Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 BREDEX GmbH.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     BREDEX GmbH - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive;

import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.Converter;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.locale.converters.DateLocaleConverter;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.converter.AbstractXmlConverter;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.converter.AutIdGenerationConverter;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.converter.HTMLTechnicalComponentIndexConverter;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.converter.IXmlConverter;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.converter.V4C001;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.converter.WinToolkitIdConverter;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.i18n.Messages;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.output.NullImportOutput;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.Aut;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.AutConfig;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.Cap;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.Category;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.CheckActivatedContext;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.CheckAttribute;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.CheckConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.CompNames;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.ComponentName;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.EventHandler;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.EventTestCase;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.ExecCategory;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.I18NString;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.MapEntry;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.MonitoringValues;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.NamedTestData;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.ObjectMapping;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.ObjectMappingProfile;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.OmCategory;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.OmEntry;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.ParamDescription;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.Project;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.RefTestCase;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.RefTestSuite;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.ReusedProject;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.SummaryAttribute;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TechnicalName;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestCase;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestCase.Teststep;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestData;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestDataCategory;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestDataCell;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestDataRow;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestJobs;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestSuite;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestresultSummaries;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.TestresultSummary;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.archive.schema.UsedToolkit;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.ComponentNamesBP.CompNameCreationContext;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.IParamNameMapper;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.IWritableComponentNameCache;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.ProjectNameBP;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.TestDataCubeBP;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.UsedToolkitBP;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.UsedToolkitBP.ToolkitPluginError;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.UsedToolkitBP.ToolkitPluginError.ERROR;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IAUTConfigPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IAUTConfigPO.ActivationMethod;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IAUTMainPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ICapPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ICategoryPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ICheckConfContPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ICheckConfPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ICompNamesPairPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IComponentNamePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IEventExecTestCasePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IExecTestCasePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.INodePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IObjectMappingAssoziationPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IObjectMappingCategoryPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IObjectMappingPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IObjectMappingProfilePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IParamDescriptionPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IParamNodePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IParameterInterfacePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IProjectPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IProjectPropertiesPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IRefTestSuitePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IReusedProjectPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ISpecTestCasePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITDManager;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITestDataCategoryPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITestDataCubePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITestDataPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITestJobPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITestResultSummary;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITestResultSummaryPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITestSuitePO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IUsedToolkitPO;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.NodeMaker;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.PoMaker;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ReentryProperty;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.IExecPersistable;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.ISpecPersistable;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.NodePM;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.PersistenceUtil;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.Persistor;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.TestResultSummaryPM;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.progress.IProgressConsole;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.utils.AbstractNonPostOperatingTreeNodeOperation;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.utils.ITreeTraverserContext;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.utils.LocaleUtil;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.utils.ModelParamValueConverter;
import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.utils.TreeTraverser;
import org.eclipse.jubula.toolkit.common.xml.businessprocess.ComponentBuilder;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException;

 * @author BREDEX GmbH
 * @created 13.01.2006
class XmlImporter {
     * Pattern for date serialization format.
     * Due to the fact that this constant is used for serialization and 
     * deserialization, it is very important that:<ul>
     *   <li><b>any</b> change to the format be carefully considered such that 
     *     deserialization of dates from exported projects still works</li>
     *   <li>the format <b>only</b> contains numbers, as language differences
     *     might otherwise break deserialization (e.g. American English has 
     *     no way to meaningfully parse the German "Mai")</li>
     * </ul>
    public static final String DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S"; //$NON-NLS-1$

     * Utility for converting between Strings and model objects for use in 
     * import/export operations. This is available for use but should not be 
     * modified (registration/deregistration of converters).  
    public static final BeanUtilsBean BEAN_UTILS = new BeanUtilsBean();

    static {
        DateLocaleConverter converter = new DateLocaleConverter(Locale.getDefault(), DATE_PATTERN);
        final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN);
        Converter stringConverter = new Converter() {

            @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unused" })
            protected Class getDefaultType() {
                return String.class;

            @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unused" })
            protected Object convertToType(Class type, Object value) throws Throwable {
                return value.toString();

            protected String convertToString(Object value) throws Throwable {
                if (value instanceof Date) {
                    return dateFormatter.format((Date) value);
                return value.toString();

            public Object convert(Class arg0, Object arg1) {
                if (arg0.isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
                    try {
                        return convertToString(arg1);
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        throw new ConversionException(e);
                throw new ConversionException("Can convert only strings");
        BEAN_UTILS.getConvertUtils().register(stringConverter, String.class);
        BEAN_UTILS.getConvertUtils().register(converter, Date.class);

    /** number of characters of a guid */
    private static final int GUID_LENGTH = 32;

    /** standard logging */
    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlImporter.class);

    /** Remember which instance belongs to the id used in the XML element */
    private Map<String, IAUTConfigPO> m_autConfRef = new HashMap<String, IAUTConfigPO>();

    /** Remember which instance belongs to the id used in the XML element */
    private Map<String, IAUTMainPO> m_autRef = new HashMap<String, IAUTMainPO>();

    /** Remember which instance belongs to the id/guid used in the XML element */
    private Map<String, ISpecTestCasePO> m_tcRef = new HashMap<String, ISpecTestCasePO>();

    /** Remember which instance belongs to the id/guid used in the XML element */
    private Map<String, ICategoryPO> m_execCategoryCache = new HashMap<String, ICategoryPO>();

    /** Mapping between old and new GUIDs. Only used when assigning new GUIDs */
    private Map<String, String> m_oldToNewGuids = new HashMap<String, String>();

    /** The progress monitor for this importer. */
    private IProgressMonitor m_monitor;

    /** The import output. */
    private IProgressConsole m_io;

    /** Parameters that could not be parsed during import */
    private List<String> m_unparseableParameters = new ArrayList<String>();

     * Constructor
     * @param monitor
     *            The progress monitor for this import operation.
     * @param io
     *            the import output device during import progress
    public XmlImporter(IProgressMonitor monitor, IProgressConsole io) {
        m_monitor = monitor;
        m_io = io;

     * Constructor
     * @param monitor
     *            The progress monitor for this import operation.
    public XmlImporter(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
        m_monitor = monitor;
        m_io = new NullImportOutput();

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the XML
     * element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects as
     * well.
     * @param xml
     *            Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param paramNameMapper
     *            mapper to resolve param names
     * @param compNameCache
     *            cache to resolve component names
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     *         element
     * @throws InvalidDataException
     *             if some data is invalid when constructing an object. This
     *             should not happen for exported project, but may happen when
     *             someone generates XML project description outside of
     *             GUIdancer.
     * @throws JBVersionException
     *             in case of version conflict between used toolkits of imported
     *             project and the installed Toolkit Plugins
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             if the operation was canceled.
    public IProjectPO createProject(Project xml, IParamNameMapper paramNameMapper,
            IWritableComponentNameCache compNameCache)
            throws InvalidDataException, JBVersionException, InterruptedException {

        return createProject(xml, false, paramNameMapper, compNameCache);

