Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2012 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletRequest;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletResponse;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.springframework.web.method.HandlerMethod;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerExecutionChain;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter;

 * This class tests different calls (get/post) to the attributes controller web
 * service, over REST. The new spring REST testing framework is being used.
 * @author noak
// Swap the default JUnit4 with the spring specific SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.
// This will allow spring to inject the application context
// Setup the configuration of the application context and the web mvc layer
@ContextConfiguration({ "classpath:META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml",
        "classpath:META-INF/spring/webmvc-config-test.xml" })
public class AttributesContollerTest {

    private static final ObjectMapper PROJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
    private static final String JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json;charset=UTF-8";
    private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "petclinic-simple";
    private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "tomcat";
    private static final String INSTANCE_ID = "1";
    private static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "myAttr";
    private static final String HTTP_GET = "GET";
    private static final String HTTP_POST = "POST";
    private static final String HTTP_DELETE = "DELETE";

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    private RequestMappingHandlerAdapter handlerAdapter;
    private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>> singleAttributeUrisMapping;
    private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>> multipleAttributesUrisMapping;

     * Initialize the basic objects that are used widely in the tests.
     * @throws NoSuchMethodException
     *             Indicates the defined {@link HandlerMethod} does not exist
    public void init() throws NoSuchMethodException {
        handlerAdapter = applicationContext.getBean(RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.class);
        AttributesController controller = applicationContext.getBean(AttributesController.class);

        // TODO: this is a temporary solution. need to get the methods list from
        // the handler mapping somehow.
        singleAttributeUrisMapping = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>>();
        multipleAttributesUrisMapping = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>>();

        // global scope, single attribute
        final String singleGlobalAttributeUri = "/attributes/globals/" + ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> singleGlobalAttributeHandlers = new HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>();
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "getGlobalAttribute", String.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "setGlobalAttribute", String.class, Object.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "deleteGlobalAttribute", String.class));

        // global scope, multiple attributes
        final String multipleGlobalAttributesUri = "/attributes/globals";
        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> multipleGlobalAttributesHandlers = new HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>();
        multipleGlobalAttributesHandlers.put(HTTP_GET, new HandlerMethod(controller, "getGlobalAttributes"));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "setGlobalAttributes", Map.class));
        multipleGlobalAttributesHandlers.put(HTTP_DELETE, new HandlerMethod(controller, "deleteGlobalAttributes"));

        // application scope, single attribute
        final String singleApplicationAttributeUri = "/attributes/applications/" + APPLICATION_NAME + "/"
                + ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> singleApplicationAttributeHandlers = new HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>();
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "getApplicationAttribute", String.class, String.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "setApplicationAttribute", String.class, String.class, Object.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "deleteApplicationAttribute", String.class, String.class));

        // application scope, multiple attributes
        final String multipleApplicationAttributesUri = "/attributes/applications/" + APPLICATION_NAME;
        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> multipleApplicationAttributesHandlers = new HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>();
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "getApplicationAttributes", String.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "setApplicationAttributes", String.class, Map.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "deleteApplicationAttributes", String.class));

        // service scope, single attribute
        final String singleServiceAttributeUri = "/attributes/services/" + APPLICATION_NAME + "/" + SERVICE_NAME
                + "/" + ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> singleServiceAttributeHandlers = new HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>();
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "getServiceAttribute", String.class, String.class, String.class));
        singleServiceAttributeHandlers.put(HTTP_POST, new HandlerMethod(controller, "setServiceAttribute",
                String.class, String.class, String.class, Object.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "deleteServiceAttribute", String.class, String.class, String.class));

        // service scope, multiple attributes
        final String multipleServiceAttributesUri = "/attributes/services/" + APPLICATION_NAME + "/" + SERVICE_NAME;
        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> multipleServiceAttributesHandlers = new HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>();
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "getServiceAttributes", String.class, String.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "setServiceAttributes", String.class, String.class, Map.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "deleteServiceAttributes", String.class, String.class));

