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package org.apache.torque.util;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.torque.Torque;
import org.apache.torque.TorqueException;
import org.apache.torque.adapter.DB;
import org.apache.torque.util.Criteria.Criterion;

 * Factored out code that is used to process SQL tables. This code comes from BasePeer and is put here to reduce complexity in the
 * BasePeer class. You should not use the methods here directly!
 * @author  <a href="">Henning P. Schmiedehausen</a>
 * @author  <a href="">Thomas Fischer</a>
 * @version  $Id: 535596 2007-05-06 10:47:39Z tfischer $
public final class SQLBuilder {
    /** Logging */
    protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SQLBuilder.class);

    /** Function Characters */
    public static final String[] COLUMN_CHARS = { ".", "*" };
    public static final String[] DELIMITERS = { " ", ",", "(", ")", "<", ">" };

    /** Private constructor to prevent instantiation. Class contains only static method ans should therefore not be instantiated. */
    private SQLBuilder() {

     * Fully qualify a table name with an optional schema reference
     * @param  table  The table name to use. If null is passed in, null is returned.
     * @param  dbName  The name of the database to which this tables belongs. If null is passed, the default database is used.
     * @return  The table name to use inside the SQL statement. If null is passed into this method, null is returned.
     * @exception  TorqueException  if an error occurs
    public static String getFullTableName(final String table, final String dbName) throws TorqueException {
        if (table != null) {
            int dotIndex = table.indexOf(".");

            if (dotIndex == -1) // No schema given
                String targetDBName = (dbName == null) ? Torque.getDefaultDB() : dbName;

                String targetSchema = Torque.getSchema(targetDBName);

                // If we have a default schema, fully qualify the
                // table and return.
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(targetSchema)) {
                    return new StringBuffer().append(targetSchema).append(".").append(table).toString();

        return table;

     * Remove a possible schema name from the table name.
     * @param  table  The table name to use
     * @return  The table name with a possible schema name stripped off
    public static String getUnqualifiedTableName(final String table) {
        if (table != null) {
            int dotIndex = table.lastIndexOf("."); // Do we have a dot?

            if (++dotIndex > 0) // Incrementation allows for better test _and_ substring...
                return table.substring(dotIndex);

        return table;

     * Removes a possible function name or clause from a column name
     * @param  name  The column name, possibly containing a clause
     * @return  The column name
     * @throws  TorqueException  If the column name was malformed
    private static String removeSQLFunction(final String name) throws TorqueException {
        // Empty name => return it
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
            return name;

        // Find Table.Column
        int dotIndex = name.indexOf('.');
        if (dotIndex == -1) {
            dotIndex = name.indexOf("*");
        if (dotIndex == -1) {
            throw new TorqueException("removeSQLFunction() : Column name " + name + " does not contain a . or a *");
        String pre = name.substring(0, dotIndex);
        String post = name.substring(dotIndex + 1, name.length());
        int startIndex = StringUtils.lastIndexOfAny(pre, DELIMITERS);
        int endIndex = StringUtils.indexOfAny(post, DELIMITERS);
        if (startIndex < 0 && endIndex < 0) {
            return name;
        } else {
            if (endIndex < 0) {
                endIndex = post.length();
            // if startIndex == -1 the formula is correct
            return name.substring(startIndex + 1, dotIndex + 1 + endIndex);

     * Returns a table name from an identifier. Each identifier is to be qualified as [schema.]table.column. This could also contain
     * FUNCTION([schema.]table.column).
     * @param  name  The (possible fully qualified) identifier name
     * @return  the fully qualified table name
     * @throws  TorqueException  If the identifier name was malformed
    public static String getTableName(final String name, final String dbName) throws TorqueException {
        final String testName = removeSQLFunction(name);

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(testName)) {
            throwMalformedColumnNameException("getTableName", name);

        // Everything before the last dot is the table name
        int rightDotIndex = testName.lastIndexOf('.');

        if (rightDotIndex < 0) {
            if ("*".equals(testName)) {
                return null;

            throwMalformedColumnNameException("getTableName", name);

        return getFullTableName(testName.substring(0, rightDotIndex), dbName);

     * Returns a set of all tables and possible aliases referenced from a criterion. The resulting Set can be directly used to build
     * a WHERE clause
     * @param  crit  A Criteria object
     * @param  tableCallback  A Callback Object
     * @return  A Set of tables.
    public static Set getTableSet(final Criteria crit, final TableCallback tableCallback) {
        HashSet tables = new HashSet();

