Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hdfs;

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
import org.apache.sentry.tests.e2e.hive.StaticUserGroup;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * This test class includes all HDFS Sync smoke tests
public class TestHDFSIntegrationEnd2End extends TestHDFSIntegrationBase {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestHDFSIntegrationEnd2End.class);

    private static String adminRole = "admin_role";

    public static void setup() throws Exception {
        hdfsSyncEnabled = true;

    public void testEnd2EndManagedPaths() throws Throwable {
        tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
        dbNames = new String[] { "db1" };
        roles = new String[] { "admin_role", "db_role", "tab_role", "p1_admin" };
        admin = "hive";

        Connection conn;
        Statement stmt;
        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group hive");
        stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("create role p1_admin");
        stmt.execute("grant role p1_admin to group hbase");
        stmt.execute("create role db_role");
        stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
        stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group hbase");
        stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group flume");

        // Test DB case insensitivity
        stmt.execute("create database extdb");
        stmt.execute("grant all on database ExtDb to role p1_admin");
        writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext100", 5, "foo", "bar");
        writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext101", 5, "foo", "bar");
        stmt.execute("use extdb");
        stmt.execute("create table ext100 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext100\'");
        stmt.execute("create table ext101 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext101\'");
        verifyQuery(stmt, "ext100", 5);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext100", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        stmt.execute("drop table ext100");
        stmt.execute("drop table ext101");
        stmt.execute("use default");
        stmt.execute("drop database extdb");


    public void testEnd2End() throws Throwable {
        tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
        dbNames = new String[] { "db1" };
        roles = new String[] { "admin_role", "db_role", "tab_role", "p1_admin" };
        admin = "hive";

        Connection conn;
        Statement stmt;
        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group hive");
        stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("create table p1 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day " + "int)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=2)");

        // db privileges
        stmt.execute("create database db5");
        stmt.execute("create role db_role");
        stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
        stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group hbase");
        stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group flume");
        stmt.execute("create table db5.p2(id int)");

        stmt.execute("create role p1_admin");
        stmt.execute("grant role p1_admin to group hbase");

        // Verify default db is inaccessible initially
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);

        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);

        stmt.execute("grant all on database db5 to role db_role");
        stmt.execute("use db5");
        stmt.execute("grant all on table p2 to role tab_role");
        stmt.execute("use default");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db/p2", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse/db5.db", FsAction.ALL, "flume", false);



        // Verify default db is STILL inaccessible after grants but tables are fine
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        adminUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
            public Void run() throws Exception {
                // Simulate hdfs dfs -setfacl -m <aclantry> <path>
                AclStatus existing = miniDFS.getFileSystem().getAclStatus(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1"));
                ArrayList<AclEntry> newEntries = new ArrayList<AclEntry>(existing.getEntries());
                newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("user::---", true));
                newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("group:bla:rwx", true));
                newEntries.add(AclEntry.parseAclEntry("other::---", true));
                miniDFS.getFileSystem().setAcl(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/p1"), newEntries);
                return null;

        stmt.execute("revoke select on table p1 from role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);

        // Verify default db grants work
        stmt.execute("grant select on database default to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Verify default db grants are propagated to the tables
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Verify default db revokes work
        stmt.execute("revoke select on database default from role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", null, "hbase", false);

        stmt.execute("grant all on table p1 to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

        stmt.execute("revoke select on table p1 from role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Verify table rename works when locations are also changed
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 rename to p3");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
        //This is true as parent hive object's (p3) ACLS are used.
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3/month=1/day=1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Verify when oldName == newName and oldPath != newPath
        stmt.execute("alter table p3 partition (month=1, day=1) rename to partition (month=1, day=3)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3/month=1/day=3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Test DB case insensitivity
        stmt.execute("create database extdb");
        stmt.execute("grant all on database ExtDb to role p1_admin");
        writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext100", 5, "foo", "bar");
        writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext101", 5, "foo", "bar");
        stmt.execute("use extdb");
        stmt.execute("create table ext100 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext100\'");
        verifyQuery(stmt, "ext100", 5);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext100", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        stmt.execute("use default");

        stmt.execute("use EXTDB");
        stmt.execute("create table ext101 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext101\'");
        verifyQuery(stmt, "ext101", 5);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext101", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

        // Test table case insensitivity
        stmt.execute("grant all on table exT100 to role tab_role");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext100", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);

        stmt.execute("drop table ext100");
        stmt.execute("drop table ext101");
        stmt.execute("use default");
        stmt.execute("drop database extdb");

        if (!testSentryHA) {
            long beforeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long timeTakenForStopMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeStop;
  "Time taken for Sentry server stop: " + timeTakenForStopMs);

