Source code

Java tutorial


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 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional 
 * information regarding copyright ownership. ComicGenie licenses this 
 * file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.comicwiki.gcd;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;


import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.BailErrorStrategy;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeWalker;
import org.comicwiki.IRICache;
import org.comicwiki.Repositories;
import org.comicwiki.ResourceIDCache;
import org.comicwiki.ThingCache;
import org.comicwiki.ThingFactory;
import org.comicwiki.gcd.parser.CharacterFieldLexer;
import org.comicwiki.gcd.parser.CharacterFieldParser;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

public class CharacterFieldWalkerTest extends BaseTest {

    private File resourceDir = new File("./src/main/resources/comics");

    private CharacterFieldParser createParser(String text) {
        text = CharacterFieldCleaner.cleanSemicolonInParanthesis(text);
        text = CharacterFieldCleaner.cleanCommaInBrackets(text);
        CharacterFieldLexer lexer = new CharacterFieldLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(text));
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        CharacterFieldParser parser = new CharacterFieldParser(tokens);
        parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());
        return parser;

    private CharacterFieldWalker walk(CharacterFieldParser parser) {
        ThingCache thingCache = new ThingCache(new Repositories(), new IRICache(), new ResourceIDCache());
        ThingFactory thingFactory = new ThingFactory(thingCache);
        CharacterCreator characterCreator = new CharacterCreator(thingFactory);

        ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
        CharacterFieldWalker cWalker = new CharacterFieldWalker(thingFactory, characterCreator,
                new ComicOrganizationsLookupService());
        walker.walk(cWalker, parser.characters());
        return cWalker;

     * This is not according to spec. Only Parenthesis
     * @Test public void testOnlyParenthesis() throws IOException { String text
     * = "(woman on ice skates)"; CharacterFieldParser parser = createParser(text);
     * walk(parser); }
    public void testMismatch() throws IOException {
        String text = "Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Robin [Dick Grayson]; John Barham (mention only;death); James Barham (millionaire;death); Adam Barham (Jame's cousin); John Gorley; Sheriff Martin; Robert Cray (villain;introduction); Vance Sonderson [as Jay Sonderson] (villain,gun smuggler,introduction)";
        CharacterFieldParser parser = createParser(text);
        CharacterFieldWalker cw = walk(parser);
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        mapper.writeValue(System.out, cw.characters);
        mapper.writeValue(System.out, cw.organizations);


     * This is not according to spec. Semicolon instead of comma
    public void testSemicolonInParenthesis() throws IOException {
        String text = "Wilfred of Ivanhoe (introduction; not named,referred to as \"a stranger\")";
        CharacterFieldParser parser = createParser(text);

    public void testB() throws IOException {
        String text = "Batman; Robin; The Thing";
        CharacterFieldLexer lexer = new CharacterFieldLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(text));
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        CharacterFieldParser parser = new CharacterFieldParser(tokens);
        parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());

        ThingCache thingCache = new ThingCache(new Repositories(), new IRICache(), new ResourceIDCache());
        ThingFactory thingFactory = new ThingFactory(thingCache);
        CharacterCreator characterCreator = new CharacterCreator(thingFactory);

        ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
        walker.walk(new CharacterFieldWalker(thingFactory, characterCreator, new ComicOrganizationsLookupService()),

    public void testC() throws IOException {
        String fields = "Batman; Robin*(batman's sidekick); The Thing [Ben; MyThing](a member of F4, badass)";
        //String input ="Fantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic(sample,sample2); Invisible Girl; Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; The Thing]";
        String input = "X-Men<EM_DASH>Wolverine; FEATURE: Fantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic; Invisible Girl; Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; The Thing]; GUESTS: Crystal; Lockjaw; VILLAIN: Diablo (a,b)X-Men2<EM_DASH>Wolverine2; ";
        //   String fields = "ABC (,hello world, hello universe)";
        //   ComicOrganizationsLookupService service = ComicOrganizationsLookupService(;

        CharacterFieldLexer lexer = new CharacterFieldLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(input));
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        CharacterFieldParser parser = new CharacterFieldParser(tokens);
        parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());

        ThingCache thingCache = new ThingCache(new Repositories(), new IRICache(), new ResourceIDCache());
        ThingFactory thingFactory = new ThingFactory(thingCache);
        CharacterCreator characterCreator = new CharacterCreator(thingFactory);

        ParseTree tree = parser.root();
        ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
        walker.walk(new CharacterFieldWalker(thingFactory, characterCreator, new ComicOrganizationsLookupService()),

    public void testE() throws IOException {
        String text = "Agent Daisy Caruthers [Dugan];VILLAIN: Sentinels; Zigfried Trask;CAMEOS: The Consortium";
        String text2 = "CAMEO FLASHBACKS: Dietrich Trask; Wolverine; Cyclops; Iceman; Angel; Storm; Gambit";

        CharacterFieldLexer lexer = new CharacterFieldLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(text2));
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        CharacterFieldParser parser = new CharacterFieldParser(tokens);
        parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());

        ThingCache thingCache = new ThingCache(new Repositories(), new IRICache(), new ResourceIDCache());
        ThingFactory thingFactory = new ThingFactory(thingCache);
        CharacterCreator characterCreator = new CharacterCreator(thingFactory);

        ParseTree tree = parser.characters();
        ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
        walker.walk(new CharacterFieldWalker(thingFactory, characterCreator, new ComicOrganizationsLookupService()),

    public void testF() throws IOException {
        String text = "Agent Daisy Caruthers [Dugan];VILLAIN: Sentinels; Zigfried Trask;CAMEOS: The Consortium";
        String text2 = "CAMEO FLASHBACKS: Dietrich Trask; Wolverine; Cyclops; Iceman; Angel; Storm; Gambit";
        String text3 = "X-Men<DOUBLE_HYPHEN>Jean Grey; Rogue";

        CharacterFieldLexer lexer = new CharacterFieldLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(text3));
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        CharacterFieldParser parser = new CharacterFieldParser(tokens);
        parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());

        ThingCache thingCache = new ThingCache(new Repositories(), new IRICache(), new ResourceIDCache());
        ThingFactory thingFactory = new ThingFactory(thingCache);
        CharacterCreator characterCreator = new CharacterCreator(thingFactory);

        ParseTree tree = parser.characters();
        ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
        walker.walk(new CharacterFieldWalker(thingFactory, characterCreator, new ComicOrganizationsLookupService()),

    public void testTeam() throws IOException {
        String text = "Justice League of America [Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] (origin); Superman [Clark Kent] (Earth-1)]";
        CharacterFieldParser parser = createParser(text);
        CharacterFieldWalker cw = walk(parser);
        assertEquals(4, cw.characters.size());
