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 *    eGov  SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency,
 *    accountability and the service delivery of the government  organizations.
 *     Copyright (C) 2017  eGovernments Foundation
 *     The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation
 *     is available at
 *     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     any later version.
 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *     along with this program. If not, see or
 * .
 *     In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this
 *     program, the following additional terms are to be complied with:
 *         1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this
 *            Legal Notice.
 *            Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces,
 *            Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any
 *            derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner.
 *            For the logo, please refer
 *            For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines,
 *            please contact
 *         2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It
 *            is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in
 *            reasonable ways as different from the original version.
 *         3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program
 *            with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names
 *            or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation.
 *   In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at

import com.exilant.GLEngine.ChartOfAccounts;
import com.exilant.GLEngine.Transaxtion;
import com.exilant.GLEngine.TransaxtionParameter;
import com.exilant.eGov.src.transactions.VoucherTypeForULB;
import com.exilant.exility.common.TaskFailedException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.egov.commons.*;
import org.egov.commons.dao.AccountdetailtypeHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.BankHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.BankaccountHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.ChartOfAccountsHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.FinancialYearDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.FiscalPeriodHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.FunctionDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.FunctionaryHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.FundHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.FundSourceHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.SchemeHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.SubSchemeHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.commons.dao.VoucherHeaderDAO;
import org.egov.commons.exception.NoSuchObjectException;
import org.egov.commons.exception.TooManyValuesException;
import org.egov.commons.service.ChartOfAccountDetailService;
import org.egov.dao.bills.EgBillRegisterHibernateDAO;
import org.egov.egf.autonumber.VouchernumberGenerator;
import org.egov.eis.service.EisCommonService;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.AppConfig;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.AppConfigValues;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Boundary;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Department;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.HierarchyType;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.AppConfigService;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.AppConfigValueService;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.BoundaryService;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.DepartmentService;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.HierarchyTypeService;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.service.UserService;
import org.egov.infra.config.core.ApplicationThreadLocals;
import org.egov.infra.exception.ApplicationRuntimeException;
import org.egov.infra.persistence.utils.GenericSequenceNumberGenerator;
import org.egov.infra.utils.autonumber.AutonumberServiceBeanResolver;
import org.egov.infra.validation.exception.ValidationError;
import org.egov.infra.validation.exception.ValidationException;
import org.egov.infstr.utils.EGovConfig;
import org.egov.model.bills.EgBillPayeedetails;
import org.egov.model.bills.EgBilldetails;
import org.egov.model.bills.EgBillregister;
import org.egov.model.bills.EgBillregistermis;
import org.egov.model.contra.ContraJournalVoucher;
import org.egov.model.voucher.PreApprovedVoucher;
import org.egov.pims.commons.Designation;
import org.egov.pims.commons.Position;
import org.egov.pims.dao.PersonalInformationDAO;
import org.egov.utils.FinancialConstants;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * This Class will create voucher from bill <br>
 * @author Manikanta created on 15-sep-2008
public class CreateVoucher {
    private static final String DD_MMM_YYYY = "dd-MMM-yyyy";
    private static final String DD_MM_YYYY = "dd/MM/yyyy";
    private static final String REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DATE = "Reversal voucher date";
    private static final String VOUCHER_HEADER_ID = "Original voucher header id";

    final private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CreateVoucher.class);
    // Expenditure Types
    private final static String CONBILL = "Works";
    private final static String SUPBILL = "Purchase";
    private final static String SALBILL = "Salary";
    private final static String PENSBILL = "Pension";
    private final static String GRATBILL = "Gratuity";
    // messages
    private final static String FUNDMISSINGMSG = "Fund is not used in Bill ,cannot create Voucher";
    private static final String FAILED = "Transaction failed";
    private static final String EXCEPTION_WHILE_SAVING_DATA = "Exception while saving data";
    private final String ISREQUIRED = ".required";
    private final String SELECT = "  Please Select  ";
    private AppConfigService appConfigService;
    private VoucherTypeForULB voucherTypeForULB;
    private AppConfigValueService appConfigValuesService;
    private PersistenceService persistenceService;

    private AutonumberServiceBeanResolver beanResolver;

    // add here for other bills

    // bill related common variables for back end updation
    private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DD_MM_YYYY);
    private SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DD_MMM_YYYY);
    private BillsService billsService;
    private FundHibernateDAO fundDAO;

    private ChartOfAccounts chartOfAccounts;

    private FunctionaryHibernateDAO functionaryDAO;
    private FinancialYearDAO financialYearDAO;
    private SchemeHibernateDAO schemeDAO;
    private SubSchemeHibernateDAO subSchemeDAO;
    private FundSourceHibernateDAO fundSourceDAO;
    private FunctionDAO functionDAO;
    private ChartOfAccountsHibernateDAO chartOfAccountsDAO;
    private VoucherHeaderDAO voucherHeaderDAO;
    private BankaccountHibernateDAO bankAccountDAO;
    private BankHibernateDAO bankDAO;

    private EgBillRegisterHibernateDAO egBillRegisterHibernateDAO;

    private VoucherService voucherService;

    private BoundaryService boundaryService;

    private GenericSequenceNumberGenerator genericSequenceNumberGenerator;

    private static final String ERR = "Exception in CreateVoucher";
    private static final String DEPTMISSINGMSG = "Department is missing in the Bill cannot proceed creating vouvher";
    private static final String IS_MISSING = "is missing";
    private static final String NAME = "Reversal voucher name";
    private static final String IS_EMPTY = "is empty";
    private static final String TYPE = "Reversal voucher type";
    private static final String REVERSAL_VOUCHER_NUMBER = "Reversal voucher number";

    private DepartmentService deptM;
    private BoundaryService boundary;

    private UserService userMngr;
    private EisCommonService eisCommonService;

    private HierarchyTypeService hierarchyTypeService;
    PersistenceService<Bankreconciliation, Integer> bankReconSer;
    PersistenceService<EgBillregistermis, Integer> billMisSer;
    PersistenceService<EgBilldetails, Integer> billDetailSer;
    PersistenceService<Fund, Integer> fundService;
    private GeneralLedgerService generalLedgerService;
    private GeneralLedgerDetailService generalLedgerDetailService;

    private PersonalInformationDAO personalInformationDAO;
    private AccountdetailtypeHibernateDAO accountdetailtypeHibernateDAO;
    private FiscalPeriodHibernateDAO fiscalPeriodHibernateDAO;

    private ChartOfAccountDetailService chartOfAccountDetailService;

    public CreateVoucher() {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Initializing CreateVoucher Service");


     * creates voucher From billId
     * @param billId
     * @param voucherDate
     *            TODO
     * @return voucherheaderId long
     * @throws ApplicationRuntimeException
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws Exception

    public long createVoucherFromBill(final int billId, String voucherStatus, final String voucherNumber,
            final Date voucherDate) throws ApplicationRuntimeException, SQLException, TaskFailedException {
        CVoucherHeader vh = null;
        try {
            if (voucherStatus == null) {
                final List vStatusList = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(
                        FinancialConstants.MODULE_NAME_APPCONFIG, "PREAPPROVEDVOUCHERSTATUS");

                if (!vStatusList.isEmpty() && vStatusList.size() == 1) {
                    final AppConfigValues appVal = (AppConfigValues) vStatusList.get(0);
                    voucherStatus = appVal.getValue();
                } else
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("PREAPPROVEDVOUCHERSTATUS"
                            + "is not defined in AppConfig values cannot proceed creating voucher");
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug(" ---------------Generating Voucher for Bill-------");
            EgBillregister egBillregister = null;
            egBillregister = billsService.getBillRegisterById(Integer.valueOf(billId));
             * identify the bill type and delegate get the fund and fundsource
             * check for mandatory fields for implementation if missing throw
             * exception department is mandatory for implementation type fund is
             * mandatory for all implementations
            final EgBillregistermis billMis = egBillregister.getEgBillregistermis();
            // checking voucher already exists or not for this bill
            try {
                CVoucherHeader result;
                if (billMis.getVoucherHeader() != null) {
                    result = (CVoucherHeader) voucherService.find(
                            "select vh from CVoucherHeader vh where = ? and vh.status!=?",
                            billMis.getVoucherHeader().getId(), FinancialConstants.CANCELLEDVOUCHERSTATUS);
                    if (result != null)
                        throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                                "Voucher " + result.getVoucherNumber() + " already exists for this bill ");
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
            final Fund fund = billMis.getFund();
            if (fund == null) {
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(FUNDMISSINGMSG);
            } else
            final String deptMandatory = EGovConfig.getProperty("egf_config.xml", "deptRequired", "", "general");
            if (deptMandatory.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))
                if (billMis.getEgDepartment() == null)
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(DEPTMISSINGMSG);

            final Fundsource fundSrc = billMis.getFundsource();
            if (fundSrc != null)

            if (billMis.getScheme() != null)
            if (billMis.getSubScheme() != null)
            final String expType = egBillregister.getExpendituretype();
            String voucherType = null;
            String voucherSubType = null;
            String name = "";
            if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(CONBILL)) {
                name = "Contractor Journal";
                voucherSubType = FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_CONTRACTORJOURNAL;
            } else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(SUPBILL)) {
                name = "Supplier Journal";
                if (null != billMis.getEgBillSubType()
                        && billMis.getEgBillSubType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Fixed Asset"))
                    voucherSubType = FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_FIXEDASSETJOURNAL;
                    voucherSubType = FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_PURCHASEJOURNAL;
            } else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(SALBILL)) {
                name = "Salary Journal";
                voucherSubType = FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_SALARYJOURNAL;
            // Pension,Gratuity are saved as Expense Bill
            else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(FinancialConstants.STANDARD_EXPENDITURETYPE_CONTINGENT)) {
                name = FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_EXPENSEJOURNAL;
                voucherSubType = FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_EXPENSEJOURNAL;
            } else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(PENSBILL)) {
                name = "Pension Journal";
                voucherSubType = FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_PENSIONJOURNAL;
            } else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(GRATBILL)) {
                name = "Gratuity Journal";
                voucherSubType = FinancialConstants.CBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
            } else {
                name = "JVGeneral";
                voucherSubType = FinancialConstants.STANDARD_VOUCHER_TYPE_JOURNAL;
            voucherType = FinancialConstants.STANDARD_VOUCHER_TYPE_JOURNAL;
            final HashMap<String, Object> headerDetails = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            HashMap<String, Object> detailMap = null;
            HashMap<String, Object> subledgertDetailMap = null;
            Set<EgBillPayeedetails> subLedgerlist;
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> accountdetails = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> subledgerDetails = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
            final Set<EgBilldetails> billDetailslist = egBillregister.getEgBilldetailes();
            detailMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            new HashMap<String, Object>();

            headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNAME, name);
            headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERTYPE, voucherType);
            headerDetails.put("vouchersubtype", voucherSubType);
            new SimpleDateFormat(DD_MMM_YYYY);
            headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNUMBER, voucherNumber == null ? "" : voucherNumber);
            Date dt = new Date();
            Date vdt;
            String purposeValueVN = "";
            final String purposeValue = "";

