Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 Andrew Wills
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.danann.cernunnos.ldap;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;


import org.danann.cernunnos.AbstractContainerTask;
import org.danann.cernunnos.AttributePhrase;
import org.danann.cernunnos.EntityConfig;
import org.danann.cernunnos.Formula;
import org.danann.cernunnos.LiteralPhrase;
import org.danann.cernunnos.Phrase;
import org.danann.cernunnos.Reagent;
import org.danann.cernunnos.ReagentType;
import org.danann.cernunnos.SimpleFormula;
import org.danann.cernunnos.SimpleReagent;
import org.danann.cernunnos.Task;
import org.danann.cernunnos.TaskRequest;
import org.danann.cernunnos.TaskResponse;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.AttributesMapper;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.ContextSource;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.ContextMapper;

 * Performs a specified LDAP query, then invokes child tasks once for each row 
 * in the result set.
public final class SearchTask extends AbstractContainerTask {

    // Instance Members.
    private Phrase attributeName;
    private Phrase contextSource;
    private Phrase baseDn;
    private Phrase filter;
    private Phrase scope;
    private Phrase limit;
    private Phrase timeout;
    private List<Phrase> attributes;
    private Phrase returnObject;
    private Phrase dereferenceLinks;
    private Phrase mapperType;
    private Phrase attributesMapper;
    private Phrase contextMapper;

    private static Phrase DEFAULT_ATTR_MAPPER = new LiteralPhrase(new DefaultAttributesMapper());
    private static Phrase DEFAULT_CTX_MAPPER = new LiteralPhrase(new DefaultContextMapper());
     * Public API.

    public static final Reagent ATTRIBUTE_NAME = new SimpleReagent("ATTRIBUTE_NAME", "@attribute-name",
            ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class,
            "Optional name under which each search result will be registered as a request attribute.  If omitted, "
                    + "the name 'Attributes.OBJECT' will be used.",
            new LiteralPhrase(org.danann.cernunnos.Attributes.OBJECT));

    public static final Reagent CONTEXT_SOURCE = new SimpleReagent("CONTEXT_SOURCE", "@context-source",
            ReagentType.PHRASE, ContextSource.class,
            "Spring-LDAP ContextSource object to use "
                    + "for executing the LDAP search. If omitted the request attribute under the name "
                    + "'LdapAttributes.CONTEXT_SOURCE' will be used.",
            new AttributePhrase(LdapAttributes.CONTEXT_SOURCE));

    public static final Reagent BASE_DN = new SimpleReagent("BASE_DN", "@base-dn", ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class,
            "Optional base DN from which the search will begin.  The default " + "is null.", new LiteralPhrase(""));

    public static final Reagent FILTER = new SimpleReagent("FILTER", "@filter", ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class,
            "The filter (query) to use in the search.");

    public static final Reagent SCOPE = new SimpleReagent("SCOPE", "@scope", ReagentType.PHRASE, Integer.class,
            "Either SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE, SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE, or "
                    + "SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE.  SearchControls is provided by the JDK in the "
                    + "'' package.  The default is SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE.",
            new LiteralPhrase(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE));

    public static final Reagent LIMIT = new SimpleReagent("LIMIT", "@limit", ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class,
            "The maximum number of entries to return from the search. If 0 "
                    + "(zero) is specified, the search will return all entries that satisfy FILTER.  "
                    + "The default is 0 (zero).",
            new LiteralPhrase("0"));

    public static final Reagent TIMEOUT = new SimpleReagent("TIMEOUT", "@timeout", ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class,
            "The number of milliseconds to wait before returning. If 0 (zero) "
                    + "is specified, this task will wait indefinitely.  The default is 0 (zero).",
            new LiteralPhrase("0"));

    public static final Reagent ATTRIBUTES = new SimpleReagent("ATTRIBUTES", "attribute/text()",
            ReagentType.NODE_LIST, List.class,
            "The identifiers of the attributes to return along with the entry. If null, "
                    + "all attributes will be returned;  If empty, no attributes will be returned.  The default "
                    + "is null (all attributes).",

    public static final Reagent RETURN_OBJECT = new SimpleReagent("RETURN_OBJECT", "@return-object",
            ReagentType.PHRASE, Boolean.class,
            "Return the object bound to the entry name if true;  otherwise, return only the "
                    + "name and class of the object.  The default is Boolean.FALSE.",
            new LiteralPhrase(Boolean.FALSE));

    public static final Reagent DEREFERENCE_LINKS = new SimpleReagent("DEREFERENCE_LINKS", "@dereference-links",
            ReagentType.PHRASE, Boolean.class,
            "If true, dereference links during search.  The default " + "is Boolean.FALSE.",
            new LiteralPhrase(Boolean.FALSE));

    public static final Reagent MAPPER_TYPE = new SimpleReagent("MAPPER_TYPE", "@mapper-type", ReagentType.PHRASE,
            String.class, "The type of LDAP mapper to use.  Possible values include 'attribute' or 'context'."
                    + "The default is (attribute).",
            new LiteralPhrase("attribute"));

    public static final Reagent ATTRIBUTES_MAPPER = new SimpleReagent("ATTRIBUTES_MAPPER", "@attributes-mapper",
            ReagentType.PHRASE, AttributesMapper.class,
            "Interface defined by Spring LDAP for mapping "
                    + "LDAP Attributes to beans.  The default ATTRIBUTES_MAPPER simply returns an instance of "
                    + "",

