Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2015 Radagio
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.dd4t.databind.builder.json;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.dd4t.contentmodel.Component;
import org.dd4t.contentmodel.Embedded;
import org.dd4t.contentmodel.FieldSet;
import org.dd4t.contentmodel.FieldType;
import org.dd4t.core.databind.BaseViewModel;
import org.dd4t.core.databind.ModelConverter;
import org.dd4t.core.databind.TridionViewModel;
import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.ItemNotFoundException;
import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.SerializationException;
import org.dd4t.databind.annotations.ViewModel;
import org.dd4t.databind.builder.AbstractModelConverter;
import org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants;
import org.dd4t.databind.util.JsonUtils;
import org.dd4t.databind.util.TypeUtils;
import org.dd4t.databind.viewmodel.base.ModelFieldMapping;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.ID;
import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE;
import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.MULTIMEDIA;
import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.URL;
import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.VALUES_NODE;

 * JsonModelConverter.
 * @author R. Kempees
 * @since 19/11/14.
public class JsonModelConverter extends AbstractModelConverter implements ModelConverter {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonModelConverter.class);

    private Class<? extends org.dd4t.contentmodel.Field> concreteFieldImpl;

    @Resource(name = "dataBinder")
    protected JsonDataBinder databinder;

    public <T extends BaseViewModel> T convertSource(final Object data, final T model)
            throws SerializationException {

        if (!JsonUtils.isValidJsonNode(data)) {
            LOG.debug("No data or not a JsonNode - nothing to do.");
            return null;

        JsonNode rawJsonData = (JsonNode) data;

        LOG.debug("Conversion start.");
        this.concreteFieldImpl = databinder.getConcreteFieldImpl();
        if (model instanceof TridionViewModel) {
            LOG.debug("We have a Tridion view model. Setting additional properties");
            setTridionProperties((TridionViewModel) model, rawJsonData);

        boolean isRootComponent = true;

        JsonNode contentFields = null;
        JsonNode metadataFields = null;
        Component.ComponentType componentType = Component.ComponentType.UNKNOWN;
        if (rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_TYPE)) {
            componentType = Component.ComponentType

        if (componentType == Component.ComponentType.NORMAL) {
            if (rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_FIELDS)) {
                contentFields = rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_FIELDS);
        } else if (componentType == Component.ComponentType.MULTIMEDIA
                && rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.MULTIMEDIA)) {
            contentFields = rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.MULTIMEDIA);


        if (rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.METADATA_FIELDS)) {
            metadataFields = rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.METADATA_FIELDS);

        if (contentFields == null && metadataFields == null) {
            isRootComponent = false;

        buildModelProperties(model, rawJsonData, isRootComponent, contentFields, metadataFields, componentType);
        return model;

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void buildModelProperties(final T model, final JsonNode rawJsonData,
            final boolean isRootComponent, final JsonNode contentFields, final JsonNode metadataFields,
            final Component.ComponentType componentType) throws SerializationException {
        final Map<String, Object> modelProperties = model.getModelProperties();

        try {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : modelProperties.entrySet()) {

                final String fieldName = entry.getKey();
                LOG.debug("Key:{}", fieldName);

                ModelFieldMapping m = (ModelFieldMapping) entry.getValue();

                if (m.getViewModelProperty().isComponentLinkUrl() && isRootComponent) {
                    processComponentUrlField(model, rawJsonData, m);

                } else {

                    processFieldMapping(model, rawJsonData, isRootComponent, contentFields, metadataFields,
                            componentType, fieldName, m);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Error setting field!", e);

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void processComponentUrlField(final T model, final JsonNode rawJsonData,
            final ModelFieldMapping m) throws SerializationException, IllegalAccessException {
        final Field urlField = m.getField();
        String componentId = rawJsonData.get(ID).textValue();
        String resolved = "";

        try {
            resolved = getLinkResolver().resolve(componentId);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
            LOG.error("Could not resolve a link to: " + componentId, e);

        urlField.set(model, resolved);

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void processFieldMapping(final T model, final JsonNode rawJsonData,
            final boolean isRootComponent, final JsonNode contentFields, final JsonNode metadataFields,
            final Component.ComponentType componentType, final String fieldName, final ModelFieldMapping m)
            throws IllegalAccessException, SerializationException, IOException {
        String fieldKey;
        fieldKey = getFieldKeyForModelProperty(fieldName, m);

        boolean isEmbedabble = false;
        if ((!rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY) && !isRootComponent)
                || (rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY) && (FieldType.findByValue(
                        rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY).intValue()) == FieldType.EMBEDDED))

