Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *                                                                       *
 *  EJBCA: The OpenSource Certificate Authority                          *
 *                                                                       *
 *  This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or       *
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public           *
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either         *
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.                    *
 *                                                                       *
 *  See terms of license at                                     *
 *                                                                       *


import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.FinderException;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute;
import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.cesecore.core.ejb.log.LogSessionLocal;
import org.ejbca.config.EjbcaConfiguration;
import org.ejbca.core.ejb.JndiHelper;
import org.ejbca.core.model.InternalResources;
import org.ejbca.core.model.SecConst;
import org.ejbca.core.model.authorization.AuthenticationFailedException;
import org.ejbca.core.model.authorization.AuthorizationDeniedException;
import org.ejbca.core.model.log.Admin;
import org.ejbca.core.model.log.LogConstants;
import org.ejbca.core.model.ra.UserDataVO;
import org.ejbca.cvc.PublicKeyEC;
import org.ejbca.util.Base64;
import org.ejbca.util.CertTools;
import org.ejbca.util.StringTools;
import org.ejbca.util.keystore.KeyTools;

 * Stores certificate and CRL in the local database using Certificate and CRL Entity Beans.
 * @version $Id: 15875 2012-11-23 16:40:49Z anatom $
@Stateless(mappedName = JndiHelper.APP_JNDI_PREFIX + "CertificateStoreSessionRemote")
public class CertificateStoreSessionBean extends CertificateDataUtil
        implements CertificateStoreSessionRemote, CertificateStoreSessionLocal {

    private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CertificateStoreSessionBean.class);
    /** Internal localization of logs and errors */
    private static final InternalResources intres = InternalResources.getInstance();

    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "ejbca")
    private EntityManager entityManager;

    private LogSessionLocal logSession;
    private PublisherSessionLocal publisherSession;

    public CertificateStoreSessionBean() {

    public String getDatabaseStatus() {
        String returnval = "";
        try {
            // TODO: Do we need to flush() the connection to avoid that this is executed in a batch after the method returns?
        } catch (Exception e) {
            returnval = "\nDB: Error creating connection to database: " + e.getMessage();
            log.error("Error creating connection to database.", e);
        return returnval;

    public boolean storeCertificate(Admin admin, Certificate incert, String username, String cafp, int status,
            int type, int certificateProfileId, String tag, long updateTime) throws CreateException {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">storeCertificate(" + username + ", " + cafp + ", " + status + ", " + type + ")");
        // Strip dangerous chars
        username = StringTools.strip(username);

        // We need special handling here of CVC certificate with EC keys, because they lack EC parameters in all certs except the Root certificate (CVCA)
        PublicKey pubk = incert.getPublicKey();
        if ((pubk instanceof PublicKeyEC)) {
            PublicKeyEC pkec = (PublicKeyEC) pubk;
            // The public key of IS and DV certificate (CVC) do not have any parameters so we have to do some magic to get a complete EC public key
            ECParameterSpec spec = pkec.getParams();
            if (spec == null) {
                // We need to enrich this public key with parameters
                try {
                    if (cafp != null) {
                        String cafingerp = cafp;
                        CertificateData cacert = CertificateData.findByFingerprint(entityManager, cafp);
                        if (cacert == null) {
                            throw new FinderException();
                        String nextcafp = cacert.getCaFingerprint();
                        int bar = 0; // never go more than 5 rounds, who knows what strange things can exist in the CAFingerprint column, make sure we never get stuck here
                        while ((!StringUtils.equals(cafingerp, nextcafp)) && (bar++ < 5)) {
                            cacert = CertificateData.findByFingerprint(entityManager, cafp);
                            if (cacert == null) {
                                throw new FinderException();
                            cafingerp = nextcafp;
                            nextcafp = cacert.getCaFingerprint();
                        // We found a root CA certificate, hopefully ?
                        PublicKey pkwithparams = cacert.getCertificate().getPublicKey();
                        pubk = KeyTools.getECPublicKeyWithParams(pubk, pkwithparams);
                } catch (FinderException e) {
          "Can not find CA certificate with fingerprint: " + cafp);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // This catches NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException and InvalidKeySpecException and possibly something else (NPE?)
                    // because we want to continue anyway
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Can not enrich EC public key with missing parameters: ", e);
        } // finished with ECC key special handling

