Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/***  Java-ERI    Java-based Embedded Railroad Interfacing.
 ***  Copyright (C) 2014 in USA by Brian Witt ,
 ***  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
 ***  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 ***  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 ***  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 ***  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 ***  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ***  See the License for the specific languatge governing permissions and
 ***  limitations under the License.

package org.embeddedrailroad.eri.layoutio.cmri;

import com.crunchynoodles.util.SynchronizedByteBuffer;
import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import org.embeddedrailroad.eri.layoutio.LayoutTimeoutManager;

 *   Provides a state-machine to poll units on a CMRI bank via some comms-channel.
 *   Model provides initialize strings for units, and a place to dump input-data updates.
 *   Instance has a little worker-thread running in a local-class-instance.
 * <p>
 *   Note: Almost all the public methods are {@code synchronized}.
 *   Happily, these methods can call other {@code synchronized} methods of the same class.
 *   That said, please don't use instances of {@link CmriPollMachine} for locking in a client class.
 *   The {@code synchronized} methods already to that!
 * @author brian
public class CmriPollMachine implements UncaughtExceptionHandler {
     *  Create a polling machine that contains a little worker thread to do the actual work.
     *  The port has already been setup for baud, stop bits, parity, etc.
     * @param serial Serial port object , the channel
     * @param baudRate baud rate, information only.
     * @param model "Layout Model" to hold unit IO states.
    public CmriPollMachine(SerialPort serial, int baudRate, CmriLayoutModelImpl model) {
        this.m_model = model;
        this.m_recovery_rate = CmriSerialLayoutTransport.DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_RATE;
        this.m_port = serial;
        this.m_baud_rate = baudRate;

        this.m_consecutive_missed_polls = new int[CMRI_HIGHEST_POLL_ADDR + 1];

        // ``"Synchronized" [collection] classes can be useful when you need to prevent all access to
        //   a collection via a single lock, at the expense of poorer scalability.''
        this.m_active_queue = Queues.synchronizedQueue(new java.util.LinkedList<Integer>());
        this.m_revive_queue = Queues.synchronizedQueue(new java.util.LinkedList<Integer>());

    //----------------------------  BEAN THINGS  ------------------------------

     *  Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for first char in response from a unit after
     *  a query message has been sent out.
     *  If the first char isn't received in said microseconds, the unit is declared "non-responding."
     * @param millisecs max wait time after transmitting query.
    public void setRxTurnaroundTimeout(int millisecs) {
        m_response_wait = millisecs;

     *  Time to wait for first char of response to appear from unit after the entire request
     *  message has been sent out the serial port.
     * @return milliseconds to wait after request has been fully transmitted.
    public int getRxTurnaroundTimeout() {
        return this.m_response_wait;

     *  Return the timeout in milliseconds to wait for first byte of a response starting
     *  from when the first byte is sent out.
     *  Takes size of TX packet, which assumes it is buffered by OS and is right now
     *  being sent out.
     *  In modern OSes, the serial or USB driver has buffered the packet to send.
     * @param sizeSent how many bytes will be sent.
     * @return milliseconds to wait, based on {@link #setRxTurnaroundTimeout(int) } value.
    public int getTxToFirstRxTimeout(int sizeSent) {
        int wait_xmit = (int) (((sizeSent + 2) / (m_baud_rate / 10.0)) * 1000);
        int wait_rec = getRxTurnaroundTimeout();

        return wait_xmit + wait_rec;

     *  Set recovery rate to re-try units that are not responding.
     *  After every poll cycle, the recovery rate is added to an accumulator.
     *  Once 1.0 is reached ( or exceeded ), communication with a non-communicating unit is attempted.
     * @param rr value more than 0.0 but not above 1.0.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link rr} less-than or equal to 0, or above 1.0
    public void setRecoveryRate(double rr) {
        if (rr <= 0.0 || rr > 1.0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("recovery rate must be (0.0 .. 1.0]");

        this.m_recovery_rate = (float) rr;

     *  Return recovery rate for how often to attempt and revive a non-communicating unit.
     * @return value more than 0.0 but not above 1.0.
     * @see  CmriSerialLayoutTransport.DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_RATE
    public float getRecoveryRate() {
        return this.m_recovery_rate;

