Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2003 - 2017 The eFaps Team
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.comparators.ComparatorChain;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.efaps.admin.event.Parameter;
import org.efaps.admin.event.Return;
import org.efaps.admin.event.Return.ReturnValues;
import org.efaps.admin.program.esjp.EFapsApplication;
import org.efaps.admin.program.esjp.EFapsUUID;
import org.efaps.db.AttributeQuery;
import org.efaps.db.CachedMultiPrintQuery;
import org.efaps.db.CachedPrintQuery;
import org.efaps.db.Instance;
import org.efaps.db.MultiPrintQuery;
import org.efaps.db.PrintQuery;
import org.efaps.db.QueryBuilder;
import org.efaps.db.SelectBuilder;
import org.efaps.esjp.accounting.util.Accounting;
import org.efaps.esjp.common.uiform.Field_Base.DropDownPosition;
import org.efaps.esjp.db.InstanceUtils;
import org.efaps.esjp.erp.Currency;
import org.efaps.esjp.erp.CurrencyInst;
import org.efaps.esjp.erp.RateInfo;
import org.efaps.util.EFapsException;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;

 * TODO comment!
 * @author The eFaps Team
public abstract class JournalSC1617_Base extends AbstractSCExport {

    public void addColumnDefinition(final Parameter _parameter, final Exporter _exporter) {
        // T
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("origin", 2));
        // VOU Nmero de voucher (correlativo de cada operacin)
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("number", 5));
        // FECHA
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtDateTimeColumn("transDate", 8, "dd/MM/yy"));
        // CUENTA
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("accName", 10));
        // DEBE
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("amountDebit", 12, 2, 9));
        // HABER
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("amountCredit", 12, 2, 9));
        // MONEDA
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("currency", 1));
        // TC
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("rate", 10, 7, 2));
        // DOC
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("documentType", 2));
        // NUMERO
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("docName", 40));
        // FECHAD
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtDateTimeColumn("docDate", 8, "dd/MM/yy"));
        // FECHAV
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtDateTimeColumn("docDueDate", 8, "dd/MM/yy"));
        // CDIGO
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("taxNumber", 15));
        // CC
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 10));
        // FE
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 4));
        // PRE
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 10));
        // MPAGO
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 3));
        // GLOSA
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("transDescr", 60));
        // RNUMERO
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 40));
        // RTDOC
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 2));
        // RFECHA
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 8));
        // SNUMERO
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 40));
        // SFECHA Fecha de la DETRACCION
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 8));
        // TL C:Compra, V:Venta, R:Retenciones
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("marker", 1));
        // NETO Monto sub Total, va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("netTotal", 12, 2, 9));
        // NETO2 Monto Adq. no gravadas o Exonerados/Inafectos, va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // NETO3 Monto IGV B., va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // NETO4 Monto de Valor de exportacin- Base imponible B,va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // IGV Monto IGV, va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("vat", 12, 2, 9));
        // NETO5 Monto otros tributos, va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // NETO6 Monto Base imponible C, va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // NETO7 Monto IGV C, va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // NETO8 Monto I.S.C., va a la Cta. 40
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // RUC
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("taxNumber", 15));
        // TIPO De acuerdo a tabla de Sc
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 1));
        // RS
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("contactName", 60));
        // APE1 Primer Apellido
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("lastName", 20));
        // APE2 Segundo Apellido
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("secondLastName", 20));
        // NOMBRE Primer Nombre
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("firstname", 20));
        // TDOCI
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 1));
        // RNUMDES
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 1));
        // RCODTASA
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 5));
        // RINDRET
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 1));
        // RMONTO
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // RIGV
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtNumberColumn("zero", 12, 2, 9));
        // TBIEN
        _exporter.addColumns(new FrmtColumn("empty", 1));

    public void buildDataSource(final Parameter _parameter, final Exporter _exporter) throws EFapsException {
        final String key = PropertiesUtil.getProperty(_parameter, "Key", "");

        final Properties props = PropertiesUtil.getProperties4Prefix(Accounting.EXPORT_SC1617.get(), key);

        final DateTime dateFrom = new DateTime(
        final DateTime dateTo = new DateTime(
        final Instance purchaseRecordInst = Instance.get(_parameter
        final Instance subJournalInst = Instance.get(
        final String marker = _parameter

