Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *     Cloud Foundry
 *     Copyright (c) [2009-2014] Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *     This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
 *     You may not use this product except in compliance with the License.
 *     This product includes a number of subcomponents with
 *     separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these
 *     subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the
 *     subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file.
package org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.ldap;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.ldap.extension.ExtendedLdapUserImpl;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.DirContextAdapter;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.DirContextOperations;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.ldap.extension.SpringSecurityLdapTemplate.DN_KEY;

public class ExtendedLdapUserMapper extends LdapUserDetailsMapper {
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ExtendedLdapUserMapper.class);
    public static final String SUBSTITUTE_MAIL_ATTR_NAME = "substitute-mail-attribute";
    private String mailAttributeName = "mail";
    private String mailSubstitute = null;
    private boolean mailSubstituteOverrides = false;

    public UserDetails mapUserFromContext(DirContextOperations ctx, String username,
            Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities) {
        LdapUserDetails ldapUserDetails = (LdapUserDetails) super.mapUserFromContext(ctx, username, authorities);

        DirContextAdapter adapter = (DirContextAdapter) ctx;
        Map<String, String[]> record = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
        List<String> attributeNames = Collections.list(adapter.getAttributes().getIDs());
        for (String attributeName : attributeNames) {
            try {
                String[] values = adapter.getStringAttributes(attributeName);
                if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
                    logger.debug("No attribute value found for '" + attributeName + "'");
                } else {
                    record.put(attributeName, values);
            } catch (ArrayStoreException x) {
                logger.debug("Attribute value is not a string for '" + attributeName + "'");
        record.put(DN_KEY, new String[] { adapter.getDn().toString() });
        String mailAttr = configureMailAttribute(username, record);
        ExtendedLdapUserImpl result = new ExtendedLdapUserImpl(ldapUserDetails, record);
        return result;

    protected String configureMailAttribute(String username, Map<String, String[]> record) {
        //default behavior
        String result = getMailAttributeName();
        if (getMailSubstitute() != null) {
            String subemail = substituteMail(username);
            record.put(SUBSTITUTE_MAIL_ATTR_NAME, new String[] { subemail });
            if (isMailSubstituteOverridesLdap() || record.get(getMailAttributeName()) == null
                    || record.get(getMailAttributeName()).length == 0) {
                result = SUBSTITUTE_MAIL_ATTR_NAME;
        return result;

    protected String substituteMail(String username) {
        if (getMailSubstitute() == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return getMailSubstitute().replace("{0}", username);

    public String getMailAttributeName() {
        return mailAttributeName;

    public void setMailAttributeName(String mailAttributeName) {
        this.mailAttributeName = mailAttributeName;

    public String getMailSubstitute() {
        return mailSubstitute;

    public void setMailSubstitute(String mailSubstitute) {
        if ("null".equals(mailSubstitute) || "".equals(mailSubstitute)) {
            mailSubstitute = null;
        if (mailSubstitute != null && !mailSubstitute.contains("{0}")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mail substitute pattern, {0} is missing.");
        this.mailSubstitute = mailSubstitute;

    public boolean isMailSubstituteOverridesLdap() {
        return mailSubstituteOverrides;

    public void setMailSubstituteOverridesLdap(boolean mailSubstituteOverridesLdap) {
        this.mailSubstituteOverrides = mailSubstituteOverridesLdap;