     *  Put some unit on the revival work list.
     *  If currently polling, then unit is demoted to re-initialization.
     *  E.g. adding the same unit-address twice, will first put it on the poll list,
     *  and then move to the "revive list" on the second call here.
     * @param unitAddr
    public synchronized void addUnitToPollingList(int unitAddr) {
        if (m_active_queue.contains(unitAddr)) {
        if (!m_revive_queue.contains(unitAddr)) {

     *  Stop talking with some unit in the bank.
     *  Removes unit-address from both the active polling list and the revive list.
     * @param unitAddr which to remove
    public synchronized void removeUnitFromPollingList(int unitAddr) {

     *  Return set of known unit addresses.
     *  Normally, list is just units that are actively communicating.
     * @param includeNonResponding include those not responding
     * @return Set of unit addresses.
    public synchronized Set<Integer> getKnownUnits(boolean includeNonResponding) {
        HashSet<Integer> known = new HashSet<Integer>();


        if (includeNonResponding) {

        return (known);

     *  Count another missed response from a unit ; too many and try to re-INIT unit
     * @param addr polling address, 0 to 255
    private void _missedPoll(int addr) {
        m_consecutive_missed_polls[addr] += 1;
        if (m_consecutive_missed_polls[addr] > PROP_GONE_TOO_LONG_REINIT) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unit #{0} hasn't responded in a while, will re-INIT.", addr);
            m_consecutive_missed_polls[addr] = 0;

            //  Since unit it on polling list, call addUnitToReviveList() will demote to revive list.

    //------------------------  WORKER THREAD SUPPORT  ------------------------

     *  Check is polling is enabled.  There is a slight delay between "start now" request
     *  and when the worker thread does its first poll.
     * @return {@code true} if ought to be polling, {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean isPolling() {
        return this.m_polling;

     *  Start or stop polling, on first start creates the worker thread.
     *  Creation is automatic; however, for worker-thread exit-join, the client must call {@link #shutdown()}
     *  explicitly.
     * @param goPoll true to start, false to stop.
    public synchronized void setPolling(boolean goPoll) {

        if (goPoll != m_polling) {
            //  On change, either start or stop the worker thread that does the polling.
            if (goPoll) {
                if (m_worker == null) {
                    m_worker = new CmriSerialPollingWorker();

                if (m_thread == null) {
                    m_thread = new Thread(m_worker);
                    m_thread.setName(m_worker.getClass().getSimpleName() + " on " + m_port.getName());


            } else {

            //  It changed, so update...
            m_polling = goPoll;


     *  Stop polling and kill the polling thread, which shuts down this transport.
     *  Stop any worker thread from polling and then do {@link Thread.join()} to reclaim it.
     *  Will wait just a few seconds for worker-thread to exit itself before returning to caller.
    public synchronized void shutdown() {
        //  Stop polling, just in case...
        if (m_polling == true) {

        if (m_thread != null) {
            try {
                m_thread.join(3500); // 3500 = 3.5 seconds.

                if (m_thread.isAlive()) {
                    //  Hmmm... it didn't stop for use gently, so send INTR and wait again.
                    //  See
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

            m_worker = null;
            m_thread = null;


     *  Catch-before-falling our worker thread.
     *  Method invoked when the given thread terminates due to the
     *  given uncaught exception.
     * <p>"Any exception thrown by this method will be ignored by the
     * Java Virtual Machine."
     * @param t the thread
     * @param e the exception that was not caught by the thread itself.
    public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
        if (t == m_thread) {

    //---------------------  POLLING MACHINE (INTERNAL)  ----------------------

     *  Class-type that runs state-machine to poll units in a bank.
     * <p> Note: By Java semantics, inner-class cannot have {@code static} methods.
     * <p> {@link Runnable} : See
    class CmriSerialPollingWorker implements SerialPortEventListener, Runnable, LayoutTimeoutManager.TimeoutAction {
        public CmriSerialPollingWorker() {
            m_in_mesg = new SynchronizedByteBuffer(4000 * 2);
            m_timeout_mgr = LayoutTimeoutManager.getInstance();

        //--------------------  SerialPortEventListener  ----------------------

         *  Handle rxtx serial events. Dispatches the event to event-specific methods.
         * <p> See:
         *  @param event The serial event
        public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {

            switch (event.getEventType()) {
            case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
                try {
                    while (m_instr.available() > 0) {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    LOG.log(Level.INFO, "CmriSerialPollingWorker#serialEvent() found EOF.");


            // "OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY is an optional event type.  Well hidden in the
            // documentation Sun states that not all JavaComm implementations
            // support generating events of this type."
            case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY:

            case SerialPortEvent.FE:
            case SerialPortEvent.OE:
            case SerialPortEvent.PE:
                // reception trouble....

                m_cntr_bad_bytes_in += 1;

                // modem change, ring indicator, etc...  Ignored for CMRI.


