Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2009 Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Informatics
 * Computer Science VI, University of Wuerzburg
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF
 * site:


import java.text.ChoiceFormat;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.AddDelta;
import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.ChangeDelta;
import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.Chunk;
import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.DeleteDelta;
import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.Diff;
import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.DifferentiationFailedException;
import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.Revision;
import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.RevisionVisitor;
import org.apache.commons.jrcs.diff.myers.MyersDiff;

import com.denkbares.utils.Pair;
import de.knowwe.core.kdom.RootType;
import de.knowwe.core.kdom.parsing.Section;
import de.knowwe.core.kdom.parsing.Sections;
import de.knowwe.core.kdom.rendering.RenderResult;
import de.knowwe.core.user.UserContext;
import de.knowwe.core.user.UserContextUtil;
import de.knowwe.diaflux.DiaFluxDiffDisplay;
import de.knowwe.diaflux.FlowchartUtils;
import de.knowwe.diaflux.LoadFlowchartAction;
import de.knowwe.diaflux.type.DiaFluxType;
import de.knowwe.diaflux.type.FlowchartType;
import de.knowwe.jspwiki.JSPWikiUserContext;

 * @author Reinhard Hatko
 * @created 26.10.2012
public class FlowchartDiffProvider implements DiffProvider {

    private static final String CSS_DIFF_ADDED = "<tr><td class=\"diffadd\">";
    private static final String CSS_DIFF_REMOVED = "<tr><td class=\"diffrem\">";
    private static final String CSS_DIFF_UNCHANGED = "<tr><td class=\"diff\">";
    private static final String CSS_DIFF_CLOSE = "</td></tr>" + Diff.NL;

    public String getProviderInfo() {
        return "FlowchartDiffProvider";

    public void initialize(WikiEngine engine, Properties properties)
            throws NoRequiredPropertyException, IOException {

     * Makes a diff using the BMSI utility package. We use our own diff printer,
     * which makes things easier.
     * @param ctx The WikiContext in which the diff should be made.
     * @param p1  The first string
     * @param p2  The second string.
     * @return Full HTML diff.
    public String makeDiffHtml(WikiContext ctx, String p1, String p2) {

        // first version is empty page. Diff is called when article is created
        if (p1.equals("") || !ctx.getJSP().equals("DiffContent.jsp")) {
            return "";
        UserContext user = new JSPWikiUserContext(ctx, UserContextUtil.getParameters(ctx.getHttpRequest()));
        StringBuffer buffy = new StringBuffer();

        List<Section<FlowchartType>> leftFlows = getFlowsFrom(p1);
        List<Section<FlowchartType>> rightFlows = getFlowsFrom(p2);

        Collection<Pair<Section<FlowchartType>, Section<FlowchartType>>> alignedFlows = alignFlows(leftFlows,

        // TODO instead of removing the flows and creating the textdiff over the
        // remainings at the end, the textdiff should be inserted at the right
        // positionss
        StringBuilder leftBob = new StringBuilder(p1);
        StringBuilder rightBob = new StringBuilder(p2);

        boolean insert = true;
        for (Pair<Section<FlowchartType>, Section<FlowchartType>> pair : alignedFlows) {
            Section<FlowchartType> left = pair.getA();
            Section<FlowchartType> right = pair.getB();

            if (left != null && right != null) {
                if (!compareFlows(left, right)) {
                    renderChangedFlow(user, pair, buffy, insert);
                    remove(left, leftBob);
                    remove(right, rightBob);

            } else if (left != null) {
                renderRemovedFlow(user, left, buffy, insert);
                remove(left, leftBob);
            } else {
                renderAddedFlow(user, right, buffy, insert);
                remove(right, rightBob);

            insert = false;


        try {
            createTextDiff(ctx, leftBob.toString(), rightBob.toString(), buffy);
        } catch (DifferentiationFailedException e) {
            buffy.append("Error in Diff:").append(e.getMessage());

        return buffy.toString();


     * removes the source of the flow from the article
    private void remove(Section<FlowchartType> flow, StringBuilder bob) {
        Section<DiaFluxType> diaFlux = Sections.ancestor(flow, DiaFluxType.class);
        int start = diaFlux.getOffsetInArticle();
        int end = start + diaFlux.getText().length();
        bob.replace(start, end, "");


     * @param user
     * @param buffy
     * @param insert
     * @created 26.10.2012
    private void renderAddedFlow(UserContext user, Section<FlowchartType> flow, StringBuffer buffy,
            boolean insert) {
        renderFlow(user, flow, buffy, insert, "flowAdded");

    private void renderRemovedFlow(UserContext user, Section<FlowchartType> flow, StringBuffer buffy,
            boolean insert) {
        renderFlow(user, flow, buffy, insert, "flowRemoved");

    private void renderFlow(UserContext user, Section<FlowchartType> flow, StringBuffer buffy, boolean insert,
            String cssClass) {
        String parentID = FlowchartUtils.getParentID(flow);
        buffy.append("<div class=\"").append(cssClass).append("\">");
        insertFlowRenderer(user, flow, buffy, insert, parentID);


    private void renderChangedFlow(UserContext user, Pair<Section<FlowchartType>, Section<FlowchartType>> pair,
            StringBuffer buffy, boolean insert) {
        String parentID = FlowchartUtils.getParentID(pair.getA());
        buffy.append("<div class=\"flowChanged\" id=\"diffParent").append(parentID).append("\">");
        insertFlowRenderer(user, pair.getA(), buffy, insert, parentID + "-LEFT");
        insertFlowRenderer(user, pair.getB(), buffy, false, parentID + "-RGHT");
        // TODO label
                "<span class=\"scrollSync\"><input type=\"checkbox\" checked=\"checked\">Synchronize scrolling</span>");

