Source code

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 * Copyright 2006-2008 Web Cohesion
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.codehaus.enunciate.config;

import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
import org.apache.commons.digester.Rule;
import org.apache.commons.digester.RuleSet;
import org.apache.commons.digester.parser.GenericParser;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.config.war.CopyResources;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.config.war.IncludeExcludeLibs;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.config.war.WebAppConfig;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.config.war.WebAppResource;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.contract.validation.DefaultValidator;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.contract.validation.Validator;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.main.webapp.FilterComponent;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.modules.BasicAppModule;
import org.codehaus.enunciate.modules.DeploymentModule;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import java.util.*;

 * Base configuration object for enunciate.
 * @author Ryan Heaton
public class EnunciateConfiguration implements ErrorHandler {

    private String label = "enunciate";
    private String description = null;
    private String generatedCodeLicenseFile = null;
    private String deploymentProtocol = "http";
    private String deploymentHost = "localhost:8080";
    private String deploymentContext = null;
    private String defaultSoapSubcontext = "/soap";
    private String defaultRestSubcontext = "/rest";
    private boolean isDefaultRestSubcontextSet = false;
    private Validator validator = new DefaultValidator();
    private final SortedSet<DeploymentModule> modules;
    private final Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private final Map<String, String> contentTypes = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private final Map<String, String> soapServices2Paths = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private final List<APIImport> apiImports = new ArrayList<APIImport>();
    private final Set<String> disabledRules = new TreeSet<String>();
    private final Set<String> apiIncludePatterns = new TreeSet<String>();
    private final Set<String> apiExcludePatterns = new TreeSet<String>();
    private final Set<String> customResourceParameterAnnotations = new TreeSet<String>();
    private boolean forceJAXWSSpecCompliance = false;
    private boolean allowEmptyNamespace = true;
    private boolean includeReferencedClasses = true;
    private boolean excludeUnreferencedClasses = true;
    private boolean includeReferenceTrailInErrors = false;
    private WebAppConfig webAppConfig;
    private Set<String> facetIncludes = new TreeSet<String>();
    private Set<String> facetExcludes = new TreeSet<String>();

     * Create a new enunciate configuration.  The module list will be constructed
     * using Sun's discovery mechanism.
    public EnunciateConfiguration() {
        this((ClassLoader) null);

     * Create a new enunciate configuration.  The module list will be constructed
     * using Sun's discovery mechanism and the specified classloader.
     * @param loader the classloader to use.
    public EnunciateConfiguration(ClassLoader loader) {
        this.modules = new TreeSet<DeploymentModule>(new DeploymentModuleComparator());

        Iterator discoveredModules = discoverModules(loader);
        while (discoveredModules.hasNext()) {
            DeploymentModule discoveredModule = (DeploymentModule);
        this.modules.add(new BasicAppModule());

     * Discover the deployment modules.
     * @return An iterator over the deployment modules.
     * @param loader The classloader, or null if none.
    protected Iterator<DeploymentModule> discoverModules(ClassLoader loader) {
        return loader == null ? ServiceLoader.load(DeploymentModule.class).iterator()
                : ServiceLoader.load(DeploymentModule.class, loader).iterator();

     * Construct an enunciate configuration with the specified set of modules.
     * @param modules The modules.
    public EnunciateConfiguration(Collection<DeploymentModule> modules) {
        this.modules = new TreeSet<DeploymentModule>(new DeploymentModuleComparator());

     * The label for this enunciate project.
     * @return The label for this enunciate project.
    public String getLabel() {
        return label;

     * The label for this enunciate project.
     * @param label The label for this enunciate project.
    public void setLabel(String label) {
        this.label = label;

     * The description for this enunciated API.
     * @return The description for this enunciated API.
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

     * The description for this enunciated API.
     * @param description The description for this enunciated API.
    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

     * A file on the filesystem to be read as containing the text for the license governing any Enunciate-generated code.
     * @return A file on the filesystem to be read as containing the text for the license governing any Enunciate-generated code.
    public String getGeneratedCodeLicenseFile() {
        return generatedCodeLicenseFile;

     * A file on the filesystem to be read as containing the text for the license governing any Enunciate-generated code.
     * @param generatedCodeLicenseFile A file on the filesystem to be read as containing the text for the license governing any Enunciate-generated code.
    public void setGeneratedCodeLicenseFile(String generatedCodeLicenseFile) {
        this.generatedCodeLicenseFile = generatedCodeLicenseFile;

