Source code

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package org.apache.torque.generator.file;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Selects Files in a directory and the subdirectories of the directory.
 * From these files, all that match an include pattern and do not
 * match an exclude pattern are selected.
 * @version $Id: 1406804 2012-11-07 21:04:28Z tfischer $
public class Fileset {
    /** The class logger. */
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Fileset.class);

    /** The base directory of the fileset. */
    private File basedir;

     * The patterns for the files to include.
     * If null or empty, all Files are included.
    private Collection<String> includes;

     * The patterns for the files to exclude.
     * If null or empty, no Files are excluded.
    private Collection<String> excludes;

     * Default constructor.
    public Fileset() {

     * All-Args constructor.
     * @param basedir the basedir, or null to use the current basedir.
     * @param includes The patterns for the files to include.
     *        If null or empty, all Files are included.
     * @param excludes The patterns for the files to exclude.
     *        If null or empty, no Files are excluded.
    public Fileset(File basedir, Collection<String> includes, Collection<String> excludes) {
        this.basedir = basedir;
        this.includes = includes;
        this.excludes = excludes;

     * Returns the base directory of the fileset.
     * @return the base directory, or null if no basedir is specified.
    public File getBasedir() {
        return basedir;

     * Sets the base directory of the fileset.
     * @param basedir the base directory, or null.
    public void setBasedir(File basedir) {
        this.basedir = basedir;

     * Returns the include patterns for the fileset.
     * @return the include patterns, or null if all files should be included.
    public Collection<String> getIncludes() {
        return includes;

     * Sets the include patterns for the fileset.
     * @param includes the include patterns, or null if all files
     *        should be included.
    public void setIncludes(Collection<String> includes) {
        this.includes = includes;

     * Returns the exclude patterns for the fileset.
     * @return the exclude patterns, or null if all files should be excluded.
    public Collection<String> getExcludes() {
        return excludes;

     * Sets the exclude patterns for the fileset.
     * @param excludes the exclude patterns, or null if all files
     *        should be excluded.
    public void setExcludes(Collection<String> excludes) {
        this.excludes = excludes;

     * Returns the names of all files matching this fileset.
     * @return the names of all matching files, not null.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs reading the file names.
    public List<File> getFiles() throws IOException {
        List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>();
        if (includes == null || includes.isEmpty()) {
            getAllFiles(basedir, result);
        } else {
            // process includes
            for (String includePattern : includes) {
                int wildcardFreeSeparatorPos = getWildcardFreeSeparatorPos(includePattern);
                String wildcardFreeIncludePart = getPathPartBefore(includePattern, wildcardFreeSeparatorPos);
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("getFiles() : traversing directory " + wildcardFreeIncludePart + " in base dir "
                            + basedir);
                File wildcardFreeBaseDir = new File(basedir, wildcardFreeIncludePart);
                String wildcardPattern = getPathPartAfter(includePattern, wildcardFreeSeparatorPos);
                String[] wildcardParts = StringUtils.split(wildcardPattern, "\\/");
                List<String> wildcardPartList = Arrays.asList(wildcardParts);

                List<File> includeFiles = getFiles(wildcardFreeBaseDir, wildcardPartList);
        // process excludes
        if (excludes == null) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("getFiles() : no excludes are defined.");
            return result;
        Iterator<File> fileIt = result.iterator();
        while (fileIt.hasNext()) {
            File file =;
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("getFiles() : checking excludes for file " + file.getPath());
            boolean excluded = false;
            for (String excludePattern : excludes) {
                File excludePatternFile = new File(basedir, excludePattern);
                if (matchesPattern(file, excludePatternFile.getPath())) {
                    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        log.trace("getFiles() : exclude pattern " + excludePatternFile.getPath()
                                + " matches, file is excluded");
                    excluded = true;
                } else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("getFiles() : exclude pattern " + excludePatternFile.getPath() + " does not match");
            if (excluded) {

        // make file order reproducable

        return result;

     * Reads the names of all files in a directory and its subdirectories.
     * @param currentBaseDir the base directory from which the files are read,
     *        not null.
     * @param toAddTo the list of files where the found file should be added to,
     *        not null.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs during reading the directory.
    static void getAllFiles(File currentBaseDir, List<File> toAddTo) throws IOException {
        if (currentBaseDir == null) {
            currentBaseDir = new File(".");
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("getAllFiles() : traversing directory " + currentBaseDir.getAbsolutePath());
        File[] filesInDir = currentBaseDir.listFiles(new WildcardFilter("*", false, true));
        if (filesInDir == null) {
            throw new IOException("Could not list files in the following Directory " + "while reading the sources: "
                    + currentBaseDir.getAbsolutePath());
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("getAllFiles() : Adding files " + Arrays.toString(filesInDir) + " to candidate list");

        File[] dirsInDir = currentBaseDir.listFiles(new WildcardFilter("*", true, false));

        for (File dir : dirsInDir) {
            getAllFiles(dir, toAddTo);

