Source code

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 *  Copyright (c) 2012-2016 "FlockData LLC"
 *  This file is part of FlockData.
 *  FlockData is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  FlockData is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with FlockData.  If not, see <>.

package org.flockdata.engine.dao;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.flockdata.engine.tag.service.TagManager;
import org.flockdata.helper.FlockDataTagException;
import org.flockdata.helper.TagHelper;
import org.flockdata.model.Alias;
import org.flockdata.model.Company;
import org.flockdata.model.Concept;
import org.flockdata.model.Tag;
import org.flockdata.registration.AliasInputBean;
import org.flockdata.registration.TagInputBean;
import org.flockdata.registration.TagResultBean;
import org.flockdata.track.TagKey;
import org.flockdata.track.TagPayload;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.amqp.AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import java.util.*;

 * Move to Neo4j server extension
 * <p>
 * @author mholdsworth
 * @since 20/06/2015
 * @tag Tag, Neo4j

public class TagWrangler {

    private final Neo4jTemplate template;

    private final AliasDaoNeo aliasDao;
    private final TagManager tagManager;

    private final ConceptTypeRepo conceptTypeRepo;

    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TagWrangler.class);

    public TagWrangler(Neo4jTemplate template, AliasDaoNeo aliasDao, TagManager tagManager,
            ConceptTypeRepo conceptTypeRepo) {
        this.template = template;
        this.aliasDao = aliasDao;
        this.tagManager = tagManager;
        this.conceptTypeRepo = conceptTypeRepo;

    public Collection<TagResultBean> save(TagPayload payload) {
        Collection<TagResultBean> results = new ArrayList<>(payload.getTags().size());
        List<String> createdValues = new ArrayList<>();
                .getTags().stream().map(tagInputBean -> save(payload.getCompany(), tagInputBean,
                        payload.getTenant(), createdValues, payload.isIgnoreRelationships()))
        return results;


    // ToDo: Turn this in to ServerSide
    TagResultBean save(Company company, TagInputBean tagInput, String tagSuffix, Collection<String> cachedValues,
            boolean suppressRelationships) {
        // Check exists
        boolean isNew = false;
        TagResultBean tagResultBean;
        Tag startTag = findTag(tagSuffix, tagInput.getLabel(), tagInput.getKeyPrefix(),
                (tagInput.getCode() == null ? tagInput.getName() : tagInput.getCode()), false);
        boolean changed = false;
        if (startTag == null) {
            if (tagInput.isMustExist()) {

                tagInput.setServiceMessage("Tag [" + tagInput + "] should exist for [" + tagInput.getLabel()
                        + "] but doesn't. Ignoring this request.");
                if (tagInput.getNotFoundCode() != null && !tagInput.getNotFoundCode().equals("")) {
                    TagInputBean notFound = new TagInputBean(tagInput.getNotFoundCode())

                    tagInput.setServiceMessage("Tag [" + tagInput + "] should exist as a [" + tagInput.getLabel()
                            + "] but doesn't. Assigning to [" + tagInput.getNotFoundCode()
                            + "]. An alias is been created for " + tagInput.getCode());
                    ArrayList<AliasInputBean> aliases = new ArrayList<>();
                    // Creating an alias so that we don't have to process this all again. The alias will be against the undefined tag.
                    aliases.add(new AliasInputBean(tagInput.getCode()));
                    tagResultBean = save(company, notFound, tagSuffix, cachedValues, suppressRelationships);
                    startTag = tagResultBean.getTag();
                } else
                    return new TagResultBean(tagInput);
            } else {
                isNew = true;
                if (tagInput.getCode() == null)
                    throw new FlockDataTagException(
                            "The code property for a tag cannot be null {" + tagInput.toString());
                startTag = createTag(company, tagInput, tagSuffix);
        } else {
            // Existing Tag. We only update certain properties. Code is immutable (or near enough to)
            if (tagInput.isMerge()) {
                if (tagInput.hasTagProperties())
                    for (String key : tagInput.getProperties().keySet()) {
                        startTag.addProperty(key, tagInput.getProperty(key));
                        changed = true;

                if (tagInput.getName() != null && !tagInput.getName().equals(startTag.getName())) {
                    changed = true;

                if (changed) {
                    startTag = TagKey(startTag));

