Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 itemis AG and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Alexander Nyen (itemis AG) - initial API and implementation
 * Note: Parts of this interface have been transferred from org.eclipse.gef.editparts.AbstractEditPart and org.eclipse.gef.editparts.AbstractGraphicalEditPart.

import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.eclipse.gef4.common.activate.ActivatableSupport;
import org.eclipse.gef4.common.adapt.AdaptableSupport;
import org.eclipse.gef4.common.adapt.AdapterKey;
import org.eclipse.gef4.common.adapt.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.gef4.common.inject.AdaptableScope;
import org.eclipse.gef4.common.inject.AdaptableScopes;
import org.eclipse.gef4.common.inject.InjectAdapters;
import org.eclipse.gef4.mvc.behaviors.IBehavior;
import org.eclipse.gef4.mvc.policies.IPolicy;
import org.eclipse.gef4.mvc.viewer.IViewer;


 * The {@link AbstractVisualPart} is an abstract implementation of the
 * {@link IVisualPart} interface.
 * @author anyssen
 * @param <VR>
 *            The visual root node of the UI toolkit this
 *            {@link AbstractVisualPart} is used in, e.g. javafx.scene.Node in
 *            case of JavaFX.
 * @param <V>
 *            The visual node used by this {@link AbstractVisualPart}.
public abstract class AbstractVisualPart<VR, V extends VR> implements IVisualPart<VR, V> {

     * The 'default' used for attaching/detaching to anchorages, in case no
     * explicit role is given.
    private static final String DEFAULT_ANCHORAGE_ROLE = "default";

     * A {@link PropertyChangeSupport} that is used as a delegate to notify
     * listeners about changes to this object. May be used by subclasses to
     * trigger the notification of listeners.
    protected PropertyChangeNotifierSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeNotifierSupport(this);
    private ActivatableSupport acs = new ActivatableSupport(this, pcs);
    private AdaptableSupport<IVisualPart<VR, V>> ads = new AdaptableSupport<IVisualPart<VR, V>>(this, pcs);

    private IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> parent;
    private List<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> children;

    private Multiset<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> anchoreds;
    private SetMultimap<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>, String> anchorages;

    private boolean refreshVisual = true;
    private V visual;

     * Creates a new {@link AbstractVisualPart} instance, setting the
     * {@link AdaptableScope} for each of its {@link IAdaptable}-compliant types
     * (super classes implementing {@link IAdaptable} and super-interfaces
     * extending {@link IAdaptable}) to the newly created instance (see
     * AdaptableScopes#scopeTo(IAdaptable)).
    public AbstractVisualPart() {
        // enter adaptables scope

     * Activates this {@link IVisualPart} (if it is not already active) by
     * setting (and propagating) the new active state first and delegating to
     * {@link #doActivate()} afterwards. During the call to
     * {@link #doActivate()}, {@link #isActive()} will thus already return
     * <code>true</code>. If the {@link IVisualPart} is already active, this
     * operation will be a no-op.
     * @see #deactivate()
     * @see #isActive()
    public final void activate() {
        if (!acs.isActive()) {

    public void addChild(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child) {
        addChild(child, getChildren().size());

    public void addChild(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child, int index) {
        if (getChildren().indexOf(child) >= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add " + child + " because its already a child.");

        // store old children list (for notifying property change listeners)
        List<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> oldChildren = new ArrayList<>(getChildren());
        addChildWithoutNotify(child, index);


        addChildVisual(child, index);

        if (isActive()) {

        pcs.firePropertyChange(CHILDREN_PROPERTY, oldChildren, getChildren());

    public void addChildren(List<? extends IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> children) {
        for (IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child : children) {

    public void addChildren(List<? extends IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> children, int index) {
        for (int i = children.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            addChild(children.get(i), index);

     * Performs the addition of the child's <i>visual</i> to this
     * {@link IVisualPart}'s visual.
     * @param child
     *            The {@link IVisualPart} being added
     * @param index
     *            The child's position
     * @see #addChild(IVisualPart, int)
    protected void addChildVisual(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child, int index) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Need to properly implement addChildVisual(IVisualPart, int) for " + this.getClass());

    private void addChildWithoutNotify(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child, int index) {
        if (children == null) {
            children = new ArrayList<>(2);
        children.add(index, child);

