Source code

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 *  Copyright (c) 2000, 2014 IBM Corporation and others.
 *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 *  Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Broadcom Corporation - build configurations and references
package org.eclipse.core.resources;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;


 * A project description contains the meta-data required to define
 * a project.  In effect, a project description is a project's "content".
 * @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
 * @noextend This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
public interface IProjectDescription {
     * Constant that denotes the name of the project description file (value 
     * <code>".project"</code>). 
     * The handle of a project's description file is 
     * <code>project.getFile(DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME)</code>.
     * The project description file is located in the root of the project's content area.
     * @since 2.0
    public static final String DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME = ".project"; //$NON-NLS-1$

     * Returns the build configurations referenced by the specified configuration for the
     * described project. 
     * <p>
     * These references are persisted by the workspace in a private location outside the
     * project description file, and as such will not be shared when a project is exported
     * or persisted in a repository.  As such clients are always
     * responsible for setting these references when a project is created or recreated.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The referenced build configurations need not exist in the workspace.
     * The result will not contain duplicates. The order of the references is preserved
     * from the call to {@link #setBuildConfigReferences(String, IBuildConfiguration[])}.
     * Returns an empty array if the provided config doesn't dynamically reference 
     * any other build configurations, or the given config does not exist in this description.
     * </p>
     * @param configName the configuration in the described project to get the references for
     * @return a list of dynamic build configurations
     * @see #setBuildConfigReferences(String, IBuildConfiguration[])
     * @since 3.7
    public IBuildConfiguration[] getBuildConfigReferences(String configName);

     * Returns the list of build commands to run when building the described project.
     * The commands are listed in the order in which they are to be run.
     * @return the list of build commands for the described project 
    public ICommand[] getBuildSpec();

     * Returns the descriptive comment for the described project.
     * @return the comment for the described project
    public String getComment();

     * Returns the dynamic project references for the described project. Dynamic
     * project references can be used instead of simple project references in cases
     * where the reference information is computed dynamically be a third party.
     * These references are persisted by the workspace in a private location outside
     * the project description file, and as such will not be shared when a project is
     * exported or persisted in a repository.  A client using project references
     * is always responsible for setting these references when a project is created
     * or recreated.
     * <p>
     * The returned projects need not exist in the workspace. The result will not 
     * contain duplicates. Returns an empty array if there are no dynamic project 
     * references on this description.
     * @see #getBuildConfigReferences(String)
     * @see #getReferencedProjects()
     * @see #setDynamicReferences(IProject[])
     * @return a list of projects
     * @since 3.0
    public IProject[] getDynamicReferences();

     * Returns the  local file system location for the described project.  The path
     * will be either an absolute file system path, or a relative path whose first
     * segment is the name of a workspace path variable. <code>null</code> is
     * returned if the default location should be used.  This method will return 
     * <code>null</code> if this project is not located in the local file system.
     * @return the location for the described project or <code>null</code>
     * @deprecated Since 3.2, project locations are not necessarily in the local file
     * system.  The more general {@link #getLocationURI()} method should be used instead.
    public IPath getLocation();

     * Returns the location URI for the described project.  <code>null</code> is
     * returned if the default location should be used.
     * @return the location for the described project or <code>null</code>
     * @since 3.2
     * @see #setLocationURI(URI)
    public URI getLocationURI();

     * Returns the name of the described project.
     * @return the name of the described project
    public String getName();

     * Returns the list of natures associated with the described project.
     * Returns an empty array if there are no natures on this description.
     * @return the list of natures for the described project
     * @see #setNatureIds(String[])
    public String[] getNatureIds();

     * Returns the projects referenced by the described project. These references
     * are persisted in the project description file (&quot;.project&quot;) and as such
     * will be shared whenever the project is exported to another workspace. For
     * references that are likely to change from one workspace to another, dynamic
     * references should be used instead.
     * <p>
     * The projects need not exist in the workspace.
     * The result will not contain duplicates. Returns an empty
     * array if there are no referenced projects on this description.
     * @see #getDynamicReferences()
     * @see #getBuildConfigReferences(String)
     * @return a list of projects
    public IProject[] getReferencedProjects();

     * Returns whether the project nature specified by the given
     * nature extension id has been added to the described project. 
     * @param natureId the nature extension identifier
     * @return <code>true</code> if the described project has the given nature 
    public boolean hasNature(String natureId);

     * Returns a new build command.
     * <p>
     * Note that the new command does not become part of this project
     * description's build spec until it is installed via the <code>setBuildSpec</code>
     * method.
     * </p>
     * @return a new command
     * @see #setBuildSpec(ICommand[])
    public ICommand newCommand();

     * Sets the active configuration for the described project.
     * <p>
     * If a configuration with the specified name does not exist in the project then the
     * first configuration in the project is treated as the active configuration.
     * </p>
     * @param configName the configuration to set as the active or default
     * @since 3.7
    public void setActiveBuildConfig(String configName);