        final String origin = _parameter

        final Properties oProps = PropertiesUtil.getProperties4Prefix(props, origin, true);
        //default as defined by an given orgin
        final boolean analyzeRemark = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(oProps.getProperty("AnalyzeRemark", "false"));
        final boolean useDate4Number = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(oProps.getProperty("UseDate4Number", "false"));
        final boolean useOrigDoc4Number = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(oProps.getProperty("UseOrigDoc4Number", "false"));
        final boolean concatenate = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(oProps.getProperty("Concatenate", "false"));

        final QueryBuilder queryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAccounting.TransactionPositionAbstract);
        final QueryBuilder transAttrQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAccounting.TransactionAbstract);

        // if a purchase record was selected use it as filter
        if (InstanceUtils.isValid(purchaseRecordInst)) {
            final QueryBuilder attrQueryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(CIAccounting.PurchaseRecord2Document);
            attrQueryBuilder.addWhereAttrEqValue(CIAccounting.PurchaseRecord2Document.FromLink, purchaseRecordInst);

            final QueryBuilder attrQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAccounting.Transaction2ERPDocument);
        } else {
        if (InstanceUtils.isValid(subJournalInst)) {
            final QueryBuilder attrQueryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(CIAccounting.ReportSubJournal2Transaction);
        final AttributeQuery transAttrQuery = transAttrQueryBldr

        queryBldr.addWhereAttrInQuery(CIAccounting.TransactionPositionAbstract.TransactionLink, transAttrQuery);

        final MultiPrintQuery multi = queryBldr.getPrint();
        final SelectBuilder selAcc = SelectBuilder.get()
        final SelectBuilder selAccName = new SelectBuilder(selAcc).attribute(CIAccounting.AccountAbstract.Name);

        final SelectBuilder selTrans = SelectBuilder.get()
        final SelectBuilder selTransInst = new SelectBuilder(selTrans).instance();
        final SelectBuilder selTransDescr = new SelectBuilder(selTrans)
        final SelectBuilder selTransIdentifier = new SelectBuilder(selTrans)
        final SelectBuilder selTransName = new SelectBuilder(selTrans)
        final SelectBuilder selTransDate = new SelectBuilder(selTrans)

        final SelectBuilder selDoc = SelectBuilder.get()
        final SelectBuilder selDocInst = new SelectBuilder(selDoc).instance();
        final SelectBuilder selDocName = new SelectBuilder(selDoc).attribute(CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.Name);
        final SelectBuilder selDocRev = new SelectBuilder(selDoc).attribute(CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.Revision);
        final SelectBuilder selDocDate = new SelectBuilder(selDoc).attribute(CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.Date);
        final SelectBuilder selDocDueDate = new SelectBuilder(selDoc)
        final SelectBuilder selNetTotal = new SelectBuilder(selDoc)
        final SelectBuilder selCrossTotal = new SelectBuilder(selDoc)

        final SelectBuilder selContact = new SelectBuilder(selDoc).linkto(CISales.DocumentAbstract.Contact);
        final SelectBuilder selContactName = new SelectBuilder(selContact).attribute(CIContacts.Contact.Name);
        final SelectBuilder selTaxNumber = new SelectBuilder(selContact).clazz(CIContacts.ClassOrganisation)

