Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


dsh-analysis  Data analysis.
Copyright (c) 2011-2014 held jointly by the individual authors.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA.
package org.dishevelled.analysis;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.math.random.JDKRandomGenerator;
import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomGenerator;

import org.dishevelled.collect.Lists;

import org.dishevelled.functor.BinaryFunction;

import org.dishevelled.graph.Edge;
import org.dishevelled.graph.Graph;
import org.dishevelled.graph.Node;

import org.dishevelled.graph.impl.GraphUtils;

import org.dishevelled.multimap.BinaryKeyMap;

import org.dishevelled.multimap.impl.BinaryKeyMaps;

import org.dishevelled.weighted.WeightedMap;
import org.dishevelled.weighted.WeightedMaps;

 * Graph generators.
 * @author  Michael Heuer
public final class GraphGenerators {
    /** Default unconnected node weight, <code>0.1d</code>. */
    private static final double DEFAULT_UNCONNECTED_NODE_WEIGHT = 0.1d;

     * Private no-arg constructor.
    private GraphGenerators() {
        // empty

     * Connect the specified graph completely with the specified value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param graph graph to connect, must not be null
     * @param edgeValue edge value
     * @return the specified graph connected completely with the specified value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectCompletely(final Graph<N, E> graph, final E edgeValue) {
        return connectCompletely(graph, new Scalar<N, E>(edgeValue));

     * Connect the specified graph completely with values provided by the specified function on edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param graph graph to connect, must not be null
     * @param edgeValues edge values, must not be null
     * @return the specified graph connected completely with values provided by the specified function on edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectCompletely(final Graph<N, E> graph,
            final BinaryFunction<N, N, E> edgeValues) {
        if (graph == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph must not be null");
        if (edgeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeValues must not be null");
        int n = graph.nodeCount();
        List<Node<N, E>> nodes = Lists.asImmutableList(graph.nodes());
        BinaryKeyMap<Node<N, E>, Node<N, E>, Edge<N, E>> edges = BinaryKeyMaps.createBinaryKeyMap(n * n);
        for (Edge<N, E> edge : graph.edges()) {
            edges.put(edge.source(),, edge);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Node<N, E> source = nodes.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                Node<N, E> target = nodes.get(j);
                if (!source.equals(target) && !edges.containsKey(source, target)) {
                    E edgeValue = edgeValues.evaluate(source.getValue(), target.getValue());
                    graph.createEdge(source, target, edgeValue);
        return graph;

     * Create and return a new completely connected graph with the specified nodes values
     * on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param nodeValues list of node values, must not be null
     * @param edgeValue edge value
     * @return a new completely connected graph with the specified nodes values
     *    on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectCompletely(final List<N> nodeValues, final E edgeValue) {
        return connectCompletely(nodeValues, new Scalar<N, E>(edgeValue));

     * Create and return a new completely connected graph with the specified nodes values
     * on nodes and values provided by the specified function on edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param nodeValues list of node values, must not be null
     * @param edgeValues edge values, must not be null
     * @return a new completely connected graph with the specified nodes values
     *    on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectCompletely(final List<N> nodeValues,
            final BinaryFunction<N, N, E> edgeValues) {
        if (nodeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("nodeValues must not be null");
        if (edgeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeValues must not be null");
        int n = nodeValues.size();
        Graph<N, E> graph = GraphUtils.createGraph(n, n * n);
        List<Node<N, E>> nodes = Lists.createList(n);
        for (N nodeValue : nodeValues) {
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Node<N, E> source = nodes.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                Node<N, E> target = nodes.get(j);
                if (!source.equals(target)) {
                    E edgeValue = edgeValues.evaluate(source.getValue(), target.getValue());
                    graph.createEdge(source, target, edgeValue);
        return graph;

     * Connect the specified graph randomly with the specified value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param graph graph to connect, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValue edge value
     * @return the specified graph connected randomly with the specified value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectRandomly(final Graph<N, E> graph, final int edgeCount,
            final E edgeValue) {
        return connectRandomly(graph, edgeCount, new Scalar<N, E>(edgeValue));

