Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2010 Stefan A. Tzeggai.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Stefan A. Tzeggai - initial API and implementation
package org.geopublishing.geopublisher;

import java.awt.Font;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.AtlasCancelException;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.AtlasConfig;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.GpCoreUtil;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.dp.DpEntry;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.dp.DpRef;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.dp.Group;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.dp.layer.DpLayer;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.dp.layer.DpLayerRaster;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.dp.layer.DpLayerVectorFeatureSource;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.dp.layer.LayerStyle;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.exceptions.AtlasException;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.exceptions.AtlasFatalException;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.internal.AMLUtil;
import org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.swing.AVSwingUtil;
import org.geopublishing.geopublisher.exceptions.AtlasExportException;
import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQL;
import org.geotools.styling.Style;
import org.jfree.util.Log;
import org.opengis.filter.Filter;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;

import de.schmitzm.geotools.styling.StylingUtil;
import de.schmitzm.i18n.Translation;
import de.schmitzm.swing.swingworker.AtlasStatusDialogInterface;
import de.schmitzm.versionnumber.ReleaseUtil;

 * This class can export the Atlas-objects to AtlasMarkupLanguage (AtlasML)
 * @author <a href="">Stefan Alfons Tzeggai</a>
public class AMLExporter {
    private final String CHARTSTYLE_FILEENDING = ".chart";
    final private Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AMLExporter.class);
     * This tag is replaced with the atlas base name when copying the build.xml
     * template

     * Creates a <code>build.xml</code> in the AWC folder, which allows
     * automatic pblishing on
     * @param targetDir
     * @param atlasBaseName
     * @return
    public File writeBuildxml(File targetDir, String atlasBaseName) {

        if (atlasBaseName == null || atlasBaseName.equals(AtlasConfig.DEFAULTBASENAME)
                || atlasBaseName.equals("null")) {
  "Not writing a build.xml for automatic publishing, because the basename is " + atlasBaseName
                    + ". Please change it.");
            return null;

        // prepare the new content:
        if (atlasBaseName.endsWith("/")) {
            atlasBaseName = atlasBaseName.substring(0, atlasBaseName.length() - 1);

        String resLoc = "/autoPublish/build.xml";
        URL templateBuildXml = GpUtil.class.getResource(resLoc);
        if (templateBuildXml == null) {
            LOGGER.error("Could not find " + resLoc + ". build.xml has not been created!");
            return null;

        String templString = IOUtil.readURLasString(templateBuildXml);
        String buildXmlContent = templString.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(ATLASBASENAME_TAG_IN_BUILDXML),

        // Prepare for writing
        File buildFile = new File(targetDir, "build.xml");
        // Only recreat the file, if it would change to be more svn friendly
        if (buildFile.exists()) {
            String existing;
            try {
                existing = IOUtil.readFileAsString(buildFile);
                if (buildXmlContent.equals(existing))
                    return buildFile;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.warn("Error reading existing build.xml, it will be recreated...");

            // Recreate the build.xml file...
            if (!buildFile.delete()) {
                LOGGER.error("Could not delete exitsing " + buildFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", to update it.");

        try {

            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(buildFile);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Could not write build.xml for automatic publishing on", e);
            return null;

        return buildFile;

     * If <code>true</code>, only layers that are acessible in the exported
     * atlas will be described in the atlas.xml
    private boolean exportMode = false;

    private AtlasStatusDialogInterface statusWindow = null;

     * The {@link AtlasConfigEditable} that is being exported by this
     * {@link AMLExporter} instance
    private final AtlasConfigEditable ace;

    private boolean atlasXmlhasBeenBackupped = false;

    private File atlasXml = null;

    void info(final String msg) {
        if (statusWindow != null)

    void info(final Translation msg) {

    public AMLExporter(final AtlasConfigEditable ace) {
        this.ace = ace;

     * Saves the {@link AtlasConfigEditable} to projdir/atlas.xml or whatever
     * has been defined via {@link #setAtlasXml(File)}
     * @return true if no exceptions where thrown.
    public boolean saveAtlasConfigEditable() throws Exception {
        return saveAtlasConfigEditable(null);

     * Saves the {@link AtlasConfigEditable} to projdir/atlas.xml or whatever
     * has been defined via {@link #setAtlasXml(File)}
     * @return true if no exceptions where thrown.
    public boolean saveAtlasConfigEditable(final AtlasStatusDialogInterface statusWindow) throws Exception {
        this.statusWindow = statusWindow;

        try {
            // ****************************************************************************
            // Trying to make a backup
            // ****************************************************************************
            atlasXmlhasBeenBackupped = backupAtlasXML();

