFS instanceof ChecksumFileSystem)) {
                System.err.println("-crc option is not valid when source file system "
                        + "does not have crc files. Automatically turn the option off.");
                copyCrc = false;
            FileStatus[] srcs = srcFS.globStatus(srcpath);
            boolean dstIsDir = dst.isDirectory();
            if (srcs.length > 1 && !dstIsDir) {
                throw new IOException("When copying multiple files, " + "destination should be a directory.");
            for (FileStatus status : srcs) {
                Path p = status.getPath();
                File f = dstIsDir ? new File(dst, p.getName()) : dst;
                copyToLocal(srcFS, p, f, copyCrc);

     * Return the {@link FileSystem} specified by src and the conf.
     * It the {@link FileSystem} supports checksum, set verifyChecksum.
    private FileSystem getSrcFileSystem(Path src, boolean verifyChecksum) throws IOException {
        FileSystem srcFs = src.getFileSystem(getConf());
        return srcFs;

     * The prefix for the tmp file used in copyToLocal.
     * It must be at least three characters long, required by
     * {@link, String, File)}.
    static final String COPYTOLOCAL_PREFIX = "_copyToLocal_";

     * Copy a source file from a given file system to local destination.
     * @param srcFS source file system
     * @param src source path
     * @param dst destination
     * @param copyCrc copy CRC files?
     * @exception IOException If some IO failed
    private void copyToLocal(final FileSystem srcFS, final Path src, final File dst, final boolean copyCrc)
            throws IOException {
        /* Keep the structure similar to ChecksumFileSystem.copyToLocal(). 
         * Ideal these two should just invoke FileUtil.copy() and not repeat
         * recursion here. Of course, copy() should support two more options :
         * copyCrc and useTmpFile (may be useTmpFile need not be an option).

        if (!srcFS.getFileStatus(src).isDir()) {
            if (dst.exists()) {
                // match the error message in FileUtil.checkDest():
                throw new IOException("Target " + dst + " already exists");

            // use absolute name so that tmp file is always created under dest dir
            File tmp = FileUtil.createLocalTempFile(dst.getAbsoluteFile(), COPYTOLOCAL_PREFIX, true);
            if (!FileUtil.copy(srcFS, src, tmp, false, srcFS.getConf())) {
                throw new IOException("Failed to copy " + src + " to " + dst);

            if (!tmp.renameTo(dst)) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "Failed to rename tmp file " + tmp + " to local destination \"" + dst + "\".");

            if (copyCrc) {
                if (!(srcFS instanceof ChecksumFileSystem)) {
                    throw new IOException("Source file system does not have crc files");

                ChecksumFileSystem csfs = (ChecksumFileSystem) srcFS;
                File dstcs = FileSystem.getLocal(srcFS.getConf())
                        .pathToFile(csfs.getChecksumFile(new Path(dst.getCanonicalPath())));
                copyToLocal(csfs.getRawFileSystem(), csfs.getChecksumFile(src), dstcs, false);
        } else {
            // once FileUtil.copy() supports tmp file, we don't need to mkdirs().
            for (FileStatus path : srcFS.listStatus(src)) {
                copyToLocal(srcFS, path.getPath(), new File(dst, path.getPath().getName()), copyCrc);

     * Get all the files in the directories that match the source file 
     * pattern and merge and sort them to only one file on local fs 
     * srcf is kept.
     * @param srcf: a file pattern specifying source files
     * @param dstf: a destination local file/directory 
     * @exception: IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem.globStatus 
    void copyMergeToLocal(String srcf, Path dst) throws IOException {
        copyMergeToLocal(srcf, dst, false);

     * Get all the files in the directories that match the source file pattern
     * and merge and sort them to only one file on local fs 
     * srcf is kept.
     * Also adds a string between the files (useful for adding \n
     * to a text file)
     * @param srcf: a file pattern specifying source files
     * @param dstf: a destination local file/directory
     * @param endline: if an end of line character is added to a text file 
     * @exception: IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem.globStatus 
    void copyMergeToLocal(String srcf, Path dst, boolean endline) throws IOException {
        Path srcPath = new Path(srcf);
        FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        Path[] srcs = FileUtil.stat2Paths(srcFs.globStatus(srcPath), srcPath);
        for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
            if (endline) {
                FileUtil.copyMerge(srcFs, srcs[i], FileSystem.getLocal(getConf()), dst, false, getConf(), "\n");
            } else {
                FileUtil.copyMerge(srcFs, srcs[i], FileSystem.getLocal(getConf()), dst, false, getConf(), null);

     * Obtain the indicated file and copy to the local name.
     * srcf is removed.
    void moveToLocal(String srcf, Path dst) throws IOException {
        System.err.println("Option '-moveToLocal' is not implemented yet.");

     * Fetch all files that match the file pattern <i>srcf</i> and display
     * their content on stdout. 
     * @param srcf: a file pattern specifying source files
     * @exception: IOException
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem.globStatus 
    void cat(String src, boolean verifyChecksum) throws IOException {
        //cat behavior in Linux
        //  [~/1207]$ ls ?.txt
        //  x.txt  z.txt
        //  [~/1207]$ cat x.txt y.txt z.txt
        //  xxx
        //  cat: y.txt: No such file or directory
        //  zzz

        Path srcPattern = new Path(src);
        new DelayedExceptionThrowing() {
            void process(Path p, FileSystem srcFs) throws IOException {
                if (srcFs.getFileStatus(p).isDir()) {
                    throw new IOException("Source must be a file.");
        }.globAndProcess(srcPattern, getSrcFileSystem(srcPattern, verifyChecksum));

    private class TextRecordInputStream extends InputStream {
        SequenceFile.Reader r;
        WritableComparable key;
        Writable val;