             * Starting to check for voucher date First check if the value needs
             * to be read from the UI. If YES, check if the value is passed from
             * the UI, and then set data if present and throw error else. If NO,
             * check if the value needs to be read from the bill If YES, set the
             * voucher date same as that of bill date. If NO, set the value as
             * system date
            try {
                final List<AppConfigValues> configValues = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(
                        FinancialConstants.MODULE_NAME_APPCONFIG, "VOUCHERDATE_FROM_UI");

                for (final AppConfigValues appConfigVal : configValues)
                    purposeValueVN = appConfigVal.getValue();
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                        "Appconfig value for VOUCHERDATE_FROM_UI is not defined in the system");
            if (purposeValueVN.equals("Y")) {
                if (voucherDate == null)
                    throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(
                            "Voucherdate Should be entered by user", "voucherfrombill.voucherdate.mandatory")));
                else {
                    dt = voucherDate;
                    vdt = dt;

            } else {

                try {
                    final List<AppConfigValues> configValues = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(
                            FinancialConstants.MODULE_NAME_APPCONFIG, "USE BILLDATE IN CREATE VOUCHER FROM BILL");

                    for (final AppConfigValues appConfigVal : configValues)
                        purposeValueVN = appConfigVal.getValue();
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                            "Appconfig value for USE BILLDATE IN CREATE VOUCHER FROM BILL is not defined in the system");
                if (purposeValue.equals("Y")) {
                    vdt = egBillregister.getBilldate();
                    dt = egBillregister.getBilldate();
                } else
                    vdt = dt;
            headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERDATE, vdt);
            if (egBillregister.getId() != null)
                headerDetails.put("billid", egBillregister.getId());
            if (billMis.getSourcePath() != null)
                headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.SOURCEPATH, billMis.getSourcePath());
            if (billMis.getEgDepartment() != null)
                headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.DEPARTMENTCODE, billMis.getEgDepartment().getCode());
            if (billMis.getFund() != null)
                headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.FUNDCODE, billMis.getFund().getCode());
            if (billMis.getScheme() != null)
                headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE, billMis.getScheme().getCode());
            if (billMis.getSubScheme() != null)
                headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.SUBSCHEMECODE, billMis.getSubScheme().getCode());
            if (billMis.getFundsource() != null)
                headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.FUNDSOURCECODE, billMis.getFundsource().getCode());
            if (billMis.getFieldid() != null)
                if (billMis.getFieldid().getId() != null)
                    headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.DIVISIONID, billMis.getFieldid().getId().toString());
            if (billMis.getFunctionaryid() != null)
                headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONARYCODE, billMis.getFunctionaryid().getCode());
            // TODO- read the fnction from billdetails. We can remove this
            if (billMis.getFunction() != null)
                headerDetails.put(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE, billMis.getFunction().getCode());

            for (final EgBilldetails egBilldetails : billDetailslist) {

                // persistenceService.setSessionFactory(new SessionFactory());
                detailMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                if (null != egBilldetails.getFunctionid()) {
                     * CFunction function = (CFunction)
                     * persistenceService.getSession().load(CFunction.class,
                     * (egBilldetails.getFunctionid()).longValue());
                     * detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE,
                     * function.getCode());
                        egBilldetails.getDebitamount() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : egBilldetails.getDebitamount());
                        egBilldetails.getCreditamount() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO
                                : egBilldetails.getCreditamount());
                final String glcode = persistenceService.getSession().createQuery(
                        "select glcode from CChartOfAccounts where id = " + egBilldetails.getGlcodeid().longValue())
                detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.GLCODE, glcode);
                subLedgerlist = egBilldetails.getEgBillPaydetailes();
                for (final EgBillPayeedetails egBillPayeedetails : subLedgerlist) {
                    subledgertDetailMap = new HashMap<>();
                    if (chartOfAccountDetailService.getByGlcodeIdAndDetailTypeId(
                            egBillPayeedetails.getAccountDetailTypeId().intValue()) != null) {
                                egBillPayeedetails.getDebitAmount() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO
                                        : egBillPayeedetails.getDebitAmount());
                                egBillPayeedetails.getCreditAmount() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO
                                        : egBillPayeedetails.getCreditAmount());
                        subledgertDetailMap.put(VoucherConstant.GLCODE, glcode);
            vh = createPreApprovedVoucher(headerDetails, accountdetails, subledgerDetails);

        } catch (final ValidationException e) {
            final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
            errors.add(new ValidationError("exp", e.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()));
            throw new ValidationException(errors);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error in create voucher from bill" + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        return vh.getId().longValue();

     * creates voucher From billId
     * @param billId
     * @return voucherheaderId long
     * @throws ApplicationRuntimeException
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws Exception

    public long createVoucherFromBillForPJV(final int billId, final String voucherStatus,
            final List<PreApprovedVoucher> voucherdetailList, final List<PreApprovedVoucher> subLedgerList)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException, SQLException, TaskFailedException {
        final CVoucherHeader vh = null;
        try {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug(" ---------------Generating Voucher-------");
            EgBillregister egBillregister = null;
            egBillregister = billsService.getBillRegisterById(Integer.valueOf(billId));
             * identify the bill type and delegate get the fund and fundsource
             * check for mandatory fields for implementation if missing throw
             * exception department is mandatory for implementation type fund is
             * mandatory for all implementations
            String name = "";
            final EgBillregistermis billMis = egBillregister.getEgBillregistermis();
            final Fund fund = billMis.getFund();
            if (fund == null) {
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(FUNDMISSINGMSG);
            } else
            final String deptMandatory = EGovConfig.getProperty("egf_config.xml", "deptRequired", "", "general");
            if (deptMandatory.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))
                if (billMis.getEgDepartment() == null)
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(DEPTMISSINGMSG);

            final Fundsource fundSrc = billMis.getFundsource();
            if (fundSrc != null)

            if (billMis.getScheme() != null)
            if (billMis.getSubScheme() != null)
            final String expType = egBillregister.getExpendituretype();
            if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(CONBILL)) {
                name = "Contractor Journal";
            } else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(SUPBILL)) {
                name = "Supplier Journal";
                /*            if (null != billMis.getEgBillSubType()
                                  && billMis.getEgBillSubType().getName()
                    .equalsIgnoreCase("Fixed Asset")) {
                            } else {
                */ } else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(SALBILL)) {
                name = "Salary Journal";
            // Pension,Gratuity are saved as contingency Bill
            else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(FinancialConstants.STANDARD_EXPENDITURETYPE_CONTINGENT)) {
                name = FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_EXPENSEJOURNAL;
            } else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(PENSBILL)) {
                name = "Pension Journal";
            } else if (expType.equalsIgnoreCase(GRATBILL)) {
                name = "Gratuity Journal";
            } else {
                name = "JVGeneral";

            // vh=createVoucherheaderAndPostGLForPJV(fundId,egBillregister,fundSrcId,schemeId,subSchemeId,name,cgnCode,voucherType,voucherdetailList,subLedgerList);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error in createVoucherFromBillForPJV " + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        return vh.getId().longValue();

     * @description - This method is used to create the vouchers for the
     *              preapproved vouchers.
     * @param vouhcerheaderid
     *            - the vouhcerheaderid of the preapproved voucher.
     * @param status
     *            - status of the vouchers.
     * @return void - This method does not return anything as its only create
     *         the vouchers for the preapproved vouchers.s

    public void createVoucherFromPreApprovedVoucher(final long vouhcerheaderid, final String status)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        try {
            final CVoucherHeader vh = (CVoucherHeader) voucherHeaderDAO.findById(vouhcerheaderid, false);

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());



     * This API is to create a voucher from the list of HashMap values that are
     * passed. This will take care of various types of vouchers like -receipt,
     * payments and journal vouchers
     * @param headerdetails
     *            <p>
     *            HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails will have the data
     *            required for the voucher header and mis :
     *            <p>
     *            vouchername -This will be the name of the voucher, will need
     *            to set the values from enumeration (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            vouchertype -This will be the type of the voucher, will need
     *            to set the values from enumeration (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            description -This will be the description of the voucher
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            vouchernumber - This will be the vouchernumber if not set will
     *            be populated (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            voucherdate - This is the date on which the voucher needs to
     *            be created (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            fundid - This will be the id from the fund master (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            moduleid - This will be the id from module master,(not present
     *            now). Any external system sending data needs to set the value
     *            for this . If value not set will take as null (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            divisionid - This is the fieldid from the boundary master
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            departmentid - This is the departmentid from the department
     *            master (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            fundsourceid - This is the fundsourceid from the fund source
     *            master (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            schemeid - This is the schemeid from the scheme master
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            subschemeid - This is the subschemeid from the subscheme
     *            master (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            status - This is the status of voucher . If not set will be
     *            taken care (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            originalvoucher - This is the reference voucherid in care of
     *            reversal voucher (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            refvoucher - This the reference voucherheaderid in case of
     *            dependency vouchers (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            budgetCheckReq -Boolean- This is a flag set in vouchermis and
     *            decided whether budget check should be done or not . 'true' is
     *            yes 'false' is no . Default is 'true' (optional).
     *            <p>
     * @param accountcodedetails
     *            <p>
     *            HashMap<String, Object> accountcodedetails will have data
     *            required for the ledger details
     *            <p>
     *            glcodeid - This the ledger codeid from the chartofaccounts
     *            master. (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            debitamount - This is the debit amount for that voucher
     *            (optional)
     *            <P>
     *            creditamount - This is the credit amount for that voucher
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            functionid - This is the functionid from the function master
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            narration -This is the narration if any for that account code
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            <p>
     * @param subledgerdetails
     *            <p>
     *            HashMap<String, Object> subledgerdetails will have the
     *            subledger details only for all the control codes in the
     *            voucher.
     *            <p>
     *            glcodeid -This the ledger codeid from the chartofaccounts
     *            master. (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            detailtypeid - This is the detailtypeid from the detailtype
     *            object (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            detailkeyid - This is the detailkey from the detailkey object
     *            (mandatory) <detailamount> - This is the amount for that
     *            detailkey (mandatory) <tdsid> - This is the id from the
     *            recovery master.If the glcode used is mapped in the recovery
     *            master then this data is mandatory.
     * @return voucherheader object in case of success and null in case of fail.
     * @throws ApplicationRuntimeException
    public CVoucherHeader createPreApprovedVoucher(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails,
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> accountcodedetails,
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> subledgerdetails)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException, ValidationException {
        final AppConfig appConfig = appConfigService.getAppConfigByKeyName("PREAPPROVEDVOUCHERSTATUS");
        if (null != appConfig && null != appConfig.getConfValues())
            for (final AppConfigValues appConfigVal : appConfig.getConfValues())
                headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.STATUS, Integer.valueOf(appConfigVal.getValue()));
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                    "Appconfig value for PREAPPROVEDVOUCHERSTATUS is not defined in the system");
        CVoucherHeader vh;
        try {
            vh = createVoucher(headerdetails, accountcodedetails, subledgerdetails);
            /*if (vh.getModuleId() != null)
            //if u need workflow enable above lines and fix workflow
        } catch (final ValidationException ve) {
            LOGGER.error(ERR, ve);
            final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
            errors.add(new ValidationError("exp", ve.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()));
            throw new ValidationException(errors);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(ERR, e);
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        return vh;

