Source code

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 * Copyright 2002-2009 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.gageot.excel.core;

import static*;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.dao.CleanupFailureDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException;

 * <b>This is the central class in the Excel core package.</b>
 * It simplifies the use of Excel and helps to avoid common errors.
 * It executes core Excel parsing workflow, leaving application code extract results.
 * <p>Code using this class need only implement callback interfaces, giving
 * them a clearly defined contract. The RowCallbackHandler
 * interface extracts values from each row of a HSSFSheet.
 * <p>Can be used within a service implementation via direct instantiation
 * with a Resource reference, or get prepared in an application context
 * and given to services as bean reference.
 * <p>The motivation and design of this class is inspired from JdbcTemplate.
 * <p>Because this class is parameterizable by the callback interfaces,
 * it isn't necessary to subclass it.
 * @author David Gageot
 * @see SheetExtractor
 * @see RowCallbackHandler
 * @see RowMapper
public class ExcelTemplate implements InitializingBean {
    /** Used to obtain Excel data throughout the lifecycle of this object */
    private Resource resource;

     * Construct a new ExcelTemplate for bean usage.
     * Note: The Resource has to be set before using the instance.
     * This constructor can be used to prepare a ExcelTemplate via a BeanFactory,
     * typically setting the Resource via setResource.
     * @see #setResource
    public ExcelTemplate() {
        // Do nothing

     * Construct a new ExcelTemplate, given a Resource to obtain the Excel stream from.
     * @param aResource Resource to obtain the Excel stream from
    public ExcelTemplate(Resource aResource) {

     * Construct a new ExcelTemplate, given an Excel File.
     * @param aFile Excel file
    public ExcelTemplate(File aFile) {
        setResource(new FileSystemResource(aFile));

     * Construct a new ExcelTemplate, given a path to an Excel file.
     * The path can be relative to the given class,
     * or absolute within the classpath via a leading slash.
     * @param aPath relative or absolute path within the class path
     * @param aClass the class to load resources with
     * @see java.lang.Class#getResourceAsStream
    public ExcelTemplate(String aPath, Class<?> aClass) {
        setResource(new ClassPathResource(aPath, aClass));

     * Read the sheet names of an Excel file.
     * @return an array containing a java.lang.String for each sheet. Empty if not sheet.
     * @throws DataAccessException if there is any problem
    public String[] getSheetNames() {
        return read(new Function<HSSFWorkbook, String[]>() {
            public String[] apply(HSSFWorkbook workbook) {
                int sheetCount = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();

                String[] sheetNames = new String[sheetCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) {
                    sheetNames[i] = workbook.getSheetName(i);

                return sheetNames;

     * Read the content of an Excel file for a given sheet name.
     * The content of the sheet is extracted using SheetExtractor.
     * @param sheetName name of the excel sheet
     * @param sheetExtractor object that will extract results
     * @return an arbitrary result object, as returned by the ResultSetExtractor
     * @throws DataAccessException if there is any problem
    public <T> T read(final String sheetName, final SheetExtractor<T> sheetExtractor) throws DataAccessException {
        checkNotNull(sheetExtractor, "SheetExtractor must not be null");
        checkNotNull(sheetName, "sheetName must not be null");

        return read(new Function<HSSFWorkbook, T>() {
            public T apply(HSSFWorkbook workbook) {
                HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName);
                try {
                    return sheetExtractor.extractData(sheet);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Problem reading file", e);

    private <T> T read(Function<HSSFWorkbook, T> transform) {
        checkNotNull(getResource(), "resource must not be null");

        InputStream in = null;
        try {
            in = new BufferedInputStream(getResource().getInputStream());

            return transform.apply(new HSSFWorkbook(in, false));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Problem reading file", e);
        } finally {
            if (null != in) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new CleanupFailureDataAccessException("Problem closing file", e);

    public String[][] read(String sheetName) throws DataAccessException {
        return read(sheetName, new StringCellMapper(), String.class);

    public <T> T[][] read(String sheetName, CellMapper<T> cellMapper, Class<T> clazz) throws DataAccessException {
        return read(sheetName, new ObjectArraySheetExtractor<T>(cellMapper, clazz));

    public <T> List<T> readList(String sheetName, RowMapper<T> rowMapper) throws DataAccessException {
        return read(sheetName, new RowMapperSheetExtractor<T>(rowMapper));

    public List<Map<String, String>> readList(String sheetName) throws DataAccessException {
        return readList(sheetName, new StringCellMapper());

    public <T> List<Map<String, T>> readList(String sheetName, CellMapper<T> cellMapper)
            throws DataAccessException {
        MapListRowCallbackHandler<T> rowHandler = new MapListRowCallbackHandler<T>(cellMapper);

        read(sheetName, rowHandler);

        return rowHandler.getValues();

    public void read(String sheetName, RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler) throws DataAccessException {
        read(sheetName, new RowCallbackHandlerSheetExtractor(rowCallbackHandler));

    public void read(String sheetName, CellCallbackHandler cellCallbackHandler) throws DataAccessException {
        read(sheetName, new CellCallbackHandlerSheetExtractor(cellCallbackHandler));

    public <T> List<T> readBeans(String sheetName, Class<T> clazz) throws DataAccessException {
        BeanCellCallbackHandler<T> handler = new BeanCellCallbackHandler<T>(clazz);

        read(sheetName, handler);

        return handler.getBeans();

