Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation

package org.eclipse.rwt.widgets.upload.servlet;

import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.*;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;
import org.eclipse.rwt.RWT;
import org.eclipse.rwt.internal.util.URLHelper;
import org.eclipse.rwt.service.IServiceHandler;

 * Handles file uploads and upload progress updates. 
 * <p> 
 * Implementation note: uploaded files are currently stored in the  
 * See 
 * {@link #handleFileUpload(HttpServletRequest, FileUploadStorageItem)} on
 * how to change this.
 * @author stefan.roeck 
public class FileUploadServiceHandler implements IServiceHandler {

    private static final String REQUEST_WIDGET_ID = "widgetId";
    private static final String REQUEST_PROCESS_ID = "processId";
    private static final String XML_HEAD = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><response>";

     * Requests to this service handler without a valid session id are ignored for
     * security reasons. The same applies to request with widgetIds which haven't been
     * registered at the session singleton {@link FileUploadStorage}.
    public void service() throws IOException, ServletException {

        final HttpServletRequest request = RWT.getRequest();
        final String widgetId = request.getParameter(REQUEST_WIDGET_ID);
        final String uploadProcessId = request.getParameter(REQUEST_PROCESS_ID);
        final HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

        if (session != null && widgetId != null && !"".equals(widgetId) && uploadProcessId != null
                && !"".equals(uploadProcessId)) {
            final FileUploadStorage fileUploadStorage = FileUploadStorage.getInstance();
            final FileUploadStorageItem fileUploadStorageItem = fileUploadStorage.getUploadStorageItem(widgetId);

            // fileUploadStorageItem can be null, if Upload widget is dispsed!
            if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {
                // Handle post-request which contains the file to upload
                handleFileUpload(request, fileUploadStorageItem, uploadProcessId);
            } else {
                // This is probably a request for updating the progress bar
                handleUpdateProgress(fileUploadStorageItem, uploadProcessId);


     * Treats the request as a post request which contains the file to be
     * uploaded. Uses the apache commons fileupload library to
     * extract the file from the request, attaches a {@link FileUploadListener} to 
     * get notified about the progress and writes the file content
     * to the given {@link FileUploadStorageItem}
     * @param request Request object, must not be null
     * @param fileUploadStorageitem Object where the file content is set to.
     * If null, nothing happens.
     * @param uploadProcessId Each upload action has a unique process identifier to
     * match subsequent polling calls to get the progress correctly to the uploaded file.
    private void handleFileUpload(final HttpServletRequest request,
            final FileUploadStorageItem fileUploadStorageitem, final String uploadProcessId) {
        // Ignore upload requests which have no valid widgetId
        if (fileUploadStorageitem != null && uploadProcessId != null && !"".equals(uploadProcessId)) {

            // Create file upload factory and upload servlet
            // You could use new DiskFileItemFactory(threshold, location)
            // to configure a custom in-memory threshold and storage location.
            // By default the upload files are stored in the
            FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
            ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);

            // Create a file upload progress listener
            final ProgressListener listener = new ProgressListener() {

                public void update(final long aBytesRead, final long aContentLength, final int anItem) {
                    fileUploadStorageitem.updateProgress(aBytesRead, aContentLength);

            // Upload servlet allows to set upload listener

            FileItem fileItem = null;
            try {
                final List uploadedItems = upload.parseRequest(request);
                // Only one file upload at once is supported. If there are multiple files, take
                // the first one and ignore other
                if (uploadedItems.size() > 0) {
                    fileItem = (FileItem) uploadedItems.get(0);
                    // Don't check for file size 0 because this prevents uploading new empty office xp documents
                    // which have a file size of 0.
                    if (!fileItem.isFormField()) {
            } catch (FileUploadException e) {
            } catch (final Exception e) {

     * Treats the request as a get request which is triggered by the
     * browser to retrieve the progress state. Gets the registered 
     * {@link FileUploadListener} from the given {@link FileUploadStorageItem}
     * to check the current progress. The result is written to the response
     * in an XML format.
     * <br>
     * <b>Note:</b> It is important that a valid response is written in any case
     * to let the Browser know, when polling can be stopped. 
     * @param uploadProcessId 
    private void handleUpdateProgress(final FileUploadStorageItem fileUploadStorageitem, String uploadProcessId)
            throws IOException {
        final HttpServletResponse response = RWT.getResponse();
        final PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

        final StringBuffer buffy = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD);
        long bytesRead = 0;
        long contentLength = 0;
        // Check to see if we've created the listener object yet
        response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");

        if (fileUploadStorageitem != null) {

            if (uploadProcessId != null && uploadProcessId.equals(fileUploadStorageitem.getUploadProcessId())) {

                // Get the meta information
                bytesRead = fileUploadStorageitem.getBytesRead();
                contentLength = fileUploadStorageitem.getContentLength();
                 * XML Response Code
                // Check to see if we're done
                // Even files with a size of 0 have a content length > 0
                if (contentLength != 0) {
                    if (bytesRead == contentLength) {
                        buffy.append("<finished />");
                    } else {
                        // Calculate the percent complete
                        buffy.append((100 * bytesRead / contentLength));
                } else {
                    // Contentlength should not be 0, however, send finished to make sure
                    // the Browser side polling stops.
                    buffy.append("<finished />");
            } else {
                //System.out.println("No match: " + uploadProcessId + " " + fileUploadStorageitem.getUploadProcessId());
                // if the processId doesn't match, return nothing
                // which causes the client script to send another
                // request after waiting. This could happen,
                // if the first GET-request was send, before the
                // Upload-POST request arrived.

        } else {
            // if fileUploadStorageitem is null, the upload widget is disposed
            // return "finished" to stop monitoring
            buffy.append("<finished />");


     * Registers this service handler. This method should be called only once.
    public static void register() {
        FileUploadServiceHandler instance = new FileUploadServiceHandler();
        final String serviceHandlerId = getServiceHandlerId();
        RWT.getServiceManager().registerServiceHandler(serviceHandlerId, instance);

     * Returns a unique id for this service handler class.
    private static String getServiceHandlerId() {
        final String serviceHandlerId = FileUploadServiceHandler.class.getName();
        return serviceHandlerId;

     * Builds a url which points to the service handler and encodes the given parameters
     * as url parameters. 
    public static String getUrl(final String widgetId) {
        StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();

        URLHelper.appendFirstParam(url, REQUEST_PARAM, getServiceHandlerId());
        URLHelper.appendParam(url, REQUEST_WIDGET_ID, widgetId);

        // convert to relative URL
        int firstSlash = url.indexOf("/", url.indexOf("//") + 2); // first slash after double slash of "http://"
        url.delete(0, firstSlash + 1); // Result is sth like "/rap?custom_service_handler..."
        return RWT.getResponse().encodeURL(url.toString());