     * Connect the specified graph randomly with the specified value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param graph graph to connect, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValue edge value
     * @param random source of randomness, must not be null
     * @return the specified graph connected randomly with the specified value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectRandomly(final Graph<N, E> graph, final int edgeCount,
            final E edgeValue, final RandomGenerator random) {
        return connectRandomly(graph, edgeCount, new Scalar<N, E>(edgeValue), random);

     * Connect the specified graph randomly with the specified value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param graph graph to connect, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValues edge values, must not be null
     * @return the specified graph connected randomly with the specified value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectRandomly(final Graph<N, E> graph, final int edgeCount,
            final BinaryFunction<N, N, E> edgeValues) {
        return connectRandomly(graph, edgeCount, edgeValues, new JDKRandomGenerator());

     * Connect the specified graph randomly with the specified value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param graph graph to connect, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValues edge values, must not be null
     * @param random source of randomness, must not be null
     * @return the specified graph connected randomly with the specified value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectRandomly(final Graph<N, E> graph, final int edgeCount,
            final BinaryFunction<N, N, E> edgeValues, final RandomGenerator random) {
        if (graph == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph must not be null");
        if (edgeCount < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeCount must be at least zero");
        if (edgeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeValues must not be null");
        if (random == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("random must not be null");
        List<Node<N, E>> nodes = Lists.asImmutableList(graph.nodes());
        for (int i = graph.edgeCount(); i < edgeCount; i++) {
            Node<N, E> source = nodes.get(random.nextInt(nodes.size()));
            Node<N, E> target = nodes.get(random.nextInt(nodes.size()));
            E edgeValue = edgeValues.evaluate(source.getValue(), target.getValue());
            graph.createEdge(source, target, edgeValue);
        return graph;

     * Create and return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     * on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param nodeValues list of node values, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValue edge value
     * @return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     *    on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectRandomly(final List<N> nodeValues, final int edgeCount,
            final E edgeValue) {
        return connectRandomly(nodeValues, edgeCount, new Scalar<N, E>(edgeValue));

     * Create and return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     * on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param nodeValues list of node values, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValue edge value
     * @param random source of randomness, must not be null
     * @return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     *    on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectRandomly(final List<N> nodeValues, final int edgeCount,
            final E edgeValue, final RandomGenerator random) {
        return connectRandomly(nodeValues, edgeCount, new Scalar<N, E>(edgeValue), random);

     * Create and return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     * on nodes and values provided by the specified function on edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param nodeValues list of node values, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValues edge values, must not be null
     * @return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     *    on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectRandomly(final List<N> nodeValues, final int edgeCount,
            final BinaryFunction<N, N, E> edgeValues) {
        return connectRandomly(nodeValues, edgeCount, edgeValues, new JDKRandomGenerator());

     * Create and return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     * on nodes and values provided by the specified function on edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param nodeValues list of node values, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValues edge values, must not be null
     * @param random source of randomness, must not be null
     * @return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     *    on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectRandomly(final List<N> nodeValues, final int edgeCount,
            final BinaryFunction<N, N, E> edgeValues, final RandomGenerator random) {
        if (nodeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("nodeValues must not be null");
        if (edgeCount < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeCount must be at least zero");
        if (edgeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeValues must not be null");
        if (random == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("random must not be null");
        int n = nodeValues.size();
        Graph<N, E> graph = GraphUtils.createGraph(n, edgeCount);
        List<Node<N, E>> nodes = Lists.createList(n);
        for (N nodeValue : nodeValues) {
        for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++) {
            Node<N, E> source = nodes.get(random.nextInt(n));
            Node<N, E> target = nodes.get(random.nextInt(n));
            E edgeValue = edgeValues.evaluate(source.getValue(), target.getValue());
            graph.createEdge(source, target, edgeValue);
        return graph;

     * Connect the specified graph preferentially with the specified value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param graph graph to connect, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValue edge value
     * @return the specified graph connected preferentially with the specified value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectPreferentially(final Graph<N, E> graph, final int edgeCount,
            final E edgeValue) {
        return connectPreferentially(graph, edgeCount, new Scalar<N, E>(edgeValue));

