Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012 eXtensible Catalog Organization
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the license can be
 * found at

package org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.common;

import org.apache.commons.lang.reflect.ConstructorUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.service.ToolkitException;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Properties;

public abstract class BaseComponentFactory<COMPONENT extends ToolkitComponent, CONFIG extends ToolkitConfiguration>
        implements ToolkitComponentFactory {

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BaseComponentFactory.class);

    // TODO: Revise Javadoc to match the behavior
     * A template method to get a <COMPONENT> object. All sub-classes should call this so that all components are
     * created similarly, thus simplifying documentation and usage.
     * <p/>
     * Note: Overriding implementations of this method should <i>not</i> call back to the
     * {@link #getComponent} method or this could result in an infinite loop.
     * <p/>
     * Get the shared <COMPONENT> object. In order try the following:
     * 1) Call {@link ConfigurationHelper#getComponent(String, String, String, String)} and if non-null return that.
     * 2) Call {@link ConfigurationHelper#getComponentFactory(String, String, String, String)} and if non-null, check
     * (to avoid infinite recursion) whether it is an instance of the same class as <code>componentFactory</code> and
     * if so call {@link #buildComponent(ToolkitConfiguration)} on it; otherwise call {@link #getComponent()} on it.
     * 3) Call {@link ConfigurationHelper#getComponentConfiguration(String, String, String, String)} and if non-null
     * pass that to {@link #buildComponent(ToolkitConfiguration)} and return the result.
     * 4) Call {@link ConfigurationHelper#getComponentConfigurationFactory(String, String, String, String)} and if
     * non-null get the {@link ToolkitConfiguration} object from that and pass that to
     * {@link #buildComponent(ToolkitConfiguration)} and return the result.
     * 5) Call {@link ConfigurationHelper#getCoreConfiguration(String, Properties, String)} to get a {@link CoreConfiguration},
     * get the component's configuration from that {@link CoreConfiguration} object, pass that to
     * {@link #buildComponent(ToolkitConfiguration)} and return its result.
     * @return the <COMPONENT> object
     * @throws org.extensiblecatalog.ncip.v2.service.ToolkitException
    public static <F extends ToolkitComponentFactory> ToolkitComponent buildComponent(Class<F> factoryClass,
            String appName, String componentName, String componentSpringConfigFilenameKey,
            String componentSpringConfigFilenameDefault, Properties properties, String propertiesFilenameKey,
            String propertiesFilenameDefault, String localPropertiesFilenameKey,
            String localPropertiesFilenameDefault, String configPropertyOverrideKey,
            String configPropertyOverrideDefault) throws ToolkitException {

        Properties mergedProperties = ConfigurationHelper.populateProperties(appName, properties,
                propertiesFilenameKey, propertiesFilenameDefault, localPropertiesFilenameKey,
                localPropertiesFilenameDefault, configPropertyOverrideKey, configPropertyOverrideDefault);

        String componentSpringConfigFilename = mergedProperties.getProperty(componentSpringConfigFilenameKey,
        String coreSpringConfigFilename = mergedProperties.getProperty(CoreConfiguration.CORE_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_KEY,

        ToolkitComponent component = ConfigurationHelper.getComponent(appName, componentName,
                componentSpringConfigFilename, coreSpringConfigFilename);

        if (component == null) {

            ToolkitComponentFactory componentFactory = ConfigurationHelper.getComponentFactory(appName,
                    componentName, componentSpringConfigFilename, coreSpringConfigFilename);

            if (componentFactory != null) {

                // Protect against a recursive call, which will produce an infinite loop
                if (componentFactory.getClass().isInstance(factoryClass)) {

                    throw new ToolkitException(
                            "Recursive call to component factory '" + componentFactory.getClass().getName() + "'.");

                } else {

                    // Otherwise, call the componentFactory from the AppContext; it's their responsibility not
                    // to call back to this implementation of the method.
                    component = componentFactory.getComponent();



        if (component == null) {

            ToolkitConfiguration toolkitConfig = ConfigurationHelper.getComponentConfiguration(appName,
                    componentName, componentSpringConfigFilename, coreSpringConfigFilename);

            if (toolkitConfig != null) {

                component = buildComponent(toolkitConfig);



        if (component == null) {

            ToolkitComponentConfigurationFactory configFactory = ConfigurationHelper
                    .getComponentConfigurationFactory(appName, componentName, componentSpringConfigFilename,

            if (configFactory != null) {

                component = buildComponent(configFactory.getConfiguration());



        if (component == null) {

            CoreConfiguration coreConfig = ConfigurationHelper.getCoreConfiguration(appName, mergedProperties,
            if (coreConfig != null) {

                component = buildComponent(coreConfig.getConfiguration(componentName));



        if (component == null) {

            throw new ToolkitException("Unable to initialize " + componentName + ".");


        return component;


     * Construct a <COMPONENT> using the provided configuration.
     * @param configuration the <CONFIG>
     * @return the new <COMPONENT> object
     * @throws ToolkitException
    @SuppressWarnings(value = { "unchecked" }) // Because Constructor.newInstance returns Object.
    protected static ToolkitComponent buildComponent(ToolkitConfiguration configuration) throws ToolkitException {

        ToolkitComponent component;

        String componentClassName = configuration.getComponentClassName();
        if (componentClassName != null) {

            try {

                Class<? extends ToolkitComponent> componentClass = Class.forName(componentClassName)

                Constructor<? extends ToolkitComponent> ctor = ConstructorUtils
                        .getMatchingAccessibleConstructor(componentClass, new Class[] { configuration.getClass() });

                if (ctor != null) {

                    component = ctor.newInstance(configuration);

                } else {

                    throw new ToolkitException("Exception constructing " + componentClassName
                            + " class: No matching constructor found for '" + configuration.getClass().getName()
                            + "'.");


            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

                throw new ToolkitException("Exception loading " + componentClassName + " class.", e);

            } catch (InstantiationException e) {

                throw new ToolkitException("Exception constructing " + componentClassName + " class.", e);

            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

                throw new ToolkitException("Exception constructing " + componentClassName + " class.", e);

            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {

                throw new ToolkitException("Exception constructing " + componentClassName + " class.", e);


        } else {

            throw new ToolkitException("Component class name not set in component configuration.");


        return component;