     * action name ////// check all junits, EisCommonsManger is added in create
     * voucher constructor voucher service need to pass
     * @param voucherheader
     * @throws ValidationException

    public void startWorkflow(final CVoucherHeader voucherheader) throws ValidationException {
        try {
            final ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
                    new String[] { "classpath:org/serviceconfig-Bean.xml",
                            "classpath:org/egov/infstr/beanfactory/applicationContext-pims.xml" });
            if (voucherheader.getType().equals(FinancialConstants.STANDARD_VOUCHER_TYPE_JOURNAL)
                    || voucherheader.getType().equals(FinancialConstants.STANDARD_VOUCHER_TYPE_RECEIPT)) {
                LOGGER.error("Calling create voucher.....for ......ContraJournalVoucher......"
                        + voucherheader.getType() + " ----" + voucherheader.getName());
                final String billtype = egBillRegisterHibernateDAO.getBillTypeforVoucher(voucherheader);
                if (billtype == null) {
                    // voucherWorkflowService.transition("aa_approve",
                    // voucherheader, "Created"); // action name need to pass
                    // Position position =
                    // eisCommonService.getPositionByUserId(ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId());

                    final VoucherService vs = (VoucherService) applicationContext.getBean("voucherService");
                    final PersistenceService persistenceService = (PersistenceService) applicationContext
                    final Position nextPosition = getNextPosition(voucherheader, vs, persistenceService, null);
                    voucherheader.transition().progressWithStateCopy().withStateValue("WORKFLOW INITIATED")
                            .withOwner(nextPosition).withComments("WORKFLOW STARTED");
             * this logic is moved to top since both have same workflow else
             * if(voucherheader
             * .getType().equals(FinancialConstants.STANDARD_VOUCHER_TYPE_RECEIPT
             * )) { // ReceiptVoucher rv=new ReceiptVoucher();
             * PersistenceService<ReceiptVoucher, Long> persistenceService = new
             * PersistenceService<ReceiptVoucher, Long>();
             * //persistenceService.setType(ReceiptVoucher.class);
             * rv.setId(voucherheader.getId());
             * rv.setVoucherHeader(voucherheader);
             * persistenceService.create(rv);
             * SimpleWorkflowService<ReceiptVoucher> receiptWorkflowService =
             * (SimpleWorkflowService)
             * applicationContext.getBean("receiptWorkflowService");
             * receiptWorkflowService.start(rv, getPosition());
             * receiptWorkflowService.transition("co_approve", rv, "Created");
             * // action name need to pass }

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
            LOGGER.error(ERR, e);
            errors.add(new ValidationError("Exp in startWorkflow for JV/Receipt voucher=", e.getMessage()));
            throw new ValidationException(errors);

    private Position getNextPosition(final CVoucherHeader voucherheader, final VoucherService vs,
            final PersistenceService persistenceService, final Position position) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Getting next Position for WorkFlow");
        final Position nextPosition = null;
        Department department = vs.getTempDepartmentForWfItem(voucherheader, position);
        if (department == null) {
            LOGGER.warn("Not able to get tempoaray Assignment defaulting to primary asssigment");
            department = vs.getDepartmentForWfItem(voucherheader);
            if (department == null) {
                final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
                errors.add(new ValidationError("Unable to get Temp Department", "Unable to get Temp Department"));
                throw new ValidationException(errors);
        String functionaryName = "";
        String designationName = "";
        designationName = "SECTION MANAGER";
        Boundary boundaryForUser = null;
        if (department.getCode().equalsIgnoreCase("A")) {
            final HierarchyType hierarchyTypeByName = hierarchyTypeService.getHierarchyTypeByName("ADMINISTRATION");
            final List topBoundaries = boundaryService.getTopLevelBoundaryByHierarchyType(hierarchyTypeByName);
            if (topBoundaries != null && topBoundaries.size() > 0)
                boundaryForUser = (Boundary) topBoundaries.get(0);
            functionaryName = "Compilation";
        } else {
            boundaryForUser = vs.getBoundaryForUser(voucherheader);
            functionaryName = "ZONE";
        final Designation next_desig = (Designation) persistenceService
                .find("from Designation  where upper(name)=upper(?)", designationName);
        final Functionary functionary = (Functionary) persistenceService
                .find("from Functionary where upper(name)=upper(?)", functionaryName);

        try {
            personalInformationDAO.getEmployeeByFunctionary(department.getId(), next_desig.getId(),
                    boundaryForUser.getId(), functionary.getId());
        } catch (final TooManyValuesException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
            errors.add(new ValidationError("Too Many  Employee Exists", "Too Many  Employee Exists"));
            throw new ValidationException(errors);

        } catch (final NoSuchObjectException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
            errors.add(new ValidationError("No  Employee Exists", "No  Employee Exists"));
            throw new ValidationException(errors);
        // TODO: Get employee instead of personalinformation and fix the issue
        // nextPosition=vs.getPositionForEmployee(employeeByFunctionary) ;
        if (nextPosition != null) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Returning next Position for WorkFlow" + nextPosition.getName());
        } else
            LOGGER.error("Could not get next Position for WorkFlow");
        return nextPosition;


    public void startWorkflow(final ContraJournalVoucher cjv) throws ValidationException {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Starting Contra Journal Voucher Workflow....startWorkflow(ContraJournalVoucher cjv)...");

        try {
            if (cjv.getVoucherHeaderId().getState() == null) {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                            "Calling create voucher.....for ......ContraJournalVoucher.....................................................................................");
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("fetching voucherWorkflowService from application context.......");
                final ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
                        new String[] { "classpath:org/serviceconfig-Bean.xml",
                                "classpath:org/egov/infstr/beanfactory/applicationContext-pims.xml" });
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("completed voucherWorkflowService from application context.......");
                // voucherWorkflowService.transition("am_approve",
                // cjv.getVoucherHeaderId(), "Created"); // action name need to
                // pass
                final Position position = eisCommonService.getPositionByUserId(ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId());
                cjv.transition().progressWithStateCopy().withStateValue("WORKFLOW INITIATED").withOwner(position)
                        .withComments("WORKFLOW STARTED");
                final VoucherService vs = (VoucherService) applicationContext.getBean("voucherService");
                final PersistenceService persistenceService = (PersistenceService) applicationContext
                final Position nextPosition = getNextPosition(cjv.getVoucherHeaderId(), vs, persistenceService,
                cjv.transition().progressWithStateCopy().withStateValue("WORKFLOW INITIATED")
                        .withOwner(nextPosition).withComments("WORKFLOW STARTED");
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
            LOGGER.error(ERR, e);
            errors.add(new ValidationError("Exp in startWorkflow for Contra=", e.getMessage()));
            throw new ValidationException(errors);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Completed Contra Journal Voucher Workflow.......");

     * only for contra workflow
     * @param voucherHeader
     * @throws ValidationException
     *             Uses VoucherWorkflow since contra and brv workflows are same

    public void startWorkflowForCashUpdate(final CVoucherHeader voucherHeader) throws ValidationException {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Starting  Journal Voucher Workflow.  for contra......");

        try {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Calling StartWorkflow...For Cash");
            final ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
                    new String[] { "classpath:org/serviceconfig-Bean.xml",
                            "classpath:org/egov/infstr/beanfactory/applicationContext-pims.xml" });
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("completed voucherWorkflowService from application context.......");
            final VoucherService vs = (VoucherService) applicationContext.getBean("voucherService");
            final PersistenceService persistenceService = (PersistenceService) applicationContext
            final Position nextPosition = getNextPosition(voucherHeader, vs, persistenceService, null);

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
            LOGGER.error(ERR, e);
            errors.add(new ValidationError("Exp in startWorkflow for Contra=", e.getMessage()));
            throw new ValidationException(errors);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Completed Contra Journal Voucher Workflow.......");

    public Position getPosition() throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        Position pos;
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("getPosition====" + ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId());
        pos = eisCommonService.getPositionByUserId(ApplicationThreadLocals.getUserId());
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("position===" + pos.getId());
        return null;// pos;

     * This API is to create a voucher from the list of HashMap values that are
     * passed. This will take care of various types of vouchers like -receipt,
     * payments and journal vouchers
     * @param headerdetails
     *            <p>
     *            HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails will have the data
     *            required for the voucher header and mis :
     *            <p>
     *            vouchername -This will be the name of the voucher, will need
     *            to set the values from enumeration (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            vouchertype -This will be the type of the voucher, will need
     *            to set the values from enumeration (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            description -This will be the description of the voucher
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            vouchernumber - This will be the vouchernumber if not set will
     *            be populated (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            voucherdate - This is the date on which the voucher needs to
     *            be created (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            fundid - This will be the id from the fund master (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            functionid - This is the functionid from the function master
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            moduleid - This will be the id from module master,(not present
     *            now). Any external system sending data needs to set the value
     *            for this . If value not set will take as null (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            divisionid - This is the fieldid from the boundary master
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            departmentid - This is the departmentid from the department
     *            master (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            fundsourceid - This is the fundsourceid from the fund source
     *            master (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            schemeid - This is the schemeid from the scheme master
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            subschemeid - This is the subschemeid from the subscheme
     *            master (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            status - This is the status of voucher . If not set will be
     *            taken care (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            originalvoucher - This is the reference voucherid in care of
     *            reversal voucher (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            refvoucher - This the reference voucherheaderid in case of
     *            dependency vouchers (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            vouchersubtype - This is the sub voucher type in case of
     *            Journals where there are various kinds (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            budgetCheckReq -Boolean- This is a flag set in vouchermis and
     *            decided whether budget check should be done or not . 'true' is
     *            yes 'false' is no . Default is 'true' (optional).
     *            <p>
     *            billid-this is the bill number for which voucher is getting
     *            created . (optional)
     *            <p>
     * @param accountcodedetails
     *            <p>
     *            HashMap<String, Object> accountcodedetails will have data
     *            required for the ledger details
     *            <p>
     *            glcodeid - This the ledger codeid from the chartofaccounts
     *            master. (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            debitamount - This is the debit amount for that voucher
     *            (optional)
     *            <P>
     *            creditamount - This is the credit amount for that voucher
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            functionid - This is the functionid from the function master
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            narration -This is the narration if any for that account code
     *            (optional)
     *            <p>
     *            <p>
     * @param subledgerdetails
     *            <p>
     *            HashMap<String, Object> subledgerdetails will have the
     *            subledger details only for all the control codes in the
     *            voucher.
     *            <p>
     *            glcodeid -This the ledger codeid from the chartofaccounts
     *            master. (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            detailtypeid - This is the detailtypeid from the detailtype
     *            object (mandatory)
     *            <p>
     *            detailkeyid - This is the detailkey from the detailkey object
     *            (mandatory) <detailamount> - This is the amount for that
     *            detailkey (mandatory) <tdsid> - This is the id from the
     *            recovery master.If the glcode used is mapped in the recovery
     *            master then this data is mandatory.
     * @return voucherheader object in case of success and null in case of fail.
     * @throws ApplicationRuntimeException
    public CVoucherHeader createVoucher(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails,
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> accountcodedetails,
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> subledgerdetails) throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        CVoucherHeader vh;
        Vouchermis mis;