             * Saves the default CRS of that atlas to a file called
             * {@link AtlasConfig#DEFAULTCRS_FILENAME} in <code>ad</code>
             * folder. Prefers to write the EPSG code of the CRS. Does not
             * change the file it the contents are the same (SVN friendly).
                    new File(getAce().getAd(), AtlasConfig.DEFAULTCRS_FILENAME));

            // Prepare the DOM document for writing
            final Source source = new DOMSource(exportAtlasConfig());

            if (!getAtlasXml().exists() && atlasXmlhasBeenBackupped) {

            FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(getAtlasXml());

            try { // fileOutputStream.close();

                OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, "utf-8");
                try { // close outputStreamWriter.close();

                    // ****************************************************************************
                    // Create the XML
                    // ****************************************************************************
                    final Result result = new StreamResult(outputStreamWriter);

                    // with indenting to make it human-readable
                    final TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();

                    // TODO Ging mit xerces, geht nicht mehr mit xalan
                    // tf.setAttribute("indent-number", new Integer(2));

                    final Transformer xformer = tf.newTransformer();
                    xformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");

                    // // TODO ??? Try with AMLURI, makes more sense...
                    // xformer.setOutputProperty(
                    // "{"+AMLUtil.AMLSCHEMALOCATION+"}indent-amount",
                    // "4");
                    xformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");

                    // Write the DOM document to the file
                    xformer.transform(source, result);

                } finally {
            } finally {

            // Creating build.xml
            writeBuildxml(ace.getAtlasDir(), ace.getBaseName());
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {

            if (atlasXmlhasBeenBackupped)
                try {
                    LOGGER.warn("copying " + AtlasConfig.ATLAS_XML_FILENAME + ".bak to "
                            + AtlasConfig.ATLAS_XML_FILENAME);
                    IOUtil.copyFile(LOGGER, new File(getAce().getAd(), AtlasConfig.ATLAS_XML_FILENAME + ".bak"),
                            getAtlasXml(), false);
                } catch (final IOException ioEx) {
                    LOGGER.error("error copying " + AtlasConfig.ATLAS_XML_FILENAME + ".bak back.", ioEx);
                    throw (ioEx);

            if (e instanceof AtlasCancelException)
                return false;
                throw e;


     * @return A XML {@link Document} that fully represents the
     *         {@link AtlasConfig} of this atlas
     * @throws AtlasException
     * @author Stefan Alfons Tzeggai
     * @throws IOException
    private final Document exportAtlasConfig() throws Exception {

        // Create a DOM builder and parse the fragment
        final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        Document document = factory.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();

        // XML root element
        final Element atlas = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "atlas");

        // Linking this XML to the AtlasML Schema
        // final Attr namespaces = document.createAttributeNS(
        // "", "schemaLocation");
        // namespaces.setValue(AMLUtil.AMLURI + " http://localhost:"
        // + Webserver.DEFAULTPORT
        // + "/AtlasML.xsd");
        // atlas.setAttributeNode(namespaces);

        // Storing the version this atlas.xml is being created with inside the
        // atlas.xml
        atlas.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_majVersion, String.valueOf(ReleaseUtil.getVersionMaj(GpCoreUtil.class)));
        atlas.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_minVersion, String.valueOf(ReleaseUtil.getVersionMin(GpCoreUtil.class)));
        atlas.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_buildVersion, String.valueOf(ReleaseUtil.getVersionBuild(GpCoreUtil.class)));

        // Store the atlasBaseName attribute, since 1.7
        atlas.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_atlasBasename, getAce().getBaseName());

        // Store the JWS export jnlp baseurl parameter, since 1.6
        atlas.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_jnlpBaseUrl, String.valueOf(getAce().getJnlpBaseUrl()));

        // Store the position of the maplogo, since 1.7
        atlas.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_maplogoPosition, String.valueOf(getAce().getMaplogoPosition()));

        // <aml:name, desc, creator, copyright
        atlas.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", getAce().getTitle()));
        atlas.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", getAce().getDesc()));
        atlas.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "creator", getAce().getCreator()));
        atlas.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "copyright", getAce().getCopyright()));

        // <aml:atlasversion>
        final Element atlasversion = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "atlasversion");

        // <aml:gphoster auth=...>
        Element gphosterauth = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, AMLUtil.TAG_GPHOSTER);
        gphosterauth.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_AUTH, getAce().getGpHosterAuth() + "");

        // <aml:supportedLanguages>
        // Loops over List of supported Languagecodes
        final Element supportedLanguages = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "supportedLanguages");
        for (final String langcode : getAce().getLanguages()) {
            final Element language = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "language");
            language.setAttribute("lang", langcode);

