Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sqoop.lib;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Parses a record containing one or more fields. Fields are separated
 * by some FIELD_DELIMITER character, e.g. a comma or a ^A character.
 * Records are terminated by a RECORD_DELIMITER character, e.g., a newline.
 * Fields may be (optionally or mandatorily) enclosed by a quoting char
 * e.g., '\"'
 * Fields may contain escaped characters. An escape character may be, e.g.,
 * the '\\' character. Any character following an escape character
 * is treated literally. e.g., '\n' is recorded as an 'n' character, not a
 * newline.
 * Unexpected results may occur if the enclosing character escapes itself.
 * e.g., this cannot parse SQL SELECT statements where the single character
 * ['] escapes to [''].
 * This class is not synchronized. Multiple threads must use separate
 * instances of RecordParser.
 * The fields parsed by RecordParser are backed by an internal buffer
 * which is cleared when the next call to parseRecord() is made. If
 * the buffer is required to be preserved, you must copy it yourself.
public class RecordParser {

    public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RecordParser.class.getName());

    private enum ParseState {

     * An error thrown when parsing fails.
    public static class ParseError extends Exception {
        public ParseError() {

        public ParseError(final String msg) {

        public ParseError(final String msg, final Throwable cause) {
            super(msg, cause);

        public ParseError(final Throwable cause) {

    private com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.DelimiterSet delimiters;
    private ArrayList<String> outputs;

    public RecordParser(final com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.DelimiterSet delimitersIn) {
        this.delimiters = delimitersIn.copy();
        this.outputs = new ArrayList<String>();

     * Return a list of strings representing the fields of the input line.
     * This list is backed by an internal buffer which is cleared by the
     * next call to parseRecord().
    public List<String> parseRecord(CharSequence input) throws com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError {
        if (null == input) {
            throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError("null input string");

        return parseRecord(CharBuffer.wrap(input));

     * Return a list of strings representing the fields of the input line.
     * This list is backed by an internal buffer which is cleared by the
     * next call to parseRecord().
    public List<String> parseRecord(Text input) throws com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError {
        if (null == input) {
            throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError("null input string");

        // TODO(aaron): The parser should be able to handle UTF-8 strings
        // as well, to avoid this transcode operation.
        return parseRecord(input.toString());

     * Return a list of strings representing the fields of the input line.
     * This list is backed by an internal buffer which is cleared by the
     * next call to parseRecord().
    public List<String> parseRecord(byte[] input) throws com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError {
        if (null == input) {
            throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError("null input string");

        return parseRecord(ByteBuffer.wrap(input).asCharBuffer());

     * Return a list of strings representing the fields of the input line.
     * This list is backed by an internal buffer which is cleared by the
     * next call to parseRecord().
    public List<String> parseRecord(char[] input) throws com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError {
        if (null == input) {
            throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError("null input string");

        return parseRecord(CharBuffer.wrap(input));

    public List<String> parseRecord(ByteBuffer input) throws com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError {
        if (null == input) {
            throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError("null input string");

        return parseRecord(input.asCharBuffer());

    // TODO(aaron): Refactor this method to be much shorter.
     * Return a list of strings representing the fields of the input line.
     * This list is backed by an internal buffer which is cleared by the
     * next call to parseRecord().
    public List<String> parseRecord(CharBuffer input) throws com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError {
        if (null == input) {
            throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError("null input string");

          This method implements the following state machine to perform
          Note that there are no restrictions on whether particular characters
          (e.g., field-sep, record-sep, etc) are distinct or the same. The
          state transitions are processed in the order seen in this comment.
          Starting state is FIELD_START
            encloser -> ENCLOSED_FIELD
            escape char -> UNENCLOSED_ESCAPE
            field delim -> FIELD_START (for a new field)
            record delim -> stops processing
            all other letters get added to current field, -> UNENCLOSED FIELD
          ENCLOSED_FIELD state:
            escape char goes to ENCLOSED_ESCAPE
            encloser goes to ENCLOSED_EXPECT_DELIMITER
            field sep or record sep gets added to the current string
            normal letters get added to the current string
          ENCLOSED_ESCAPE state:
            any character seen here is added literally, back to ENCLOSED_FIELD
            field sep goes to FIELD_START
            record sep halts processing.
            all other characters are errors.
          UNENCLOSED_FIELD state:
            ESCAPE char goes to UNENCLOSED_ESCAPE
            FIELD_SEP char goes to FIELD_START
            RECORD_SEP char halts processing
            normal chars or the enclosing char get added to the current string
            add charater literal to current string, return to UNENCLOSED_FIELD