        // Create the certificate in one go with all parameters at once. This used to be important in EJB2.1 so the persistence layer only creates *one* single
        // insert statement. If we do a home.create and the some setXX, it will create one insert and one update statement to the database.
        // Probably not important in EJB3 anymore
        final CertificateData data1 = new CertificateData(incert, pubk, username, cafp, status, type,
                certificateProfileId, tag, updateTime);
        final String issuerDN = data1.getIssuerDN();
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // For backward compatibility. We should drop the throw entirely and rely on the return value.
            CreateException ce = new CreateException();
            throw ce;
        final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.storecert");
        logSession.log(admin, issuerDN.hashCode(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new Date(), username, incert,
                LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_STORECERTIFICATE, msg);
        return true;

    public Collection<String> listAllCertificates(Admin admin, String issuerdn) {
        // This method was only used from CertificateDataTest and it didn't care about the expireDate, so it will only select fingerprints now.
        return CertificateData.findFingerprintsByIssuerDN(entityManager,

    public Collection<RevokedCertInfo> listRevokedCertInfo(Admin admin, String issuerdn, long lastbasecrldate) {
        return CertificateData.getRevokedCertInfos(entityManager,
                CertTools.stringToBCDNString(StringTools.strip(issuerdn)), lastbasecrldate);

    public Collection<Certificate> findCertificatesBySubjectAndIssuer(Admin admin, String subjectDN,
            String issuerDN) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    ">findCertificatesBySubjectAndIssuer(), dn='" + subjectDN + "' and issuer='" + issuerDN + "'");
        // First make a DN in our well-known format
        String dn = StringTools.strip(subjectDN);
        dn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(dn);
        String issuerdn = StringTools.strip(issuerDN);
        issuerdn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(issuerdn);
        log.debug("Looking for cert with (transformed)DN: " + dn);
        Collection<Certificate> ret = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
        Collection<CertificateData> coll = CertificateData.findBySubjectDNAndIssuerDN(entityManager, dn, issuerdn);
        Iterator<CertificateData> iter = coll.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    "<findCertificatesBySubjectAndIssuer(), dn='" + subjectDN + "' and issuer='" + issuerDN + "'");
        return ret;

    public Set<String> findUsernamesByIssuerDNAndSubjectDN(Admin admin, String issuerDN, String subjectDN) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">findUsernamesByIssuerDNAndSubjectDN(), issuer='" + issuerDN + "'");
        // First make a DN in our well-known format
        final String transformedIssuerDN = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(StringTools.strip(issuerDN));
        final String transformedSubjectDN = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(StringTools.strip(subjectDN));
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Looking for user with a certificate with issuer DN(transformed) '" + transformedIssuerDN
                    + "' and subject DN(transformed) '" + transformedSubjectDN + "'.");
        try {
            return CertificateData.findUsernamesBySubjectDNAndIssuerDN(entityManager, transformedSubjectDN,
        } finally {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("<findUsernamesByIssuerDNAndSubjectDN(), issuer='" + issuerDN + "'");

    public Set<String> findUsernamesByIssuerDNAndSubjectKeyId(Admin admin, String issuerDN, byte subjectKeyId[]) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">findUsernamesByIssuerDNAndSubjectKeyId(), issuer='" + issuerDN + "'");
        // First make a DN in our well-known format
        final String transformedIssuerDN = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(StringTools.strip(issuerDN));
        final String sSubjectKeyId = new String(Base64.encode(subjectKeyId, false));
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Looking for user with a certificate with issuer DN(transformed) '" + transformedIssuerDN
                    + "' and SubjectKeyId '" + sSubjectKeyId + "'.");
        try {
            return CertificateData.findUsernamesByIssuerDNAndSubjectKeyId(entityManager, transformedIssuerDN,
        } finally {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("<findUsernamesByIssuerDNAndSubjectKeyId(), issuer='" + issuerDN + "'");

    public Collection<Certificate> findCertificatesBySubject(Admin admin, String subjectDN) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">findCertificatesBySubject(), dn='" + subjectDN + "'");
        // First make a DN in our well-known format
        String dn = StringTools.strip(subjectDN);
        dn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(dn);
        log.debug("Looking for cert with (transformed)DN: " + dn);
        Collection<Certificate> ret = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
        Collection<CertificateData> coll = CertificateData.findBySubjectDN(entityManager, dn);
        Iterator<CertificateData> iter = coll.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("<findCertificatesBySubject(), dn='" + subjectDN + "'");
        return ret;

