Source code

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 * Created Oct 25, 2015
 * Copyright 2015 CIRDLES.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
The formulas are based on Charles Karney's formulas for UTM conversion:
"Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers"
Charles F. F. Karney
SRI International, 201 Washington Rd, Princeton, NJ 08543-5300
Information that helped me understand the formulas:
"How to Use the Spreadsheet for Converting UTM to Latitude and Longitude (Or Vice Versa)" and
"Converting UTM to Latitude and Longitude (Or Vice Versa)"
Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
package org.cirdles.geoapp;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Asinh;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Atanh;

 * @author Elaina Cole
public class LatLongToUTM {

    private static final BigDecimal scaleFactor = new BigDecimal(0.9996);
    private static final BigDecimal falseEasting = new BigDecimal(500000);
    private static final BigDecimal southHemisphereSubtraction = new BigDecimal(10000000);
    private static final BigDecimal one = new BigDecimal(1);
    private static final int precision = 10;

    public static UTM convert(double latitude, double longitude, String datumName) {

        return convert(new BigDecimal(latitude), new BigDecimal(longitude), datumName);


    public static UTM convert(BigDecimal latitude, BigDecimal longitude, String datumName) {

        DatumEnum datumEnum = DatumEnum.valueOf(datumName);
        BigDecimal flattening3D = new BigDecimal(datumEnum.getFlattening3D());
        BigDecimal meridianRadius = new BigDecimal(datumEnum.getMeridianRadius());
        BigDecimal eccentricity = new BigDecimal(datumEnum.getEccentricity());

        BigDecimal latitudeRadians = latitude.abs().multiply(new BigDecimal(Math.PI)).divide(new BigDecimal(180.0),
                precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

        //System.out.println("Latitude Radians: " + latitudeRadians);

        int zoneNumber = calcZoneNumber(longitude);

        BigDecimal zoneCentralMeridian = calcZoneCentralMeridian(zoneNumber);

        BigDecimal changeInLongitudeDegree = (longitude.subtract(zoneCentralMeridian)).abs().setScale(precision,
        //System.out.println("Change in Long Degree: " + changeInLongitudeDegree);

        BigDecimal changeInLongitudeRadians = (changeInLongitudeDegree.multiply(new BigDecimal(Math.PI)))
                .divide(new BigDecimal(180), precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
        //System.out.println("Change In Longitude Radians: " + changeInLongitudeRadians);

        BigDecimal conformalLatitude = calcConformalLatitude(eccentricity, latitudeRadians).setScale(precision,
        //System.out.println("Conformal Latitude: " + conformalLatitude);

        BigDecimal tauPrime = (new BigDecimal(Math.tan(conformalLatitude.doubleValue()))).setScale(precision,
        //System.out.println("Tau Prime: " + tauPrime);

        BigDecimal xiPrimeNorth = calcXiPrimeNorth(changeInLongitudeRadians, tauPrime).setScale(precision,
        //System.out.println("xi Prime North: " + xiPrimeNorth);

        BigDecimal etaPrimeEast = calcEtaPrimeEast(changeInLongitudeRadians, tauPrime).setScale(precision,
        //System.out.println("Eta Prime East: " + etaPrimeEast);

        BigDecimal[] alphaSeries = { KrugerSeries.alpha1(flattening3D).setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP),
                KrugerSeries.alpha2(flattening3D.setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)),
                KrugerSeries.alpha3(flattening3D).setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP),
                KrugerSeries.alpha4(flattening3D).setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP),
                KrugerSeries.alpha5(flattening3D).setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP),
                KrugerSeries.alpha6(flattening3D).setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP),
                KrugerSeries.alpha7(flattening3D).setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) };

        BigDecimal xiNorth = calcXiNorth(xiPrimeNorth, etaPrimeEast, alphaSeries).setScale(precision,
        //System.out.println("xi North: " + xiNorth);

        BigDecimal etaEast = calcEtaEast(xiPrimeNorth, etaPrimeEast, alphaSeries).setScale(precision,
        //System.out.println("Eta East: " + etaEast);

        BigDecimal easting = calcEasting(meridianRadius, etaEast, longitude, zoneCentralMeridian)
                .setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
        BigDecimal northing = calcNorthing(meridianRadius, xiNorth, latitude).setScale(precision,

        char zoneLetter = calcZoneLetter(latitude);
        char hemisphere = calcHemisphere(latitude);

        return new UTM(easting, northing, hemisphere, zoneNumber, zoneLetter);


    private static int calcZoneNumber(BigDecimal longitude) {
        int zoneNumber;
        BigDecimal six = new BigDecimal(6);

        if (longitude.signum() < 0) {

            BigDecimal oneEighty = new BigDecimal(180);
            zoneNumber = ((oneEighty.add(longitude)).divide(six, precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)).intValue() + 1;

        else {

            BigDecimal thirtyOne = new BigDecimal(31);
            zoneNumber = ((longitude.divide(six, precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)).abs().add(thirtyOne)).intValue();

        return zoneNumber;


    private static BigDecimal calcZoneCentralMeridian(int zoneNumber) {

        BigDecimal zoneCentralMeridian = new BigDecimal(zoneNumber * 6 - 183);
        return zoneCentralMeridian;


    private static BigDecimal calcConformalLatitude(BigDecimal eccentricity, BigDecimal latitudeRadians) {

        BigDecimal conformalLatitude;

        double latRadDouble = latitudeRadians.doubleValue();
        double eccDouble = eccentricity.doubleValue();
        double confLatDouble;