        char curChar = com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.DelimiterSet.NULL_CHAR;
        ParseState state = ParseState.FIELD_START;
        int len = input.length();
        StringBuilder sb = null;


        char enclosingChar = delimiters.getEnclosedBy();
        char fieldDelim = delimiters.getFieldsTerminatedBy();
        char recordDelim = delimiters.getLinesTerminatedBy();
        char escapeChar = delimiters.getEscapedBy();
        boolean enclosingRequired = delimiters.isEncloseRequired();

        for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) {
            curChar = input.get();
            switch (state) {
            case FIELD_START:
                // ready to start processing a new field.
                if (null != sb) {
                    // We finished processing a previous field. Add to the list.

                sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (enclosingChar == curChar) {
                    // got an opening encloser.
                    state = ParseState.ENCLOSED_FIELD;
                } else if (escapeChar == curChar) {
                    state = ParseState.UNENCLOSED_ESCAPE;
                } else if (fieldDelim == curChar) {
                    // we have a zero-length field. This is a no-op.
                } else if (recordDelim == curChar) {
                    // we have a zero-length field, that ends processing.
                    pos = len;
                } else {
                    // current char is part of the field.
                    state = ParseState.UNENCLOSED_FIELD;

                    if (enclosingRequired) {
                        throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError(
                                "Opening field-encloser expected at position " + pos);


            case ENCLOSED_FIELD:
                if (escapeChar == curChar) {
                    // the next character is escaped. Treat it literally.
                    state = ParseState.ENCLOSED_ESCAPE;
                } else if (enclosingChar == curChar) {
                    // we're at the end of the enclosing field. Expect an EOF or EOR char.
                    state = ParseState.ENCLOSED_EXPECT_DELIMITER;
                } else {
                    // this is a regular char, or an EOF / EOR inside an encloser. Add to
                    // the current field string, and remain in this state.


            case UNENCLOSED_FIELD:
                if (escapeChar == curChar) {
                    // the next character is escaped. Treat it literally.
                    state = ParseState.UNENCLOSED_ESCAPE;
                } else if (fieldDelim == curChar) {
                    // we're at the end of this field; may be the start of another one.
                    state = ParseState.FIELD_START;
                } else if (recordDelim == curChar) {
                    pos = len; // terminate processing immediately.
                } else {
                    // this is a regular char. Add to the current field string,
                    // and remain in this state.


            case ENCLOSED_ESCAPE:
                // Treat this character literally, whatever it is, and return to
                // enclosed field processing.
                state = ParseState.ENCLOSED_FIELD;

                // We were in an enclosed field, but got the final encloser. Now we
                // expect either an end-of-field or an end-of-record.
                if (fieldDelim == curChar) {
                    // end of one field is the beginning of the next.
                    state = ParseState.FIELD_START;
                } else if (recordDelim == curChar) {
                    // stop processing.
                    pos = len;
                } else {
                    // Don't know what to do with this character.
                    throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError(
                            "Expected delimiter at position " + pos);


            case UNENCLOSED_ESCAPE:
                // Treat this character literally, whatever it is, and return to
                // non-enclosed field processing.
                state = ParseState.UNENCLOSED_FIELD;

                throw new com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.RecordParser.ParseError("Unexpected parser state: " + state);

        if (state == ParseState.FIELD_START && curChar == fieldDelim) {
            // we hit an EOF/EOR as the last legal character and we need to mark
            // that string as recorded. This if block is outside the for-loop since
            // we don't have a physical 'epsilon' token in our string.
            if (null != sb) {
                sb = new StringBuilder();

        if (null != sb) {
            // There was a field that terminated by running out of chars or an EOR
            // character. Add to the list.

        return outputs;

    public boolean isEnclosingRequired() {
        return delimiters.isEncloseRequired();

    public String toString() {
        return "RecordParser[" + delimiters.toString() + "]";

    public int hashCode() {
        return this.delimiters.hashCode();