Source code

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* Copyright 2013 CryptorChat
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.cryptorchat.json;

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.json.JsonArray;
import javax.json.JsonNumber;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import javax.json.JsonString;
import javax.json.JsonValue;

import org.bson.BSONObject;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.cryptorchat.json.helper.JsonStringImpl;
import org.cryptorchat.json.helper.ParserHelper;

import com.mongodb.DBObject;

 * AbstractHybridJsonDBObject
 * Hybrid abstract class to use the benefits of these interfaces: DBObject, JsonObject.
abstract public class AbstractHybridJsonDBObject extends LinkedHashMap<String, JsonValue>
        implements DBObject, JsonObject {

     * serialVersionUID
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8995538847385902573L;

     * _isPartialObject
    private transient boolean partialObject;

    protected transient ObjectId objectId;

     * Constructor without argument.
    public AbstractHybridJsonDBObject() {

     * This constructor initialize the object from a map.
     * @param map map to convert
    public AbstractHybridJsonDBObject(final Map<String, JsonValue> map) {

     * Checks if this object contains a field with the given name.
     * @param field Field name for which to check
     * @return True if the field is present
    public boolean containsField(final String field) {
        return super.containsKey(field);

     * Deprecated
     * @param key
     * @return True if the key is present
     * @deprecated
    public boolean containsKey(final String key) {
        return containsField(key);

     * Copy all fields from the map into the instance.
     * @param map input map
    public abstract <K, V> void copy(final Map<K, V> map);

     * Gets a field from this object by a given name.
     * @param key The name of the field fetch
     * @return The field, if found
    public JsonValue get(final String key) {
        return super.get(key);

     * Returns the value of a field as a boolean.
     * @param key the field to look up
     * @return the value of the field, or false if field does not exist
    public boolean getBoolean(final String key) {
        return getBoolean(key, false);

     * Returns the value of a field as a boolean
     * @param key the field to look up
     * @param defaultValue the default value in case the field is not found
     * @return the value of the field, converted to a string
    public boolean getBoolean(final String key, final boolean defaultValue) {
        final Object foo = get(key);
        if (foo == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        if (foo instanceof JsonValue) {
            final JsonValue value = (JsonValue) foo;
            if (value.getValueType() == ValueType.TRUE) {
                return true;
            if (value.getValueType() == ValueType.FALSE) {
                return false;
        if (foo instanceof Number) {
            return ((Number) foo).intValue() > 0;
        if (foo instanceof Boolean) {
            return ((Boolean) foo).booleanValue();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't coerce to bool:" + foo.getClass());

     * Returns the value of a field as an <code>int</code>.
     * @param key the field to look for
     * @return the field value (or default)
    public int getInt(final String key) {
        if (get(key) instanceof JsonNumber) {
            final JsonNumber number = (JsonNumber) get(key);
            return number.intValue();
        return 0;

     * Returns the value of a field as an <code>int</code>.
     * @param key the field to look for
     * @param defaultValue the default to return
     * @return the field value (or default)
    public int getInt(final String key, final int defaultValue) {
        if (get(key) instanceof JsonNumber) {
            final JsonNumber number = (JsonNumber) get(key);
            return number.intValue();
        return defaultValue;

     * Returns the value of a field as an <code>JsonArray</code>.
     * @param key the field to look for
     * @return the field value (or null)
    public JsonArray getJsonArray(final String key) {
        if (get(key) instanceof JsonArray) {
            return (JsonArray) get(key);
        return null;

     * Returns the value of a field as an <code>JsonArray</code>.
     * @param key the field to look for
     * @return the field value (or null)
    public JsonNumber getJsonNumber(final String key) {
        if (get(key) instanceof JsonNumber) {
            return (JsonNumber) get(key);
        return null;

     * Returns the value of a field as an <code>JsonDBObject</code>.
     * @param key the field to look for
     * @return the field value (or null)
    public JsonDBObject getJsonObject(final String key) {
        if (get(key) instanceof JsonDBObject) {
            return (JsonDBObject) get(key);
        return null;

     * Returns the value of a field as an <code>JsonString</code>.
     * @param key the field to look for
     * @return the field value (or null)
    public JsonString getJsonString(final String key) {
        if (get(key) instanceof JsonString) {
            return (JsonString) get(key);
        return null;

     * Returns the value of a field as a string
     * @param key the field to look up
     * @return the value of the field, converted to a string
    public String getString(final String key) {
        if (get(key) instanceof JsonString) {
            final JsonString string = (JsonString) get(key);
            return string.getString();
        return null;

     * Returns the value of a field as a string
     * @param key the field to look up
     * @param defaultValue the default to return
     * @return the value of the field, converted to a string
    public String getString(final String key, final String defaultValue) {
        if (get(key) instanceof JsonString) {
            final JsonString string = (JsonString) get(key);
            return string.getString();
        return defaultValue;

     * @return returns ValueType.OBJECT
    public ValueType getValueType() {
        return ValueType.OBJECT;

     * Checks is the given key is exist or not.
     * @param key the field to look up
     * @return returns true if the key is exist
    public boolean isNull(final String key) {
        if (get(key) == null) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean isPartialObject() {
        return partialObject;

    public void markAsPartialObject() {
        partialObject = true;

    public ObjectId getObjectId() {
        return objectId;

     * Add a key/value pair to this object
     * @param key the field name
     * @param value the field value
     * @return the <code>val</code> parameter
    public Object put(final String key, final Object value) {
        if (value instanceof JsonValue) {
            return super.put(key, (JsonValue) value);
        if (value instanceof BSONObject) {
            final JsonDBObject inner = new JsonDBObject((BSONObject) value);
            return put(key, inner);
        if (value instanceof ObjectId) {
            objectId = (ObjectId) value;
            final JsonString str = new JsonStringImpl(objectId.toString());
            return super.put(key, str);
        final JsonValue json = ParserHelper.parseToJsonValue(value);
        return super.put(key, json);

     * Put all value from the BSONObject to the instance
     * @param object the BSONObject
    public void putAll(final BSONObject object) {
        for (final String key : object.keySet()) {
            final Object value = object.get(key);
            put(key, value);

     * Add a map to this instance.
     * Use the copy method instead!
     * @param map the map to add
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public void putAll(final Map map) {
        for (final Map.Entry entry : (Set<Map.Entry>) map.entrySet()) {
            put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue());

     * Deletes a field from this object.
     * @param key the field name to remove
     * @return the object removed
    public Object removeField(final String key) {
        return super.remove(key);