        List<DpEntry<? extends ChartStyle>> unusedDpes = getAce().getUnusedDpes();

        // Loop over all data pool entries and add them to the AML Document
        for (final DpEntry de : getAce().getDataPool().values()) {

            if (exportMode && unusedDpes.contains(de))

            Node exDpe = null;


            if (de instanceof DpLayer) {
                // Save the SLD for this layer
                final DpLayer dpl = (DpLayer) de;

                try {
                    final Style style = dpl.getStyle();
                    StylingUtil.saveStyleToSld(style, DataUtilities
                            .urlToFile(DataUtilities.changeUrlExt(AVSwingUtil.getUrl(dpl, statusWindow), "sld")));

                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Could not transform Style for " + dpl, e);
                    if (statusWindow != null)
                } finally {
                    // dpl.dispose();

            if (de instanceof DpLayerVectorFeatureSource) {
                exDpe = exportDatapoolLayerVector(document, (DpLayerVectorFeatureSource) de);

            } else if (de instanceof DpLayerRaster) {
                exDpe = exportDatapoolLayerRaster(document, (DpLayerRaster) de);

            } else if (de instanceof DpMediaVideo) {
                exDpe = exportDatapoolMediaVideo(document, (DpMediaVideo) de);

            } else if (de instanceof DpMediaPDF) {
                exDpe = exportDatapoolMediaPdf(document, (DpMediaPDF) de);

            } else if (de instanceof DpMediaPICTURE) {
                exDpe = exportDatapoolMediaPicture(document, (DpMediaPICTURE) de);


        // The <aml:maps> tag

        // The <aml:group> tag
        atlas.appendChild(exportGroup(document, getAce().getRootGroup()));

        // The <aml:fonts> tag

        // LOGGER.debug("AtlasConfig converted to JDOM Document");
        return document;

    private Node exportDatapoolMediaPicture(Document document, final DpMediaPICTURE dpe) {
        // LOGGER.debug("exportDatapoolMediaPDF " + dpe + " to AML");
        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "pictureMedia");
        element.setAttribute("id", dpe.getId());
        element.setAttribute("exportable", dpe.isExportable().toString());

        // Creating a aml:name tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", dpe.getTitle()));

        // Creating aml:desc tag
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", dpe.getDesc()));

        // Creating optinal aml:keywords tag
        if (!dpe.getKeywords().isEmpty())
            element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "keywords", dpe.getKeywords()));

        // Creating a aml:dataDirname tag...
        final Element datadirname = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "dataDirname");

        // Creating a aml:filename tag...
        final Element filename = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "filename");

        return element;

     * Creates an aml:fonts tag that lists the names of all the fonts files in
     * ad/font folder. The list of fonts is determined while
    protected Node exportFonts(Document document) {
        final Element fontsElement = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, AMLUtil.TAG_FONTS);

        File fontsDir = getAce().getFontsDir();

        Collection<File> listFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(fontsDir, GpUtil.FontsFilesFilter,
        for (File f : listFiles) {

            // Test whether the font is readable
            String relPath = f.getAbsolutePath().substring(fontsDir.getAbsolutePath().length() + 1);
            try {
                Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, f);
                final Element fontElement = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, AMLUtil.TAG_FONT);
                fontElement.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_FONT_FILENAME, relPath);
            } catch (Exception e) {
      "Not exporting a reference to broken font " + relPath + " in " + fontsDir, e);


        return fontsElement;

    private void checkCancel() throws AtlasCancelException {
        if (statusWindow != null && statusWindow.isCanceled())
            throw new AtlasCancelException();

    private Node exportDatapoolMediaPdf(final Document document, final DpMediaPDF dpe) {
        // LOGGER.debug("exportDatapoolMediaPDF " + dpe + " to AML");
        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "pdfMedia");
        element.setAttribute("id", dpe.getId());
        element.setAttribute("exportable", dpe.isExportable().toString());

        // Creating a aml:name tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", dpe.getTitle()));

        // Creating aml:desc tag
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", dpe.getDesc()));

        // Creating optinal aml:keywords tag
        if (!dpe.getKeywords().isEmpty())
            element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "keywords", dpe.getKeywords()));

        // Creating a aml:dataDirname tag...
        final Element datadirname = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "dataDirname");

        // Creating a aml:filename tag...
        final Element filename = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "filename");

        return element;