    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

    public void attachAnchored(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchored) {
        // copy anchoreds (required for the change notification)
        Multiset<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> oldAnchoreds = anchoreds == null
                ? HashMultiset.<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>>create()
                : HashMultiset.create(anchoreds);

        // determine the viewer before adding the anchored
        IViewer<VR> oldViewer = getViewer();

        if (anchoreds == null) {
            anchoreds = HashMultiset.create();

        // register if we obtain a link to the viewer
        IViewer<VR> newViewer = getViewer();
        if (oldViewer == null && newViewer != null) {

        pcs.firePropertyChange(ANCHOREDS_PROPERTY, oldAnchoreds, getAnchoreds());

    public void attachToAnchorage(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchorage) {
        attachToAnchorage(anchorage, DEFAULT_ANCHORAGE_ROLE);

    public void attachToAnchorage(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchorage, String role) {
        if (anchorage == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Anchorage may not be null.");
        if (role == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Role may not be null.");

        // copy anchorages by role (required for the change notification)
        SetMultimap<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>, String> oldAnchorages = anchorages == null
                ? HashMultimap.<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>, String>create()
                : HashMultimap.create(anchorages);

        if (oldAnchorages.containsEntry(anchorage, role)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Already attached to anchorage " + anchorage + " with role '" + role + "'.");

        attachToAnchorageWithoutNotify(anchorage, role);

        attachToAnchorageVisual(anchorage, role);

        pcs.firePropertyChange(ANCHORAGES_PROPERTY, oldAnchorages, getAnchorages());

     * Attaches this part's visual to the visual of the given anchorage.
     * @param anchorage
     *            The anchorage {@link IVisualPart}.
     * @param role
     *            The anchorage role.
    protected void attachToAnchorageVisual(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchorage, String role) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Need to implement attachToAnchorageVisual(IVisualPart, String) for " + this.getClass());

    private void attachToAnchorageWithoutNotify(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchorage, String role) {
        if (anchorage == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Anchorage may not be null.");
        if (anchorages == null) {
            anchorages = HashMultimap.create();
        anchorages.put(anchorage, role);

     * Creates this part's visual.
     * @return This part's visual.
    protected abstract V createVisual();

     * Deactivates this {@link IVisualPart} (if it is active) by delegating to
     * {@link #doDeactivate()} first and setting (and propagating) the new
     * active state afterwards. During the call to {@link #doDeactivate()},
     * {@link #isActive()} will thus still return <code>true</code>. If the
     * {@link IVisualPart} is not active, this operation will be a no-op.
     * @see #activate()
     * @see #isActive()
    public final void deactivate() {
        if (acs.isActive()) {

    public void detachAnchored(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchored) {
        // copy anchoreds (required for the change notification)
        Multiset<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> oldAnchoreds = anchoreds == null
                ? HashMultiset.<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>>create()
                : HashMultiset.create(anchoreds);

        // determine viewer before and after removing the anchored
        IViewer<VR> oldViewer = getViewer();
        IViewer<VR> newViewer = getViewer();

        // unregister if we lose the link to the viewer
        if (oldViewer != null && newViewer == null) {

        if (anchoreds.size() == 0) {
            anchoreds = null;

        pcs.firePropertyChange(ANCHOREDS_PROPERTY, oldAnchoreds, getAnchoreds());

    public void detachFromAnchorage(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchorage) {
        detachFromAnchorage(anchorage, DEFAULT_ANCHORAGE_ROLE);

    // counterpart to setParent(null) in case of hierarchy
    public void detachFromAnchorage(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchorage, String role) {
        if (anchorage == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Anchorage may not be null.");
        if (role == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Role may not be null.");

        // copy anchorages (required for the change notification)
        SetMultimap<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>, String> oldAnchorages = anchorages == null
                ? HashMultimap.<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>, String>create()
                : HashMultimap.create(anchorages);

        if (!oldAnchorages.containsEntry(anchorage, role)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Not attached to anchorage " + anchorage + " with role '" + role + "'.");

        detachFromAnchorageWithoutNotify(anchorage, role);

        detachFromAnchorageVisual(anchorage, role);