        TagResultBean sourceResult = new TagResultBean(tagInput, startTag, (isNew | changed));
        if (tagInput.hasAliases()) {
            handleAliases(tagInput, startTag);

        if (tagInput.hasTargets()) {
            Map<String, Collection<TagInputBean>> targets = tagInput.getTargets();
            for (String rlxName : targets.keySet()) {
                Collection<TagInputBean> associatedTag = targets.get(rlxName);
                for (TagInputBean tagInputBean : associatedTag) {
                    processAssociatedTags(company, tagSuffix, sourceResult, tagInputBean, rlxName, cachedValues,


        return sourceResult;

    private void handleAliases(TagInputBean tagInput, Tag startTag) {
        String label = tagInput.getLabel();
        Collection<Alias> aliases = new ArrayList<>();
        for (AliasInputBean newAlias : tagInput.getAliases()) {

            Alias alias = aliasDao.findAlias(label, newAlias, startTag);
        if (!aliases.isEmpty())
        for (Alias alias : aliases) {
            if (!startTag.hasAlias(label, alias.getKey())) {


    private Tag createTag(Company company, TagInputBean tagInput, String suffix) {

        logger.trace("createTag {}", tagInput);
        // ToDo: Should a label be suffixed with company in multi-tenanted? - more time to think!!
        //       do we care that one company can see another companies tag value? Certainly not the
        //       track data.
        String label;
        if (tagInput.isDefault())
            label = Tag.DEFAULT_TAG + suffix;
        else {
            label = tagInput.getLabel();

        resolveKeyPrefix(suffix, tagInput);

        Tag tag = new Tag(tagInput, label);

        logger.trace("Saving {}", tag);
        tag =;
        logger.debug("Saved {}", tag);
        return tag;


    public Map<String, Collection<TagResultBean>> findAllTags(Tag sourceTag, String relationship,
            String targetLabel) {
        String query = "match (t) -[" + (!relationship.equals("") ? "r:" + relationship : "r") + "]-(targetTag:"
                + targetLabel + ") where id(t)={id}  return r, targetTag";
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("id", sourceTag.getId());
        Iterable<Map<String, Object>> result = template.query(query, params);
        Map<String, Collection<TagResultBean>> tagResults = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map<String, Object> mapResult : result) {
            Tag n = template.projectTo(mapResult.get("targetTag"), Tag.class);

            String rType = ((org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship) mapResult.get("r")).getType().name();
            Collection<TagResultBean> tagResultBeans = tagResults.get(rType);
            if (tagResultBeans == null) {
                tagResultBeans = new ArrayList<>();
                tagResults.put(rType, tagResultBeans);
            tagResultBeans.add(new TagResultBean(n));

        return tagResults;


    public Collection<Tag> findDirectedTags(String tagSuffix, Tag startTag, Company company) {
        //Long coTags = getCompanyTagManager(companyId);
        //"MATCH track<-[tagType]-(tag:Tag"+engineAdmin.getTagSuffix(company)+") " +
        String query = " match (tag:Tag)-[]->(otherTag" + Tag.DEFAULT + tagSuffix + ") "
                + "   where id(tag)={tagId} return otherTag";
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("tagId", startTag.getId());

        Iterable<Map<String, Object>> result = template.query(query, params);

        if (!((Result) result).iterator().hasNext())
            return new ArrayList<>();

        Iterator<Map<String, Object>> rows = result.iterator();

        Collection<Tag> results = new ArrayList<>();

        while (rows.hasNext()) {
            Map<String, Object> row =;
            results.add(template.projectTo(row.get("otherTag"), Tag.class));
        return results;

    private void resolveKeyPrefix(String suffix, TagInputBean tagInput) {
        String prefix = resolveKeyPrefix(tagInput.getKeyPrefix(), suffix);
        if (prefix != null)

    private String resolveKeyPrefix(String keyPrefix, String suffix) {
        if (keyPrefix != null && keyPrefix.contains(":")) {
            // Label:Value to set the prefix
            // DAT-479 indirect lookup
            String[] values = StringUtils.split(keyPrefix, ":");
            if (values.length == 2) {
                Tag indirect = findTag(suffix, values[0], null, values[1], false);
                if (indirect == null) {
                    // ToDo: Exception or literal?
                    logger.debug("Indirect syntax was found but resolved to no tag");
                    throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("Unable to resolve the indirect tag" + keyPrefix);
                } else {
                    return indirect.getCode();

        return keyPrefix;

    Tag findTag(String suffix, String label, String keyPrefix, String tagCode, boolean inflate) {
        if (tagCode == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null can not be used to find a tag (" + label + ")");