     * The configured validator, if any.
     * @return The configured validator, or null if none.
    public Validator getValidator() {
        return validator;

     * The validator to use.
     * @param validator The validator to use.
    public void setValidator(Validator validator) {
        this.validator = validator;

     * The disabled rules.
     * @return The disabled rules.
    public Set<String> getDisabledRules() {
        return disabledRules;

     * Add a disabled rule.
     * @param ruleId The id of the rule to disable.
    public void addDisabledRule(String ruleId) {
        if (ruleId != null) {

     * The set of facets to include.
     * @return The set of facets to include.
    public Set<String> getFacetIncludes() {
        return facetIncludes;

     * Add a facet include.
     * @param name The name.
    public void addFacetInclude(String name) {
        if (name != null) {

     * The set of facets to exclude.
     * @return The set of facets to exclude.
    public Set<String> getFacetExcludes() {
        return facetExcludes;

     * Add a facet exclude.
     * @param name The name.
    public void addFacetExclude(String name) {
        if (name != null) {

     * The patterns for API includes.
     * @return The patterns for API includes.
    public Set<String> getApiIncludePatterns() {
        return apiIncludePatterns;

     * The API include pattern.
     * @param pattern The API include pattern.
    public void addApiIncludePattern(String pattern) {
        if (pattern != null) {

     * The patterns for API excludes.
     * @return The patterns for API excludes.
    public Set<String> getApiExcludePatterns() {
        return apiExcludePatterns;

     * The API exclude pattern.
     * @param pattern The API exclude pattern.
    public void addApiExcludePattern(String pattern) {
        if (pattern != null) {

     * The protocol that will be used when the app is deployed.  Default: "http".
     * @return The protocol that will be used when the app is deployed.  Default: "http".
    public String getDeploymentProtocol() {
        return deploymentProtocol;

     * The protocol that will be used when the app is deployed.  Default: "http".
     * @param deploymentProtocol The protocol that will be used when the app is deployed.  Default: "http".
    public void setDeploymentProtocol(String deploymentProtocol) {
        this.deploymentProtocol = deploymentProtocol;

     * The hostname of the host that will host the deployed app.
     * @return The hostname of the host that will host the deployed app.
    public String getDeploymentHost() {
        return deploymentHost;

     * The hostname of the host that will host the deployed app.
     * @param deploymentHost The hostname of the host that will host the deployed app.
    public void setDeploymentHost(String deploymentHost) {
        this.deploymentHost = deploymentHost;

     * Whether to force parameter names to be JAX-WS compliant.
     * @return Whether to force parameter names to be JAX-WS compliant.
    public boolean isForceJAXWSSpecCompliance() {
        return forceJAXWSSpecCompliance;

     * Whether to force parameter names to be JAX-WS compliant.
     * @param forceJAXWSSpecCompliance Whether to force parameter names to be JAX-WS compliant.
    public void setForceJAXWSSpecCompliance(boolean forceJAXWSSpecCompliance) {
        this.forceJAXWSSpecCompliance = forceJAXWSSpecCompliance;

     * Whether to allow the empty namespace on type/element definitions.
     * @return Whether to allow the empty namespace on type/element definitions.
    public boolean isAllowEmptyNamespace() {
        return allowEmptyNamespace;

     * Whether to allow the empty namespace on type/element definitions.
     * @param allowEmptyNamespace Whether to allow the empty namespace on type/element definitions.
    public void setAllowEmptyNamespace(boolean allowEmptyNamespace) {
        this.allowEmptyNamespace = allowEmptyNamespace;

     * Whether to include referencing type information in error messages.
     * @return Whether to include referencing type information in error messages.
    public boolean isIncludeReferenceTrailInErrors() {
        return includeReferenceTrailInErrors;

     * Whether to include referencing type information in error messages.
     * @param includeReferenceTrailInErrors Whether to include referencing type information in error messages.
    public void setIncludeReferenceTrailInErrors(boolean includeReferenceTrailInErrors) {
        this.includeReferenceTrailInErrors = includeReferenceTrailInErrors;

