Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *   Initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation -
 *   Jay Jay Billings
 *   Kasper Gammeltoft (added numRough limitations and logic on calculate 
 *   reflectivity)

import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex;
import org.apache.commons.math.special.Erf;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * This class performs all of the operations necessary to calculate the
 * reflectivity of a stack of materials. It follows the code originally
 * developed by John Ankner at Oak Ridge National Laboratory that uses the
 * method described in Parratt, Phys. Rev. 95, 359(1954). It has been corrected
 * to incorporate incoherent and true absorption.
 * @author Jay Jay Billings, John Ankner
public class ReflectivityCalculator {

     * Logger for handling event messages and other information.
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReflectivityCalculator.class);

     * The maximum number of points used by the convolution routine.
    public static final int maxPoints = 2000;

     * The maximum number of layers of roughness that can be created when
     * generating the interfacial profile.
    public static final int maxRoughSize = 101;

     * A factor used in computing tile updates
    private static final double cE = 1.665;

     * This operation returns the value of the squared modulus of the specular
     * reflectivity for a single wave vector Q.
     * @param waveVectorQ
     *            the value of the wave vector
     * @param wavelength
     *            the wavelength of the incident neutrons
     * @param tiles
     *            the list of Tiles that contains the physical parameters needed
     *            for the calculation, including the scattering densities,
     *            absorption parameters and thicknesses.
     * @return the squared modulus of the specular reflectivity
    public double getModSqrdSpecRef(double waveVectorQ, double wavelength, Tile[] tiles) {

        double modSqrdSpecRef = 0.0;

        if (wavelength > 0.0) {
            // Variables only needed if we are going to do the work, i.e. -
            // wavelength > 0.0.
            Tile tile;
            Complex aNm1Sq, fNm1N, rNm1N = new Complex(0.0, 0.0), one = new Complex(1.0, 0.0),
                    qN = new Complex(0.0, 0.0), rNNp1 = new Complex(0.0, 0.0);
            // Get the bottom tile
            int nLayers = tiles.length;
            tile = tiles[nLayers - 1];
            // Starting point--no reflected beam in bottom-most (bulk) layer
            double qCSq = 16.0 * Math.PI * tile.scatteringLength;
            double muLAbs = tile.trueAbsLength;
            double mulInc = tile.incAbsLength;
            double thickness = tile.thickness;
            // Setup other values for the problem
            double betaNm1 = 4.0 * Math.PI * (muLAbs + mulInc / wavelength);
            Complex qNm1 = new Complex(waveVectorQ * waveVectorQ - qCSq, -2.0 * betaNm1);
            qNm1 = qNm1.sqrt();
            // Loop through to calculate recursion formula described in Parratt.
            // Start at the bottom and work up.
            for (int i = nLayers - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                // Get the tile above tile[i] (started at the bottom
                tile = tiles[i - 1];
                // Calculate the normal component of Q for layer and layer-1
                qN = qNm1;
                qCSq = 16.0 * Math.PI * tile.scatteringLength;
                muLAbs = tile.trueAbsLength;
                mulInc = tile.incAbsLength;
                thickness = tile.thickness;
                betaNm1 = 4.0 * Math.PI * (muLAbs + mulInc / wavelength);
                qNm1 = new Complex(waveVectorQ * waveVectorQ - qCSq, -2.0 * betaNm1);
                qNm1 = qNm1.sqrt();
                // Calculate phase factor, e^(-0.5*d*qNm1)
                aNm1Sq = (new Complex(qNm1.getImaginary(), qNm1.getReal()).multiply(-0.5 * thickness)).exp();
                // CDiv(qNm1-qN,qNm1+qN)
                fNm1N = qNm1.subtract(qN).divide(qNm1.add(qN));
                // Calculate the reflectivity amplitude.
                // CMult(aNm1Sq, CMult(aNm1Sq, CDiv(CAdd(rNNp1, fNm1N),
                // CAdd(CMult(rNNp1, fNm1N), CReal(1)))))
                Complex y = rNNp1.multiply(fNm1N).add(one);
                Complex z = rNNp1.add(fNm1N);
                rNm1N = aNm1Sq.multiply(aNm1Sq).multiply(z.divide((y)));
                // Carry over to the next iteration
                rNNp1 = rNm1N;
            modSqrdSpecRef = rNm1N.getReal() * rNm1N.getReal() + rNm1N.getImaginary() * rNm1N.getImaginary();

        return modSqrdSpecRef;