        DataInputBuffer inbuf;
        DataOutputBuffer outbuf;

        public TextRecordInputStream(FileStatus f) throws IOException {
            r = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, f.getPath(), getConf());
            key = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(r.getKeyClass().asSubclass(WritableComparable.class), getConf());
            val = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(r.getValueClass().asSubclass(Writable.class), getConf());
            inbuf = new DataInputBuffer();
            outbuf = new DataOutputBuffer();

        public int read() throws IOException {
            int ret;
            if (null == inbuf || -1 == (ret = {
                if (!, val)) {
                    return -1;
                byte[] tmp = key.toString().getBytes();
                outbuf.write(tmp, 0, tmp.length);
                tmp = val.toString().getBytes();
                outbuf.write(tmp, 0, tmp.length);
                inbuf.reset(outbuf.getData(), outbuf.getLength());
                ret =;
            return ret;

    private InputStream forMagic(Path p, FileSystem srcFs) throws IOException {
        FSDataInputStream i =;
        switch (i.readShort()) {
        case 0x1f8b: // RFC 1952
            return new GZIPInputStream(i);
        case 0x5345: // 'S' 'E'
            if (i.readByte() == 'Q') {
                return new TextRecordInputStream(srcFs.getFileStatus(p));
        return i;

    void text(String srcf) throws IOException {
        Path srcPattern = new Path(srcf);
        new DelayedExceptionThrowing() {
            void process(Path p, FileSystem srcFs) throws IOException {
                if (srcFs.isDirectory(p)) {
                    throw new IOException("Source must be a file.");
                printToStdout(forMagic(p, srcFs));
        }.globAndProcess(srcPattern, srcPattern.getFileSystem(getConf()));

     * Parse the incoming command string
     * @param cmd
     * @param pos ignore anything before this pos in cmd
     * @throws IOException 
    private void setReplication(String[] cmd, int pos) throws IOException {
        CommandFormat c = new CommandFormat("setrep", 2, 2, "R", "w");
        String dst = null;
        short rep = 0;

        try {
            List<String> parameters = c.parse(cmd, pos);
            rep = Short.parseShort(parameters.get(0));
            dst = parameters.get(1);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            System.err.println("Illegal replication, a positive integer expected");
            throw nfe;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell " + SETREP_SHORT_USAGE);
            throw iae;

        if (rep < 1) {
            System.err.println("Cannot set replication to: " + rep);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("replication must be >= 1");

        List<Path> waitList = c.getOpt("w") ? new ArrayList<Path>() : null;
        setReplication(rep, dst, c.getOpt("R"), waitList);

        if (waitList != null) {
            waitForReplication(waitList, rep);

     * Wait for all files in waitList to have replication number equal to rep.
     * @param waitList The files are waited for.
     * @param rep The new replication number.
     * @throws IOException IOException
    void waitForReplication(List<Path> waitList, int rep) throws IOException {
        for (Path f : waitList) {
            System.out.print("Waiting for " + f + " ...");

            boolean printWarning = false;
            FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(f);
            long len = status.getLen();

            for (boolean done = false; !done;) {
                BlockLocation[] locations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(status, 0, len);
                int i = 0;
                for (; i < locations.length && locations[i].getHosts().length == rep; i++)
                    if (!printWarning && locations[i].getHosts().length > rep) {
                        System.out.println("\nWARNING: the waiting time may be long for "
                                + "DECREASING the number of replication.");
                        printWarning = true;
                done = i == locations.length;

                if (!done) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            System.out.println(" done");

     * Set the replication for files that match file pattern <i>srcf</i>
     * if it's a directory and recursive is true,
     * set replication for all the subdirs and those files too.
     * @param newRep new replication factor
     * @param srcf a file pattern specifying source files
     * @param recursive if need to set replication factor for files in subdirs
     * @throws IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem#globStatus(Path)
    void setReplication(short newRep, String srcf, boolean recursive, List<Path> waitingList) throws IOException {
        Path srcPath = new Path(srcf);
        FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        Path[] srcs = FileUtil.stat2Paths(srcFs.globStatus(srcPath), srcPath);
        for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
            setReplication(newRep, srcFs, srcs[i], recursive, waitingList);

    private void setReplication(short newRep, FileSystem srcFs, Path src, boolean recursive, List<Path> waitingList)
            throws IOException {
        if (!srcFs.getFileStatus(src).isDir()) {
            setFileReplication(src, srcFs, newRep, waitingList);
        FileStatus items[] = srcFs.listStatus(src);
        if (items == null) {
            throw new IOException("Could not get listing for " + src);
        } else {

            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                if (!items[i].isDir()) {
                    setFileReplication(items[i].getPath(), srcFs, newRep, waitingList);
                } else if (recursive) {
                    setReplication(newRep, srcFs, items[i].getPath(), recursive, waitingList);

     * Actually set the replication for this file
     * If it fails either throw IOException or print an error msg
     * @param file: a file/directory
     * @param newRep: new replication factor
     * @throws IOException
    private void setFileReplication(Path file, FileSystem srcFs, short newRep, List<Path> waitList)
            throws IOException {
        if (srcFs.setReplication(file, newRep)) {
            if (waitList != null) {
            System.out.println("Replication " + newRep + " set: " + file);
        } else {
            System.err.println("Could not set replication for: " + file);

     * Get a listing of all files in that match the file pattern <i>srcf</i>.
     * @param srcf a file pattern specifying source files
     * @param recursive if need to list files in subdirs
     * @throws IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem#globStatus(Path)
    private int ls(String srcf, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
        Path srcPath = new Path(srcf);
        FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(this.getConf());
        FileStatus[] srcs = srcFs.globStatus(srcPath);
        if (srcs == null || srcs.length == 0) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot access " + srcf + ": No such file or directory.");

        boolean printHeader = (srcs.length == 1) ? true : false;
        int numOfErrors = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
            numOfErrors += ls(srcs[i], srcFs, recursive, printHeader);
        return numOfErrors == 0 ? 0 : -1;

    /* list all files under the directory <i>src</i>
     * ideally we should provide "-l" option, that lists like "ls -l".
    private int ls(FileStatus src, FileSystem srcFs, boolean recursive, boolean printHeader) throws IOException {
        final String cmd = recursive ? "lsr" : "ls";
        final FileStatus[] items = shellListStatus(cmd, srcFs, src);
        if (items == null) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            int numOfErrors = 0;
            if (!recursive && printHeader) {
                if (items.length != 0) {
                    System.out.println("Found " + items.length + " items");

            int maxReplication = 3, maxLen = 10, maxOwner = 0, maxGroup = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                FileStatus stat = items[i];
                int replication = String.valueOf(stat.getReplication()).length();
                int len = String.valueOf(stat.getLen()).length();
                int owner = String.valueOf(stat.getOwner()).length();
                int group = String.valueOf(stat.getGroup()).length();

                if (replication > maxReplication)
                    maxReplication = replication;
                if (len > maxLen)
                    maxLen = len;
                if (owner > maxOwner)
                    maxOwner = owner;
                if (group > maxGroup)
                    maxGroup = group;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                FileStatus stat = items[i];
                Path cur = stat.getPath();
                String mdate = dateForm.format(new Date(stat.getModificationTime()));