     * Exports all the {@link Map}s that are defined in {@link MapPool}
     * @param document
     *            {@link Document} to create the element for
     * @param mapPool
     *            {@link MapPool}
     * @throws AtlasExportException
     * @throws DOMException
     * @throws AtlasCancelException
    private Node exportMapPool(final Document document)
            throws DOMException, AtlasExportException, AtlasCancelException {
        final MapPool mapPool = getAce().getMapPool();

        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "mapPool");

        // Test whether a start map exists. When no start-map is defined, the
        // user can not export.
        if (mapPool.getStartMapID() != null && mapPool.get(mapPool.getStartMapID()) != null) {
            element.setAttribute("startMap", mapPool.getStartMapID());
        } else {
            if (exportMode)
                throw new AtlasExportException(GpUtil.R("ExportAtlas.NeedAtLeastOneMap"));

        // maps MUST contain at least one map
        final Collection<Map> maps = mapPool.values();
        List<String> notReferencedDpeIDs = getAce().lisIdsNotReferencedInGroupTree();
        for (final Map map : maps) {

            if (exportMode && notReferencedDpeIDs.contains(map.getId())
                    && !map.getId().equals(mapPool.getStartMapID())) {
                // Only export maps that are referenced in the group tree or are
                // marked as the start map

            element.appendChild(exportMap(document, map));
        return element;

     * Exports a {@link Map} to AtlasML
     * @param document
     * @param map
     *            The {@link Map} to export
     * @return
     * @throws AtlasExportException
    private Node exportMap(final Document document, final Map map) throws AtlasExportException {

        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "map");
        element.setAttribute("id", map.getId());

        // Save the ratio of the left and the right components of the mapview
        final Double preferredRatio = map.getLeftRightRatio();
        if (preferredRatio != null && preferredRatio > 0) {
            element.setAttribute("leftRightRatio", preferredRatio.toString());

        // whether any maxMapExtend should be applied in Geopublisher's
        // MapComposer

        // Creating a aml:name tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", map.getTitle()));

        // Creating aml:desc tag
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", map.getDesc()));

        // Creating optinal aml:keywords tag
        if (!map.getKeywords().isEmpty())
            element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "keywords", map.getKeywords()));

        // Creating optional startViewEnvelope tag ...
        if (map.getDefaultMapArea() != null) {
            final Element startViewEnvelope = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "startViewEnvelope");
            final Envelope area = map.getDefaultMapArea();
                    area.getMinX() + "," + area.getMinY() + " " + area.getMaxX() + "," + area.getMaxY()));

        // Creating optional maxMapExtend tag ...
        if (map.getMaxExtend() != null) {
            final Element maxExtend = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "maxExtend");
            final Envelope area = map.getMaxExtend();
                    area.getMinX() + "," + area.getMinY() + " " + area.getMaxX() + "," + area.getMaxY()));

        // Is the ScalePanel visible in this map?
        element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_MAP_SCALE_VISIBLE, Boolean.valueOf(map.isScaleVisible()).toString());

        // The units used in the ScalePanel?
        element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_MAP_SCALE_UNITS, map.getScaleUnits().toString());

        // Are the vert. and hor. GridPanels visible in this map?
        element.setAttribute("gridPanelVisible", Boolean.valueOf(map.isGridPanelVisible()).toString());
        // Which formatter to use for the map grid?
        element.setAttribute("gridPanelFormatter", map.getGridPanelFormatter().getId());

        // That .prj file store the CRS used in the map grid panel (de.:
        // Kartenrand)
        final File outputMapGridPanelPrjFile = new File(getAce().getHtmlDirFor(map), Map.GRIDPANEL_CRS_FILENAME);
        try {
            GeoExportUtil.writeProjectionFilePrefereEPSG(map.getGridPanelCRS(), outputMapGridPanelPrjFile);
        } catch (final IOException e1) {
            throw new AtlasExportException(
                    "Failed to save CRS: " + map.getGridPanelCRS() + " to " + outputMapGridPanelPrjFile, e1);

        // Creating aml:datapoolRef tags for the layers and media of this map
        for (final DpRef dpr : map.getLayers()) {
            element.appendChild(exportDatapoolRef(document, dpr, map));

        for (final DpRef dpr : map.getMedia()) {
            element.appendChild(exportDatapoolRef(document, dpr));

         * Exporting map.getAdditionalStyles and the selected style ID s
        for (final String layerID : map.getAdditionalStyles().keySet()) {
            final List<String> styles = map.getAdditionalStyles().get(layerID);

            if (styles.size() == 0)

            final Element additionalStyles = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI,
            additionalStyles.setAttribute("layerID", layerID);
            final String selectedStyleID = map.getSelectedStyleID(layerID);
            if (selectedStyleID != null)
                additionalStyles.setAttribute("selectedStyleID", selectedStyleID);

            for (final String styleID : styles) {
                final Element styleidElement = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "styleid");