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("start | createVoucher API");
        try {
            validateTransaction(accountcodedetails, subledgerdetails);
            validateFunction(headerdetails, accountcodedetails);
            vh = createVoucherHeader(headerdetails);
            mis = createVouchermis(headerdetails);
            // insertIntoVoucherHeader(vh);

            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("start | insertIntoVoucherHeader");
            final String vdt = formatter.format(vh.getVoucherDate());
            String fiscalPeriod = null;
            try {
                fiscalPeriod = getFiscalPeriod(vdt);
            } catch (final TaskFailedException e) {
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("error while getting fiscal period");
            if (null == fiscalPeriod)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                        "Voucher Date not within an open period or Financial year not open for posting, fiscalPeriod := "
                                + fiscalPeriod);


            try {
                if (!isUniqueVN(vh.getVoucherNumber(), vdt))
                    throw new ValidationException(Arrays
                            .asList(new ValidationError("Duplicate Voucher Number", "Duplicate Voucher Number")));
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error(ERR, e);
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
            if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
      "++++++++++++++++++" + vh.toString());
            if (null != vh.getVouchermis().getSourcePath() && null == vh.getModuleId() && vh.getVouchermis()
                    .getSourcePath().length() == vh.getVouchermis().getSourcePath().indexOf("=") + 1) {
                final StringBuffer sourcePath = new StringBuffer();
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("Source Path received : " + vh.getVouchermis().getSourcePath());
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("Voucher Header Id  : " + vh.getId());

            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("End | insertIntoVoucherHeader");

            // insertIntoRecordStatus(vh);
            final List<Transaxtion> transactions = createTransaction(headerdetails, accountcodedetails,
                    subledgerdetails, vh);
            // engine = ChartOfAccounts.getInstance();
            // setChartOfAccounts();
            Transaxtion txnList[] = new Transaxtion[transactions.size()];
            txnList = transactions.toArray(txnList);
            final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DD_MMM_YYYY);
            if (!chartOfAccounts.postTransaxtions(txnList, formatter.format(vh.getVoucherDate())))
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Voucher creation Failed");

        catch (final ValidationException ve) {
            final List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
            errors.add(new ValidationError("exp", ve.getErrors().get(0).getMessage()));
            throw new ValidationException(errors);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(ERR, e);
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("End | createVoucher API");
        return vh;


     * @param headerdetails
     * @param accountcodedetails
     *            Validates based on Single Function for a transaction
    private void validateFunction(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails,
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> accountcodedetails) {

        final List<AppConfigValues> appConfigValues = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(
                FinancialConstants.MODULE_NAME_APPCONFIG, "ifRestrictedToOneFunctionCenter");
        if (appConfigValues == null) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("app config ifRestrictedToOneFunctionCenter is not defined");
            throw new ValidationException("Error", "Use Single Function For a transaction is not defined");
        } else if (appConfigValues.get(0).getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("No")) {

            // Keep last two lines when making single function mandatory.
            // Now this will support both.
            // If function is added in header it will consider it for all
            // details else
            // it will use from detail.
            boolean foundInHeader = false;
            final Map functionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();// to find
            // duplicates.
            // finally
            // we should
            // have one
            // and only
            // entry
            // in
            // this
            String functionCodeInHeader = "";
            // 1. check if function is passed in header
            if (null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)) {

                functionCodeInHeader = (String) headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE);
                functionMap.put(functionCodeInHeader, functionCodeInHeader);
                foundInHeader = true;
            if (foundInHeader)
                for (final HashMap<String, Object> accDetailMap : accountcodedetails)
                    accDetailMap.put(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE, headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE));

            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Not a single Function Transaction  No need of Further check on function");
        } else if (appConfigValues.get(0).getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
            boolean foundInHeader = false;
            boolean atLeastOneMissing = false;
            final Map functionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();// to find
            // duplicates.
            // finally
            // we should
            // have one
            // and only
            // entry
            // in
            // this
            String functionCodeInHeader = "";
            String functionCodeInDetail = "";

            // 1. check if function is passed in header
            if (null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)) {

                functionCodeInHeader = (String) headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE);
                functionMap.put(functionCodeInHeader, functionCodeInHeader);
                foundInHeader = true;

            // 2. Check if function is passed in Details
            for (final HashMap<String, Object> accDetailMap : accountcodedetails)
                if (null != accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)
                        && "" != accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)) {
                    functionCodeInDetail = accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE).toString();
                    functionMap.put(functionCodeInDetail, functionCodeInDetail);
                } else
                    // Mark if Function is missing in detail level
                    atLeastOneMissing = true;
            // If no function is passed or more than one passed throw error
            if (functionMap.size() > 1) {
                LOGGER.error("multiple functions found in Header and details Cannot Continue Transaction....");
                throw new ValidationException(
                        Arrays.asList(new ValidationError("multiple functions found in Header and details",
            // commented by Shamili - functionMap.isEmpty() needs to be
            // validated when function is mandatory
            // Uncommenting since one function center is mandatory
            if (functionMap.isEmpty()) {
                LOGGER.error("Function not found in Header or details Cannot Continue Transaction....");
                throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(
                        "function not found in Header or details", "")));
            // since we passed the above check, there is one function.If it is
            // not in header then it must be from detail
            if (!foundInHeader)
                headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE, functionCodeInDetail);
            // Now fetch it from the header which we have populated
            if (atLeastOneMissing)
                for (final HashMap<String, Object> accDetailMap : accountcodedetails)
                    if (null == accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)
                            || "" == accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE))


     * @param headerdetails
    private void validateLength(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails) {
        if (headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DESCRIPTION) != null
                && headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DESCRIPTION).toString().length() > 250)
            throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(
                    "voucher.description.exceeds.max.length", "Narration exceeds maximum length")));
        final String vNumGenMode = voucherTypeForULB
        if (!vNumGenMode.equals("Auto") && headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNUMBER) != null) {
            final int typeLength = Integer.valueOf(FinancialConstants.VOUCHERNO_TYPE_LENGTH);
            final int voucherNumberColumnLength = 30;// length in the db
            final int fundIdentfierLength = 1;
            if (headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNUMBER).toString().length() > voucherNumberColumnLength
                    - (typeLength + fundIdentfierLength)) {
                final String voucheNumberErrMsg = " VoucherNumber length should be lessthan "
                        + (voucherNumberColumnLength - (typeLength + fundIdentfierLength));
                throw new ValidationException(Arrays
                        .asList(new ValidationError("voucher.number.exceeds.max.length", voucheNumberErrMsg)));


    // used for reversal

    protected void insertIntoVoucherHeader(final CVoucherHeader vh) throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("start | insertIntoVoucherHeader");
        final String vdt = formatter.format(vh.getVoucherDate());
        String fiscalPeriod = null;
        try {
            CFiscalPeriod fis = fiscalPeriodHibernateDAO.getFiscalPeriodByDate(vh.getVoucherDate());
            if (fis != null)
                fiscalPeriod = fis.getId().toString();

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("error while getting fiscal period");
        if (null == fiscalPeriod)
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                    "Voucher Date not within an open period or Financial year not open for posting, fiscalPeriod := "
                            + fiscalPeriod);


        try {
            if (!isUniqueVN(vh.getVoucherNumber(), vdt))
                throw new ValidationException(
                        Arrays.asList(new ValidationError("Duplicate Voucher Number", "Duplicate Voucher Number")));
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(ERR, e);
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
  "++++++++++++++++++" + vh.toString());
        if (null != vh.getVouchermis().getSourcePath() && null == vh.getModuleId() && vh.getVouchermis()
                .getSourcePath().length() == vh.getVouchermis().getSourcePath().indexOf("=") + 1) {
            final StringBuffer sourcePath = new StringBuffer();
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Source Path received : " + vh.getVouchermis().getSourcePath());
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Voucher Header Id  : " + vh.getId());

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("End | insertIntoVoucherHeader");

    protected String getCgnType(String vouType) {
        String vType = vouType.toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", "");
        String cgnType = null;
        String typetoCheck = vType;
        if (vType.equalsIgnoreCase("JOURNAL VOUCHER"))
            typetoCheck = "JOURNALVOUCHER";

        switch (voucherTypeEnum.valueOf(typetoCheck.toUpperCase())) {
        case JOURNALVOUCHER:
            cgnType = "JVG";
        case CONTRA:
            cgnType = "CSL";
        case RECEIPT:
            cgnType = "MSR";
        case PAYMENT:
            cgnType = "DBP";
        default://do nothing
        return cgnType;