                System.out.print((stat.isDir() ? "d" : "-") + stat.getPermission() + " ");
                System.out.printf("%" + maxReplication + "s ", (!stat.isDir() ? stat.getReplication() : "-"));
                if (maxOwner > 0)
                    System.out.printf("%-" + maxOwner + "s ", stat.getOwner());
                if (maxGroup > 0)
                    System.out.printf("%-" + maxGroup + "s ", stat.getGroup());
                System.out.printf("%" + maxLen + "d ", stat.getLen());
                System.out.print(mdate + " ");
                if (recursive && stat.isDir()) {
                    numOfErrors += ls(stat, srcFs, recursive, printHeader);
            return numOfErrors;

     * Show the size of all files that match the file pattern <i>src</i>
     * @param src a file pattern specifying source files
     * @throws IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem#globStatus(Path)
    void du(String src) throws IOException {
        Path srcPath = new Path(src);
        FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        Path[] pathItems = FileUtil.stat2Paths(srcFs.globStatus(srcPath), srcPath);
        FileStatus items[] = srcFs.listStatus(pathItems);
        if ((items == null) || ((items.length == 0) && (!srcFs.exists(srcPath)))) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot access " + src + ": No such file or directory.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Found " + items.length + " items");
            int maxLength = 10;

            long length[] = new long[items.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                length[i] = items[i].isDir() ? srcFs.getContentSummary(items[i].getPath()).getLength()
                        : items[i].getLen();
                int len = String.valueOf(length[i]).length();
                if (len > maxLength)
                    maxLength = len;
            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                System.out.printf("%-" + (maxLength + BORDER) + "d", length[i]);

     * Show the summary disk usage of each dir/file 
     * that matches the file pattern <i>src</i>
     * @param src a file pattern specifying source files
     * @throws IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem#globStatus(Path)
    void dus(String src) throws IOException {
        Path srcPath = new Path(src);
        FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        FileStatus status[] = srcFs.globStatus(new Path(src));
        if (status == null || status.length == 0) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot access " + src + ": No such file or directory.");
        for (int i = 0; i < status.length; i++) {
            long totalSize = srcFs.getContentSummary(status[i].getPath()).getLength();
            String pathStr = status[i].getPath().toString();
            System.out.println(("".equals(pathStr) ? "." : pathStr) + "\t" + totalSize);

     * Create the given dir
    void mkdir(String src) throws IOException {
        Path f = new Path(src);
        FileSystem srcFs = f.getFileSystem(getConf());
        FileStatus fstatus = null;
        try {
            fstatus = srcFs.getFileStatus(f);
            if (fstatus.isDir()) {
                throw new IOException("cannot create directory " + src + ": File exists");
            } else {
                throw new IOException(src + " exists but " + "is not a directory");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            if (!srcFs.mkdirs(f)) {
                throw new IOException("failed to create " + src);

     * (Re)create zero-length file at the specified path.
     * This will be replaced by a more UNIX-like touch when files may be
     * modified.
    void touchz(String src) throws IOException {
        Path f = new Path(src);
        FileSystem srcFs = f.getFileSystem(getConf());
        FileStatus st;
        if (srcFs.exists(f)) {
            st = srcFs.getFileStatus(f);
            if (st.isDir()) {
                // TODO: handle this
                throw new IOException(src + " is a directory");
            } else if (st.getLen() != 0)
                throw new IOException(src + " must be a zero-length file");
        FSDataOutputStream out = srcFs.create(f);

     * Compute the checksum of the file.
     * This will get enhanced in the future with multiple files handling.
     * Can be used for backup and restore purposes.
    void checksum(String src) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("Computing checksum for file " + src);
        Path f = new Path(src);
        FileSystem fs = f.getFileSystem(getConf());
        FileStatus fst;

        if (fs.exists(f)) {
            fst = fs.getFileStatus(f);

            if (fst.isDir())
                throw new IOException(src + " is a direcory. Checksum operation not supported.");
            else {
                FileChecksum checksum = fs.getFileChecksum(f);
                String checksumString = checksum.toString();
                int checksumLength = checksumString.length();
                System.out.printf("%s\t%s\n", src, checksumString.substring(checksumLength - 33, checksumLength));

        } else {
            throw new IOException(src + " file does not exist");


     * Check file types.
    int test(String argv[], int i) throws IOException {
        if (!argv[i].startsWith("-") || argv[i].length() > 2)
            throw new IOException("Not a flag: " + argv[i]);
        char flag = argv[i].toCharArray()[1];
        Path f = new Path(argv[++i]);
        FileSystem srcFs = f.getFileSystem(getConf());
        switch (flag) {
        case 'e':
            return srcFs.exists(f) ? 0 : 1;
        case 'z':
            return srcFs.getFileStatus(f).getLen() == 0 ? 0 : 1;
        case 'd':
            return srcFs.getFileStatus(f).isDir() ? 0 : 1;
            throw new IOException("Unknown flag: " + flag);

     * Print statistics about path in specified format.
     * Format sequences:
     *   %b: Size of file in blocks
     *   %n: Filename
     *   %o: Block size
     *   %r: replication
     *   %y: UTC date as &quot;yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss&quot;
     *   %Y: Milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC
    void stat(char[] fmt, String src) throws IOException {
        Path srcPath = new Path(src);
        FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        FileStatus glob[] = srcFs.globStatus(srcPath);
        if (null == glob)
            throw new IOException("cannot stat `" + src + "': No such file or directory");
        for (FileStatus f : glob) {
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < fmt.length; ++i) {
                if (fmt[i] != '%') {
                } else {
                    if (i + 1 == fmt.length)
                    switch (fmt[++i]) {
                    case 'b':
                    case 'F':
                        buf.append(f.isDir() ? "directory" : "regular file");
                    case 'n':
                    case 'o':
                    case 'r':
                    case 'y':
                        buf.append(modifFmt.format(new Date(f.getModificationTime())));
                    case 'Y':

