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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.samza.config;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAccessType;
import org.apache.samza.SamzaException;

public class YarnConfig extends MapConfig {
     * (Required) URL from which the job package can be downloaded
    public static final String PACKAGE_PATH = "yarn.package.path";

     * Name of YARN queue to run jobs on
    public static final String QUEUE_NAME = "yarn.queue";

     * Label to request from YARN for containers
    public static final String CONTAINER_LABEL = "yarn.container.label";

    // Configs related to the Samza Application Master (AM)
     * (Optional) JVM options to include in the command line when executing the AM
    public static final String AM_JVM_OPTIONS = "";

     * Determines whether a JMX server should be started on the AM
     * Default: true
    public static final String AM_JMX_ENABLED = "";

     * Memory, in megabytes, to request from YARN for running the AM
    public static final String AM_CONTAINER_MAX_MEMORY_MB = "";
    private static final int DEFAULT_AM_CONTAINER_MAX_MEMORY_MB = 1024;

     * Label to request from YARN for running the AM
    public static final String AM_CONTAINER_LABEL = "";

     * Number of CPU cores to request from YARN for running the AM
    public static final String AM_CONTAINER_MAX_CPU_CORES = "";
    private static final int DEFAULT_AM_CPU_CORES = 1;

     * Determines the interval for the Heartbeat between the AM and the Yarn RM
    public static final String AM_POLL_INTERVAL_MS = "";
    private static final int DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MS = 1000;

     * (Optional) JAVA_HOME path for Samza AM
    public static final String AM_JAVA_HOME = "";

    // Configs related to the ContainerAllocator thread
     * Sleep interval for the allocator thread in milliseconds
    public static final String ALLOCATOR_SLEEP_MS = "";
    private static final int DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_SLEEP_MS = 3600;
     * Number of milliseconds before a container request is considered to have to expired
    public static final String CONTAINER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = "";
    private static final int DEFAULT_CONTAINER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000;

     * Principal used to log in on a Kerberized secure cluster
    public static final String YARN_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL = "yarn.kerberos.principal";

     * Key tab used to log in on a Kerberized secure cluster
    public static final String YARN_KERBEROS_KEYTAB = "yarn.kerberos.keytab";

     * Interval in seconds to renew a delegation token in Kerberized secure cluster
    public static final String YARN_TOKEN_RENEWAL_INTERVAL_SECONDS = "yarn.token.renewal.interval.seconds";
    private static final long DEFAULT_YARN_TOKEN_RENEWAL_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 24 * 3600;

     * The location on HDFS to store the credentials file
    public static final String YARN_CREDENTIALS_FILE = "yarn.credentials.file";

     * The staging directory on HDFS for the job
    public static final String YARN_JOB_STAGING_DIRECTORY = "";

     * For secured YARN cluster only.
     * The 'viewing' acl of the YARN application. This controls who can view the application,
     * for example, application status, logs.
     * {@link org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAccessType} for more details
    public static final String YARN_APPLICATION_VIEW_ACL = "yarn.job.view.acl";

     * For secured YARN cluster only.
     * The 'modify' acl of the YARN application. This controls who can modify the application,
     * for example, killing the job.
     * {@link org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAccessType} for more details
    public static final String YARN_APPLICATION_MODIFY_ACL = "yarn.job.modify.acl";

    public YarnConfig(Config config) {

    public int getAMPollIntervalMs() {

    public String getContainerLabel() {
        return get(CONTAINER_LABEL, null);

    public boolean getJmxServerEnabled() {
        return getBoolean(AM_JMX_ENABLED, true);

    public String getPackagePath() {
        String packagePath = get(PACKAGE_PATH);
        if (packagePath == null) {
            throw new SamzaException("No YARN package path defined in config.");
        return packagePath;

    public int getAMContainerMaxMemoryMb() {

    public String getAMContainerLabel() {
        return get(AM_CONTAINER_LABEL, null);

    public int getAMContainerMaxCpuCores() {

    public String getAmOpts() {
        return get(AM_JVM_OPTIONS, "");

    public String getQueueName() {
        return get(QUEUE_NAME, null);

    public String getAMJavaHome() {
        return get(AM_JAVA_HOME, null);

    public int getAllocatorSleepTime() {

    public int getContainerRequestTimeout() {

    public String getYarnKerberosPrincipal() {
        return get(YARN_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL, null);

    public String getYarnKerberosKeytab() {
        return get(YARN_KERBEROS_KEYTAB, null);

    public long getYarnTokenRenewalIntervalSeconds() {

    public String getYarnCredentialsFile() {
        return get(YARN_CREDENTIALS_FILE, null);

    public String getYarnJobStagingDirectory() {
        return get(YARN_JOB_STAGING_DIRECTORY, null);

    public String getYarnApplicationViewAcl() {
        return get(YARN_APPLICATION_VIEW_ACL, null);

    public String getYarnApplicationModifyAcl() {
        return get(YARN_APPLICATION_MODIFY_ACL, null);

     * Helper function to get all application acls
     * @return a map of {@link ApplicationAccessType} to {@link String} for all the acls defined
    public Map<ApplicationAccessType, String> getYarnApplicationAcls() {
        Map<ApplicationAccessType, String> acls = new HashMap<>();
        String viewAcl = getYarnApplicationViewAcl();
        String modifyAcl = getYarnApplicationModifyAcl();
        if (viewAcl != null) {
            acls.put(ApplicationAccessType.VIEW_APP, viewAcl);
        if (modifyAcl != null) {
            acls.put(ApplicationAccessType.MODIFY_APP, modifyAcl);
        return acls;