        // Loop over all the Criterions
        for (Iterator it = crit.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String);
            Criteria.Criterion c = crit.getCriterion(key);
            List tableNames = c.getAllTables();

            // Loop over all Tables referenced in this criterion.
            for (Iterator it2 = tableNames.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
                String name = (String);
                String aliasName = crit.getTableForAlias(name);

                // If the tables have an alias, add an "<xxx> AS <yyy> statement"
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aliasName)) {
                    String newName = new StringBuffer(name.length() + aliasName.length() + 4).append(aliasName)
                            .append(" AS ").append(name).toString();
                    name = newName;

            if (tableCallback != null) {
                tableCallback.process(tables, key, crit);

        return tables;

     * Builds a Query clause for Updating and deleting
     * @param  crit  a <code>Criteria</code> value
     * @param  params  a <code>List</code> value
     * @param  qc  a <code>QueryCallback</code> value
     * @return  a <code>Query</code> value
     * @exception  TorqueException  if an error occurs
    public static Query buildQueryClause(final Criteria crit, final List params, final QueryCallback qc)
            throws TorqueException {
        Query query = new Query();

        final String dbName = crit.getDbName();
        final DB db = Torque.getDB(dbName);
        final DatabaseMap dbMap = Torque.getDatabaseMap(dbName);

        JoinBuilder.processJoins(db, dbMap, crit, query);
        processModifiers(crit, query);
        processSelectColumns(crit, query, dbName);
        processAsColumns(crit, query);
        processCriterions(db, dbMap, dbName, crit, query, params, qc);
        processGroupBy(crit, query);
        processHaving(crit, query);
        processOrderBy(db, dbMap, crit, query);
        processLimits(crit, query);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        return query;

     * adds the select columns from the criteria to the query
     * @param  criteria  the criteria from which the select columns are taken
     * @param  query  the query to which the select columns should be added
     * @throws  TorqueException  if the select columns can not be processed
    private static void processSelectColumns(final Criteria criteria, final Query query, final String dbName)
            throws TorqueException {
        UniqueList selectClause = query.getSelectClause();
        UniqueList select = criteria.getSelectColumns();

        for (int i = 0; i < select.size(); i++) {
            String identifier = (String) select.get(i);
            addTableToFromClause(getTableName(identifier, dbName), criteria, query);

     * adds the As-columns from the criteria to the query.
     * @param  criteria  the criteria from which the As-columns are taken
     * @param  query  the query to which the As-columns should be added
    private static void processAsColumns(final Criteria criteria, final Query query) {
        UniqueList querySelectClause = query.getSelectClause();
        Map criteriaAsColumns = criteria.getAsColumns();

        for (Iterator it = criteriaAsColumns.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
                    .add(new StringBuffer().append(entry.getValue()).append(SqlEnum.AS).append(key).toString());

     * adds the Modifiers from the criteria to the query
     * @param  criteria  the criteria from which the Modifiers are taken
     * @param  query  the query to which the Modifiers should be added
    private static void processModifiers(final Criteria criteria, final Query query) {
        UniqueList selectModifiers = query.getSelectModifiers();
        UniqueList modifiers = criteria.getSelectModifiers();
        for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.size(); i++) {

     * adds the Criterion-objects from the criteria to the query
     * @param  criteria  the criteria from which the Criterion-objects are taken
     * @param  query  the query to which the Criterion-objects should be added
     * @param  params  the parameters if a prepared statement should be built, or null if a normal statement should be built.
     * @throws  TorqueException  if the Criterion-objects can not be processed
    private static void processCriterions(final DB db, final DatabaseMap dbMap, final String dbName,
            final Criteria crit, final Query query, final List params, final QueryCallback qc)
            throws TorqueException {
        UniqueList whereClause = query.getWhereClause();

        for (Iterator it = crit.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String);
            Criteria.Criterion criterion = crit.getCriterion(key);
            Criteria.Criterion[] someCriteria = criterion.getAttachedCriterion();

            String table = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < someCriteria.length; i++) {
                String tableName = someCriteria[i].getTable();