     * Move files that match the file pattern <i>srcf</i>
     * to a destination file.
     * When moving mutiple files, the destination must be a directory. 
     * Otherwise, IOException is thrown.
     * @param srcf a file pattern specifying source files
     * @param dstf a destination local file/directory 
     * @throws IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem#globStatus(Path)
    void rename(String srcf, String dstf) throws IOException {
        Path srcPath = new Path(srcf);
        Path dstPath = new Path(dstf);
        FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        FileSystem dstFs = dstPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        URI srcURI = srcFs.getUri();
        URI dstURI = dstFs.getUri();
        if (srcURI.compareTo(dstURI) != 0) {
            throw new IOException("src and destination filesystems do not match.");
        Path[] srcs = FileUtil.stat2Paths(srcFs.globStatus(srcPath), srcPath);
        Path dst = new Path(dstf);
        if (srcs.length > 1 && !srcFs.isDirectory(dst)) {
            throw new IOException("When moving multiple files, " + "destination should be a directory.");
        for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
            if (!srcFs.rename(srcs[i], dst)) {
                FileStatus srcFstatus = null;
                FileStatus dstFstatus = null;
                try {
                    srcFstatus = srcFs.getFileStatus(srcs[i]);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(srcs[i] + ": No such file or directory");
                try {
                    dstFstatus = dstFs.getFileStatus(dst);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                if ((srcFstatus != null) && (dstFstatus != null)) {
                    if (srcFstatus.isDir() && !dstFstatus.isDir()) {
                        throw new IOException(
                                "cannot overwrite non directory " + dst + " with directory " + srcs[i]);
                throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + srcs[i] + " to " + dst);

     * Move/rename file(s) to a destination file. Multiple source
     * files can be specified. The destination is the last element of
     * the argvp[] array.
     * If multiple source files are specified, then the destination 
     * must be a directory. Otherwise, IOException is thrown.
     * @exception: IOException  
    private int rename(String argv[], Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        int i = 0;
        int exitCode = 0;
        String cmd = argv[i++];
        String dest = argv[argv.length - 1];
        // If the user has specified multiple source files, then
        // the destination has to be a directory
        if (argv.length > 3) {
            Path dst = new Path(dest);
            FileSystem dstFs = dst.getFileSystem(getConf());
            if (!dstFs.isDirectory(dst)) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "When moving multiple files, " + "destination " + dest + " should be a directory.");
        // for each source file, issue the rename
        for (; i < argv.length - 1; i++) {
            try {
                // issue the rename to the fs
                rename(argv[i], dest);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                // This is a error returned by hadoop server. Print
                // out the first line of the error mesage.
                exitCode = -1;
                try {
                    String[] content;
                    content = e.getLocalizedMessage().split("\n");
                    System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + content[0]);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // IO exception encountered locally.
                exitCode = -1;
                System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        return exitCode;

     * Copy files that match the file pattern <i>srcf</i>
     * to a destination file.
     * When copying mutiple files, the destination must be a directory. 
     * Otherwise, IOException is thrown.
     * @param srcf a file pattern specifying source files
     * @param dstf a destination local file/directory 
     * @throws IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem#globStatus(Path)
    void copy(String srcf, String dstf, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        Path srcPath = new Path(srcf);
        FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        Path dstPath = new Path(dstf);
        FileSystem dstFs = dstPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
        Path[] srcs = FileUtil.stat2Paths(srcFs.globStatus(srcPath), srcPath);
        if (srcs.length > 1 && !dstFs.isDirectory(dstPath)) {
            throw new IOException("When copying multiple files, " + "destination should be a directory.");
        for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) {
            FileUtil.copy(srcFs, srcs[i], dstFs, dstPath, false, conf);

     * Copy file(s) to a destination file. Multiple source
     * files can be specified. The destination is the last element of
     * the argvp[] array.
     * If multiple source files are specified, then the destination 
     * must be a directory. Otherwise, IOException is thrown.
     * @exception: IOException  
    private int copy(String argv[], Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        int i = 0;
        int exitCode = 0;
        String cmd = argv[i++];
        String dest = argv[argv.length - 1];
        // If the user has specified multiple source files, then
        // the destination has to be a directory
        if (argv.length > 3) {
            Path dst = new Path(dest);
            if (!fs.isDirectory(dst)) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "When copying multiple files, " + "destination " + dest + " should be a directory.");
        // for each source file, issue the copy
        for (; i < argv.length - 1; i++) {
            try {
                // issue the copy to the fs
                copy(argv[i], dest, conf);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                // This is a error returned by hadoop server. Print
                // out the first line of the error mesage.
                exitCode = -1;
                try {
                    String[] content;
                    content = e.getLocalizedMessage().split("\n");
                    System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + content[0]);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // IO exception encountered locally.
                exitCode = -1;
                System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        return exitCode;

     * Delete all files that match the file pattern <i>srcf</i>.
     * @param srcf a file pattern specifying source files
     * @param recursive if need to delete subdirs
     * @param skipTrash Should we skip the trash, if it's enabled?
     * @throws IOException  
     * @see org.apache.jxtadoop.fs.FileSystem#globStatus(Path)
    void delete(String srcf, final boolean recursive, final boolean skipTrash) throws IOException {
        //rm behavior in Linux
        //  [~/1207]$ ls ?.txt
        //  x.txt  z.txt
        //  [~/1207]$ rm x.txt y.txt z.txt 
        //  rm: cannot remove `y.txt': No such file or directory

        Path srcPattern = new Path(srcf);
        new DelayedExceptionThrowing() {
            void process(Path p, FileSystem srcFs) throws IOException {
                delete(p, srcFs, recursive, skipTrash);
        }.globAndProcess(srcPattern, srcPattern.getFileSystem(getConf()));

    /* delete a file */
    private void delete(Path src, FileSystem srcFs, boolean recursive, boolean skipTrash) throws IOException {
        FileStatus fs = null;
        try {
            fs = srcFs.getFileStatus(src);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            // Have to re-throw so that console output is as expected
            throw new FileNotFoundException("cannot remove " + src + ": No such file or directory.");

        if (fs.isDir() && !recursive) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot remove directory \"" + src + "\", use -rmr instead");

        if (!skipTrash) {
            Trash trashTmp = new Trash(srcFs, getConf());
            if (trashTmp.moveToTrash(src)) {
                System.out.println("Moved to trash: " + src);

        if (srcFs.delete(src, true)) {
            System.out.println("Deleted " + src);
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Delete failed " + src);

    private void expunge() throws IOException {

     * Returns the Trash object associated with this shell.
    public Path getCurrentTrashDir() {
        return trash.getCurrentTrashDir();