     * This operation convolutes the data in refFit with a Gaussian resolution
     * function in q, calculated from theta, delThe, and delLamOLam.
     * @param waveVector
     *            the wave vector (Q) plus additional space for the convolution.
     *            This array should have length = numPoints + numLowPoints.
     * @param deltaQ0
     *            the zeroth order term of a Taylor expansion of the
     *            reflectometer resolution function dQ = dQ_0 + (dQ/Q)_1 x Q +
     *            ...
     * @param deltaQ1ByQ
     *            the zeroth order term of the Q resolution Taylor expansion
     * @param wavelength
     *            the wavelength of the incident neutrons
     * @param numPoints
     *            the number of points in the wave vector
     * @param numLowPoints
     *            the number of points in the low-Q extension to q used for
     *            convolution of the data with the resolution function. Returned
     *            by ExtResFixedLambda.
     * @param numHighPoints
     *            the number of points in the high-Q extension to q used for
     *            convolution of the data with the resolution function. Returned
     *            by ExtResFixedLambda.
     * @param refFit
     *            OUTPUT - the specular reflectivity values for each Q in q
     *            convoluted with instrumental resolution.
    public void convolute(double[] waveVector, double deltaQ0, double deltaQ1ByQ, double wavelength, int numPoints,
            int numLowPoints, int numHighPoints, double[] refFit) {

        double ln2 = Math.log(2.0);
        double qEff = 0.0, qRes = 0.0, rExp = 0.0, rNorm = 0.0;
        double[] refTemp = new double[maxPoints];
        int nStep = 0;
        boolean lFinish = false, hFinish = false;

        // Perform convolution over nPnts between nLow and nHigh extensions
        for (int i = numLowPoints; i <= numLowPoints + numPoints - 1; i++) {
            // Calculate resolution width and initialize resolution loop
            if (waveVector[i] < 1.0e-10) {
                qEff = 1.0e-10;
            } else {
                qEff = waveVector[i];
            double qDel = deltaQ0 + qEff * deltaQ1ByQ;
            double twSgSq = 2.0 * qDel * qDel / (8.0 * ln2);
            if (twSgSq < 1.0e-10) {
                twSgSq = 1.0e-10;
            rNorm = 1.0;
            refTemp[i - numLowPoints] = refFit[i];
            nStep = 1;
            // Check if exponent term becomes < 0.001 and loop until it does so
            lFinish = false;
            hFinish = false;
            while (!lFinish && !hFinish) {
                // Evaluate the low-q side
                if (lFinish) {
                    qRes = 1.0e20;
                } else {
                    qRes = waveVector[i - nStep] - waveVector[i];
                if (qRes * qRes / twSgSq < 6.908) {
                    // Continue evaluating convolution
                    rExp = Math.exp(-qRes * qRes / twSgSq);
                    rNorm = rNorm + rExp;
                    refTemp[i - numLowPoints] = refTemp[i - numLowPoints] + rExp * refFit[i - nStep];
                } else {
                    lFinish = true;
                // Evaluate high-q side
                if (hFinish) {
                    qRes = 1.0e20;
                } else {
                    qRes = waveVector[i + nStep] - waveVector[i];
                if (qRes * qRes / twSgSq < 6.908) {
                    // Continue evaluating convolution
                    rExp = Math.exp(-qRes * qRes / twSgSq);
                    rNorm = rNorm + rExp;
                    refTemp[i - numLowPoints] = refTemp[i - numLowPoints] + rExp * refFit[i + nStep];
                } else {
                    hFinish = true;
            // Normalize convoluted value to integrated intensity of resolution
            // function
            refTemp[i - numLowPoints] = refTemp[i - numLowPoints] / rNorm;
        // Transfer convoluted values from refTemp to refFit
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
            refFit[i] = refTemp[i];