                // add the table to the from clause, if it is not already
                // contained there
                // it is important that this piece of code is executed AFTER
                // the joins are processed
                addTableToFromClause(getFullTableName(tableName, dbName), crit, query);

                table = crit.getTableForAlias(tableName);
                if (table == null) {
                    table = tableName;

                boolean ignoreCase = ((crit.isIgnoreCase() || someCriteria[i].isIgnoreCase()) && (dbMap
                        .getTable(table).getColumn(someCriteria[i].getColumn()).getType() instanceof String));


            whereClause.add(qc.process(criterion, params));

     * adds the OrderBy-Columns from the criteria to the query
     * @param  criteria  the criteria from which the OrderBy-Columns are taken
     * @param  query  the query to which the OrderBy-Columns should be added
     * @throws  TorqueException  if the OrderBy-Columns can not be processed
    private static void processOrderBy(final DB db, final DatabaseMap dbMap, final Criteria crit, final Query query)
            throws TorqueException {
        UniqueList orderByClause = query.getOrderByClause();
        UniqueList selectClause = query.getSelectClause();

        UniqueList orderBy = crit.getOrderByColumns();

        if (orderBy != null && orderBy.size() > 0) {
            // Check for each String/Character column and apply
            // toUpperCase().
            for (int i = 0; i < orderBy.size(); i++) {
                String orderByColumn = (String) orderBy.get(i);

                String strippedColumnName = removeSQLFunction(orderByColumn);
                int dotPos = strippedColumnName.lastIndexOf('.');
                if (dotPos == -1) {
                    // We are not able to look up the table in the
                    // tableMap, as no table name is given. Simply add
                    // the orderBy and hope the user knows what he is
                    // doing.

                String tableName = strippedColumnName.substring(0, dotPos);
                String table = crit.getTableForAlias(tableName);
                if (table == null) {
                    table = tableName;

                // See if there's a space (between the column list and sort
                // order in ORDER BY table.column DESC).
                int spacePos = strippedColumnName.indexOf(' ');
                String columnName;
                if (spacePos == -1) {
                    columnName = strippedColumnName.substring(dotPos + 1);
                } else {
                    columnName = strippedColumnName.substring(dotPos + 1, spacePos);
                ColumnMap column = dbMap.getTable(table).getColumn(columnName);

                // only ignore case in order by for string columns
                // which do not have a function around them
                if (column.getType() instanceof String && orderByColumn.indexOf('(') == -1) {
                    // find space pos relative to orderByColumn
                    spacePos = orderByColumn.indexOf(' ');
                    if (spacePos == -1) {
                    } else {
                        orderByClause.add(db.ignoreCaseInOrderBy(orderByColumn.substring(0, spacePos))
                                + orderByColumn.substring(spacePos));
                    selectClause.add(db.ignoreCaseInOrderBy(tableName + '.' + columnName));
                } else {

     * adds the GroupBy-Columns from the criteria to the query
     * @param  criteria  the criteria from which the GroupBy-Columns are taken
     * @param  query  the query to which the GroupBy-Columns should be added
     * @throws  TorqueException  if the GroupBy-Columns can not be processed
    private static void processGroupBy(final Criteria crit, final Query query) throws TorqueException {
        UniqueList groupByClause = query.getGroupByClause();
        UniqueList groupBy = crit.getGroupByColumns();

        // need to allow for multiple group bys
        if (groupBy != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < groupBy.size(); i++) {
                String columnName = (String) groupBy.get(i);
                String column = (String) crit.getAsColumns().get(columnName);

                if (column == null) {
                    column = columnName;

                if (column.indexOf('.') != -1) {
                } else {
                    throwMalformedColumnNameException("group by", column);

     * adds the Having-Columns from the criteria to the query
     * @param  criteria  the criteria from which the Having-Columns are taken
     * @param  query  the query to which the Having-Columns should be added
     * @throws  TorqueException  if the Having-Columns can not be processed
    private static void processHaving(final Criteria crit, final Query query) throws TorqueException {
        Criteria.Criterion having = crit.getHaving();
        if (having != null) {
            // String groupByString = null;

     * adds a Limit clause to the query if supported by the database
     * @param  criteria  the criteria from which the Limit and Offset values are taken
     * @param  query  the query to which the Limit clause should be added
     * @throws  TorqueException  if the Database adapter cannot be obtained
    private static void processLimits(final Criteria crit, final Query query) throws TorqueException {
        int limit = crit.getLimit();
        int offset = crit.getOffset();

        if (offset > 0 || limit >= 0) {
            DB db = Torque.getDB(crit.getDbName());
            db.generateLimits(query, offset, limit);