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the XML
     * element used as parameter. The method generates all dependend objects as
     * well. This method also assigns a new version number to the persistent
     * object.
     * @param xml
     *            Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param majorVersion
     *            Major version number for the created object.
     * @param minorVersion
     *            Minor version number for the created object.
     * @param paramNameMapper
     *            mapper to resolve param names
     * @param compNameCache
     *            cache to resolve component names
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     *         element
     * @throws InvalidDataException
     *             if some data is invalid when constructing an object. This
     *             should not happen for exported project, but may happen when
     *             someone generates XML project description outside of
     *             GUIdancer.
     * @throws JBVersionException
     *             in case of version conflict between used toolkits of imported
     *             project and the installed Toolkit Plugins
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             if the operation was canceled.
    public IProjectPO createProject(Project xml, Integer majorVersion, Integer minorVersion,
            IParamNameMapper paramNameMapper, IWritableComponentNameCache compNameCache)
            throws InvalidDataException, JBVersionException, InterruptedException {

        return createProject(xml, false, paramNameMapper, compNameCache);

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the XML
     * element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects as
     * well.
     * @param xml
     *            Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid
     *            <code>true</code> if the project and all subnodes should be
     *            assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
     * @param paramNameMapper
     *            mapper to resolve param names
     * @param compNameCache
     *            cache to resolve component names
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     *         element
     * @throws InvalidDataException
     *             if some data is invalid when constructing an object. This
     *             should not happen for exported project, but may happen when
     *             someone generates XML project description outside of
     *             GUIdancer.
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             if the operation was canceled
     * @throws JBVersionException
     *             in case of version conflict between used toolkits of imported
     *             project and the installed Toolkit Plugins
    public IProjectPO createProject(Project xml, boolean assignNewGuid, IParamNameMapper paramNameMapper,
            IWritableComponentNameCache compNameCache)
            throws InvalidDataException, InterruptedException, JBVersionException {


        List<AbstractXmlConverter> listOfConverter = new LinkedList<AbstractXmlConverter>();

        // ======= register converter here =======
        listOfConverter.add(new AutIdGenerationConverter());
        listOfConverter.add(new V4C001());
        listOfConverter.add(new HTMLTechnicalComponentIndexConverter());
        listOfConverter.add(new WinToolkitIdConverter());
        // =======================================

        for (IXmlConverter c : listOfConverter) {

        IProjectPO proj = create(xml, assignNewGuid, paramNameMapper, compNameCache);

        if (!m_unparseableParameters.isEmpty()) {
            for (String param : m_unparseableParameters) {

        return proj;

     * @param xml
     *            the project xml
     * @throws JBVersionException
     *             in case of version conflict between given xml and minimum xml
     *             version number; if these versions do not fit the current
     *             available converter are not able to convert the given project
     *             xml properly.
    private void checkMinimumRequiredXMLVersion(Project xml) throws JBVersionException {
        if (!xml.isSetMetaDataVersion() || xml.getMetaDataVersion() < IVersion.JB_CLIENT_MIN_XML_METADATA_VERSION) {
            List<String> errorMsgs = new ArrayList<String>();
            throw new JBVersionException(Messages.XmlImporterProjectXMLTooOld,
                    MessageIDs.E_LOAD_PROJECT_XML_VERSION_ERROR, errorMsgs);

     * @param xml
     *            the xml project
     * @throws JBVersionException
     *             in case of version conflict between used toolkits of imported
     *             project and the installed Toolkit Plugins
    private void checkUsedToolkits(Project xml) throws JBVersionException {
        Set<IUsedToolkitPO> usedTK = new HashSet<IUsedToolkitPO>();
        for (UsedToolkit usedToolkit : xml.getUsedToolkitList()) {
            usedTK.add(PoMaker.createUsedToolkitsPO(usedToolkit.getName(), usedToolkit.getMajorVersion(),
                    usedToolkit.getMinorVersion(), null));
        List<String> errorMsgs = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (!validateToolkitVersion(usedTK, xml.getName(), errorMsgs)) {
            throw new JBVersionException(Messages.IncompatibleToolkitVersion,
                    MessageIDs.E_LOAD_PROJECT_TOOLKIT_MAJOR_VERSION_ERROR, errorMsgs);

     * @param xml
     *            the datasource to get additional information from
    private void documentRequiredProjects(Project xml) {
        if (xml.getReusedProjectsList().size() > 0) {
                    new Object[] { xml.getName(), xml.getMajorProjectVersion(), xml.getMinorProjectVersion() }));
            for (ReusedProject rp : xml.getReusedProjectsList()) {
                String requiredProjectString = rp.getProjectName() != null
                        ? NLS.bind(Messages.XmlImporterRequiredProject,
                                new Object[] { rp.getProjectName(), rp.getMajorProjectVersion(),
                                        rp.getMinorProjectVersion() })
                        : NLS.bind(Messages.XmlImporterRequiredProjectWithoutName, new Object[] {
                                rp.getProjectGUID(), rp.getMajorProjectVersion(), rp.getMinorProjectVersion() });

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param xmlProj the XML-Project
     * @param proj the IProjectPO
     * @param compNameCache The cache for storing and retrieving 
     *                      Component Names in memory.
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the project and all subnodes
     *      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
    private void createComponentNames(Project xmlProj, IProjectPO proj, IWritableComponentNameCache compNameCache,
            boolean assignNewGuid) {

        final List<ComponentName> componentNamesList = xmlProj.getComponentNamesList();
        final Map<String, String> oldToNewGUID = new HashMap<String, String>(componentNamesList.size());
        Set<IComponentNamePO> createdCompNames = new HashSet<IComponentNamePO>();
        for (ComponentName compName : componentNamesList) {
            String guid = compName.getGUID();
            if (assignNewGuid) {
                final String newGuid = PersistenceUtil.generateGuid();
                oldToNewGUID.put(guid, newGuid);
                guid = newGuid;
            final String name = compName.getCompName();
            final String type = compName.getCompType();
            if (!componentHasDefaultMapping(type)) {

                final String creationContext = compName.getCreationContext();
                final CompNameCreationContext ctx = CompNameCreationContext.forName(creationContext);
                final IComponentNamePO componentNamePO = PoMaker.createComponentNamePO(guid, name, type, ctx,

        if (assignNewGuid) {
            for (IComponentNamePO createdName : createdCompNames) {
                String newGuid = oldToNewGUID.get(createdName.getReferencedGuid());
                if (newGuid != null) {
            switchCompNamesGuids(proj, oldToNewGUID);

     * @param proj the IProjectPO
     * @param oldToNewGUID a Map with old to new GUID.
    private void switchCompNamesGuids(IProjectPO proj, final Map<String, String> oldToNewGUID) {
        /** */
        class SwitchCompNamesGuidsOp extends AbstractNonPostOperatingTreeNodeOperation<INodePO> {
            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public boolean operate(ITreeTraverserContext<INodePO> ctx, INodePO parent, INodePO node,
                    boolean alreadyVisited) {
                if (node instanceof ICapPO) {
                    switchCapCompNameGuids((ICapPO) node);
                } else if (node instanceof IExecTestCasePO) {
                    switchExecTcCompNameGuids((IExecTestCasePO) node);
                return true;