        multi.addSelect(selAccName, selTransIdentifier, selTransInst, selTransName, selTransDescr, selTransDate,
                selDocInst, selDocName, selDocDate, selDocDueDate, selContactName, selTaxNumber, selNetTotal,
                selCrossTotal, selDocRev);
                CIAccounting.TransactionPositionAbstract.Rate, CIAccounting.TransactionPositionAbstract.Remark);
        final List<DataBean> beans = new ArrayList<>();
        while ( {
            final Instance transInst = multi.getSelect(selTransInst);
            final Instance posInst = multi.getCurrentInstance();
            final String remark = multi.getAttribute(CIAccounting.TransactionPositionAbstract.Remark);
            String descr = multi.<String>getSelect(selTransDescr);
            String contactName = multi.<String>getSelect(selContactName);
            String taxNumber = multi.<String>getSelect(selTaxNumber);
            Instance docInst = multi.<Instance>getSelect(selDocInst);
            String docName = multi.<String>getSelect(selDocName);
            String docRev = multi.<String>getSelect(selDocRev);
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(remark)) {
                if (concatenate) {
                    descr = descr + " " + remark;
                } else {
                    descr = remark;
                final boolean swap;
                final String debKey = InstanceUtils.isType(posInst, CIAccounting.TransactionPositionDebit)
                        ? ".Debit"
                        : ".Credit";
                if (InstanceUtils.isValid(docInst)
                        && oProps.containsKey(docInst.getType().getName() + debKey + ".AnalyzeRemark")) {
                    swap = BooleanUtils
                            .toBoolean(oProps.getProperty(docInst.getType().getName() + debKey + ".AnalyzeRemark"));
                } else if (InstanceUtils.isValid(docInst)
                        && oProps.containsKey(docInst.getType().getName() + ".AnalyzeRemark")) {
                    swap = BooleanUtils
                            .toBoolean(oProps.getProperty(docInst.getType().getName() + ".AnalyzeRemark"));
                } else {
                    swap = analyzeRemark;
                if (swap) {
                    final QueryBuilder tr2docQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAccounting.Transaction2ERPDocument);
                    tr2docQueryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(CIAccounting.Transaction2ERPDocument.FromLink, transInst);

                    final QueryBuilder docQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIERP.DocumentAbstract);
                    docQueryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(CIERP.DocumentAbstract.Name, remark);
                    final MultiPrintQuery docMulti = docQueryBldr.getCachedPrint4Request();
                    final SelectBuilder docSelContact = SelectBuilder.get()
                    final SelectBuilder docSelContactName = new SelectBuilder(docSelContact)
                    final SelectBuilder docSelTaxNumber = new SelectBuilder(docSelContact)
                    docMulti.addSelect(docSelContactName, docSelTaxNumber);
                    if (docMulti.getInstanceList().size() == 1) {
                        docInst = docMulti.getCurrentInstance();
                        contactName = docMulti.getSelect(docSelContactName);
                        taxNumber = docMulti.getSelect(docSelTaxNumber);
                        docRev = docMulti.getAttribute(CIERP.DocumentAbstract.Revision);
                        if (concatenate) {
                            descr = multi.<String>getSelect(selTransDescr) + " " + docName;
                        } else {
                            descr = docName;
                        docName = remark;
            final DataBean bean = new DataBean().setReportKey(key).setTransInstance(transInst)
                    .setPosInstance(posInst).setOrigin(oProps.getProperty("Value", "--")).setOriginKey(origin)
        final ComparatorChain<DataBean> chain = new ComparatorChain<>();
        chain.addComparator((_o1, _o2) -> _o1.getTransDate().compareTo(_o2.getTransDate()));
        chain.addComparator((_o1, _o2) -> _o1.getNumber().compareTo(_o2.getNumber()));
        chain.addComparator((_o1, _o2) -> _o1.getPosition().compareTo(_o2.getPosition()));
        Collections.sort(beans, chain);

        int i = 1;
        String currentID = "";
        String currentVal = "";
        // it must be ensured that one transaction has all the time the same number, therefore the first value wins
        for (final DataBean bean : beans) {
            if (!currentID.equals(bean.getNumber())) {
                currentID = bean.getNumber();
                // first priority are the related documents
                if (useDate4Number) {
                    currentVal = String.format("%05d", bean.getTransDate().getDayOfMonth());
                } else if (useOrigDoc4Number) {
                    currentVal = bean.getOrigDocName();
                    final String def;
                    if (InstanceUtils.isValid(bean.getOrigDocInst())) {
                        if (oProps.containsKey(bean.getOrigDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Number")) {
                            def = oProps.getProperty(bean.getOrigDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Number");
                        } else if (props.containsKey(bean.getOrigDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Number")) {
                            def = props.getProperty(bean.getOrigDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Number");
                        } else {
                            def = "";
                    } else {
                        def = "";
                    switch (def) {
                    case "DocName":
                        currentVal = bean.getOrigDocName();
                    case "DocRevision":
                        currentVal = bean.getOrigDocRevision();
                    case "DocCode":
                        currentVal = bean.getOrigDocCode();
                        currentVal = String.format("%05d", i);
                } else {
                    final String def;
                    if (InstanceUtils.isValid(bean.getDocInst())) {
                        if (oProps.containsKey(bean.getDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Number")) {
                            def = oProps.getProperty(bean.getDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Number");
                        } else if (props.containsKey(bean.getDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Number")) {
                            def = props.getProperty(bean.getDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Number");
                        } else {
                            def = "";
                    } else {
                        def = "";
                    switch (def) {
                    case "TransName":
                        currentVal = bean.getNumber();
                    case "DocName":
                        currentVal = bean.getDocName();
                    case "DocRevision":
                        currentVal = bean.getDocRevision();
                    case "DocCode":
                        currentVal = bean.getDocCode();
                        currentVal = String.format("%05d", i);

