Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2013  2015 SLUB Dresden & Avantgarde Labs GmbH (<>)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.dswarm.wikidataimporter;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;


import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.helpers.Datamodel;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.helpers.DatamodelConverter;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Claim;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.DataObjectFactory;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.DatatypeIdValue;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.ItemDocument;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.ItemIdValue;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.MonolingualTextValue;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.PropertyDocument;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.PropertyIdValue;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Reference;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.SiteLink;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Snak;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.SnakGroup;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.StatementGroup;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.StatementRank;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Value;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.ValueSnak;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.json.jackson.JacksonItemDocument;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.json.jackson.JacksonObjectFactory;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.json.jackson.JacksonPropertyDocument;
import rx.Observable;

import org.dswarm.graph.json.LiteralNode;
import org.dswarm.graph.json.Node;
import org.dswarm.graph.json.NodeType;
import org.dswarm.graph.json.Predicate;
import org.dswarm.graph.json.Resource;
import org.dswarm.graph.json.ResourceNode;
import org.dswarm.graph.json.Statement;

 * @author tgaengler
public class WikidataDswarmImporter {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WikidataDswarmImporter.class);

    private static final String TOO_LONG_VALUE_POSTFIX = "...";

    private static Pattern PROPERTY_PARAMETER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[Property:(\\S+)\\|");
    private static Pattern ITEM_PARAMETER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[Item:(\\S+)\\|");

    private static final String LANGUAGE_CODE_EN = "en";
    private static final String CONFIDENCE_QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER = "confidence";
    private static final String EVIDENCE_QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER = "evidence";
    private static final String ORDER_QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER = "order";
    private static final String STATEMENT_UUID_QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER = "statement uuid";
    private static final String MEDIAWIKI_PROPERTY_ID_PREFIX = "P";
    private static final String MEDIAWIKI_SUCCESS_IDENTIFIER = "success";
    private static final String MEDIAWIKI_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER = "entity";
    private static final String VALUE_WAS_EMPTY_ORIGINALLY = "!!! VALUE WAS EMPTY ORIGINALLY !!!";
    public static final String MEDIAWIKI_ERROR_IDENTIFIER = "error";
    public static final String MEDIAWIKI_CODE_IDENTIFIER = "code";
    public static final String MEDIAWIKI_FAILED_SAVE_ERROR_CODE = "failed-save";
    public static final String MEDIAWIKI_MODIFICATION_FAILED_ERROR_CODE = "modification-failed";
    public static final String MEDIAWIKI_MESSAGES_IDENTIFIER = "messages";
    public static final String MEDIAWKI_NAME_IDENTIFIER = "name";
    public static final String WIKIBASE_VALIDATOR_LABEL_CONFLICT_ERROR_MESSAGE_NAME = "wikibase-validator-label-conflict";
    public static final String WIKIBASE_VALIDATOR_LABEL_WITH_DESCRIPTION_CONFLICT_ERROR_MESSAGE_NAME = "wikibase-validator-label-with-description-conflict";
    public static final String MEDIAWIKI_PARAMETERS_IDENTIFIER = "parameters";

    private final AtomicLong resourceCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong bigResourceCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong statementCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong bigStatementCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong processedStatementCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicInteger propertyIdCounter = new AtomicInteger(100000);

    private static final Map<String, ItemIdValue> gdmResourceURIWikidataItemMap = new HashMap<>();
    private static final Map<String, PropertyIdValue> gdmPropertyURIWikidataPropertyMap = new HashMap<>();

    private static final DataObjectFactory jsonOjbectFactory = new JacksonObjectFactory();
    private static final DatamodelConverter datamodelConverter = new DatamodelConverter(jsonOjbectFactory);

    private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();

    private final WikibaseAPIClient wikibaseAPIClient;

    public WikidataDswarmImporter() throws WikidataImporterException {

        wikibaseAPIClient = new WikibaseAPIClient();

    public void importGDMModel(final String filePath) throws IOException {

        final Observable<Resource> gdmModel = getGDMModel(filePath); -> {

            try {

            } catch (final Exception e) {

                final String message = "something went wrong while processing this resource";