     * Set the Resource to obtain the Excel stream from.
    public Resource getResource() {
        return resource;

     * Return the Resource used by this template.
    public void setResource(Resource aResource) {
        resource = aResource;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() {
        checkArgument(null != getResource(), "resource is required");

     * RowMapper implementation that creates a <code>java.lang.Object</code> array
     * for each row.
    private static class ObjectArrayRowMapper<T> implements RowMapper<T[]> {
        private final CellMapper<T> cellMapper;
        private final Class<T> cellClass;

        public ObjectArrayRowMapper(CellMapper<T> aCellMapper, Class<T> aCellClass) {
            cellMapper = aCellMapper;
            cellClass = aCellClass;

        public T[] mapRow(HSSFRow row, int rowNum) throws IOException {
            short lastColumnNum = row.getLastCellNum();

            if (lastColumnNum <= 0) {
                lastColumnNum = 0; // TODO

            T[] rowValues = ObjectArrays.newArray(cellClass, lastColumnNum);

            for (short columnNum = 0; columnNum < lastColumnNum; columnNum++) {
                rowValues[columnNum] = cellMapper.mapCell(row.getCell(columnNum, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL), rowNum,

            return rowValues;

     * Adapter to enable use of a ObjectArrayRowMapper inside a SheetExtractor.
    private static class ObjectArraySheetExtractor<T> implements SheetExtractor<T[][]> {
        private final CellMapper<T> cellMapper;
        private final Class<T> cellClass;

        public ObjectArraySheetExtractor(CellMapper<T> aCellMapper, Class<T> aCellClass) {
            cellMapper = aCellMapper;
            cellClass = aCellClass;

        public T[][] extractData(HSSFSheet sheet) throws IOException {
            List<T[]> rowValues = Lists.newArrayList();

            ObjectArrayRowMapper<T> rowMapper = new ObjectArrayRowMapper<T>(cellMapper, cellClass);

            int maxRowSize = 0;
            int firstRowIndex = sheet.getFirstRowNum();
            int lastRowIndex = sheet.getLastRowNum();

            for (int i = firstRowIndex; i <= lastRowIndex; i++) {
                HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(i);

                if (null != row) {
                    T[] currentRowValues = rowMapper.mapRow(row, i);
                    maxRowSize = Math.max(maxRowSize, currentRowValues.length);

            return rowValues
                    .toArray((T[][]) Array.newInstance(cellClass, new int[] { rowValues.size(), maxRowSize }));

     * RowCallbackHandler implementation that creates a <code>java.util.Map</code>
     * for each row and put all maps in a list.
     * The first line is used as keys for the maps.
    private static class MapListRowCallbackHandler<T> implements RowCallbackHandler {
        private final List<Map<String, T>> values = new ArrayList<Map<String, T>>();
        private ColumnMapRowMapper<T> rowMapper;
        protected final CellMapper<T> cellMapper;

        public MapListRowCallbackHandler(CellMapper<T> aCellMapper) {
            cellMapper = aCellMapper;

        public void processRow(HSSFRow row, int rowIndex) throws IOException {
            if (null == rowMapper) { // First line, read keys
                RowMapper<String[]> firstRowMapper = new ObjectArrayRowMapper<String>(new StringCellMapper(),

                String[] keys = firstRowMapper.mapRow(row, rowIndex);

                rowMapper = new ColumnMapRowMapper<T>(keys, cellMapper);
            } else { // Other lines, read values
                values.add(rowMapper.mapRow(row, rowIndex));

        public List<Map<String, T>> getValues() {
            return values;

     * Adapter to enable use of a RowCallbackHandler inside a SheetExtractor.
    private static class RowCallbackHandlerSheetExtractor implements SheetExtractor<Void> {
        private final RowCallbackHandler rowCallbackHandler;

        public RowCallbackHandlerSheetExtractor(RowCallbackHandler aRowCallbackHandler) {
            rowCallbackHandler = aRowCallbackHandler;

        public Void extractData(HSSFSheet sheet) throws IOException {
            int firstRowIndex = sheet.getFirstRowNum();
            int lastRowIndex = sheet.getLastRowNum();

            for (int i = firstRowIndex; i <= lastRowIndex; i++) {
                rowCallbackHandler.processRow(sheet.getRow(i), i);

            return null;

     * Adapter to enable use of a CellCallbackHandler inside a SheetExtractor.
    private static class CellCallbackHandlerSheetExtractor implements SheetExtractor<Void> {
        private final CellCallbackHandler cellCallbackHandler;

        public CellCallbackHandlerSheetExtractor(CellCallbackHandler aCellCallbackHandler) {
            cellCallbackHandler = aCellCallbackHandler;

        public Void extractData(HSSFSheet sheet) throws IOException {
            int firstRowIndex = sheet.getFirstRowNum();
            int lastRowIndex = sheet.getLastRowNum();

            for (int i = firstRowIndex; i <= lastRowIndex; i++) {
                HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(i);
                if (null != row) {
                    short firstColIndex = row.getFirstCellNum();
                    short lastColIndex = row.getLastCellNum();

                    for (short j = firstColIndex; j < lastColIndex; j++) {
                        cellCallbackHandler.processCell(row.getCell(j, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL), i, j);

            return null;