     * Sets the build configurations for the described project.
     * <p>
     * The passed in names must all be non-null.
     * Before they are set, duplicates are removed.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * All projects have one default build configuration, and it is impossible to configure
     * the project to have no build configurations.
     * If the input is null or an empty list, the current configurations are removed,
     * and a default build configuration is (re-)added.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Users must call {@link IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)}
     * before changes made to this description take effect.
     * </p>
     * @param configNames the configurations to set for the described project
     * @see IProject#getActiveBuildConfig()
     * @see IProject#getBuildConfigs()
     * @see IProjectDescription#setActiveBuildConfig(String)
     * @since 3.7
    public void setBuildConfigs(String[] configNames);

     * Sets the build configurations referenced by the specified configuration.
     * <p>
     * The configuration to which references are being added needs to exist in this
     * description, but the referenced projects and build configurations need not exist.
     * A reference with <code>null</code> configuration name is resolved to the active build configuration
     * on use.
     * Duplicates will be removed. The order of the referenced build configurations is preserved.
     * If the given configuration does not exist in this description then this has no effect.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * References at the build configuration level take precedence over references at the project level.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Like dynamic references, these build configuration references are persisted as part of workspace
     * metadata.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Users must call {@link IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)}
     * before changes made to this description take effect.
     * </p>
     * @see #getBuildConfigReferences(String)
     * @see IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
     * @param configName the configuration in the described project to set the references for
     * @param references list of build configuration references
     * @since 3.7
    public void setBuildConfigReferences(String configName, IBuildConfiguration[] references);

     * Sets the list of build command to run when building the described project.
     * <p>
     * Users must call {@link IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)} 
     * before changes made to this description take effect.
     * </p>
     * @param buildSpec the array of build commands to run
     * @see IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
     * @see #getBuildSpec()
     * @see #newCommand()
    public void setBuildSpec(ICommand[] buildSpec);

     * Sets the comment for the described project.
     * <p>
     * Users must call {@link IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)} 
     * before changes made to this description take effect.
     * </p>
     * @param comment the comment for the described project
     * @see IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
     * @see #getComment()
    public void setComment(String comment);

     * Sets the dynamic project references for the described project. 
     * The projects need not exist in the workspace. Duplicates will be
     * removed.  
     * <p>
     * Users must call {@link IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)} 
     * before changes made to this description take effect.
     * </p>
     * @see #getDynamicReferences()
     * @see #setBuildConfigReferences(String, IBuildConfiguration[])
     * @see IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
     * @param projects list of projects
     * @since 3.0
    public void setDynamicReferences(IProject[] projects);

     * Sets the local file system location for the described project.  The path must
     * be either an absolute file system path, or a relative path whose first
     * segment is the name of a defined workspace path variable.  If
     * <code>null</code> is specified, the default location is used.
     * <p>
     * Setting the location on a description for a project which already
     * exists has no effect; the new project location is ignored when the
     * description is set on the already existing project. This method is 
     * intended for use on descriptions for new projects or for destination 
     * projects for <code>copy</code> and <code>move</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This operation maps the root folder of the project to the exact location
     * provided.  For example, if the location for project named "P" is set
     * to the path c:\my_plugins\Project1, the file resource at workspace path
     * /P/index.html  would be stored in the local file system at 
     * c:\my_plugins\Project1\index.html.
     * </p>
     * @param location the location for the described project or <code>null</code>
     * @see #getLocation()
    public void setLocation(IPath location);

     * Sets the location for the described project.  
     * If <code>null</code> is specified, the default location is used.
     * <p>
     * Setting the location on a description for a project which already
     * exists has no effect; the new project location is ignored when the
     * description is set on the already existing project. This method is 
     * intended for use on descriptions for new projects or for destination 
     * projects for <code>copy</code> and <code>move</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This operation maps the root folder of the project to the exact location
     * provided.  For example, if the location for project named "P" is set
     * to the URI file://c:/my_plugins/Project1, the file resource at workspace path
     * /P/index.html  would be stored in the local file system at 
     * file://c:/my_plugins/Project1/index.html.
     * </p>
     * @param location the location for the described project or <code>null</code>
     * @see #getLocationURI()
     * @see IWorkspace#validateProjectLocationURI(IProject, URI)
     * @since 3.2
    public void setLocationURI(URI location);

     * Sets the name of the described project.
     * <p>
     * Setting the name on a description and then setting the 
     * description on the project has no effect; the new name is ignored.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Creating a new project with a description name which doesn't
     * match the project handle name results in the description name
     * being ignored; the project will be created using the name
     * in the handle.
     * </p>
     * @param projectName the name of the described project
     * @see IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
     * @see #getName()
    public void setName(String projectName);

     * Sets the list of natures associated with the described project.
     * A project created with this description will have these natures
     * added to it in the given order.
     * <p>
     * Users must call {@link IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)} 
     * before changes made to this description take effect.
     * </p>
     * @param natures the list of natures
     * @see IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
     * @see #getNatureIds()
    public void setNatureIds(String[] natures);

     * Sets the referenced projects, ignoring any duplicates.
     * The order of projects is preserved.
     * The projects need not exist in the workspace.
     * <p>
     * Users must call {@link IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)} 
     * before changes made to this description take effect.
     * </p>
     * @param projects a list of projects
     * @see IProject#setDescription(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
     * @see #setBuildConfigReferences(String, IBuildConfiguration[])
     * @see #getReferencedProjects()
    public void setReferencedProjects(IProject[] projects);