        // instance scope, single attribute
        final String singleInstanceAttributeUri = "/attributes/instances/" + APPLICATION_NAME + "/" + SERVICE_NAME
                + "/" + INSTANCE_ID + "/" + ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> singleInstanceAttributeHandlers = new HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>();
        singleInstanceAttributeHandlers.put(HTTP_GET, new HandlerMethod(controller, "getInstanceAttribute",
                String.class, String.class, int.class, String.class));
        singleInstanceAttributeHandlers.put(HTTP_POST, new HandlerMethod(controller, "setInstanceAttribute",
                String.class, String.class, int.class, String.class, Object.class));
        singleInstanceAttributeHandlers.put(HTTP_DELETE, new HandlerMethod(controller, "deleteInstanceAttribute",
                String.class, String.class, int.class, String.class));

        // instance scope, multiple attributes
        final String multipleInstanceAttributesUri = "/attributes/instances/" + APPLICATION_NAME + "/"
                + SERVICE_NAME + "/" + INSTANCE_ID;
        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> multipleInstanceAttributesHandlers = new HashMap<String, HandlerMethod>();
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "getInstanceAttributes", String.class, String.class, int.class));
        multipleInstanceAttributesHandlers.put(HTTP_POST, new HandlerMethod(controller, "setInstanceAttributes",
                String.class, String.class, int.class, Map.class));
                new HandlerMethod(controller, "deleteInstanceAttributes", String.class, String.class, int.class));

        singleAttributeUrisMapping.put(singleGlobalAttributeUri, singleGlobalAttributeHandlers);
        singleAttributeUrisMapping.put(singleApplicationAttributeUri, singleApplicationAttributeHandlers);
        singleAttributeUrisMapping.put(singleServiceAttributeUri, singleServiceAttributeHandlers);
        singleAttributeUrisMapping.put(singleInstanceAttributeUri, singleInstanceAttributeHandlers);

        multipleAttributesUrisMapping.put(multipleGlobalAttributesUri, multipleGlobalAttributesHandlers);
        multipleAttributesUrisMapping.put(multipleApplicationAttributesUri, multipleApplicationAttributesHandlers);
        multipleAttributesUrisMapping.put(multipleServiceAttributesUri, multipleServiceAttributesHandlers);
        multipleAttributesUrisMapping.put(multipleInstanceAttributesUri, multipleInstanceAttributesHandlers);

        // TODO: fix license

     * Test GET & POST calls for getting or setting a single attribute, in all 4
     * scopes (global, application, service & instance).
     * @throws Exception
     *             Indicates the GET / POST call failed.

    public void testSingleAttribute() throws Exception {

        final Map<String, String> myInitialAttrMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        myInitialAttrMap.put("myInitialAttrMapKey", "myInitialAttrMapValue");

        final Map<String, String> myUpdatedAttrMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        myUpdatedAttrMap.put("myUpdatedAttrMapKey", "myUpdatedAttrMapValue");

        for (final String requestUri : singleAttributeUrisMapping.keySet()) {
            // test a string value
            testUriForSingleAttribute(requestUri, "myInitialAttrStringValue", "myUpdatedAttrStringValue");
            // test a map value
            testUriForSingleAttribute(requestUri, myInitialAttrMap, myUpdatedAttrMap);

     * Test GET & POST calls for getting or setting multiple attributes at once,
     * in all 4 scopes (global, application, service & instance).
     * @throws Exception
     *             Indicates the GET / POST call failed.
    public void testMultipleAttributes() throws Exception {

        final Map<String, String> myInitialAttrMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        myInitialAttrMap.put("attrMapKey1", "myInitialAttrMapValue1");
        myInitialAttrMap.put("attrMapKey2", "myInitialAttrMapValue2");
        myInitialAttrMap.put("attrMapKey3", "myInitialAttrMapValue3");