     * Parse the incoming command string
     * @param cmd
     * @param pos ignore anything before this pos in cmd
     * @throws IOException 
    private void tail(String[] cmd, int pos) throws IOException {
        CommandFormat c = new CommandFormat("tail", 1, 1, "f");
        String src = null;
        Path path = null;

        try {
            List<String> parameters = c.parse(cmd, pos);
            src = parameters.get(0);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell " + TAIL_USAGE);
            throw iae;
        boolean foption = c.getOpt("f") ? true : false;
        path = new Path(src);
        FileSystem srcFs = path.getFileSystem(getConf());
        if (srcFs.isDirectory(path)) {
            throw new IOException("Source must be a file.");

        long fileSize = srcFs.getFileStatus(path).getLen();
        long offset = (fileSize > 1024) ? fileSize - 1024 : 0;

        while (true) {
            FSDataInputStream in =;
            IOUtils.copyBytes(in, System.out, 1024, false);
            offset = in.getPos();
            if (!foption) {
            fileSize = srcFs.getFileStatus(path).getLen();
            offset = (fileSize > offset) ? offset : fileSize;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * This class runs a command on a given FileStatus. This can be used for
     * running various commands like chmod, chown etc.
    static abstract class CmdHandler {

        protected int errorCode = 0;
        protected boolean okToContinue = true;
        protected String cmdName;

        int getErrorCode() {
            return errorCode;

        boolean okToContinue() {
            return okToContinue;

        String getName() {
            return cmdName;

        protected CmdHandler(String cmdName, FileSystem fs) {
            this.cmdName = cmdName;

        public abstract void run(FileStatus file, FileSystem fs) throws IOException;

    /** helper returns listStatus() */
    private static FileStatus[] shellListStatus(String cmd, FileSystem srcFs, FileStatus src) {
        if (!src.isDir()) {
            FileStatus[] files = { src };
            return files;
        Path path = src.getPath();
        try {
            FileStatus[] files = srcFs.listStatus(path);
            if (files == null) {
                System.err.println(cmd + ": could not get listing for '" + path + "'");
            return files;
        } catch (IOException e) {
                    cmd + ": could not get get listing for '" + path + "' : " + e.getMessage().split("\n")[0]);
        return null;

     * Runs the command on a given file with the command handler. 
     * If recursive is set, command is run recursively.
    private static int runCmdHandler(CmdHandler handler, FileStatus stat, FileSystem srcFs, boolean recursive)
            throws IOException {
        int errors = 0;, srcFs);
        if (recursive && stat.isDir() && handler.okToContinue()) {
            FileStatus[] files = shellListStatus(handler.getName(), srcFs, stat);
            if (files == null) {
                return 1;
            for (FileStatus file : files) {
                errors += runCmdHandler(handler, file, srcFs, recursive);
        return errors;

    ///top level runCmdHandler
    int runCmdHandler(CmdHandler handler, String[] args, int startIndex, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
        int errors = 0;

        for (int i = startIndex; i < args.length; i++) {
            Path srcPath = new Path(args[i]);
            FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(getConf());
            Path[] paths = FileUtil.stat2Paths(srcFs.globStatus(srcPath), srcPath);
            for (Path path : paths) {
                try {
                    FileStatus file = srcFs.getFileStatus(path);
                    if (file == null) {
                        System.err.println(handler.getName() + ": could not get status for '" + path + "'");
                    } else {
                        errors += runCmdHandler(handler, file, srcFs, recursive);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    String msg = (e.getMessage() != null ? e.getLocalizedMessage()
                            : (e.getCause().getMessage() != null ? e.getCause().getLocalizedMessage() : "null"));
                            handler.getName() + ": could not get status for '" + path + "': " + msg.split("\n")[0]);

        return (errors > 0 || handler.getErrorCode() != 0) ? 1 : 0;

     * Return an abbreviated English-language desc of the byte length
     * @deprecated Consider using {@link org.apache.jxtadoop.util.StringUtils#byteDesc} instead.
    public static String byteDesc(long len) {
        return StringUtils.byteDesc(len);

     * @deprecated Consider using {@link org.apache.jxtadoop.util.StringUtils#limitDecimalTo2} instead.
    public static synchronized String limitDecimalTo2(double d) {
        return StringUtils.limitDecimalTo2(d);

    private void printHelp(String cmd) {
        String summary = "hadoop fs is the command to execute fs commands. " + "The full syntax is: \n\n"
                + "hadoop fs [-fs <local | file system URI>] [-conf <configuration file>]\n\t"
                + "[-D <property=value>] [-ls <path>] [-lsr <path>] [-du <path>]\n\t"
                + "[-dus <path>] [-mv <src> <dst>] [-cp <src> <dst>] [-rm [-skipTrash] <src>]\n\t"
                + "[-rmr [-skipTrash] <src>] [-put <localsrc> ... <dst>] [-copyFromLocal <localsrc> ... <dst>]\n\t"
                + "[-moveFromLocal <localsrc> ... <dst>] [" + GET_SHORT_USAGE + "\n\t"
                + "[-getmerge <src> <localdst> [addnl]] [-cat <src>]\n\t" + "[" + COPYTOLOCAL_SHORT_USAGE
                + "] [-moveToLocal <src> <localdst>]\n\t" + "[-mkdir <path>] [-report] [" + SETREP_SHORT_USAGE
                + "]\n\t" + "[-touchz <path>] [-test -[ezd] <path>] [-stat [format] <path>]\n\t"
                + "[-tail [-f] <path>] [-text <path>]\n\t" + "[" + FsShellPermissions.CHMOD_USAGE + "]\n\t" + "["
                + FsShellPermissions.CHOWN_USAGE + "]\n\t" + "[" + FsShellPermissions.CHGRP_USAGE + "]\n\t" + "["
                + Count.USAGE + "]\n\t" + "[-checksum <file>]\n\t" + "[-help [cmd]]\n";

        String conf = "-conf <configuration file>:  Specify an application configuration file.";

        String D = "-D <property=value>:  Use value for given property.";

        String fs = "-fs [local | <file system URI>]: \tSpecify the file system to use.\n"
                + "\t\tIf not specified, the current configuration is used, \n"
                + "\t\ttaken from the following, in increasing precedence: \n"
                + "\t\t\tcore-default.xml inside the hadoop jar file \n"
                + "\t\t\tcore-site.xml in $HADOOP_CONF_DIR \n"
                + "\t\t'local' means use the local file system as your DFS. \n"
                + "\t\t<file system URI> specifies a particular file system to \n"
                + "\t\tcontact. This argument is optional but if used must appear\n"
                + "\t\tappear first on the command line.  Exactly one additional\n"
                + "\t\targument must be specified. \n";