            // Verify that Sentry permission are still enforced for the "stale" period only if stop did not take too long
            if (timeTakenForStopMs < STALE_THRESHOLD) {
                verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
                Thread.sleep((STALE_THRESHOLD - timeTakenForStopMs));
            } else {
                LOGGER.warn("Sentry server stop took too long");

            // Verify that Sentry permission are NOT enforced AFTER "stale" period
            verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", null, "hbase", false);


        // Verify that After Sentry restart permissions are re-enforced
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p3", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Create new table and verify everything is fine after restart...
        stmt.execute("create table p2 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p2 add partition (month=2, day=2)");

        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", null, "hbase", false);

        stmt.execute("grant select on table p2 to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        stmt.execute("grant select on table p2 to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Create external table
        writeToPath("/tmp/external/ext1", 5, "foo", "bar");

        stmt.execute("create table ext1 (s string) location \'/tmp/external/ext1\'");
        verifyQuery(stmt, "ext1", 5);

        // Ensure existing group permissions are never returned..
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", null, "bar", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", null, "hbase", false);

        stmt.execute("grant all on table ext1 to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

        stmt.execute("revoke select on table ext1 from role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/ext1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Verify database operations works correctly
        stmt.execute("create database db1");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", null, "hbase", false);

        stmt.execute("create table db1.tbl1 (s string)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", null, "hbase", false);
        stmt.execute("create table db1.tbl2 (s string)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", null, "hbase", false);

        // Verify default db grants do not affect other dbs
        stmt.execute("grant all on database default to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db", null, "hbase", false);

        // Verify table rename works
        stmt.execute("create table q1 (s string)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        stmt.execute("alter table q1 rename to q2");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

        // Verify table GRANTS do not trump db GRANTS
        stmt.execute("grant select on table q2 to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

        stmt.execute("create table q3 (s string)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q3", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/q2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

        // Verify db privileges are propagated to tables
        stmt.execute("grant select on database db1 to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Verify default db revokes do not affect other dbs
        stmt.execute("revoke all on database default from role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/user/hive/warehouse", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        stmt.execute("use db1");
        stmt.execute("grant all on table tbl1 to role p1_admin");

        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);

        // Verify recursive revoke
        stmt.execute("revoke select on database db1 from role p1_admin");

        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1", FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2", null, "hbase", false);

        // Verify cleanup..
        stmt.execute("drop table tbl1");
        Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl1")));

        stmt.execute("drop table tbl2");
        Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db/tbl2")));

        stmt.execute("use default");
        stmt.execute("drop database db1");
        Assert.assertFalse(miniDFS.getFileSystem().exists(new Path("/user/hive/warehouse/db1.db")));

        // START : Verify external table set location..
        writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", 5, "foo", "bar");
        writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", 5, "foo", "bar");

                "create external table ext2 (s string) partitioned by (i int) location \'/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before\'");
        stmt.execute("alter table ext2 add partition (i=1)");
        stmt.execute("alter table ext2 add partition (i=2)");
        verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 10);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
        stmt.execute("grant all on table ext2 to role p1_admin");
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

        writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", 6, "foo", "bar");
        writeToPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", 6, "foo", "bar");

        stmt.execute("alter table ext2 set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after\'");
        // Even though table location is altered, partition location is still old (still 10 rows)
        verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 10);
        // You have to explicitly alter partition location..
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

                "alter table ext2 partition (i=1) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1\'");
                "alter table ext2 partition (i=2) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2\'");
        // Now that partition location is altered, it picks up new data (12 rows instead of 10)
        verifyQuery(stmt, "ext2", 12);

        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=1/stuff.txt", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_before/i=2/stuff.txt", null, "hbase", false);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        // END : Verify external table set location..

        //Create a new table partition on the existing partition
        stmt.execute("create table tmp (s string) partitioned by (i int)");
        stmt.execute("alter table tmp add partition (i=1)");
        stmt.execute("alter table tmp partition (i=1) set location \'hdfs:///tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1\'");
        stmt.execute("grant all on table tmp to role tab_role");
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);

        //Alter table rename of external table => oldName != newName, oldPath == newPath
        stmt.execute("alter table ext2 rename to ext3");
        //Verify all original paths still have the privileges
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1", FsAction.ALL, "flume", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=1/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after/i=2/stuff.txt", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);

        // Restart HDFS to verify if things are fine after re-start..