    public Collection<Certificate> findCertificatesByExpireTimeWithLimit(Admin admin, Date expireTime) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">findCertificatesByExpireTimeWithLimit(), time=" + expireTime);
        // First make expiretime in well know format
        log.debug("Looking for certs that expire before: " + expireTime);
        Collection<CertificateData> coll = CertificateData.findByExpireDateWithLimit(entityManager,
        Collection<Certificate> ret = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Found " + coll.size() + " certificates that expire before " + expireTime);
        Iterator<CertificateData> iter = coll.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("<findCertificatesByExpireTimeWithLimit(), time=" + expireTime);
        return ret;

    public Collection<String> findUsernamesByExpireTimeWithLimit(Admin admin, Date expiretime) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">findCertificatesByExpireTimeWithLimit: " + expiretime);
        return CertificateData.findUsernamesByExpireTimeWithLimit(entityManager, new Date().getTime(),

    public Certificate findCertificateByIssuerAndSerno(Admin admin, String issuerDN, BigInteger serno) {
        return findCertificateByIssuerAndSerno(admin, issuerDN, serno, entityManager);

    public CertificateInfo findFirstCertificateInfo(final String issuerDN, final BigInteger serno) {
        return CertificateData.findFirstCertificateInfo(entityManager, CertTools.stringToBCDNString(issuerDN),

    public Collection<Certificate> findCertificatesByIssuerAndSernos(Admin admin, String issuerDN,
            Collection<BigInteger> sernos) {
        List<Certificate> ret = null;
        if (null == admin) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // TODO: Either check authorization properly or skip the Admin parameter.. this is just wrong..
        if (null == issuerDN || issuerDN.length() <= 0 || null == sernos || sernos.isEmpty()) {
            ret = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
        } else {
            String dn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(issuerDN);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Looking for cert with (transformed)DN: " + dn);
            ret = CertificateData.findCertificatesByIssuerDnAndSerialNumbers(entityManager, dn, sernos);
        return ret;

    public Collection<Certificate> findCertificatesBySerno(Admin admin, BigInteger serno) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">findCertificatesBySerno(),  serno=" + serno);
        ArrayList<Certificate> ret = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
        Collection<CertificateData> coll = CertificateData.findBySerialNumber(entityManager, serno.toString());
        Iterator<CertificateData> iter = coll.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("<findCertificatesBySerno(), serno=" + serno);
        return ret;

    public String findUsernameByCertSerno(final Admin admin, final BigInteger serno, final String issuerdn) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">findUsernameByCertSerno(), serno: " + serno.toString(16) + ", issuerdn: " + issuerdn);
        final String ret = CertificateData.findLastUsernameByIssuerDNSerialNumber(entityManager,
                CertTools.stringToBCDNString(issuerdn), serno.toString());
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("<findUsernameByCertSerno(), ret=" + ret);
        return ret;

    public List<Certificate> findCertificatesByUsername(Admin admin, String username) {
        return findCertificatesByUsername(admin, username, entityManager);

    public Collection<Certificate> findCertificatesByUsernameAndStatus(Admin admin, String username, int status) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">findCertificatesByUsernameAndStatus(),  username=" + username);
        ArrayList<Certificate> ret = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
        // Strip dangerous chars
        username = StringTools.strip(username);
        // This method on the entity bean does the ordering in the database
        Collection<CertificateData> coll = CertificateData.findByUsernameAndStatus(entityManager, username, status);
        Iterator<CertificateData> iter = coll.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("<findCertificatesByUsernameAndStatus(), username=" + username);
        return ret;

    public CertificateInfo getCertificateInfo(Admin admin, String fingerprint) {
        // TODO: Either enforce authorization check or drop the Admin parameter
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">getCertificateInfo(): " + fingerprint);
        return CertificateData.getCertificateInfo(entityManager, fingerprint);

    public Certificate findCertificateByFingerprint(Admin admin, String fingerprint) {
        return findCertificateByFingerprint(admin, fingerprint, entityManager);