        //----------------------  interface Runnable  -------------------------

         *  Run state machine to communicate with CMRI units, until told to stop or is interrupted.
         * <p>
         *  See
         *  for good practices about using {@code Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()}.
        public void run() {
            LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Thread #{0} starting on " + m_port.toString() + " ...",


            // "Open the input Reader and output stream. The choice of a
            // Reader and Stream are arbitrary and need to be adapted to
            // the actual application. Typically one would use Streams in
            // both directions, since they allow for binary data transfer,
            // not only character data transfer.
            // "Since the main operation when using a modem is to transfer data
            // unaltered, the communication with the modem should be handled via
            // InputStream/OutputStream, and not a Reader/Writer."
            try {
                m_instr = m_port.getInputStream();
                m_outstr = m_port.getOutputStream();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get inputStream or outputStream on COM-port, not expected.", ex);

            try {
            } catch (TooManyListenersException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Listener already installed, not expected.", ex);

            //  We're interested in receive-type errors:

            // Enable the events we are interested in

            try {
            } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException ex) {


            //  With accumulation, once level reaches 1.0, then try one revival.
            float recovering = 0.0f;

            //  We're open for business!

            try {
                while (!m_do_thread_exit) {
                    if (!m_OK_to_poll_units)

                    //  1.  Check for reviving units.

                    if (recovering <= 1.0f && m_revive_queue.size() > 0) {
                        recovering += m_recovery_rate;
                        if (recovering >= 1.0f) {
                            int addr = m_revive_queue.remove();

                            if (recoverUnit(addr)) {
                                //  Yup, got it going.  Move to active queue.
                            } else {
                                //  Sadness, no response.  Put on end of non-responding queue
                                //  for another query in a little bit.

                            //  We tried one.  Reset accumulator, which gives duration between attempts.
                            recovering -= 1.0f;

                    //  2.  Poll entire active list.

                    int len = m_active_queue.size();
                    while (--len >= 0 && !m_do_thread_exit) {
                        int addr = m_active_queue.remove();

                        if (queryResponseUnit(addr)) {
                            //  Still communicating, keep it around.

                            // Slight pause between units of the poll cycle.
                        } else {
                            //  Sadness, it went silent on us.

                    } // while active units to deal with..

                } // while running...
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                //  we are done, OK to exit thread.
                LOG.log(Level.INFO, "worker thread done", ex);
            } finally {
                LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Thread #{0} exiting...", Long.toString(Thread.currentThread().getId()));

         *  Attempt to recover a unit, which for CMRI means programming in its configuration
         *  and trying to get a response of some sort.
         *  Sometimes there is no way to validate the existence of a unit, e.g. it has no inputs to query.
         *  In that case, we assume the unit is functioning.
         * @param addr unit's poll address, typically 0 to 127 , but not range checked.
         * @return true if unit communicated back, else false when no positive response.
        protected boolean recoverUnit(int addr) {
            ArrayList<byte[]> inits = m_model.getUnitInitializationStrings(addr);

            if (inits == null) {
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Want to revive unit #{0} but have no init-message.", addr);
                return false;

            try {

                for (byte[] m : inits) {
                    //  There is no response for CMRI INIT message, so use sendCmriMessage()
                    //  method directly.
                    sendCmriMessage(addr, m);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("COM-port fail during recoverUnit().", ex);

            return false;

         *  Query a unit for changed inputs; if unit has no inputs then CMRI has no "idling response" so
         *  just assume the unit is functioning.
         * @param addr unit's poll address, typically 0 to 127 , but not range checked.
         * @return true if unit communicated back or none expected, else false when no positive response.
        protected boolean queryResponseUnit(int addr) throws InterruptedException {
            Future timeout_future = null;

            try {
                int chars_sent = sendCmriMessage(addr, null);

