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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.slider.server.appmaster.state;

import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeState;
import org.apache.slider.api.types.NodeInformation;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;

 * A node instance -stores information about a node in the cluster.
 * <p>
 * Operations on the array/set of roles are synchronized.
public class NodeInstance {

    public final String hostname;

     * last state of node. Starts off as {@link NodeState#RUNNING},
     * on the assumption that it is live.
    private NodeState nodeState = NodeState.RUNNING;

     * Last node report. If null: none
    private NodeReport nodeReport = null;

     * time of state update
    private long nodeStateUpdateTime = 0;

     * Node labels.
     * IMPORTANT: we assume that there is one label/node, which is the policy
     * for Hadoop as of November 2015
    private String nodeLabels = "";

     * An unordered list of node entries of specific roles. There's nothing
     * indexed so as to support sparser datastructures.
    private final List<NodeEntry> nodeEntries;

     * Create an instance and the (empty) array of nodes
     * @param roles role count -the no. of roles
    public NodeInstance(String hostname, int roles) {
        this.hostname = hostname;
        nodeEntries = new ArrayList<>(roles);

     * Update the node status.
     * The return code is true if the node state changed enough to
     * trigger a re-evaluation of pending requests. That is, either a node
     * became available when it was previously not, or the label changed
     * on an available node.
     * Transitions of a node from live to dead aren't treated as significant,
     * nor label changes on a dead node.
     * @param report latest node report
     * @return true if the node state changed enough for a request evaluation.
    public synchronized boolean updateNode(NodeReport report) {
        nodeStateUpdateTime = report.getLastHealthReportTime();
        nodeReport = report;
        NodeState oldState = nodeState;
        boolean oldStateUnusable = oldState.isUnusable();
        nodeState = report.getNodeState();
        boolean newUsable = !nodeState.isUnusable();
        boolean nodeNowAvailable = oldStateUnusable && newUsable;
        String labels = this.nodeLabels;
        nodeLabels = SliderUtils.extractNodeLabel(report);
        return nodeNowAvailable || newUsable && !this.nodeLabels.equals(labels);

    public String getNodeLabels() {
        return nodeLabels;

     * Get the entry for a role -if present
     * @param role role index
     * @return the entry
     * null if the role is out of range
    public synchronized NodeEntry get(int role) {
        for (NodeEntry nodeEntry : nodeEntries) {
            if (nodeEntry.rolePriority == role) {
                return nodeEntry;
        return null;

     * Get the entry for a role -if present
     * @param role role index
     * @return the entry
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the role is out of range
    public synchronized NodeEntry getOrCreate(int role) {
        NodeEntry entry = get(role);
        if (entry == null) {
            entry = new NodeEntry(role);
        return entry;

     * Get the node entry matching a container on this node
     * @param container container
     * @return matching node instance for the role
    public NodeEntry getOrCreate(Container container) {
        return getOrCreate(ContainerPriority.extractRole(container));

     * Count the number of active role instances on this node
     * @param role role index
     * @return 0 if there are none, otherwise the #of nodes that are running and
     * not being released already.
    public int getActiveRoleInstances(int role) {
        NodeEntry nodeEntry = get(role);
        return (nodeEntry != null) ? nodeEntry.getActive() : 0;

     * Count the number of live role instances on this node
     * @param role role index
     * @return 0 if there are none, otherwise the #of nodes that are running 
    public int getLiveRoleInstances(int role) {
        NodeEntry nodeEntry = get(role);
        return (nodeEntry != null) ? nodeEntry.getLive() : 0;

     * Is the node considered online
     * @return the node
    public boolean isOnline() {
        return !nodeState.isUnusable();

     * Query for a node being considered unreliable
     * @param role role key
     * @param threshold threshold above which a node is considered unreliable
     * @return true if the node is considered unreliable
    public boolean isConsideredUnreliable(int role, int threshold) {
        NodeEntry entry = get(role);
        return entry != null && entry.getFailedRecently() > threshold;

     * Get the entry for a role -and remove it if present
     * @param role the role index
     * @return the entry that WAS there
    public synchronized NodeEntry remove(int role) {
        NodeEntry nodeEntry = get(role);
        if (nodeEntry != null) {
        return nodeEntry;

    public synchronized void set(int role, NodeEntry nodeEntry) {

     * run through each entry; gc'ing & removing old ones that don't have
     * a recent failure count (we care about those)
     * @param absoluteTime age in millis
     * @return true if there are still entries left
    public synchronized boolean purgeUnusedEntries(long absoluteTime) {
        boolean active = false;
        ListIterator<NodeEntry> entries = nodeEntries.listIterator();
        while (entries.hasNext()) {
            NodeEntry entry =;
            if (entry.notUsedSince(absoluteTime) && entry.getFailedRecently() == 0) {
            } else {
                active = true;
        return active;