             * @param execTc an IExecTestCasePO
            private void switchExecTcCompNameGuids(IExecTestCasePO execTc) {
                for (ICompNamesPairPO pair : new ArrayList<ICompNamesPairPO>(execTc.getCompNamesPairs())) {
                    final String oldGuid = pair.getFirstName();
                    final String newGuid = oldToNewGUID.get(oldGuid);
                    if (newGuid != null) {
                    final String oldSecGuid = pair.getSecondName();
                    final String newSecGuid = oldToNewGUID.get(oldSecGuid);
                    if (newSecGuid != null) {

             * @param cap an IcapPO
            private void switchCapCompNameGuids(ICapPO cap) {
                final String oldGuid = cap.getComponentName();
                final String newGuid = oldToNewGUID.get(oldGuid);
                if (newGuid != null) {
        final SwitchCompNamesGuidsOp switchGuidOp = new SwitchCompNamesGuidsOp();
        TreeTraverser ttv = new TreeTraverser(proj, switchGuidOp, true);
        ttv = new TreeTraverser(proj, switchGuidOp, false);
        for (IAUTMainPO autMain : proj.getAutMainList()) {
            final IObjectMappingPO objMap = autMain.getObjMap();
            for (IObjectMappingAssoziationPO oma : objMap.getMappings()) {
                List<String> namesToUpdate = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (String oldLogicName : oma.getLogicalNames()) {
                    if (oldToNewGUID.containsKey(oldLogicName)) {
                for (String oldLogicName : namesToUpdate) {

     * @param usedTK toolkits used from project to import
     * @param projName name of project to import
     * @param errorMsgs list with strings of detailled error messages
     * @return if project uses toolkits which client supports 
    private boolean validateToolkitVersion(Set<IUsedToolkitPO> usedTK, String projName, List<String> errorMsgs) {
        List<ToolkitPluginError> errors = UsedToolkitBP.getInstance().checkUsedToolkitPluginVersions(usedTK);
        if (errors.isEmpty()) {
            return true;
        boolean loadProject = true;
        for (ToolkitPluginError error : errors) {
            final StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            String toolkitId = error.getToolkitId();
            ToolkitPluginDescriptor desc = ComponentBuilder.getInstance().getCompSystem()
            String toolkitName = desc != null ? desc.getName() : toolkitId;

            final ERROR errorType = error.getError();
            final String descr = Messages.OpenProjectActionToolkitVersionConflict5;
            switch (errorType) {
            case MAJOR_VERSION_ERROR:
                loadProject = false;

            case MINOR_VERSION_HIGHER:
                loadProject = false;


            case MINOR_VERSION_LOWER:

                Assert.notReached(Messages.UnknownErrorType + String.valueOf(errorType));
        return loadProject;


     * @param xml XML
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the project and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @param mapper a mapper
     * @param cNC the component name cache to use during project creation
     * @return The ProjectPO
     * @throws InvalidDataException
     * @see createProject(Project xml, boolean assignNewGuid,
     *   IParamNameMapper mapper)
    private IProjectPO create(Project xml, boolean assignNewGuid, IParamNameMapper mapper,
            IWritableComponentNameCache cNC) throws InvalidDataException, InterruptedException {
        IProjectPO proj = initProject(xml, assignNewGuid);
        EntityManager attrDescSession = Persistor.instance().openSession();
        try {
            fillProject(proj, xml, attrDescSession, assignNewGuid, mapper, cNC);
        } finally {
        return proj;

     * @param proj The project that will be filled.
     * @param attrDescSession The attribute session.
     * @param xml XML
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the project and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @param mapper a mapper
     * @param cNC the component name cache to use during project creation
     * @throws InvalidDataException
     * @see createProject(Project xml, boolean assignNewGuid,
     *   IParamNameMapper mapper)
    private void fillProject(IProjectPO proj, Project xml, EntityManager attrDescSession, boolean assignNewGuid,
            IParamNameMapper mapper, IWritableComponentNameCache cNC)
            throws InvalidDataException, InterruptedException {
        IProjectPropertiesPO projectProperties = fillProjectProperties(proj, xml);
        if (xml.isSetTestResultDetailsCleanupInterval()) {
        } else {
        for (ReusedProject reusedProj : xml.getReusedProjectsList()) {
        for (String projLang : xml.getProjectLanguageList()) {
        for (Aut autXml : xml.getAutList()) {
            proj.addAUTMain(createAUTMain(autXml, assignNewGuid));
        for (TestDataCategory testDataCategory : xml.getTestDataCategoryList()) {
            proj.getTestDataCubeCont().addCategory(createTestDataCategory(testDataCategory, assignNewGuid, mapper));
        for (NamedTestData testDataCube : xml.getNamedTestDataList()) {
            proj.getTestDataCubeCont().addTestData(createTestDataCube(testDataCube, assignNewGuid, mapper));
        for (Category catXml : xml.getCategoryList()) {
            proj.getSpecObjCont().addSpecObject(createCategory(proj, catXml, assignNewGuid, mapper));
        for (TestCase tcXml : xml.getTestcaseList()) {
            initTestCase(assignNewGuid, mapper, proj, tcXml);

        for (Category catXml : xml.getCategoryList()) {
            rerunCategories(proj, catXml, assignNewGuid, attrDescSession);
        for (TestCase tcXml : xml.getTestcaseList()) {
            completeTestCase(proj, tcXml, assignNewGuid, attrDescSession);
        // BEGIN - pre 1.2 xml data model handling
        handleOldTestSuitesAndTestJobs(proj, xml, attrDescSession, assignNewGuid);
        // END - pre 1.2 xml data model handling
        handleTestSuitesAndTestJobsAndCategories(proj, xml, assignNewGuid);

        for (CheckConfiguration xmlConf : xml.getCheckConfigurationList()) {
            initCheckConf(xmlConf, projectProperties.getCheckConfCont());
        if (xml.getTestresultSummaries() != null) {
            initTestResultSummaries(xml.getTestresultSummaries(), proj);
        createComponentNames(xml, proj, cNC, assignNewGuid);

     * @param proj
     *            the project
     * @param xml
     *            the project
     * @return the project properties
    public IProjectPropertiesPO fillProjectProperties(IProjectPO proj, Project xml) {
        IProjectPropertiesPO projectProperties = proj.getProjectProperties();
        return projectProperties;

     * @param proj
     *            the project po
     * @param xml
     *            the project xml
     * @param assignNewGuid
     *            flag to indicate whether new ids should be assigned
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             in case of interruption
     * @throws InvalidDataException
     *             in case of invalid data
    private void handleTestSuitesAndTestJobsAndCategories(IProjectPO proj, Project xml, boolean assignNewGuid)
            throws InterruptedException, InvalidDataException {
        for (ExecCategory catXml : xml.getExecCategoriesList()) {
            List<IExecPersistable> tsAndCats = createListOfCategoriesAndTestsuites(proj, catXml, assignNewGuid);
            for (IExecPersistable exec : tsAndCats) {
        for (ExecCategory catXml : xml.getExecCategoriesList()) {
            List<IExecPersistable> tjs = createListOfTestJobs(catXml, assignNewGuid);
            for (IExecPersistable exec : tjs) {