        Atanh atanh = new Atanh();
        Asinh asinh = new Asinh();

        confLatDouble = Math.atan(Math.sinh(
                asinh.value(Math.tan(latRadDouble)) - eccDouble * atanh.value(eccDouble * Math.sin(latRadDouble))));

        conformalLatitude = new BigDecimal(confLatDouble);

        return conformalLatitude;


    //Need xi north and east to find easting and northing
    private static BigDecimal calcXiPrimeNorth(BigDecimal changeInLongitudeRadians, BigDecimal tauPrime) {

        double cosOfLatRad = Math.cos(changeInLongitudeRadians.doubleValue());

        BigDecimal xiPrime = new BigDecimal(Math.atan(tauPrime.doubleValue() / cosOfLatRad));

        return xiPrime;

    private static BigDecimal calcEtaPrimeEast(BigDecimal changeInLongitudeRadians, BigDecimal tauPrime) {

        BigDecimal etaPrime;

        double sinOfLatRad = Math.sin(changeInLongitudeRadians.doubleValue());
        double cosOfLatRad = Math.cos(changeInLongitudeRadians.doubleValue());
        double cosOfLatRadSquared = Math.pow(cosOfLatRad, 2);

        BigDecimal tauPrimeSquared = tauPrime.pow(2);

        double sqrt = Math.sqrt(tauPrimeSquared.doubleValue() + cosOfLatRadSquared);
        double sinOverSqrt = sinOfLatRad / sqrt;

        Asinh asinhOfSin = new Asinh();
        etaPrime = new BigDecimal(asinhOfSin.value(sinOverSqrt));

        return etaPrime;


    private static BigDecimal calcXiNorth(BigDecimal xiPrimeNorth, BigDecimal etaPrimeEast,
            BigDecimal[] alphaSeries) {

        double multiplicand = 2;
        double xiNorthDouble = xiPrimeNorth.doubleValue();
        double xiPrimeNortDouble = xiPrimeNorth.doubleValue();
        double etaPrimeEastDouble = etaPrimeEast.doubleValue();

        for (BigDecimal alpha : alphaSeries) {

            double sinOfXiPrimeNorth = Math.sin(xiPrimeNortDouble * multiplicand);

            double coshOfEtaPrimeEast = Math.cosh(etaPrimeEastDouble * multiplicand);

            double augend = (alpha.doubleValue() * sinOfXiPrimeNorth) * coshOfEtaPrimeEast;

            xiNorthDouble = xiNorthDouble + augend;

            multiplicand = multiplicand + 2;

        BigDecimal xiNorth = new BigDecimal(xiNorthDouble);

        return xiNorth;


    private static BigDecimal calcEtaEast(BigDecimal xiPrimeNorth, BigDecimal etaPrimeEast,
            BigDecimal[] alphaSeries) {

        double multiplicand = 2;
        double etaEastDouble = etaPrimeEast.doubleValue();
        double etaPrimeEastDouble = etaPrimeEast.doubleValue();
        double xiPrimeNorthDouble = xiPrimeNorth.doubleValue();

        for (int i = 0; i < alphaSeries.length - 2; i++) {

            double cosOfXiPrimeNorth = Math.cos(xiPrimeNorthDouble * multiplicand);

            double sinhOfEtaPrimeEast = Math.sinh(etaPrimeEastDouble * multiplicand);

            double augend = (alphaSeries[i].doubleValue() * cosOfXiPrimeNorth) * sinhOfEtaPrimeEast;

            etaEastDouble = etaEastDouble + augend;
            multiplicand = multiplicand + 2;


        double cosOfXiPrimeNorth = Math.cos(xiPrimeNorthDouble * multiplicand);

        double sinhOfEtaPrimeEast = Math.sinh(etaPrimeEastDouble * multiplicand);

        double augend = (alphaSeries[5].doubleValue() * cosOfXiPrimeNorth) * sinhOfEtaPrimeEast;

        etaEastDouble = etaEastDouble + augend;

        BigDecimal etaEast = new BigDecimal(etaEastDouble);

        return etaEast;


    private static char calcZoneLetter(BigDecimal latitude) {
        String letters = "CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXX";
        double lat = latitude.doubleValue();

        if (lat >= -80 && lat <= 84)
            return letters.charAt(new Double(Math.floor((lat + 80.0) / 8.0)).intValue());

            return 'Z';


    private static BigDecimal calcEasting(BigDecimal meridianRadius, BigDecimal etaEast, BigDecimal longitude,
            BigDecimal centralMeridian) {

        BigDecimal easting = (scaleFactor.multiply(meridianRadius)).multiply(etaEast);
        BigDecimal eastOfCM = one;

        if (longitude.compareTo(centralMeridian) < 0)
            eastOfCM = eastOfCM.multiply(new BigDecimal(-1));

        easting = falseEasting.add(eastOfCM.multiply(easting));

        return easting;

    private static BigDecimal calcNorthing(BigDecimal meridianRadius, BigDecimal xiNorth, BigDecimal latitude) {

        BigDecimal northing = (scaleFactor.multiply(meridianRadius)).multiply(xiNorth);

        if (latitude.signum() < 0)
            northing = southHemisphereSubtraction.subtract(northing);

        return northing;


    private static char calcHemisphere(BigDecimal latitude) {

        char hemisphere = 'N';

        if (latitude.signum() == -1)
            hemisphere = 'S';

        return hemisphere;