     * This method will validate all the master data that are passed. This will
     * also check if the data send are correct with respect to the inter master
     * dependency.
     * @param headerdetails
     * @throws ApplicationRuntimeException
    public void validateVoucherMIS(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails) throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("START | validateVoucherMIS");
        // Validate Department.
        Department dept = null;
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.DEPARTMENTCODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DEPARTMENTCODE)) {
            dept = deptM.getDepartmentByCode(headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DEPARTMENTCODE).toString());
            if (dept == null)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid Department");

        if (null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONARYCODE)) {
            final Functionary functionary = functionaryDAO.getFunctionaryByCode(BigDecimal
            if (null == functionary)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid functionary");
        // validate fund.
        String fundCode = null;
        Fund fund = null;
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.FUNDCODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNDCODE)) {
            fundCode = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNDCODE).toString();
            fund = fundDAO.fundByCode(fundCode);
            if (null == fund)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid fund");
        } else
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("fund value is missing");
        // validate Scheme
        Scheme scheme = null;
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE)) {
            final String schemecode = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE).toString();
            scheme = schemeDAO.getSchemeByCode(schemecode);
            if (null == scheme)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid scheme");
            if (!fund.getId().equals(scheme.getFund().getId()))
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("This scheme does not belong to this fund");
        // validate subscheme
        SubScheme subScheme = null;
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.SUBSCHEMECODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SUBSCHEMECODE)) {
            final String subSchemeCode = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SUBSCHEMECODE).toString();
            subScheme = subSchemeDAO.getSubSchemeByCode(subSchemeCode);
            if (null == subScheme)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid subscheme");
            if (!subScheme.getScheme().getId().equals(scheme.getId()))
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("This subscheme does not belong to this scheme");
        // validate fundsource
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.FUNDSOURCECODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNDSOURCECODE)) {
            final Fundsource fundsource = fundSourceDAO
            if (null == fundsource)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid fund source");

        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.DIVISIONID)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DIVISIONID))
            if (null == boundary
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid divisionid");
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("END | validateVoucherMIS");

    public void validateMandateFields(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails) {

        List<String> headerMandateFields = getHeaderMandateFields();
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Inside Validate Method");
        checkMandatoryField("vouchernumber", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNUMBER), headerdetails,
        checkMandatoryField("voucherdate", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERDATE), headerdetails,
        checkMandatoryField("fund", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNDCODE), headerdetails,
        checkMandatoryField("department", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DEPARTMENTCODE), headerdetails,
        checkMandatoryField("scheme", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE), headerdetails,
        checkMandatoryField("subscheme", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SUBSCHEMECODE), headerdetails,
        checkMandatoryField("functionary", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONARYCODE), headerdetails,
        // checkMandatoryField("function",headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE),headerdetails);
        checkMandatoryField("fundsource", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNDSOURCECODE), headerdetails,
        checkMandatoryField("field", headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DIVISIONID), headerdetails,


    private void validateVoucherType(String vouType) {
        String voucherType = vouType.toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", "");
        boolean typeFound = false;
        final voucherTypeEnum[] allvoucherTypeEnum = voucherTypeEnum.values();
        for (final voucherTypeEnum voucherTypeEnum : allvoucherTypeEnum)
            if (voucherTypeEnum.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(voucherType)) {
                typeFound = true;
        if (!typeFound)
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Voucher type is not valid");

    public CVoucherHeader createVoucherHeader(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException, Exception {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("START | createVoucherHeader");
        // Connection con = null;
        Query query = null;
        final CVoucherHeader cVoucherHeader = new CVoucherHeader();
        try {
            // String voucherSubType="";
            String voucherType = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERTYPE).toString();
            String vNumGenMode = null;

            // -- Voucher Type checking. --START
            if (FinancialConstants.STANDARD_VOUCHER_TYPE_JOURNAL.equalsIgnoreCase(voucherType))
                vNumGenMode = voucherTypeForULB.readVoucherTypes("Journal");
                vNumGenMode = voucherTypeForULB.readVoucherTypes(voucherType);
            // --END --
            voucherType = voucherType.toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", "");

            String voucherSubType = null;
            if (headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERSUBTYPE) != null) {
                voucherSubType = (String) headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERSUBTYPE);
                voucherSubType = voucherSubType.toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", "");

            // why it is type,subtype where api expects subtype,type ?
            // if()
            final String voucherNumberPrefix = getVoucherNumberPrefix(voucherType, voucherSubType);
            String voucherNumber = null;
            if (headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DESCRIPTION) != null)
            final Date voucherDate = (Date) headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERDATE);
            Fund fundByCode = fundDAO.fundByCode(headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNDCODE).toString());

            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Voucher Type is :" + voucherType);
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("vNumGenMode is  :" + vNumGenMode);

            if (headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNUMBER) != null)
                voucherNumber = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNUMBER).toString();
            if (null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MODULEID))
                vNumGenMode = "Auto";

            if (vNumGenMode.equals("Auto")) {
                VouchernumberGenerator v = beanResolver.getAutoNumberServiceFor(VouchernumberGenerator.class);

                final String strVoucherNumber = v.getNextNumber(cVoucherHeader);

             * if("Auto".equalsIgnoreCase(vNumGenMode) || null !=
             * headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MODULEID)){
             * if(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
             * LOGGER.debug("Generating auto voucher number"); SimpleDateFormat
             * df = new SimpleDateFormat(DD_MM_YYYY); String vDate =
             * df.format(voucherDate);
             * cVoucherHeader.setVoucherNumber(cmImpl.getTxnNumber
             * (fundId.toString(),voucherNumberPrefix,vDate,con)); }else {
             * voucherNumber =
             * headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNUMBER).toString();
             * query=persistenceService.getSession().createQuery(
             * "select f.identifier from Fund f where id=:fundId");
             * query.setInteger("fundId", fundId); String fundIdentifier =
             * query.uniqueResult().toString();
             * cVoucherHeader.setVoucherNumber(new
             * StringBuffer().append(fundIdentifier
             * ).append(voucherNumberPrefix). append(voucherNumber).toString());
             * }

            if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.MODULEID)
                    && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MODULEID)) {
            } else {
                // Fix Me
                 * PersistenceService<AppConfig, Integer> appConfigSer;
                 * appConfigSer = new PersistenceService<AppConfig, Integer>();
                 * appConfigSer.setSessionFactory(new SessionFactory());
                 * appConfigSer.setType(AppConfig.class); AppConfig appConfig=
                 * (AppConfig)
                 * appConfigSer.find("from AppConfig where key_name =?",
                 * "JournalVoucher_ConfirmonCreate"); if(null != appConfig &&
                 * null!= appConfig.getValues() ){ for (AppConfigValues
                 * appConfigVal : appConfig.getValues()) {
                 * cVoucherHeader.
                 * setIsConfirmed(Integer.valueOf(appConfigVal.getValue())); } }

            if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.STATUS)
                    && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.STATUS))
            else {
                final List list = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey("EGF",
                cVoucherHeader.setStatus(Integer.parseInt(((AppConfigValues) list.get(0)).getValue()));

            if (null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.ORIGIONALVOUCHER)) {

                final Long origionalVId = Long
                query = persistenceService.getSession().createQuery("from CVoucherHeader where id=:id");
                query.setLong("id", origionalVId);
                if (query.list().size() == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Not a valid origional voucherheader id");

            cVoucherHeader.setRefvhId((Long) headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.REFVOUCHER));
            cVoucherHeader.setEffectiveDate(new Date());
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                        "Printing Voucher Details------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                        "Printing Voucher Details------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
        } catch (final ValidationException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new Exception(e.getMessage());

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("END | createVoucherHeader");
        return cVoucherHeader;

    enum voucherTypeEnum {

    enum voucherSubTypeEnum {

    // we cannot provide enum for all names so we need to find a way
    // or code it for all standard type like CJV,SJV,PJV,EJV

    private String getVoucherNumberPrefix(final String type, String vsubtype) {

        // if sub type is null use type
        if (vsubtype == null)
            vsubtype = type;
        String subtype = vsubtype.toUpperCase().trim();
        String voucherNumberPrefix = null;
        String typetoCheck = subtype;

        if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase("JOURNAL VOUCHER"))
            typetoCheck = "JOURNALVOUCHER";

        switch (voucherSubTypeEnum.valueOf(typetoCheck)) {
        case JVGENERAL:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.JOURNAL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case JOURNALVOUCHER:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.JOURNAL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case CONTRA:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.CONTRA_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case RECEIPT:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.RECEIPT_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case PAYMENT:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.PAYMENT_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.PURCHBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case WORKS:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.WORKSBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.WORKSBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case WORKSJOURNAL:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.WORKSBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.FIXEDASSET_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.CBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case PURCHASE:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.PURCHBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case EXPENSEJOURNAL:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.CBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case EXPENSE:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.CBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case SALARYJOURNAL:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.SALBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case SALARY:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.SALBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case FIXEDASSET:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.FIXEDASSET_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case PENSIONJOURNAL:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.PENBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case PENSION:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.PENBILL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        default: // if subtype is invalid then use type
            if (voucherNumberPrefix == null)
                voucherNumberPrefix = checkwithvouchertype(type);
        return voucherNumberPrefix;


    private String checkwithvouchertype(final String type) {
        String typetoCheck = type;
        if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("JOURNAL VOUCHER"))
            typetoCheck = "JOURNALVOUCHER";
        String voucherNumberPrefix = null;
        switch (voucherTypeEnum.valueOf(typetoCheck)) {
        case JOURNALVOUCHER:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.JOURNAL_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case CONTRA:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.CONTRA_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case RECEIPT:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.RECEIPT_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        case PAYMENT:
            voucherNumberPrefix = FinancialConstants.PAYMENT_VOUCHERNO_TYPE;
        default://do nothing
        return voucherNumberPrefix;


    public Vouchermis createVouchermis(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("START | createVouchermis");
        final Vouchermis vouchermis = new Vouchermis();
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.DEPARTMENTCODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DEPARTMENTCODE)) {
            final String departmentCode = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DEPARTMENTCODE).toString();
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE)) {
            final String schemecode = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE).toString();
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.SUBSCHEMECODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SUBSCHEMECODE)) {
            final String subschemecode = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SUBSCHEMECODE).toString();

        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.FUNDSOURCECODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNDSOURCECODE)) {
            final String fundsourcecode = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNDSOURCECODE).toString();
        if (null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONARYCODE))
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)) {
            final String functionCode = headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE).toString();

        if (null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.SOURCEPATH))
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.DIVISIONID)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.DIVISIONID))
        if (headerdetails.containsKey(VoucherConstant.BUDGETCHECKREQ)
                && null != headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BUDGETCHECKREQ))
            vouchermis.setBudgetCheckReq((Boolean) headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BUDGETCHECKREQ));
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("END | createVouchermis");
        return vouchermis;

    public void validateTransaction(final List<HashMap<String, Object>> accountcodedetails,
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> subledgerdetails) throws ApplicationRuntimeException, Exception {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("START | validateTransaction");
        // List<Transaxtion> transaxtionList = new ArrayList<Transaxtion>();
        BigDecimal totaldebitAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
        BigDecimal totalcreditAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
        final Map<String, BigDecimal> accDetAmtMap = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>();
        for (final HashMap<String, Object> accDetailMap : accountcodedetails) {