     * Handle "old"-XML data structure for pre 1.2 datamodel
     * @param proj
     *            the project
     * @param xml
     *            the project xml
     * @param attrDescSession
     *            the attribute description
     * @param assignNewGuid
     *            whether new GUIDs should be assigned or not
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             in case of an interruption
     * @throws InvalidDataException
     *             if some data is invalid when constructing an object. This
     *             should not happen for exported project, but may happen when
     *             someone generates XML project description outside of
     *             GUIdancer.
    private void handleOldTestSuitesAndTestJobs(IProjectPO proj, Project xml, EntityManager attrDescSession,
            boolean assignNewGuid) throws InterruptedException, InvalidDataException {
        if (!xml.getTestsuiteList().isEmpty()) {
            ICategoryPO catTS = NodeMaker.createCategoryPO("Test Suites");
            for (TestSuite tsXml : xml.getTestsuiteList()) {
                ITestSuitePO tsPO = createTestSuite(proj, tsXml, assignNewGuid);
        if (!xml.getTestsuiteList().isEmpty()) {
            ICategoryPO catTJ = NodeMaker.createCategoryPO("Test Jobs");
            for (TestJobs tjXml : xml.getTestJobsList()) {
                catTJ.addNode(createTestJob(tjXml, assignNewGuid));

     * @param xmlConf
     *            The source of the check configuration
     * @param checkConfCont
     *            The destiny of the check configuration (will be persisted)
    private void initCheckConf(CheckConfiguration xmlConf, ICheckConfContPO checkConfCont) {
        if (xmlConf.getSeverity().matches("(0|1|2|3)")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            return; // its an old exported xml, just don't create the conf
        ICheckConfPO chkConf = checkConfCont.createCheckConf();

        for (CheckAttribute xmlAttr : xmlConf.getCheckAttributeList()) {
            chkConf.getAttr().put(xmlAttr.getName(), xmlAttr.getValue());
        for (CheckActivatedContext xmlCxt : xmlConf.getActiveContextList()) {
            boolean active = xmlCxt.getActive();
            chkConf.getContexts().put(xmlCxt.getClass1(), active);

        checkConfCont.addCheckConf(xmlConf.getCheckId(), chkConf);

     * @param xml XML storage for the project
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the project and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a new IProjectPO
    private IProjectPO initProject(Project xml, boolean assignNewGuid) {
        IProjectPO proj = null;
        if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
            Integer majorProjVersion = xml.isSetMajorProjectVersion() ? xml.getMajorProjectVersion()
                    : xml.getMajorNumber();
            Integer minorProjVersion = xml.isSetMinorProjectVersion() ? xml.getMinorProjectVersion()
                    : xml.getMinorNumber();
            proj = NodeMaker.createProjectPO(IVersion.JB_CLIENT_METADATA_VERSION, majorProjVersion,
                    minorProjVersion, xml.getGUID());
            ProjectNameBP.getInstance().setName(xml.getGUID(), xml.getName(), false);
        } else {
            proj = NodeMaker.createProjectPO(xml.getName(), IVersion.JB_CLIENT_METADATA_VERSION);
            if (assignNewGuid) {
                m_oldToNewGuids.put(xml.getGUID(), proj.getGuid());
        return proj;

     * @param proj The project to which the test result summaries belongs.
     * @param trsListXml
     *            The XML element for the test result summaries
    private void initTestResultSummaries(TestresultSummaries trsListXml, IProjectPO proj) {

        PropertyDescriptor[] propertiesToImport = BEAN_UTILS.getPropertyUtils()

        for (TestresultSummary trsXml : trsListXml.getTestresultSummaryList()) {

            ITestResultSummaryPO summary = PoMaker.createTestResultSummaryPO();

            for (PropertyDescriptor pd : propertiesToImport) {
                List<SummaryAttribute> entries = trsXml.getAttributeList();
                String propertyNameToSet = pd.getName();
                boolean found = false;
                int pos = 0;
                for (SummaryAttribute me : entries) {
                    if (me.getKey().equals(propertyNameToSet)) {
                        found = true;
                if (found) {
                    SummaryAttribute sa = entries.get(pos);
                    if (!sa.isNilValue()) {
                        try {
                            BEAN_UTILS.setProperty(summary, propertyNameToSet, sa.getValue());
                        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                            log.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                            log.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                } else {
                    log.warn(Messages.Property + StringConstants.SPACE + propertyNameToSet + StringConstants.SPACE
                            + Messages.NotFound + StringConstants.DOT);

            List<MonitoringValues> tmpList = trsXml.getMonitoringValueList();
            Map<String, IMonitoringValue> tmpMap = new HashMap<String, IMonitoringValue>();
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpList.size(); i++) {
                MonitoringValues tmpMon = tmpList.get(i);
                MonitoringValue tmp = new MonitoringValue();
                tmpMap.put(tmpMon.getKey(), tmp);


            if (!TestResultSummaryPM.doesTestResultSummaryExist(summary)) {



     * Creates and initializes a test case.
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the test case and all 
     *                      sub-elements should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @param mapper Mapper to resolve param names.
     * @param proj The project to which the test case belongs.
     * @param tcXml The XML element for the test case.
    private void initTestCase(boolean assignNewGuid, IParamNameMapper mapper, IProjectPO proj, TestCase tcXml) {
        ISpecTestCasePO tcPO = createTestCaseBase(proj, tcXml, assignNewGuid, mapper);

     * Checks whether the operation has been canceled. If the operation has been
     * canceled, an <code>InterruptedException</code> will be thrown.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the operation has been canceled.
    private void checkCancel() throws InterruptedException {
        if (m_monitor.isCanceled()) {
            throw new InterruptedException();

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the testcase and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @param attrDescSession The session used for locating attribute 
     *                        descriptions in the database.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
    private ISpecTestCasePO completeTestCase(IProjectPO proj, TestCase xml, boolean assignNewGuid,
            EntityManager attrDescSession) throws InvalidDataException {