    public Collection<Certificate> findCertificatesByType(Admin admin, int type, String issuerDN)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
        return findCertificatesByType(admin, type, issuerDN, entityManager);

    public void setArchivedStatus(Admin admin, String fingerprint) throws AuthorizationDeniedException {
        if (admin.getAdminType() != Admin.TYPE_INTERNALUSER) {
            throw new AuthorizationDeniedException("Unauthorized");
        CertificateData rev = CertificateData.findByFingerprint(entityManager, fingerprint);
        if (rev != null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Set status ARCHIVED for certificate with fp: " + fingerprint + ", revocation reason is: "
                        + rev.getRevocationReason());
        } else {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.errorcertinfo", fingerprint);
            logSession.log(admin, 0, LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_UNKNOWN, msg);
            throw new EJBException(msg);

    public void setRevokeStatus(Admin admin, String issuerdn, BigInteger serno, Collection<Integer> publishers,
            int reason, String userDataDN) {
        setRevokeStatus(admin, issuerdn, serno, new Date(), publishers, reason, userDataDN);

    public void setRevokeStatus(Admin admin, String issuerdn, BigInteger serno, Date revokedate,
            Collection<Integer> publishers, int reason, String userDataDN) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">setRevokeStatus(),  issuerdn=" + issuerdn + ", serno=" + serno.toString(16) + ", reason="
                    + reason);
        try {
            Certificate certificate = findCertificateByIssuerAndSerno(admin, issuerdn, serno);
            setRevokeStatus(admin, certificate, revokedate, publishers, reason, userDataDN);
        } catch (FinderException e) {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.errorfindcertserno", serno.toString(16));
            logSession.log(admin, issuerdn.hashCode(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_REVOKEDCERT, msg);
            throw new EJBException(e);
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("<setRevokeStatus(),  issuerdn=" + issuerdn + ", serno=" + serno.toString(16) + ", reason="
                    + reason);

     * Helper method to set the status of certificate to revoked or active. Re-activating (unrevoking) a certificate have two limitations.
     * 1. A password (for for example AD) will not be restored if deleted, only the certificate and certificate status and associated info will be restored
     * 2. ExtendedInformation, if used by a publisher will not be used when re-activating a certificate 
     * The method leaves up to the caller to find the correct publishers and userDataDN.
     * @param admin      Administrator performing the operation
     * @param certificate the certificate to revoke or activate.
     * @param publishers and array of publiserids (Integer) of publishers to revoke/re-publish the certificate in.
     * @param reason     the reason of the revocation. (One of the RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON constants.)
     * @param userDataDN if an DN object is not found in the certificate use object from user data instead.
     * @throws FinderException 
    private void setRevokeStatus(Admin admin, Certificate certificate, Date revokedate,
            Collection<Integer> publishers, int reason, String userDataDN) throws FinderException {
        if (certificate == null) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">private setRevokeStatus(Certificate),  issuerdn=" + CertTools.getIssuerDN(certificate)
                    + ", serno=" + CertTools.getSerialNumberAsString(certificate));
        CertificateData rev = CertificateData.findByFingerprint(entityManager,
        if (rev == null) {
            throw new FinderException(
                    "No certificate with fingerprint " + CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(certificate));
        String username = rev.getUsername();
        String cafp = rev.getCaFingerprint();
        int type = rev.getType();
        Date now = new Date();
        final int caid = rev.getIssuerDN().hashCode();