        final Map<String, String> myUpdatedAttrMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        myUpdatedAttrMap.put("attrMapKey1", "myUpdatedAttrMapValue1");
        myUpdatedAttrMap.put("attrMapKey2", "myUpdatedAttrMapValue2");
        myUpdatedAttrMap.put("attrMapKey3", "myUpdatedAttrMapValue3");

        for (final String requestUri : multipleAttributesUrisMapping.keySet()) {
            testUriForMultipleAttributes(requestUri, myInitialAttrMap, myUpdatedAttrMap);

    private void testUriForSingleAttribute(final String requestUri, final Object attrInitialValue,
            final Object attrUpdatedValue) throws Exception {

        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> uriHandlers = singleAttributeUrisMapping.get(requestUri);

        MockHttpServletRequest reqeust;
        final Map<String, Object> expectedMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        expectedMap.put(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, null);

        System.out.println("testing uri: " + requestUri);

        // Attempt to get the attribute before setting it.
        // Expecting null attribute value in return (the attribute does not
        // exists yet).
        reqeust = createMockGetRequest(requestUri);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_GET), convertToJson(expectedMap));

        // Set the attribute.
        // Expecting null attribute value in response content (post returns the
        // previous attribute value).
        reqeust = createMockPostRequest(requestUri, convertToJson(attrInitialValue));
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_POST), convertToJson(expectedMap));

        // Set the attribute again.
        // Expecting the @attributeValue parameter as the response attribute
        // value.
        reqeust = createMockPostRequest(requestUri, convertToJson(attrUpdatedValue));
        expectedMap.put(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, attrInitialValue);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_POST), convertToJson(expectedMap));

        // Get the attribute.
        // Expecting NEW_VALUE_PREFIX + @attributeValue as the response
        // attribute value.
        reqeust = createMockGetRequest(requestUri);
        expectedMap.put(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, attrUpdatedValue);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_GET), convertToJson(expectedMap));

        // delete, to leave a "clean" space
        reqeust = createMockDeleteRequest(requestUri);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_DELETE), convertToJson(expectedMap));

        // Attempt to get the attribute after deleting it.
        // Expecting null attribute value in return (the attribute does not
        // exists).
        reqeust = createMockGetRequest(requestUri);
        expectedMap.put(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, null);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_GET), convertToJson(expectedMap));

        System.out.println("finished test for uri: " + requestUri);

    private void testUriForMultipleAttributes(final String requestUri, final Map<String, String> attrInitialMap,
            final Map<String, String> attrUpdatedMap) throws Exception {

        final HashMap<String, HandlerMethod> uriHandlers = multipleAttributesUrisMapping.get(requestUri);
        MockHttpServletRequest reqeust;

        System.out.println("testing uri: " + requestUri);

        // Attempt to get the attribute before setting it.
        // Expecting null attribute value in return (the attribute does not
        // exists yet).
        reqeust = createMockGetRequest(requestUri);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_GET), "{}");

        // Set the attribute.
        // Expecting null attribute value in response content (post returns the
        // previous attribute value).
        reqeust = createMockPostRequest(requestUri, convertToJson(attrInitialMap));
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_POST), "{\"status\":\"success\"}");

        // Set the attribute again.
        // Expecting the @attributeValue parameter as the response attribute
        // value.
        reqeust = createMockPostRequest(requestUri, convertToJson(attrUpdatedMap));
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_POST), "{\"status\":\"success\"}");

         * Map<String, Object> merged = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         * merged.putAll(attrInitialMap); merged.putAll(attrUpdatedMap);

        // Get the attribute.
        // Expecting NEW_VALUE_PREFIX + @attributeValue as the response
        // attribute value.
        reqeust = createMockGetRequest(requestUri);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_GET), convertToJson(attrUpdatedMap));

        // delete, to leave a "clean" space
        reqeust = createMockDeleteRequest(requestUri);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_DELETE), convertToJson(attrUpdatedMap));