                LOG.error(message, e);

                throw WikidataImporterError.wrap(new WikidataImporterException(message, e));

            return resource;

        // TODO: return Observable (?)

    private void processGDMResource(final Resource resource)
            throws JsonProcessingException, WikidataImporterException {


        final String resourceURI = resource.getUri();

        final List<MonolingualTextValue> labels = generateLabels(resource);
        final List<MonolingualTextValue> descriptions = generateLabels(resourceURI);
        final List<MonolingualTextValue> aliases = new ArrayList<>();

        final Map<String, List<org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Statement>> wikidataStatementsMap = new HashMap<>();

        final Set<Statement> gdmStatements = resource.getStatements();

        if (gdmStatements != null) {

            // write statements (if available)

            for (final Statement gdmStatement : gdmStatements) {


                final String predicateURI = gdmStatement.getPredicate().getUri();

                if (!wikidataStatementsMap.containsKey(predicateURI)) {

                    final List<org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Statement> wikidataStatements = new ArrayList<>();

                    wikidataStatementsMap.put(predicateURI, wikidataStatements);

                final Optional<org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Statement> optionalWikidataStmt = processGDMStatement(

                if (!optionalWikidataStmt.isPresent()) {

                    // log non-created statements
                    LOG.debug("could not process statement '{}'", printGDMStatement(gdmStatement));


                final org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Statement wikidataStmt = optionalWikidataStmt.get();



                final boolean updated = checkAndOptionallyUpdateBigCounter(statementCount, bigStatementCount);

                if (updated) {

                    final long currentStatementCount = statementCount.get();

          "processed '{}' from '{}' statements", processedStatementCount.get(),

        final List<StatementGroup> statementGroups = new ArrayList<>();

        // create statement groups property-wise
        for (final Map.Entry<String, List<org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Statement>> statmentsPerPropertyEntry : wikidataStatementsMap
                .entrySet()) {

            final List<org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Statement> statementsPerProperty = statmentsPerPropertyEntry

            final StatementGroup statementGroup = Datamodel.makeStatementGroup(statementsPerProperty);


        final Map<String, SiteLink> siteLinkMap = new HashMap<>();

        // we can also create an item with all it's statements at once, i.e., this would save some HTTP API calls
        // TODO: check ItemIdValue in map (i.e. whether an wikidata for this gdm resource exists already, or not; because if it exists already, then we need to update the existing one, i.e., do a slightly different API call)
        final ItemDocument wikidataItem = Datamodel.makeItemDocument(null, labels, descriptions, aliases,
                statementGroups, siteLinkMap);

        // create item at wikibase (check whether statements are created as well - otherwise we need to create them separately)
        final ItemIdValue itemIdValue = createWikidataItem(resourceURI, wikidataItem);

        // add/update item id value at the resources items map
        gdmResourceURIWikidataItemMap.putIfAbsent(resourceURI, itemIdValue);

        final boolean updated = checkAndOptionallyUpdateBigCounter(resourceCount, bigResourceCount);

        if (updated) {

            final long currentResourceCount = resourceCount.get();

  "processed '{}' resources ('{}' from '{}' statements)", currentResourceCount,
                    processedStatementCount.get(), statementCount.get());

     * sets the resource URI as label right now
     * @param resource
     * @return
    private List<MonolingualTextValue> generateLabels(final Resource resource) {

        final String resourceURI = resource.getUri();

        return generateLabels(resourceURI);

    private Optional<org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Statement> processGDMStatement(
            final Statement statement) {

        final Predicate gdmPredicate = statement.getPredicate();
        final Node gdmObject = statement.getObject();

        final String propertyValueDataType;

        final NodeType gdmObjectType = gdmObject.getType();

        propertyValueDataType = determineWikidataPropertyValueDataType(gdmPredicate, gdmObjectType);

        final PropertyIdValue wikidataProperty = processGDMPredicate(gdmPredicate, propertyValueDataType);

        final Optional<Value> optionalWikidataValue = processGDMObject(gdmObject);

        if (!optionalWikidataValue.isPresent()) {

            return Optional.empty();

        final Value wikidataValue = optionalWikidataValue.get();