    public String getFileName(final Parameter _parameter) throws EFapsException {
        final DateTime dateFrom = new DateTime(
        final DateTime dateTo = new DateTime(
        return dateFrom.toString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dateTo.toString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt";

     * Gets the option list for origin.
     * @param _parameter Parameter as passed by the eFaps API
     * @return the option list for origin
     * @throws EFapsException on error
    public Return getOptionList4Origin(final Parameter _parameter) throws EFapsException {
        final List<DropDownPosition> positions = new ArrayList<>();

        final Map<Integer, String> values = PropertiesUtil.analyseProperty(Accounting.EXPORT_SC1617.get(), "Origin",
        for (final String value : values.values()) {
            final Properties props = PropertiesUtil.getProperties4Prefix(Accounting.EXPORT_SC1617.get(), value);
            final String label = props.getProperty("Label");
            positions.add(new DropDownPosition(value, label, label));
        final Return ret = new Return();
        ret.put(ReturnValues.VALUES, positions);
        return ret;

     * The Class DataBean.
    public static class DataBean {
        /** The report key. */
        private String reportKey;

        /** The pos instance. */
        private Instance posInstance;

        /** The pos instance. */
        private Instance transInstance;

         * The origin. (Origen, definido en sc (01: compras, 02:ventas, etc.)
        private String origin;

         * The origin. (Origen, definido en sc (01: compras, 02:ventas, etc.)
        private String originKey;

        /** Name of the transaction Document. (Numero de Comprobante ) */
        private String number;

        /** The transaction date. (Fecha del Comprobante ) */
        private DateTime transDate;

        /** The account name. (Cuenta Contable) */
        private String accName;

        /** The amount debit. */
        private BigDecimal amount;

        /** The currency. S or D (Moneda) */
        private String currency;

        /** The rate. */
        private BigDecimal rate;

        /** The doc inst. */
        private Instance docInst;

        /** The doc inst. */
        private Instance origDocInst;

        /** The doc name. (Numero del Documento) */
        private String origDocName;

        /** The doc name. (Numero del Documento) */
        private String origDocRevision;

        /** The doc name. (Numero del Documento) */
        private String docName;

        /** The doc name. (Numero del Documento) */
        private String docRevision;

        /** The doc date. */
        private DateTime docDate;

        /** The doc due date. */
        private DateTime docDueDate;

        /** The trans descr. */
        private String transDescr;

        /** The marker. TL C:Compra, V:Venta, R:Retenciones */
        private String marker;

        /** The net total. */
        private BigDecimal netTotal;

        /** The cross total. */
        private BigDecimal crossTotal;

        /** The contact name. */
        private String contactName;

        /** The tax number. */
        private String taxNumber;

        /** The last name. */
        private String lastName;

        /** The second last name. */
        private String secondLastName;

        /** The firstname. */
        private String firstname;

        /** The position. */
        private int position;

        /** An empty field. */
        private String empty;

        /** The zero. */
        private BigDecimal zero;

         * Gets the origin.
         * @return the origin
        public String getOriginKey() {
            return this.originKey;

         * Sets the origin key.
         * @param _originKey the origin key
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setOriginKey(final String _originKey) {
            this.originKey = _originKey;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #transDate}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #transDate}
        public DateTime getTransDate() {
            return this.transDate;