                //  Await first two bytes back from unit, which must match STX and unit's poll address
                //  Compute timeou assuming whole TX packet has been buffered by OS, so must wait
                //  for it to be fully sent, then a pause while th eunit interprets it, then
                //  time for 4 bytes to be sent back: FF, FF, STX, "addr"
                if (m_in_mesg.awaitCountAtLeast(2, getTxToFirstRxTimeout(chars_sent + 2))) {
                    // Timeout waiting for first byte of response.
                    LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Timeout waiting for STX + poll-address response.");
                    return false;

                m_rx_timeout = false;
                timeout_future = this.m_timeout_mgr.timeoutMillis(getTxToFirstRxTimeout(chars_sent), this, null);

                // TODO: we got STX + UA back from unit.  Must probe the message to determine
                //      its length.  Might have to actually parse as we go for fastest response.

                try {
                    synchronized (timeout_future) {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    // Oh dear, timeout before whole packet received.

                m_consecutive_missed_polls[addr] = 0;
                return true;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
            } finally {

                if (timeout_future != null && !timeout_future.isDone())

            return false;

        public void onTimeout(Object anchor) {
            m_rx_timeout = true;

        //----------------------  MESSAGES METHODS  ------------------------

         *  Send out a CMRI message to some unit; framing, checksum generation and escaping are done here.
         * @param addr unit poll address
         * @param mesg bytes of message, at least 1 byte which holds the command byte.
         * @return Number of bytes sent out.
         * @throws IOException for general output issues.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link mesg} is null or has zero size.
        private int sendCmriMessage(int addr, byte[] mesg) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {

            if (mesg == null || mesg.length < 1)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("CMRI message must be at least 1 byte: the command.");


            //  UA is sent as an ASCII letter on wire.
            m_outstr.write((byte) (addr + CMRI_ADDR_OFFSET));

            int cntr_escapes = 0;

            //  Ecape any bytes as they are sent.  UA is not escaped.
            for (byte b : mesg) {
                if (b == CMRI_CH_STX || b == CMRI_CH_ETX || b == CMRI_CH_ESCAPE) {

            //  Drain any input just before sending ETX.  This ensures we're ready to RX!


            int count = CMRI_HEADER_BYTES.length + 1 + mesg.length + cntr_escapes + CMRI_TRAILER_BYTES.length;
            m_cntr_good_bytes_out += count;

            return (count);

        private void receiveMessage(int bytesSent) {


         *  Make any pending RX bytes go away, but does so at at most a few seconds.
         * @throws IOException when stream has been closed.
        private void drainReceivePort() throws IOException {
            // wait at most 'PROP_DRAIN_PORT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS' seconds, in 5 micro-second units.
            int max_waits = (int) (200 * 1000 * PROP_DRAIN_PORT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS);

            while (--max_waits >= 0 && m_instr.available() > 0) {
                //  do a short sleep first.
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(0, 5 * 1000); // sleep 5 microseconds, in nanos.
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {


        //--------------------------  HELPER METHODS  -------------------------

         *  Sleep a short time, in milliseconds, with quick return if interrupted which causes
         *  the worker thread to exit.
         *  Positive value does a sleep ; zero will yield the thread's time slice.
         * <p> If the thread is interrupted, then that exception is re-thrown.
         * @param milliseconds milliseconds of sleep, or 0 to just give up thread's time slice.
        public void shortSleep(int milliseconds) {
            if (m_do_thread_exit) {
                //  Time to exit thread, signal interrupt to start the duty.

            if (milliseconds > 0) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    //  re-signal, so maybe thread will exit.
            } else if (milliseconds == 0) {

        //-------------------------  CONTROL METHODS  -------------------------

         *  Turn on or off polling.
         *  When off, then worker thread will sleep with periodic checks back here.
         *  Stop can be either after done with unit, or between poll cycles.
         * @param ok true to start polling
        public void setOkToPoll(boolean ok) {
            m_OK_to_poll_units = ok;

         *  Ask the worker thread to exit.
         *  Afterwards use {@code thread.join()} for cleanup.
        public void stopWorkerThread() {
            m_do_thread_exit = true;