     * This operation calculates the length of the low-Q extension of the data
     * to be convoluted with the delt-Q full-width half-maximum Gaussian
     * resolution function.
     * @param waveVector
     *            the wave vector (Q) plus additional space for the convolution.
     *            This array should have length = numPoints + numLowPoints.
     * @param deltaQ0
     *            the zeroth order term of a Taylor expansion of the
     *            reflectometer resolution function dQ = dQ_0 + (dQ/Q)_1 x Q +
     *            ...
     * @param deltaQ1ByQ
     *            the zeroth order term of the Q resolution Taylor expansion
     * @param numPoints
     *            the number of points in the wave vector
     * @return numLowPoints the number of points in the low-Q extension to q
     *         used for convolution of the data with the resolution function.
     *         Returned by ExtResFixedLambda.
    public int getLowExtensionLength(double[] waveVector, double deltaQ0, double deltaQ1ByQ, int numPoints) {

        double ln2 = Math.log(2.0);

        // Determine the loq-Q extension
        double qDel = deltaQ0 + waveVector[0] * deltaQ1ByQ;
        double qStep = waveVector[1] - waveVector[0];
        double twSgSq = Math.max(2.0 * qDel * qDel / (8.0 * ln2), 1.0e-10);
        int numLowPoints = 0;
        double qR = 0.0;
        while (qR * qR / twSgSq <= 6.908) {
            qR = qR + qStep;

        return numLowPoints;

     * This operation calculates the length of the high-Q extension of the data
     * to be convoluted with the delt-Q full-width half-maximum Gaussian
     * resolution function.
     * @param waveVector
     *            the wave vector (Q) plus additional space for the convolution.
     *            This array should have length = numPoints + numLowPoints.
     * @param deltaQ0
     *            the zeroth order term of a Taylor expansion of the
     *            reflectometer resolution function dQ = dQ_0 + (dQ/Q)_1 x Q +
     *            ...
     * @param deltaQ1ByQ
     *            the zeroth order term of the Q resolution Taylor expansion
     * @param numPoints
     *            the number of points in the wave vector
     * @return numHighPoints the number of points in the high-Q extension to q
     *         used for convolution of the data with the resolution function.
     *         Returned by ExtResFixedLambda.
    public int getHighExtensionLength(double[] waveVector, double deltaQ0, double deltaQ1ByQ, int numPoints) {

        double ln2 = Math.log(2.0);

        // Determine the high-Q extension
        double qDel = deltaQ0 + waveVector[numPoints - 1] * deltaQ1ByQ;
        double qStep = waveVector[numPoints - 1] - waveVector[numPoints - 2];
        double twSgSq = 2.0 * qDel * qDel / (8.0 * ln2);
        int numHighPoints = 0;
        double qR = 0.0;
        while (qR * qR / twSgSq <= 6.908) {
            qR = qR + qStep;

        return numHighPoints;

     * This operation generates the interfacial profile using an error function
     * of numRough ordinate steps based on those of the hyperbolic tangent.
     * @param numRough
     *            the number of ordinate steps
     * @param zInt
     *            FIXME! This array must be preallocated with a size n =
     *            maxRoughSize.
     * @param rufInt
     *            FIXME! This array must be preallocated with a size n =
     *            maxRoughSize.
     * @throws MathException
     *             Thrown if the error function cannot be calculated
    public void getInterfacialProfile(int numRough, double[] zInt, double[] rufInt) throws MathException {

        // cE ensures Gaussian = 0.5 when z = zhwhm
        final double cE = 1.665;
        double dist = 0.0, step = 0.0, oHalfstep = 0.0, zTemp = 0.0;
        int j;

        // Check nRough to make sure it is legitimate
        if (numRough < 1) {
            numRough = 1;
        // Set the step size
        step = 2.0 / (numRough + 1);

        // Evaluate the lower half of the interface
        dist = -step / 2.0;
        // Steps calculated from inverse tanh. Note that all of the indices are
        // shifted by -1 from the VB code because this version is zero indexed!
        zInt[numRough / 2] = Math.log((1.0 + dist) / (1.0 - dist)) / (2.0 * cE);
        rufInt[numRough / 2] = Erf.erf(cE * zInt[numRough / 2]);
        for (j = numRough / 2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
            dist = dist - step;
            zInt[j] = Math.log((1.0 + dist) / (1.0 - dist)) / (2.0 * cE);
            rufInt[j] = Erf.erf(cE * zInt[j]);