        String ls = "-ls <path>: \tList the contents that match the specified file pattern. If\n"
                + "\t\tpath is not specified, the contents of /user/<currentUser>\n"
                + "\t\twill be listed. Directory entries are of the form \n" + "\t\t\tdirName (full path) <dir> \n"
                + "\t\tand file entries are of the form \n" + "\t\t\tfileName(full path) <r n> size \n"
                + "\t\twhere n is the number of replicas specified for the file \n"
                + "\t\tand size is the size of the file, in bytes.\n";

        String lsr = "-lsr <path>: \tRecursively list the contents that match the specified\n"
                + "\t\tfile pattern.  Behaves very similarly to hadoop fs -ls,\n"
                + "\t\texcept that the data is shown for all the entries in the\n" + "\t\tsubtree.\n";

        String du = "-du <path>: \tShow the amount of space, in bytes, used by the files that \n"
                + "\t\tmatch the specified file pattern.  Equivalent to the unix\n"
                + "\t\tcommand \"du -sb <path>/*\" in case of a directory, \n"
                + "\t\tand to \"du -b <path>\" in case of a file.\n" + "\t\tThe output is in the form \n"
                + "\t\t\tname(full path) size (in bytes)\n";

        String dus = "-dus <path>: \tShow the amount of space, in bytes, used by the files that \n"
                + "\t\tmatch the specified file pattern.  Equivalent to the unix\n"
                + "\t\tcommand \"du -sb\"  The output is in the form \n"
                + "\t\t\tname(full path) size (in bytes)\n";

        String mv = "-mv <src> <dst>:   Move files that match the specified file pattern <src>\n"
                + "\t\tto a destination <dst>.  When moving multiple files, the \n"
                + "\t\tdestination must be a directory. \n";

        String cp = "-cp <src> <dst>:   Copy files that match the file pattern <src> to a \n"
                + "\t\tdestination.  When copying multiple files, the destination\n"
                + "\t\tmust be a directory. \n";

        String rm = "-rm [-skipTrash] <src>: \tDelete all files that match the specified file pattern.\n"
                + "\t\tEquivalent to the Unix command \"rm <src>\"\n"
                + "\t\t-skipTrash option bypasses trash, if enabled, and immediately\n" + "deletes <src>";

        String rmr = "-rmr [-skipTrash] <src>: \tRemove all directories which match the specified file \n"
                + "\t\tpattern. Equivalent to the Unix command \"rm -rf <src>\"\n"
                + "\t\t-skipTrash option bypasses trash, if enabled, and immediately\n" + "deletes <src>";

        String put = "-put <localsrc> ... <dst>: \tCopy files " + "from the local file system \n\t\tinto fs. \n";

        String copyFromLocal = "-copyFromLocal <localsrc> ... <dst>:" + " Identical to the -put command.\n";

        String moveFromLocal = "-moveFromLocal <localsrc> ... <dst>:"
                + " Same as -put, except that the source is\n\t\tdeleted after it's copied.\n";

        String get = GET_SHORT_USAGE + ":  Copy files that match the file pattern <src> \n"
                + "\t\tto the local name.  <src> is kept.  When copying mutiple, \n"
                + "\t\tfiles, the destination must be a directory. \n";

        String getmerge = "-getmerge <src> <localdst>:  Get all the files in the directories that \n"
                + "\t\tmatch the source file pattern and merge and sort them to only\n"
                + "\t\tone file on local fs. <src> is kept.\n";

        String cat = "-cat <src>: \tFetch all files that match the file pattern <src> \n"
                + "\t\tand display their content on stdout.\n";

        String text = "-text <src>: \tTakes a source file and outputs the file in text format.\n"
                + "\t\tThe allowed formats are zip and TextRecordInputStream.\n";

        String copyToLocal = COPYTOLOCAL_SHORT_USAGE + ":  Identical to the -get command.\n";

        String moveToLocal = "-moveToLocal <src> <localdst>:  Not implemented yet \n";

        String mkdir = "-mkdir <path>: \tCreate a directory in specified location. \n";

        String setrep = SETREP_SHORT_USAGE + ":  Set the replication level of a file. \n"
                + "\t\tThe -R flag requests a recursive change of replication level \n"
                + "\t\tfor an entire tree.\n";

        String touchz = "-touchz <path>: Write a timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format\n"
                + "\t\tin a file at <path>. An error is returned if the file exists with non-zero length\n";

        String test = "-test -[ezd] <path>: If file { exists, has zero length, is a directory\n"
                + "\t\tthen return 0, else return 1.\n";

        String stat = "-stat [format] <path>: Print statistics about the file/directory at <path>\n"
                + "\t\tin the specified format. Format accepts filesize in blocks (%b), filename (%n),\n"
                + "\t\tblock size (%o), replication (%r), modification date (%y, %Y)\n";

        String tail = TAIL_USAGE + ":  Show the last 1KB of the file. \n"
                + "\t\tThe -f option shows apended data as the file grows. \n";

        String chmod = FsShellPermissions.CHMOD_USAGE + "\n" + "\t\tChanges permissions of a file.\n"
                + "\t\tThis works similar to shell's chmod with a few exceptions.\n\n"
                + "\t-R\tmodifies the files recursively. This is the only option\n" + "\t\tcurrently supported.\n\n"
                + "\tMODE\tMode is same as mode used for chmod shell command.\n"
                + "\t\tOnly letters recognized are 'rwxX'. E.g. a+r,g-w,+rwx,o=r\n\n"
                + "\tOCTALMODE Mode specifed in 3 digits. Unlike shell command,\n"
                + "\t\tthis requires all three digits.\n" + "\t\tE.g. 754 is same as u=rwx,g=rx,o=r\n\n"
                + "\t\tIf none of 'augo' is specified, 'a' is assumed and unlike\n"
                + "\t\tshell command, no umask is applied.\n";

