Source code

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 * Copyright / LIRMM 2013
 * Contributor(s) : T. Colas, T. Marmin
 * Contact:
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 * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
 * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
 * modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
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 * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
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package org.datalift.sdmxdatacube;


import org.datalift.fwk.MediaTypes;
import org.datalift.fwk.project.Project;
import org.datalift.fwk.project.Source;
import org.datalift.fwk.project.Source.SourceType;
import org.datalift.fwk.project.SparqlSource;
import org.datalift.fwk.project.TransformedRdfSource;
import org.datalift.fwk.project.XmlSource;
import org.datalift.fwk.rdf.RdfException;
import org.datalift.fwk.rdf.RdfUtils;
import org.datalift.fwk.rdf.Repository;
import org.datalift.sdmxdatacube.utils.SdmxFileUtils;

 * A module to convert SDMX (XML) data to DataCube (RDF). Uses the SDMXRDFParser
 * library from SDMXSource.
 * @author T. Colas, T. Marmin
 * @version 260213
public class SDMXDataCubeModel extends ModuleModel {

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Instance members
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private SDMXDataCubeTransformer sdmxDataCubeTransformer;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Constructors
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates a new SDMXDataCubeModel instance.
     * @param name
     *            Name of the module.
    public SDMXDataCubeModel(String name) {

        // Initialize the sdmxDataCubeTransformer, which is a Spring bean.
        // It is also referenced in spring-beans.xml.
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext();

        sdmxDataCubeTransformer = ctx.getBean(SDMXDataCubeTransformer.class);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Sources management.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Checks if a given {@link Source} contains valid SDMX-structured data.
     * @param src
     *            The source to check.
     * @return True if src is {@link TransformedRdfSource} or
     *         {@link SparqlSource}.
    public boolean isValidSource(Source src) {
        if (src.getType().equals(SourceType.XmlSource)) {
            XmlSource xmlsrc = (XmlSource) src;
            try {
                if (SdmxFileUtils.isSdmx(xmlsrc.getInputStream())) {
                    return true;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.fatal("Failed to check status of source {}: {}", e, src.getUri(), e.getMessage());
        return false;

     * Launches a conversion process on a given project, using a given source.
     * @param project
     *            The project where a new DataCube source will be created.
     * @param source
     *            The source which will be converted.
     * @param destination
     *            Where the new source will be.
     * @throws Exception
    public void lauchSdmxToDatacubeProcess(Project project, XmlSource source, TransformedRdfSource destination) {

        LOG.debug("Lauching process to convert the SDMX source {} to RDF {}", source.getFilePath(),
        TransformedRdfSource d = (TransformedRdfSource) destination;

        Repository repo = org.datalift.fwk.Configuration.getDefault().getInternalRepository();

        try {
            // Turtle is one of the lightest, ideal for direct upload.
            RdfUtils.upload(convert(source, RDFFormat.TURTLE), MediaTypes.TEXT_TURTLE_TYPE, repo,
                    new URI(d.getTargetGraph()), null);
        } catch (RdfException e) {
            LOG.fatal("Failed to upload RDF to source {}: {}", e, d.getTargetGraph(), e.getMessage());
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            LOG.fatal("Failed to upload RDF to source {}: {}", e, d.getTargetGraph(), e.getMessage());


    // TODO Find a way to define URI templates elsewhere.
    private InputStream convert(XmlSource source, RDFFormat rdfFormat) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream convertedStream = null;

        try {
            convertedStream = sdmxDataCubeTransformer.convertSDMXToDataCube(source.getInputStream(), rdfFormat);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.fatal("Failed to load stream of source {}: {}", e, source.getUri(), e.getMessage());

        return new ByteArrayInputStream(convertedStream.toByteArray());