        // Evaluate the upper half of the interface
        dist = step / 2.0;
        // Steps calculated from inverse tanh. Note that all of the indices are
        // shifted by -1 from the VB code because this version is zero indexed!
        zInt[numRough / 2 + 1] = Math.log((1.0 + dist) / (1.0 - dist)) / (2.0 * cE);
        rufInt[numRough / 2 + 1] = Erf.erf(cE * zInt[numRough / 2 + 1]);
        for (j = numRough / 2 + 2; j <= numRough; j++) {
            dist = dist + step;
            zInt[j] = Math.log((1.0 + dist) / (1.0 - dist)) / (2.0 * cE);
            rufInt[j] = Erf.erf(cE * zInt[j]);

        // Calculate step widths
        oHalfstep = 0.5 * (zInt[1] - zInt[0]);
        for (j = 0; j <= numRough / 2; j++) {
            zTemp = zInt[j];
            // The zInt values are symmetric, so this loop only computes the
            // bottom half and sets the upper half without doing the
            // calculation.
            zInt[j] = oHalfstep + 0.5 * (zInt[j + 1] - zInt[j]);
            zInt[numRough - j] = zInt[j];
            oHalfstep = 0.5 * (zInt[j + 1] - zTemp);


     * This operation generates a list of Tiles from the slabs with the
     * corresponding number of ordinate steps.
     * @param slabs
     *            the slabs of materials that define the system
     * @param numRough
     *            the number of ordinate steps
     * @param zInt
     *            FIXME! This array must be preallocated with a size n =
     *            maxRoughSize.
     * @param rufInt
     *            FIXME! This array must be preallocated with a size n =
     *            maxRoughSize.
     * @return the system of generated tiles
     * @throws MathException
     *             Thrown if the error function cannot be calculated
    public Tile[] generateTiles(Slab[] slabs, int numRough, double[] zInt, double[] rufInt) throws MathException {

        // Local Declarations
        int nGlay = 0;
        double totalThickness = 0.0, gDMid = 0.0, step = 0.0, dist = 0.0;
        // The number of slabs was not defined in the original code. I computed
        // it by counting up the loops. This formula is currently off a little
        // bit.
        int numSlabs = 2 + 2 * (numRough / 2 + 1) + (slabs.length - 2) * (2 + numRough);
        Tile[] generatedSlabs = new Tile[numSlabs];
        // Create the slabs
        for (int i = 0; i < numSlabs; i++) {
            generatedSlabs[i] = new Slab();

        // Evaluate the first half of the vacuum interface. Create the first
        // slab.
        Tile tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[0];
        Slab refSlab = slabs[0], secondRefSlab = slabs[1], thirdRefSlab;
        tmpSlab.scatteringLength = refSlab.scatteringLength;
        tmpSlab.trueAbsLength = refSlab.trueAbsLength;
        tmpSlab.incAbsLength = refSlab.incAbsLength;
        tmpSlab.thickness = refSlab.thickness;
        // Create the other slabs for this half
        for (int i = 0; i < numRough / 2 + 1; i++) {
            tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay + i];
            updateTileByInterface(tmpSlab, refSlab, secondRefSlab, zInt[i], rufInt[i]);
        nGlay += numRough / 2 + 1;

        // Evaluate the total normalized thickness of the surface
        for (int i = 0; i < numRough + 1; i++) {
            totalThickness += zInt[i];