     * run through each entry resetting the failure count
    public synchronized void resetFailedRecently() {
        for (NodeEntry entry : nodeEntries) {

    public String toString() {
        return hostname;

     * Full dump of entry including children
     * @return a multi-line description fo the node
    public String toFullString() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(toString());
        sb.append("{ ");
        for (NodeEntry entry : nodeEntries) {
            sb.append(String.format("\n  [%02d]  ", entry.rolePriority));
        sb.append("} ");
        return sb.toString();

     * Equality test is purely on the hostname of the node address
     * @param o other
     * @return true if the hostnames are equal
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) {
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
            return false;
        NodeInstance that = (NodeInstance) o;
        return hostname.equals(that.hostname);

    public int hashCode() {
        return hostname.hashCode();

     * Predicate to query if the number of recent failures of a role
     * on this node exceeds that role's failure threshold.
     * If there is no record of a deployment of that role on this
     * node, the failure count is taken as "0".
     * @param role role to look up
     * @return true if the failure rate is above the threshold.
    public boolean exceedsFailureThreshold(RoleStatus role) {
        NodeEntry entry = get(role.getKey());
        int numFailuresOnLastHost = entry != null ? entry.getFailedRecently() : 0;
        int failureThreshold = role.getNodeFailureThreshold();
        return failureThreshold < 0 || numFailuresOnLastHost > failureThreshold;

     * Produced a serialized form which can be served up as JSON
     * @param naming map of priority -> value for naming entries
     * @return a summary of the current role status.
    public synchronized NodeInformation serialize(Map<Integer, String> naming) {
        NodeInformation info = new NodeInformation();
        info.hostname = hostname;
        // null-handling state constructor
        info.state = "" + nodeState;
        info.lastUpdated = nodeStateUpdateTime;
        info.labels = nodeLabels;
        if (nodeReport != null) {
            info.httpAddress = nodeReport.getHttpAddress();
            info.rackName = nodeReport.getRackName();
            info.healthReport = nodeReport.getHealthReport();
        info.entries = new HashMap<>(nodeEntries.size());
        for (NodeEntry nodeEntry : nodeEntries) {
            String name = naming.get(nodeEntry.rolePriority);
            if (name == null) {
                name = Integer.toString(nodeEntry.rolePriority);
            info.entries.put(name, nodeEntry.serialize());
        return info;

     * Is this node instance a suitable candidate for the specific role?
     * @param role role ID
     * @param label label which must match, or "" for no label checks
     * @return true if the node has space for this role, is running and the labels
     * match.
    public boolean canHost(int role, String label) {
        return isOnline() && (SliderUtils.isUnset(label) || label.equals(nodeLabels)) // label match
                && getOrCreate(role).isAvailable(); // no live role

     * A comparator for sorting entries where the node is preferred over another.
     * The exact algorithm may change: current policy is "most recent first", so sorted
     * on the lastUsed
     * the comparision is a positive int if left is preferred to right;
     * negative if right over left, 0 for equal
    public static class Preferred implements Comparator<NodeInstance>, Serializable {

        private static final Comparators.InvertedLongComparator comparator = new Comparators.InvertedLongComparator();
        private final int role;

        public Preferred(int role) {
            this.role = role;

        public int compare(NodeInstance o1, NodeInstance o2) {
            NodeEntry left = o1.get(role);
            NodeEntry right = o2.get(role);
            long ageL = left != null ? left.getLastUsed() : -1;
            long ageR = right != null ? right.getLastUsed() : -1;
            return, ageR);

     * A comparator for sorting entries where the role is newer than
     * the other. 
     * This sort only compares the lastUsed field, not whether the
     * node is in use or not
    public static class MoreActiveThan implements Comparator<NodeInstance>, Serializable {

        private final int role;

        public MoreActiveThan(int role) {
            this.role = role;

        public int compare(NodeInstance left, NodeInstance right) {
            int activeLeft = left.getActiveRoleInstances(role);
            int activeRight = right.getActiveRoleInstances(role);
            return activeRight - activeLeft;

     * A comparator for sorting entries alphabetically
    public static class CompareNames implements Comparator<NodeInstance>, Serializable {

        public CompareNames() {

        public int compare(NodeInstance left, NodeInstance right) {
            return left.hostname.compareTo(right.hostname);
