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 * Copyright 2009 Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, INRIA.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.corpus_tools.salt.util.internal.persistence;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.SaltFactory;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDocumentGraph;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SaltProject;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SLayer;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SNode;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SRelation;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.exceptions.SaltInsertionException;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.exceptions.SaltResourceException;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.IdentifiableElement;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.Label;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.LabelableElement;
import org.corpus_tools.salt.util.SaltUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * This class reads the XMI structure of SaltXML and creates the corresponding
 * Salt object.
 * @author florian
public class SaltXML10Handler extends DefaultHandler2 implements SaltXML10Dictionary {
    // private static final Logger logger =
    // LoggerFactory.getLogger(SaltXMLHandler.class);

    public SaltXML10Handler() {
        nodes = new ArrayList<SNode>();
        relations = new ArrayList<>();
        layers = new HashMap<String, SLayer>();
        currentContainer = new Stack<Object>();

    private final List<Object> rootObjects = new LinkedList<>();

     * Pattern that matches the reference attributes of XMI for edges. 
     * The named matchgroup "nr" contains the index of the object which is references.
    private static final Pattern RELATION_REF = Pattern

     * Patter that matches a layer reference.
    private static final Pattern LAYER_REF = Pattern.compile("/[0-9]*/@layers\\.");

     * Adds an object. Also adds it to the list of root objects if the current container stack is empty.
    private void addObject(Object object) {

        // Only add the object if the current container stack is empty, thus this
        // object is a root.
        if (currentContainer.isEmpty()) {

            // if there is a new root object all the indexes must be reset
            layerIdx = 0;
            saltProject = null;

     * Returns the object, which has been loaded.
     * If there are multiple root objects the first one is returned.
     * @return
    public Object getSaltObject() {
        if (rootObjects.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return rootObjects.get(0);

     * Get an unmodifiable list of all root objects.
     * @return 
    public List<Object> getRootObjects() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(rootObjects);

    /** This is a container object mostly used for labels. **/
    private Stack<Object> currentContainer = null;
    /** current salt project if file is a corpus structure **/
    private SaltProject saltProject = null;

    /** a list of all read nodes **/
    private List<SNode> nodes = null;
    /** a list of all read edges **/
    private List<SRelation<SNode, SNode>> relations = null;
    /** a list of all read layers **/
    private Map<String, SLayer> layers = null;
    /** stores the position of the current read layer **/
    private Integer layerIdx = 0;

    public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
            throws SAXException {
        if (TAG_SALT_PROJECT_FULL.equals(qName)) {
            SaltProject project = SaltFactory.createSaltProject();
            String sName = attributes.getValue(ATT_SNAME);
            if (sName != null) {
            saltProject = project;
        } else if (TAG_SCORPUS_GRAPH.equals(qName)) {
            SCorpusGraph graph = SaltFactory.createSCorpusGraph();
            if (saltProject != null) {
        } else if (TAG_SDOCUMENT_GRAPH.equals(qName)) {
            SDocumentGraph graph = SaltFactory.createSDocumentGraph();
        } else if (TAG_NODES.equals(qName)) {
            SNode sNode = null;
            String type = attributes.getValue(ATT_TYPE);
            if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_SAUDIODS.equals(type)) {
                sNode = SaltFactory.createSMedialDS();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_STEXTUALDS.equals(type)) {
                sNode = SaltFactory.createSTextualDS();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_STIMELINE.equals(type)) {
                sNode = SaltFactory.createSTimeline();
            } else if (TYPE_STOKEN.equals(type)) {
                sNode = SaltFactory.createSToken();
            } else if (TYPE_SSPAN.equals(type)) {
                sNode = SaltFactory.createSSpan();
            } else if (TYPE_SSTRUCTURE.equals(type)) {
                sNode = SaltFactory.createSStructure();
            } else if (TYPE_SCORPUS.equals(type)) {
                sNode = SaltFactory.createSCorpus();
            } else if (TYPE_SDOCUMENT.equals(type)) {
                sNode = SaltFactory.createSDocument();
            if (sNode != null) {
            String layersStr = attributes.getValue(ATT_LAYERS);
            if (layersStr != null) {
                layersStr = LAYER_REF.matcher(layersStr).replaceAll("");
                String[] layerNums = layersStr.split(" ");
                if (layerNums.length > 0) {
                    for (String layerNum : layerNums) {
                        SLayer layer = layers.get(layerNum);
                        if (layer == null) {
                            layer = SaltFactory.createSLayer();
                            layers.put(layerNum, layer);
        } else if (TAG_EDGES.equals(qName)) {
            SRelation sRel = null;
            String type = attributes.getValue(ATT_TYPE);
            String source = attributes.getValue(ATT_SOURCE);
            String target = attributes.getValue(ATT_TARGET);
            if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_STEXTUAL_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSTextualRelation();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_SAUDIO_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSMedialRelation();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_STIMELINE_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSTimelineRelation();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_SSPANNING_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSSpanningRelation();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_SORDER_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSOrderRelation();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_SDOMINANCE_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSDominanceRelation();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_SPOINTING_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSPointingRelation();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_SCORPUS_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSCorpusRelation();
            } else if (SaltXML10Handler.TYPE_SCORPUS_DOCUMENT_RELATION.equals(type)) {
                sRel = SaltFactory.createSCorpusDocumentRelation();
            if ((sRel != null) && (target != null) && (source != null)) {

                // match both the source an target string if they are valid structured references
                Matcher matcherSource = RELATION_REF.matcher(source);
                if (!matcherSource.matches()) {
                    throw new SaltResourceException("Invalid source reference \"" + source + "\" for relation");
                Matcher matcherTarget = RELATION_REF.matcher(target);
                if (!matcherTarget.matches()) {
                    throw new SaltResourceException("Invalid target reference \"" + target + "\" for relation");