        // Calculate gradation of layers. Using slabs.length - 1 because the
        // last layer is at index 4.
        for (int i = 1; i < slabs.length - 1; i++) {
            refSlab = slabs[i];
            secondRefSlab = slabs[i + 1];
            thirdRefSlab = slabs[i - 1];
            // FIXME! Review gDMid calculation with John because it can be
            // negative.
            gDMid = refSlab.thickness
                    - 0.5 * totalThickness * (refSlab.interfaceWidth + secondRefSlab.interfaceWidth);
            if (gDMid <= 1.0e-10) {
                // The interfaces are overlapping. Step through the entire slab
                step = refSlab.thickness / (numRough + 1);
                // Take the first half step
                tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay];
                tmpSlab.thickness = step / 2.0;
                dist = step / 4.0;
                updateTileByLayer(tmpSlab, thirdRefSlab, refSlab, secondRefSlab, dist);
                dist += 0.75 * step;
                // Take the remaining steps
                for (int j = 0; j < numRough; j++) {
                    tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay + j];
                    tmpSlab.thickness = step;
                    updateTileByLayer(tmpSlab, thirdRefSlab, refSlab, secondRefSlab, dist);
                    dist += step;
                nGlay += numRough;
                // Take final half step
                tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay];
                tmpSlab.thickness = step / 2.0;
                dist = refSlab.thickness - step / 4.0;
                updateTileByLayer(tmpSlab, thirdRefSlab, refSlab, secondRefSlab, dist);
            } else {
                // Evaluate contributions from interfaces separately.
                // Top interface
                for (int j = numRough / 2 + 1; j < numRough + 1; j++) {
                    // Get the next slab and update it by considering the
                    // interface contribution.
                    tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay + j - numRough / 2 - 1];
                    updateTileByInterface(tmpSlab, thirdRefSlab, refSlab, zInt[j], rufInt[j]);
                nGlay += numRough / 2 + 1;
                // Central, bulk-like portion
                tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay];
                tmpSlab.scatteringLength = refSlab.scatteringLength;
                tmpSlab.thickness = gDMid;
                tmpSlab.trueAbsLength = refSlab.trueAbsLength;
                tmpSlab.incAbsLength = refSlab.incAbsLength;
                // Bottom interface
                for (int j = 0; j < numRough / 2 + 1; j++) {
                    tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay + j];
                    updateTileByInterface(tmpSlab, refSlab, secondRefSlab, zInt[j], rufInt[j]);
                nGlay += numRough / 2 + 1;

        // Evaluate substrate gradation
        refSlab = slabs[slabs.length - 1];
        secondRefSlab = slabs[slabs.length - 2];
        for (int i = numRough / 2 + 1; i < numRough + 1; i++) {
            tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay + i - numRough / 2 - 1];
            updateTileByInterface(tmpSlab, secondRefSlab, refSlab, zInt[i], rufInt[i]);
        nGlay += numRough / 2 + 1;
        // Handle the last layer
        refSlab = slabs[slabs.length - 1];
        tmpSlab = generatedSlabs[nGlay];
        tmpSlab.scatteringLength = refSlab.scatteringLength;
        tmpSlab.trueAbsLength = refSlab.trueAbsLength;
        tmpSlab.incAbsLength = refSlab.incAbsLength;
        tmpSlab.thickness = refSlab.thickness;

        return generatedSlabs;

     * This operation performs the tile updates needed by the generateTile()
     * operation where interfaces should be considered.
     * @param tile
     *            the tile to update
     * @param slabM1
     *            the slab one index less than (so above) the middle slab
     * @param slab
     *            the middle slab
     * @param dist
     *            the step distance
    private void updateTileByInterface(Tile tile, Slab slabM1, Slab slab, double zInt, double rufInt) {

        // Update the tile
        tile.thickness = zInt * slab.interfaceWidth;
        tile.scatteringLength = 0.5 * (slab.scatteringLength + slabM1.scatteringLength
                + rufInt * (slab.scatteringLength - slabM1.scatteringLength));
        tile.trueAbsLength = 0.5 * (slab.trueAbsLength + slabM1.trueAbsLength
                + rufInt * (slab.trueAbsLength - slabM1.trueAbsLength));
        tile.incAbsLength = 0.5
                * (slab.incAbsLength + slabM1.incAbsLength + rufInt * (slab.incAbsLength - slabM1.incAbsLength));


     * This operation performs the tile updates needed by the generateTile()
     * operation.
     * @param tile
     *            the tile to update
     * @param slabM1
     *            the slab one index less than (so above) the middle slab
     * @param slab
     *            the middle slab
     * @param slabP1
     *            the slab one index greater than (so below) the middle slab
     * @param dist
     *            the step distance
     * @throws MathException
     *             Thrown if the error function cannot be evaluated
    private void updateTileByLayer(Tile updateSlab, Slab slabM1, Slab slab, Slab slabP1, double dist)
            throws MathException {

        // Compute the exponentials
        double tExpFac = Erf.erf(cE * dist / slab.interfaceWidth);
        double bExpFac = Erf.erf(cE * (dist - slab.thickness) / (slabP1.interfaceWidth));