         * Sets the currency id.
         * @param _currencyId the _currency id
         * @return the data bean
         * @throws EFapsException the e faps exception
        public DataBean setCurrencyId(final Long _currencyId) throws EFapsException {
            final CurrencyInst currencyInst = CurrencyInst.get(_currencyId);
            // only dolar and soles are working!
            if (currencyInst.getUUID().toString().equals("691758fc-a060-4bd5-b1fa-b33296638126")) {
                this.currency = "D";
            } else {
                this.currency = "S";
            return this;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #transDate}.
         * @param _transDate value for instance variable {@link #transDate}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setTransDate(final DateTime _transDate) {
            this.transDate = _transDate;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #accName}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #accName}
        public String getAccName() {
            return this.accName;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #accName}.
         * @param _accName value for instance variable {@link #accName}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setAccName(final String _accName) {
            this.accName = _accName;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #amountDebit}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #amountDebit}
        public BigDecimal getAmountDebit() {
            return this.amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0 ? this.amount.abs() : BigDecimal.ZERO;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #amountCredit}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #amountCredit}
        public BigDecimal getAmountCredit() {
            return this.amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0 ? this.amount.abs() : BigDecimal.ZERO;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #amountCredit}.
         * @param _amount the _amount
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setAmount(final BigDecimal _amount) {
            this.amount = _amount;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #documentType}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #documentType}
         * @throws EFapsException on error
        public String getDocumentType() throws EFapsException {
            String ret = null;
            if (InstanceUtils.isValid(getDocInst())) {
                final QueryBuilder queryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CISales.Document2DocumentType);
                queryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(CISales.Document2DocumentType.DocumentLink, getDocInst());
                final CachedMultiPrintQuery multi = queryBldr.getCachedPrint4Request();
                final SelectBuilder selDocType = SelectBuilder.get()
                if ( {
                    ret = multi.getSelect(selDocType);
                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ret)) {
                    final Properties props = PropertiesUtil.getProperties4Prefix(Accounting.EXPORT_SC1617.get(),
                    ret = props.getProperty(getDocInst().getType().getName() + ".DocumentType");
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ret)) {
                ret = "00";
            return ret;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #number}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #number}
        public String getNumber() {
            return this.number == null ? null : StringUtils.substring(this.number, -5, this.number.length());

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #number}.
         * @param _number value for instance variable {@link #number}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setNumber(final String _number) {
            this.number = _number;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #currency}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #currency}
        public String getCurrency() {
            return this.currency;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #currency}.
         * @param _currency value for instance variable {@link #currency}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setCurrency(final String _currency) {
            this.currency = _currency;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #rate}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #rate}
         * @throws EFapsException on error
        public BigDecimal getRate() throws EFapsException {
            BigDecimal ret = this.rate;
            if (BigDecimal.ONE.compareTo(ret) == 0 && "S".equals(this.currency)
                    && InstanceUtils.isKindOf(getOrigDocInst(), CIERP.PaymentDocumentAbstract)) {
                final PrintQuery print = new PrintQuery(getPosInstance());
                final String remark = print.getAttribute(CIAccounting.TransactionPositionAbstract.Remark);
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(remark)) {
                    final QueryBuilder tr2docQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIAccounting.Transaction2ERPDocument);

                    final QueryBuilder docQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CIERP.DocumentAbstract);
                    docQueryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(CIERP.DocumentAbstract.Name, remark);
                    final MultiPrintQuery docMulti = docQueryBldr.getCachedPrint4Request();
                    if (docMulti.getInstanceList().size() == 1) {
                        final Instance relDocInst = docMulti.getCurrentInstance();