        ISpecTestCasePO tc;

        if (xml.getId() != null) {
            tc = m_tcRef.get(xml.getId());
        } else if (assignNewGuid) {
            tc = m_tcRef.get(m_oldToNewGuids.get(xml.getGUID()));
        } else {
            tc = m_tcRef.get(xml.getGUID());

        for (Teststep stepXml : xml.getTeststepList()) {
            if (stepXml.getCap() != null) {
                tc.addNode(createCap(proj, stepXml.getCap(), assignNewGuid));
            } else {
                tc.addNode(createExecTestCase(proj, stepXml.getUsedTestcase(), assignNewGuid));
        for (EventTestCase evTcXml : xml.getEventTestcaseList()) {
            tc.addEventTestCase(createEventExecTestCase(proj, tc, evTcXml, assignNewGuid));
        return tc;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the AUT Config
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
    private IAUTConfigPO createAUTConfig(AutConfig xml, boolean assignNewGuid) {
        IAUTConfigPO conf = null;
        if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
            // GUID is available
            conf = PoMaker.createAUTConfigPO(xml.getGUID());
        } else {
            conf = PoMaker.createAUTConfigPO();
        m_autConfRef.put(xml.getId(), conf);
        // FIXME BEGIN : only for compatibility reasons. Remove in version > 2.0
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.CLASSNAME, xml.getClassname());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.CLASSPATH, xml.getClasspath());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.JAR_FILE, xml.getJarfile());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.AUT_ARGUMENTS, xml.getParameter());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.WORKING_DIR, xml.getWorkingDir());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.JRE_BINARY, xml.getJreDir());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.JRE_PARAMETER, xml.getJreParameter());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.SERVER, xml.getServer());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.ENVIRONMENT, xml.getEnvironment());
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.ACTIVATE_APPLICATION, String.valueOf(xml.getActivateApp()));
        conf.setValue(AutConfigConstants.CONFIG_NAME, String.valueOf(xml.getName()));
        // FIXME END

        final List<MapEntry> confAttrMapList = xml.getConfAttrMapEntryList();
        for (MapEntry entry : confAttrMapList) {
            final String key = entry.getKey();
            final String value = entry.getValue();
            conf.setValue(key, value);
        return conf;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the AUT and all corresponding 
     *                      AUT Configs should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
    private IAUTMainPO createAUTMain(Aut xml, boolean assignNewGuid) {
        IAUTMainPO aut = null;
        if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
            // GUID is available
            aut = PoMaker.createAUTMainPO(xml.getName(), xml.getGUID());
        } else {
            aut = PoMaker.createAUTMainPO(xml.getName());

        m_autRef.put(xml.getId(), aut);
        for (String lang : xml.getLanguageList()) {
        for (AutConfig confXml : xml.getConfigList()) {
            aut.addAutConfigToSet(createAUTConfig(confXml, assignNewGuid));
        for (String autId : xml.getAutIdList()) {

        return aut;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
    private IReusedProjectPO createReusedProject(ReusedProject xml) {
        Integer majorProjVersion = xml.isSetMajorProjectVersion() ? xml.getMajorProjectVersion()
                : xml.getMajorNumber();
        Integer minorProjVersion = xml.isSetMinorProjectVersion() ? xml.getMinorProjectVersion()
                : xml.getMinorNumber();
        IReusedProjectPO reusedProject = PoMaker.createReusedProjectPO(xml.getProjectGUID(), majorProjVersion,
        return reusedProject;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the cap
     *                      should be assigned a new GUID. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
    private ICapPO createCap(IProjectPO proj, Cap xml, boolean assignNewGuid) {

        final ICapPO cap;
        String componentname = xml.getComponentName();
        if (componentHasDefaultMapping(xml.getComponentType())) {
            componentname = null;
        if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
            // GUID is available
            cap = NodeMaker.createCapPO(xml.getName(), componentname, xml.getComponentType(), xml.getActionName(),
                    proj, xml.getGUID());
        } else {
            cap = NodeMaker.createCapPO(xml.getName(), componentname, xml.getComponentType(), xml.getActionName(),
        if (xml.isSetActive()) {
        } else {
        if (xml.getComment() != null) {
        if (xml.getTestdata() != null) {
            ITDManager tdman = fillTDManager(cap, xml);
        return cap;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the category and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @param mapper mapper to resolve param names
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
    private ISpecPersistable createCategory(IProjectPO proj, Category xml, boolean assignNewGuid,
            IParamNameMapper mapper) throws InvalidDataException {
        ICategoryPO cat;
        if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
            cat = NodeMaker.createCategoryPO(xml.getName(), xml.getGUID());
        } else {
            cat = NodeMaker.createCategoryPO(xml.getName());

        for (Category catXml : xml.getCategoryList()) {
            cat.addNode(createCategory(proj, catXml, assignNewGuid, mapper));

        for (TestCase tcXml : xml.getTestcaseList()) {
            cat.addNode(createTestCaseBase(proj, tcXml, assignNewGuid, mapper));
        return cat;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as parameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the category and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
    private List<IExecPersistable> createListOfCategoriesAndTestsuites(IProjectPO proj, ExecCategory xml,
            boolean assignNewGuid) throws InvalidDataException {
        List<IExecPersistable> execNodes = new ArrayList<IExecPersistable>();

        for (ExecCategory catXml : xml.getCategoryList()) {
            execNodes.add(createExecObjects(proj, catXml, assignNewGuid));

        for (TestSuite tsXml : xml.getTestsuiteList()) {
            execNodes.add(createTestSuite(proj, tsXml, assignNewGuid));

        return execNodes;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as parameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the category and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
    private List<IExecPersistable> createListOfTestJobs(ExecCategory xml, boolean assignNewGuid)
            throws InvalidDataException {
        List<IExecPersistable> execNodes = new ArrayList<IExecPersistable>();

        for (ExecCategory catXml : xml.getCategoryList()) {
            createTestJobs(catXml, assignNewGuid);
        for (TestJobs tjXml : xml.getTestjobList()) {
            execNodes.add(createTestJob(tjXml, assignNewGuid));
        return execNodes;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as parameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the category and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
    private void createTestJobs(ExecCategory xml, boolean assignNewGuid) throws InvalidDataException {
        for (ExecCategory catXml : xml.getCategoryList()) {
            createTestJobs(catXml, assignNewGuid);

        String guid = xml.getGUID();
        if (assignNewGuid) {
            guid = m_oldToNewGuids.get(guid);
        ICategoryPO cat = m_execCategoryCache.get(guid);
        for (TestJobs tjXml : xml.getTestjobList()) {
            cat.addNode(createTestJob(tjXml, assignNewGuid));

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as parameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the category and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
    private IExecPersistable createExecObjects(IProjectPO proj, ExecCategory xml, boolean assignNewGuid)
            throws InvalidDataException {
        ICategoryPO cat;
        if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
            cat = NodeMaker.createCategoryPO(xml.getName(), xml.getGUID());
            m_execCategoryCache.put(xml.getGUID(), cat);
        } else {
            cat = NodeMaker.createCategoryPO(xml.getName());
            m_execCategoryCache.put(cat.getGuid(), cat);
            m_oldToNewGuids.put(xml.getGUID(), cat.getGuid());

        for (ExecCategory catXml : xml.getCategoryList()) {
            cat.addNode(createExecObjects(proj, catXml, assignNewGuid));

        for (TestSuite tsXml : xml.getTestsuiteList()) {
            cat.addNode(createTestSuite(proj, tsXml, assignNewGuid));

        return cat;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param tc Testcase which holds the newly created EventExecTC.
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the test case
     *                      should be assigned a new GUID. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
    private IEventExecTestCasePO createEventExecTestCase(IProjectPO proj, ISpecTestCasePO tc, EventTestCase xml,
            boolean assignNewGuid) throws InvalidDataException {