     * Whether to include statically-referenced type definitions (default: true).
     * @return Whether to include statically-referenced type definitions.
    public boolean isIncludeReferencedClasses() {
        return includeReferencedClasses;

     * Whether to include statically-referenced type definitions (default: true).
     * @param includeReferencedClasses Whether to include statically-referenced type definitions.
    public void setIncludeReferencedClasses(boolean includeReferencedClasses) {
        this.includeReferencedClasses = includeReferencedClasses;

     * Whether to exclude classes that are not statically referenced (default: true).
     * @return Whether to exclude classes that are not statically referenced.
    public boolean isExcludeUnreferencedClasses() {
        return excludeUnreferencedClasses;

     * Whether to exclude classes that are not statically referenced.
     * @param excludeUnreferencedClasses Whether to exclude classes that are not statically referenced.
    public void setExcludeUnreferencedClasses(boolean excludeUnreferencedClasses) {
        this.excludeUnreferencedClasses = excludeUnreferencedClasses;

     * The configuration for the web app.
     * @return The configuration for web app.
    public WebAppConfig getWebAppConfig() {
        return webAppConfig;

     * The configuration for the web app.
     * @param webAppConfig The configuration for the web app.
    public void setWebAppConfig(WebAppConfig webAppConfig) {
        this.webAppConfig = webAppConfig;

     * The context at which the deployed app will be mounted.
     * @return The context at which the deployed app will be mounted.
    public String getDeploymentContext() {
        return deploymentContext;

     * The context at which the deployed app will be mounted.
     * @param deploymentContext The context at which the deployed app will be mounted.
    public void setDeploymentContext(String deploymentContext) {
        if (deploymentContext == null) {
            deploymentContext = "";

        if (!"".equals(deploymentContext)) {
            if (!deploymentContext.startsWith("/")) {
                deploymentContext = "/" + deploymentContext;

            while (deploymentContext.endsWith("/")) {
                deploymentContext = deploymentContext.substring(0, deploymentContext.length() - 1);

        this.deploymentContext = deploymentContext;

     * Configures a namespace for the specified prefix.
     * @param namespace The namespace.
     * @param prefix    The prefix.
    public void putNamespace(String namespace, String prefix) {
        this.namespaces.put(namespace, prefix);

     * Configures a content type.
     * @param type The value of the content type.
     * @param id The id of the content type.
    public void putContentType(String type, String id) {
        this.contentTypes.put(type, id);

     * The default soap context.
     * @return The default soap context.
    public String getDefaultSoapSubcontext() {
        return defaultSoapSubcontext;

     * The default soap context.
     * @param defaultSoapSubcontext The default soap context.
    public void setDefaultSoapSubcontext(String defaultSoapSubcontext) {
        if (defaultSoapSubcontext == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The default SOAP context must not be null.");

        if ("".equals(defaultSoapSubcontext)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The default SOAP context must not be the emtpy string.");

        if (!defaultSoapSubcontext.startsWith("/")) {
            defaultSoapSubcontext = "/" + defaultSoapSubcontext;

        while (defaultSoapSubcontext.endsWith("/")) {
            defaultSoapSubcontext = defaultSoapSubcontext.substring(0, defaultSoapSubcontext.length() - 1);

        this.defaultSoapSubcontext = defaultSoapSubcontext;

     * The default rest context.
     * @return The default rest context.
    public String getDefaultRestSubcontext() {
        return defaultRestSubcontext;

     * The default rest context.
     * @param defaultRestSubcontext The default rest context.
    public void setDefaultRestSubcontext(String defaultRestSubcontext) {
        if (defaultRestSubcontext == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The default REST context must not be null.");

        if ("".equals(defaultRestSubcontext)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The default REST context must not be the emtpy string.");

        if (!defaultRestSubcontext.startsWith("/")) {
            defaultRestSubcontext = "/" + defaultRestSubcontext;

        while (defaultRestSubcontext.endsWith("/")) {
            defaultRestSubcontext = defaultRestSubcontext.substring(0, defaultRestSubcontext.length() - 1);

        this.defaultRestSubcontext = defaultRestSubcontext;
        this.isDefaultRestSubcontextSet = true;

     * Set the default rest context iff it hasn't been set yet.
     * @param defaultRestSubcontext The default rest context.
    public void setDefaultRestSubcontextConditionally(String defaultRestSubcontext) {
        if (!this.isDefaultRestSubcontextSet) {