                // get the match group containing the actual index number
                Integer sourceIdx = Integer.parseInt("nr"));
                Integer targetIdx = Integer.parseInt("nr"));

                // check if the indexes are known
                if (sourceIdx >= nodes.size()) {
                    throw new SaltResourceException("Cannot find a source node '" + source + "' for relation. ");
                if (targetIdx >= nodes.size()) {
                    throw new SaltResourceException("Cannot find a target node '" + target + "' for relation. ");

                // get the actual objects for the index
                SNode sourceNode = nodes.get(sourceIdx);
                SNode targetNode = nodes.get(targetIdx);
                if (sourceNode == null) {
                    throw new SaltResourceException("Cannot find a source node '" + source + "' for relation. ");
                } else if (targetNode == null) {
                    throw new SaltResourceException("Cannot find a target node '" + target + "' for relation. ");
                } else {
            String layersStr = attributes.getValue(ATT_LAYERS);
            if (layersStr != null) {
                layersStr = LAYER_REF.matcher(layersStr).replaceAll("");
                String[] layerNums = layersStr.split(" ");
                if (layerNums.length > 0) {
                    for (String layerNum : layerNums) {
                        SLayer layer = layers.get(layerNum);
                        if (layer == null) {
                            layer = SaltFactory.createSLayer();
                            layers.put(layerNum, layer);
        } else if (TAG_LABELS.equals(qName)) {
            Label label = null;
            String type = attributes.getValue(ATT_TYPE);
            String ns = attributes.getValue(ATT_NAMESPACE);
            // replaces namespace, since saltCommon is no accurate namespace for
            // salt 3.0 any more
            if ("saltCommon".equals(ns)) {
                ns = SaltUtil.SALT_NAMESPACE;
            String name = attributes.getValue(ATT_NAME);
            String value = attributes.getValue(ATT_VALUE_STRING);
            if (value == null) {
                value = attributes.getValue(ATT_VALUE);
            if (TYPE_SELEMENTID.equals(type)) {
                if ((!currentContainer.isEmpty()) && (currentContainer.peek() instanceof IdentifiableElement)) {
                    ((IdentifiableElement) currentContainer.peek()).setId((String) createObjectFromString(value));
            } else if (TYPE_SFEATURE.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSFeature();
            } else if (TYPE_SANNOTATION.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSAnnotation();
            } else if (TYPE_SMETAANNOTATION.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSMetaAnnotation();
            } else if (TYPE_SPROCESSINGANNOTATION.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSProcessingAnnotation();
            } else if (TYPE_SPOS.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSPOSAnnotation();
            } else if (TYPE_SLEMMA.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSLemmaAnnotation();
            } else if (TYPE_SCAT.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSCatAnnotation();
            } else if (TYPE_SSENTENCE.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSSentenceAnnotation();
            } else if (TYPE_SWORD.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSWordAnnotation();
            } else if (TYPE_STYPE.equals(type)) {
                label = SaltFactory.createSTypeAnnotation();
            } else {
                label = SaltFactory.createSAnnotation();
            if (label != null) {
                if ((!currentContainer.isEmpty()) && (currentContainer.peek() != null)) {
                    try {
                        Object container = currentContainer.peek();
                        if (container instanceof LabelableElement) {
                            ((LabelableElement) container).addLabel(label);
                    } catch (SaltInsertionException e) {
                        // logger.warn("A label having the name '" +
                        // label.getNamespace() + ":" + label.getName() +
                        // "' already exists for container '" +
                        // currentContainer.peek() +
                        // "' and could not be added twice.");
        } else if (TAG_LAYERS.equals(qName)) {
            SLayer layer = layers.get(layerIdx.toString());
            if (layer == null) {
                layer = SaltFactory.createSLayer();
            if (currentContainer.peek() instanceof SDocumentGraph) {
                ((SDocumentGraph) currentContainer.peek()).addLayer(layer);

    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
        if (!currentContainer.isEmpty()) {
            Object obj = currentContainer.pop();
            Object parent = null;
            if (!currentContainer.isEmpty()) {
                parent = currentContainer.peek();
            if (TAG_NODES.equals(qName)) {
                if (parent != null) {
                    if (parent instanceof SDocumentGraph) {
                        ((SDocumentGraph) currentContainer.peek()).addNode((SNode) obj);
                    } else if (parent instanceof SCorpusGraph) {
                        ((SCorpusGraph) currentContainer.peek()).addNode((SNode) obj);
            } else if (TAG_EDGES.equals(qName)) {
                if (parent != null) {
                    if (parent instanceof SDocumentGraph) {
                        ((SDocumentGraph) currentContainer.peek()).addRelation((SRelation) obj);
                    } else if (parent instanceof SCorpusGraph) {
                        ((SCorpusGraph) currentContainer.peek()).addRelation((SRelation) obj);

    public Object createObjectFromString(String value) {
        Object retVal = null;
        if ((value == null) || (value.length() < 3)) {
        } else if (value.startsWith("T")) {
            retVal = value.substring(3);
        } else if (value.startsWith("B")) {
            retVal = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.substring(3));
        } else if (value.startsWith("N")) {
            try {
                retVal = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(3));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                retVal = Long.parseLong(value.substring(3));
        } else if (value.startsWith("F")) {
            retVal = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(3));
        } else if (value.startsWith("U")) {
            retVal = URI.createURI(value.substring(3));
        } else if (value.startsWith("O")) {
            byte[] rawBytes = BaseEncoding.base64().decode(value.substring(3));
            retVal = SerializationUtils.deserialize(rawBytes);
        return (retVal);