        IEventExecTestCasePO evTc;
        ISpecTestCasePO refTc;
        if (xml.getTestcaseRef() != null) {
            refTc = findReferencedTC(xml.getTestcaseRef());
        } else {
            refTc = findReferencedTCByGuid(xml.getTestcaseGuid(), xml.getProjectGuid(), proj, assignNewGuid);

        if (refTc == null) {
            // SpectTC is not yet available in this DB
            if (assignNewGuid) {
                evTc = NodeMaker.createEventExecTestCasePO(xml.getTestcaseGuid(), xml.getProjectGuid(), tc);
            } else {
                evTc = NodeMaker.createEventExecTestCasePO(xml.getTestcaseGuid(), xml.getProjectGuid(), tc,
        } else {
            if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
                evTc = NodeMaker.createEventExecTestCasePO(refTc, tc, xml.getGUID());
            } else {
                evTc = NodeMaker.createEventExecTestCasePO(refTc, tc);
        fillExecTestCase(proj, xml, evTc, assignNewGuid);
        ReentryProperty reentryProperty = ReentryProperty.getProperty(xml.getReentryProperty().intValue());
        if (reentryProperty == ReentryProperty.RETRY) {
            evTc.setMaxRetries(xml.isSetMaxRetries() ? xml.getMaxRetries() : 1);

        // Clear the cached specTc to avoid LazyInitializationExceptions

        return evTc;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the testcase and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
    private IExecTestCasePO createExecTestCase(IProjectPO proj, RefTestCase xml, boolean assignNewGuid) {
        IExecTestCasePO exec;
        ISpecTestCasePO refTc;
        if (xml.getTestcaseRef() != null) {
            refTc = findReferencedTC(xml.getTestcaseRef());
        } else {
            refTc = findReferencedTCByGuid(xml.getTestcaseGuid(), xml.getProjectGuid(), proj, assignNewGuid);

        if (refTc == null) {
            // SpectTC is not yet available in this DB
            if (!assignNewGuid) {
                exec = NodeMaker.createExecTestCasePO(xml.getTestcaseGuid(), xml.getProjectGuid(), xml.getGUID());
            } else {
                exec = NodeMaker.createExecTestCasePO(xml.getTestcaseGuid(), xml.getProjectGuid());
        } else {
            if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
                // GUID is available
                exec = NodeMaker.createExecTestCasePO(refTc, xml.getGUID());
            } else {
                exec = NodeMaker.createExecTestCasePO(refTc);

        fillExecTestCase(proj, xml, exec, assignNewGuid);

        // Clear the cached specTc to avoid LazyInitializationExceptions

        return exec;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as parameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
    private IObjectMappingPO createOM(Aut xml) {
        IObjectMappingPO om = PoMaker.createObjectMappingPO();
        ObjectMapping omXml = xml.getObjectMapping();
        ObjectMappingProfile profileXml = omXml.getProfile();
        if (profileXml != null) {
            // Use the profile defined in the imported project
            IObjectMappingProfilePO profilePo = PoMaker.createObjectMappingProfile();

        OmCategory mappedCategoryXml = omXml.getMapped();
        if (mappedCategoryXml != null) {
            fillObjectMappingCategory(mappedCategoryXml, om.getMappedCategory());

        OmCategory unmappedComponentCategory = omXml.getUnmappedComponent();
        if (unmappedComponentCategory != null) {
            fillObjectMappingCategory(unmappedComponentCategory, om.getUnmappedLogicalCategory());

        OmCategory unmappedTechnicalCategory = omXml.getUnmappedTechnical();
        if (unmappedTechnicalCategory != null) {
            fillObjectMappingCategory(unmappedTechnicalCategory, om.getUnmappedTechnicalCategory());

        return om;

     * Write the information from the XML element to its corresponding Object.
     * @param categoryXml
     *            The XML element which contains the information
     * @param category
     *            The persistent object Object
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    private void fillObjectMappingCategory(OmCategory categoryXml, IObjectMappingCategoryPO category) {

        for (OmCategory subcategoryXml : categoryXml.getCategoryList()) {
            IObjectMappingCategoryPO subcategory = PoMaker.createObjectMappingCategoryPO(subcategoryXml.getName());
            fillObjectMappingCategory(subcategoryXml, subcategory);

        for (OmEntry assocXml : categoryXml.getAssociationList()) {
            TechnicalName tecNameXml = assocXml.getTechnicalName();
            List<String> logNames = assocXml.getLogicalNameList();
            IComponentIdentifier tecName = null;
            if (tecNameXml != null && !tecNameXml.isNil()) {
                tecName = new ComponentIdentifier();
                tecName.setNeighbours(new ArrayList(tecNameXml.getNeighbourList()));
                tecName.setHierarchyNames(new ArrayList(tecNameXml.getHierarchyNameList()));

            // It is necessary to create a new (cloneable) list from the list
            // of component names because the list itself is not cloneable.
            // If the list is used directly, then 
            IObjectMappingAssoziationPO assoc = PoMaker.createObjectMappingAssoziationPO(tecName,
                    new ArrayList<String>(logNames));

     * This method is called if the Action of a CAP is not compatible with the
     * current XML-Config-File.<br>
     * The existent TDManager of the CAP is filled with the TestData
     * @param owner The CAP.
     * @param xmlCap The abstraction of the XML CAP (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @return the filled TDManager of the given owner
    private ITDManager fillTDManager(IParamNodePO owner, Cap xmlCap) {

        final ITDManager tdman = owner.getDataManager();
        List<ParamDescription> parDescList = xmlCap.getParameterDescriptionList();
        final TestData testData = xmlCap.getTestdata();
        int tdRow = 0;
        for (TestDataRow rowXml : testData.getRowList()) {
            if (rowXml.getDataList().isEmpty()) {
                // Bug 337215 may have caused Test Steps in exported Projects 
                // to incorrectly contain multiple Data Sets. These erroneous 
                // Data Sets seem to always be empty, so ignore empty Data Sets 
                // for imported Test Steps. 
            List<ITestDataPO> tdList = null;
            try {
                tdList = tdman.getDataSet(tdRow).getList();
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) {
                // Component, Action, and/or Parameter could not be found in config xml
                // only log and continue -> import of projects with missing plugins
                //FIXME: NLS Look at "CompSystemI18n.getStri[...]"
                final StringBuilder msgSb = new StringBuilder();
                msgSb.append(StringConstants.COLON + StringConstants.SPACE);
                msgSb.append(StringConstants.NEWLINE + Messages.Action);
                msgSb.append(StringConstants.COLON + StringConstants.SPACE);
                msgSb.append(CompSystemI18n.getString(xmlCap.getActionName(), true));
                msgSb.append(StringConstants.NEWLINE + Messages.Parameter);
                msgSb.append(StringConstants.COLON + StringConstants.SPACE);
                msgSb.append(CompSystemI18n.getString(parDescList.get(tdRow).getName(), true));
                final String msg = msgSb.toString();
                log.error(msg, ioobe);
            int tdCell = 0;

            for (TestDataCell cellXml : rowXml.getDataList()) {
                String uniqueId = parDescList.get(tdCell).getUniqueId();
                final int ownerIndex = owner.getDataManager().findColumnForParam(uniqueId);
                if (ownerIndex > -1) {
                    // only relevant for old projects
                    tdList.set(ownerIndex, PoMaker.createTestDataPO(readData(cellXml, owner)));
            // We need to clear the data manager first because a Test Step
            // can only have one Data Set, and we want to insert the Data Set
            // as a single unit (rather than updating each cell individually)

            tdman.insertDataSet(PoMaker.createListWrapperPO(tdList), tdRow);
        return tdman;

