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/* Copyright (C) 2010 SpringSource
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.grails.datastore.mapping.mongo;

import static;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.AbstractDatastore;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.Session;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.document.config.DocumentMappingContext;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.ClassMapping;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingContext;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentEntity;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentProperty;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PropertyMapping;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.mongo.config.MongoAttribute;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.mongo.config.MongoCollection;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.mongo.config.MongoMappingContext;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DB;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.Mongo;
import com.mongodb.MongoException;
import com.mongodb.MongoOptions;
import com.mongodb.ServerAddress;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;

 * A Datastore implementation for the Mongo document store.
 * @author Graeme Rocher
 * @since 1.0
public class MongoDatastore extends AbstractDatastore
        implements InitializingBean, MappingContext.Listener, DisposableBean {

    public static final String PASSWORD = "password";
    public static final String USERNAME = "username";
    public static final String MONGO_PORT = "port";
    public static final String MONGO_HOST = "host";

    private Mongo mongo;
    private MongoOptions mongoOptions = new MongoOptions();
    private Map<PersistentEntity, MongoTemplate> mongoTemplates = new ConcurrentHashMap<PersistentEntity, MongoTemplate>();
    private Map<PersistentEntity, String> mongoCollections = new ConcurrentHashMap<PersistentEntity, String>();

     * Constructs a MongoDatastore using the default database name of "test" and defaults for the host and port.
     * Typically used during testing.
    public MongoDatastore() {
        this(new MongoMappingContext("test"), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), null);

     * Constructs a MongoDatastore using the given MappingContext and connection details map.
     * @param mappingContext The MongoMappingContext
     * @param connectionDetails The connection details containing the {@link #MONGO_HOST} and {@link #MONGO_PORT} settings
    public MongoDatastore(MongoMappingContext mappingContext, Map<String, String> connectionDetails,
            MongoOptions mongoOptions, ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx) {

        this(mappingContext, connectionDetails, ctx);
        if (mongoOptions != null) {
            this.mongoOptions = mongoOptions;

     * Constructs a MongoDatastore using the given MappingContext and connection details map.
     * @param mappingContext The MongoMappingContext
     * @param connectionDetails The connection details containing the {@link #MONGO_HOST} and {@link #MONGO_PORT} settings
    public MongoDatastore(MongoMappingContext mappingContext, Map<String, String> connectionDetails,
            ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx) {
        super(mappingContext, connectionDetails, ctx);

        if (mappingContext != null) {


        mappingContext.getConverterRegistry().addConverter(new Converter<String, ObjectId>() {
            public ObjectId convert(String source) {
                return new ObjectId(source);

        mappingContext.getConverterRegistry().addConverter(new Converter<ObjectId, String>() {
            public String convert(ObjectId source) {
                return source.toString();

    public MongoDatastore(MongoMappingContext mappingContext) {
        this(mappingContext, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), null);

     * Constructor for creating a MongoDatastore using an existing Mongo instance
     * @param mappingContext The MappingContext
     * @param mongo The existing Mongo instance
    public MongoDatastore(MongoMappingContext mappingContext, Mongo mongo, ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx) {
        this(mappingContext, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), ctx);
        this.mongo = mongo;

     * Constructor for creating a MongoDatastore using an existing Mongo instance. In this case
     * the connection details are only used to supply a USERNAME and PASSWORD
     * @param mappingContext The MappingContext
     * @param mongo The existing Mongo instance
    public MongoDatastore(MongoMappingContext mappingContext, Mongo mongo, Map<String, String> connectionDetails,
            ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx) {
        this(mappingContext, connectionDetails, ctx);
        this.mongo = mongo;

    public Mongo getMongo() {
        return mongo;

    public MongoTemplate getMongoTemplate(PersistentEntity entity) {
        return mongoTemplates.get(entity);

    public String getCollectionName(PersistentEntity entity) {
        return mongoCollections.get(entity);

    protected Session createSession(Map<String, String> connDetails) {
        return new MongoSession(this, getMappingContext(), getApplicationEventPublisher());