        // Update the slab properties
        updateSlab.scatteringLength = getTileValue(slabM1.scatteringLength, slab.scatteringLength,
                slabP1.scatteringLength, tExpFac, bExpFac);
        updateSlab.trueAbsLength = getTileValue(slabM1.trueAbsLength, slab.trueAbsLength, slabP1.trueAbsLength,
                tExpFac, bExpFac);
        updateSlab.incAbsLength = getTileValue(slabM1.incAbsLength, slab.incAbsLength, slabP1.incAbsLength, tExpFac,


     * This is a convenience operation that performs a lengthy, complicated
     * update operation. In the original code this formula was used for several
     * quantities and caused significant bloat.
     * @param xm1
     *            the value at one index less than the midpoint
     * @param x
     *            the midpoint
     * @param xp1
     *            the value at one index greater than the midpoint
     * @param tao
     *            the factor for scaling x-xm1
     * @param beta
     *            the factor for scaling xp1-x
     * @return the updated value
    private double getTileValue(double xm1, double x, double xp1, double tao, double beta) {
        return 0.5 * (xm1 + x + tao * (x - xm1) + x + xp1 + beta * (xp1 - x)) - x;

     * This operation computes the convolution of the reflectivity with a
     * variable Gaussian resolution function.
     * @param deltaQ0
     *            - FIXME!
     * @param deltaQ1ByQ
     *            - FIXME!
     * @param wavelength
     *            - FIXME!
     * @param getRQ4
     *            - FIXME! True if the routine should compute rq^4, false
     *            otherwise.
     * @param waveVector
     *            The wave vector - FIXME!
     * @param tiles
     *            The tiles that define the layered structure of the materials.
     * @return the reflectivity
    public double[] convoluteReflectivity(double deltaQ0, double deltaQ1ByQ, double wavelength, boolean getRQ4,
            double[] waveVector, Tile[] tiles) {

        // Local Declarations
        double qEff = 0.0;
        int numPoints = waveVector.length, numLowPoints = 0, numHighPoints = 0;
        double[] reflectivity = new double[numPoints];

        // Determine the length of the high- and low-Q extensions
        numLowPoints = getLowExtensionLength(waveVector, deltaQ0, deltaQ1ByQ, numPoints);
        numHighPoints = getHighExtensionLength(waveVector, deltaQ0, deltaQ1ByQ, numPoints);

        // Extend the wave vector in a temporary array
        double[] tempWaveVector = new double[numLowPoints + numHighPoints + numPoints];
        double waveVecStep = waveVector[1] - waveVector[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < numLowPoints; i++) {
            tempWaveVector[i] = waveVector[0] - waveVecStep * ((double) numLowPoints + 1 - i);
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
            tempWaveVector[numLowPoints + i] = waveVector[i];
        waveVecStep = waveVector[numPoints - 1] - waveVector[numPoints - 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < numHighPoints; i++) {
            tempWaveVector[i + numLowPoints + numPoints] = waveVector[numPoints - 1] + waveVecStep * (i);

        // Create a temporary array to hold the extended reflectivity.
        double[] tempReflectivity = new double[numPoints + numLowPoints + numHighPoints];
        // Generate reflectivity values for convolution.
        // Calculate perfect-resolution reflectivity on extended wave vector
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints + numLowPoints + numHighPoints; i++) {
            if (tempWaveVector[i] < 1.0e-10) {
                qEff = 1.0e-10;
            } else {
                qEff = tempWaveVector[i];
            tempReflectivity[i] = getModSqrdSpecRef(qEff, wavelength, tiles);

        // Convolve with instrumental resolution
        convolute(tempWaveVector, deltaQ0, deltaQ1ByQ, wavelength, numPoints, numLowPoints, numHighPoints,

        // Transfer the results to the reflectivity array.
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
            reflectivity[i] = tempReflectivity[i];
        // Calculate RQ^4 if needed. FIXME! This is not covered by the current
        // tests and should actually be a separate function!
        if (getRQ4) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
                reflectivity[i] = Math.pow(waveVector[i], 4.0) * reflectivity[i];

        return reflectivity;