        ) {
            isEmbedabble = true;

        if (componentType == Component.ComponentType.NORMAL || componentType == Component.ComponentType.UNKNOWN
                || m.getViewModelProperty().isMetadata()) {
            final JsonNode currentNode = getJsonNodeToParse(fieldKey, rawJsonData, isRootComponent, isEmbedabble,
                    contentFields, metadataFields, m);
            // Since we are now now going from modelproperty > fetch data, the data might actually be null
            if (currentNode != null) {
                this.buildField(model, fieldName, currentNode, m);

        } else if (componentType == Component.ComponentType.MULTIMEDIA) {
            if (contentFields.has(fieldName)) {
                this.buildMultimediaField(model, fieldName, contentFields.get(fieldName), m);

     * Searches for the Json node to set on the model field in the Json data.
     * @param entityFieldName The annotated model property. Used to search the Json node
     * @param rawJsonData     The Json data representing a node inside a child node of a component. Used for
     *                        embedded fields and component link fields
     * @param isRootComponent A flag to check whether the current Json node is the component node. If it is
     *                        the case, then a choice is made whether to fetch the metadata or the normal content
     *                        node.
     * @param contentFields   The content node
     * @param metadataFields  The metadata node
     * @param m               The current model field that is parsing at the moment
     * @return the Json node found under the entityFieldName key or null
    private static JsonNode getJsonNodeToParse(final String entityFieldName, final JsonNode rawJsonData,
            final boolean isRootComponent, final boolean isEmbeddable, final JsonNode contentFields,
            final JsonNode metadataFields, final ModelFieldMapping m) {

        final JsonNode currentNode;
        if (isRootComponent) {
            if (m.getViewModelProperty().isMetadata()) {
                currentNode = metadataFields;
            } else {
                currentNode = contentFields;
        } else {
            currentNode = rawJsonData;

        if (currentNode != null) {
            if (isRootComponent || isEmbeddable) {
                return currentNode.get(entityFieldName);
            return currentNode;
        return null;

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void buildMultimediaField(final T model, final String fieldName,
            final JsonNode currentField, final ModelFieldMapping modelFieldMapping) throws IllegalAccessException {
        final Field modelField = modelFieldMapping.getField();
        setXPathForXpm(model, fieldName, currentField, modelField);

        Class<?> fieldTypeOfFieldToSet = TypeUtils.determineTypeOfField(modelField);

        if (fieldTypeOfFieldToSet == String.class) {
            modelField.set(model, currentField.textValue());
        } else if (fieldTypeOfFieldToSet == int.class || fieldTypeOfFieldToSet == Integer.class) {
            modelField.set(model, currentField.intValue());

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void buildField(final T model, final String fieldName,
            final JsonNode currentField, final ModelFieldMapping modelFieldMapping)
            throws IllegalAccessException, SerializationException, IOException {

        final Field modelField = modelFieldMapping.getField();

        FieldType tridionDataFieldType = FieldType.UNKNOWN;
        if (currentField.has(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY)) {
            tridionDataFieldType = FieldType
        LOG.debug("Tridion field type: {}", tridionDataFieldType);

        Class<?> fieldTypeOfFieldToSet = TypeUtils.determineTypeOfField(modelField);

        boolean modelFieldIsRegularEmbeddedType = FieldSet.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldTypeOfFieldToSet)
                || Embedded.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldTypeOfFieldToSet);

        final List<JsonNode> nodeList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (tridionDataFieldType.equals(FieldType.COMPONENTLINK)
                || tridionDataFieldType.equals(FieldType.MULTIMEDIALINK)) {
            processLinkedFields(model, currentField, modelFieldMapping, modelField, tridionDataFieldType, nodeList);
        } else if (tridionDataFieldType == FieldType.EMBEDDED && !modelFieldIsRegularEmbeddedType) {

            handleEmbeddedContent(currentField, nodeList);
        } else if (tridionDataFieldType == FieldType.UNKNOWN) {
            // we're in the embedded scenario where there is no field type
            // This is where the serializer passes when it's trying to deserialize the actual field in an embedded
            // component.

            // add more info, like the embeddedschema info, XPM info here
            // Best thing to do may be to just add required values to
            // an embedded base class

            if (currentField.has(fieldName)) {
        } else {

        if (nodeList.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.debug("Nothing to do.");

        setXPathForXpm(model, fieldName, currentField, modelField);

        deserializeAndBuildModels(model, fieldName, modelField, tridionDataFieldType, nodeList);