     * Connect the specified graph preferentially with the specified value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param graph graph to connect, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValues edge values, must not be null
     * @return the specified graph connected preferentially with the specified value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectPreferentially(final Graph<N, E> graph, final int edgeCount,
            final BinaryFunction<N, N, E> edgeValues) {
        if (graph == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph must not be null");
        if (edgeCount < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeCount must be at least zero");
        if (edgeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeValues must not be null");
        // weight nodes by degree
        WeightedMap<Node<N, E>> weightedNodes = WeightedMaps.createWeightedMap(graph.nodeCount());
        for (Node<N, E> node : graph.nodes()) {
            weightedNodes.put(node, Double.valueOf( + DEFAULT_UNCONNECTED_NODE_WEIGHT));

        // store existing edges to prevent creating duplicates
        BinaryKeyMap<Node<N, E>, Node<N, E>, Edge<N, E>> edges = BinaryKeyMaps.createBinaryKeyMap(edgeCount);
        for (Edge<N, E> edge : graph.edges()) {
            edges.put(edge.source(),, edge);

        // connect preferentially until edgeCount is reached
        while (edges.size() < edgeCount) {
            Node<N, E> source = weightedNodes.sample();
            Node<N, E> target = weightedNodes.sample();

            // avoid self-edges
            if (!source.equals(target) && !edges.containsKey(source, target)) {
                E edgeValue = edgeValues.evaluate(source.getValue(), target.getValue());
                edges.put(source, target, graph.createEdge(source, target, edgeValue));
                // update weights
                weightedNodes.put(source, Double.valueOf(;
                weightedNodes.put(target, Double.valueOf(;
        return graph;

     * Create and return a new preferentially connected graph with the specified nodes values
     * on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param nodeValues list of node values, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValue edge value
     * @return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     *    on nodes and the specified edge value on all added edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectPreferentially(final List<N> nodeValues, final int edgeCount,
            final E edgeValue) {
        return connectPreferentially(nodeValues, edgeCount, new Scalar<N, E>(edgeValue));

     * Create and return a new preferentially connected graph with the specified nodes values
     * on nodes and values provided by the specified function on edges.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
     * @param nodeValues list of node values, must not be null
     * @param edgeCount edge count, must be at least zero
     * @param edgeValues edge values, must not be null
     * @return a new randomly connected graph with the specified nodes values
     *    on nodes and values provided by the specified function on edges
    public static <N, E> Graph<N, E> connectPreferentially(final List<N> nodeValues, final int edgeCount,
            final BinaryFunction<N, N, E> edgeValues) {
        if (nodeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("nodeValues must not be null");
        if (edgeCount < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeCount must be at least zero");
        if (edgeValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("edgeValues must not be null");
        int n = nodeValues.size();
        Graph<N, E> graph = GraphUtils.createGraph(n, edgeCount);
        List<Node<N, E>> nodes = Lists.createList(n);
        for (N nodeValue : nodeValues) {

        // weight nodes by degree
        WeightedMap<Node<N, E>> weightedNodes = WeightedMaps.createWeightedMap(n);
        for (Node<N, E> node : graph.nodes()) {
            weightedNodes.put(node, Double.valueOf( + DEFAULT_UNCONNECTED_NODE_WEIGHT));

        // store existing edges to prevent creating duplicates
        BinaryKeyMap<Node<N, E>, Node<N, E>, Edge<N, E>> edges = BinaryKeyMaps.createBinaryKeyMap(edgeCount);

        // connect preferentially until edgeCount is reached
        while (edges.size() < edgeCount) {
            Node<N, E> source = weightedNodes.sample();
            Node<N, E> target = weightedNodes.sample();
            if (!source.equals(target) && !edges.containsKey(source, target)) {
                E edgeValue = edgeValues.evaluate(source.getValue(), target.getValue());
                edges.put(source, target, graph.createEdge(source, target, edgeValue));
                weightedNodes.put(source, Double.valueOf(;
                weightedNodes.put(target, Double.valueOf(;
        return graph;

     * Scalar function.
     * @param <N> graph node type
     * @param <E> graph edge type
    private static final class Scalar<N, E> implements BinaryFunction<N, N, E> {
        /** Value. */
        private final E value;

         * Create a new scalar function with the specified value.
         * @param value value
        private Scalar(final E value) {
            this.value = value;

        public E evaluate(final N ignore0, final N ignore1) {
            return value;