        // TODO : this is currently commented out since miniDFS.restartNameNode() does
        //        not work corectly on the version of hadoop sentry depends on
        //        This has been verified to work on a real cluster.
        //        Once miniDFS is fixed, this should be uncommented..
        // miniDFS.shutdown();
        // miniDFS.restartNameNode(true);
        // miniDFS.waitActive();
        // verifyGroupPermOnPath("/tmp/external/tables/ext2_after", FsAction.ALL, "hbase", true);
        // verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/p2", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE, "hbase", true);


    public void testViews() throws Throwable {"testViews starts");
        String dbName = "db1";

        tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
        dbNames = new String[] { dbName };
        roles = new String[] { "admin_role" };
        admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;

        Connection conn;
        Statement stmt;

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
        stmt = conn.createStatement();

        stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        try {
            stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
            stmt.execute("create table test(a string)");
            stmt.execute("create view testView as select * from test");
            stmt.execute("create or replace view testView as select * from test");
            stmt.execute("drop view testView");
        } catch (Exception s) {
            throw s;

        conn.close();"testViews ends");

    public void testAllColumn() throws Throwable {"testAllColumn starts");
        String dbName = "db2";
        String userRole = "col1_role";

        tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
        dbNames = new String[] { dbName };
        roles = new String[] { "admin_role", userRole };
        admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;

        Connection conn;
        Statement stmt;

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role with grant option");
        stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
        stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
        stmt.execute("create table p1 (c1 string, c2 string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");

        stmt.execute("create role " + userRole);
        stmt.execute("grant select(c1,c2) on p1 to role " + userRole);
        stmt.execute("grant role " + userRole + " to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);

        //User with privileges on all columns of the data cannot still read the HDFS files
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1,

        conn.close();"testAllColumn ends");

    public void testColumnPrivileges() throws Throwable {"testColumnPrivileges starts");
        String dbName = "db2";

        tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
        dbNames = new String[] { dbName };
        dbNames = new String[] { dbName };
        roles = new String[] { "admin_role", "tab_role", "db_role", "col_role" };
        roles = new String[] { adminRole, "tab_role", "db_role", "col_role" };
        admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;

        Connection conn;
        Statement stmt;

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role with grant option");
        stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
        stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
        stmt.execute("create table p1 (s string) partitioned by (month int, day int)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=1)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=1, day=2)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=1)");
        stmt.execute("alter table p1 add partition (month=2, day=2)");

        stmt.execute("create role db_role");
        stmt.execute("grant select on database " + dbName + " to role db_role");
        stmt.execute("create role tab_role");
        stmt.execute("grant select on p1 to role tab_role");
        stmt.execute("create role col_role");
        stmt.execute("grant select(s) on p1 to role col_role");

        stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);

        stmt.execute("grant role tab_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2);
        stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2);

        stmt.execute("grant role db_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3);
        stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3);

        stmt.execute("grant role col_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);

        Thread.sleep(WAIT_BEFORE_TESTVERIFY);//Wait till sentry cache is updated in Namenode

        //User with just column level privileges cannot read HDFS
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1,

        //User with permissions on table and column can read HDFS file
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP2, true);

        //User with permissions on db and column can read HDFS file
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", FsAction.READ_EXECUTE,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP3, true);

        //User with permissions on server and column cannot read HDFS file
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/p1", null, StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP,

        conn.close();"testColumnPrivileges ends");

    public void testExternalTable() throws Throwable {
        String dbName = "db2";

        tmpHDFSDir = new Path("/tmp/external");
        dbNames = new String[] { dbName };
        roles = new String[] { "admin_role" };
        admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;

        Connection conn;
        Statement stmt;

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant all on uri 'hdfs:///tmp/external' to role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1, StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1);
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
        stmt.execute("create external table tab1(a int) location '/tmp/external/tab1_loc'");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/tmp/external/tab1_loc", FsAction.ALL, StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP, true);


    Added to verify the SENTRY-2502
    public void testTableRename() throws Throwable {
        String dbName = "testdb";
        dbNames = new String[] { dbName };
        roles = new String[] { "admin_role" };
        admin = StaticUserGroup.ADMIN1;

        Connection conn;
        Statement stmt;

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection("hive", "hive");
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant all on server server1 to role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant all on database " + dbName + " to role admin_role");
        stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
        stmt.execute("grant role admin_role to group " + StaticUserGroup.ADMINGROUP);

        conn = hiveServer2.createConnection(StaticUserGroup.USER1_1, StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1);
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("create database " + dbName);
        stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
        stmt.execute("create table testable (s string) partitioned by (month int)");

        stmt.execute("alter table testable add partition (month=1)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/testable", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/testable/month=1", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);

        stmt.execute("alter table testable rename to testable1");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/testable1", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/testable1/month=1", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);

        stmt.execute("alter table testable1 drop partition (month=1)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/testable1", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);

        stmt.execute("alter table testable1 add partition (month=1)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/testable1/month=1", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);

        stmt.execute("alter table testable1 rename to testable2");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/testable2", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/testable2/month=1", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);

        stmt.execute("create table  table3(s string) partitioned by (month int)");
        stmt.execute("alter table table3 add partition (month=1)");
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/table3", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
        verifyGroupPermOnAllSubDirs("/user/hive/warehouse/" + dbName + ".db/table3/month=1", FsAction.ALL,
                StaticUserGroup.USERGROUP1, true);