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void processLinkedFields(final T model, final JsonNode currentField,
            final ModelFieldMapping modelFieldMapping, final Field modelField, final FieldType tridionDataFieldType,
            final List<JsonNode> nodeList) throws SerializationException, IllegalAccessException {
        if (modelFieldMapping.getViewModelProperty().resolveLinkForComponentLinkField()
                && modelField.getType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(String.class.getName())) {
            LOG.debug("Resolving link for a component link or multimedialink field. ");

            if (tridionDataFieldType.equals(FieldType.COMPONENTLINK)) {

                if (currentField.has(VALUES_NODE) && currentField.get(VALUES_NODE).hasNonNull(0)) {
                    String componentId = currentField.get(VALUES_NODE).get(0).textValue();
                    String resolved = "";
                    try {
                        resolved = getLinkResolver().resolve(componentId);
                    } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
                        LOG.error("Could not resolve link for: " + componentId, e);
                    modelField.set(model, resolved);
            } else if (tridionDataFieldType.equals(FieldType.MULTIMEDIALINK)) {

                if (currentField.has(LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE)
                        && currentField.get(LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE).hasNonNull(0)) {

                    JsonNode multiMediaNode = currentField.get(LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE).get(0);

                    if (multiMediaNode.hasNonNull(MULTIMEDIA)) {
                        modelField.set(model, multiMediaNode.get(MULTIMEDIA).get(URL).textValue());
        } else {
            fillLinkedComponentValues(currentField, nodeList);

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void setXPathForXpm(final T model, final String fieldName,
            final JsonNode currentField, final Field modelField) {
        if (model instanceof TridionViewModel && currentField != null
                && currentField.has(DataBindConstants.XPATH)) {
            boolean isMultiValued = false;
            if (modelField.getType().equals(List.class)) {
                isMultiValued = true;
            String xpath = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.XPATH).asText();

            ((TridionViewModel) model).addXpmEntry(fieldName, xpath, isMultiValued);

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void deserializeAndBuildModels(final T model, final String fieldName,
            final Field modelField, final FieldType tridionDataFieldType, final List<JsonNode> nodeList)
            throws SerializationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException {
        if (modelField.getType().equals(List.class)) {
            final Type parametrizedType = TypeUtils.getRuntimeTypeOfTypeParameter(modelField.getGenericType());
            LOG.debug("Interface check: " + TypeUtils.classIsViewModel((Class<?>) parametrizedType));

            if (TypeUtils.classIsViewModel((Class<?>) parametrizedType)
                    || databinder.classHasViewModelDerivatives(((Class<?>) parametrizedType).getCanonicalName())) {
                for (JsonNode node : nodeList) {

                    if (!node.has(DataBindConstants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) {
                        checkTypeAndBuildModel(model, fieldName, node, modelField, (Class<T>) parametrizedType);
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("not handling a schemaNode.");

            } else {
                for (JsonNode node : nodeList) {
                    if (!node.has(DataBindConstants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) {
                        deserializeGeneric(model, node, modelField, tridionDataFieldType);
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("not handling a schemaNode.");

        } else if (TypeUtils.classIsViewModel(modelField.getType())
                || databinder.classHasViewModelDerivatives(modelField.getType().getCanonicalName())) {
            final Class<T> modelClassToUse = (Class<T>) modelField.getType();
            checkTypeAndBuildModel(model, fieldName, nodeList.get(0), modelField, modelClassToUse);
        } else {
            deserializeGeneric(model, nodeList.get(0), modelField, tridionDataFieldType);

    private static void handleEmbeddedContent(final JsonNode currentField, final List<JsonNode> nodeList) {
        final JsonNode embeddedNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_VALUES_NODE);
        // This is a fix for when we are already in an embedded node. The Json unfortunately
        // keeps sibling nodes in this child, which has FieldType embedded, while we're actually already in
        // that node's Values

        final JsonNode schemaNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME);
        if (embeddedNode != null) {
            final Iterator<JsonNode> embeddedIterator = embeddedNode.elements();
            while (embeddedIterator.hasNext()) {
                addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(nodeList, schemaNode, embeddedIterator);
        } else {
            final Iterator<JsonNode> currentFieldElements = currentField.elements();
            while (currentFieldElements.hasNext()) {

                addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(nodeList, schemaNode, currentFieldElements);

    private static void addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(final List<JsonNode> nodeList, final JsonNode schemaNode,
            final Iterator<JsonNode> embeddedIterator) {
        ObjectNode embeddedValue = (ObjectNode);

        if (schemaNode != null && !embeddedValue.has(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME)) {
            embeddedValue.set(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME, schemaNode);

    private static void fillLinkedComponentValues(final JsonNode currentField, final List<JsonNode> nodeList) {
        // Get the actual values from the values
        // if the Model's field is List, grab all embedded values
        // if it's a normal class (ComponentImpl or similar), just get the first

        final Iterator<JsonNode> nodes = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE)
        while (nodes.hasNext()) {