        String chown = FsShellPermissions.CHOWN_USAGE + "\n" + "\t\tChanges owner and group of a file.\n"
                + "\t\tThis is similar to shell's chown with a few exceptions.\n\n"
                + "\t-R\tmodifies the files recursively. This is the only option\n" + "\t\tcurrently supported.\n\n"
                + "\t\tIf only owner or group is specified then only owner or\n" + "\t\tgroup is modified.\n\n"
                + "\t\tThe owner and group names may only cosists of digits, alphabet,\n"
                + "\t\tand any of '-_.@/' i.e. [-_.@/a-zA-Z0-9]. The names are case\n" + "\t\tsensitive.\n\n"
                + "\t\tWARNING: Avoid using '.' to separate user name and group though\n"
                + "\t\tLinux allows it. If user names have dots in them and you are\n"
                + "\t\tusing local file system, you might see surprising results since\n"
                + "\t\tshell command 'chown' is used for local files.\n";

        String chgrp = FsShellPermissions.CHGRP_USAGE + "\n" + "\t\tThis is equivalent to -chown ... :GROUP ...\n";

        String checksum = "-checksum <file>: \tDisplays the MD5 checksum of the file\n"
                + "\t\tin the Distributed FileSystem\n";

        String help = "-help [cmd]: \tDisplays help for given command or all commands if none\n"
                + "\t\tis specified.\n";

        if ("fs".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("conf".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("D".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("ls".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("lsr".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("du".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("dus".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("rm".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("rmr".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("mkdir".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("mv".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("cp".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("put".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("copyFromLocal".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("moveFromLocal".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("get".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("getmerge".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("copyToLocal".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("moveToLocal".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("cat".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("get".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("setrep".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("touchz".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("test".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("text".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("stat".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("tail".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("chmod".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("chown".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("chgrp".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if (Count.matches(cmd)) {
        } else if ("checksum".equals(cmd)) {
        } else if ("help".equals(cmd)) {
        } else {


     * Apply operation specified by 'cmd' on all parameters
     * starting from argv[startindex].
    private int doall(String cmd, String argv[], int startindex) {
        int exitCode = 0;
        int i = startindex;
        boolean rmSkipTrash = false;

        // Check for -skipTrash option in rm/rmr
        if (("-rm".equals(cmd) || "-rmr".equals(cmd)) && "-skipTrash".equals(argv[i])) {
            rmSkipTrash = true;

        // for each source file, issue the command
        for (; i < argv.length; i++) {
            try {
                // issue the command to the fs
                if ("-cat".equals(cmd)) {
                    cat(argv[i], true);
                } else if ("-mkdir".equals(cmd)) {
                } else if ("-rm".equals(cmd)) {
                    delete(argv[i], false, rmSkipTrash);
                } else if ("-rmr".equals(cmd)) {
                    delete(argv[i], true, rmSkipTrash);
                } else if ("-du".equals(cmd)) {
                } else if ("-dus".equals(cmd)) {
                } else if (Count.matches(cmd)) {
                    new Count(argv, i, getConf()).runAll();
                } else if ("-ls".equals(cmd)) {
                    exitCode = ls(argv[i], false);
                } else if ("-lsr".equals(cmd)) {
                    exitCode = ls(argv[i], true);
                } else if ("-touchz".equals(cmd)) {
                } else if ("-text".equals(cmd)) {
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                // This is a error returned by hadoop server. Print
                // out the first line of the error message.
                exitCode = -1;
                try {
                    String[] content;
                    content = e.getLocalizedMessage().split("\n");
                    System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + content[0]);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // IO exception encountered locally.
                exitCode = -1;
                String content = e.getLocalizedMessage();
                if (content != null) {
                    content = content.split("\n")[0];
                System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + content);
        return exitCode;

     * Displays format of commands.
    private static void printUsage(String cmd) {
        String prefix = "Usage: java " + FsShell.class.getSimpleName();
        if ("-fs".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [-fs <local | file system URI>]");
        } else if ("-conf".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [-conf <configuration file>]");
        } else if ("-D".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [-D <[property=value>]");
        } else if ("-ls".equals(cmd) || "-lsr".equals(cmd) || "-du".equals(cmd) || "-dus".equals(cmd)
                || "-touchz".equals(cmd) || "-mkdir".equals(cmd) || "-text".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [" + cmd + " <path>]");
        } else if (Count.matches(cmd)) {
            System.err.println(prefix + " [" + Count.USAGE + "]");
        } else if ("-rm".equals(cmd) || "-rmr".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell [" + cmd + " [-skipTrash] <src>]");
        } else if ("-mv".equals(cmd) || "-cp".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [" + cmd + " <src> <dst>]");
        } else if ("-put".equals(cmd) || "-copyFromLocal".equals(cmd) || "-moveFromLocal".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [" + cmd + " <localsrc> ... <dst>]");
        } else if ("-get".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell [" + GET_SHORT_USAGE + "]");
        } else if ("-copyToLocal".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell [" + COPYTOLOCAL_SHORT_USAGE + "]");
        } else if ("-moveToLocal".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [" + cmd + " [-crc] <src> <localdst>]");
        } else if ("-cat".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [" + cmd + " <src>]");
        } else if ("-setrep".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell [" + SETREP_SHORT_USAGE + "]");
        } else if ("-test".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [-test -[ezd] <path>]");
        } else if ("-stat".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [-stat [format] <path>]");
        } else if ("-tail".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell [" + TAIL_USAGE + "]");
        } else if ("-checksum".equals(cmd)) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell" + " [-checksum <file>]");
        } else {
            System.err.println("Usage: java FsShell");
            System.err.println("           [-ls <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [-lsr <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [-du <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [-dus <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [" + Count.USAGE + "]");
            System.err.println("           [-mv <src> <dst>]");
            System.err.println("           [-cp <src> <dst>]");
            System.err.println("           [-rm [-skipTrash] <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [-rmr [-skipTrash] <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [-expunge]");
            System.err.println("           [-put <localsrc> ... <dst>]");
            System.err.println("           [-copyFromLocal <localsrc> ... <dst>]");
            System.err.println("           [-moveFromLocal <localsrc> ... <dst>]");
            System.err.println("           [" + GET_SHORT_USAGE + "]");
            System.err.println("           [-getmerge <src> <localdst> [addnl]]");
            System.err.println("           [-cat <src>]");
            System.err.println("           [-text <src>]");
            System.err.println("           [" + COPYTOLOCAL_SHORT_USAGE + "]");
            System.err.println("           [-moveToLocal [-crc] <src> <localdst>]");
            System.err.println("           [-mkdir <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [" + SETREP_SHORT_USAGE + "]");
            System.err.println("           [-touchz <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [-test -[ezd] <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [-stat [format] <path>]");
            System.err.println("           [" + TAIL_USAGE + "]");
            System.err.println("           [" + FsShellPermissions.CHMOD_USAGE + "]");
            System.err.println("           [" + FsShellPermissions.CHOWN_USAGE + "]");
            System.err.println("           [" + FsShellPermissions.CHGRP_USAGE + "]");
            System.err.println("           [-checksum <file>]");
            System.err.println("           [-help [cmd]]");