        // create property value pair
        final ValueSnak snak = Datamodel.makeValueSnak(wikidataProperty, wikidataValue);

        // process qualified attributes at GDM statement
        final Optional<List<Snak>> wikidataQualifiers = processGDMQualifiedAttributes(statement);

        final List<SnakGroup> snakGroups = new ArrayList<>();

        if (wikidataQualifiers.isPresent()) {

            final SnakGroup snakGroup = Datamodel.makeSnakGroup(wikidataQualifiers.get());


        final Claim claim = Datamodel.makeClaim(null, snak, snakGroups);

        final List<Reference> references = new ArrayList<>();
        final StatementRank rank = StatementRank.NORMAL;

        // note: empty string for statement id (this should be utilised for statements that are created)
        // note: Statement references cannot be null
        // note: Statement rank cannot be null
        return Optional.ofNullable(Datamodel.makeStatement(claim, references, rank, ""));

    private PropertyIdValue processGDMPredicate(final Predicate predicate, final String propertyValueDataType) {

        final String predicateURI = predicate.getUri();

        return createOrGetWikidataProperty(predicateURI, propertyValueDataType);

    private PropertyIdValue createOrGetWikidataProperty(final String propertyIdentifier,
            final String propertyValueDataType) {

        return gdmPropertyURIWikidataPropertyMap.computeIfAbsent(propertyIdentifier, propertyIdentifier1 -> {

            final List<MonolingualTextValue> labels = generateLabels(propertyIdentifier1);
            final List<MonolingualTextValue> descriptions = generateLabels(propertyIdentifier1);
            final List<MonolingualTextValue> aliases = new ArrayList<>();

            // add datatype - e.g. all literals are strings (DatatypeIdValue#DT_STRING) and all resources are items (DatatypeIdValue#DT_ITEM)
            final DatatypeIdValue datatypeIdValue = Datamodel.makeDatatypeIdValue(propertyValueDataType);

            // note: list of descriptions cannot be null
            // note: list of aliases cannot be null
            final PropertyDocument wikidataProperty = Datamodel.makePropertyDocument(null, labels, descriptions,
                    aliases, datatypeIdValue);

            // create Property at Wikibase (to have a generated Property identifier)
            try {

                final Observable<Response> createEntityResponse = wikibaseAPIClient.createEntity(wikidataProperty,

                // handle duplicates, i.e., one can only create uniquely labelled properties in wikibase, otherwise "wikibase-validator-label-conflict" will be thrown
                final JsonNode entityOrErrorJSON = processEditEntityResponse(propertyIdentifier1,
                        createEntityResponse, WikibaseAPIClient.WIKIBASE_API_ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY);

                final JsonNode errorNode = entityOrErrorJSON.get(MEDIAWIKI_ERROR_IDENTIFIER);

                if (errorNode == null) {

                    // response JSON should be an entity

                    final PropertyDocument propertyDocument = MAPPER.treeToValue(entityOrErrorJSON,

                    if (propertyDocument == null) {

                        final String message = String.format(
                                "could not create new property for '%s'; could not deserialize response body",


                        throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                    final PropertyIdValue responsePropertyId = propertyDocument.getPropertyId();

                    if (responsePropertyId == null) {

                        final String message = String.format(
                                "could not create new property for '%s'; response property id is not available",


                        throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                    return responsePropertyId;

                // TODO: refactoring following code and that one of item creation duplicate handling into separate method

                // an error occurred

                final JsonNode errorCodeJSON = errorNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_CODE_IDENTIFIER);

                if (errorCodeJSON == null) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new property for '%s'; an unknown error ('%s') occurred",
                            propertyIdentifier1, MAPPER.writeValueAsString(errorNode));

                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                final String errorCode = errorCodeJSON.asText();

                if (!MEDIAWIKI_FAILED_SAVE_ERROR_CODE.equals(errorCode)) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new property for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred", propertyIdentifier1,

                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                final JsonNode messagesJSON = errorNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_MESSAGES_IDENTIFIER);

                if (messagesJSON == null || messagesJSON.size() <= 0) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new property for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred", propertyIdentifier1,