     * @created 25.10.2012
    public List<Section<FlowchartType>> getFlowsFrom(String articleSource) {
        Section<RootType> root = LoadFlowchartAction.sectionizeArticle(articleSource);
        List<Section<FlowchartType>> flows = Sections.successors(root, FlowchartType.class);
        return flows;

    private static Collection<Pair<Section<FlowchartType>, Section<FlowchartType>>> alignFlows(
            List<Section<FlowchartType>> leftFlows, List<Section<FlowchartType>> rightFlows) {
        List<Pair<Section<FlowchartType>, Section<FlowchartType>>> alignments = new LinkedList<>();

        for (Section<FlowchartType> leftFlow : leftFlows) {
            Section<FlowchartType> rightFlow = LoadFlowchartAction.findFlowInDifferentVersion(leftFlow, rightFlows);

            if (rightFlow != null) {
                alignments.add(new Pair<>(leftFlow, rightFlow));

            } else {
                alignments.add(new Pair<>(leftFlow, null));

        nextFlow: for (int i = 0, size = rightFlows.size(); i < size; i++) {
            Section<FlowchartType> rightFlow = rightFlows.get(i);

            Section<FlowchartType> leftFlow = LoadFlowchartAction.findFlowInDifferentVersion(rightFlow, leftFlows);

            // check if this flow was added (has no corresponding one in other
            // version)
            if (leftFlow == null) {
                // now find the correct position
                int index = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < alignments.size(); j++) {
                    Pair<Section<FlowchartType>, Section<FlowchartType>> pair = alignments.get(j);

                    if (pair.getB() != null)

                    if (index == i) {
                        alignments.add(index, new Pair<>(null, rightFlow));
                        continue nextFlow;

                // we reached the end of the alignments, so just add it
                alignments.add(new Pair<>(null, rightFlow));

            // other this flow must have been found before, so do nothing


        return alignments;

    private static boolean compareFlows(Section<FlowchartType> left, Section<FlowchartType> right) {
        return left.getText().equals(right.getText());

    public void insertFlowRenderer(UserContext user, Section<FlowchartType> flow, StringBuffer ret, boolean insert,
            String parentId) {
        RenderResult renderResult = new RenderResult(user);
                FlowchartUtils.createFlowchartRenderer(flow, user, parentId, DiaFluxDiffDisplay.SCOPE, insert));

    private String createTextDiff(WikiContext ctx, String p1, String p2, StringBuffer buffy)
            throws DifferentiationFailedException {
        String[] first = Diff.stringToArray(TextUtil.replaceEntities(p1));
        String[] second = Diff.stringToArray(TextUtil.replaceEntities(p2));
        Revision rev = Diff.diff(first, second, new MyersDiff());

        if (rev == null || rev.size() == 0) {
            // No difference

            return "";

        // first version is empty page. Diff is called when article is created
        if (p1.equals("")) {
            return "";

        // how big
        // it will
        // become...

        buffy.append("<table class=\"diff\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n");
        rev.accept(new RevisionPrint(ctx, buffy));

        return buffy.toString();

    private static final class RevisionPrint implements RevisionVisitor {

        private StringBuffer m_result = null;
        private final WikiContext m_context;
        private final ResourceBundle m_rb;

        private RevisionPrint(WikiContext ctx, StringBuffer sb) {
            m_result = sb;
            m_context = ctx;
            m_rb = Preferences.getBundle(ctx, InternationalizationManager.CORE_BUNDLE);

        public void visit(Revision rev) {
            // GNDN (Goes nowhere, does nothing)

        public void visit(AddDelta delta) {
            Chunk changed = delta.getRevised();
            print(changed, m_rb.getString("diff.traditional.added"));
            changed.toString(m_result, CSS_DIFF_ADDED, CSS_DIFF_CLOSE);

        public void visit(ChangeDelta delta) {
            Chunk changed = delta.getOriginal();
            print(changed, m_rb.getString("diff.traditional.changed"));
            changed.toString(m_result, CSS_DIFF_REMOVED, CSS_DIFF_CLOSE);
            delta.getRevised().toString(m_result, CSS_DIFF_ADDED, CSS_DIFF_CLOSE);

        public void visit(DeleteDelta delta) {
            Chunk changed = delta.getOriginal();
            print(changed, m_rb.getString("diff.traditional.removed"));
            changed.toString(m_result, CSS_DIFF_REMOVED, CSS_DIFF_CLOSE);

        private void print(Chunk changed, String type) {

            String[] choiceString = { m_rb.getString("diff.traditional.oneline"),
                    m_rb.getString("diff.traditional.lines") };
            double[] choiceLimits = { 1, 2 };

            MessageFormat fmt = new MessageFormat("");
            ChoiceFormat cfmt = new ChoiceFormat(choiceLimits, choiceString);
            Format[] formats = { NumberFormat.getInstance(), cfmt, NumberFormat.getInstance() };

            Object[] params = { changed.first() + 1, changed.size(), changed.size() };