        // TODO: send MapChangeNotification or otherwise identify changed
        // anchorage and role
        pcs.firePropertyChange(ANCHORAGES_PROPERTY, oldAnchorages, getAnchorages());

     * Detaches this part's visual from the visual of the given anchorage.
     * @param anchorage
     *            The anchorage {@link IVisualPart}.
     * @param role
     *            The anchorage role.
    protected void detachFromAnchorageVisual(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchorage, String role) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Need to implement detachFromAnchorageVisual(IVisualPart, String) for " + this.getClass());

    private void detachFromAnchorageWithoutNotify(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchorage, String role) {
        if (anchorages == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot detach from anchorage: not attached.");
        if (!anchorages.remove(anchorage, role)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot detach from anchorage: not attached.");
        if (anchorages.isEmpty()) {
            anchorages = null;

    public void dispose() {
        // leave adaptables scope

        // dispose adapters

     * Post {@link #activate()} hook that activates this part's children.
    protected void doActivate() {
        // TODO: rather do this via property changes (so a child becomes active
        // when its parent and anchorages are active??
        for (IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child : getChildren()) {

     * Pre {@link #deactivate()} hook that deactivates this part's children.
    protected void doDeactivate() {
        for (IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child : getChildren()) {

     * Refreshes this part's visualization based on this part's content.
     * @param visual
     *            This part's visual.
    protected abstract void doRefreshVisual(V visual);

    public <T> T getAdapter(AdapterKey<T> key) {
        return ads.getAdapter(key);

    public <T> T getAdapter(Class<T> classKey) {
        return ads.getAdapter(classKey);

    public <T> T getAdapter(TypeToken<T> key) {
        return ads.getAdapter(key);

    public <T> Map<AdapterKey<? extends T>, T> getAdapters(Class<? super T> classKey) {
        return ads.getAdapters(classKey);

    public <T> Map<AdapterKey<? extends T>, T> getAdapters(TypeToken<? super T> key) {
        return ads.getAdapters(key);

    public SetMultimap<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>, String> getAnchorages() {
        if (anchorages == null) {
            return Multimaps.unmodifiableSetMultimap(HashMultimap.<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>, String>create());
        return Multimaps.unmodifiableSetMultimap(anchorages);

    public Multiset<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> getAnchoreds() {
        if (anchoreds == null) {
            return Multisets.<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>>unmodifiableMultiset(
                    HashMultiset.<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>>create());
        return Multisets.unmodifiableMultiset(anchoreds);

    public Map<AdapterKey<? extends IBehavior<VR>>, IBehavior<VR>> getBehaviors() {
        return ads.getAdapters(IBehavior.class);

    public List<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> getChildren() {
        if (children == null) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(children);

    public IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> getParent() {
        return parent;

    public Map<AdapterKey<? extends IPolicy<VR>>, IPolicy<VR>> getPolicies() {
        return ads.getAdapters(IPolicy.class);

    public IRootPart<VR, ? extends VR> getRoot() {
        if (getParent() != null) {
            IRootPart<VR, ? extends VR> root = getParent().getRoot();
            if (root != null) {
                return root;
        for (IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> anchored : getAnchoreds().elementSet()) {
            IRootPart<VR, ? extends VR> root = anchored.getRoot();
            if (root != null) {
                return root;
        return null;

     * Returns the {@link IViewer} that contains this part.
     * @return The {@link IViewer} that contains this part.
    protected IViewer<VR> getViewer() {
        IRootPart<VR, ? extends VR> root = getRoot();
        if (root == null) {
            return null;
        return root.getViewer();

    public V getVisual() {
        if (visual == null) {
            visual = createVisual();
            IViewer<VR> viewer = getViewer();
            if (viewer != null) {
                registerAtVisualPartMap(viewer, visual);
        return visual;

     * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link IVisualPart} is active.
    public boolean isActive() {
        return acs.isActive();

    public boolean isRefreshVisual() {
        return refreshVisual;

     * Refreshes this {@link IVisualPart}'s <i>visuals</i>. Delegates to
     * {@link #doRefreshVisual(Object)} in case {@link #isRefreshVisual()} is
     * not set to <code>false</code>.
    public final void refreshVisual() {
        if (visual != null && isRefreshVisual()) {