     * Deserializes in a Strongly Typed Model.
     * @param model           the model to build
     * @param fieldName       the current field name
     * @param currentField    the current Json node
     * @param modelField      the model property
     * @param modelClassToUse the Model class
     * @param <T>             the model class extending from BaseViewModel
     * @throws SerializationException serialization issues
     * @throws IllegalAccessException Class instantiation issues
    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void checkTypeAndBuildModel(final T model, final String fieldName,
            final JsonNode currentField, final Field modelField, final Class<T> modelClassToUse)
            throws SerializationException, IllegalAccessException {
        if (!model.getClass().equals(modelField.getType())) {
            LOG.debug("Building a model or Component for field:{}, type: {}", fieldName,
            final BaseViewModel strongModel = buildModelForField(currentField, modelClassToUse);

            if (modelField.getType().equals(List.class)) {
                addToListTypeField(model, modelField, strongModel);
            } else {
                modelField.set(model, strongModel);
        } else {
                    "Type for field type: {} is the same as the type for this view model: {}. This is NOT supported"
                            + " because of infinite loops. Work around this by creating a separate field type.",
                    model.getClass().getCanonicalName(), modelField.getType().getCanonicalName());

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> BaseViewModel buildModelForField(final JsonNode currentField,
            final Class<T> modelClassToUse) throws SerializationException {

        if (Modifier.isAbstract(modelClassToUse.getModifiers())
                || Modifier.isInterface(modelClassToUse.getModifiers())) {

            // Get root element name
            final String rootElementName = getRootElementNameFromComponentOrEmbeddedField(currentField);
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(rootElementName)) {
                // attempt get a concrete class for this interface

                final Class<? extends BaseViewModel> concreteClass = databinder
                        .getConcreteModel(modelClassToUse.getCanonicalName(), rootElementName);
                if (concreteClass == null) {
                    LOG.error("Attempt to find a concrete model class for interface or abstract class: {} failed "
                            + "miserably as there was no registered class for root element name: '{}' Will return null"
                            + ".", modelClassToUse.getCanonicalName(), rootElementName);
                    return null;
                LOG.debug("Building: {}", concreteClass.getCanonicalName());
                return getBaseViewModel(currentField, concreteClass);
            } else {
                        "Attempt to find a concrete model class for interface or abstract class: {} failed "
                                + "miserably as a root element name could not be found. Will return null.",
                return null;

        } else {

            return getBaseViewModel(currentField, modelClassToUse);

    private String getRootElementNameFromComponentOrEmbeddedField(final JsonNode currentField) {
        final String rootElementName = databinder.getRootElementName(currentField);

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(rootElementName)) {
            return rootElementName;

        if (currentField.has(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME)) {
            final JsonNode schemaNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME);

            if (schemaNode.hasNonNull(DataBindConstants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) {
                String nodeTypeName = schemaNode.get(DataBindConstants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME).textValue();
                LOG.debug("RootElementName is: {}", nodeTypeName);
                return nodeTypeName;
        return null;

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> BaseViewModel getBaseViewModel(final JsonNode currentField,
            final Class<T> modelClassToUse) throws SerializationException {
        final BaseViewModel strongModel = databinder.buildModel(currentField, modelClassToUse, "");
        final ViewModel viewModelParameters = modelClassToUse.getAnnotation(ViewModel.class);
        if (viewModelParameters.setRawData()) {
        return strongModel;

    private <T extends BaseViewModel> void deserializeGeneric(final T model, final JsonNode currentField,
            final Field f, final FieldType fieldType)
            throws IOException, IllegalAccessException, SerializationException {
        LOG.debug("Field Type: " + f.getType().getCanonicalName());

        if (currentField.has(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_TYPE)) {
            LOG.debug("Building a linked Component or Multimedia component");
            final Component component = databinder.buildComponent(currentField,
            setFieldValue(model, f, component, fieldType);
        } else {
            final org.dd4t.contentmodel.Field renderedField = JsonUtils.renderComponentField(currentField,
            LOG.trace("Rendered Field is: {} ", renderedField.toString());
            LOG.debug("Field Type is: {}", f.getType().toString());
            setFieldValue(model, f, renderedField, fieldType);

    private void setTridionProperties(final TridionViewModel model, final JsonNode rawComponent) {
        model.setLastPublishDate(JsonUtils.getDateFromField(DataBindConstants.LAST_PUBLISHED_DATE, rawComponent));
        model.setLastModified(JsonUtils.getDateFromField(DataBindConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, rawComponent));
        model.setTcmUri(JsonUtils.getTcmUriFromField(DataBindConstants.ID, rawComponent));

    public JsonDataBinder getDatabinder() {
        return databinder;

    public void setDatabinder(JsonDataBinder databinder) {
        this.databinder = databinder;