    public static final Reagent CONTEXT_MAPPER = new SimpleReagent("CONTEXT_MAPPER", "@context-mapper",
            ReagentType.PHRASE, ContextMapper.class,
            "Interface defined by Spring LDAP for mapping "
                    + "LDAP Context to bean.  The default CONTEXT_MAPPER simply returns an instance of "
                    + "",

    public Formula getFormula() {
        Reagent[] reagents = new Reagent[] { ATTRIBUTE_NAME, CONTEXT_SOURCE, BASE_DN, FILTER, SCOPE, LIMIT, TIMEOUT,
                SUBTASKS };
        final Formula rslt = new SimpleFormula(getClass(), reagents);
        return rslt;

    public void init(EntityConfig config) {


        // Instance Members.
        this.attributeName = (Phrase) config.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
        this.contextSource = (Phrase) config.getValue(CONTEXT_SOURCE);
        this.baseDn = (Phrase) config.getValue(BASE_DN);
        this.filter = (Phrase) config.getValue(FILTER);
        this.scope = (Phrase) config.getValue(SCOPE);
        this.limit = (Phrase) config.getValue(LIMIT);
        this.timeout = (Phrase) config.getValue(TIMEOUT);
        final Object attr = config.getValue(ATTRIBUTES);
        if (attr != null) {
            final List<?> nodes = (List<?>) attr;
            this.attributes = new LinkedList<Phrase>();
            for (Object o : nodes) {
                Node n = (Node) o;
        } else {
            this.attributes = null; // also the default...
        this.returnObject = (Phrase) config.getValue(RETURN_OBJECT);
        this.dereferenceLinks = (Phrase) config.getValue(DEREFERENCE_LINKS);
        this.mapperType = (Phrase) config.getValue(MAPPER_TYPE);
        this.attributesMapper = (Phrase) config.getValue(ATTRIBUTES_MAPPER);
        this.contextMapper = (Phrase) config.getValue(CONTEXT_MAPPER);


    public void perform(TaskRequest req, TaskResponse res) {

        // Construct the LdapTemplate...
        final ContextSource cs = (ContextSource) contextSource.evaluate(req, res);
        final LdapTemplate template = new LdapTemplate(cs);

        // Construct the SearchControls...
        final int p = (Integer) scope.evaluate(req, res);
        final long m = Long.valueOf((String) limit.evaluate(req, res));
        final int o = Integer.valueOf((String) timeout.evaluate(req, res));
        String[] a = null; // default...
        if (attributes != null) {
            a = new String[attributes.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                a[i] = (String) attributes.get(i).evaluate(req, res);
        final boolean ro = (Boolean) returnObject.evaluate(req, res);
        final boolean dl = (Boolean) dereferenceLinks.evaluate(req, res);
        SearchControls controls = new SearchControls(p, m, o, a, ro, dl);

        // Execute the search...
        final String name = (String) attributeName.evaluate(req, res);
        final String bdn = (String) baseDn.evaluate(req, res);
        final String ftr = (String) filter.evaluate(req, res);
        final String mt = (String) mapperType.evaluate(req, res);
        final AttributesMapper am = (AttributesMapper) attributesMapper.evaluate(req, res);
        final ContextMapper cm = (ContextMapper) contextMapper.evaluate(req, res);

        if (mt.equals("attribute")) {
            try {
                final List<?> rslt =, ftr, controls, am);
                for (Object j : rslt) {
                    res.setAttribute(name, j);
                    super.performSubtasks(req, res);

            } catch (Throwable t) {
                String msg = "Error performing the specified LDAP search:" + "\n\t\tBASE_DN=" + bdn
                        + "\n\t\tFILTER=" + ftr + "\n\t\tSCOPE=" + p + "\n\t\tLIMIT=" + m + "\n\t\tTIMEOUT=" + o
                        + "\n\t\tATTRIBUTES=" + a + "\n\t\tRETURN_OBJECT=" + ro + "\n\t\t=DEREFERENCE_LINKS=" + dl
                        + "\n\t\t=MAPPER_TYPE=" + mt + "\n\t\t=ATTRIBUTES_MAPPER (class)=" + am.getClass().getName()
                        + "\n\t\t=CONTEXT_MAPPER (class)=" + cm.getClass().getName();
                throw new RuntimeException(msg, t);
        } else if (mt.equals("context")) {
            try {
                final List<?> rslt =, ftr, controls, cm);
                for (Object j : rslt) {
                    res.setAttribute(name, j);
                    super.performSubtasks(req, res);

            } catch (Throwable t) {
                String msg = "Error performing the specified LDAP search:" + "\n\t\tBASE_DN=" + bdn
                        + "\n\t\tFILTER=" + ftr + "\n\t\tSCOPE=" + p + "\n\t\tLIMIT=" + m + "\n\t\tTIMEOUT=" + o
                        + "\n\t\tATTRIBUTES=" + a + "\n\t\tRETURN_OBJECT=" + ro + "\n\t\t=DEREFERENCE_LINKS=" + dl
                        + "\n\t\t=MAPPER_TYPE=" + mt + "\n\t\t=ATTRIBUTES_MAPPER (class)=" + am.getClass().getName()
                        + "\n\t\t=CONTEXT_MAPPER (class)=" + cm.getClass().getName();
                throw new RuntimeException(msg, t);

        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Must specify either mapper-type as 'attribute' or 'context'");

     * Nested Types.

    private static final class DefaultAttributesMapper implements AttributesMapper {
        public Object mapFromAttributes(Attributes attr) throws javax.naming.NamingException {
            return attr;

    private static final class DefaultContextMapper implements ContextMapper {

        public Object mapFromContext(Object ctx) {
            return ctx;