     * Adds a custom soap endpoint location for an SOAP service.
     * @param serviceName The service name.
     * @param relativePath The relative path to the service.
    public void addSoapEndpointLocation(String serviceName, String relativePath) {
        if (serviceName == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "A service name must be provided for a custom soap endpoint location.");

        if (relativePath != null) {
            if ("".equals(relativePath)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "A relative path for the custom soap location must be provided for the service name '"
                                + serviceName + "'.");

            if (!relativePath.startsWith("/")) {
                relativePath = "/" + relativePath;

            while (relativePath.endsWith("/")) {
                relativePath = relativePath.substring(0, relativePath.length() - 1);

            this.soapServices2Paths.put(serviceName, relativePath);

     * Add an API import to the configuration.
     * @param apiImport The API import to add to the configuration.
    public void addAPIImport(APIImport apiImport) {

     * Get the list of API imports for this configuration.
     * @return the list of API imports for this configuration.
    public List<APIImport> getAPIImports() {
        return apiImports;

     * The map of namespaces to prefixes.
     * @return The map of namespaces to prefixes.
    public Map<String, String> getNamespacesToPrefixes() {
        return this.namespaces;

     * The map of content types to ids.
     * @return The map of content types to ids.
    public Map<String, String> getContentTypesToIds() {
        return contentTypes;

     * Get the map of SOAP service names to custom paths.
     * @return The map of soap service names to custom paths.
    public Map<String, String> getSoapServices2Paths() {
        return soapServices2Paths;

     * The list of all deployment modules specified in the configuration.
     * @return The list of all deployment modules specified in the configuration.
    public SortedSet<DeploymentModule> getAllModules() {
        return modules;

     * Add a module to the list of modules.
     * @param module The module to add.
    public void addModule(DeploymentModule module) {

     * The set of custom annotations that can be applied to indicate a resource parameter.
     * @return The set of custom annotations that can be applied to indicate a resource parameter.
    public Set<String> getCustomResourceParameterAnnotations() {
        return customResourceParameterAnnotations;

     * Add a custom annotation that can be applied to indicate a resource parameter.
     * @param annotation The FQN of the annotation.
    public void addCustomResourceParameterAnnotation(String annotation) {

     * The list of enabled modules in the configuration.
     * @return The list of enabled modules in the configuration.
    public List<DeploymentModule> getEnabledModules() {
        ArrayList<DeploymentModule> enabledModules = new ArrayList<DeploymentModule>();

        for (DeploymentModule module : getAllModules()) {
            if (!module.isDisabled()) {

        return enabledModules;

     * Loads the configuration specified by the given config file.
     * @param file The file.
    public void load(File file) throws IOException, SAXException {
        load(new FileInputStream(file));

     * Loads the configuration specified by the given stream.
     * @param in The stream.
    public void load(InputStream in) throws IOException, SAXException {
        load(new InputStreamReader(in, "utf-8"));

     * Loads the configuration specified by the given stream.
     * @param in The stream.
    public void load(Reader in) throws IOException, SAXException {
        Digester digester = createDigester();

        //set any root-level attributes

        //allow a validator to be configured.
        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/validator", "class", DefaultValidator.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/validator", "setValidator");

        //set up the include/excludes
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/api-classes/include", "addApiIncludePattern", 1);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/api-classes/include", 0, "pattern");
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/api-classes/exclude", "addApiExcludePattern", 1);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/api-classes/exclude", 0, "pattern");

        //set up the ability to disable certain rules
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/disable-rule", "addDisabledRule", 1);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/disable-rule", 0, "id");

        //set up the ability to include/exclude facets
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/facets/include", "addFacetInclude", 1);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/facets/include", 0, "name");
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/facets/exclude", "addFacetExclude", 1);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/facets/exclude", 0, "name");

        //allow for classes and packages to be imported for JAXB.
        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/api-import", APIImport.class);
                new String[] { "classname", "class", "pattern", "seekSource" },
                new String[] { "pattern", "pattern", "pattern", "seekSource" });
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/api-import", "addAPIImport");

        //allow for the deployment configuration to be specified.
        digester.addSetProperties("enunciate/deployment", new String[] { "protocol", "host", "context" },
                new String[] { "deploymentProtocol", "deploymentHost", "deploymentContext" });

        //allow for namespace prefixes to be specified in the config file.
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/namespaces/namespace", "putNamespace", 2);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/namespaces/namespace", 0, "uri");
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/namespaces/namespace", 1, "id");

        //allow for the default soap subcontext to be set.