     * @param cellXml associated cell from import
     * @param owner The owner of the data.
     * @return the map read from the provided data.
    private Map<Locale, String> readData(TestDataCell cellXml, IParameterInterfacePO owner) {

        Map<Locale, String> localeToValue = new HashMap<Locale, String>();
        for (I18NString i18nVal : cellXml.getDataList()) {
            if (i18nVal != null && !i18nVal.isNil() && i18nVal.getValue() != null
                    && !(i18nVal.getValue().length() == 0)) {
                String i18nValString = i18nVal.getValue();

                try {
                    // Since we are not using the converter for anything other than
                    // parsing, we can use null for paramDesc
                    ModelParamValueConverter converter = new ModelParamValueConverter(i18nValString, owner,
                            LocaleUtil.convertStrToLocale(i18nVal.getLanguage()), null);

                    if (!converter.containsErrors()) {
                        // Only try to replace reference GUIDs if the 
                        // string could be successfully parsed.
                        // Otherwise, the model string will be overwritten with
                        // the empty string because no tokens were created 
                        // during parsing. 
                    } else {

                    i18nValString = converter.getModelString();
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                    // Do nothing.
                    // The i18nValue uses the old format and can therefore
                    // not be parsed. This value will be converted in V1M42Converter.
                localeToValue.put(LocaleUtil.convertStrToLocale(i18nVal.getLanguage()), i18nValString);

        return localeToValue;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans).
     * @param assignNewGuids <code>true</code> if the parameters were given
     *        new unique IDs. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
     * @param mapper Mapper to resolve param names.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     *         element
    private ITestDataCategoryPO createTestDataCategory(TestDataCategory xml, boolean assignNewGuids,
            IParamNameMapper mapper) {

        ITestDataCategoryPO testDataCategory = PoMaker.createTestDataCategoryPO(xml.getName());

        for (TestDataCategory subCategory : xml.getTestDataCategoryList()) {
            testDataCategory.addCategory(createTestDataCategory(subCategory, assignNewGuids, mapper));

        for (NamedTestData testData : xml.getNamedTestDataList()) {
            testDataCategory.addTestData(createTestDataCube(testData, assignNewGuids, mapper));

        return testDataCategory;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans).
     * @param assignNewGuids <code>true</code> if the parameters were given
     *        new unique IDs. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
     * @param mapper Mapper to resolve param names.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     *         element
    private ITestDataCubePO createTestDataCube(NamedTestData xml, boolean assignNewGuids, IParamNameMapper mapper) {

        ITestDataCubePO testDataCube = PoMaker.createTestDataCubePO(xml.getName());
        for (ParamDescription xmlParamDesc : xml.getParameterDescriptionList()) {
            if (assignNewGuids) {
                IParamDescriptionPO paramDesc = testDataCube.addParameter(xmlParamDesc.getType(),
                        xmlParamDesc.getName(), mapper);
                m_oldToNewGuids.put(xmlParamDesc.getUniqueId(), paramDesc.getUniqueId());
            } else {
                testDataCube.addParameter(xmlParamDesc.getType(), xmlParamDesc.getName(),
                        xmlParamDesc.getUniqueId(), mapper);
        testDataCube.setDataManager(createTDManager(testDataCube, xml.getTestData(), assignNewGuids));
        return testDataCube;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param owner The ParamNode which holds this TDManager
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * the test data, otherwise a new TDManager is created.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
     * @param assignNewGuids <code>true</code> if the parameters were given
     *        new unique IDs. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
    private ITDManager createTDManager(IParameterInterfacePO owner, TestData xml, boolean assignNewGuids) {

        List<String> uniqueIds = new ArrayList<String>(xml.getUniqueIdsList());
        final ITDManager tdman;

        if (assignNewGuids) {
            // Update list of unique IDs
            List<String> newUniqueIds = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (String id : uniqueIds) {
                if (Pattern.matches("[0-9a-fA-F]{" + GUID_LENGTH + "}", id) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                        && m_oldToNewGuids.containsKey(id)) {
                    // Use new GUID
                } else {
                    // Leave as-is

            uniqueIds = newUniqueIds;

        if (uniqueIds.isEmpty()) {
            tdman = PoMaker.createTDManagerPO(owner);
        } else {
            tdman = PoMaker.createTDManagerPO(owner, uniqueIds);
        for (TestDataRow rowXml : xml.getRowList()) {
            final List<ITestDataPO> td = new ArrayList<ITestDataPO>(rowXml.sizeOfDataArray());
            for (TestDataCell cellXml : rowXml.getDataList()) {
                td.add(PoMaker.createTestDataPO(readData(cellXml, owner)));
            tdman.insertDataSet(PoMaker.createListWrapperPO(td), tdman.getDataSetCount());
        return tdman;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the testcase 
     *                      should be assigned a new GUID. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @param mapper mapper to resolve param names
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
    private ISpecTestCasePO createTestCaseBase(IProjectPO proj, TestCase xml, boolean assignNewGuid,
            IParamNameMapper mapper) {
        ISpecTestCasePO tc;

        if (xml.getId() != null) {
            tc = NodeMaker.createSpecTestCasePO(xml.getName());
            m_tcRef.put(xml.getId(), tc);
        } else if (assignNewGuid) {
            tc = NodeMaker.createSpecTestCasePO(xml.getName());
            m_tcRef.put(tc.getGuid(), tc);
            m_oldToNewGuids.put(xml.getGUID(), tc.getGuid());
        } else {
            tc = NodeMaker.createSpecTestCasePO(xml.getName(), xml.getGUID());
            m_tcRef.put(xml.getGUID(), tc);

        if (xml.getReferencedTestData() != null) {
            String referencedDataName = xml.getReferencedTestData();
            for (IParameterInterfacePO testDataCube : TestDataCubeBP.getAllTestDataCubesFor(proj)) {
                if (referencedDataName.equals(testDataCube.getName())) {
        for (ParamDescription pdXml : xml.getParameterDescriptionList()) {
            String uniqueId = pdXml.getUniqueId();

            if (assignNewGuid) {
                IParamDescriptionPO paramDesc = tc.addParameter(pdXml.getType(), pdXml.getName(), mapper);
                m_oldToNewGuids.put(uniqueId, paramDesc.getUniqueId());
            } else {
                if (uniqueId != null && Pattern.matches("[0-9a-fA-F]{" + GUID_LENGTH + "}", uniqueId)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    // use the existent guid for parameter
                    tc.addParameter(pdXml.getType(), pdXml.getName(), uniqueId, mapper);
                } else {
                    // creates a new GUID for parameter (only for conversion of
                    // old projects)
                    tc.addParameter(pdXml.getType(), pdXml.getName(), mapper);
        tc.setDataManager(createTDManager(tc, xml.getTestdata(), assignNewGuid));
        return tc;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the test suite
     *                      should be assigned a new GUID. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element

    private ITestSuitePO createTestSuite(IProjectPO proj, TestSuite xml, boolean assignNewGuid) {
        ITestSuitePO ts;

        if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
            ts = NodeMaker.createTestSuitePO(xml.getName(), xml.getGUID());
        } else {
            ts = NodeMaker.createTestSuitePO(xml.getName());

        if (assignNewGuid) {
            m_oldToNewGuids.put(xml.getGUID(), ts.getGuid());

        if (xml.getSelectedAut() != null) {
        for (RefTestCase refXml : xml.getUsedTestcaseList()) {
            ts.addNode(createExecTestCase(proj, refXml, assignNewGuid));