                        final QueryBuilder payQueryBldr = new QueryBuilder(CISales.Payment);
                        payQueryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(CISales.Payment.TargetDocument, getOrigDocInst());
                        payQueryBldr.addWhereAttrEqValue(CISales.Payment.CreateDocument, relDocInst);
                        final MultiPrintQuery payMulti = payQueryBldr.getPrint();
                        if ( {
                            final Object rateTmp = payMulti.getAttribute(CISales.Payment.Rate);
                            final RateInfo rateInfo = RateInfo.getRateInfo((Object[]) rateTmp);
                            ret = rateInfo.getRateUI();
            // check if still needs to be replaced
            if (BigDecimal.ONE.compareTo(ret) == 0 && "S".equals(this.currency)) {
                final Properties props = PropertiesUtil.getProperties4Prefix(Accounting.EXPORT_SC1617.get(),
                final Properties oProps = PropertiesUtil.getProperties4Prefix(props, getOriginKey(), true);
                final String key4Rate;
                if (InstanceUtils.isValid(getDocInst())
                        && oProps.containsKey(getDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Date4Rate")) {
                    key4Rate = oProps.getProperty(getDocInst().getType().getName() + ".Date4Rate");
                } else if (oProps.containsKey("Date4Rate")) {
                    key4Rate = oProps.getProperty("Date4Rate");
                } else {
                    key4Rate = "TransDate";
                final DateTime date4Rate;
                switch (key4Rate) {
                case "DocDate":
                    date4Rate = getDocDate() == null ? getTransDate() : getDocDate();
                case "DocDueDate":
                    date4Rate = getDocDueDate() == null ? getTransDate() : getDocDueDate();
                case "TransDate":
                    date4Rate = getTransDate();
                final RateInfo rateInfo = new Currency().evaluateRateInfo(new Parameter(), date4Rate,
                ret = rateInfo.getSaleRateUI();
            return ret;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #rate}.
         * @param _rate value for instance variable {@link #rate}
         * @return the data bean
         * @throws EFapsException the e faps exception
        public DataBean setRate(final Object[] _rate) throws EFapsException {
            this.rate = new Currency().evalRate(_rate, true);
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #docName}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #docName}
        public String getDocName() {
            return this.docName;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #docName}.
         * @param _docName value for instance variable {@link #docName}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setDocName(final String _docName) {
            this.docName = _docName;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #docDate}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #docDate}
        public DateTime getDocDate() {
            return this.docDate;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #docDate}.
         * @param _docDate value for instance variable {@link #docDate}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setDocDate(final DateTime _docDate) {
            this.docDate = _docDate;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #docDueDate}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #docDueDate}
        public DateTime getDocDueDate() {
            return this.docDueDate == null ? getDocDate() : this.docDate;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #docDueDate}.
         * @param _docDueDate value for instance variable {@link #docDueDate}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setDocDueDate(final DateTime _docDueDate) {
            this.docDueDate = _docDueDate;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #transDescr}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #transDescr}
        public String getTransDescr() {
            return this.transDescr;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #transDescr}.
         * @param _transDescr value for instance variable {@link #transDescr}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setTransDescr(final String _transDescr) {
            this.transDescr = _transDescr;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #empty}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #empty}
        public String getEmpty() {
            return this.empty;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #empty}.
         * @param _empty value for instance variable {@link #empty}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setEmpty(final String _empty) {
            this.empty = _empty;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #netTotal}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #netTotal}
        public BigDecimal getNetTotal() {
            return this.netTotal;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #netTotal}.
         * @param _netTotal value for instance variable {@link #netTotal}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setNetTotal(final BigDecimal _netTotal) {
            this.netTotal = _netTotal;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #vat}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #vat}
        public BigDecimal getVat() {
            return getCrossTotal() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : getCrossTotal().subtract(getNetTotal());

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #vat}.
         * @param _vat value for instance variable {@link #vat}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setVat(final BigDecimal _vat) {
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #contactName}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #contactName}
        public String getContactName() {
            return this.contactName;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #contactName}.
         * @param _contactName value for instance variable {@link #contactName}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setContactName(final String _contactName) {
            this.contactName = _contactName;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #zero}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #zero}
        public BigDecimal getZero() {