            String glcode = null;

            final BigDecimal debitAmount = new BigDecimal(accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT).toString());
            final BigDecimal creditAmount = new BigDecimal(

            totaldebitAmount = totaldebitAmount.add(debitAmount);
            totalcreditAmount = totalcreditAmount.add(creditAmount);
            if (accDetailMap.containsKey(VoucherConstant.GLCODE)
                    && null != accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.GLCODE)) {
                glcode = accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.GLCODE).toString();
                if (null == chartOfAccountsDAO.getCChartOfAccountsByGlCode(glcode))
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Not a valid account code" + glcode);
            } else
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("glcode is missing or null");
            if (debitAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0 && creditAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                        "Both debit amount and credit amount cannot be greater than zero");
            if (debitAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 && creditAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("debit and credit both amount is Zero");
            if (null != accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)
                    && "" != accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)) {
                final String functionCode = accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE).toString();
                if (null == functionDAO.getFunctionByCode(functionCode))
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid function code");
            if (debitAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
                if (null != accDetAmtMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode)) {
                    final BigDecimal accountCodeTotDbAmt = accDetAmtMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode)
                    accDetAmtMap.put(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode, accountCodeTotDbAmt);
                } else
                    accDetAmtMap.put(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode, debitAmount);

            } else if (creditAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)
                if (null != accDetAmtMap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode)) {
                    final BigDecimal accountCodeTotCrAmt = accDetAmtMap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode)
                    accDetAmtMap.put(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode, accountCodeTotCrAmt);
                } else
                    accDetAmtMap.put(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode, creditAmount);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Total Debit  amount   :" + totaldebitAmount);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Total Credit amount   :" + totalcreditAmount);
        totaldebitAmount = totaldebitAmount.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        totalcreditAmount = totalcreditAmount.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Total Debit  amount after round off :" + totaldebitAmount);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Total Credit amount after round off :" + totalcreditAmount);
        if (totaldebitAmount.compareTo(totalcreditAmount) != 0)
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("total debit and total credit amount is not matching");
        final Map<String, BigDecimal> subledAmtmap = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>();
        for (final HashMap<String, Object> subdetailDetailMap : subledgerdetails) {
            String glcode = null;
            String detailtypeid = null;
            String detailKeyId = null;
            if (null != subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.GLCODE)) {
                glcode = subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.GLCODE).toString();
                if (null == chartOfAccountsDAO.getCChartOfAccountsByGlCode(glcode))
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid glcode");
            } else
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("glcode is missing");
            final Query querytds = persistenceService.getSession()
                    .createQuery("select from Recovery t where " + "t.chartofaccounts.glcode=:glcode");
            querytds.setString("glcode", glcode);
            if (null != querytds.list() && querytds.list().size() > 0
                    && null == subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.TDSID)
                    && null != subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT)
                    && new BigDecimal(subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT).toString())
                            .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
                 * Commenting out throw ApplicationRuntimeException since we are
                 * using the same API for create Journal Voucher. There we are
                 * not setting the TDS id..
                // throw new
                // ApplicationRuntimeException("Recovery detail is missing for glcode :"+glcode);
            // validate the glcode is a subledger code or not.

            final Query query = persistenceService.getSession()
                    .createQuery("from CChartOfAccountDetail cd,CChartOfAccounts c where "
                            + "cd.glCodeId = and c.glcode=:glcode");

            query.setString(VoucherConstant.GLCODE, glcode);
            if (null == query.list() || query.list().size() == 0)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("This code is not a control code" + glcode);

            // validate subledger Detailtypeid

            if (null != subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DETAILTYPEID)) {
                detailtypeid = subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DETAILTYPEID).toString();
                final Session session = persistenceService.getSession();
                final Query qry = session.createQuery("from CChartOfAccountDetail cd,CChartOfAccounts c where "
                        + "cd.glCodeId = and c.glcode=:glcode and");
                qry.setString(VoucherConstant.GLCODE, glcode);
                qry.setInteger("detailTypeId", Integer.valueOf(detailtypeid));
                if (null == qry.list() || qry.list().size() == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                            "The subledger type mapped to this account code is not correct " + glcode);
            } else
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Subledger type value is missing for account code " + glcode);

            if (null != subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DETAILKEYID)) {
                detailKeyId = subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DETAILKEYID).toString();
                final Session session = persistenceService.getSession();
                final Query qry = session.createQuery(
                        "from Accountdetailkey adk where and adk.detailkey=:detailkey");
                qry.setInteger(VoucherConstant.DETAILTYPEID, Integer.valueOf(detailtypeid));
                qry.setInteger("detailkey", Integer.valueOf(detailKeyId));
                if (null == qry.list() || qry.list().size() == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Subledger data is not valid for account code " + glcode);
            } else
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("detailkeyid is missing");

            if (null != subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT)
                    && new BigDecimal(subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT).toString())
                            .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
                final BigDecimal dbtAmount = new BigDecimal(
                if (null != subledAmtmap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode))
                    subledAmtmap.put(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode,
                            subledAmtmap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode).add(dbtAmount));
                    subledAmtmap.put(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode, dbtAmount);

            } else if (null != subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT)
                    && new BigDecimal(subdetailDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT).toString())
                            .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
                final BigDecimal creditAmt = new BigDecimal(
                if (null != subledAmtmap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode))
                    subledAmtmap.put(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode,
                            subledAmtmap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode).add(creditAmt));
                    subledAmtmap.put(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode, creditAmt);

            } else
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                        "Incorrect Sub ledger amount supplied for glcode : " + glcode);


        for (final HashMap<String, Object> accDetailMap : accountcodedetails) {

            final String glcode = accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.GLCODE).toString();

            if (null != subledAmtmap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode))
                // changed since equals does considers decimal values eg 20.0 is
                // not equal to 2
                if (subledAmtmap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode)
                        .compareTo(accDetAmtMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBIT + glcode)) != 0)
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                            "Total of subleger debit amount is not matching with the account code amount "
                                    + glcode);
            if (null != subledAmtmap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode))
                // changed since equals does considers decimal values eg 20.0 is
                // not equal to 2
                if (subledAmtmap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode)
                        .compareTo(accDetAmtMap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDIT + glcode)) != 0)
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                            "Total of subleger credit amount is not matching with the account code amount "
                                    + glcode);

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("END | validateTransaction");


    public List<Transaxtion> createTransaction(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails,
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> accountcodedetails,
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> subledgerdetails, final CVoucherHeader vh)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Start | createTransaction ");
        final List<Transaxtion> transaxtionList = new ArrayList<Transaxtion>();
        try {
            Integer voucherLineId = 1;
            for (final HashMap<String, Object> accDetailMap : accountcodedetails) {
                final String glcode = accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.GLCODE).toString();

                final String debitAmount = accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT).toString();
                final String creditAmount = accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT).toString();
                String functionId = null;
                String functioncode = null;
                if (null != accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.NARRATION))
                if (null != accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)
                        && "" != accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)) {
                    functioncode = accDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE).toString();
                    functionId = functionDAO
                    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                        LOGGER.debug("functionId>>>>>>>> " + functionId);
                final CChartOfAccounts chartOfAcc = chartOfAccountsDAO.getCChartOfAccountsByGlCode(glcode);
                 * VoucherDetail voucherDetail = new VoucherDetail();
                 * voucherDetail.setLineId(lineId++);
                 * voucherDetail.setVoucherHeaderId(vh);
                 * voucherDetail.setGlCode(chartOfAcc.getGlcode());
                 * voucherDetail.setAccountName(chartOfAcc.getName());
                 * voucherDetail.setDebitAmount(new BigDecimal(debitAmount));
                 * voucherDetail.setCreditAmount(new BigDecimal(creditAmount));
                 * voucherDetail.setNarration(narration); // insert into voucher
                 * detail. insertIntoVoucherDetail(voucherDetail);
                 * vh.addVoucherDetail(voucherDetail);
                final Transaxtion transaction = new Transaxtion();
                if (headerdetails != null && headerdetails.get("billid") != null)
                    transaction.setBillId((Long) headerdetails.get("billid"));

                final ArrayList reqParams = new ArrayList();
                for (final HashMap<String, Object> sublegDetailMap : subledgerdetails) {

                    final String detailGlCode = sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.GLCODE).toString();
                    final String detailtypeid = sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DETAILTYPEID).toString();
                    if (sublegDetailMap.containsKey(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)
                            && null != sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)
                            && "" != sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)) {
                        final String detailFunctionCode = sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE)
                        if (glcode.equals(detailGlCode) && functioncode != null
                                && functioncode.equals(detailFunctionCode)) {
                            final TransaxtionParameter reqData = new TransaxtionParameter();
                            final Accountdetailtype adt = (Accountdetailtype) accountdetailtypeHibernateDAO
                                    .findById(Integer.valueOf(detailtypeid), false);
                            if (null != sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT)
                                    && new BigDecimal(sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT).toString())
                                            .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)

                                    sublegDetailMap.get("tdsId") != null ? sublegDetailMap.get("tdsId").toString()
                                            : null);
                    } else if (glcode.equals(detailGlCode)) {
                        final TransaxtionParameter reqData = new TransaxtionParameter();
                        final Accountdetailtype adt = (Accountdetailtype) accountdetailtypeHibernateDAO
                                .findById(Integer.valueOf(detailtypeid), false);
                        if (null != sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT)
                                && new BigDecimal(sublegDetailMap.get(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT).toString())
                                        .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)

                                sublegDetailMap.get("tdsId") != null ? sublegDetailMap.get("tdsId").toString()
                                        : null);

                if (reqParams != null && reqParams.size() > 0)
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Exception occured while posting data into voucher detail and transaction");
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                    "Exception occured while posting data into voucher detail and transaction" + e.getMessage());
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("END | createTransaction ");
        return transaxtionList;

    public Functionary getFunctionaryByCode(final BigDecimal code) {
        // functionarySer.setType(Functionary.class);
        final Functionary functionary = (Functionary) persistenceService.find("from Functionary where code=?",
        return functionary;


    public void validateVoucherHeader(final CVoucherHeader voucherHeader) {
        if (null == voucherHeader)
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("voucherHeader object passed is null");
        if (null == voucherHeader.getType()
                || !voucherHeader.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(voucherTypeEnum.RECEIPT.toString()))
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Voucher type is not Receipt");

    public void validateReceiptDetails(final HashMap<String, Object> receiptdetails) {
        String modeofcollection = null;
        if (null == receiptdetails)
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("receiptdetails is null");
        if (null == receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MODEOFCOLLECTION))
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("modeofcollection is null");
        else {
            modeofcollection = chkModeOfCollection(receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MODEOFCOLLECTION).toString());
            if (null == modeofcollection)
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Not a valid modeofcollection");
        if (VoucherConstant.BANK.equalsIgnoreCase(modeofcollection))

        if (null == receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.NETAMOUNT))
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Net amount is null");

    public void validateBankDetails(final HashMap<String, Object> receiptdetails) {
        String bankCode = null;
        String bankBranchCode = null;
        String bankAccNumber = null;
        if (null == receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BANKCODE))
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Bank Code is null");
        if (null == receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BANKBRANCHCODE))
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Bank branch code  is null");
        if (null == receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BANKACCOUNTNUMBER))
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Bank Account number is null");
        bankCode = receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BANKCODE).toString();
        bankBranchCode = receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BANKBRANCHCODE).toString();
        bankAccNumber = receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BANKACCOUNTNUMBER).toString();
        final Bankaccount bankAccount = bankAccountDAO.getBankAccountByAccBranchBank(bankAccNumber, bankBranchCode,
        if (null == bankAccount)
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid bank account number");
            receiptdetails.put(VoucherConstant.BANKACCID, bankAccount.getId());