        Map<String, Integer> defaultEventHandler = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (EventHandler evhXml : xml.getEventHandlerList()) {
            defaultEventHandler.put(evhXml.getEvent(), evhXml.getReentryProperty().intValue());
            // Trac#1908 no place to store the max. number of retries
        return ts;

     * Creates the instance of the persistent object which is defined by the
     * XML element used as prameter. The method generates all dependend objects
     * as well.
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the test suite
     *                      should be assigned a new GUID. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @return a persistent object generated from the information in the XML
     * element
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
    private ITestJobPO createTestJob(TestJobs xml, boolean assignNewGuid) throws InvalidDataException {
        ITestJobPO tj;
        if (xml.getGUID() != null && !assignNewGuid) {
            tj = NodeMaker.createTestJobPO(xml.getName(), xml.getGUID());
        } else {
            tj = NodeMaker.createTestJobPO(xml.getName());

        for (RefTestSuite xmlRts : xml.getRefTestSuiteList()) {
            IRefTestSuitePO rts;
            if (assignNewGuid) {
                // Only Test Suites from the same project can be referenced,
                // and all Test Suites for this Project have already been 
                // initialized (so they have already been entered into the 
                // old to new GUID map). This is why we can simply directly use 
                // the old to new GUID map.
                String testSuiteGuid = m_oldToNewGuids.get(xmlRts.getTsGuid());
                if (testSuiteGuid == null) {
                    throw new InvalidDataException(
                            "Test Suite Reference: No new GUID found for Test Suite with old GUID: " //$NON-NLS-1$
                                    + xmlRts.getTsGuid(), MessageIDs.E_IMPORT_PROJECT_XML_FAILED);
                rts = NodeMaker.createRefTestSuitePO(xmlRts.getName(), testSuiteGuid, xmlRts.getAutId());
            } else {
                rts = NodeMaker.createRefTestSuitePO(xmlRts.getName(), xmlRts.getGUID(), xmlRts.getTsGuid(),

        return tj;

     * Shared method for setting values into ExecTCs and their subclasses.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param exec TC to be initialized
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if nodes are being assigned
     *                      new GUIDs. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
    private void fillExecTestCase(IProjectPO proj, RefTestCase xml, IExecTestCasePO exec, boolean assignNewGuid) {

        if (xml.isSetActive()) {
        } else {
        if (xml.getReferencedTestData() != null) {
            String referencedDataName = xml.getReferencedTestData();
            for (IParameterInterfacePO testDataCube : TestDataCubeBP.getAllTestDataCubesFor(proj)) {
                if (referencedDataName.equals(testDataCube.getName())) {

        if (xml.getHasOwnTestdata()) {
            // ExecTestCasePO doesn't have an own parameter list.
            // It uses generally the parameter from the associated
            // SpecTestCase.
            exec.setDataManager(createTDManager(exec, xml.getTestdata(), assignNewGuid));
        for (CompNames overriddenXml : xml.getOverriddenNamesList()) {
            final ICompNamesPairPO compName = PoMaker.createCompNamesPairPO(overriddenXml.getOriginalName(),
                    overriddenXml.getNewName(), overriddenXml.getType());

     * Find a persistent object which has an XML id.
     * @param selectedAut The XML id used to identify this instance
     * @return the object build while reading the XML element
    private IAUTMainPO findReferencedAut(String selectedAut) {
        return m_autRef.get(selectedAut);

     * Find a persistent object which has an XML id.
     * @param usedTestcase The XML id used to identify this instance
     * @return the object build while reading the XML element, or 
     *         <code>null</code> if the object cannot be found
    private ISpecTestCasePO findReferencedTC(String usedTestcase) {
        return m_tcRef.get(usedTestcase);

     * Find a persistent object which has a GUID.
     * @param usedTestcaseGuid The GUID used to identify this instance
     * @param projectGuid The GUID of the spec testcase's parent project
     * @param parentProject The parent project of the exec testcase
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if elements are being assigned new 
     *                      GUIDs. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
     * @return the object build while reading the XML element, or 
     *         <code>null</code> if the object cannot be found
    private ISpecTestCasePO findReferencedTCByGuid(String usedTestcaseGuid, String projectGuid,
            IProjectPO parentProject, boolean assignNewGuid) {
        String actualProjectGuid = assignNewGuid ? m_oldToNewGuids.get(projectGuid) : projectGuid;
        if (projectGuid == null || parentProject.getGuid().equals(actualProjectGuid)) {
            // Referenced TC is in same project
            if (assignNewGuid) {
                return m_tcRef.get(m_oldToNewGuids.get(usedTestcaseGuid));
            return m_tcRef.get(usedTestcaseGuid);

        // Referenced TC is in different project
        return NodePM.getSpecTestCase(parentProject.getUsedProjects(), projectGuid, usedTestcaseGuid);

     * This is the second run on categories. The first time the categories were
     * created and the contained TestCases were initialized. In this run all
     * TestCases will be completed.
     * @param proj The IProjectPO which is currently build. The instance is
     * needed by some objects to verify that their data confirms to project
     * specification (for instance languages).
     * @param xml Abstraction of the XML element (see Apache XML Beans)
     * @param assignNewGuid <code>true</code> if the category and all subnodes
     *                      should be assigned new GUIDs. Otherwise 
     *                      <code>false</code>.
     * @param attrDescSession The session used for locating attribute 
     *                        descriptions in the database.
     * @throws InvalidDataException if some data is invalid when constructing
     * an object. This should not happen for exported project, but may happen
     * when someone generates XML project description outside of GUIdancer.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the operation was canceled.
    private void rerunCategories(IProjectPO proj, Category xml, boolean assignNewGuid,
            EntityManager attrDescSession) throws InvalidDataException, InterruptedException {

        for (Category catXml : xml.getCategoryList()) {
            rerunCategories(proj, catXml, assignNewGuid, attrDescSession);

        for (TestCase tcXml : xml.getTestcaseList()) {
            completeTestCase(proj, tcXml, assignNewGuid, attrDescSession);

     * @param componentType
     *            component type name
     * @return true if the component has a default mapping and therefore has no
     *         component name
    private boolean componentHasDefaultMapping(String componentType) {
        Component component = ComponentBuilder.getInstance().getCompSystem().findComponent(componentType);
        if (component.isConcrete()) {
            return ((ConcreteComponent) component).hasDefaultMapping();
        return false;