     * Called when a link to the Viewer is obtained.
     * @param viewer
     *            The viewer to register at.
    protected void register(IViewer<VR> viewer) {
        // TODO: Check if the guard (visual != null) really is necessary.
        if (visual != null) {
            registerAtVisualPartMap(viewer, visual);

     * Registers this part for the given visual in the visual-part-map of the
     * given {@link IViewer}.
     * @param viewer
     *            The {@link IViewer} of which the visual-part-map is extended.
     * @param visual
     *            The visual for which this part is registered in the viewer's
     *            visual-part-map.
    protected void registerAtVisualPartMap(IViewer<VR> viewer, V visual) {
        viewer.getVisualPartMap().put(visual, this);

    public void removeChild(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child) {
        if (getChildren().indexOf(child) < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove " + child + " because its not a child.");
        // store old children list (for notifying property change listeners)
        List<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> oldChildren = new ArrayList<>(getChildren());

        if (isActive()) {
        removeChildVisual(child, getChildren().indexOf(child));

        pcs.firePropertyChange(CHILDREN_PROPERTY, oldChildren, getChildren());

    public void removeChildren(List<? extends IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> children) {
        for (IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child : children) {

     * Removes the child's visual from this {@link IVisualPart}'s visual.
     * @param child
     *            The child {@link IVisualPart}.
     * @param index
     *            The index of the child whose visual is to be removed.
    protected void removeChildVisual(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child, int index) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Need to implement removeChildVisual(IVisualPart, int) for " + this.getClass());

    private void removeChildWithoutNotify(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child) {
        if (children.size() == 0) {
            children = null;

    public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

    public void reorderChild(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> child, int index) {
        List<IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> oldChildren = new ArrayList<>(getChildren());
        removeChildVisual(child, children.indexOf(child));
        addChildWithoutNotify(child, index);
        addChildVisual(child, index);
        pcs.firePropertyChange(CHILDREN_PROPERTY, oldChildren, getChildren());

    public <T> void setAdapter(T adapter) {

    public <T> void setAdapter(T adapter, String role) {
        ads.setAdapter(adapter, role);

    public <T> void setAdapter(TypeToken<T> adapterType, T adapter) {
        ads.setAdapter(adapterType, adapter);

    public <T> void setAdapter(TypeToken<T> adapterType, T adapter, String role) {
        ads.setAdapter(adapterType, adapter, role);

     * Sets the parent {@link IVisualPart}.
    public void setParent(IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> newParent) {
        if (this.parent == newParent) {

        // save old parent for the change notification
        IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR> oldParent = this.parent;

        // determine viewer before and after setting the parent
        IViewer<VR> oldViewer = getViewer();
        this.parent = newParent;
        IViewer<VR> newViewer = getViewer();
        this.parent = oldParent;

        // unregister if we were registered (oldViewer != null) and the viewer
        // changes (newViewer != oldViewer)
        if (oldViewer != null && newViewer != oldViewer) {

        this.parent = newParent;

        // if we obtain a link to the viewer then register visuals
        if (newViewer != null && newViewer != oldViewer) {

        pcs.firePropertyChange(PARENT_PROPERTY, oldParent, newParent);

    public void setRefreshVisual(boolean isRefreshVisual) {
        boolean oldValue = this.refreshVisual;
        this.refreshVisual = isRefreshVisual;
        pcs.firePropertyChange(REFRESH_VISUAL_PROPERTY, oldValue, refreshVisual);

     * Called when the link to the Viewer is lost.
     * @param viewer
     *            The viewer to unregister from.
    protected void unregister(IViewer<VR> viewer) {
        if (visual != null) {
            unregisterFromVisualPartMap(viewer, visual);

     * Removes the given visual from the visual-part-map of the given viewer.
     * @param viewer
     *            The {@link IViewer} of which the visual-part-map is changed.
     * @param visual
     *            The visual which is removed from the visual-part-map.
    protected void unregisterFromVisualPartMap(IViewer<VR> viewer, V visual) {
        Map<VR, IVisualPart<VR, ? extends VR>> registry = viewer.getVisualPartMap();
        if (registry.get(visual) != this) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not registered under visual");

    public <T> void unsetAdapter(T adapter) {