     * @param instrumentdetails
    public void validateInstrumentdetails(final List<HashMap<String, Object>> instrumentdetailsList,
            final HashMap<String, Object> receiptdetails) {
        String bankCode = null;
        BigDecimal chequeAmounts = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
        for (final HashMap<String, Object> instrumentdetails : instrumentdetailsList) {
            if (null == instrumentdetails.get(VoucherConstant.INSTRUMENTNO))
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Cheque number is null");
            if (null == instrumentdetails.get(VoucherConstant.INSTRUMENTDATE))
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Cheque date is null");
            if (null == instrumentdetails.get(VoucherConstant.INSTRUMENTAMOUNT))
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Cheque amount is null");
                chequeAmounts = chequeAmounts
                        .add(new BigDecimal(instrumentdetails.get(VoucherConstant.INSTRUMENTAMOUNT).toString()));
            if (null != instrumentdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BANKCODE)) {
                bankCode = instrumentdetails.get(VoucherConstant.BANKCODE).toString();
                if (null == bankDAO.getBankByCode(bankCode))
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("not a valid bank code");
        if (!chequeAmounts.equals(receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.NETAMOUNT)))
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("total cheque amount is not matching with net amount");


     * protected void postInReceiptHeader(final HashMap<String, Object>
     * receiptdetails,Object CVoucherHeader,Chequedetail chequeDetail){
     * rcptHeaderService = new PersistenceService<ReceiptHeader, Integer>(); //
     * rcptHeaderService.setSessionFactory(new SessionFactory());
     * rcptHeaderService.setType(ReceiptHeader.class); String modeOfCollection =
     * receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MODEOFCOLLECTION).toString();
     * BigDecimal netAmount = new
     * BigDecimal(receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.NETAMOUNT).toString());
     * CVoucherHeader voucherHeader = (CVoucherHeader) CVoucherHeader;
     * ReceiptHeader receiptHeader = new ReceiptHeader(); //Setting data into
     * receipt header
     * receiptHeader.setModeOfCollection(chkModeOfCollection(modeOfCollection));
     * receiptHeader.setCashAmount(netAmount);
     * receiptHeader.setVoucherHeaderId(voucherHeader);
     * receiptHeader.setType(voucherHeader.getType()); if(null !=
     * receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MANNUALRECEIPTNUMBER)){
     * receiptHeader.setManualReceiptNo
     * (receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MANNUALRECEIPTNUMBER).toString()); }
     * if(null != receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.NARRATION)){
     * receiptHeader.setManualReceiptNo
     * (receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.NARRATION).toString()); } if(null !=
     * receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.REVENUESOURCE)){
     * receiptHeader.setRevenueSource
     * ((receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.REVENUESOURCE).toString())); }
     * if(null != receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.WARDID)){
     * receiptHeader.setRevenueSource
     * ((receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.WARDID).toString())); }
     * receiptHeader.setIsReversed(0); if(null != chequeDetail){
     * receiptHeader.setChequeId(chequeDetail); }if(null !=
     * receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.RECEIPTNUMBER)){
     * receiptHeader.setReceiptNo(
     * receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.RECEIPTNUMBER).toString()); } if(null
     * != receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MANUUALRECEIPTNO)){
     * receiptHeader.setManualReceiptNo
     * (receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MANUUALRECEIPTNO).toString()); }
     * if(null != receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.NARRATION)){
     * receiptHeader.setNarration
     * (receiptdetails.get(VoucherConstant.NARRATION).toString()); }
     * rcptHeaderService.persist(receiptHeader); }

    enum modeOfCollectionEnum {
        Cheque, Cash, Bank;

    private String chkModeOfCollection(final String mode) {
        String collectionMode = null;
        try {
            switch (Integer.valueOf(mode)) {
            case 1:
                collectionMode = modeOfCollectionEnum.Cheque.toString();
            case 2:
                collectionMode = modeOfCollectionEnum.Cash.toString();
            case 3:
                collectionMode = modeOfCollectionEnum.Bank.toString();
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(ERR, e);
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Not a valid modeofcollection");

        return collectionMode;

    public void updatePJV(final CVoucherHeader vh, final List<PreApprovedVoucher> detailList,
            final List<PreApprovedVoucher> subledgerlist) throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        try {
            // delete the existing voucherdetail, gl entries.

            HashMap<String, Object> detailMap = null;
            HashMap<String, Object> subledgerMap = null;
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> accountdetails = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
            final List<HashMap<String, Object>> subledgerdetails = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
            CChartOfAccounts coa = null;
            CFunction function = null;
            // iterate it
            for (final PreApprovedVoucher detail : detailList) {
                detailMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.GLCODE, detail.getGlcodeDetail());
                detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT, detail.getDebitAmountDetail());
                detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT, detail.getCreditAmountDetail());
                if (detail.getFunctionIdDetail() != null) {
                    function = functionDAO.getFunctionById(detail.getFunctionIdDetail());
                    detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE, function.getCode());
            if (subledgerlist != null)
                for (final PreApprovedVoucher subledger : subledgerlist) {
                    subledgerMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    coa = (CChartOfAccounts) chartOfAccountsDAO.findById(subledger.getGlcode().getId(), false);
                    subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.GLCODE, coa.getGlcode());
                    subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.DETAILTYPEID, subledger.getDetailType().getId());
                    subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.DETAILKEYID, subledger.getDetailKeyId());
                    if (subledger.getDebitAmountDetail() == null
                            || subledger.getDebitAmountDetail().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
                        subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT, subledger.getCreditAmount());
                        subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT, subledger.getDebitAmount());
            final List<Transaxtion> transactions = createTransaction(null, accountdetails, subledgerdetails, vh);
            Transaxtion txnList[] = new Transaxtion[transactions.size()];
            txnList = transactions.toArray(txnList);
            final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DD_MMM_YYYY);
            if (!chartOfAccounts.postTransaxtions(txnList, formatter.format(vh.getVoucherDate())))
                throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Voucher creation Failed");
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Inside exception updatePJV" + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());

    public void deleteVoucherdetailAndGL(final CVoucherHeader vh) throws SQLException, ApplicationRuntimeException {
        try {
            Query pstmt1 = null;
            Query pstmt2 = null;
            Query pstmt3 = null;
            Query pstmt4 = null;

            final String glQry = "select id from generalledger where voucherheaderid= ?";
            final String glidQry = "select id from generalledgerdetail where generalledgerid= ?";
            final String delQry = "delete from EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL where gldtlid= ?";
            final String delQrr = "delete from generalledgerdetail where generalledgerid=?";
            final String delgl = " delete from generalledger where voucherheaderid=?";
            final String delvh = " delete from voucherdetail where voucherheaderid=?";
            pstmt1 = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(glQry);
            pstmt1.setFloat(0, vh.getId());

            final List<Object[]> rs = pstmt1.list();
            List<Object[]> rs1 = null;
            boolean delete = false;
            while (rs != null && rs.size() > 0) {
                pstmt2 = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(glidQry);
                pstmt2.setLong(0, Long.parseLong(rs.get(1).toString()));
                rs1 = pstmt2.list();
                while (rs1 != null && rs1.size() > 0) {
                    delete = true;
                    pstmt3 = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(delQry);
                    pstmt3.setLong(0, Long.parseLong(rs1.get(1).toString()));
                if (delete) {
                    pstmt4 = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(delQrr);
                    pstmt4.setLong(0, Long.parseLong(rs1.get(1).toString()));
            pstmt1 = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(delgl);
            pstmt1.setLong(0, vh.getId());

            pstmt1 = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(delvh);
            pstmt1.setLong(0, vh.getId());

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Inside exception deleteVoucherdetailAndGL" + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(e.getMessage());

     * HashMap<String, Object> voucher details to reverse a voucher
     * <p>
     * Original voucher header id -long- is the voucher header id of the voucher
     * to be reversed later callled originalvoucher
     * <p>
     * Reversal voucher name -String - name of the reversal voucher (mandatory)
     * <p>
     * Reversal voucher type -String - type of the reversal voucher (mandatory)
     * <p>
     * Reversal voucher date - Date('dd/MM/yyyy') date of the reversal vocuher
     * <p>
     * Reversal voucher number - String - voucher number of reversal voucher
     * Newly created voucher is called reversal voucher
     * @param paramList
     * @return
    public CVoucherHeader reverseVoucher(final List<HashMap<String, Object>> paramList)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException, ParseException {
        // -- Reversal Voucher date check ----
        CVoucherHeader reversalVoucherObj = new CVoucherHeader();
        CVoucherHeader originalVocher = null;
        for (final HashMap<String, Object> paramMap : paramList) {

            if (paramMap.get(VOUCHER_HEADER_ID) == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(VOUCHER_HEADER_ID + IS_MISSING);
            else {
                try {
                    originalVocher = voucherService.find("from CVoucherHeader where id=?",
                            (Long) paramMap.get(VOUCHER_HEADER_ID));

                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("cannot find " + VOUCHER_HEADER_ID + "in the system");

            if (paramMap.get(REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DATE) == null) {
                final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DD_MM_YYYY);
                final Date reversalVoucherDate = sdf.parse(sdf.format(originalVocher.getVoucherDate()));
            } else {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("Voucher  end REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DAT :" + paramMap.get(REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DATE));
                final Date reversalVoucherDate = sdf.parse(sdf.format(paramMap.get(REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DATE)));
        originalVocher = (CVoucherHeader) persistenceService.find("from CVoucherHeader where id=?",
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("original voucher is " + reversalVoucherObj.getOriginalvcId());
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("reversalVoucherObj getVoucherDate is " + reversalVoucherObj.getVoucherDate());
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("originalVocher getVoucherDate is " + originalVocher.getVoucherDate());
        if (reversalVoucherObj.getVoucherDate().before(originalVocher.getVoucherDate())) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Reversal Voucher Date should be greater than the Origianal Voucher Date");
            throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError("",
                    "Reversal Voucher Date should be greater than the Original Voucher Date")));




        final HashMap<String, Object> headerDetails = createHeaderAndMisDetails(reversalVoucherObj);