        String multiTennantedLabel = TagHelper.suffixLabel(label, suffix);
        String kp = resolveKeyPrefix(keyPrefix, suffix);

        Tag tag = tagManager.tagByKey(new TagKey(multiTennantedLabel, kp, tagCode));
        if (tag != null && inflate)
        logger.trace("requested tag [{}:{}] foundTag [{}]", label, tagCode, (tag == null ? "NotFound" : tag));
        return tag;

     * Create unique relationship between the tag and the node
     * @param company               associate the tag with this company
     * @param tagSuffix
     * @param startTag              notional start node
     * @param associatedTag         tag to make or get
     * @param rlxName               relationship name
     * @param cachedValues          running list of values already created - performance op.
     * @param suppressRelationships @return the created tag
    private void processAssociatedTags(Company company, String tagSuffix, TagResultBean startTag,
            TagInputBean associatedTag, String rlxName, Collection<String> cachedValues,
            boolean suppressRelationships) {

        TagResultBean endTag = save(company, associatedTag, tagSuffix, cachedValues, suppressRelationships);
        if (suppressRelationships)
        //Node endNode = template.getNode(tag.getId());

        Tag startId = (!associatedTag.isReverse() ? startTag.getTag() : endTag.getTag());
        Tag endId = (!associatedTag.isReverse() ? endTag.getTag() : startTag.getTag());

        if (endId == null || startId == null)

        String key = rlxName + ":" + startId.getId() + ":" + endId.getId();
        if (cachedValues.contains(key))

        cachedValues.add(createRelationship(rlxName, startId, endId, key));
        startTag.addTargetResult(rlxName, endTag);

    private String createRelationship(String rlxName, Tag startTag, Tag endTag, String key) {
        //        if ((template.getRelationshipBetween(startTag, endTag, rlxName) == null))
        //            template.createRelationshipBetween(template.getNode(startTag.getId()), template.getNode(endTag.getId()), rlxName, null);

        Node start = template.getNode(startTag.getId());
        Node end = template.getNode(endTag.getId());
        Relationship r = template.getOrCreateRelationship("rlxNames", "rlx",
                rlxName + ":" + startTag.getId() + ":" + endTag.getId(), start, end, rlxName, null);

        return key;

    public void createAlias(String suffix, Tag tag, String label, AliasInputBean aliasInput) {
        String theLabel = TagHelper.suffixLabel(label, suffix);
        if (tag.hasAlias(theLabel, TagHelper.parseKey(aliasInput.getCode())))

        Alias alias = new Alias(theLabel, aliasInput, TagHelper.parseKey(aliasInput.getCode()), tag);

        alias =;


    public Collection<Tag> findTags(String label) {
        Collection<Tag> tagResults = new ArrayList<>();
        // ToDo: Match to company - something like this.....
        //match (t:Law)-[:_TagLabel]-(c:FDCompany) where id(c)=0  return t,c;
        //match (t:Law)-[*..2]-(c:FDCompany) where id(c)=0  return t,c;
        String query = "match (tag:`" + label + "`) return distinct (tag) as tag";
        // Look at PAGE
        Iterable<Map<String, Object>> results = template.query(query, null);
        for (Map<String, Object> row : results) {
            Object o = row.get("tag");
            Tag t = template.projectTo(o, Tag.class);

        return tagResults;

    public Collection<TagResultBean> findTags() {
        Collection<TagResultBean> tagResults = new ArrayList<>();
        Result<Concept> concepts = conceptTypeRepo.findAll();
        for (Concept concept : concepts) {
            tagResults.add(new TagResultBean(concept));
        return tagResults;


    //    public Collection<Tag> findTags(String label, String code) {
    //        Collection<Tag> tagResults = new ArrayList<>();
    //        // ToDo: Match to company - something like this.....
    //        //match (t:Law)-[:_TagLabel]-(c:FDCompany) where id(c)=0  return t,c;
    //        //match (t:Law)-[*..2]-(c:FDCompany) where id(c)=0  return t,c;
    //        String query = "match (tag:`" + label + "`) where tag.key = {key} return distinct (tag) as tag";
    //        // Look at PAGE
    //        Map<String,Object>params = new HashMap<>();
    //        params.put("key", TagHelper.parseKey(null, code));
    //        Iterable<Map<String, Object>> results = template.query(query, params);
    //        for (Map<String, Object> row : results) {
    //            Object o = row.get("tag");
    //            Tag t = template.projectTo(o, Tag.class);
    //            tagResults.add(t);
    //        }
    //        return tagResults;
    //    }