        //-------------------------  INSTANCE VARS  ---------------------------

        protected volatile boolean m_OK_to_poll_units = false;

        protected volatile boolean m_do_thread_exit = false;

        protected InputStream m_instr;

        protected OutputStream m_outstr;

        /*** Offset added to unit address before sending on the wire. */
        public final byte CMRI_ADDR_OFFSET = (byte) 0x41;

        /*** CMRI protocol escape byte. */
        public final byte CMRI_CH_ESCAPE = (byte) 0x10;
        /*** CMRI protocol "start of packet" byte. */
        public final byte CMRI_CH_STX = (byte) 0x02;
        /*** CMRI protocol "end of packet" byte. */
        public final byte CMRI_CH_ETX = (byte) 0x03;
        /*** CMRI protocol "line in use" byte. */
        public final byte CMRI_CH_FRAME = (byte) 0xff;

        /*** Indicates an RX error occurred and is now cleared. */
        public final byte CH_ERROR_BYTE = (byte) CMRI_CH_FRAME;

        /***  Prefix (header) for CMRI packets. */
        public final byte[] CMRI_HEADER_BYTES = new byte[] { CMRI_CH_FRAME, CMRI_CH_FRAME, CMRI_CH_STX };
        /***  Suffix (trailer) for CMRI packets. */
        public final byte[] CMRI_TRAILER_BYTES = new byte[] { CMRI_CH_ETX /*, CMRI_CH_FRAME */ };

         *  Where current in-message is collected.  If disabled, then no message
         *  is expected.
        private final SynchronizedByteBuffer m_in_mesg;

        private final LayoutTimeoutManager m_timeout_mgr;

        private boolean m_rx_timeout;


     *   Milliseconds of quiet time between unit poll-response.
     *   If we wait for a non-responding unit, that wait time is considered part of
     *   the inter-unit poll-response quiet time.
    public int PROP_INTER_UNIT_SILENCE = 30;

     *  Max time to wait when draining the RX port.  Prevents live-lock if a slave unit
     *  is babbling.  Value is {@code double}, so max ease of fine tuning...
    public double PROP_DRAIN_PORT_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS = 0.5;

     *  After missing this many polls, send an INIT message to unit to try and re-enroll.
     *  In case it lost its configuration, e.g. the unit was power-cycled.
    public int PROP_GONE_TOO_LONG_REINIT = 5;

    /**  Smallest logical polling address. */
    public final int CMRI_LOWEST_POLL_ADDR = 0;

    /**  Maximum logical polling address. */
    public final int CMRI_HIGHEST_POLL_ADDR = 255;

    //---------------------------  INSTANCE VARS  -----------------------------

    /*** Statistics: count of bytes in messages that were not accepted. */
    public volatile long m_cntr_bad_bytes_in;

    /*** Statistics: count of bytes in messages that were accepted. */
    public volatile long m_cntr_good_bytes_in;

    /*** Statistics: count of bytes in messages sent out. */
    public volatile long m_cntr_good_bytes_out;

    /*** Model we feed sensor changes into. */
    protected final CmriLayoutModelImpl m_model;

    /***  Is polling desired?  Read by worker {@link #m_worker}. */
    private boolean m_polling;

    /***  Fractional addition until reaching 1.0, then a revival will occur. */
    protected volatile float m_recovery_rate;

    /*** Time to wait for a first char of response before giving up, in milliseconds. */
    protected int m_response_wait;

    /*** Synchronized queue of units actively responding. */
    protected Queue<Integer> m_active_queue;

    /*** Synchronized queue of known units that are NOT responding. */
    protected Queue<Integer> m_revive_queue;

     *  Counter of missed polls for some unit poll address, reset to zero when
     *  a poll-response is successful.
    transient private int[] m_consecutive_missed_polls;

    /***  Serial port to use.  Requires {@link} to inter-operate with host OS. */
    transient protected SerialPort m_port;

    /***  Baud rate of serial port with baud rate already set. */
    transient protected int m_baud_rate;

    /***  Little worker object. */
    transient protected CmriSerialPollingWorker m_worker;

    /***  Thread inside the little worker object {@link #m_worker}. */
    transient protected Thread m_thread;

    /***  Logging output spigot. */
    transient private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CmriPollMachine.class.getName());