        // A normal revocation
        if ((rev.getStatus() != SecConst.CERT_REVOKED) && (reason != RevokedCertInfo.NOT_REVOKED)
                && (reason != RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_REMOVEFROMCRL)) {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.revokedcert", Integer.valueOf(reason));
            logSession.log(admin, caid, LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new Date(), null, certificate,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_REVOKEDCERT, msg);
            // Revoke in all related publishers
            publisherSession.revokeCertificate(admin, publishers, certificate, username, userDataDN, cafp, type,
                    reason, revokedate.getTime(), rev.getTag(), rev.getCertificateProfileId(), now.getTime());
            // Unrevoke, can only be done when the certificate was previously revoked with reason CertificateHold
        } else if (((reason == RevokedCertInfo.NOT_REVOKED)
                || (reason == RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_REMOVEFROMCRL))
                && (rev.getRevocationReason() == RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_CERTIFICATEHOLD)) {
            // Only allow unrevocation if the certificate is revoked and the revocation reason is CERTIFICATE_HOLD
            int status = SecConst.CERT_ACTIVE;
            long revocationDate = -1L; // A null Date to setRevocationDate will result in -1 stored in long column
            final int revocationReason = RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_REMOVEFROMCRL;
            // Republish the certificate if possible
            // Republishing will not restore a password, for example in AD, it will only re-activate the certificate.
            String password = null;
            boolean published = publisherSession.storeCertificate(admin, publishers, certificate, username,
                    password, userDataDN, cafp, status, type, revocationDate, revocationReason, rev.getTag(),
                    rev.getCertificateProfileId(), now.getTime(), null);
            if (published) {
                final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.republishunrevokedcert",
                logSession.log(admin, caid, LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new Date(), null, certificate,
                        LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_NOTIFICATION, msg);
            } else {
                // If it is not possible, only log error but continue the operation of not revoking the certificate
                final String msg = "Unrevoked cert:" + CertTools.getSerialNumberAsString(certificate) + " reason: "
                        + reason + " Could not be republished.";
                logSession.log(admin, caid, LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new Date(), null, certificate,
                        LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_NOTIFICATION, msg);
        } else {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.ignorerevoke",
                    CertTools.getSerialNumberAsString(certificate), Integer.valueOf(rev.getStatus()),
            logSession.log(admin, caid, LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new Date(), null, certificate,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_NOTIFICATION, msg);
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("<private setRevokeStatus(),  issuerdn=" + CertTools.getIssuerDN(certificate) + ", serno="
                    + CertTools.getSerialNumberAsString(certificate));

    public void revokeCertificate(Admin admin, Certificate cert, Collection<Integer> publishers, int reason,
            String userDataDN) {
        if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) {
            setRevokeStatus(admin, CertTools.getIssuerDN(cert), CertTools.getSerialNumber(cert), publishers, reason,

    // TODO: Does not publish revocations to publishers!!!
    // TODO: Enforce or drop Admin parameter
    public void revokeAllCertByCA(Admin admin, String issuerdn, int reason) {
        int temprevoked = 0;
        int revoked = 0;
        String bcdn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(issuerdn);
        try {
            // Change all temporaty revoked certificates to permanently revoked certificates
            temprevoked = CertificateData.revokeOnHoldPermanently(entityManager, bcdn);
            // Revoking all non revoked certificates.
            revoked = CertificateData.revokeAllNonRevokedCertificates(entityManager, bcdn, reason);
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.revokedallbyca", issuerdn,
                    Integer.valueOf(revoked + temprevoked), Integer.valueOf(reason));
            logSession.log(admin, bcdn.hashCode(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_REVOKEDCERT, msg);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.errorrevokeallbyca", issuerdn);
            logSession.log(admin, bcdn.hashCode(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_REVOKEDCERT, msg, e);
            throw new EJBException(e);

    public boolean checkIfAllRevoked(Admin admin, String username) {
        boolean returnval = true;
        Certificate certificate = null;
        // Strip dangerous chars
        username = StringTools.strip(username);
        Collection<Certificate> certs = findCertificatesByUsername(admin, username);
        // Revoke all certs
        if (!certs.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator<Certificate> j = certs.iterator();
            while (j.hasNext()) {
                certificate =;
                String fingerprint = CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(certificate);
                CertificateInfo info = getCertificateInfo(admin, fingerprint);
                if (info != null && info.getStatus() != SecConst.CERT_REVOKED) {
                    returnval = false;
        return returnval;

    public boolean isRevoked(String issuerDN, BigInteger serno) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">isRevoked(), dn:" + issuerDN + ", serno=" + serno.toString(16));
        // First make a DN in our well-known format
        String dn = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(issuerDN);
        boolean ret = false;
        try {
            Collection<CertificateData> coll = CertificateData.findByIssuerDNSerialNumber(entityManager, dn,
            if (coll.size() > 0) {
                if (coll.size() > 1) {
                    String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.errorseveralissuerserno", issuerDN,
                    //adapter.log(admin, issuerDN.hashCode(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null, LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_DATABASE, msg);
                Iterator<CertificateData> iter = coll.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    CertificateData data =;
                    // if any of the certificates with this serno is revoked, return true
                    if (data.getStatus() == SecConst.CERT_REVOKED) {
                        ret = true;
            } else {
                // If there are no certificates with this serial number, return true (=revoked). Better safe than sorry!
                ret = true;
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("isRevoked() did not find certificate with dn " + dn + " and serno "
                            + serno.toString(16));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new EJBException(e);
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("<isRevoked() returned " + ret);
        return ret;