                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                final JsonNode firstMessageNode = messagesJSON.get(0);

                if (firstMessageNode == null) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new property for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred", propertyIdentifier1,

                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                final JsonNode errorMessageNameNode = firstMessageNode.get(MEDIAWKI_NAME_IDENTIFIER);

                final String errorMessageName = errorMessageNameNode.asText();

                if (!WIKIBASE_VALIDATOR_LABEL_CONFLICT_ERROR_MESSAGE_NAME.equals(errorMessageName)) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new property for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred", propertyIdentifier1,

                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                final JsonNode errorMessageParametersNode = firstMessageNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_PARAMETERS_IDENTIFIER);

                if (errorMessageParametersNode == null || errorMessageParametersNode.size() < 3) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new property for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred", propertyIdentifier1,

                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                final JsonNode thirdErrorMessageParameterNode = errorMessageParametersNode.get(2);

                if (thirdErrorMessageParameterNode == null) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new property for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred", propertyIdentifier1,

                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                // extract the property id from this value
                final String thirdErrorMessageParameter = thirdErrorMessageParameterNode.asText();

                final Optional<String> optionalPropertyId = findPropertyId(thirdErrorMessageParameter);

                if (!optionalPropertyId.isPresent()) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new property for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred", propertyIdentifier1,

                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                final String propertyId = optionalPropertyId.get();

                return Datamodel.makePropertyIdValue(propertyId, null);
            } catch (final WikidataImporterException e1) {

                throw WikidataImporterError.wrap(e1);
            } catch (final Exception e) {

                final String message2 = "something went wrong, while trying to create a new property";

                throw WikidataImporterError.wrap(new WikidataImporterException(message2, e));

    private Optional<Value> processGDMObject(final Node object) {

        final NodeType objectType = object.getType();

        switch (objectType) {

        case Literal:

            final LiteralNode literalNode = (LiteralNode) object;
            final String value = literalNode.getValue();

            final String finalValue;

            if (!value.trim().isEmpty()) {

                // note: we need to trim the values; otherwise, we'll get a 'wikibase-validator-malformed-value' error
                final String trimmedValue = value.trim();

                // note: we need to cut the values, if they are longer then 400 characters; otherwise, we'll get a 'wikibase-validator-too-long' error
                finalValue = cutLongValue(trimmedValue);
            } else {

                // empty values are not possible in Wikidata - insert placeholder for now

                //finalValue = VALUE_WAS_EMPTY_ORIGINALLY;

                return Optional.empty();

            return Optional.ofNullable(Datamodel.makeStringValue(finalValue));
        case Resource:

            // create ItemIdValue, i.e., create a Wikidata Item just with the Id as label

            final ResourceNode resourceNode = (ResourceNode) object;

            return Optional.ofNullable(processGDMResourceNode(resourceNode));

            // TODO throw an exception or just skip and log (i.e. these should be bnodes)

        return Optional.empty();

    private Optional<List<Snak>> processGDMQualifiedAttributes(final Statement statement) {

        final List<Snak> snakList = new ArrayList<>();

        final Optional<Snak> optionalConfidence = processGDMQualifiedAttribute(
                CONFIDENCE_QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, statement.getConfidence());
        final Optional<Snak> optionalEvidence = processGDMQualifiedAttribute(
                EVIDENCE_QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, statement.getEvidence());
        final Optional<Snak> optionalOrder = processGDMQualifiedAttribute(ORDER_QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER,

        // D:SWARM statement uuid
        final Optional<Snak> optionalUUID = processGDMQualifiedAttribute(

        addToSnakList(optionalConfidence, snakList);
        addToSnakList(optionalEvidence, snakList);
        addToSnakList(optionalOrder, snakList);
        addToSnakList(optionalUUID, snakList);

        if (snakList.isEmpty()) {

            return Optional.empty();

        return Optional.of(snakList);

    private Optional<Snak> processGDMQualifiedAttribute(final String qualifiedAttributeIdentifier,
            final Object qualifiedAttributeValue) {

        if (qualifiedAttributeValue == null) {

            return Optional.empty();

        final PropertyIdValue wikidataProperty = createOrGetWikidataProperty(qualifiedAttributeIdentifier,

        final Value value;

        switch (qualifiedAttributeIdentifier) {


            // string

            value = Datamodel.makeStringValue((String) qualifiedAttributeValue);


            // long

            // TODO: no number/long specific datatype available?