         * Exporting map.getAvailableCharts
        for (final String layerID : map.getAvailableCharts().keySet()) {
            if (!map.getAc().getDataPool().containsKey(layerID)) {
                // The corresponing DPE has been deleted?!

            final List<String> chartIDs = map.getAvailableChartIDsFor(layerID);

            if (chartIDs.size() == 0)

            final Element availableCharts = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "availableCharts");
            availableCharts.setAttribute("layerID", layerID);

            for (final String chartID : chartIDs) {
                final Element styleidElement = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "chartID");


        return element;

     * Creates an < aml:desc > JDOM {@link Node} for the given
     * {@link Translation}
    private final Element exportTranslation(final Document document, final String tagname,
            final Translation translation) {
        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, tagname);

        // Creating a sequence of <aml:translation> tags, minOccurs=1
        if (translation == null) {
            final String warning = "No translation given for " + tagname
                    + "\nAtlasMarkupLanguage will probably not be valid.";
            if (statusWindow != null) {
                statusWindow.warningOccurred(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), null, warning);
            } else
        } else {
            if (translation.size() == 0) {
                for (final String code : getAce().getLanguages()) {
                    translation.put(code, "");

            for (final String key : translation.keySet()) {
                final Element descTranslation = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "translation");
                descTranslation.setAttribute("lang", key);
                String string = translation.get(key);
                if (string == null)
                    string = "";
        return element;

    private final Element exportDatapoolMediaVideo(final Document document, final DpMediaVideo dpe) {
        // LOGGER.debug("exportDatapoolMediaVideo " + dpe + " to AML");
        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "videoMedia");
        element.setAttribute("id", dpe.getId());
        element.setAttribute("exportable", dpe.isExportable().toString());

        // info(dpe.getTitle());

        // Creating a aml:name tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", dpe.getTitle()));

        // Creating aml:desc tag
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", dpe.getDesc()));

        // Creating optinal aml:keywords tag
        if (!dpe.getKeywords().isEmpty())
            element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "keywords", dpe.getKeywords()));

        // Creating a aml:dataDirname tag...
        final Element datadirname = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "dataDirname");

        // Creating a aml:filename tag...
        final Element filename = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "filename");

        return element;

     * Exports the DatapoolEntry to an AtlasML (XML) document branch
     * @author <a href="">Stefan Alfons Tzeggai</a>
     * @throws IOException
     *             Thrown if e.g. saving the .cpg fails
    private final Element exportDatapoolLayerVector(final Document document, final DpLayerVectorFeatureSource dpe)
            throws IOException {

        if (dpe.isBroken()) {
  "Trying to save a broken layer..." + dpe);

         * Saving the Charset to a .cpg file

        // Creating a aml:rasterLayer tag...
        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "vectorLayer");
        element.setAttribute("id", dpe.getId());
        element.setAttribute("exportable", dpe.isExportable().toString());

         * The "showStylerInLegend" attribute is optional and defaults to true
        if (dpe.isStylerInLegend()) {
            element.setAttribute("showStylerInLegend", "true");
        } else {
            element.setAttribute("showStylerInLegend", "false");

         * The "showTableInLegend" attribute is optional and defaults to false
        if (dpe.isTableVisibleInLegend()) {
            element.setAttribute("showTableInLegend", "true");
        } else {
            element.setAttribute("showTableInLegend", "false");

         * The "filterInLegend" attribute is optional and defaults to false
        if (dpe.isFilterInLegend()) {
            element.setAttribute("showFilterInLegend", "true");
        } else {
            element.setAttribute("showFilterInLegend", "false");

        // Creating a aml:name tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", dpe.getTitle()));

        // Creating aml:desc tag
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", dpe.getDesc()));

        // Creating optinal aml:keywords tag
        if (!dpe.getKeywords().isEmpty())
            element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "keywords", dpe.getKeywords()));

        // Creating a aml:dataDirname tag...
        final Element datadirname = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "dataDirname");

        // Creating a aml:filename tag...
        final Element filename = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "filename");

        for (final AttributeMetadataImpl attrib : dpe.getAttributeMetaDataMap().values()) {
            final Element att = exportAttributeMetadata(dpe, document, attrib);
            if (att != null)

         * Exporting the additional and optional LayerStyles
        for (final LayerStyle ls : dpe.getLayerStyles()) {
            element.appendChild(exportLayerStyle(document, ls));