    public CertificateStatus getStatus(String issuerDN, BigInteger serno) {
        return getStatus(issuerDN, serno, entityManager);

    public void authenticate(X509Certificate certificate, boolean requireAdminCertificateInDatabase)
            throws AuthenticationFailedException {
        // Check Validity
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("authentication.certexpired",
            throw new AuthenticationFailedException(msg);
        if (requireAdminCertificateInDatabase) {
            // TODO: Verify Signature on cert? Not really needed since it's one of ou certs in the database.
            // Check if certificate is revoked.
            boolean isRevoked = isRevoked(CertTools.getIssuerDN(certificate),
            if (isRevoked) {
                // Certificate revoked or missing in the database
                String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("authentication.revokedormissing");
                throw new AuthenticationFailedException(msg);
        } else {
            // TODO: We should check the certificate for CRL or OCSP tags and verify the certificate status

    public void addCertReqHistoryData(Admin admin, Certificate cert, UserDataVO useradmindata) {
        final String issuerDN = CertTools.getIssuerDN(cert);
        final String username = useradmindata.getUsername();
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">addCertReqHistoryData(" + CertTools.getSerialNumberAsString(cert) + ", " + issuerDN + ", "
                    + username + ")");
        try {
            entityManager.persist(new CertReqHistoryData(cert, issuerDN, useradmindata));
            final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.storehistory", username);
            logSession.log(admin, issuerDN.hashCode(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new Date(), username, cert,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_STORECERTIFICATE, msg);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.errorstorehistory", useradmindata.getUsername());
            logSession.log(admin, issuerDN.hashCode(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new Date(), username, cert,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_STORECERTIFICATE, msg);
            throw new EJBException(e);
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {

    public void removeCertReqHistoryData(Admin admin, String certFingerprint) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(">removeCertReqHistData(" + certFingerprint + ")");
        try {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.removehistory", certFingerprint);
            logSession.log(admin, admin.getCaId(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_INFO_STORECERTIFICATE, msg);
            CertReqHistoryData crh = CertReqHistoryData.findById(entityManager, certFingerprint);
            if (crh == null) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Trying to remove CertReqHistory that does not exist: " + certFingerprint);
            } else {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("store.errorremovehistory", certFingerprint);
            logSession.log(admin, admin.getCaId(), LogConstants.MODULE_CA, new java.util.Date(), null, null,
                    LogConstants.EVENT_ERROR_STORECERTIFICATE, msg);
            throw new EJBException(e);

    // getCertReqHistory() might perform database updates, so we always need to run this in a transaction
    public CertReqHistory getCertReqHistory(Admin admin, BigInteger certificateSN, String issuerDN) {
        CertReqHistory retval = null;
        Collection<CertReqHistoryData> result = CertReqHistoryData.findByIssuerDNSerialNumber(entityManager,
                issuerDN, certificateSN.toString());
        if (result.iterator().hasNext()) {
            retval = result.iterator().next().getCertReqHistory();
        return retval;

    // getCertReqHistory() might perform database updates, so we always need to run this in a transaction
    public List<CertReqHistory> getCertReqHistory(Admin admin, String username) {
        ArrayList<CertReqHistory> retval = new ArrayList<CertReqHistory>();
        Collection<CertReqHistoryData> result = CertReqHistoryData.findByUsername(entityManager, username);
        Iterator<CertReqHistoryData> iter = result.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        return retval;

    public List<Object[]> findExpirationInfo(String cASelectString, Collection<Integer> certificateProfiles,
            long activeNotifiedExpireDateMin, long activeNotifiedExpireDateMax, long activeExpireDateMin) {
        return CertificateData.findExpirationInfo(entityManager, cASelectString, certificateProfiles,
                activeNotifiedExpireDateMin, activeNotifiedExpireDateMax, activeExpireDateMin);

    public boolean setStatus(String fingerprint, int status) {
        return CertificateData.updateStatus(entityManager, fingerprint, status);