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #zero}.
         * @param _zero value for instance variable {@link #zero}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setZero(final BigDecimal _zero) {
   = _zero;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #taxNumber}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #taxNumber}
        public String getTaxNumber() {
            return this.taxNumber;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #taxNumber}.
         * @param _taxNumber value for instance variable {@link #taxNumber}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setTaxNumber(final String _taxNumber) {
            this.taxNumber = _taxNumber;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #origin}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #origin}
        public String getOrigin() {
            return this.origin;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #origin}.
         * @param _origin value for instance variable {@link #origin}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setOrigin(final String _origin) {
            this.origin = _origin;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #lastName}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #lastName}
        public String getLastName() {
            return this.lastName;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #lastName}.
         * @param _lastName value for instance variable {@link #lastName}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setLastName(final String _lastName) {
            this.lastName = _lastName;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #secondLastName}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #secondLastName}
        public String getSecondLastName() {
            return this.secondLastName;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #secondLastName}.
         * @param _secondLastName value for instance variable
         *            {@link #secondLastName}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setSecondLastName(final String _secondLastName) {
            this.secondLastName = _secondLastName;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #firstname}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #firstname}
        public String getFirstname() {
            return this.firstname;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #firstname}.
         * @param _firstname value for instance variable {@link #firstname}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setFirstname(final String _firstname) {
            this.firstname = _firstname;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #crossTotal}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #crossTotal}
        public BigDecimal getCrossTotal() {
            return this.crossTotal;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #crossTotal}.
         * @param _crossTotal value for instance variable {@link #crossTotal}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setCrossTotal(final BigDecimal _crossTotal) {
            this.crossTotal = _crossTotal;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #docInst}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #docInst}
        public Instance getDocInst() {
            return this.docInst;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #docInst}.
         * @param _docInst value for instance variable {@link #docInst}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setDocInst(final Instance _docInst) {
            this.docInst = _docInst;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #position}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #position}
        public Integer getPosition() {
            return this.position;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #position}.
         * @param _position value for instance variable {@link #position}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setPosition(final int _position) {
            this.position = _position;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #docRevision}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #docRevision}
        public String getDocRevision() {
            return this.docRevision;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #docRevision}.
         * @param _docRevision value for instance variable {@link #docRevision}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setDocRevision(final String _docRevision) {
            this.docRevision = _docRevision;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #marker}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #marker}
        public String getMarker() {
            return this.marker;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #marker}.
         * @param _marker value for instance variable {@link #marker}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setMarker(final String _marker) {
            this.marker = _marker;
            return this;

         * Gets the doc code.
         * @return the doc code
         * @throws EFapsException on error
        public String getDocCode() throws EFapsException {
            String ret = getDocName();
            if (InstanceUtils.isKindOf(getDocInst(), CIERP.PaymentDocumentAbstract)) {
                final PrintQuery print = CachedPrintQuery.get4Request(getDocInst());
                ret = print.getAttribute(CIERP.PaymentDocumentAbstract.Code);
            return ret;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #reportKey}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #reportKey}
        public String getReportKey() {
            return this.reportKey;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #reportKey}.
         * @param _reportKey value for instance variable {@link #reportKey}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setReportKey(final String _reportKey) {
            this.reportKey = _reportKey;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #posInstance}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #posInstance}
        public Instance getPosInstance() {
            return this.posInstance;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #posInstance}.
         * @param _posInstance value for instance variable {@link #posInstance}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setPosInstance(final Instance _posInstance) {
            this.posInstance = _posInstance;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #transInstance}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #transInstance}
        public Instance getTransInstance() {
            return this.transInstance;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #transInstance}.
         * @param _transInstance value for instance variable {@link #transInstance}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setTransInstance(final Instance _transInstance) {
            this.transInstance = _transInstance;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #origDocName}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #origDocName}
        public String getOrigDocName() {
            return this.origDocName;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #origDocName}.
         * @param _origDocName value for instance variable {@link #origDocName}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setOrigDocName(final String _origDocName) {
            this.origDocName = _origDocName;
            return this;

         * Getter method for the instance variable {@link #origDocInst}.
         * @return value of instance variable {@link #origDocInst}
        public Instance getOrigDocInst() {
            return this.origDocInst;

         * Setter method for instance variable {@link #origDocInst}.
         * @param _origDocInst value for instance variable {@link #origDocInst}
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setOrigDocInst(final Instance _origDocInst) {
            this.origDocInst = _origDocInst;
            return this;

         * Gets the doc name.
         * @return the doc name
        public String getOrigDocRevision() {
            return this.origDocRevision;

         * Sets the doc name.
         * @param _origDocRevision the new doc name
         * @return the data bean
        public DataBean setOrigDocRevision(final String _origDocRevision) {
            this.origDocRevision = _origDocRevision;
            return this;

         * Gets the orig doc code.
         * @return the orig doc code
         * @throws EFapsException on error
        public String getOrigDocCode() throws EFapsException {
            String ret = getDocName();
            if (InstanceUtils.isKindOf(getOrigDocInst(), CIERP.PaymentDocumentAbstract)) {
                final PrintQuery print = CachedPrintQuery.get4Request(getOrigDocInst());
                ret = print.getAttribute(CIERP.PaymentDocumentAbstract.Code);
            return ret;