         * This parameter is optional and is only created if needed.
        final Filter filter = dpe.getFilter();
        if (filter != Filter.INCLUDE) {
            // Creating a aml:filename tag...
            final Element filterRuleElement = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "filterRule");

         * Exporting the list of charts for this layer if any exist. This has to
         * be called, AFTER the attribute meta data has been exported. (When
         * parsing the XML, we need the NODATA values first)
        exportChartStyleDescriptions(document, dpe, element);

        return element;


     * Exports the list of charts for this layer. Any old chart style files are
     * first deleted.
    private void exportChartStyleDescriptions(final Document document, final DpLayerVectorFeatureSource dpe,
            final Element element) {

        final AtlasConfigEditable ace = (AtlasConfigEditable) dpe.getAtlasConfig();

        final File chartsFolder = new File(ace.getFileFor(dpe).getParentFile(), "charts");
         * Delete all .cs file before saving the charts that actually exist

            final String[] oldChartFilenames = chartsFolder.list(new FilenameFilter() {

                public boolean accept(final File dir, final String name) {
                    if (name.endsWith(CHARTSTYLE_FILEENDING))
                        return true;
                    return false;

            for (final String oldChartFilename : oldChartFilenames) {
                final File chartSTyeFile = new File(chartsFolder, oldChartFilename);
                if (!chartSTyeFile.delete())
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Unable to delte the old chart description file " + chartSTyeFile.getAbsolutePath());

        /* Iterate over all charts and create .chart files */
        for (final FeatureChartStyle chartStyle : dpe.getCharts()) {

            final String csFilename = chartStyle.getID() + CHARTSTYLE_FILEENDING;

            final File chartFile = new File(chartsFolder, csFilename);

            try {
                 * Write the Chart to XML

                // System.out.println("when saving\n"+"  "+chartStyle);

                if (chartStyle instanceof FeatureChartStyle) {
                    FeatureChartUtil.FEATURE_CHART_STYLE_FACTORY.writeStyleToFile(chartStyle, "chartStyle",
                } else {
                    ChartStyleUtil.CHART_STYLE_FACTORY.writeStyleToFile(chartStyle, "chartStyle", chartFile);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                LOGGER.error("Error writing the ChartStyle to XML ", e);

            // Create an aml:chart tag...
            final Element chartElement = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "chart");
            chartElement.setAttribute("filename", csFilename);

     * Exports a <layerStyle> tag
     * @param ac
     * @param document
     * @param ls
     *            {@link LayerStyle} to export
     * @author <a href="">Stefan Alfons Tzeggai</a>
    private Element exportLayerStyle(final Document document, final LayerStyle ls) {
        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, AMLUtil.TAG_ADDITIONAL_STYLE);

        element.setAttribute("filename", ls.getFilename());
        element.setAttribute("id", ls.getFilename());

        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "title", ls.getTitle()));

        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", ls.getDesc()));

        return element;

     * Exports one single {@link AttributeMetadataImpl} to an aml:dataAttribute
     * tag.
     * @return {@link org.w3c.dom.Element} that represents the XML tag
     * @author <a href="">Stefan Alfons Tzeggai</a>
    private Element exportAttributeMetadata(final DpLayerVectorFeatureSource dpe, final Document document,
            final AttributeMetadataImpl attrib) {

        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, AMLUtil.TAG_attributeMetadata);

        element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_namespace, attrib.getName().getNamespaceURI());
        element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_localname, attrib.getName().getLocalPart());

        element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_weight, new Integer(new Double(attrib.getWeight()).intValue()).toString());
        element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_functionA, new Double(attrib.getFunctionA()).toString());
        element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_functionX, new Double(attrib.getFunctionX()).toString());

        element.setAttribute("visible", String.valueOf(attrib.isVisible()));

        if (attrib.getUnit() != null && !attrib.getUnit().isEmpty())
            element.setAttribute("unit", attrib.getUnit());

        // Creating a aml:name tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", attrib.getTitle()));

        // Creating a aml:desc tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", attrib.getDesc()));

        // Storing the NODATA values
        for (Object nodatavalue : attrib.getNodataValues()) {
            if (nodatavalue == null)
            Element ndValue = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, AMLUtil.TAG_nodataValue);

        return element;

     * Exports the {@link DpLayerRaster} to a AtlasML (XML) Document branch
     * @author <a href="">Stefan Alfons Tzeggai</a>
    private final Element exportDatapoolLayerRaster(final Document document,
            final DpLayerRaster<? extends Object, ChartStyle> dpe) {

        // Creating a aml:rasterLayer tag...
        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "rasterLayer");
        element.setAttribute("id", dpe.getId());
        element.setAttribute("exportable", dpe.isExportable().toString());

        if (dpe.getNodataValue() != null)
            element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_NODATA, String.valueOf(dpe.getNodataValue()));