        List<CGeneralLedger> orginalLedgerEntries = generalLedgerService
                .findAllBy("from CGeneralLedger where voucherHeaderId=?", originalVocher);
        HashMap<String, Object> detailMap = null;
        HashMap<String, Object> subledgerMap = null;
        final List<HashMap<String, Object>> accountdetails = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
        final List<HashMap<String, Object>> subledgerdetails = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();

        CFunction function = null;
        for (final CGeneralLedger ledger : orginalLedgerEntries) {
            detailMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.GLCODE, ledger.getGlcode());
            //debit becomes credit ,credit becomes debit
            detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.DEBITAMOUNT, ledger.getCreditAmount());
            detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT, ledger.getDebitAmount());

            if (ledger.getFunctionId() != null) {
                function = functionDAO.getFunctionById(ledger.getFunctionId().longValue());
                detailMap.put(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE, function.getCode());
            List<CGeneralLedgerDetail> ledgerDetailSet = generalLedgerDetailService
                    .findAllBy("from CGeneralLedgerDetail where", ledger.getId());
            for (final CGeneralLedgerDetail ledgerDetail : ledgerDetailSet) {
                subledgerMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.GLCODE, ledger.getGlcode());
                subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.DETAILTYPEID, ledgerDetail.getDetailTypeId().getId());
                subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.DETAILKEYID, ledgerDetail.getDetailKeyId());
                //even for subledger debit becomes credit ,credit becomes debit
                if (BigDecimal.valueOf(ledger.getDebitAmount()).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)
                    subledgerMap.put(VoucherConstant.CREDITAMOUNT, ledgerDetail.getAmount());
                            ledgerDetail.getAmount().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN));

        try {
            reversalVoucherObj = createVoucher(headerDetails, accountdetails, subledgerdetails);
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(EXCEPTION_WHILE_SAVING_DATA, FAILED)));
        } catch (final ApplicationRuntimeException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage())));
        } catch (final ValidationException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage())));

        originalVocher.setEffectiveDate(new Date());


        return reversalVoucherObj;

    private CVoucherHeader validateAndAssignReversalVoucherParams(final List<HashMap<String, Object>> paramList)
            throws ParseException {
        final CVoucherHeader reversalVoucher = new CVoucherHeader();
        for (final HashMap<String, Object> paramMap : paramList) {
            CVoucherHeader originalVoucher = null;
            if (paramMap.get(VOUCHER_HEADER_ID) == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(VOUCHER_HEADER_ID + IS_MISSING);
            else {
                try {
                    originalVoucher = (CVoucherHeader) voucherHeaderDAO
                            .findById((Long) paramMap.get(VOUCHER_HEADER_ID), false);
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("cannot find " + VOUCHER_HEADER_ID + "in the system");

            if (paramMap.get(NAME) == null || ((String) paramMap.get(NAME)).isEmpty())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(NAME + IS_MISSING + "or" + IS_EMPTY);
                reversalVoucher.setName((String) paramMap.get(NAME));
            if (paramMap.get(TYPE) == null || ((String) paramMap.get(TYPE)).isEmpty())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(TYPE + IS_MISSING + "or" + IS_EMPTY);
            else {
                validateVoucherType((String) paramMap.get(TYPE));
            if (paramMap.get(REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DATE) == null) {
                final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DD_MM_YYYY);
                final Date reversalVoucherDate = sdf.parse(sdf.format(originalVoucher.getVoucherDate()));
            } else {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("vo end REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DAT :" + paramMap.get(REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DATE));
                reversalVoucher.setVoucherDate((Date) paramMap.get(REVERSAL_VOUCHER_DATE));
            // it may be null and taken care in calling api
            reversalVoucher.setVoucherNumber((String) paramMap.get(REVERSAL_VOUCHER_NUMBER));

        return reversalVoucher;

    protected void validateMandotyFields(final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails) {


    protected void checkMandatoryField(final String fieldName, final Object value,
            final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails, List<String> mandatoryFields) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Filed name :=" + fieldName + " Value = :" + value);
        String vNumGenMode = null;
        if (fieldName.equals("vouchernumber")) {
            if (headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERTYPE) == null)
                throw new ValidationException(Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(
                        VoucherConstant.VOUCHERTYPE + ISREQUIRED, VoucherConstant.VOUCHERTYPE + ISREQUIRED)));
            else {
                if (FinancialConstants.STANDARD_VOUCHER_TYPE_JOURNAL
                    vNumGenMode = voucherTypeForULB.readVoucherTypes("Journal");
                    vNumGenMode = voucherTypeForULB
                if (!"Auto".equalsIgnoreCase(vNumGenMode) && (value == null || ((String) value).isEmpty())
                        && headerdetails.get(VoucherConstant.MODULEID) == null)
                    throw new ValidationException(
                            Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(SELECT + fieldName, SELECT + fieldName)));
        } else if (mandatoryFields.contains(fieldName) && (value == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(value.toString())))
            throw new ValidationException(
                    Arrays.asList(new ValidationError(SELECT + fieldName, SELECT + fieldName)));

    protected List<String> getHeaderMandateFields() {
        List<String> mandatoryFields = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<AppConfigValues> appConfigList = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey(

        for (final AppConfigValues appConfigVal : appConfigList) {
            final String value = appConfigVal.getValue();
            final String header = value.substring(0, value.indexOf("|"));
            final String mandate = value.substring(value.indexOf("|") + 1);
            if (mandate.equalsIgnoreCase("M"))
        return mandatoryFields;

    private HashMap<String, Object> createHeaderAndMisDetails(CVoucherHeader voucherHeader)
            throws ValidationException {
        final HashMap<String, Object> headerdetails = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        // All reversal will be GJV
        headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNAME, FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_GENERAL);
        headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERTYPE, FinancialConstants.STANDARD_VOUCHER_TYPE_JOURNAL);
        headerdetails.put((String) VoucherConstant.VOUCHERSUBTYPE, voucherHeader.getVoucherSubType());
        headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERNUMBER, voucherHeader.getVoucherNumber());
        headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.VOUCHERDATE, voucherHeader.getVoucherDate());
        headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.DESCRIPTION, voucherHeader.getDescription());

        if (voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getDepartmentid() != null)
        if (voucherHeader.getFundId() != null)
            headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.FUNDCODE, voucherHeader.getFundId().getCode());
        if (voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getSchemeid() != null)
            headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.SCHEMECODE, voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getSchemeid().getCode());
        if (voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getSubschemeid() != null)
        if (voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getFundsource() != null)
        if (voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getDivisionid() != null)
            headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.DIVISIONID, voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getDivisionid().getId());
        if (voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getFunctionary() != null)
        if (voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getFunction() != null)
            headerdetails.put(VoucherConstant.FUNCTIONCODE, voucherHeader.getVouchermis().getFunction().getCode());
        return headerdetails;

    public String getCGVNNumber(CVoucherHeader vh) {
        String cgvnNumber = "";

        String sequenceName = "";

        final CFiscalPeriod fiscalPeriod = fiscalPeriodHibernateDAO.getFiscalPeriodByDate(vh.getVoucherDate());
        if (fiscalPeriod == null)
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Fiscal period is not defined for the voucher date");
        sequenceName = "sq_" + vh.getFundId().getIdentifier() + "_" + getCgnType(vh.getType()).toLowerCase()
                + "_cgvn_" + fiscalPeriod.getName();
        Serializable nextSequence = genericSequenceNumberGenerator.getNextSequence(sequenceName);

        cgvnNumber = String.format("%s/%s/%s%010d", vh.getFundId().getIdentifier(), getCgnType(vh.getType()),
                "CGVN", nextSequence);

        return cgvnNumber;

    public AppConfigService getAppConfigService() {
        return appConfigService;

    public void setAppConfigService(final AppConfigService appConfigService) {
        this.appConfigService = appConfigService;

    public PersistenceService getPersistenceService() {
        return persistenceService;

    public void setPersistenceService(final PersistenceService persistenceService) {
        this.persistenceService = persistenceService;

    public FinancialYearDAO getFinancialYearDAO() {
        return financialYearDAO;

    public void setFinancialYearDAO(final FinancialYearDAO financialYearDAO) {
        this.financialYearDAO = financialYearDAO;

    public AppConfigValueService getAppConfigValuesService() {
        return appConfigValuesService;

    public void setAppConfigValuesService(final AppConfigValueService appConfigValuesService) {
        this.appConfigValuesService = appConfigValuesService;

    public boolean isUniqueVN(String vcNum, final String vcDate) throws Exception, TaskFailedException {
        boolean isUnique = false;
        String fyStartDate = "", fyEndDate = "";
        vcNum = vcNum.toUpperCase();
        Query pst = null;
        List<Object[]> rs = null;
        try {
            final String query1 = "SELECT to_char(startingDate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY') AS \"startingDate\", to_char(endingDate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY') AS \"endingDate\" FROM financialYear WHERE startingDate <= '"
                    + vcDate + "' AND endingDate >= '" + vcDate + "'";
            pst = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query1);
            rs = pst.list();
            if (rs != null && rs.size() > 0)
                for (final Object[] element : rs) {
                    fyStartDate = element[0].toString();
                    fyEndDate = element[1].toString();
            final String query2 = "SELECT id FROM voucherHeader WHERE voucherNumber = '" + vcNum
                    + "' AND voucherDate>='" + fyStartDate + "' AND voucherDate<='" + fyEndDate + "' and status!=4";
            pst = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query2);
            rs = pst.list();
            if (rs != null && rs.size() > 0) {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("Duplicate Voucher Number");
            } else
                isUnique = true;
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.error("error in finding unique VoucherNumber");
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("error in finding unique VoucherNumber");
        } finally {

        return isUnique;

    public String getFiscalPeriod(final String vDate) throws TaskFailedException {
        BigInteger fiscalPeriod = null;
        final String sql = "select id from fiscalperiod  where '" + vDate + "' between startingdate and endingdate";
        try {
            final Query pst = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
            final List<BigInteger> rset = pst.list();
            fiscalPeriod = rset != null ? rset.get(0) : BigInteger.ZERO;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Exception..." + e.getMessage());
            throw new TaskFailedException(e.getMessage());
        return fiscalPeriod.toString();