            // order as string for now (maybe this qualified attribute is not really needed)
            value = Datamodel.makeStringValue((String) qualifiedAttributeValue);


            LOG.debug("found an unknown qualified attribute '{}'", qualifiedAttributeIdentifier);

            return Optional.empty();

        final Snak snak = Datamodel.makeValueSnak(wikidataProperty, value);

        return Optional.of(snak);

    private void addToSnakList(final Optional<Snak> optionalSnak, final List<Snak> snakList) {

        if (optionalSnak.isPresent()) {


    private ItemIdValue processGDMResourceNode(final ResourceNode resourceNode) {

        final String resourceURI = resourceNode.getUri();

        return gdmResourceURIWikidataItemMap.computeIfAbsent(resourceURI, resourceURI1 -> {

            try {

                final List<MonolingualTextValue> labels = generateLabels(resourceURI);
                final List<MonolingualTextValue> descriptions = generateLabels(resourceURI);
                final List<MonolingualTextValue> aliases = new ArrayList<>();
                final List<StatementGroup> statementGroups = new ArrayList<>();
                final Map<String, SiteLink> siteLinkMap = new HashMap<>();

                // note: list of descriptions cannot be null
                // note: list of aliases cannot be null
                // note: list of statement groups cannot be null
                final ItemDocument wikidataItem = Datamodel.makeItemDocument(null, labels, descriptions, aliases,
                        statementGroups, siteLinkMap);

                return createWikidataItem(resourceURI1, wikidataItem);
            } catch (final WikidataImporterException e) {

                throw WikidataImporterError.wrap(e);

    private ItemIdValue createWikidataItem(final String resourceURI, final ItemDocument wikidataItem)
            throws WikidataImporterException {

        // create Item at Wikibase (to have a generated Item identifier)
        try {

            final Observable<Response> createEntityResponse = wikibaseAPIClient.createEntity(wikidataItem,

            final JsonNode entityOrErrorJSON = processEditEntityResponse(resourceURI, createEntityResponse,

            final JsonNode errorNode = entityOrErrorJSON.get(MEDIAWIKI_ERROR_IDENTIFIER);

            if (errorNode == null) {

                // response JSON should be an entity

                final ItemDocument itemDocument = MAPPER.treeToValue(entityOrErrorJSON, JacksonItemDocument.class);

                if (itemDocument == null) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new item for '%s'; could not deserialize response body", resourceURI);


                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                final ItemIdValue responseItemId = itemDocument.getItemId();

                if (responseItemId == null) {

                    final String message = String.format(
                            "could not create new item for '%s'; response property id is not available",


                    throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

                return responseItemId;

            // TODO: refactoring following code and that one of property creation duplicate handling into separate method

            // an error occurred

            final JsonNode errorCodeJSON = errorNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_CODE_IDENTIFIER);

            if (errorCodeJSON == null) {

                final String message = String.format(
                        "could not create new item for '%s'; an unknown error ('%s') occurred", resourceURI,

                throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

            final String errorCode = errorCodeJSON.asText();

            if (!MEDIAWIKI_MODIFICATION_FAILED_ERROR_CODE.equals(errorCode)) {

                final String message = String.format("could not create new item for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred",
                        resourceURI, MAPPER.writeValueAsString(errorNode));

                throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

            final JsonNode messagesJSON = errorNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_MESSAGES_IDENTIFIER);

            if (messagesJSON == null || messagesJSON.size() <= 0) {

                final String message = String.format("could not create new item for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred",
                        resourceURI, MAPPER.writeValueAsString(errorNode));

                throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

            final JsonNode firstMessageNode = messagesJSON.get(0);

            if (firstMessageNode == null) {

                final String message = String.format("could not create new item for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred",
                        resourceURI, MAPPER.writeValueAsString(errorNode));

                throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

            final JsonNode errorMessageNameNode = firstMessageNode.get(MEDIAWKI_NAME_IDENTIFIER);

            final String errorMessageName = errorMessageNameNode.asText();


                final String message = String.format("could not create new item for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred",
                        resourceURI, MAPPER.writeValueAsString(errorNode));

                throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

            final JsonNode errorMessageParametersNode = firstMessageNode.get(MEDIAWIKI_PARAMETERS_IDENTIFIER);

            if (errorMessageParametersNode == null || errorMessageParametersNode.size() < 3) {

                final String message = String.format("could not create new item for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred",
                        resourceURI, MAPPER.writeValueAsString(errorNode));

                throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

            final JsonNode thirdErrorMessageParameterNode = errorMessageParametersNode.get(2);

            if (thirdErrorMessageParameterNode == null) {

                final String message = String.format("could not create new item for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred",
                        resourceURI, MAPPER.writeValueAsString(errorNode));

                throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

            // extract the item id from this value
            final String thirdErrorMessageParameter = thirdErrorMessageParameterNode.asText();

            final Optional<String> optionalItemId = findItemId(thirdErrorMessageParameter);

            if (!optionalItemId.isPresent()) {

                final String message = String.format("could not create new item for '%s'; an error ('%s') occurred",
                        resourceURI, MAPPER.writeValueAsString(errorNode));

                throw new WikidataImporterException(message);

            final String itemId = optionalItemId.get();

            return Datamodel.makeItemIdValue(itemId, null);
        } catch (final WikidataImporterException e) {

            throw e;
        } catch (final Exception e) {

            final String message = "something went wrong, while trying to create a new item";

            LOG.error(message, e);

            throw new WikidataImporterException(message, e);

    private JsonNode processEditEntityResponse(final String entityIdentifier,
            final Observable<Response> createEntityResponse, final String type) throws IOException {

        final Response response = createEntityResponse.toBlocking().firstOrDefault(null);

        if (response == null) {

            final String message = String.format("could not create new %s for '%s'", type, entityIdentifier);


            throw new WikidataImporterError(new WikidataImporterException(message));

        final int status = response.getStatus();

        LOG.debug("response status = {}", status);

        if (status != 200) {

            final String message = String.format(
                    "could not create new %s for '%s'; response status != 200 (was '%d').", type, entityIdentifier,


            throw new WikidataImporterError(new WikidataImporterException(message));

        final String responseBody = response.readEntity(String.class);

        LOG.debug("response body = {}", responseBody);

        final ObjectNode responseJSON = MAPPER.readValue(responseBody, ObjectNode.class);

        if (responseJSON == null) {

            final String message = String.format(
                    "could not create new %s for '%s'; could not deserialize response.", type, entityIdentifier);


            throw new WikidataImporterError(new WikidataImporterException(message));

        final JsonNode errorNode = responseJSON.get(MEDIAWIKI_ERROR_IDENTIFIER);

        if (errorNode != null) {

            final String message = String.format("could not create new %s for '%s'; an error occurred ('%s').",
                    type, entityIdentifier, responseBody);


            // return error so that it can be handled at the client
            return responseJSON;

        final JsonNode successNode = responseJSON.get(MEDIAWIKI_SUCCESS_IDENTIFIER);

        if (successNode == null) {

            final String message = String.format(
                    "could not create new %s for '%s'; no 'success' node in response ('%s')", type,
                    entityIdentifier, responseBody);


            throw new WikidataImporterError(new WikidataImporterException(message));

        final int success = successNode.asInt();

        if (success != 1) {

            final String message = String.format("could not create new %s for '%s'; 'success' = '%d'", type,
                    entityIdentifier, success);


            throw new WikidataImporterError(new WikidataImporterException(message));

        final JsonNode entityNode = responseJSON.get(MEDIAWIKI_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER);

        if (entityNode == null) {

            final String message = String.format(
                    "could not create new %s for '%s'; no 'entity' node in response ('%s')", type, entityIdentifier,


            throw new WikidataImporterError(new WikidataImporterException(message));

        return entityNode;

    private static Observable<Resource> getGDMModel(final String filePath) throws IOException {

        final InputStream gdmModelStream = getGDMModelStream(filePath);

        final ModelParser modelParser = new ModelParser(gdmModelStream);

        return modelParser.parse();

    private static InputStream getGDMModelStream(final String filePath) throws IOException {