        // Creating a aml:name tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", dpe.getTitle()));

        // Creating aml:desc tag
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", dpe.getDesc()));

        // Creating optinal aml:keywords tag
        if (!dpe.getKeywords().isEmpty())
            element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "keywords", dpe.getKeywords()));

        // Creating optional aml:bands tag
        if (dpe.getBandNames().length != 0) {
            Integer bandCount = 0;
            for (Translation a : dpe.getBandNames()) {
                Element translation = exportTranslation(document, "band", a);
                translation.setAttribute("number", bandCount.toString());

        // Creating a aml:dataDirname tag...
        final Element datadirname = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "dataDirname");

        // Creating a aml:filename tag...
        final Element filename = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "filename");

         * Exporting the additional and optional LayerStyles
        for (final LayerStyle ls : dpe.getLayerStyles()) {
            element.appendChild(exportLayerStyle(document, ls));

        // // Creating aml:rasterLegendData
        // element.appendChild(exportRasterLegendData(document,
        // dpe.getLegendMetaData()));

        return element;

    // /**
    // * Export a aml:rasterLegendData tag
    // *
    // * @param document
    // * @param legendMetaData
    // * @return
    // *
    // * @author <a href="">Stefan Alfons
    // Tzeggai</a>
    // */
    // private Node exportRasterLegendData(final Document document,
    // final RasterLegendData legendMetaData) {
    // final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI,
    // "rasterLegendData");
    // element.setAttribute(AMLUtil.ATT_paintGaps, legendMetaData
    // .isPaintGaps().toString());
    // for (final Double key : legendMetaData.getSortedKeys()) {
    // final Element item = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI,
    // "rasterLegendItem");
    // item.setAttribute("value", key.toString());
    // item.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "label",
    // legendMetaData.get(key)));
    // element.appendChild(item);
    // }
    // return element;
    // }

     * Create a tree of <aml:group> and <aml:datapoolRef>
     * @param group
     *            The {@link Group} to start with
     * @throws AtlasFatalException
    private final Element exportGroup(final Document document, final Group group) throws AtlasFatalException {
        // LOGGER.debug("exportGroup " + group + " to AML");
        final Element element = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "group");

        // Store whether this is marked as the Help menu in an optional
        // attribute
        if (group.isHelpMenu()) {
            final String isHelpString = Boolean.valueOf(group.isHelpMenu()).toString();
            element.setAttribute("isHelpMenu", isHelpString);

        // Store whether this is marked as the File menu in an optional
        // attribute
        if (group.isFileMenu()) {
            final String isFileString = Boolean.valueOf(group.isFileMenu()).toString();
            element.setAttribute("isFileMenu", isFileString);

        // Creating a aml:name tag...
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "name", group.getTitle()));

        // Creating aml:desc tag
        element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "desc", group.getDesc()));

        // Creating optional aml:keywords tag
        if (!group.getKeywords().isEmpty())
            element.appendChild(exportTranslation(document, "keywords", group.getKeywords()));

        final Enumeration<TreeNode> children = group.children();
        while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
            final TreeNode nextElement = children.nextElement();
            if (nextElement instanceof Group) {
                final Group subGroup = (Group) nextElement;
                element.appendChild(exportGroup(document, subGroup));

            } else if (nextElement instanceof DpRef) {
                final DpRef mref = (DpRef) nextElement;
                element.appendChild(exportDatapoolRef(document, mref));

            } else if (nextElement instanceof MapRef) {
                final MapRef mref = (MapRef) nextElement;
                final Element datapoolRef = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "mapRef");
                datapoolRef.setAttribute("id", mref.getTargetId());

            } else {
                throw new AtlasFatalException("Can't export Group " + group + " because of an unknown TreeNode "
                        + nextElement + " of class " + nextElement.getClass().getSimpleName());
        return element;

     * Creates an aml:datapoolRef tag
     * @param ref
     *            {@link DpRef}
     * @return A node that can be inserted into XML
    private Element exportDatapoolRef(final Document document, final DpRef ref) {
        final Element datapoolRef = document.createElementNS(AMLUtil.AMLURI, "datapoolRef");
        datapoolRef.setAttribute("id", ref.getTargetId());

        return datapoolRef;

     * DataPoolRefs used inside a <code>aml:map</code> definition can have two
     * more attributes which are saved inside a {@link java.util.Map} in the
     * {@link Map}.
     * @param document
     * @param dpr
     * @param map
     * @return A node that can be inserted into XML
    private Node exportDatapoolRef(final Document document, final DpRef dpr, final Map map) {
        final Element datapoolRef = exportDatapoolRef(document, dpr);