     * Throws a TorqueException with the malformed column name error message. The error message looks like this:
     * <p><code>Malformed column name in Criteria [criteriaPhrase]: '[columnName]' is not of the form 'table.column'</code>
     * @param  criteriaPhrase  a String, one of "select", "join", or "order by"
     * @param  columnName  a String containing the offending column name
     * @throws  TorqueException  Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static void throwMalformedColumnNameException(final String criteriaPhrase, final String columnName)
            throws TorqueException {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().append("Malformed column name in Criteria ").append(criteriaPhrase)
                .append(": '").append(StringUtils.isEmpty(columnName) ? "<empty>" : columnName)
                .append("' is not of the form 'table.column'");

        throw new TorqueException(sb.toString());

     * Returns the tablename which can be added to a From Clause. This takes care of any aliases that might be defined. For example,
     * if an alias "a" for the table AUTHOR is defined in the Criteria criteria, getTableNameForFromClause("a", criteria) returns
     * "AUTHOR a".
     * @param  tableName  the name of a table or the alias for a table
     * @param  criteria  a criteria object to resolve a possible alias
     * @return  either the tablename itself if tableOrAliasName is not an alias, or a String of the form "tableName
     *          tableOrAliasName" if tableOrAliasName is an alias for a table name
    public static String getTableNameForFromClause(final String tableName, final Criteria criteria) {
        String shortTableName = getUnqualifiedTableName(tableName);

        // Most of the time, the alias would be for the short name...
        String aliasName = criteria.getTableForAlias(shortTableName);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aliasName)) {
            // But we should also check the FQN...
            aliasName = criteria.getTableForAlias(tableName);

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aliasName)) {
            // If the tables have an alias, add an "<xxx> <yyy> statement"
            // <xxx> AS <yyy> causes problems on oracle
            return new StringBuffer(tableName.length() + aliasName.length() + 1).append(aliasName).append(" ")

        return tableName;

     * Checks if the Tablename tableName is already contained in a from clause. If tableName and the tablenames in fromClause are
     * generated by getTablenameForFromClause(String, Criteria), (which they usually are), then different aliases for the same table
     * are treated as different tables: E.g. fromClauseContainsTableName(fromClause, "table_a a") returns false if fromClause
     * contains only another alias for table_a , e.g. "table_a aa" and the unaliased tablename "table_a". Special case: If tableName
     * is null, true is returned.
     * @param  fromClause  a list containing only elements of type. Query.FromElement
     * @param  tableName  the tablename to check
     * @return  if the Tablename tableName is already contained in a from clause. If tableName is null, true is returned.
    public static boolean fromClauseContainsTableName(final UniqueList fromClause, final String tableName) {
        if (tableName == null) {
            // usually this function is called to see if tableName should be
            // added to the fromClause. As null should not be added,
            // true is returned.
            return true;
        for (Iterator it = fromClause.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Query.FromElement fromElement = (Query.FromElement);
            if (tableName.equals(fromElement.getTableName())) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * adds a table to the from clause of a query, if it is not already contained there.
     * @param  tableOrAliasName  the name of a table or the alias for a table
     * @param  criteria  a criteria object to resolve a possible alias
     * @param  query  the query where the the tablename should be added to the from clause
     * @return  the table in the from clause which represents the supplied tableOrAliasName
    private static String addTableToFromClause(final String tableName, final Criteria criteria, Query query) {
        String tableNameForFromClause = getTableNameForFromClause(tableName, criteria);

        UniqueList queryFromClause = query.getFromClause();

        // it is important that this piece of code is executed AFTER
        // the joins are processed
        if (!fromClauseContainsTableName(queryFromClause, tableNameForFromClause)) {
            Query.FromElement fromElement = new Query.FromElement(tableNameForFromClause, null, null);
        return tableNameForFromClause;

    /** Inner Interface that defines the Callback method for the Table creation loop. */
    public interface TableCallback {
         * Callback Method for getTableSet()
         * @param  tables  The current table name
         * @param  key  The current criterion key.
         * @param  crit  The Criteria used in getTableSet()
        void process(Set tables, String key, Criteria crit);

    /** Inner Interface that defines the Callback method for the buildQuery Criterion evaluation */
    public interface QueryCallback {
         * The callback for building a query String
         * @param  criterion  The current criterion
         * @param  params  The parameter list passed to buildQueryString()
         * @return  WHERE SQL fragment for this criterion
        String process(Criterion criterion, List params);