Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright or (c) or Copr. IETR/INSA: Matthieu Wipliez, Jonathan Piat,
Maxime Pelcat, Jean-Francois Nezan, Mickael Raulet
This software is a computer program whose purpose is to prototype
parallel applications.
This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
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package org.ietr.preesm.mapper.ui;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import java.util.HashMap;

import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.entity.CategoryItemEntity;
import org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRendererState;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.GanttRenderer;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge;

 * This renderer plots rounded rectangles
 * @author mpelcat
public class MyGanttRenderer extends GanttRenderer {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * Map of the task colors
    HashMap<String, Color> colorMap = new HashMap<String, Color>();

     * Draws the tasks/subtasks for one item.
     * @param g2
     *            the graphics device.
     * @param state
     *            the renderer state.
     * @param dataArea
     *            the data plot area.
     * @param plot
     *            the plot.
     * @param domainAxis
     *            the domain axis.
     * @param rangeAxis
     *            the range axis.
     * @param dataset
     *            the data.
     * @param row
     *            the row index (zero-based).
     * @param column
     *            the column index (zero-based).
    protected void drawTasks(Graphics2D g2, CategoryItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea,
            CategoryPlot plot, CategoryAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, GanttCategoryDataset dataset, int row,
            int column) {

        int count = dataset.getSubIntervalCount(row, column);
        if (count == 0) {
            drawTask(g2, state, dataArea, plot, domainAxis, rangeAxis, dataset, row, column);

        for (int subinterval = 0; subinterval < count; subinterval++) {

            RectangleEdge rangeAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge();

            // value 0
            Number value0 = dataset.getStartValue(row, column, subinterval);
            if (value0 == null) {
            double translatedValue0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value0.doubleValue(), dataArea, rangeAxisLocation);

            // value 1
            Number value1 = dataset.getEndValue(row, column, subinterval);
            if (value1 == null) {
            double translatedValue1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value1.doubleValue(), dataArea, rangeAxisLocation);

            if (translatedValue1 < translatedValue0) {
                double temp = translatedValue1;
                translatedValue1 = translatedValue0;
                translatedValue0 = temp;

            double rectStart = calculateBarW0(plot, plot.getOrientation(), dataArea, domainAxis, state, row,
            double rectLength = Math.abs(translatedValue1 - translatedValue0);
            double rectBreadth = state.getBarWidth();

            // DRAW THE BARS...
            RoundRectangle2D bar = null;

            bar = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(translatedValue0, rectStart, rectLength, rectBreadth, 10.0, 10.0);

            /* Paint seriesPaint = */getItemPaint(row, column);

            if (((TaskSeriesCollection) dataset).getSeriesCount() > 0)
                if (((TaskSeriesCollection) dataset).getSeries(0).getItemCount() > column)
                    if (((TaskSeriesCollection) dataset).getSeries(0).get(column).getSubtaskCount() > subinterval) {
                        g2.setPaint(getRandomBrightColor(((TaskSeriesCollection) dataset).getSeries(0).get(column)


            if (isDrawBarOutline() && state.getBarWidth() > BAR_OUTLINE_WIDTH_THRESHOLD) {
                g2.setStroke(getItemStroke(row, column));
                g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(row, column));

            // Displaying the tooltip inside the bar if enough space is
            // available
            if (getToolTipGenerator(row, column) != null) {
                // Getting the string to display
                String tip = getToolTipGenerator(row, column).generateToolTip(dataset, subinterval, column);

                // Truncting the string if it is too long
                String subtip = "";
                if (rectLength > 0) {
                    double percent = (g2.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(tip, g2).getWidth() + 10) / rectLength;

                    if (percent > 1.0) {
                        subtip = tip.substring(0, (int) (tip.length() / percent));
                    } else if (percent > 0) {
                        subtip = tip;

                    // Setting font and color
                    Font font = new Font("Garamond", Font.BOLD, 12);

                    // Testing width and displaying
                    if (!subtip.isEmpty()) {
                        g2.drawString(subtip, (int) translatedValue0 + 5,
                                (int) rectStart + g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight());

            // collect entity and tool tip information...
            if (state.getInfo() != null) {
                EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection();
                if (entities != null) {
                    String tip = null;
                    if (getToolTipGenerator(row, column) != null) {
                        tip = getToolTipGenerator(row, column).generateToolTip(dataset, subinterval, column);
                    String url = null;
                    if (getItemURLGenerator(row, column) != null) {
                        url = getItemURLGenerator(row, column).generateURL(dataset, row, column);
                    CategoryItemEntity entity = new CategoryItemEntity(bar, tip, url, dataset,
                            dataset.getRowKey(row), dataset.getColumnKey(column));


     * Chooses colors for the vertices depending on their names
    private Color getRandomBrightColor(String name) {

        Color c = null;

        if (colorMap.containsKey(name)) {
            c = colorMap.get(name);
        } else {
            if (name.indexOf("__transfer") == 0) {
                c = getRandomColor(190.0, 100.0, 130.0, 20);
            } else if (name.indexOf("__write") == 0) {
                c = getRandomColor(240.0, 100.0, 100.0, 20);
            } else if (name.indexOf("__read") == 0) {
                c = getRandomColor(250.0, 180.0, 180.0, 20);
            } else if (name.indexOf("__overhead") == 0) {
                c = getRandomColor(130.0, 160.0, 100.0, 20);
            } else if (name.indexOf("__involvement") == 0) {
                c = getRandomColor(210.0, 150.0, 50.0, 20);
            } else if (name.indexOf("__send") == 0 || name.indexOf("__receive") == 0) {
                c = getRandomColor(160.0, 130.0, 100.0, 20);
            } else if (name.indexOf("__@") != -1) {
                int atNumber = name.indexOf("__@");

                int index = Integer.valueOf(name.substring(atNumber + 3, atNumber + 4)) - 1;
                // iteration task color
                c = getRandomColor(27.0 + ((50 * index) % 200), 182.0 - ((50 * index) % 160), 233.0, 20);
            } else {
                c = getRandomColor(130.0, 100.0, 160.0, 20);

            colorMap.put(name, c);

        return c;

     * Given a color c, returns a random color close to c
    private Color getRandomColor(Double r, Double g, Double b, int liberty) {

        r = Math.random() * liberty + r;
        g = Math.random() * liberty + g;
        b = Math.random() * liberty + b;

        r = Math.max(0, Math.min(r, 255));
        g = Math.max(0, Math.min(g, 255));
        b = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, 255));

        Color c = new Color(r.intValue(), g.intValue(), b.intValue());

        return c;