        { // Add the optional hideInLegend attribute if it is set. false =
          // default
            final Boolean hideme = map.getHideInLegendMap().get(dpr.getTargetId());
            if (hideme != null && hideme == true) {
                datapoolRef.setAttribute("hideInLegend", "true");

        { // Add the optional minimizeInLegend attribute if it is set. false =
          // default
            final Boolean minimizeMe = map.getMinimizedInLegendMap().get(dpr.getTargetId());
            if (minimizeMe != null && minimizeMe == true) {
                datapoolRef.setAttribute("minimizeInLegend", "true");

        { // Add the optional hidden attribute if it is set. false =
          // default
            final Boolean hidden = map.getHiddenFor(dpr.getTargetId());
            if (hidden != null && hidden == true) {
                datapoolRef.setAttribute("hidden", "true");

        { // Add the optional selectable attribute if it is set. true =
          // default
            final Boolean selectable = map.isSelectableFor(dpr.getTargetId());
            if (selectable != null && selectable == false) {
                datapoolRef.setAttribute("selectable", "false");

        return datapoolRef;

     * not in use since 2009
    private void copyAtlasMLSchemaFile() {
        try {
            // Copy Schema AtlasML.xsd to projectDir
            LOGGER.debug("Copy Schema AtlasML.xsd into " + getAce().getAd());

            URL resourceSchema = AtlasConfig.class.getResource("resource/AtlasML.xsd");
            LOGGER.debug("schemaURL = " + resourceSchema);
            if (resourceSchema == null) {
                LOGGER.debug("schemaURL == null, try the new way");
                final String location = "skrueger/atlas/resource/AtlasML.xsd";
                resourceSchema = getAce().getResLoMan().getResourceAsUrl(location);
                // LOGGER.debug("schemaURL (new) = " + resourceSchema);

            // File schemaFile = new File(resourceSchema.toURI());
                    new File(getAtlasXml().getParentFile(), "AtlasML.xsd"));
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.debug(" Error while copying AtlasML.xsd... ignoring");
            // if (statusWindow != null)statusWindow.exceptionOccurred(new
            // AtlasException(e));


     * Keeps up to three three backups of the atlas.xml file. Returns true if
     * atlas.xml existed.
     * @throws IOException
     *             if files can't be created.
    private boolean backupAtlasXML() throws IOException {

        if (isExportMode())
            return false;

        File atlasXml = getAtlasXml();
        File bak1 = new File(atlasXml.getParentFile(), atlasXml.getName() + ".bak");
        File bak2 = new File(atlasXml.getParentFile(), atlasXml.getName() + ".bak.bak");
        File bak3 = new File(atlasXml.getParentFile(), atlasXml.getName() + ".bak.bak.bak");

        if (bak2.exists())
            IOUtil.copyFile(LOGGER, bak2, bak3, false);
        if (bak1.exists())
            IOUtil.copyFile(LOGGER, bak1, bak2, false);
        if (atlasXml.exists()) {
            IOUtil.copyFile(LOGGER, atlasXml, bak1, false);
            return true;
        return false;

     * If set to <code>true</code>, the created atlas.xml only describes maps
     * and layers that are actually used/referenced in the atlas. To save the
     * atlas as an 'atlas working copy' with all the information in it, it has
     * to be set to <code>false</code>.
    public void setExportMode(boolean exportMode) {
        this.exportMode = exportMode;

     * If set to <code>true</code>, the created atlas.xml only describes maps
     * and layers that are actually used/referenced in the atlas. To save the
     * atlas as an 'atlas working copy' with all the information in it, it has
     * to be set to <code>false</code>.

    public boolean isExportMode() {
        return exportMode;

     * The {@link File} to write the {@link AtlasConfig} to. Defaults to
     * ad/atlas.xml in the {@link AtlasConfig}'s dir.
    public void setAtlasXml(File atlasXml) {
        this.atlasXml = atlasXml;

     * @return The {@link File} the {@link AtlasConfig} will be written to in
     *         AtlasML. Defaults to ad/atlas.xml in the {@link AtlasConfig}'s
     *         dir.
    public File getAtlasXml() {
        if (atlasXml == null) {
            atlasXml = new File(getAce().getAd(), AtlasConfig.ATLAS_XML_FILENAME);
        return atlasXml;

     * Retusn the {@link AtlasConfigEditable} that is being exported by this
     * {@link AMLExporter} instance
    public AtlasConfigEditable getAce() {
        return ace;