        LOG.debug("try to open input file @ '{}'", filePath);

        final Path path = Paths.get(filePath);

        return Files.newInputStream(path);

    private List<MonolingualTextValue> generateLabels(final String sourceLabel) {

        final List<MonolingualTextValue> labels = new ArrayList<>();
        final MonolingualTextValue label = Datamodel.makeMonolingualTextValue(sourceLabel, LANGUAGE_CODE_EN);


        return labels;

    private static String printGDMStatement(final Statement statement) {

        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        final Long id = statement.getId();

        sb.append("{statement: id ='");

        if (id != null) {

        } else {

            sb.append("no statement id available");

        sb.append("' :: ");

        final String uuid = statement.getUUID();

        sb.append("uuid = '");

        if (uuid != null) {

        } else {

            sb.append("no uuid available");

        sb.append("' :: ");

        final String subject = printGDMNode(statement.getSubject());

        sb.append("subject = '").append(subject).append("' :: ");

        final String predicateURI = statement.getPredicate().getUri();

        sb.append("predicate = '").append(predicateURI).append("' :: ");

        final String object = printGDMNode(statement.getObject());

        sb.append("object = '").append(object).append("'}");

        return sb.toString();

    private static String printGDMNode(final Node node) {

        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        final Long id = node.getId();

        sb.append("id = '");

        if (id != null) {

        } else {

            sb.append("no node id available");

        final NodeType nodeType = node.getType();

        switch (nodeType) {

        case Literal:

            sb.append("' :: ");

            final LiteralNode literalNode = (LiteralNode) node;
            final String value = literalNode.getValue();

            sb.append("value = '").append(value);

        case Resource:

            sb.append("' :: ");

            final ResourceNode resourceNode = (ResourceNode) node;
            final String resourceURI = resourceNode.getUri();

            sb.append("uri = '").append(resourceURI);


        sb.append("' :: type = '").append(nodeType).append("'}");

        return sb.toString();

    private static Optional<String> findPropertyId(final String haystack) {

        return findEntityId(haystack, PROPERTY_PARAMETER_PATTERN);

    private static Optional<String> findItemId(final String haystack) {

        return findEntityId(haystack, ITEM_PARAMETER_PATTERN);

    private static Optional<String> findEntityId(final String haystack, final Pattern pattern) {

        final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(haystack);
        final boolean isMatch = matcher.find();

        if (isMatch) {

            return Optional.of(;

        return Optional.empty();

    private static String determineWikidataPropertyValueDataType(final Predicate gdmPredicate,
            final NodeType gdmObjectType) {

        final String propertyValueDataType;

        switch (gdmObjectType) {

        case Literal:

            propertyValueDataType = DatatypeIdValue.DT_STRING;

        case Resource:

            propertyValueDataType = DatatypeIdValue.DT_ITEM;


            propertyValueDataType = DatatypeIdValue.DT_STRING;

            LOG.debug("set property value data type '{}' for property '{}', because object type is '{}'",
                    propertyValueDataType, gdmPredicate.getUri(), gdmObjectType);

        return propertyValueDataType;

    private static String cutLongValue(final String value) {

        if (value.length() <= 400) {

            return value;

        final String cuttedValue = value.substring(0, 396);

        return cuttedValue + TOO_LONG_VALUE_POSTFIX;

    private boolean checkAndOptionallyUpdateBigCounter(final AtomicLong count, final AtomicLong bigCount) {

        boolean needsUpdate = true;
        boolean updated = false;

        do {

            final long currentCount = count.get();
            final long currentBigCount = bigCount.get();

            needsUpdate = currentCount / 10000 == currentBigCount;

            if (needsUpdate) {

                needsUpdate = !bigStatementCount.compareAndSet(currentBigCount, currentBigCount + 1);

                updated = !needsUpdate;
        } while (needsUpdate);

        return updated;