        //allow for namespace prefixes to be specified in the config file.
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/services/rest/content-types/content-type", "putContentType", 2);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/services/rest/content-types/content-type", 0, "type");
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/services/rest/content-types/content-type", 1, "id");

        //allow for custom resource parameter annotations.
                "addCustomResourceParameterAnnotation", 1);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/services/rest/custom-resource-parameter-annotation", 0, "qualifiedName");

        //allow for the default soap subcontext to be set.
        digester.addSetProperties("enunciate/services/soap", "defaultSubcontext", "defaultSoapSubcontext");

        //allow for custom location of soap endpoints
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/services/soap/service", "addSoapEndpointLocation", 2);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/services/soap/service", 0, "name");
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/services/soap/service", 1, "relativePath");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp", WebAppConfig.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp", "setWebAppConfig");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp/resource-env-ref", WebAppResource.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp/resource-env-ref", "addResourceEnvRef");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp/resource-ref", WebAppResource.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp/resource-ref", "addResourceRef");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp/env", WebAppResource.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp/env", "addEnvEntry");

        //allow jboss options to be added.
        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/webapp/attribute", "addWebXmlAttribute", 2);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/webapp/attribute", 0, "name");
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/webapp/attribute", 1, "value");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp/excludeJar", IncludeExcludeLibs.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp/excludeJar", "addExcludeLibs");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp/excludeLibs", IncludeExcludeLibs.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp/excludeLibs", "addExcludeLibs");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp/includeLibs", IncludeExcludeLibs.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp/includeLibs", "addIncludeLibs");

        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/webapp/manifest/attribute", "addManifestAttribute", 3);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/webapp/manifest/attribute", 0, "section");
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/webapp/manifest/attribute", 1, "name");
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/webapp/manifest/attribute", 2, "value");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp/resources", CopyResources.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp/resources", "addCopyResources");

        digester.addObjectCreate("enunciate/webapp/globalServletFilter", FilterComponent.class);
        digester.addSetNext("enunciate/webapp/globalServletFilter", "addGlobalServletFilter");

        digester.addCallMethod("enunciate/webapp/globalServletFilter/init-param", "addInitParam", 2);
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/webapp/globalServletFilter/init-param", 0, "name");
        digester.addCallParam("enunciate/webapp/globalServletFilter/init-param", 1, "value");

        //set up the module configuration.
        for (DeploymentModule module : getAllModules()) {
            String pattern = String.format("enunciate/modules/%s", module.getName());
            digester.addRule(pattern, new PushModuleRule(module));
            if (module.getAliases() != null) {
                for (String alias : module.getAliases()) {
                    pattern = String.format("enunciate/modules/%s", alias);
                    digester.addRule(pattern, new PushModuleRule(module));
            RuleSet configRules = module.getConfigurationRules();
            if (configRules != null) {


     * Create the digester.
     * @return The digester that was created.
    protected Digester createDigester() throws SAXException {
        try {
            SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

            Properties properties = new Properties();
            properties.put("SAXParserFactory", factory);
            //      properties.put("schemaLocation", EnunciateConfiguration.class.getResource("enunciate.xsd").toString());
            //      properties.put("schemaLanguage", "");

            SAXParser parser = GenericParser.newSAXParser(properties);
            return new Digester(parser);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            throw new SAXException(e);

     * Handle a warning.
     * @param warning The warning.
    public void warning(SAXParseException warning) throws SAXException {

     * Handle an error.
     * @param error The error.
    public void error(SAXParseException error) throws SAXException {
        throw error;

     * Handle a fatal.
     * @param fatal The fatal.
    public void fatalError(SAXParseException fatal) throws SAXException {
        throw fatal;

     * Rule to push a specific deployment module onto the digester stack.
    private static class PushModuleRule extends Rule {

        private final DeploymentModule module;

        public PushModuleRule(DeploymentModule module) {
            this.module = module;

        public void begin(String namespace, String name, Attributes attributes) throws Exception {

        public void end(String namespace, String name) throws Exception {