        // Attempt to get the attribute after deleting it.
        // Expecting null attribute value in return (the attribute does not
        // exists).
        reqeust = createMockGetRequest(requestUri);
        testRequest(reqeust, uriHandlers.get(HTTP_GET), convertToJson(new HashMap<String, Object>()));

        System.out.println("finished test for uri: " + requestUri);

    private void testRequest(final MockHttpServletRequest reqeust, final HandlerMethod expectedHandlerMethod,
            final String expectedResponseContent) throws Exception {

        final MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse();

        final Object handler = getHandlerToRequest(reqeust);
        Assert.assertEquals("Wrong handler selected for request uri: " + reqeust.getRequestURI(),
                expectedHandlerMethod.toString(), handler.toString());

        // handle the request
        handlerAdapter.handle(reqeust, response, handler);

        // validate the response
        Assert.assertTrue("Wrong response status: " + response.getStatus(),
                response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.OK.value());
        Assert.assertEquals("Wrong content type in response: " + response.getContentType(), JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
        Assert.assertEquals("Wrong response content: " + response.getContentAsString(), expectedResponseContent,

     * This method finds the handler for a given request URI. It will also
     * ensure that the URI Parameters i.e. /context/test/{name} are added to the
     * request
     * @param request
     *            The request object to be used
     * @return The correct handler for the request
     * @throws Exception
     *             Indicates a matching handler could not be found
    private Object getHandlerToRequest(final MockHttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
        HandlerExecutionChain chain = null;

        final Map<String, HandlerMapping> map = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(HandlerMapping.class);

        for (HandlerMapping mapping : map.values()) {
            chain = mapping.getHandler(request);

            if (chain != null) {

        if (chain == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterException(
                    "Unable to find handler for request URI: " + request.getRequestURI());

        return chain.getHandler();

    private MockHttpServletRequest createMockGetRequest(final String requestUri) {
        final MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest();

        return request;

    private MockHttpServletRequest createMockPostRequest(final String requestUri, final String contentAsJson) {
        final MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest();

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(contentAsJson)) {

        return request;

    private MockHttpServletRequest createMockDeleteRequest(final String requestUri) {
        final MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest();

        return request;

     * Converts a json String to a Map<String, Object>.
     * @param jsonStr
     *            a json-format String to convert to a map
     * @return a Map<String, Object> based on the given json-format String
     * @throws IOException
     *             Reporting failure to read or convert the json-format string
     *             to a map
    public static Map<String, Object> jsonToMap(final String jsonStr) throws IOException {
        return PROJECT_MAPPER.readValue(jsonStr, TypeFactory.type(Map.class));

     * Converts a Map<String, ?> to a json-format String.
     * @param map
     *            a map to convert to json-format String
     * @return a json-format String based on the given map
     * @throws IOException
     *             Reporting failure to read the map or convert it
    // private static String mapToJson(final Map<String, ?> map) throws
    // IOException {
    // return PROJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(map);
    // }

     * Converts a json-format String to standard java String.
     * @param strValue
     *            a string value to convert to json-format String
     * @return a json-format String based on the given value
     * @throws IOException
     *             Reporting failure to read the string value or convert it
    // private static String jsonToString(final String jsonStr) throws
    // IOException {
    // return PROJECT_MAPPER.readValue(jsonStr, TypeFactory.type(String.class));
    // }

     * Converts a String to a json-format String.
     * @param strValue
     *            a string value to convert to json-format String
     * @return a json-format String based on the given value
     * @throws IOException
     *             Reporting failure to read the string value or convert it
    // private static String stringToJson(final String strValue) throws
    // IOException {
    // return PROJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(strValue);
    // }

     * Converts an object to a json-format String.
     * @param value
     *            an object to convert to json-format String
     * @return a json-format String based on the given object
     * @throws IOException
     *             Reporting failure to convert the object
    private static String convertToJson(final Object value) throws IOException {
        return PROJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(value);