     * Reads the name of a set of files matching a path pattern.
     * @param currentBaseDir the base directory from which the files are read,
     *        not null.
     * @param pathPartList the split path to the files (split where the path
     *        separator appears). E.g. to access resources/,
     *        the list would be ["resources", ""]
     * @return the set of all files which match the pathPartList.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs during reading the directory.
    static List<File> getFiles(File currentBaseDir, List<String> pathPartList) throws IOException {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("getFiles(File, List) : traversing directory " + currentBaseDir.getAbsolutePath()
                    + ", current path parts: " + pathPartList);
        List<String> partsCopy = new ArrayList<String>(pathPartList);
        String includeToProcess = partsCopy.remove(0);
        if (partsCopy.size() == 0) {
            File[] matches = currentBaseDir.listFiles(new WildcardFilter(includeToProcess, false, true));
            if (matches == null) {
                throw new IOException("Could not list files in the following Directory "
                        + "while reading the sources: " + currentBaseDir.getAbsolutePath());
            List<File> result = Arrays.asList(matches);
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("getFiles(File, List) : Returning files " + result);
            return result;
        if ("..".equals(includeToProcess)) {
            return getFiles(currentBaseDir.getParentFile(), partsCopy);
        File[] matchingDirs = currentBaseDir.listFiles(new WildcardFilter(includeToProcess, true, false));
        List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>();
        for (File dir : matchingDirs) {
            result.addAll(getFiles(dir, partsCopy));
        return result;

     * Returns the position of the separator which separates the base part
     * of the path which does not contain any wildcards from the rest.
     * Example:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>*.txt returns -1(no separator)</li>
     *   <li>schema*.xml returns -1(no separator)</li>
     *   <li>xml\schema*.xml returns 3 (backslash position)</li>
     *   <li>/xml/???/schema*.xml returns 4 (middle slash position)</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param path the path to compute the position from, not null.
     * @return the separator position, -1 if no base part exists.
    static int getWildcardFreeSeparatorPos(String path) {
        int asteriskIndex = path.indexOf("*");
        int questionMarkIndex = path.indexOf("?");
        if (asteriskIndex != -1) {
            if (questionMarkIndex != -1) {
                int min = Math.min(asteriskIndex, questionMarkIndex);
                return getLargestSeparatorPos(path, min);
            } else {
                return getLargestSeparatorPos(path, asteriskIndex);
        return getLargestSeparatorPos(path, questionMarkIndex);

     * Returns the largest position of a path separator within the path
     * which is smaller than endIndex. An endIndex of -1 means that
     * the largest separator pos should be given. -1 is returned if no
     * separator is present in the region.
     * <ul>
     *   <li>getBaseDir("/xml/xxxx", 5) returns 4</li>
     *   <li>getBaseDir("/xml/x/y", -1) returns 6</li>
     *   <li>getBaseDir("/xml/x/y/", -1) returns 8</li>
     * </ul>
    static int getLargestSeparatorPos(String path, int maxIndex) {
        String baseString;
        if (maxIndex == -1) {
            baseString = path;
        } else {
            baseString = path.substring(0, maxIndex);
        return FilenameUtils.indexOfLastSeparator(baseString);

     * Returns the part of the path before the cutPosition.
     * If this part is empty or separatorPos is -1, "." is returned.
     * The character at cutPosition is not included in the result.
     * @param path the path to get the part from.
     * @param cutPosition the position where to cut.
     * @return the part of the path before cutPosition, or "." if this part
     *         does not exist.
    static String getPathPartBefore(String path, int cutPosition) {
        if (cutPosition == -1) {
            return ".";
        } else {
            String resultString = path.substring(0, cutPosition);
            if (StringUtils.EMPTY.equals(resultString)) {
                resultString = ".";
            return resultString;

     * Returns the part of the path after the separatorPos.
     * The character at cutPosition is not included in the result.
     * @param path the path to get the part from.
     * @param cutPosition the position where to cut.
     * @return the part of the path before cutPosition, or "." if this part
     *         does not exist.
    static String getPathPartAfter(String path, int cutPosition) {
        String resultString = path.substring(cutPosition + 1);
        return resultString;

    static boolean matchesPattern(File file, String pattern) {
        String filePath = file.getPath();
        List<String> fileParts = splitAndNormalize(filePath);
        List<String> patternParts = splitAndNormalize(pattern);
        if (fileParts.size() != patternParts.size()) {
            return false;
        Iterator<String> patternPartIt = patternParts.iterator();
        for (String filePart : fileParts) {
            String patternPart =;
            if (!FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch(filePart, patternPart, IOCase.SENSITIVE)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Splits a path in its parts and normalizes the path
     * (i.e. removes . and ..), if possible.
     * @param path the path to normalize
     * @return the normalized path in its parts.
    static List<String> splitAndNormalize(String path) {
        String[] parts = StringUtils.split(path, "\\/");
        List<String> normalizedParts = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String part : parts) {
            if (".".equals(part)) {
            if ("..".equals(part) && !normalizedParts.isEmpty()) {
                normalizedParts.remove(normalizedParts.size() - 1);
        return normalizedParts;

    public String toString() {
        return "Fileset [basedir=" + basedir + ", excludes=" + excludes + ", includes=" + includes + "]";