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
        if (mongo == null) {
            ServerAddress defaults = new ServerAddress();
            MongoFactoryBean dbFactory = new MongoFactoryBean();
            dbFactory.setHost(read(String.class, MONGO_HOST, connectionDetails, defaults.getHost()));
            dbFactory.setPort(read(Integer.class, MONGO_PORT, connectionDetails, defaults.getPort()));
            if (mongoOptions != null) {

            mongo = dbFactory.getObject();

        for (PersistentEntity entity : mappingContext.getPersistentEntities()) {
            // Only create Mongo templates for entities that are mapped with Mongo
            if (!entity.isExternal()) {
                createMongoTemplate(entity, mongo);

    protected void createMongoTemplate(PersistentEntity entity, Mongo mongoInstance) {
        DocumentMappingContext dc = (DocumentMappingContext) getMappingContext();
        String collectionName = entity.getDecapitalizedName();
        String databaseName = dc.getDefaultDatabaseName();
        ClassMapping<MongoCollection> mapping = entity.getMapping();
        final MongoCollection mongoCollection = mapping.getMappedForm() != null ? mapping.getMappedForm() : null;

        if (mongoCollection != null) {
            if (mongoCollection.getCollection() != null) {
                collectionName = mongoCollection.getCollection();
            if (mongoCollection.getDatabase() != null) {
                databaseName = mongoCollection.getDatabase();

        final SimpleMongoDbFactory dbf;

        String username = read(String.class, USERNAME, connectionDetails, null);
        String password = read(String.class, PASSWORD, connectionDetails, null);

        if (username != null && password != null) {
            UserCredentials uc = new UserCredentials(username, password);
            dbf = new SimpleMongoDbFactory(mongoInstance, databaseName, uc);
        } else {
            dbf = new SimpleMongoDbFactory(mongoInstance, databaseName);

        final MongoTemplate mt = new MongoTemplate(dbf);

        if (mongoCollection != null) {
            final WriteConcern writeConcern = mongoCollection.getWriteConcern();
            if (writeConcern != null) {
                final String collectionNameToUse = collectionName;
                mt.executeInSession(new DbCallback<Object>() {
                    public Object doInDB(DB db) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
                        if (writeConcern != null) {
                            DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(collectionNameToUse);
                        return null;

        mongoTemplates.put(entity, mt);
        mongoCollections.put(entity, collectionName);

        initializeIndices(entity, mt);

     * Indexes any properties that are mapped with index:true
     * @param entity The entity
     * @param template The template
    protected void initializeIndices(final PersistentEntity entity, final MongoTemplate template) {
        template.execute(new DbCallback<Object>() {
            @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
            public Object doInDB(DB db) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
                final DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(getCollectionName(entity));

                final ClassMapping<MongoCollection> classMapping = entity.getMapping();
                if (classMapping != null) {
                    final MongoCollection mappedForm = classMapping.getMappedForm();
                    if (mappedForm != null) {
                        for (Map compoundIndex : mappedForm.getCompoundIndices()) {
                            DBObject indexDef = new BasicDBObject(compoundIndex);

                for (PersistentProperty<MongoAttribute> property : entity.getPersistentProperties()) {
                    final boolean indexed = isIndexed(property);

                    if (indexed) {
                        final MongoAttribute mongoAttributeMapping = property.getMapping().getMappedForm();
                        DBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject();
                        final String fieldName = getMongoFieldNameForProperty(property);
                        dbObject.put(fieldName, 1);
                        DBObject options = new BasicDBObject();
                        if (mongoAttributeMapping != null) {
                            Map attributes = mongoAttributeMapping.getIndexAttributes();
                            if (attributes != null) {
                                attributes = new HashMap(attributes);
                                if (attributes.containsKey(MongoAttribute.INDEX_TYPE)) {
                                    dbObject.put(fieldName, attributes.remove(MongoAttribute.INDEX_TYPE));
                        if (options.toMap().isEmpty()) {
                        } else {
                            collection.ensureIndex(dbObject, options);

                return null;

            String getMongoFieldNameForProperty(PersistentProperty<MongoAttribute> property) {
                PropertyMapping<MongoAttribute> pm = property.getMapping();
                String propKey = null;
                if (pm.getMappedForm() != null) {
                    propKey = pm.getMappedForm().getField();
                if (propKey == null) {
                    propKey = property.getName();
                return propKey;

    public void persistentEntityAdded(PersistentEntity entity) {
        createMongoTemplate(entity, mongo);

    public void destroy() throws Exception {
        if (mongo != null)