     * This operation computes the neutron scattering density profile for a set
     * of tiles.
     * @param tiles
     *            the set of tiles that define the material
     * @return The neutron scattering density profile.
    public ScatteringDensityProfile getScatteringDensityProfile(Tile[] tiles) {
        // Create an empty profile
        ScatteringDensityProfile profile = new ScatteringDensityProfile();
        profile.depth = new double[2 * tiles.length];
        profile.scatteringDensity = new double[2 * tiles.length];

        // Put down the first tile as two steps. Step one
        profile.depth[0] = -10.0;
        // Note that I am doing 2.0*n because that layer is the same as the
        // first slab. The original code ready n[slab] + n[tile], but they are
        // always the same.
        profile.scatteringDensity[0] = 2.0 * tiles[0].scatteringLength;
        double sumD = tiles[0].thickness;
        // Step two
        profile.depth[1] = sumD;
        profile.scatteringDensity[1] = 2.0 * tiles[0].scatteringLength;

        // Load the remaining tiles
        for (int i = 1; i < tiles.length; i++) {
            profile.depth[2 * i] = sumD;
            sumD += tiles[i].thickness;
            profile.depth[2 * i + 1] = sumD;
            profile.scatteringDensity[2 * i] = tiles[i].scatteringLength + tiles[0].scatteringLength;
            profile.scatteringDensity[2 * i + 1] = profile.scatteringDensity[2 * i];

        return profile;

     * This operation returns the reflectivity profile for the given wave vector
     * and set of slabs that define the material.
     * This function has entirely too many arguments and needs to be refactored.
     * @param slabs
     *            the slabs that define the material
     * @param numRough
     *            the number of layers of roughness
     * @param deltaQ0
     *            FIXME!
     * @param deltaQ1ByQ
     *            FIXME!
     * @param wavelength
     *            FIXME!
     * @param waveVector
     *            the wave vector
     * @param getRQ4
     *            true if the RQ^4 should be calculated, false otherwise
     * @return The reflectivity profile. It contains both the reflectivity as a
     *         function of the wave vector and the neutron scattering density as
     *         a function of depth.
    public ReflectivityProfile getReflectivityProfile(Slab[] slabs, int numRough, double deltaQ0, double deltaQ1ByQ,
            double wavelength, double[] waveVector, boolean getRQ4) {

        ReflectivityProfile profile = new ReflectivityProfile();

        try {
            // Generate the interfacial profile
            double[] zInt = new double[ReflectivityCalculator.maxRoughSize];
            double[] rufInt = new double[ReflectivityCalculator.maxRoughSize];
            getInterfacialProfile(numRough, zInt, rufInt);

            // Correct the refractive indices for incident medium
            double qCCorr = slabs[0].scatteringLength;
            for (int i = 0; i < slabs.length; i++) {
                slabs[i].scatteringLength -= qCCorr;

            // Makes sure that numRough is an odd number, and is at least 1.
            if (numRough < 2) {
                numRough = 1;
            } else if (numRough % 2 == 0) {

            // Generate the tiled roughness layers
            Tile[] tiles;

            // Check to see if user wants to not generate the layers
            if (numRough == 1) {
                // If not, then just use the slabs
                tiles = slabs;
            } else {
                // Use the regular stepping function to generate the interfacial
                // tiled layers
                tiles = generateTiles(slabs, numRough, zInt, rufInt);

            // Un-correct the refractive indices for incident medium
            for (int i = 0; i < slabs.length; i++) {
                slabs[i].scatteringLength += qCCorr;

            // Calculate the reflectivities
            double[] reflectivity = convoluteReflectivity(deltaQ0, deltaQ1ByQ, wavelength, getRQ4, waveVector,

            // Get the scattering profile
            ScatteringDensityProfile scatteringProfile = getScatteringDensityProfile(tiles);

            // Put everything into the reflectivity profile
            profile.depth = scatteringProfile.depth;
            profile.reflectivity = reflectivity;
            profile.waveVector = waveVector;
            profile.scatteringDensity = scatteringProfile.scatteringDensity;

        } catch (MathException e) {
            // Complain
            System.err.println("Unable to generate the interfacial profile!");
            logger.error(getClass().getName() + " Exception!", e);
            // Null out the profile so no bad data is returned
            profile = null;

        return profile;