     * run
    public int run(String argv[]) throws Exception {

        if (argv.length < 1) {
            return -1;

        int exitCode = -1;
        int i = 0;
        String cmd = argv[i++];

        // verify that we have enough command line parameters
        if ("-put".equals(cmd) || "-test".equals(cmd) || "-copyFromLocal".equals(cmd)
                || "-moveFromLocal".equals(cmd)) {
            if (argv.length < 3) {
                return exitCode;
        } else if ("-get".equals(cmd) || "-copyToLocal".equals(cmd) || "-moveToLocal".equals(cmd)) {
            if (argv.length < 3) {
                return exitCode;
        } else if ("-mv".equals(cmd) || "-cp".equals(cmd)) {
            if (argv.length < 3) {
                return exitCode;
        } else if ("-rm".equals(cmd) || "-rmr".equals(cmd) || "-cat".equals(cmd) || "-mkdir".equals(cmd)
                || "-touchz".equals(cmd) || "-stat".equals(cmd) || "-text".equals(cmd) || "-checksum".equals(cmd)) {
            if (argv.length < 2) {
                return exitCode;

        // initialize FsShell
        try {
        } catch (RPC.VersionMismatch v) {
            System.err.println("Version Mismatch between client and server" + "... command aborted.");
            return exitCode;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Bad connection to FS. command aborted.");
            return exitCode;

        exitCode = 0;
        try {
            if ("-put".equals(cmd) || "-copyFromLocal".equals(cmd)) {
                Path[] srcs = new Path[argv.length - 2];
                for (int j = 0; i < argv.length - 1;)
                    srcs[j++] = new Path(argv[i++]);
                copyFromLocal(srcs, argv[i++]);
            } else if ("-moveFromLocal".equals(cmd)) {
                Path[] srcs = new Path[argv.length - 2];
                for (int j = 0; i < argv.length - 1;)
                    srcs[j++] = new Path(argv[i++]);
                moveFromLocal(srcs, argv[i++]);
            } else if ("-get".equals(cmd) || "-copyToLocal".equals(cmd)) {
                copyToLocal(argv, i);
            } else if ("-getmerge".equals(cmd)) {
                if (argv.length > i + 2)
                    copyMergeToLocal(argv[i++], new Path(argv[i++]), Boolean.parseBoolean(argv[i++]));
                    copyMergeToLocal(argv[i++], new Path(argv[i++]));
            } else if ("-cat".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
            } else if ("-text".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
            } else if ("-moveToLocal".equals(cmd)) {
                moveToLocal(argv[i++], new Path(argv[i++]));
            } else if ("-setrep".equals(cmd)) {
                setReplication(argv, i);
            } else if ("-chmod".equals(cmd) || "-chown".equals(cmd) || "-chgrp".equals(cmd)) {
                FsShellPermissions.changePermissions(fs, cmd, argv, i, this);
            } else if ("-ls".equals(cmd)) {
                if (i < argv.length) {
                    exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
                } else {
                    exitCode = ls(Path.CUR_DIR, false);
            } else if ("-lsr".equals(cmd)) {
                if (i < argv.length) {
                    exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
                } else {
                    exitCode = ls(Path.CUR_DIR, true);
            } else if ("-mv".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = rename(argv, getConf());
            } else if ("-cp".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = copy(argv, getConf());
            } else if ("-rm".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
            } else if ("-rmr".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
            } else if ("-expunge".equals(cmd)) {
            } else if ("-du".equals(cmd)) {
                if (i < argv.length) {
                    exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
                } else {
            } else if ("-dus".equals(cmd)) {
                if (i < argv.length) {
                    exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
                } else {
            } else if (Count.matches(cmd)) {
                exitCode = new Count(argv, i, getConf()).runAll();
            } else if ("-mkdir".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
            } else if ("-touchz".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = doall(cmd, argv, i);
            } else if ("-test".equals(cmd)) {
                exitCode = test(argv, i);
            } else if ("-stat".equals(cmd)) {
                if (i + 1 < argv.length) {
                    stat(argv[i++].toCharArray(), argv[i++]);
                } else {
                    stat("%y".toCharArray(), argv[i]);
            } else if ("-checksum".equals(cmd)) {
            } else if ("-help".equals(cmd)) {
                if (i < argv.length) {
                } else {
            } else if ("-tail".equals(cmd)) {
                tail(argv, i);
            } else {
                exitCode = -1;
                System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": Unknown command");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException arge) {
            exitCode = -1;
            System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + arge.getLocalizedMessage());
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            // This is a error returned by hadoop server. Print
            // out the first line of the error mesage, ignore the stack trace.
            exitCode = -1;
            try {
                String[] content;
                content = e.getLocalizedMessage().split("\n");
                System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + content[0]);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // IO exception encountered locally.
            exitCode = -1;
            System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        } catch (Exception re) {
            exitCode = -1;
            System.err.println(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + re.getLocalizedMessage());
        } finally {
        return exitCode;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        if (fs != null) {
            fs = null;

        if (dfs != null) {
            dfs = null;

     * main() has some simple utility methods
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        FsShell shell = null;
        int res = 0;

        try {
            LOG.debug("Starting shell with cmd : " + argv);
            shell = new FsShell();
            res =, argv);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to execute shell command");
        } finally {
            LOG.debug("Closing shell");
            try {
                if (shell != null)
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Failed to closed shell connection to namenode");


     * Accumulate exceptions if there is any.  Throw them at last.
    private abstract class DelayedExceptionThrowing {
        abstract void process(Path p, FileSystem srcFs) throws IOException;

        final void globAndProcess(Path srcPattern, FileSystem srcFs) throws IOException {
            List<IOException> exceptions = new ArrayList<IOException>();
            for (Path p : FileUtil.stat2Paths(srcFs.globStatus(srcPattern), srcPattern))
                try {
                    process(p, srcFs);
                } catch (IOException ioe) {

            if (!exceptions.isEmpty())
                if (exceptions.size() == 1)
                    throw exceptions.get(0);
                    throw new IOException("Multiple IOExceptions: " + exceptions);