Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016 Pivotal Software, Inc. and others 
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution. 
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at 
 * and the Apache License v2.0 is available at 
 * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
 *  Contributors:
 *     Pivotal Software, Inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.cft.server.core.internal;

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudFoundryOperations;
import org.eclipse.cft.server.core.internal.client.AbstractWaitWithProgressJob;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;

public class CloudFoundryLoginHandler {

    private final CloudFoundryOperations operations;

    private static final String DEFAULT_PROGRESS_LABEL = Messages.CloudFoundryLoginHandler_LABEL_PERFORM_CF_OPERATION;

    private static final int DEFAULT_PROGRESS_TICKS = 100;

    // Optional
    private CloudFoundryServer server;

     * @param operations must not be null
     * @param cloudServer can be null if no server has been created yet
    public CloudFoundryLoginHandler(CloudFoundryOperations operations, CloudFoundryServer server) {
        this.operations = operations;
        this.server = server;

     * Attempts to log in once. If login fails, Core exception is thrown
     * @throws CoreException if login failed. The reason for the login failure
     * is contained in the core exception's
    public OAuth2AccessToken login(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
        return login(monitor, 1, 0);

     * Attempts a log in for the specified amount of attempts, and waits by the
     * specified sleep time between each attempt. If at the end of the attempts,
     * login has failed, Core exception is thrown.
    public OAuth2AccessToken login(IProgressMonitor monitor, int tries, long sleep) throws CoreException {
        return internalLogin(monitor, tries, sleep);

    protected OAuth2AccessToken internalLogin(IProgressMonitor monitor, int tries, long sleep)
            throws CoreException {
        return new AbstractWaitWithProgressJob<OAuth2AccessToken>(tries, sleep) {

            protected OAuth2AccessToken runInWait(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
                // Do not wrap CloudFoundryException or RestClientException in a
                // CoreException.
                // as they are uncaught exceptions and can be inspected directly
                // by the shouldRetryOnError(..) method.
                OAuth2AccessToken token = operations.login();

                // Save the token for both SSO and credentials.
                if (server != null) {
                    // Store the SSO token in the server
                    try {
                        String tokenValue = CloudUtil.getTokenAsJson(token);
                    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {

                return token;


            protected boolean shouldRetryOnError(Throwable t) {
                return shouldAttemptClientLogin(t);


    protected SubMonitor getProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
        return progressMonitor instanceof SubMonitor ? (SubMonitor) progressMonitor
                : SubMonitor.convert(progressMonitor, DEFAULT_PROGRESS_LABEL, DEFAULT_PROGRESS_TICKS);

    public boolean shouldAttemptClientLogin(Throwable t) {
        return CloudErrorUtil.getInvalidCredentialsError(t) != null;

     * @return true if there was a proxy update. False any other case.
     * @throws CoreException
    public boolean updateProxyInClient(CloudFoundryOperations client) throws CoreException {
        // if (client != null && cloudURL != null) {
        // try {
        // URL actualUrl = new URL(cloudURL);
        // HttpProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration =
        // CloudFoundryClientFactory.getProxy(actualUrl);
        // // FIXNS: As of CF Java client-lib version 1.0.2, update proxy
        // // API has been removed. Therefore unless a new client
        // // is created on proxy change, or the client indirectly detects
        // // proxy changes via system properties
        // // Proxy support for CF Eclipse will not work unless a user
        // // reconnects the server instance when the client
        // // is created.
        // client.updateHttpProxyConfiguration(proxyConfiguration);
        // return true;
        // }
        // catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        // throw
        // CloudErrorUtil.toCoreException("Failed to update proxy settings due to "
        // + e.getMessage(), e);
        // }
        // }
        return false;
